alleviate.v 🔎
- Never a callous man,hehäntriedto<empty>alleviatelievittääthe suffering of the doomedtuomittujen kärsimystäwhenever possible rather than yield to the crowd's demand for more brutality.
- Most doctorsValtaosa lääkäreistämerelyalleviatehelpottaasufferingkärsimystä, whether physical or mental, and it's being able to do that … we alleviate by technical skill (or) by presence or personality ….
- This may be enoughto<empty>alleviatelievittämiseenthe symptomsoireiden.
- In Quattro Pro for Windows,BorlandBorlandhasonalleviatedlievittänytthe problemongelmaawith its `notebook spreadsheet ``conceptsylimikrolaskentataulukko-konseptillaan.
- From the mid-1970ssuccessive governmentsperäkkäiset hallituksetattemptedto<empty>alleviatelievittääthe crisiskriisiäby curbing public expenditurehillitsemällä julkisia kuluja.
- Agrarian reform programmes have two basic aims, one of which is redistributive, to provide a juster pattern of landholding andalleviatelievittämiseksipovertyköyhyydenby giving the peasants more substantial plots of landantamalla talonpojille lisää runsaita maapalstoja.
- People who feel unloved and depressedIhmiset, jotka tuntevat itsensä masentuneiksi ja ettei heitä rakasteta,oftenalleviatelievittävätthose stressful feelingsstressaavia tunteitaby going out and buying thingsmenemällä ulos ja ostamalla asioita.
- But some tablets were kindly provided andtheynedidtodellaalleviatehelpottivatthe problemongelmaa.
- This unpleasant experienceTätä epämiellyttävää kokemustawas<empty>alleviatedhelpottiby the company of his wifehänen vaimonsa seuralainen, who also brought with her so many domestic items that he says it was almost as comfortable as being at home!
- Many conditions associated with old ageMonia korkeaan ikään liittyviä vaivojacan be treated andalleviatedlievittää, if not cured.
- His distressHänen kärsimystääncould have beenolisi voitualleviatedlievittääwith treatmenthoidollafar earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station, or direct from the court, rather than via prison.
- Frederick Ozanam askedhis companionsseuralaisiaanto tryto<empty>alleviatelievittääall forms of povertykaikkia köyhyyden muotojaand we also try to do this.
- These disturbancesNäihin häiriöihinare of course influenced by the level of nutrition, being exacerbated by a low protein intake andalleviatedlievittääby a high protein dietrunsasproteiininen ruokavalio.
- What about the ones it reopens, he reflected bitterly, the old memories that, long dormant, it gratuitously stirs up until nostalgia becomesa pain thattuska, jotano balmmikään balsami eicanvoialleviatelievittää?
alleviation.n 🔎
- The state was concerned with thealleviationlievennyksestä,of povertyköyhyydenbut its direct participation in welfare programmes was small; most of this was left to private charity.
curable.a 🔎
- Most skin cancersMonet ihosyövätareovatcompletelykokonaancurableparannettavissa, but some can be fatal.
- Most sexually transmitted diseasesUseimmat sukupuolitauditareovatcurableparannettavissa.
- Whatever the setting, the counsellor should stress that alcoholism is acurableparannettavissa olevaconditiontila, particularly when the social distress underlying the need for alcohol is openly discussed and the problems tackled.
- Many studies have shown thatthese tumoursnämä kasvaimetareovatsurgicallykirurgisesticurableparannettavissa.
- Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting earlycurableparannettavissa olevancancersyövän.
curative.a 🔎
- `If one of my patients wants to give up apotentiallymahdollisesticurativeparantavastatreatmenthoitokeinostain favour of an alternative therapy, then I will try to dissuade them.
- It is a good Christian well now, andthe watervedenis saidto beolevancurativeparantavaa.
- The problem with mercury was that thecurativeparantavadoseannoswas much too close to the lethal dose, and it was easy to make the patient worse as a result of treatment.
- In terms of prognosis aftercurativeparantavansurgeryleikkauksen, Duke's B colorectal cancer represents a therapeutic dilemma.
cure.n 🔎
- An operationLeikkausis often theon useinonlyainoacurehoitokeinofor this painful conditiontähän kivuliaaseen tilaan.
- “ My one wish in all the world is to find acurehoitokeinofor my sonpojalleni.
- Thisis aonrestlepo-curehoitoafor usmeille.
- ItSewas built in the early nineteenth century to providecureshoitoafor numerous illnesseslukuisiin sairauksiin.
- No, if they find onecurehoitokeinonfor itsiihen.
- The common-sense view of sleep is that it is good for you, providing an opportunity for recovery from fatigue, is essential for growth, and crucial incurehoidossafrom illnesssairauden.
- Butgetting rid of the TV and keeping the bedroom for sexhankkiutuminen eroon televisiosta ja makuuhuoneen käyttäminen seksiä vartencould be the bestvoisi olla parascurehoitokeinoof all.
- Its work covers the causes, prevention, treatment andcurehoidonof cancersyöpään.
- He made no money fromhishänencureshoitokeinoistaan.
- Foritssencurehoitamiseenhe prescribed antibiotics.
- No, If I were to do that, my psychiatrist would reckon it provedmyminuncurehoitoniwas complete.
- I've had grape cures,pepperpippuri-cureshoitoja, mustard cures, self-cures, water cures, Swiss, African and Indian cures.
- He watchesa manmiehenarrivewhojoka, we discover, has come to take thecurehoitoaat the local sanatorium.
- Thecurehoitokeinoto all these difficultieskaikkiin näihin hankaluuksiinwas obvious --amplificationlaajentaminen.
- Medicine Man Sean Connery stalks the South American jungle as a crusty Scots scientist on the brink of discovering acancersyöpä-curehoidonin this fast-paced adventure.
- It manifested itself in the small hours at such an advanced stage that nocurehoitosave amputation of the head could bring relief.
- I'm sorry, Mr Spratt, that I know of nocurehoitokeinoafor either her disorder or yourshänen tai sinun vaivaan, except, perhaps,tolerancesuvaitsevaisuus.
- `The more money we have, the nearerwemeare to finding acurehoitokeinon.
cure.v 🔎
- The biggest single stepIminun've had to make incuringhoitaessanimyself<empty>of addictionaddiktiotaniis to admit that I am an addict.
- `You can't rely ona human beingihmisento<empty>cureparantavanyousinuaof evilpahaltaand give you peace.
- Sinhalese cattle medicine called for branding the animal with particular designs in order to give it strength orto<empty>cureparantaakseenitsenof various illnesseserilaisista sairauksista.
- The others are dozing whileIminächatter, attemptingto<empty>cureparantaatheir somnambulismheidän unissakävelynsäwith my wordssanoillani.
- `The man I went toMies, jonka luo menin,curedparansimy hiplonkkanijustby stroking itsivelemällä sitä, ``Sean said.
- Her servicesHänen palveluksiaanwere also called upon to charm away warts andcureparantamiseenringwormsilsanin cattlekarjasta.
- `There's a man down by the docks who claimshehäncanvoivansacureparantaaillnesssairaudenwithout medicineilman lääkettä.
- It is especially important in these cases to applythe medicationlääkettäeffectively in orderto<empty>cureparantamiseksithe conditiontilan.
- I<empty>could neverEn voisi milloinkaancureparantaahimhäntä.
- There is alwayssome magic remedyjokin taikalääke,thatwill<empty>cureparantaaitsen, or some whizz-kid quack with a patent method.
- “ I don't seehowkuinkathatse's goingto<empty>curehoitaamy nightmarespainajaiseni… ”
- Rosemary apparently has to cope with her husband's anxiety thatshehäncouldvoisionlyvainbe<empty>curedparantaaby becoming more `assertiveolemalla "itsevarmempi``.
- I don't want to suggest thatsocial problemssosiaaliset ongelmatcan bevoidaancuredparantaaby the application of wealthvarakkuudella.
- It was almost as if she was suffering fromsome dreadful diseasejostakin kammottavasta sairaudesta,thatcould only bevoitaisiin vaincuredparantaaby his physical removalpoistamalla hänet fyysisesti.
- If the procedure succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life, offering hope to thousands ofsufferers with diseases like cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy whokärsijöille, joilla on sairauksia, kuten kystinen fibroosi ja lihasdystrofia, jotkacould bevoitaisiincuredparantaaby similar techniquessamanlaisilla menetelmillä.
- I'm very positive thatNatalieNataliewill be<empty>curedparantuu.
- Seventy nine per centSeitsemälläkymmenelläyhdeksällä prosentillawere<empty>completelykokonaancuredparanivatof their symptomsoireet.
- It occurred mainly in communities with poor diets and was eventually identified asa deficiency disease whichpuutostaudiksi, jokacould bevoitaisiinpromptly and completelyripeästi ja kokonaancuredparantaaby supplying adequate foodasianmukaisella ruoalla.
- IsisIsisthencuredparansiReRenby reciting a spelllausumalla loitsunand with her new power became one of the mightiest goddesses.
- All forms of early syphilisKaikki varhaisen syfiliksen oireetcan bevoidaancompletelykokonaancuredparantaa, and some of the later manifestations can be markedly improved, or, at least, the progression of the disease can be arrested.
- The treatmentHoitoacan be used indoors and outside,curingparantamaanand preventingboth wet and dry rotsekä märkä- että kuivalahon, and wood-worm attacks.
- `Nothing thatEi mitään, mitäyour absencepoissaolosiwouldn'teicureparantaisi.
ease.v 🔎
- A NURSE died after an anaesthetist failed to give hera druglääkettäto<empty>easehelpottamiseenpressure on her hearthänen sydämensä paineen, an inquest heard yesterday.
- `I've written him up forsome medicationhieman lääkettäto<empty>easelievittämiseenthe headachepäänsäryn.
- But everyone agrees that it can be a useful therapeutic tool,easinglievittääthe pain of dental treatmenthammashoidosta aiheutuvaa kipuaor curing diseases involving powerful but little-understood psychosomatic interactions, such as warts.
- `SheHänmade this a wonderful day for us andeasedlievittithe painkipuatremendouslysuunnattomasti.
- ThisTämäwill<empty>easehelpottaathe muscular tension in the neckniskan lihasjännitystäso that the chin drops towards the chest.
- Muscle stiffness and general fatigueLihasjäykkyys ja yleinen väsymyscan bevoivateasedhelpottuaby ArnicaArnicalla.
- When he had finished, he foundthe pain of both limbsmolempien raajojen kipuhadolieasedlievittynyta littlehiemanwith the extra support the strapping providedsitomisen tarjoamalla lisätuella.
- HeHänhauled a pillow out from under the bedspread and arranged itto<empty>easehelpottamaanhis throbbing templesjyskyttäviä ohimojaan.
heal.v 🔎
- But while this was happening another student, who was a friend of both the dying man and myself, became convinced thatGodJumalawas goingto<empty>healparantaathe clergymankirkonmiehenof his cancersyövästään.
- So in wooing militantshehänis not seeking onlyto<empty>healparantamaanthe wounds of Punjab and AssamPunjabin ja Assamin haavoja-- he is following the one strategy which might sustain him in power.
- `There must besome reality thatjonkin verran realiteettia, jokacanvoihealparantaathe fragmentation of the worldmaailman pirstaleisuuden.
- However, althoughthese drugsnämä lääkkeethealparantavat70-80 per cent of ulcers70–80 prosenttia haavaumistawithin four weeks of treatmentneljän hoitoviikon kuluessa,they do not cure the underlying disease.
- In the new activity of urban reconstruction, plans were prepared to sweep away the inadequacies of the past andhealparantaathe scars of war damagesotavahinkojen aiheuttamat arvet.
- A magnanimous gesture from the founders of the Open Software FoundationOpen Software Foundationin perustajien jalomielinen eleis needed nowto<empty>healparantamaanany lingering breeches in the industrypitkälliset rikkomukset alalla.
- First, top scorer Dalien Atkinson missed the starting line-up afterrevolutionary oxygen chamber treatmentmullistava happikammiohoitofailedto<empty>healparantamaanhimhänetin time to face his old club.
- It also made him want even more to pull her close andhealparantaaher woundshänen haavansawith a kisssuudelmalla.
- WeMehealedparansimmethemheidätwith our doctor's handslääkärimme avullaand placed them about our person.
- He had already accepted `different paths to socialism ``within the Communist bloc itself whenhehänhealedtoipuithe breach with Titorikoksesta Titon kanssain 1955vuonna 1955.
- Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits toa bone-setterniksauttajalle,whojokasuccessfullyhealedparansihimhänetafter an accident.
- This is why the experts of Jesus' time criticizedhimhäntäforhealingparantamisestathe sicksairaidenon the Sabbath, accepting social outcasts, or infringing the fine points of the law.
- They argue thatMrs Aquinorouva Aquinocanvoihealparantaaold woundsvanhoja haavojaby allowing the former dictator to come homesallimalla entisen diktaattorin tulla kotiin, at the same time disarming his supporters who scream that he is being done an injustice.
- At the end of the operaOopperan lopussa,ParsifalParsifalhealsparantaaAmfortasAmfortasinby touching him with a spearkoskettamalla häntä keihäällä, and Kundry is able, at last, to die.
- Our study shows thatbFGFbFGF, even at a dose that did not affect gastric acid secretion (30 µg/kg/day), was also effective inhealingparanemisessathese lesionsnäiden vammojen.
- HeHänhealsparantaausmeidät, saves us from ourselves, and redeems us.
- ``Break your bones andhealparannayourselfitsesi?
- In 1852Vuonna 1852the breachrikoswas<empty>healedhyvitettiinby the election of Professor William Sewell as president RCVSäänestämällä professori William Sewell RCVS-presidentiksi.
- Ten leperskymmenen spitaalistawere<empty>healedparansiby JesusJeesus; only one returned to express his thanks.
- Most acute ulcerskaikkein akuuteimmat haavaumathad beenolivathealedparantaneetby H 2 receptor antagonistsH 2 -reseptorin vastavaikuttajalääkkeet, and only one patient (randomised to placebo) had received bismuth subcitrate before entering the trial.
- Turning and seeing her, he affirms her deed as an act of faith: `Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace andbeolehealedparannettuof your diseasesairaudestasi.
- Calvary declares thatyousinäare `ransomed,healedparannettu, restored, forgiven `.
- When the mind is quiet of course the body is quiet andwhatever illness you havemikä tahansa sairauscan bevoidaanhealedparantaamore easilyhelpommin.
- After it was all over, Bodyline was outlawed by MCC and world cricket;the woundshaavatwere<empty>healedparantuivat; the British Empire was reunited.
- ``WeMecan break our bones andhealparantaaourselvesitsemmestraight away, whispered the little bird.
- Our most dutiful and saintly brotherkaikkein kuuliaisimman ja hurskaimman veljemmewashimself<empty>healedparansiof his lamenessrampuudestaanby herHän, and has been ever since her particular squire and servant.
- WoundsHaavathealparanevatonly slowly.
- Her bodyHänen kehonsawas<empty>healingparanirapidlynopeasti.
healer.n 🔎
- SleepUniis a naturalon luonnollinenhealerparantajaof mind and bodymielen ja kehonand yet many of the most common problems experienced relate to difficulties concerned with sleep.
- Priests have always been regarded ashealersparantajinaof the mindmielen, and even their modern equivalents in the psychoanalytic movement are similarly preoccupied with the dreams of their patients.
- Thank you, Lord, thatYouSinäare the greatolet suurihealerparantajaof those who suffer in body, mind or spiritniille, jotka kärsivät kehon, mielen tai hengen tasolla.
- DOCTORS are turning to spiritualhealersparantajiksito help cure patients.
incurable.a 🔎
- On the other hand, aphids can infectraspberriesvadelmiin,withincurableparantumattomiavirus diseasesvirussairauksia, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
- Just inhaling the thick stench down here can fill a person withincurableparantumatondiseasesairaus.
- This potency is very good for palliatedincurableparantumattomiincasestapauksiinwithout the least danger of aggravation.
- Many areincurableparantumattomiastrayskulkureita,which wander off time and time again, many are untrustworthy or dangerously aggressive dogs who may have been thrown out or dumped for this reason.
- I remember that the very day that the surgeon told me that he thoughtthe cancersyövänwasolevanincurableparantumaton, I saw the swifts returning to their annual nesting-place.
- In an extreme example, imagine you have been told you have anincurableparantumatondiseasesairaus.
- One study of Parkinson's disease, anincurableparantumatonnervous conditionhermostollinen tila, showed that the use of garden pesticides was associated with a higher incidence of the disease.
- In the meantime, he appealed to the republics to declare a moratorium ``on decisions which give rise to arguments over the issue of competence, complaining that the alternative wasincurableparantumatonparalysishalvaus.
- A recent review advises that surgeons should treat surgicallyincurableparantumattomiapatientspotilaitawith local methods only which are both cost effective and carry a low morbidity and mortality.
palliate.v 🔎
- After the relative quiescence of the working class since the late 1840s these new manifestations engendered fears that respectable workers might become less co-operative iftheir real grievancesheidän todellisia vääryyksiäänwere noteipalliatedlievitettäisi.
- Many village priestsMonet kyläpapitinsisted on living in luxury, dressing in the best garb, jerkin and multi-coloured hose, and making every effortto<empty>palliatelievittääkseenthe hardships of their liveselämänsä koettelemuksia.
palliation.n 🔎
- When stenosis is the cause of severe symptoms, the prognosis without valve replacement is worse than that of many cancers, with a three year mortality around 75% Balloon valvoplasty offers onlyshort termlyhytaikaistapalliationlievitystä.
- The peritoneovenous shunt is an established method ofpalliationlievitykseenfor intractable benign and malignant asciteshoitoon reagoimattoman hyvänlaatuisen ja pahanlaatuisen vesipöhön.
- In contrast, stents provide reasonablelong termpitkäaikaistapalliationlievitystäin most cases.
- Radiation enhancement oflaserlaser-palliationlievitykselläfor advanced rectal and rectosigmoid canceredenneeseen peräsuoli- ja paksusuolisyöpään: a pilot study
- Additional radiotherapy enhanceslaserlaser-palliationlievitystäfor inoperable rectal or rectosigmoid cancerleikkauskelvottomaan peräsuoli- ja paksusuolisyöpään.
- SymptomaticOireenmukainenpalliationlievityswas achieved in most patients but complications were common.
- There are several other treatments available forpalliationlievitykseenof rectal and rectosigmoid cancerperäsuoli- ja paksusuolisyövän; these include electrocoagulation, transanal resection, and cryotherapy.
palliative.a 🔎
- The second was the commonly used treatment by opposites -- in other words,palliativelievittävätreatmenthoito,such as laxatives for constipation, which he considered to be a false path.
- A few patients in surgical wards are found to have inoperable conditions or conditions for which onlypalliativelievittäväsurgeryleikkauscan be performed.
- The challenge for all of us working inpalliativelievittäväncarehoidonis how to continue to improve.
- The major item for work this year is the Department of er, sorry the District Health Authority's responsibility to providing specialistpalliativelievittävääcarehoitoa.
palliative.n 🔎
- Consequently, they are often more hurried in their diagnosis, more likely to deal with symptoms than the underlying causes, resorting topalliativeslievitystärather than cures.
rehabilitate.v 🔎
- The LDDCLDDC, in its 1987 Corporate Plan (LDDC, 1987), argued that, although it was not itself a housing authority, it intended to increase this figure byrehabilitatingkunnostamallaolder public-sector estatesvanhempia julkisen sektorin alueitathrough a programme of co-operation with local authoritiesyhteistyöohjelmalla paikallisten viranomaisten kanssa.
- Mr Colson, 61, won the 1993 Templeton Prize for religion for his work as the founder ofthe Prison FellowshipPrison Fellowshipin, which seeksto<empty>rehabilitatekuntouttamaanprisonersvankejaby spreading the gospel in jails in the United States and 55 other countrieslevittämällä evankeliumia vankiloihin Yhdysvalloissa ja 55 muussa maassa.
- VARIETY PUT IT ALMOST ALL in one unkind sentence earlier this year: `Once a star who asked $1.5 million per picture,LoweLowehas recently got married andis<empty>rehabilitatingparanteleehis imageimagoaanby working on Broadwaytyöskentelemällä Broadwaylla.
- Efforts are madeto<empty>rehabilitatekuntouttamiseksipatientspotilaidenafter treatmenthoidon jälkeento ensure that where possible their hospital stay is temporary.
- Even she stresses howshehänachieved respectability in her last years,having<empty>rehabilitatedkuntoutettuaanherselfitsensäfrom alcoholism and violent behaviouralkoholismista ja väkivaltaisuudesta.
- In some ways the locals were lucky that Ennex had bought Mogul as the original lease did not require the leaseholders,MogulMogulin,to<empty>rehabilitatekunnostavanthe areaaluettauntil the lease expired on 1 December 1988ennen kuin vuokrasopimus lakkasi 1. joulukuuta 1988.
- Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy, a former resistance fighter, declared in the National Assembly on April 15 that France was ``wounded and that ``wemewill notemme aiorehabilitatepalauttaathe Vichy regimeVichyn hallintojärjestelmääon the slysalaa.
- Also,yousinäcan'trehabilitatekuntouttaaa dead addictkuollutta addiktia``.
- The largest increase in funding is to go to coastal conservation, which received an increase of 25 per cent to 134 million francs, followed by moneyto<empty>rehabilitatekunnostamiseendegraded areastuhoutuneiden alueiden.
- On Jan. 30, 1990, a Supreme Soviet Commission revealed thatnearly 845,000 victims of Stalinismlähes 845 000 stalinismin uhriahad beenoliposthumouslypostuumistirehabilitatedkuntoutettuduring 1988-89vuosina 1988 - 89, but called for review procedures to be streamlined.
- There was never a vestige of evidence that he had passed information to the Russians, and eventually in 1962hehänetwas<empty>rehabilitatedkuntoutettiin.
- The rate of readmission with cardiac disease, and hence the cost was also lower inthe patients whopotilailla, jotkahad beenolirehabilitatedkuntoutettu.
- The Tyne estuaryTyne-jokisuuwas<empty>largelylaajaltirehabilitatedkunnostettiinand further work was planned for the Wear, but the Tees estuary needed urgent attention despite substantial industrial effluent reductions in the 1970s/80s.
- RajkRajkwas eventuallylopultarehabilitatedkuntoutettiinin 1956vuonna 1956.
- HeHänreturned to France in November 1944 andwas<empty>rehabilitatedkuntoutui, but was under some pressure to demonstrate his patriotism, including support for the empire.
- The successyousinunhave inrehabilitatingkuntoutuksessaChloe JoeChloe Joendepends on your sensitivity towards her and the infinite time an patience you are prepared to spend -- remember, one lapse of patience could set her back by weeks.
- All the better thatthe operationoperaatiorehabilitatedpalauttithe credibility of the police who'd been having a bad press in the early years of the decadeuskottavuuden poliisille, joka oli saanut huonoa julkisuutta vuosikymmenen alkuvuosina.
- HeHänetwas released in 1960 andrehabilitatedkuntoutettiinthree years laterkolme vuotta myöhemmin.
- Artists such as FalkTaiteilijat, kuten Falk(on whom Ehrenburg had modelled the character of the disinterested Saburov)were noteivätinstantlyvälittömästirehabilitatedkuntoutuneet, but it now became possible openly to admit that they existed.
- NORTHUMBERLAND:Roe deerMetsäkauriitare among the most difficult wild creatures forhumansihmistento succour andrehabilitatekuntouttaa.
rehabilitation.n 🔎
- Yet, until very recently,the local health authoritypaikallinen terveysviranomainenmade no attempt to provide any kind ofrehabilitationkuntoutustafor their former patiententiselle potilaalleen.
- In discussing the implications of their study, Rowe and Lambert say `rehabilitationkuntoutusfor children in long-term carelasten pitkäaikainenis still for the most part a slogan rather than a reality ``.
- It was widely known, however, that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage inthe country'smaanrehabilitationpalauttamiseenfrom the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacrediplomaattisesta eristyksestä, joka oli seurannut Tiananmenin aukion joukkomurhaa.
rehabilitative.a 🔎
- The NHS, through its preventive, curative, andrehabilitativekuntouttavillaservicespalveluillaan, reduces premature death and disability and improves people's ability to function.
- She went on to add that distance from home and family precluded the use ofrehabilitativekuntouttavienmeasurestoimenpiteidenavailable to boys and that the lack of any alternative facilities for girl offenders added to the strain of the institution.
- Instead, there will be a room forrehabilitativekuntouttavallephysical therapyfysioterapialle.
remedy.n 🔎
- His own knowledge of dissection also paid dividends, allowing him to concoctremediesparannuskeinojaagainst rheumatismreumatismiinmade from the fat of his hanged victims.
- Ground elder is said to have been brought to Britain by the Romans as aremedyparannuskeinonafor goutkihtiinand has plagued us ever since.
- AntihistaminesAntihistamiinitbecame populartulivat suosituiksiremediesparannuskeinoiksifor motion sicknessmatkapahoinvointiin, and a search, only marginally successful, began for effective compounds which did not cause drowsiness.
- Ray Talbot'sremedyparannuskeinonaisa ten-minute dip in a salt bath (11 gallons of water to one kilo of salt, with aeration) during which time he breaks open the lesions with his thumbnailupotus suolakylpyyn (11 gallonaa vettä yhteen kiloon suolaa, tuuletuksella) kymmeneksi minuutiksi, jonka aikana hän avaa vammat peukalonkynnellään.
- Howard had tried all the proprietaryathlete's footjalkasilsaanremediesparannuskeinot, but found they were only partially effective; the infection would always return with a vengeance within a few days of discontinuing with the ointment or powder.
- Golden Orfe are very sensitive to the addition of certaindiseasesairauteenremediesparannuskeinoja, and all of the Orfe in a pond can easily be lost following careless treatment.
- I feel I can't keep dosing the tank withfinrotevärutto-remedylääkkeellä.
- Do not use theparasiteloishäätö-remedieslääkkeitäDipterex or MaotenDipterex tai Maoten-- these were banned last year.
- Theinjuryvammanremedieshoitokeinoilla,such as arnicakuten arnikilla,have easy and specific indications.
- It had become clear to the garrison that not only didthe doctorslääkäritsometimes apply differentremedieshoitokeinojato the same illnesssamaan sairauteen, in certain cases these remedies were diametrically opposed to each other.
- Theremedyparannuskeinonaof using tough policingtiukan valvonnan käyttöis merely tackling the symptoms of the disorder, and is liable to exacerbate the underlying malaise.
- He then complemented these observations by giving the appropriateremedyhoitoato patients who displayed similar symptoms and signs, and found that he had discovered a therapeutic tool eminently superior to any in use at that time.
- He then instructedWallisWallisinto take aherbalyrtti-remedyhoitonaof red sage leavespunasalvian lehtiäfor twelve days after which time he would be cured.
- She said homeopathy had come full circle now and it was quite the in-thing to be treated byherbalyrtti-remedieshoidoilla.
- `When my kids have colds I put ahomeopathichomeopaattistaremedylääkettäcalled Olbas Oilnimeltä Olbas Oilon their chests and pillows when they go to bed.
- There seems to be no doubt that an increasing number of people are usinghomoeopathichomeopaattisiaremedieshoitokeinojato treat their animals and finding that they produce good result.
- They have providedremediesparannuskeinojafor the treatment of some kinds of insanityjonkinlaisten mielenvikaisuuksien hoitoon, and some of them alter conscious experience in ways which are of great philosophical interest.
- These are likely to be of great importance when prescribing theremedyhoitoafor a patientpotilaalle.
- Theremediesparannuskeinotused to treat sick peoplesairaiden ihmisten hoitoon käytettävätare actually capable of producing similar symptoms and diseases to those present in the patient needing that remedy.
- SepiaSeepiais aonremedyhoitokeino,which has a symptom picture of tiredness, weakness and a dragging down sensation, and often an actual prolapse.
resuscitate.v 🔎
- Theresuscitatedelvytetytpatientspotilaatoften speak of a great sense of disappointment and loss on waking.
- PC Edward Walls was commended forhishän3n`professional and caring ``although unsuccessful effortsto<empty>resuscitateelvyttääan elderly heart attack victimiäkästä sydänkohtauksen uhrialast Novemberviime marraskuussaat BlackhallBlackhallissa.
- The injured included a 24-year-old woman whoLoukkaantuneiden joukossa oli 24-vuotias nainen, jotahadto be<empty>resuscitatedelvyttääfrom a heart attacksydänkohtauksen vuoksi,as she was being flown to hospital by helicopterkun häntä lennätettiin sairaalaan helikopterilla.
- A judo class (see page 121) is the perfect place:the teacheropettajacan come to your aid and evenresuscitateelvyttääyousinuaif things go wrong.
- The episodes can happen at any time andnurses at the Countess of Chester Hospital, where she is a patient,sairaanhoitajilla Countess of Chesterin sairaalassa, jossa hän on potilaana,have a matter of minutesto<empty>resuscitateelvyttääLeahLeahthrough a tube inserted into her neckhänen kaulaansa asetetun putken kautta.
- In the early 1950s an effective method ofresuscitatingelvyttäänewborn babies who did not breathevastasyntyneitä vauvoja, jotka eivät hengittäneetwas not known.
- PC Edward WallsPoliisikonstaapeli Edward Wallsspent 20 minutes tryingto<empty>resuscitateelvyttääa 71-year-old heart attack victim71-vuotiasta sydänkohtauksen uhriaat a Remembrance Day parade in Blackhall, Consettkaatuneitten muistopäivän paraatissa Blackhallissa, Consettissa.
- An ambulance crewAmbulanssihenkilöstötriedto<empty>resuscitateelvyttäähimhäntäbefore taking him to Arrowe Park Hospital where he died soon afterwardsennen hänen viemistään Arrowe Parkin sairaalaan, jossa hän kuoli pian sen jälkeen.
- The examples commonly cited are whether antibiotics must be administered if the patient contracts pneumonia, or whetherthe patientpotilastamust betäytyyköresuscitatedelvyttää,if he suffers heart failure.
- Some victimsJoitakin uhrejawere<empty>resuscitatedelvytettiinafter being hangedhirttämisen jälkeen, others reprieved and pardoned after mishaps with faulty traps or frayed ropes.
- This year's £1.3 million advertising campaign featuresa young girlnuori tyttöbeing<empty>resuscitatedelvytettävänäafter a car accident involving a drink driverauto-onnettomuuden rattijuopon kanssa jälkeen.
therapeutic.a 🔎
- Othertherapeuticlääkinnällisiinagentsaineisiinwell known to adversely affect serum lipid levels include oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives, androgens, and moderate dosage of corticosteroid therapy.
- In addition, improvedtherapeuticlääkinnällisiäagentsaineitawith more specific and controlled effects on platelet metabolism may be developed allowing more effective intervention.
- In the course of trying to identifytherapeuticlääkinnällisiäagentsaineitafor this disease two recent studies have shown benefit with bismuth preparations.
- McKeown and Lowe arranged the main influences responsible for falling mortality in descending order of importance as a rising standard of living, improved hygiene, and specific preventive andtherapeutichoidollisetmeasurestoimenpiteet.
- Under these circumstances it would not be medically appropriate to intervene withintensiveintensiivisillätherapeutichoidollisillameasurestoimenpiteillä,such as artificial ventilation if [J.] were to suffer a life-threatening event.
- Invest urgently intherapeuticterapeuttisiintreatmenthoito-services for abused and neglected children, including, for example, vulnerable children who have suffered abuse in residential care.
- Longterm full dose ursodeoxycholic acid treatment, however, is expensive and we reasoned that by giving one third of the fulltherapeuticlääkinnällisestädoseannoksesta, the cost of maintenance treatment would be acceptable.
- He says that theanimalseläimetareovattherapeuticterapeuttisiafor children and adults alikeniin lapsille kuin aikuisillekin.
- But whether it'sontherapeuticterapeuttistafor the readerlukijalleis not for me to say.
- TherapeuticTerapeuttinencounsellingneuvontafor long-term problems -- these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
- CleaningSiivoaminen'squitemelkotherapeuticterapeuttistasometimes though, isn't it?
therapist.n 🔎
- Everytherapistterapeuttiof emotional painemotionaalisen kivun, no matter their particular style, sees the discharge of feeling through tears as a positive and healing experience.
- Liz andherhänentherapistterapeuttinsaarranged to meet initially three rimes and then decide whether further contact was necessary.
- They are also supported by psychiatric, social work and child care consultants, with further therapeutic care provided by a qualifiedarttaide-therapistterapeutilta.
- Anne Hooper, counsellor,sexseksuaali-therapistterapeutti, author and mother, offers her help and advice.
- Sex manuals andsexseksuaali-therapiststerapeutitsoon flooded the market to help people make the grade.
- She says working as ashiatsushiatsu-therapisthoitajanais also risky because the treatment is expensive and people are not always willing to pay when money is short.
- Liz came back accompanied by her parents, but wanting to speak to thetherapistterapeutilleon her own first.
- She was acting on the advice ofherhänentherapistterapeuttinsain speaking thus.
- Therefore, thetherapistterapeuttisuggested she should stop this medication.
- I went for my first visit to thetherapistterapeutillefeeling panicky, nervous, hopeful and depressed.
- I went to seemyminuntherapistterapeuttianiand he kept talking about the bank manager.
- In New York if you don't get threatened occasionally you go see atherapistterapeuttiaand ask him why you have no charisma.
therapy.n 🔎
- People with AIDS or HIV infection can expect progress intherapyhoidostaagainst HIV and the conditions found in AIDSHIV:tä ja havaittua AIDS:in tilaa vastaan-- anti-viral drugs like Zidovudine are in use.
- Thus,therapyhoitofor a particular ailmenttietyn sairaudenmay specifically be excluded from a policy, whilst surgery would be covered.
- The drugLääkeis a well tolerated and suitableon hyvin siedetty ja soveltuvatherapyhoitofor a large number of systemic infectionssuureen määrään systeemisiä infektioita.
- PetsLemmikkieläimetare very importantovat hyvin tärkeätherapyhoitokeinofor old peoplevanhoille ihmisilleand usually get on very well in a Home.
- Two patients were taking antihypertensive drugs (one captopril and frusemide and the other methyldopa), one of whom had impaired renal function and had requiredlaserlaser-therapyhoitoafor retinopathyretinopatiaan.
- Survivors of sudden cardiac death: a rational approach to evaluation andtherapyhoitoof patients surviving ventricular fibrillationkammiovärinästä selviytyneiden potilaiden.
- Such altered viruses can transduce non-replicating cells, including differentiated epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and elsewhere, and this has made them the chosen vectors forgeneticgeeni-therapyhoitoonof cystic fibrosiskystisen fibroosin.
- MyMinuntherapyterapianiwith Dr Gyggletohtori Gygglen kanssahad continued and now entered a new phase.
- In one, experimentaltherapyhoitoawith interleukin IIinterleukiini II:llawas attempted without success.
- Proponents of the Human Genome Project imagine great progress in diagnosis of diseases and intheirniidentherapyhoidossa.
- You can keep them and yourarttaide-therapyterapiasi.
- In fact, the quackcancersyöpä-therapyhoitolaetrilelaetriili-is nothing more than apricot kernels, and although high-sounding claims were made for the effects of nature's cyanide on rampant cells, laetrile has proved useless.
- Hormone replacementHormonikorvaus-therapyhoito(HRT) is effective in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal bone loss.
- Since startingtherapyterapianIminäfind that I'm behaving much more honestly with friends and colleagues.
- The generally disappointing effects ofconventional drugperinteisessä lääke-therapyhoidossain mild hypertensionlievästi kohonneen verenpaineenhave resulted in revived interest in non-pharmacological means of lowering blood pressure.
- `SheHänhasplayleikki-therapyterapiaaat Moston Lodge and she can paint little pictures.
- Emergency portosystemic shuntingKiireellistä portosysteemistä shunttiais still recommended by some centres as the most effectivetherapyhoitonafor bleedingverenvuotoon,while others prefer staple gun transection of the oesophagus which is the safer technique for the less experienced surgeon.
- Eight patientsKahdeksaa potilastawere studied in detail and were given supervisedexerciseliikunta-therapyterapiaa.
- Only 12 of32 patients referred with rectal or rectosigmoid cancer who32 potilaasta, joilla oli peräsuoli- tai paksusuolisyöpä ja jotkareceivedlaserlaser-therapyhoitoaduring the 18 month period were entered into this study.
- She received an 11-day course of empiricalantibioticantibiootti-therapyhoitoaand was discharged.
- This was treated with sliding-scaleinsulininsuliini-therapyhoidolla.
- SheHänattempted suicide in 1953, after undergoingelectroconvulsivesähkösokki-therapyhoidon.
- Twice a week for eighteen months,Anna HuddAnna Huddunderwentdruglääke-therapyhoitoafor cancer of the lymph glands.
- Medicaltherapyhoitoof diarrhoearipuliincaused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.
treat.v 🔎
- We know thatwemecan use human tissue from aborted foetusesto<empty>treathoitamiseenParkinson ``s disease and probably Alzheimer'sParkinsonin taudin ja todennäköisesti Alzheimerin.
- All had two or moreclose relatives wholäheistä sukulaista, joidenhad beenolitreatedhoidettufor the diseasesairautta.
- If thedoctorlääkäridesiresto<empty>treathoitaathe patientpotilasta, he is often in a strong position to persuade such a relative to concur.
- HeHäntreatedhoitievery patientjokaista potilastawith the same love and caresamalla rakkaudella ja huolenpidolla, and so, as I discovered very quickly, he was worshipped by the islanders.
- WeMedecidedto<empty>treathoitaathe patientpotilastawith combination chemotherapyyhdistelmäkemoterapialla{{{1}}}
- The Reiki practitionerReikin harjoittajatreatshoitaathe patientpotilastaby laying their hands gently onto the bodyasettamalla kätensä hellävaraisesti vartalolle.
- A NEW health card is to be launched in Cheshire with the aim of helpingdoctors and paramedicslääkäreitä ja ensihoitajiato<empty>treathoitamaana patientpotilastamore quicklynopeamminin an emergency.
- WeMeusedto<empty>treathoitaaour coral cutskorallin viiltojawith iodinejodilla, unaware that the coral polyps which had entered the wounds normally thrived on iodine which they extracted from seawater -- and were now extracting from our blood.
- The injection is not a conventional vaccine asitsetreatshoitaathe infectiontulehdustarather than being used as a preventive measure.
- `No doctorKetään lääkäriäcan be requiredto<empty>treathoitamaana childlasta, whether by the court in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction, by the parents, by the child or anyone else.
- Nowhehänwas doing the job he was trained for,treatinghoitaenreal patientsoikeita potilaita.
- First, they were treating babies as adults, that is to say, by a direct attack on the origin of disease with no distraction being permittedto<empty>treathoitamiseensymptomsoireiden.
- Each of the four types of illnesskutakin neljästä sairaustyypistäwas<empty>treatedhoitivatdifferentlyby the villagersKyläläiset.
- Twenty patients with chronic pancreatitis and signs of biliary obstructionKahtakymmentä potilasta, joilla oli krooninen haimatulehdus ja merkkejä sappitukkeumasta,were<empty>treatedhoidettiinby endoscopic placement of self expandable metal mesh stentsendoskooppisella itselaajentuvien metalliverkkostenttien asennuksella, and followed up prospectively.
- A disabled teenager whoVammaiselle teini-ikäiselle, jota's being<empty>treatedhoitaaby a Russian physiotherapistvenäläinen fysioterapeutti,has been told his trainer must go home because his visa has run out.
- Mr Sommerville saidNinham's conditionNinhamin tilaacould bevoitaisiintreatedhoitaaby drugslääkkeillä.
- Four people aboard the yachtNeljä ihmistä aluksellawere thrown from their bunks, andwere<empty>treatedhoidettiinin hospitalfor cuts and shockviiltoja ja iskuja.
- Most clinicsValtaosa klinikoista, jotkatreatinghoitavatfertility problemshedelmällisyysongelmia,expect nurses to be the counsellor.
- The health services will know ofpeopleihmisistä, joidentreatedhoidettiin,for psychiatric illnessespsykiatrisia sairauksiaand a follow-up service or routine visit from community nurses should be able to recognise obviously unsatisfactory living circumstances.
- An 18 year old girl18-vuotias tyttötreatedhoidettufor five yearsViisi vuottawith a lazative containing danthronedantronia sisältävällä laksatiivilladied from a leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine.
- Folkman discovered thattumours in rabbits' earskasvaimet kanin korvissatreatedhoidetutwith protamineprotamiinillagrew much slower than untreated tumours.
- A doctor whoLääkäri, jokatreatshoitaawithout consent may be guilty of a battery on the patient.
- In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in18 patients over the age of 50 whom18 yli 50-vuotiaalla potilaalla, joitawemehaveolemmetreatedhoitaneetin the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients.
- More recently, platelet-aggregation responses have been studied indiabeticsdiabeetikoillatreatedhoidetuillawith CS11 or the artificial pancreasCS11:lla tai tekohaimalla.
- Whentreatedhoidetaanearly,most peoplevaltaosa ihmisistärecover.
- Of the remaining 166 patients,136136:ttawere<empty>successfullyonnistuneestitreatedhoidettiinpharmacologicallyfarmakologisesti.
treatment.n 🔎
- If there is any infestation at all, you can be certain that there is more undetected, and thattreatmenthoitoby a specialist firmasiantuntijayrityksenwill be essential.
- Indeed, many forms oftreatmenthoidonby hypnosishypnoosi-do not call for the patient to utter a word.
- The Community Dental Service is required to provide clinical dental care for those patients refuseddentalhammas-treatmenthoidostaby a general dental practitioneryleishammaslääkärin.
- Skilledtreatmenthoitofor the hemiplegic patienttoispuolihalvaantuneen potilaanis very specialized, and there is no viable substitute for it.
- There is some hope that the research will come up with atreatmenthoitokeinonfor AIDSAIDSiin.
- `I'm still stiff and sore andIminä'm receivingtreatmenthoitoafor an injured shouldervammautuneeseen olkapäähän``he said.
- The taxi was driven byMichael Allenby, 32, from Darlington, whoMichael Allenby, 32, Darlingtonista, jokaunderwenttreatmenthoitoafor whiplash injuriesniskanretkahdusvammoihin.
- ALTERNATIVE medicine practitioners were accused by the Royal College of Physicians yesterday of making false and misleading claims fortheirheidäntreatmentshoidoistaanof allergiesallergia-by unorthodox methodsepäsovinnaisin menetelmin.
- This may suggest that thetreatmenthoitoof pancreatitishaimatulehduksenhas improved.
- They are all more aggressive thantreatmenthoitowith laserlaser-and carry a higher risk of complications and only cryotherapy can be performed without general anaesthesia.
- The fame ofhishänentreatmenthoitonsaspread, bringing four hundred visitors or so a year to swell the local income.
- Duringherhänentreatmenthoitonsa, Christine was taking these jelly like capsules.
- Every morning I drove him to the hospital, waited forhishänenX-rayröntgen-treatmentkuvaustaan, drove him home again and helped him to bed.
- Many previous studies have sought risk factors retrospectively in the context of trials designed primarily to detect a difference betweenantiulcermahahaava-treatmentshoitojen.
- She felt she could still continue to improve, soshehändecided to have further specialistphysiotherapyfysioterapia-treatmenthoitoaprivately, under her medical insurance scheme.
- The most effectivetreatmenthoitokeinobefore 1960 for severe and disabling depression waselectro-convulsion therapysähkösokkihoito.
- After 5 months ofchemotherapykemoterapia-treatmenthoitoalike this, the tumours shrank.
- CurbishleyCurbishleyis still receivingtreatmenthoitoaafter having two weeks complete rest and could run in the Stockton district schools championships at the Cleveland County Stadium on Thursday.