Never a callous man,
the suffering of the doomed
tuomittujen kärsimystä whenever possible rather than yield to the crowd's demand for more brutality.
Most doctors
Valtaosa lääkäreistä merely
, whether physical or mental, and it's being able to do that … we alleviate by technical skill (or) by presence or personality ….
This may be enough
In Quattro Pro for Windows,
with its `notebook spreadsheet ``concept
sylimikrolaskentataulukko-konseptillaan .
From the mid-1970s
successive governments
peräkkäiset hallitukset attempted
by curbing public expenditure
hillitsemällä julkisia kuluja .
Agrarian reform programmes have two basic aims, one of which is redistributive, to provide a juster pattern of landholding and
by giving the peasants more substantial plots of land
antamalla talonpojille lisää runsaita maapalstoja .
People who feel unloved and depressed
Ihmiset, jotka tuntevat itsensä masentuneiksi ja ettei heitä rakasteta, often
those stressful feelings
stressaavia tunteita by going out and buying things
menemällä ulos ja ostamalla asioita .
But some tablets were kindly provided and
This unpleasant experience
Tätä epämiellyttävää kokemusta by the company of his wife
hänen vaimonsa seuralainen , who also brought with her so many domestic items that he says it was almost as comfortable as being at home!
Many conditions associated with old age
Monia korkeaan ikään liittyviä vaivoja can be treated and
, if not cured.
His distress
Hänen kärsimystään could have been
olisi voitu far earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station, or direct from the court, rather than via prison.
Frederick Ozanam asked
his companions
seuralaisiaan to try
all forms of poverty
kaikkia köyhyyden muotoja and we also try to do this.
These disturbances
Näihin häiriöihin are of course influenced by the level of nutrition, being exacerbated by a low protein intake and
by a high protein diet
runsasproteiininen ruokavalio .
What about the ones it reopens, he reflected bitterly, the old memories that, long dormant, it gratuitously stirs up until nostalgia becomes
for this painful condition
tähän kivuliaaseen tilaan .
“ My one wish in all the world is to find a
was built in the early nineteenth century to provide
for numerous illnesses
lukuisiin sairauksiin .
No, if they find one
The common-sense view of sleep is that it is good for you, providing an opportunity for recovery from fatigue, is essential for growth, and crucial in
getting rid of the TV and keeping the bedroom for sex
hankkiutuminen eroon televisiosta ja makuuhuoneen käyttäminen seksiä varten could be the best
voisi olla paras of all.
Its work covers the causes, prevention, treatment and
He made no money from
he prescribed antibiotics.
No, If I were to do that, my psychiatrist would reckon it proved
was complete.
I've had grape cures,
, mustard cures, self-cures, water cures, Swiss, African and Indian cures.
He watches
, we discover, has come to take the
at the local sanatorium.
to all these difficulties
kaikkiin näihin hankaluuksiin was obvious --
laajentaminen .
Medicine Man Sean Connery stalks the South American jungle as a crusty Scots scientist on the brink of discovering a
in this fast-paced adventure.
It manifested itself in the small hours at such an advanced stage that no
save amputation of the head could bring relief.
I'm sorry, Mr Spratt, that I know of no
for either her disorder or yours
hänen tai sinun vaivaan , except, perhaps,
`The more money we have, the nearer
are to finding a
The biggest single step
've had to make in
is to admit that I am an addict.
`You can't rely on
and give you peace.
Sinhalese cattle medicine called for branding the animal with particular designs in order to give it strength or
of various illnesses
erilaisista sairauksista .
The others are dozing while
chatter, attempting
their somnambulism
heidän unissakävelynsä .
The man I went to
Mies, jonka luo menin, just
by stroking it
sivelemällä sitä , ``Sean said.
Her services
Hänen palveluksiaan were also called upon to charm away warts and
`There's a man down by the docks who claims
without medicine
ilman lääkettä .
It is especially important in these cases to apply
effectively in order
could never
En voisi milloinkaan .
There is always
some magic remedy
jokin taikalääke, that
, or some whizz-kid quack with a patent method.
“ I don't see
's going
my nightmares
painajaiseni … ”
Rosemary apparently has to cope with her husband's anxiety that
by becoming more `assertive
olemalla "itsevarmempi ``.
I don't want to suggest that
social problems
sosiaaliset ongelmat by the application of wealth
varakkuudella .
It was almost as if she was suffering from
some dreadful disease
jostakin kammottavasta sairaudesta, that
could only be
voitaisiin vain by his physical removal
poistamalla hänet fyysisesti .
If the procedure succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life, offering hope to thousands of
sufferers with diseases like cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy who
kärsijöille, joilla on sairauksia, kuten kystinen fibroosi ja lihasdystrofia, jotka by similar techniques
samanlaisilla menetelmillä .
I'm very positive that
Seventy nine per cent
Seitsemälläkymmenelläyhdeksällä prosentilla .
It occurred mainly in communities with poor diets and was eventually identified as
a deficiency disease which
puutostaudiksi, joka promptly and completely
ripeästi ja kokonaan by supplying adequate food
asianmukaisella ruoalla .
by reciting a spell
lausumalla loitsun and with her new power became one of the mightiest goddesses.
All forms of early syphilis
Kaikki varhaisen syfiliksen oireet , and some of the later manifestations can be markedly improved, or, at least, the progression of the disease can be arrested.
can be used indoors and outside,
and preventing
both wet and dry rot
sekä märkä- että kuivalahon , and wood-worm attacks.
Nothing that
Ei mitään, mitä .
But while this was happening another student, who was a friend of both the dying man and myself, became convinced that
was going
the clergyman
kirkonmiehen .
So in wooing militants
is not seeking only
the wounds of Punjab and Assam
Punjabin ja Assamin haavoja -- he is following the one strategy which might sustain him in power.
`There must be
some reality that
jonkin verran realiteettia, joka the fragmentation of the world
maailman pirstaleisuuden .
However, although
70-80 per cent of ulcers
70–80 prosenttia haavaumista within four weeks of treatment
neljän hoitoviikon kuluessa, they do not cure the underlying disease.
In the new activity of urban reconstruction, plans were prepared to sweep away the inadequacies of the past and
the scars of war damage
sotavahinkojen aiheuttamat arvet .
A magnanimous gesture from the founders of the Open Software Foundation
Open Software Foundationin perustajien jalomielinen ele is needed now
any lingering breeches in the industry
pitkälliset rikkomukset alalla .
First, top scorer Dalien Atkinson missed the starting line-up after
revolutionary oxygen chamber treatment
mullistava happikammiohoito failed
in time to face his old club.
It also made him want even more to pull her close and
with our doctor's hands
lääkärimme avulla and placed them about our person.
He had already accepted `different paths to socialism ``within the Communist bloc itself when
the breach with Tito
rikoksesta Titon kanssa .
Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits to
a bone-setter
niksauttajalle ,
after an accident.
This is why the experts of Jesus' time criticized
on the Sabbath, accepting social outcasts, or infringing the fine points of the law.
They argue that
old wounds
vanhoja haavoja by allowing the former dictator to come home
sallimalla entisen diktaattorin tulla kotiin , at the same time disarming his supporters who scream that he is being done an injustice.
At the end of the opera
Oopperan lopussa ,
by touching him with a spear
koskettamalla häntä keihäällä , and Kundry is able, at last, to die.
Our study shows that
, even at a dose that did not affect gastric acid secretion (30 µg/kg/day), was also effective in
these lesions
näiden vammojen .
, saves us from ourselves, and redeems us.
``Break your bones and
by the election of Professor William Sewell as president RCVS
äänestämällä professori William Sewell RCVS-presidentiksi .
Ten lepers
kymmenen spitaalista ; only one returned to express his thanks.
Most acute ulcers
kaikkein akuuteimmat haavaumat by H 2 receptor antagonists
H 2 -reseptorin vastavaikuttajalääkkeet , and only one patient (randomised to placebo) had received bismuth subcitrate before entering the trial.
Turning and seeing her, he affirms her deed as an act of faith: `Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and
of your disease
sairaudestasi .
Calvary declares that
are `ransomed,
, restored, forgiven `.
When the mind is quiet of course the body is quiet and
whatever illness you have
mikä tahansa sairaus .
After it was all over, Bodyline was outlawed by MCC and world cricket;
; the British Empire was reunited.
can break our bones and
straight away, whispered the little bird.
Our most dutiful and saintly brother
kaikkein kuuliaisimman ja hurskaimman veljemme was
of his lameness
rampuudestaan , and has been ever since her particular squire and servant.
only slowly.
On the other hand, aphids can infect
virus diseases
virussairauksia , and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
Just inhaling the thick stench down here can fill a person with
This potency is very good for palliated
parantumattomiin without the least danger of aggravation.
Many are
which wander off time and time again, many are untrustworthy or dangerously aggressive dogs who may have been thrown out or dumped for this reason.
I remember that the very day that the surgeon told me that he thought
, I saw the swifts returning to their annual nesting-place.
In an extreme example, imagine you have been told you have an
One study of Parkinson's disease, an
nervous condition
hermostollinen tila , showed that the use of garden pesticides was associated with a higher incidence of the disease.
In the meantime, he appealed to the republics to declare a moratorium ``on decisions which give rise to arguments over the issue of competence, complaining that the alternative was
A recent review advises that surgeons should treat surgically
with local methods only which are both cost effective and carry a low morbidity and mortality.
, in its 1987 Corporate Plan (LDDC, 1987), argued that, although it was not itself a housing authority, it intended to increase this figure by
kunnostamalla older public-sector estates
vanhempia julkisen sektorin alueita through a programme of co-operation with local authorities
yhteistyöohjelmalla paikallisten viranomaisten kanssa .
Mr Colson, 61, won the 1993 Templeton Prize for religion for his work as the founder of
the Prison Fellowship
Prison Fellowshipin , which seeks
kuntouttamaan by spreading the gospel in jails in the United States and 55 other countries
levittämällä evankeliumia vankiloihin Yhdysvalloissa ja 55 muussa maassa .
VARIETY PUT IT ALMOST ALL in one unkind sentence earlier this year: `Once a star who asked $1.5 million per picture,
has recently got married and
by working on Broadway
työskentelemällä Broadwaylla .
Efforts are made
kuntouttamiseksi after treatment
hoidon jälkeen to ensure that where possible their hospital stay is temporary.
Even she stresses how
achieved respectability in her last years,
kuntoutettuaan from alcoholism and violent behaviour
alkoholismista ja väkivaltaisuudesta .
In some ways the locals were lucky that Ennex had bought Mogul as the original lease did not require the leaseholders,
until the lease expired on 1 December 1988
ennen kuin vuokrasopimus lakkasi 1. joulukuuta 1988 .
Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy, a former resistance fighter, declared in the National Assembly on April 15 that France was ``wounded and that ``
the Vichy regime
Vichyn hallintojärjestelmää .
a dead addict
kuollutta addiktia ``.
The largest increase in funding is to go to coastal conservation, which received an increase of 25 per cent to 134 million francs, followed by money
kunnostamiseen degraded areas
tuhoutuneiden alueiden .
On Jan. 30, 1990, a Supreme Soviet Commission revealed that
nearly 845,000 victims of Stalinism
lähes 845 000 stalinismin uhria during 1988-89
vuosina 1988 - 89 , but called for review procedures to be streamlined.
There was never a vestige of evidence that he had passed information to the Russians, and eventually in 1962
kuntoutettiin .
The rate of readmission with cardiac disease, and hence the cost was also lower in
the patients who
potilailla, jotka .
The Tyne estuary
Tyne-jokisuu rehabilitated
kunnostettiin and further work was planned for the Wear, but the Tees estuary needed urgent attention despite substantial industrial effluent reductions in the 1970s/80s.
kuntoutettiin .
returned to France in November 1944 and
, but was under some pressure to demonstrate his patriotism, including support for the empire.
The success
have in
kuntoutuksessa depends on your sensitivity towards her and the infinite time an patience you are prepared to spend -- remember, one lapse of patience could set her back by weeks.
All the better that
the credibility of the police who'd been having a bad press in the early years of the decade
uskottavuuden poliisille, joka oli saanut huonoa julkisuutta vuosikymmenen alkuvuosina .
was released in 1960 and
kuntoutettiin three years later
kolme vuotta myöhemmin .
Artists such as Falk
Taiteilijat, kuten Falk (on whom Ehrenburg had modelled the character of the disinterested Saburov)
kuntoutuneet , but it now became possible openly to admit that they existed.
are among the most difficult wild creatures for
to succour and
His own knowledge of dissection also paid dividends, allowing him to concoct
against rheumatism
reumatismiin made from the fat of his hanged victims.
Ground elder is said to have been brought to Britain by the Romans as a
and has plagued us ever since.
Antihistamiinit became popular
tulivat suosituiksi remedies
parannuskeinoiksi for motion sickness
matkapahoinvointiin , and a search, only marginally successful, began for effective compounds which did not cause drowsiness.
Ray Talbot's
a ten-minute dip in a salt bath (11 gallons of water to one kilo of salt, with aeration) during which time he breaks open the lesions with his thumbnail
upotus suolakylpyyn (11 gallonaa vettä yhteen kiloon suolaa, tuuletuksella) kymmeneksi minuutiksi, jonka aikana hän avaa vammat peukalonkynnellään .
Howard had tried all the proprietary
athlete's foot
jalkasilsaan , but found they were only partially effective; the infection would always return with a vengeance within a few days of discontinuing with the ointment or powder.
Golden Orfe are very sensitive to the addition of certain
, and all of the Orfe in a pond can easily be lost following careless treatment.
I feel I can't keep dosing the tank with
Do not use the
Dipterex or Maoten
Dipterex tai Maoten -- these were banned last year.
such as arnica
kuten arnikilla, have easy and specific indications.
It had become clear to the garrison that not only did
sometimes apply different
to the same illness
samaan sairauteen , in certain cases these remedies were diametrically opposed to each other.
of using tough policing
tiukan valvonnan käyttö is merely tackling the symptoms of the disorder, and is liable to exacerbate the underlying malaise.
He then complemented these observations by giving the appropriate
to patients who displayed similar symptoms and signs, and found that he had discovered a therapeutic tool eminently superior to any in use at that time.
He then instructed
to take a
of red sage leaves
punasalvian lehtiä for twelve days after which time he would be cured.
She said homeopathy had come full circle now and it was quite the in-thing to be treated by
`When my kids have colds I put a
homeopaattista called Olbas Oil
nimeltä Olbas Oil on their chests and pillows when they go to bed.
There seems to be no doubt that an increasing number of people are using
homeopaattisia to treat their animals and finding that they produce good result.
They have provided
for the treatment of some kinds of insanity
jonkinlaisten mielenvikaisuuksien hoitoon , and some of them alter conscious experience in ways which are of great philosophical interest.
These are likely to be of great importance when prescribing the
used to treat sick people
sairaiden ihmisten hoitoon käytettävät are actually capable of producing similar symptoms and diseases to those present in the patient needing that remedy.
which has a symptom picture of tiredness, weakness and a dragging down sensation, and often an actual prolapse.
often speak of a great sense of disappointment and loss on waking.
PC Edward Walls was commended for
`professional and caring ``although unsuccessful efforts
an elderly heart attack victim
iäkästä sydänkohtauksen uhria last November
viime marraskuussa at Blackhall
Blackhallissa .
The injured included a 24-year-old woman who
Loukkaantuneiden joukossa oli 24-vuotias nainen, jota had
from a heart attack
sydänkohtauksen vuoksi, as she was being flown to hospital by helicopter
kun häntä lennätettiin sairaalaan helikopterilla .
A judo class (see page 121) is the perfect place:
can come to your aid and even
if things go wrong.
The episodes can happen at any time and
nurses at the Countess of Chester Hospital, where she is a patient,
sairaanhoitajilla Countess of Chesterin sairaalassa, jossa hän on potilaana, have a matter of minutes
through a tube inserted into her neck
hänen kaulaansa asetetun putken kautta .
In the early 1950s an effective method of
newborn babies who did not breathe
vastasyntyneitä vauvoja, jotka eivät hengittäneet was not known.
PC Edward Walls
Poliisikonstaapeli Edward Walls spent 20 minutes trying
a 71-year-old heart attack victim
71-vuotiasta sydänkohtauksen uhria at a Remembrance Day parade in Blackhall, Consett
kaatuneitten muistopäivän paraatissa Blackhallissa, Consettissa .
An ambulance crew
Ambulanssihenkilöstö tried
before taking him to Arrowe Park Hospital where he died soon afterwards
ennen hänen viemistään Arrowe Parkin sairaalaan, jossa hän kuoli pian sen jälkeen .
The examples commonly cited are whether antibiotics must be administered if the patient contracts pneumonia, or whether
if he suffers heart failure.
Some victims
Joitakin uhreja after being hanged
hirttämisen jälkeen , others reprieved and pardoned after mishaps with faulty traps or frayed ropes.
This year's £1.3 million advertising campaign features
elvytettävänä after a car accident involving a drink driver
auto-onnettomuuden rattijuopon kanssa jälkeen .
lääkinnällisiin well known to adversely affect serum lipid levels include oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives, androgens, and moderate dosage of corticosteroid therapy.
In addition, improved
lääkinnällisiä with more specific and controlled effects on platelet metabolism may be developed allowing more effective intervention.
In the course of trying to identify
lääkinnällisiä for this disease two recent studies have shown benefit with bismuth preparations.
McKeown and Lowe arranged the main influences responsible for falling mortality in descending order of importance as a rising standard of living, improved hygiene, and specific preventive and
Under these circumstances it would not be medically appropriate to intervene with
such as artificial ventilation if [J.] were to suffer a life-threatening event.
Invest urgently in
terapeuttisiin services for abused and neglected children, including, for example, vulnerable children who have suffered abuse in residential care.
Longterm full dose ursodeoxycholic acid treatment, however, is expensive and we reasoned that by giving one third of the full
lääkinnällisestä , the cost of maintenance treatment would be acceptable.
He says that the
for children and adults alike
niin lapsille kuin aikuisillekin .
But whether it
is not for me to say.
for long-term problems -- these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
sometimes though, isn't it?
of emotional pain
emotionaalisen kivun , no matter their particular style, sees the discharge of feeling through tears as a positive and healing experience.
Liz and
arranged to meet initially three rimes and then decide whether further contact was necessary.
They are also supported by psychiatric, social work and child care consultants, with further therapeutic care provided by a qualified
Anne Hooper, counsellor,
, author and mother, offers her help and advice.
Sex manuals and
soon flooded the market to help people make the grade.
She says working as a
is also risky because the treatment is expensive and people are not always willing to pay when money is short.
Liz came back accompanied by her parents, but wanting to speak to the
on her own first.
She was acting on the advice of
in speaking thus.
Therefore, the
suggested she should stop this medication.
I went for my first visit to the
feeling panicky, nervous, hopeful and depressed.
I went to see
and he kept talking about the bank manager.
In New York if you don't get threatened occasionally you go see a
and ask him why you have no charisma.
People with AIDS or HIV infection can expect progress in
against HIV and the conditions found in AIDS
HIV:tä ja havaittua AIDS:in tilaa vastaan -- anti-viral drugs like Zidovudine are in use.
for a particular ailment
tietyn sairauden may specifically be excluded from a policy, whilst surgery would be covered.
is a well tolerated and suitable
on hyvin siedetty ja soveltuva for a large number of systemic infections
suureen määrään systeemisiä infektioita .
are very important
ovat hyvin tärkeä for old people
vanhoille ihmisille and usually get on very well in a Home.
Two patients were taking antihypertensive drugs (one captopril and frusemide and the other methyldopa), one of whom had impaired renal function and had required
for retinopathy
retinopatiaan .
Survivors of sudden cardiac death: a rational approach to evaluation and
of patients surviving ventricular fibrillation
kammiovärinästä selviytyneiden potilaiden .
Such altered viruses can transduce non-replicating cells, including differentiated epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and elsewhere, and this has made them the chosen vectors for
of cystic fibrosis
kystisen fibroosin .
with Dr Gyggle
tohtori Gygglen kanssa had continued and now entered a new phase.
In one, experimental
with interleukin II
interleukiini II:lla was attempted without success.
Proponents of the Human Genome Project imagine great progress in diagnosis of diseases and in
You can keep them and your
In fact, the quack
is nothing more than apricot kernels, and although high-sounding claims were made for the effects of nature's cyanide on rampant cells, laetrile has proved useless.
Hormone replacement
Hormonikorvaus- (HRT) is effective in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal bone loss.
Since starting
find that I'm behaving much more honestly with friends and colleagues.
The generally disappointing effects of
conventional drug
perinteisessä lääke- in mild hypertension
lievästi kohonneen verenpaineen have resulted in revived interest in non-pharmacological means of lowering blood pressure.
at Moston Lodge and she can paint little pictures.
Emergency portosystemic shunting
Kiireellistä portosysteemistä shunttia is still recommended by some centres as the most effective
for bleeding
verenvuotoon, while others prefer staple gun transection of the oesophagus which is the safer technique for the less experienced surgeon.
Eight patients
Kahdeksaa potilasta were studied in detail and were given supervised
Only 12 of
32 patients referred with rectal or rectosigmoid cancer who
32 potilaasta, joilla oli peräsuoli- tai paksusuolisyöpä ja jotka received
during the 18 month period were entered into this study.
She received an 11-day course of empirical
and was discharged.
This was treated with sliding-scale
attempted suicide in 1953, after undergoing
sähkösokki- .
Twice a week for eighteen months,
for cancer of the lymph glands.
caused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.
We know that
can use human tissue from aborted foetuses
Parkinson ``s disease and probably Alzheimer's
Parkinsonin taudin ja todennäköisesti Alzheimerin .
All had two or more
close relatives who
läheistä sukulaista, joiden .
If the
, he is often in a strong position to persuade such a relative to concur.
every patient
jokaista potilasta with the same love and care
samalla rakkaudella ja huolenpidolla , and so, as I discovered very quickly, he was worshipped by the islanders.
with combination chemotherapy
yhdistelmäkemoterapialla {{{1}}}
The Reiki practitioner
Reikin harjoittaja by laying their hands gently onto the body
asettamalla kätensä hellävaraisesti vartalolle .
A NEW health card is to be launched in Cheshire with the aim of helping
doctors and paramedics
lääkäreitä ja ensihoitajia in an emergency.
our coral cuts
korallin viiltoja , unaware that the coral polyps which had entered the wounds normally thrived on iodine which they extracted from seawater -- and were now extracting from our blood.
The injection is not a conventional vaccine as
rather than being used as a preventive measure.
can be required
, whether by the court in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction, by the parents, by the child or anyone else.
was doing the job he was trained for,
real patients
oikeita potilaita .
First, they were treating babies as adults, that is to say, by a direct attack on the origin of disease with no distraction being permitted
Each of the four types of illness
kutakin neljästä sairaustyypistä differently
by the villagers
Kyläläiset .
Twenty patients with chronic pancreatitis and signs of biliary obstruction
Kahtakymmentä potilasta, joilla oli krooninen haimatulehdus ja merkkejä sappitukkeumasta, by endoscopic placement of self expandable metal mesh stents
endoskooppisella itselaajentuvien metalliverkkostenttien asennuksella , and followed up prospectively.
A disabled teenager who
Vammaiselle teini-ikäiselle, jota by a Russian physiotherapist
venäläinen fysioterapeutti, has been told his trainer must go home because his visa has run out.
Mr Sommerville said
Ninham's condition
Ninhamin tilaa .
Four people aboard the yacht
Neljä ihmistä aluksella were thrown from their bunks, and
in hospital
for cuts and shock
viiltoja ja iskuja .
Most clinics
Valtaosa klinikoista, jotka fertility problems
hedelmällisyysongelmia, expect nurses to be the counsellor.
The health services will know of
for psychiatric illnesses
psykiatrisia sairauksia and a follow-up service or routine visit from community nurses should be able to recognise obviously unsatisfactory living circumstances.
An 18 year old girl
18-vuotias tyttö for five years
Viisi vuotta with a lazative containing danthrone
dantronia sisältävällä laksatiivilla died from a leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine.
Folkman discovered that
tumours in rabbits' ears
kasvaimet kanin korvissa with protamine
protamiinilla grew much slower than untreated tumours.
A doctor who
Lääkäri, joka without consent may be guilty of a battery on the patient.
In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in
18 patients over the age of 50 whom
18 yli 50-vuotiaalla potilaalla, joita in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients.
More recently, platelet-aggregation responses have been studied in
with CS11 or the artificial pancreas
CS11:lla tai tekohaimalla .
most people
valtaosa ihmisistä recover.
Of the remaining 166 patients,
onnistuneesti pharmacologically
farmakologisesti .
If there is any infestation at all, you can be certain that there is more undetected, and that
by a specialist firm
asiantuntijayrityksen will be essential.
Indeed, many forms of
do not call for the patient to utter a word.
The Community Dental Service is required to provide clinical dental care for those patients refused
by a general dental practitioner
yleishammaslääkärin .
for the hemiplegic patient
toispuolihalvaantuneen potilaan is very specialized, and there is no viable substitute for it.
There is some hope that the research will come up with a
`I'm still stiff and sore and
'm receiving
for an injured shoulder
vammautuneeseen olkapäähän ``he said.
The taxi was driven by
Michael Allenby, 32, from Darlington, who
Michael Allenby, 32, Darlingtonista, joka underwent
for whiplash injuries
niskanretkahdusvammoihin .
ALTERNATIVE medicine practitioners were accused by the Royal College of Physicians yesterday of making false and misleading claims for
by unorthodox methods
epäsovinnaisin menetelmin .
This may suggest that the
of pancreatitis
haimatulehduksen has improved.
They are all more aggressive than
and carry a higher risk of complications and only cryotherapy can be performed without general anaesthesia.
The fame of
spread, bringing four hundred visitors or so a year to swell the local income.
, Christine was taking these jelly like capsules.
Every morning I drove him to the hospital, waited for
, drove him home again and helped him to bed.
Many previous studies have sought risk factors retrospectively in the context of trials designed primarily to detect a difference between
She felt she could still continue to improve, so
decided to have further specialist
fysioterapia- privately, under her medical insurance scheme.
The most effective
before 1960 for severe and disabling depression was
electro-convulsion therapy
sähkösokkihoito .
After 5 months of
like this, the tumours shrank.
is still receiving
after having two weeks complete rest and could run in the Stockton district schools championships at the Cleveland County Stadium on Thursday.