- Radio stationsradioasemiawere attacked anddamagedvaurioittivatby soldiersSotilaat, and most of them stopped broadcasting.
- Whenyet another paintingtoinenkin maalauswasolidamagedvaurioitunutin transitkuljetuksessa, common assent declared that enough was enough!
- The Maggot had played American football untilhehänhad come off his Harley-Davidson at eighty miles an hour andpermanentlypysyvästidamagedoli vahingoittanuthis left kneehänen vasemman polvensa.
- About two weeks later police told her she was charged on summons withwillfullytahallisestadamagingvahingoittamisestathe wallseinän.
- Krunislav Olujic, who replaced Vukovic as chief justice, was ousted in January when the judicial committee found thathehändamagedturmelithe court's reputationoikeusistuimen maineenby maintaining relations with two people convicted of minor crimesylläpitämällä suhteita kahteen, pienistä rikoksista tuomittuun ihmiseen.
- HeHänkicked a trash container anddamagedvahingoittithe toevarpaan.
- He met her gaze withhis customary amusementtavanomaisella huvittuneisuudellaan,,whichjokadentedkolhaisiher sense of well-beinghänen hyvinvoinnin tunnettaanslightlyhieman.
- He traversed the first quad,its flagstonessen kivilaatatdentedkolhiminaby seven centuries of learningseitsemän vuosisadan oppimisen, entered the slightly less ancient quad that lay beyond and ascended to Dr Ockleton's rooms.
- “ I have no doubt thatRothmans successRothmanin menestyswill not beeidentedkolhiintuisiby an advertising banmainostuskiellosta, ” he said.
- Her spirithänen sieluaanhad beenolivatseverelyvakavastidentedkolhineetby the shocks of the past twelve hoursKuluneiden kahdentoista tunnin järkytykset.
- ItSitäwasolidentedkolhittuon one sideyhdeltä syrjältä.
- That reputationSe mainewas<empty>dentedkolhiintuiat Muirfield VillageMuirfield Villagessain 1987vuonna 1987.
- Aretheyhescuffed anddentedkolhiintunutand badly in need of a polish?
- The story was inspired bya small milk-can whichpienestä maitopystöstä, jokawasolidentedkolhiintunutand had a bent handle.
- TheyHecreated this distressed finish by marking anddentingkolhimallathe guitarkitaraaall overwith a tooltyökalulla,which gave the instrument a used/vintage appearance.
- His head sank so low thathis collarhänen kauluksensadentedkolhaisihis bottom liphänen alahuultaan, and Sarah had touched his arm in sympathy, earning an even stronger rebuke herself.
- He moved forward to close the gap again with the tunic back in front of him andhis lipshänen huulensawereolidentedpainautunutwhitevalkoiseksiwhere the teeth had bitten at themsiitä, mistä hampaat olivat purreet niitä.
- Both door postsMolempia ovenpieliähave beenonpreviouslyaikaisemmindentedkolhittu,and although the keeps are still in place, the doors, when fully open, touch the posts.
- Its petrol tankSen bensatankkiwasolidentedkolhiintunutand there was a big oil patch underneath, but no signs of life that Henry could see.
- A policemanPoliisiattempted to open the bathroom door with a crowbar,dentingkolhimallathe woodpuuta.
- In the scene,Mo's dressMon pukuais<empty>rippedrepäiseeby a drunken admirerjuopunut ihailija.
- She was stitching the holesRosieRosiehad managedto<empty>riprepäisemäänin the seat of his pantshousuntakamuksensain the few seconds they were in her possessionniiden muutaman sekunnin aikana, jonka ne olivat hänen hallussaan.
- AthelstanAthelstancarefullyvarovastirippedrepäisithe canvaskankaanopenaukiwith the small knife he always carriedpienellä veitsellä, jota hänellä oli aina mukanaan.
- He rememberedhernaisenrippingrepäisseenitsenthe day she'd taken him to see the hens for the first timesinä päivänä, jolloin nainen oli vienyt hänet katsomaan kanoja ensimmäistä kertaa.
- She knew if she forced itshehänwould<empty>riprepäisisiitsen.
- SheHäntook a deep breath andrippedrepäisithe envelopekirjekuorenopenaukiswiftlyripeästi-- Well, there was only one way to find out.
- HeHänrippedrepiopenaukione of the little silver foil packetsyhden pienistä, hopeisista foliopaketeistaand handed her the lubricated ring of rubber.
- TheyHerippedrepivätopenaukithe jugular veinkaulalaskimon,,releasing an appalling rush of bloodjosta syöksähti kauhistuttava verisuihku.
- The blastRäjähdysrippedrepia holereiänin the sidekylkeenof the ColeColen, killing 17 members of the ship's crew and wounding at least 40.
- you know so that he couldn't get out wellhehänkind ofrippedeteni raivoisastithroughläpithe chicken wirekanaverkonso i can't i i i just have not
- yeah and it it justitsejustrippedrepäisiitsenright
- Everything he wore had to be thick, becausehehäntorerepihis clothesvaatteitaan, destroyed them.
- Or elsehe, Prestonhän, Preston,hadoliinadvertentlytahattomastitornrepinyta holereiänin the fabric of the universemaailmankaikkeuden rakenteeseenand the Evil had come seeping through.
- Nina pulled her shawl so roughly from the hook on the door thatshehäntorerepia holereiänin itsiihen.
- HeHäntorerevähdyttia knee ligamentpolvijänteenduring PSV Endhoven's 3-0 victory over Willem II Tilburg on SaturdayPSV Endhovenin 3-0 päättyneen voitto-ottelun aikana Willem II Tilburgia vastaan lauantainaand will be out for the rest of the season.
- HeHäntorerepihis hairhiuksiaanwith his handskäsillään.
- JoanneJoannehadolitornrevähdyttänyta ligamentjänteenso badlyniin pahastirefereeing a basketball matchtoimiessaan tuomarina koripallo-ottelussa,that she was on morphine for a week after hospital surgery, and couldn't even walk let alone play golf.
- AmeliaAmeliatorerepithe envelopekirjekuorenopenaukiand laughed.
- Soon after they had arrived in New YorkAnnaAnnahadolitornrepinyta dressmekonand Mrs Carson had handed it to Ruth to repair.
- For example,at the peak of my running career in 1983juoksu-urani huipulla vuonna 1983,Iminätorerevähdytinmy plantar fasciitisplantaarifaskiittiniand spent much of the next three years running at less than 100 per cent.
- IMinätorerevinitsenoutsideulos.
- Once in her roomshehäntook a seat by the windows and, pushing her distress over Paul to the back of her mind,torerepiopenaukithe packet he'd given herhänen antamansa paketin.