amphora.n 🔎
- TheNorthamptonNorthampton-amphoraamfora, the best vase in the sale, made a record price of £190,000.
- Nor were the paintings on theamphoraamforassaof a kind any museum would dare put on display.
- Quite often a slave would change hands for anamphoraamforastaof wineviini-, so keen was their taste for strong beverages.
- As the title of Philippa's selection of ceramic pieces suggests, many of them hark back even further in time to emulate two-handled, terracotta, Greekamphoraeamforiaor wine jars with their cone-pointed bases.
ashtray.n 🔎
- Frau Nordern tapped ash from another cigarette intoherhänenashtraytuhkakuppiinsa.
- Someone had been makingclaysavisiaashtraystuhkakuppejaand abstract plant pots.
- rolling on my faces like amarblemarmori-ashtraytuhkakuppiin.
- A pile of peanut husks overflows theashtraytuhkakupista.
- “ Slade Alive ”, what a brilliant album! ” gleams Gordon as he digs in early-'70s' vinyl from behind a mound ofElvisElvis-ashtraystuhkakuppeja.
- There was atintina-ashtraytuhkakuppion the bedside tableyöpöydälläand a framed photograph of two men in bathing costumes, linking arms on a pebbled beach.
- An old straight-sidedglasslasi-ashtraytuhkakuppifitted the bill.
- He found a large map of North-East Africa and unrolled it, placingglasslasisetashtraystuhkakupiton the cornersnurkkiin.
- Bragg paused, and knocked out his pipe in the bigglasslasiseenashtraytuhkakuppiin.
- Yes, that's one of the blessing of people not parking so much down the road now, they don't empty outtheirheidänashtraystuhkakuppejaanand their junk from time to time.
- He put twoashtraystuhkakuppiafull of smouldering butts either side of the field of combat, and sprinkled a few drops of fuel from his lighter on each.
backpack.n 🔎
- As he was putting their luggage into the book, the girl came out of the hotel carryingher<empty>backpackhänen.
- `He showed up wearing only abackpackreppuand a devilish smirk, ``a spokesman said.
- Ace extracted a black cylinder from herbackpackrepustaan.
- We had agreed not to talk about fitting-out problems and we lay in the sun drinking from the bottle Iain had humped up inhishänenbackpackrepustaan.
bag.n 🔎
- I ran a fragrant bath throughmuslinmusliini-bagspusseistaof mint and lavenderminttua ja laventelia sisältävistäand flung my clothes onto a chair eager to get in.
- Above him hung acellophanesellofaani-bagpussillinenof yellowy liquidkellertävää nestettä, a tube carrying that vital plasma into his arm, somewhere below the lower extent of his field of vision.
- He also handed himhishänenbaglaukkunsaof toolstyökalu-and said, `You'll be wanting these, before you go.
- The old man went on his way, and I putmyminunbagkassinion a supermarket trolley and wheeled it off to look for Mr Coary.
- He dumpedhishänenovernightyöpymis-bagkassinsawith mine and I went out to tell the driver we were just coming.
- They scrabbled atherhänenbagkassiaan.
- As she passed the new coupleherhänenbeachranta-bagkassinsacaught the Factor 15 and knocked it off the table.
- But even as she was unslingingherhänencanvaspurjekankaistabagkassiaan, so the group moved off to the lifts again.
- Tied loosely around the strap ofherhänenshoulderolka-baglaukkunsawas a navy and yellow scarf.
- He zipped uphishänentooltyökalu-baglaukkunsaand hobbled away before Endill had the chance to reply.
- I contemplate the thought of days spent looking along the length ofTony'sTonyntripodjalusta-baglaukkua.
- It's handy to have ababy changingvauvan hoito-baglaukkupacked and ready to go with the nappies, wipes and anything else you'll need.
- `He had wanted to be a doctor since he asked for amedicallääkärinbaglaukkuafor Christmas when he was six-years-old.
- Meekly, Tim repacked thebagskassitas Oliver stood over him.
- He was clutchinghishänencarriermuovi-bagskasseihinsaand he seemed no different from usual; in fact he wasn't even looking at them.
- She swung the boot cover up and reached inside for the twocarriermuovi-bagskassilliseenof suppliestarvikkeita.
- With heaving stomach, Kelly had gone to the kitchen, tipped the burnt remains of her cat into aplasticmuovi-bagpussiinand took it downstairs to bury it in the garden.
- I snagged theplasticmuovi-bagpussin, water got in, soaked my socks and the outside froze.
- Do not come to an interview encumbered with a lot of clutter like parcels, scarves, largeshoppingostos-bagskasseja, and shoulder bags, which make you look burdened down.
- Theshoppingostos-bagkassilay on the pavement, bright oranges rolling to rest in the gutter.
- Further into town, there were more people, many carrying whiteplasticmuovi-bagspusseja, clearly filled with booty from looting expeditions.
- Miss Logan carried a smallbagpussiaof lemonssitruuna-, which had also been advised.
- Underneath these things were some papers tied up inside a cloth, and abagkassillinenof gold coinskultakolikoita.
barrel.n 🔎
- I drank two of theirbarrelstynnyreistäänof wineviini-, and was still thirsty, because that was only half a litre.
- He skirted the heaps of chippings andbarrelstynnyreitäof tarterva-left by the workmen repairing the paths.
- In 1980 the protesters even took the daring step of erecting a scaffolding tower across the path of the train carryingwastejäte-barrelstynnyreitäon their way to the docks.
- The Mayor looked highly delighted as Captain Pugwash, still clutchinghishänenbrandybrandy-barreltynnyriään, ushered his captives, their guards and his crew into the room.
- Boswell observes that when the clans were disarmed after Culloden, they used the old broadsword as covers fortheirheidänbuttermilkkirnupiimä-barrelstynnyreissään: `a kind of change, ``he says, `like beating spears into pruning-hooks; swords turned sadly into ploughshares.
- Outside, standing on abeerolut-barreltynnyrissä, a member of the ward watch rang a hand bell which tolled like a death knell through the noisy clamour of the place.
- That was where the draymen rolled greatsteelteräs-barrelstynnyreitä, and it was held up only by bolts.
- Oil prices would spike in a short war, but quickly fall back to perhaps $20 abarreltynnyriltä.
- Moses Mossop was regularly at work making and mendingwoodenpuu-barrelstynnyreitä.
- At top-flight level they use newoaktammi-barrelstynnyreitäto age the juicy ripe grapes from low-yielding vineyards, and the resulting wines cost between £12 and £25 a bottle.
- Otherwise, they are made from similar grapes, matured in the same sort ofoaktammi-barrelstynnyreissäand aged for just as long before release.
- Crude oil prices continued to rise, passing US$40 perbarreltynnyriltäon Sept. 24 and exceeding the previous peak levels of 1980.
- Paul was an apprentice electrician at Watneys brewery in Mortlake so he brought somebarrelstynnyreitäof beerolut-along and we set up a proper bar.
- Abarreltynnyriof oilöljy-costs Poland so many dollars regardless of the zloty's exchange rate.
- To date, some 3,300,000barrelstynnyriäof Panuke oilPanuke-öljyähave been produced and sold to markets in Canada and the US.
basin.n 🔎
- Thebasinallasin the cornernurkassawas also very clean.
- He finished mopping then carried the towel to thebasinaltaaseenin the cornernurkassa olevaanand dropped it in.
- Unknown to them, they had exposed the clay lining the bottom of thebasinallastaof liquid peatnestemäisen turpeen.
- Heat the water in a pan on the stove and place abasinvation top instead of the lid.
- The outer room contained twowash-handkäsienpesu-basinsallastawith a paper towel dispenser and, to the left of the door, a long Formica-covered counter with a glass above it which apparently served as a dressing-table.
- In The Love of Jeanne Ney, Pabst used real-life detail such as broken mirrors andironrauta-basinsaltaita.
- It keeps baths,basinsaltaatand taps sparkling clean and prevents costly limescale build-up in shower heads, water pipes and hot water cylinders.
- Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from thehandkäsienpesu-basinaltaaltain her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning.
- Separated from the main living area are a toilet, shower, andwashpesu-basinallas.
- The problem was to get hot water to thewashpesu-basinaltaaseen.
- Fill thewashpesu-basinallaswith lukewarm water and rinse the seaweed repeatedly.
- Spoon the pudding into thebasinvuokaan.
- She came out bearing abasinvatia,of watervesi-in which a cloth and a bar of soap floated.
- And there's abasinmaljaof holy waterpyhää vettä.
basket.n 🔎
- The Mark Wilkinson team will then install custom-madewovenkudottujavegetablevihannes-basketskorejain that space.
- He had awiremetallilanka-basketkoriin his left hand, in which he had placed two tins of pineapple cubes.
- I have seen poultry and rabbits and largebasketskorejaof butter and eggsvoita ja muniasharing seats down to Barnard Castle.
- Then she opened the bread drawer of the dresser, took out the bread knife and the ovalbasketkorinof plaited strawpalmikoidun olki-with its red check cotton lining.
- At the same time he gave alms with his own hand to the poor from abasketkoristaof coinskolikko-placed by his side.
- Thecanerottinki-basketkorion the handlebars of her bicycle was always full on leaving the house and full again with things from her mother's house when she came back.
- Chrome accessories include fashionable bar rails, 2-tiervegetablevihannes-basketskoriton roller runners, a bottle rack, a cup rack and a 3-tier spice rack.
- Cornelius plucked an apple from abasketkoristaon the low counter.
- Alternatively, you could fill thebasketkorinwith his favourite foods or toiletries.
- Hangingbasketskoritwith bright geraniumskirkkaat pelargonia-decorated the higher balconies and the courtyard had been turned into a spectacular garden, tubs of potted plants adorning the old paving.
- A smalldogkoiran-basketkoristood near the hearth.
- Villagers in North Skelton are to get lessons on how to hangflowerkukka-basketskoreja.
- Honeymooners receive complementary bottle of champagne,fruithedelmä-basketkorinand room upgrade (subject to availability).
- Instead of giving your mum chocolates (or cake as they did in those days), you could treat her to a specialmelonmeloni-basketkorin, which can be prepared the day before.
- Catching them was a simple procedure of setting up awire-mesh peatrautaverkosta tehdyn turve-basketkorin, held up at one side by a stick, with a string attached which led in through the window.
- Holly sweating, Holly who was not trained and who had laid the envelope given him by Alan Millet on the top of thewiremetallisenrubbishroska-basketkorinbeside the bench on the Lenin hills.
- Thebasketkoriof provisionselintarvike-had hit the side of the ditch hard, and Mary, remembering the eggs, was almost afraid to look inside.
- Raynor had tipped abasketkorinof logshalko-on to the fire, and warmth and light were washing over the room.
- On October 29 1989, just as he did every Sunday, 17-year-old New Yorker Donald White trundledhis mother'säitinsälaundrypyykki-basketkorinto the local Wash-O-Rama.
- `I spend half my life changing beds, stuffing the washing machine and emptyingwastepaperjätepaperi-basketskoreja.
- WickerPajusta tehtyjenwaste paperjätepaperi-basketskorienand bathroom sponges are guaranteed to be disintegrated at an alarming rate if left in the open.
- Some build out of moss and leaves, some weave a hangingbasketkorinof grasses and twigsruohoista ja risuista, others play the part of the potter, mixing mud and water to build beneath the eaves of our homes.
- Thebasketskoritof fruithedelmä-behind the sink and hob were specially created to match the Villeroy & Boch china that the Mills have collected over the years.
beaker.n 🔎
- He hands her abeakerpikarillisenof champagnesamppanjaa.
- An Italian private buyer paid £11,536 for just onebeakerpikaristawith this design.
- She tookhishänenbeakerpikarinsaaway and placed it on the balcony wall.
- The highest price of £14,059 was bid by a Taiwan dealer for two 12 in-highwineviini-beakerspikareistadecorated with feathers (estimate £1,500 to £2,000), the ceramic decanters of the pre-refrigeration age.
- Bannen set down thebeakerpikarin.
- Drinking blackcurrant juice from aplasticmuovi-beakerlasista, her hair in a bob that looks as though she did it herself with kitchen scissors, she looks like a child.
- Mike filed his copy at quarter past four and went back to his desk andplasticmuovi-beakerlasillisenof stewed teahaudutettua teetäfeeling well satisfied.
- Ryker passed her once more, glancing at her, cradling aplasticmuovi-beakerlasillisenof teateetäin his hand.
- To his surprise, Molly threw away the dregs of tea inherhänenbeakerlasistaanand held it out for him to fill with the frothing liquor.
- In front of me in these threeglasslasi-beakersdekantterissaare samples of urine taken from three patients.
- The tube is then placed in abeakerdekantteriinof watervesi-.
- The male patient is asked to pass a little urine (perhaps the equivalent of two tablespoons) into oneglasslasi-beakerdekantteriinand then to pass more into a second beaker.
- For example, abeakerdekantterinof watervesi-may have a temperature of 50°C but it does not have heat.
bin.n 🔎
- Most charge a fixed fee for a basic service and, say, $1.35 for each extrabinpöntöstäof rubbishroska-.
- It consists of aplasticmuovi-binpönttöwith a lockable lid that will keep out flies, children and so onlukittavalla kannella, joka pitää poissa kärpäset, lapset jne.
- On the Tuesday night, when the staff of Alice Modes had put outtheirhänenbinspönttönsäand gone home, there'd obviously been two plastic legs in Jubilee Road.
- `Don't forget to putyoursinunbinpönttöäsiout today.
- This is now compulsory in many public areas, and specialdisposaljäte-binspönttöjäare provided for this purpose.
- On the attic floor thegrainvilja-binspöntötare still intact, along with the remains of sack trucks, leather shovels and so on, left by the last miller.
- Then he heard a noise, ametalmetalli-binpönttöbeing knocked over.
- He kicked himself when he discovered it behind two large metalwastejäte-binspönttöäfull of rubbish and old cardboard.
- Fellowes is giving each finalist a Fellowes P50 compact personal office shredder andwastepaperjätepaperi-binpöntön(£164), plus a range of computer accessories (£195).
- I think that's best, using abinpönttöä.
- Explain to your secretary what you are doing as you fill upthe wastejäte-binspönttöjä.
- Stuart turned to speak and was just in time to see the man snatch theplasticmuovi-binpöntönfrom the young assistant and run back towards the door.
- She went to thebreadleipä-binlaatikolleand seemed to be preparing to make herself a piece of toast.
- These damaging pests have found thatyoursinuncompostkomposti-binsäiliösiis a lovely place to hide and shelter.
- Fourcompostkomposti-binssäiliötäare maintained at various levels of decomposition.
- MICHAEL Caine's supersmart London caff, Langan's Brasserie, recently shelled out £2,000 towards two smart blackcast-ironvalurautaistalitterroska-binssäiliötä.
- A TIDY Britain Group `Bin it for Britain ``roadshow is set to visit Wrexham on Aug 2 to encourage 15 to 25 year olds to uselitterroska-binssäiliöitä.
- The deputy prime minister seemed oblivious throughout to the vivid backdrop of broken bicycle wheels and overflowingrubbishroska-binssäiliöistä.
- Helping the balance of payments could weigh more heavily on the scales of decision-making than this country's reputation as the universal nuclearrubbishroska-binpönttönä.
- The main block of the mill is practically empty but the older part now houses grainstoragesäilytys-binslaatikoita.
- Police have recently been receiving an increasing number of calls from householders reporting the theft of `wheelie binsroskapönttöjen``.
- A large, double bowl sink served by pressure hot and cold fresh water is set in the fiddles peninsula with atrashroska-binpönttöbeneath.
bottle.n 🔎
- The almost emptybottlepulloof Scotchviskiäwas in keeping with Moore, and so was one glass.
- There was the remains of a quart of cider in front of theaspirinaspiriini-bottlespullojenon the shelfhyllyllä.
- The athletes would pump uptheirheidäncompressed-airpaineilma-bottlespullonsathemselves, beforehand.
- Daisy took another swig out ofherhänenbottlepullostaan.
- `I'm just trying to get some perspective here, ``he said as I twisted the last coldness frommyminunbeerolut-bottlepullostani.
- Thewhiskyviski-bottlepullowas in full view.
- He wandered out into the kitchen and took a pint of milk from the fridge, supping straight from thebottlepullosta.
- I picked up thebottlepullonbeside mevieressäni olevanand took another long swig.
- He wanted an old-fashioned, grubby Place with old-fashionedglasslasi-bottlespullojain the windowikkunalla.
- I had my cape over my shoulder and amilkmaito-bottlepullo.
- Several residents have reported thattheirheidänmilkmaito-bottlespullonsahave been torn open by birds.
- A DOCTOR was fined £750 with £213 costs yesterday after a child visiting his surgery was left with severe internal burns when he drank from abottlepullosta,of acidhappo-that should have been locked away.
- This is decanted into acrystalkristalli-bottlepulloonand your initials etched into the glass stopper.
- To alleviate this the amount taken from thestockvarasto-bottlepullostais reduced to a level which creates no discomfort and the remedy is continued using that dosage routine until an increase in dose is appropriate §282.
- I threw awaymyminunbottlepulloniof beerolut-.
- Jack tried abottlepulloaof beerolut-.
- Miss Honey found a tray and on it she put two mugs, the teapot, the halfbottlepulloaof milkmaitoaand a plate with the two slices of bread.
- They all, except Ella, took a pull at astonekivisestäbottlepullostaof fierce whiskyviski-.
bowl.n 🔎
- I rinse thebowlkulhonin the sink.
- The centre-piece of the dining-room tablewas abowlmaljassaof electric light bulbssähkölamppuja.
- A MORNINGbowlkulhollisessaof mueslimysli-could contain as much fat as two fried eggs and four teaspoons of sugar, a report has warned.
- GoldenKultaisetbowlsmaljatof bloodveri-stand on a table within the circle.
- Between a dozen and 40 children some of whom have already breakfasted at home join teachers for a hotbowlkulholliselleof porridgepuuro-to start the day.
- There were green lawnmowers too, with coats of arms on the grassboxes; clumps of cane, tied with brown twine; rolls of wire-netting, and whiteenamelemali-bowlsmaljojawith blue lines round the rim.
- Sighing, Finn clearedhishänenporridgepuuro-bowlkulhonsawith astonishing quickness.
- The cake is based on shallow dome sponges, cleverly achieved by only part-filling pudding basins and amixingsekoitus-bowlkulhollisellawith cake mixture.
- He stood, kissed Fiona, picked up the box containinghishänensilverhopea-bowlmaljansaand waited for obedience from his sons, his daughter-in-law and his prospective biographer.
- We booted out the pews, the pulpit, the kneeling desks, had Burmese lacquer altar frontals, did away with the alms bags and their seasonal colours and used a monk'sbeggingkerjuu-bowlastiaainstead.
- I called, shouted, whistled and bangedhishänenfoodruoka-bowlkulhoaan.
- By eleven that morning she had installed herself as the cleaning dragon and there were twenty-sevenearthenwaresavi-bowlsastiaasoaking in a strong solution of bleach.
- Place the icing sugar, egg white and liquid glucose in another, larger,mixingsekoitus-bowlkulhoonand mix together.
- Trim off watercress stalks, rinse and place inservingtarjoilu-bowlastiaan.
- There were dates and a deliciousbowlkulhollinenof freshly made cottage cheesejuuri valmistettua raejuustoa.
- She turned away to get something out of the fridge, which turned outto be a<empty>glasslasi-bowlkulhoksifull of trifle.
- On one side there was the T.V. neatly boxed in and some little open compartments with things like framed photos and glass ornaments andfruithedelmä-bowlskulhojain them.
- Asoupkeitto-bowlkulhowith a flared rim can help prevent spillages.
- `I can tell, ``said Leonora, removingtheirheidänsoupkeitto-bowlskulhonsa.
- They finished filling thesugarsokeri-bowlsastioidenand Catriona left for the afternoon.
- He dropped his gaze from her face tohishänenemptybowlkulhoonsa.
- As if, in the blink of an eye, his being would turn to breath as the gods drew the scent sticks from theofferinguhri-bowlastiasta.
- Eddie rummaged in achinaposliini-bowlkulhoaof oddmentspikkutavaroita sisältävääon the mantelpiecetakanreunuksellaand handed Melissa a bright new key.
- Victorine tossed them into theplasticmuoviseenwastejäte-bowlastiaan,that stood by the side of the sink.
- Place the beans in amixingsekoitus-bowlkulhoon.
- Put egg yolks into a largebowlkulhoonand whisk lightly.
- We then had abowlkulhollinenof fruit saladhedelmäsalaattia, and there was change from the price of a glass of beer.
- I was fetching atintina-bowlastiallistaof watervettäfrom the tap in the yard when I heard Mum call out, `Katie, fetch me a bucket of slack before yer goo ter school.
- She had seen the littleplasticmuovi-bowlskulhollisiaof grey waterharmaata vettäat the back of the hot-dog stall in which the woman rinsed her horrible cloth; she knew what the lavatories in the park were like.
box.n 🔎
- He passed Edouard asilverhopea-boxrasian,in which cigarettes of kif mixed with tobacco were ready-rolled.
- She took out thetintina-boxrasiallisenof letterskirjeitäand carried it back with her into the kitchen.
- He noticed Willie looking at the blackboxrasiaaon the stooljakkaralla.
- He placed theboxrasianon the bed.
- I devised this one for asewingompelu-boxrasiastawith a 50mm deep lid.
- The conductor would send me round to the front withmyminunfishingkalastusboxpakkeineni, the driver would send me back to the conductor's end and so it went on.
- Land managers are being encouraged to manage woodlands in ways which will favour the dormouse, including introducingnestingpesä-boxespöntön.
- The idea of the bridge was to get anammoammus-boxrasianfrom one side of the bridge to the other.
- Turning, she hobbled back to her room as fast as she could and tookherhänenjewelkoru-boxrasiansaout of the drawer.
- He carried several parcels and aboxlaatikoitaof bottlespullo-.
- Ranulf was about to reply when Dame Agatha suddenly emerged, carrying a smallwoodenpuu-boxlaatikollistaof altar breadsehtoollisleipää, so they went across the green to reclaim their horses.
- A mewling sound from thecardboardpahvi-boxlaatikostaattracted his attention.
- He shrugged, put the cartridge back into theboxrasiaan, checked the gun and turned to look at me.
- Following the example of Blue Peter, they all make use of oldcheesejuusto-boxeslaatikoitaor the cardboard tube from the centre of toilet rolls etc.
- I am sitting by the side of a hospital bed watching Stewart trying to open aboxrasiaa,of chocolatessuklaa-that Sir has brought him from me, if you get it.
- My grandmother had a beautifulsatinsatiini-boxrasiawith flowers painted on the cover.
briefcase.n 🔎
- Handbag strapped over her shoulder,briefcasesalkkuin handkädessä, pleated skirt swinging above excellent legs, three-inch heels clacking briskly on the tiled floor, she marched along the corridor, didn't look back.
- Police in Kent are investigating the discovery of abriefcasesalkunof Army training materialarmeijan koulutusmateriaalia sisältävänfound dumped outside the Intelligence Corps at Ashford.
- He was armed with an archaeological book he had dug out of that bulgingbriefcasesalkustaanof hishänenand was on his hands and knees sifting through a pile of discarded bones.
- Ignoring the fluttering sensation of his calves, he walked slowly and stiffly towards the sofa wherehishänenbriefcasesalkkunsalay.
- I opened it out of curiosity more than anything and there, in between the high-heeled shoes, wasSal'sSalinexecutiveluksus-briefcasesalkku.
- Please would you tell the Brigadier that one-five-one is the combination that unlocks the right-hand latch of a blackcrocodilekrokotiilinnahka-briefcasesalkun.
- Wherever they went a box of Kleenex tissues lay in wait for Diana, and for Charles, a mysterious redbriefcasesalkku.
- She closed thebriefcasesalkun.
- He searched the room, went through Goodenache's suit pockets, his suitcase andbriefcasesalkun.
- Digby got to his feet,hishänenhalf closedbriefcasesalkkuunder his armkainalossaan, and managed to leave the platform without further incident.
- When invited to sit down take your time, make sure you are comfortable, placeyoursinunbag orbriefcasesalkkusicarefully by your side.
- He closed thebriefcasesalkunand his eyes narrowed.
- Peter took a copy of The Babylon Baby fromhishänenbriefcasesalkustaan.
- Ron slipped the mag intohishänenplasticmuovi-briefcasesalkkuunsa.
- His gloved hands fingered an oldleathernahka-briefcasesalkkua.
- After a moment's hesitation Pietro leaned his rolled umbrella andleathernahka-briefcasesalkkunsaagainst the desk and sat down.
- For example a salesman may operate with his ownbriefcasekannettavacomputer unit which he plugs in to the telephone system when he wants to obtain or transfer information.
- Our man with abriefcasesalkkualmost certainly drives a Volvo.
- Maxim openedhishänenbriefcasesalkkunsaon the desk.
- Picking up his heavyhidenahka-briefcasesalkkunsa, he swept out of the conference room.
- Each of the new graduates receives a sewing machine, a box of carpentry tools or abriefcasesalkunfull of pens and papertäynnä kyniä ja paperia.
- They all seemed to be much older and better qualified, clutchingbriefcasessalkkuihinsa,full of papersjotka ovat täynnä papereita, their minds crammed with intelligent questions designed to draw attention to themselves.
bucket.n 🔎
- Her owner rushed to bring her abucketämpärinof oatskaura-before she should become entangled in the fence once again.
- Bucketssaavitof beerOlut-circulate to encourage the men (the pubs are open all day) and the atmosphere is quite convivial by now.
- He brought her asilverhopea-bucketämpärillisenof ice cubesjääkuutioitawith the glimmer of a flourish.
- There are three buckets of long-hardened pitch, and ametalmetalli-bucketämpäriwith a hinged lid.
- Beneath each window were long encrusted brown stains, stretching to the ground, where the monks over the centuries had emptiedtheirheidänlatrinekäymälä-bucketsämpärinsä.
- Downstairs,champagnesamppanja-bucketsämpärisweated.
- The ground crew were waiting, armed with axes, pickhandles, fire-extinguishers, metal-cutters,bucketsämpäreilläof sandhiekka-.
- Some boys were bringing batteredwoodenpuu-bucketsämpäreitäup from the well and the occasional housewife emptied the slops from the night jars out into the middle of the street.
- A waiter wound through the tables towards them, bringing anicejääpala-bucketastianwith a bobbing bottlesekä pullonand two chilled glasses.
- Men who had emptied theirsloplika-bucketsämpärinsäwere returning to their cells.
- The man carried a mop and abucketämpärillistäof soapy disinfectantsaippuaista desinfiointiainettaand he was looking at Henry as if he'd crawled out from under a stone.
- Water was carried inleathernahka-bucketsämpäreissäfrom the spring along by the castle, a quarter of a mile down the track.
- I liked her from the moment I met her, and I well recall the occasion -- I had turned up at their place and she appeared in the yard from the shed carryingbucketsämpäreitäof milkmaito-.
can.n 🔎
- Most of thecanstölkeistäon the grocery shelves of supermarketssupermarkettien elintarvikehyllyilläare steel cans -- the ones that contain soup, baked beans, rice, and vegetables.
- There were twocanstölkkiäof beerolut-inside; she took one.
- I had to go round with acantölkinof milkmaito-!
- He bought her doughnuts andcanstölkkejäof Carlsberg SpecialCarlsberg Special -, and they picnicked on the pavement and he sang to her.
- He drinks fromhishänencantölkistäänand looks at me over the top of it.
- The Mayor with a local school girl, handingherhänenemptycanstölkkinsäover to Alcan mascot, Ali Can.
- Boys and girls from all over the UK will join Kristian for a day in London, and will discuss how best to encourage people to re-cycletheirheidänsteelteräs-canstölkkinsä.
- Beyond the garden was a fairly busy road, but all the passing drivers were wrapped up intheirheidäntintina-canspurkkeihinsa, insulated by Christmas drinks and trivial pursuits.
- And the manufacture ofaerosolaerosoli-canspurkkientakes considerable resources and energy.
- His lifeless body sunfished backwards, arms outflung, slammed into a display rack and crashed to the ground in a cascade ofoilöljy-canspurkkien.
- Breakfast came with tea inpetrolbensa-canskanisterissa.
- Bottle tops, silver paper andtintina-canspurkitare the last things you should throw away.
- As was customary a number of items such as galvanised baths,watervesi-canskannutand garden implements were hung on hooks outside, below the fascia.
- He saw Donald standing over him, acantölkkiof beanspapu-in his hand.
- Little Amaru looked down at the street and kicked acantölkkiäwith his red gumboots.
- `There are somecanstölkkiäof drinkjuoma-on the back seattakapenkilläif you're thirsty.
- Barefoot, she padded into her cramped kitchen and took acantölkinof Cokekola-from the refrigerator.
- AluminiumAlumiini-canstölkitare made from bauxite dug up in tropical forests.
- Recyclingaluminiumalumiini-canstölkkiennot only reduces litter, but saves energy as well.
- An appeal has been launched for oldaluminiumalumiinistendrinksjuoma-canstölkkiento raise cash for Manchester Children's Hospital.
- Terry Dicks, not so well known, was crushingbeerolut-canstölkkejäand tossing them in the direction of France.
- IT IS a revealing commentary about the state of the National Health Service that this year's Blue Peter charity appeal asks its viewers to collecttintina-canspurkitfor intensive care units for children.
- Throw away thecantölkkiimmediately or leave it until she had put his glass by the newspaper?
canister.n 🔎
- A simple solution is to use an oldfilmfilmi-canisterrasiaaand carry just a few hooks leaving the open box at home out of harm's way.
- A mixture of kerosene, petrol and heavy fuel oil was pumped from the shore through pipes, and ignited underwater bycanisterskanistereillaof calcium phosphoruskalsiumfosfori-.
- Detectives believe that Elizabeth managed to grab thecanisterkanisterin, but it was wrenched from her grasp.
- The tritium produced is held within the aluminium and released as gas after heating and then stored inmetalmetalli-canisterskanistereihin.
- Police, who foundpetrolbensa-canisterskanisteritnearby, suspect that the fire was the result of an arson attack on an Afro-Caribbean hairdressers situated on the ground floor.
- Deborah was protesting at having acanisterkanisteriof gasbensa-hung beneath the seat of her wheelchair.
- And the seams of thecanisterkanisterinare only designed to withstand a certain amount of pressure.
- Above the warehouse was the storeroom where there were shelves holding brightly colouredtintina-canistersrasioitadecorated with Indian and Chinese letters.
- Having made the appointment with the stranger, he asks casually: `And do you think you could bring acanisterpaketillisenof demerara sugarruskeaa sokeriawith you?
- Fire crews tackling the blaze were hampered by explodinggasbensa-canisterskanistereita.
canteen.n 🔎
- Juron squirtedhishänenwatervesi-canteenpullonsainto that arid gob again and again.
- I lay with my feet toward the open end of the tent, unfastenedmyminuncanteenvesipulloniand boiled what was left of a cabbage I had bought in Adrar.
- A miniature oak four-poster bed is £30 and asolid silverjämäkkä hopeinencanteenlaatikkoof cutleryruokailuväline-is £44.
- The sergeant noticed her movement, and came over with acanteenpulloof watervesi-, which he offered wordlessly, but with a kind look.
carafe.n 🔎
- I was expecting the usual French style of service, with an ice-bucket and acarafekarahvillistaof chilled waterjäähdytettyä vettä, and two glasses containing a small amount of Pernod at the bottom.
- 6 Thiswatervesi-carafekarahviis designed so the tumbler fits neatly on the top to form the lid.
- The customers reply never mind about lunch, they will drink acarafekarahvinof wineviini-and perhaps Madame has some bread and sausage?
- A largecarafekarahviof wineviini-was on their table and Andrée filled up Flavia's glass from time to time.
- Jamie shouted above the noise, holding up the emptycarafekarahvia, but before Loretta could answer, a waiter showed two more people to their table.
- As the woman returned with theircarafekarahviof wineviini-and their water, she proceeded to reel off in rapid Italian the various dishes of the day.
carryall.n 🔎
- She burrowed inherhänenequipmentvaruste-carryallkassiaan.
cart.n 🔎
- After he'd been coaxed out of thecartkärrystäin the yardpihalta, three serving women had carried him into the house.
- Christmastime, he used to go and get some wood, and he'd make engines, great big engines and …tip-upkieppi-cartvaununwith two wheelskahdella pyörällä.
- The man she had spellbound stayed behind; her enchantments had been pitted against an energetic opponent, who exulted when she left, cursing her as she trudged away pushing a smallcartkärryä,with her possessionsjossa säilytti omaisuuttaan.
- Despite the competition, four years later she was able to purchase awoodenpuu-cartkärrynwith small wheelspienillä pyörillä.
- While Gabriel was emptying thecartkärryäof all remaining rubbish, ready for painting, he found some of the parchment petitions.
- Another job was a drawer, pullingcartsvaunujaof coalhiili-.
- By law I can searchyoursinuncartkärrysiif I want.
- In the meantime he has to go back to the town on further business, but first his horse needs shoeing,hissencartkärrytneeds repairing and he needs food and shelter.
- The teacher and I preferred to walk, forbullockhärkä-cartsvaunuissahad no springs and the tracks were rough.
- She could drive thegolfgolf-cartkärryäand he could wait on tables.
- A man with a littletintina-cartkärryineenwas keeping our beautiful city clean, like it says on the posters, watched by the usual couple of loafers, one of them sitting on a fire hydrant.
- They were so different from the dustman's horses and those that pulled thewatervesi-cartsvaunuja.
- If you are lucky enough to have full length cupboards in the hallway, they can easily be reorganized to take china, cutlery, glass and linen and maybe even a trolley orservingtarjoilu-cartvaunun.
- El Balyana was a town of dirt streets full ofdonkeyaasi-cartsvaunujaand horse-drawn barouches.
- The people of the hamlet, sensing what destruction would follow the coming of these soldiers, were packing their few belongings into thefarmmaatilancartkärryyn.
- One picture shows children sharing a village street with scratching hens and ahorse-drawnhevosvetoistendeliveryjakelu-cartkärryjen.
- The honoured sacrifice was loaded onto abaggage-carryingmatkatavara-cartkärryynand pulled away for disposal.
- They shall load your weapons ontocartskärryihinand follow you.
carton.n 🔎
- When sixcartonsrasiaaof drugslääke-, bandages and serums were heaped on my study floor there was the business of finding out when and how they should be administered.
- They'd all got off the bus together; this one had gone into a truckers ``cafe for cigarettes and acartonpakettiof coffeekahvi-.
- Instead, there was a man of about her own age, no older, tidying up thecartonsrasioitaof fish foodkalanruoka-on a shelf behind the countertiskin takana olevalla hyllyllä.
- Place a few stones at the bottom of small flowerpots (oryoghurtjogurtti-cartonspurkkeihinwith a hole punched in the bottom).
- She took outherhänenthree-quarters-fullkolme neljäsosaa täytetyncartonrasiansa.
- Many companies, including John Lewis and Woolworths, use it for alltheirheidäncrackerkeksi-cartonspaketeissaan.
- Black and white or colour photographs should be sent together one of the specialPears SoapPears Soap -cartonspaketissa.
- He passed Rex astyrofoampolystyreeni-cartonrasianlabelled Old Shep Bar-B-Q.
- Chrissy, on the step beside her, was choosing which story she should read to him, and Annie was in the sandpit, trailing sand through her clenched fist into ayoghurtjogurtti-cartonpurkkiin.
- Wilkerson bent down and handed each one of us a bigice creamjäätelö-cartonrasian.
- When she got back to the bench she saw that she had knocked over one of the shopping bags when she had stood up and acartonkennoof eggskananmuna-had dropped to the ground.
- Two nuns liftedcartonslaatikkojaof grocerieselintarvike-into the back of their new Fiat van.
- Balancing the bulgingcardboardpahvi-cartonrasiaaon one knee he tried to kick the gate open with his boot, but the heavy rusty springs set behind the stile made it impossible.
- The WWF reported that some live animals are smuggled into and out of the country in oil drums, plastic bags and evencigarettesavuke-cartonsrasioissa.
- `And if you could see your way clear to buy me one of those little Scottish drummer-girl dolls in the transparentplasticmuovi-cartonskoteloissa.
- [See Fig. 1] (To get an idea of what a tetrahedron looks like in three dimensions, look at one of those awkwardly-shapedcardboardpahvistamilkmaito-cartonspurkkia.
- Forcartonsrasioissaof Kent cigarettesKent-savuke-and a few videos, it was always possible to circumvent the regulations limiting abortion to the victims of rape or incest, or life-threatening complications.
cartridge.n 🔎
- Looking further ahead, Mr Garnett has made provision for using refillableplasticmuovisiacartridgespatruunoitaof chemicalkemikaali-with his device.
- As the rebels, sword in hand, ran after the retreating cavalry, sonic of the royal infantry stood their ground and tried to take them in the flank but the heavy rain had left most oftheirheidäncartridgespanoksistaantoo damp to fire and the frustrated musketeers thereupon also took to their heels.
- This may be due to aprinttulostus-cartridgepatruunassaproblem
- The offender was equipped with a realistic replica pistol, which was capable of firingblankpaukku-cartridgespanoksia.
- They were stuffed full of rifle ormachine-gunkonekiväärincartridgespanoksilla.
- It may have a wider application with the advent of `pen ``syringes now available utilisingcartridgespatruunoitafor short-acting insulinlyhytvaikutuksisia insuliini-.
- So, imagining we would have problems with security, I turned round, dumped thecartridgespatruunatat Brookes'sBrooken luoand returned to the Palace.
- They look rather like a music CD but they are kept permanently inside smallplasticmuovi-cartridgespatruunoissafor protection.
- DisposableKertakäyttö-cartridgespatruunatare either pierceable or self-sealing.
- The Protec filters which can be built up by modules, feature brushes,foamvaahto-cartridgespatruunatand flocor.
- Somegamepeli-cartridgespatruunatnow cost as much as £65 and parents often end up shelling out as much as £160 for the cartridge and machine to play it on.
- The folding legs are swung out for action and the control valve (at the end of 12in flexible tubing is screwed onto thegaskaasu-cartridgepatruunaan.
- PierceableLävistettävätgaskaasu-cartridgespatruunatmust remain attached to the stove.
- On-screen guidelines are given for changing theinkmuste-cartridgepatruunan, which does 60 pages at a cost of around 2.5 pence each.
- One way of reducing ink costs is to refill thecartridgespatruuna-- I understand that most cartridges are refillable.
- The arsonists also buried 32shotgunhaulikoncartridgespatruunaain the pitch.
- One part of the duties of owning a laser printer is the task of replacing consumables -- thetonerväriaine-cartridgekasettiand photoconductor unit spring readily to mind at this point.
- Responsibility for the stocking and issue of computer disks, printer ribbons andlaser printer tonerlasertulostimen väriaine-cartridgeskaseteistawill be transferred to Stationery with effect from …
- TonerVäriaine-cartridgeskasetitand spares for IBM personal page printer.
- Luckily I had run off a faint quality copy (like this letter) to economise oninkmuste-cartridgepatruunoidenuse as cartridges £14 or so each.
case.n 🔎
- She had a satchel by her feet and aviolinviulu-casekoteloon her lapsylissään.
- The laughter still in his eyes, he putherhänencaselaukkunsaon the ottoman at the foot of the bed, turned and went out.
- She took a thick manila envelope fromherhänenattachéattasea-casesalkustaan.
- “MyMinunjewellerykoru-caserasianiand all its contents to my daughter Sabine ”.
- Has anyone pinchedmyMinunspectaclesilmälasi-casekoteloni?
- YourSinuntravelmatka-caselaukkusireminded me of it when we left the hotel.
- Both have a universalcarryingkanto-caselaukkuand charge capacity indicator.
- The processes of making pottery are demonstrated here, and the building complex includes an engine house and a saggar maker's shop, wherefireclaytulenkestävät savi-caseskotelotwere made for holding batches of pots during firing.
- We found a solitary gasolene pump and got the owner of it up from his couch of rags in a kennel-like shelter of tin andpackingpakkaus-caseslaatikoistathat rattled and moaned in the fitful wind.
- They are supplied complete with a multi recharger, battery pack, and hingedcarryingkanto-caselaukku.
- As well as asteelteräksinencarryingkanto-caselaukku, the drill comes with battery pack, charger, chuck key and a double-ended screwdriver bit.
- So that the searcher can go directly to whatever shelf orfilingmappi-casekotelois appropriate, the number may have to be complex.
- As it happened, I emerged a little late and I fear I rather startled the young gentleman, who immediately pulledhishänenattachéattasea-casesalkkunsaaway from me and clutched it to his chest with both arms.
- Charming, my dear! ``he muttered through closed teeth, throwinghishänenLouis Vuitton overnightLouis Vuitton -käsimatka-caselaukkunsaon to the sofa.
- A really solid blackplasticmuovi-casekotelowith a real key copy of the Spectrum's existing keyboard on the left and a 12-key numeric/editing keypad on the right.
- The early machines, the 1512 and the 1640, usedplasticmuovi-caseskotelotand a non-standard size.
- And that bug must have been inserted inmyminuncaselaukkuunibefore I left Helsinki -- without my knowledge.
- Now I've written on thepencilkynä-casekoteloon.
- Place thepastryleivos-casesvuoaton baking sheets.
- After removing the contents he closed the lid again and placed thecasekotelonon the floor beside his chair.
- Design: compact binoculars which unfold automatically when removed fromtheirheidäncarryingkanto-casekotelostaan.
- Manicure set in a blackleathernahka-casekotelossawith mock tortoiseshell handlestekokilpikonnankuorikahvoineen.
- Her husband Ian brought acaselaatikonof wineviini-and a box of glasses.
- Our makeshift seat had consisted ofcaseslaatikoistaof wineviini-while bottles of brandy were distributed liberally amongst the boys' bedding, none of which had been declared to us, of course.
- For half an hour he peered intoglasslasi-casesvitriineihincontaining macabre objects, and dusty corners where reposed cast-off surgical appliances, motorcycle helmets and pictures in broken frames.
- T-Shirt plus -- yes there's more! -- a corkin'cassettekasetti-casekotelossacontaining no less than TEN of our best-ever Megatapes!
- TheSpecimennäyte-Casekotelossa(1924) contains stories of both Kai Lung and Max Carrados, the main reason for which Bramah, emerging from his usual seclusion, explains in the preface.
- He sighs, takes out thecigarettesavuke-caserasianagain and holds it out to me.
cask.n 🔎
- Large, rottingcidersiideri-caskstynnyritin a derelict part of the mill bear silent witness to this now forgotten trade.
- Her engagement present was hardly internationalist or fashionable: two dead fish, sixcaskstynnyriäof sakesakea, some silk for a kimono.
- Our head rails were washed away andourmeidänwatervesi-caskstynnyrimmedrove en masse from side to midships.
- Permoid of Aycliffe, Britain's largest manufacturer of famoussteelteräksistenbeerolut-caskstynnyrienhas just launched a new half a million pound production line in a bid to attract sales from Germany.
- Then the pulp was crushed to extract the juice, and the liquid was left for up to three months to ferment before being transferred tocaskstynnyreihinfor maturingkypsytys-.
- Revealing, among other things, three large man-sizedcaskstynnyriäon deckkannella, upended, with lids.
- After filling thecaskstynnyritare bunged before delivery to the pubs
- Black Eagle Street had been swallowed completely, surviving only as the dray walk, wherecaskstynnyritwere loaded.
- As well as seeing how whisky is made, visitors to the Glenfiddich Distillery can see coopers makingoaktammi-caskstynnyreitä.
- It was really an adaptation for people of the much earlier sledge used for transportingwineviini-caskstynnyreitä.
- Discarded vinegar orwineviini-caskstynnyritalso make excellent small-pool containers, when sawn in half and waterproofed inside with bitumen paint.
- The Macallan is a smooth, sumptuous whisky that gets its character and rich, dark amber colour from thesherrysherry-caskstynnyreistä,in which it is aged for at least ten years.
- While the beer continues to ferment in thecasktynnyrissäthe CO 2 produced escapes through the soft spile.
- An experienced cellarman checking acasktynnyriäof aleale-to make sure that the beer has `dropped bright ``and is ready to be served.
- How to ruin perfection: gas connected to acasktynnyriinof beerolut-keeps the ale under a blanket of CO2, making it unpleasantly fizzy
casket.n 🔎
- The fourth and final haulis a splendidon suurenmoinencasketlipas,of mahogany and teakmahongista ja tiikistä valmistettuwhich is bound with silver filigree and lined with red velvet.
- The silk moth caterpillar surrounds itself with a fuzzy bundle of threads, the moon moth constructs a cocoon with a silvery metallic sheen, the ermine moth builds an elegantcasketkotelonof lacy netpitsisen verkko-.
- Jewelledcasketslippaitaof areca nutarekapähkinä-, betel leaves and little jars of lime were served by court servants to mandarins who wished to chew betel, and gem-studded boxes of cigarettes and cigars were offered to the French.
- Only then did I notice, lying in the far corner, two sets of packed saddle bags full of clothes and smallcasketslippaitaof personal jewelleryhenkilökohtaisia koru-.
- Benjamin openedSelkirk'sSelkirkincasketlippaanand for a while sifted amongst the pieces of parchment.
- Something about anIronrauta-Casketlippaasta,that had held secrets of the Ancient Past …
- They watched as thecasketarkkuwas carried to the mouth of the tomb.
- The brothers had purchased a beautifulmetalmetalli-casketlippaanas a sign of their love for their mother.
- The relic rests in acasketuurnassacalled a karanduwa on a silver table in the temple.
casserole.n 🔎
- Acasserolepadallinenof dissimilar musical interests cunningly fused into one big bowlerilaisia musiikillisia mielenkiinnon kohteita ovelasti sulautettuna yhteen suureen astiaan.
- Unmould eachcasserolepadallinenof pimientopaprika-on the centre of a large plate.
- Twentythree stainless steel dishes,DenbyDenby-casserolesvuoatand Pyrex serving sets have gone to that great built-in-obsolescence pile in the sky.
- Place thecasserolevuokainto the pre-heated oven and cook for 1½–2hr, until the lamb is tender.
- Put grated cheese into a 7-inch fondue dish or enamelledironrauta-casserolevuokaanand melt gently, stirring continuously.
- Even though it's compact the cavity is spacious, taking a whole chicken or a largecasserolevuoka.
- Oil a shallowcasserolevuoka.
- Were cooking in acasserolevuoassa,
- Heat the dripping or lard in a large,ironrauta-casserolevuoassaand brown the meat.
- Transfer the pieces to anovenproofuuninkestävääncasserolevuokaan.
- She had thecasserolekasarinlidkansioff and was stirring its contents.
cauldron.n 🔎
- Meanwhile a hugecauldronpataof vegetablesvihannes-was simmering for the curry.
- You could shave the whole damn British army in that bloody greatcauldronpadassaof watervesi-.
- The mat was then sent below to Joe Upex and theplate-makinglevynvalmistuksessa käytettäväänleadlyijy-cauldronpataan.
- In our station, the only facilitywas anironrauta-cauldronpataof boiling waterkiehuvaa vettä.
- At Stade Roland Garros, the Centre Court temperature is rarely like to be less than 100 degrees F. The sunbaked concrete andclaysavi-cauldronpatais no place for the weak kneed or willed.
- Bereft of arms and legs, his massive torso was planted upright in a heavybronzepronssi-cauldronpadassa.
- But within the clearing it was warm and safe-feeling; Clumhach had lit their usual fire, which was burning up brightly, and somebody had placed acauldronpadanof spiced winemausteviini-to simmer over it.
- Butch looked beautiful -- acauldronroihuava paloof youth and healthnuoruuden ja terveyden-- and she seems docile enough at this stage.
- On an incline, all the pots and canisters and the hugestewmuhennos-cauldronpatawould slide down the wagon and crowd him into a corner.
censer.n 🔎
- Lucien watched in silence as she removed abrassmessinkisencensersuitsutusastianand a black veil.
- She carried thecensersuitsutusastiancarefully over to the bed and placed it on the floor.
- The air was heavy with incense from the many swingingcenserssuitsutusastiasta.
- The acolyte Rizla walks before, swinging a lightedcensersuitsutusastiaa.
- CensersSuitsutusastiatburned, further hazing the air.
chalice.n 🔎
- Now Paddy had asilverhopea-chalicepikariin his hands.
- Of particular value is an enamelledbaroquebarokki-chalicepikaridepicting a battle with the Turks, and a baroque chasuble bearing the coat of arms of the Eltz family.
- It shows the crowned and richly robed Christ smiling beneficently as he hovers orant against a cross that floats above aEucharisticeukaristisenchalicepikarin.
- ``He reached for the replenishedwineviini-chalicepikarinat his elbow, and lifted it rather challengingly.
- `We have many stories of that first High Queen, ``said Grainne, cupping thewineviini-chalicepikarinbetween her hands, her expression intent.
- GlassLasi-chalicespikarit, identical to chalices used in Egypt, have been found in County Waterford.
- As it is, having escaped thispoisonedmyrkky-chalicepikariaand been given a good excuse to get rid of a woefully implausible leader, it is still very much in business to fight another day.
- When you are ready, drink from theChalicepikarista.
chest.n 🔎
- It had been at the bottom of ablankethuopa-chestlaatikonfull of wooden legs.
- Now, in the age of hypalon rafts and life-jackets,icejää-chestskaappienand propane stoves, the trip has become a popular vacation activity.
- Carefully she felt her way past anoaktammi-chestpiirongin.
- A fine oldwoodenpuu-chestpiironkicovered with intricate brass, nail-head designs was discovered, cleaned and placed in the hall.
- `I've emptied thehalleteis-chestpiirongin.
- Any budding Blackbeard or Captain Hook would be thrilled to find this buriedchestarkunof treasureaarre-, filled to the brim with stolen loot.
- Jess placed the lot on the floor and opened thechestlaatikon.
- Mohammed nodded and opened a paintedwoodenpuu-chestlaatikon.
coffer.n 🔎
- And when he died my brother openedhishänencoffersrahakirstunsawide and let all that gold spill out.
- Chamber 2b contains only mouldering furnishings, an empty, rottedwoodenpuu-cofferkirstu, and a pair of ancient, unusable crossbows in a wall rack.
- I glimpsed a chest andcofferkirstua, table and stool.
- Eadred went and opened a great,iron-boundrautahelaisencofferkirstunand brought out a thick folio, leather bound and fastened by two small clasps.
- Venner was already in the cellar, standing over somecofferskirstujenand trunks.
- The young monk nodded and padded softly away, returning soon afterwards with a small, batteredleathernahka-cofferkirstusealed with the waxen crest of the Abbey of St Denis.
- The fellow loudly claimed he had in his battered,leathernahka-cofferkirstussaansome of the most marvellous relics of Christendom: `One of Charlemagne's teeth! ``he yelled.
coffin.n 🔎
- Threecoffinskirstuain the Bell vault at Milton, Kent,Bellin holvissa, Kentin Miltonissa,depict the development of case decoration between the 1820s and the 1850s.
- Gould was verbally abused at The Hawthorns before his departure and at one protest supporters paraded with acoffinkirstuon their shouldersharteillaan.
- At the far end of the chamberis acoffinkirstuon a heavy tablejykevällä pöydällä, and seated beside it a woman in a low-cut black dress with red silk edging.
- As they wept aroundhishänencoffinarkkunsa, one relative who said she had dressed the body, said: `It looked as though he had been tortured.
- The word thudded with the same sad finality ashis mother'shänen äitinsäcoffinarkkuhit the bottom of her grave.
- Clods of earth were thrown on to the stoutelmjalava-coffinarkulle, and the mourners began to leave.
- It is the only surviving example of a completeparishseurakunnancoffinarkusta.
- There were five cars from the funeral parlour following thecoffinarkkua.
- I wept when they loweredherhänencoffinarkkunsainto the ground.
- The blinds were drawn to darken our downstairs room where thecoffinarkutrested on the table in front of the range.
- And the thirdwas a shiningglasslasi-coffinarkku, lying on a rich velvet pall on a gilded trestle.
- Not allleadlyijy-coffinsarkutdestined for vaults were provided with outer wooden cases.
- LeadLyijy-coffinsarkutwere very rare in colonial America, and could only be afforded by the very rich.
- Anthony'sAnthonynoaktammi-coffinarkussahad a large brass crucifix on the lid.
- An oldstonekivi-coffinarkkulies near the porch, and beside the path is the `stone chair ``.
- Some workmen digging for stone in the ruins of Bury St Edmunds Abbey in 1773 came across awoodenpuu-coffinarkuncontaining a lead anthropoid shell.
- A mile-long queue of mourners carried a blackcoffinarkkuato the Xinhua building.
- He tossed a single crimson rose on toherhänenoaktammi-coffinarkulleen.
container.n 🔎
- Children can often help to refilldrinkingjuoma-containersastianfor their pets, and bird baths.
- Child resistantcontainersastiatfor liquid medicationsnestemäisille lääkkeille
- The Argyll had acontainerastiafor the gravykastikkeelleand was heated either by hot water being poured into a lining around the gravy or by a hot iron that fitted into a socket.
- Tubes of colour laid out tidily; there werecontainersastiatfor oil and turpsöljylle ja tärpätille, and two jars containing brushes.
- They had claimedcontainersrasioitaof wormsmato-found in their car had been dug in an unprotected area elsewhere and that they had stopped at the bay to gather mussels.
- The practice is dubious anyway as largercontainerssäiliötof detergentpesuaine-can become contaminated by certain bacteria, often pseudomonads, and act as reservoirs of infection or spoilage.
- Masklin cut the lid off acontainerpullostaof milkmaito-.
- When you moveyoursinunsmallercontainerssäiliöitäsiaround, take a critical look.
- We squatted in the grassy compound and ate sausages and beans straight fromtheirheidäncontainersrasioista-- to save washing up.
- As always the laibon holdshishänensnuffnuuska-containerrasiaansa.
- It also took them an hour to assemble in the darkness and likewise they discovered that most oftheirheidänsupplytarvike-containerskonteistawere missing.
- Acompostkomposti-containersäiliöis a priority.
- Jenny opened the door of her fridge-freezer and took out theicejää-containerrasian.
- For the first time she saw the redtintina-containerrasianhe had been hiding behind his back.
- Everything was the same colour -- floor, walls, ceiling, door, the three cylindricalgrainvilja-containerssäiliötäin the comer.
- Not only the shining new camouflage clothes, but various shining newcontainerskaappejaof tacklevaruste-.
- Asteelteräs-containerkonttiaat Oxford Chemicals, Tees Road, Hartlepool, was damaged by fire yesterday.
- Do up the coupling again whenever you need to empty thecontainersäiliö.
- An emptyTemazepamTemazepam-containerrasiawas found next to Mrs Green's body along with the blood-covered corner of a £10 note.
- Food packaging manufacturer Linpac has marked its announcement of a corporate environmental policy with the introduction of a 50% recycledpolystyrenepolystyreeni-foodruoallecontainerastian.
- Plastic Lunch boxes,food storageruoansäilytys-containersrasiat, etc, may melt if stacked close to the heating elements.
- Reading about the postulated 500-year life span of aplasticmuovisenfoodruoka-containerastian, in Oddfacts, is anything known about the possible life span of negatives and photographs? -- A.W.
- Gazing after the coveredmetalmetalli-containerastiaa, she said:
- If you drink a good bottle of meth, you get a good hit, like, but up at the hospital, they give you those tinyplasticmuovi-containersastioita.
- Many such wagons spent long periods hidden away in marshalling yards or being used asstoragevarasto-containerskontteinaon customers' premises, practices which the business-led Railfreight sector was understandably keen to eradicate.
- At the end of each evening there will a special prize draw in which you can win Good Food Club annual memberships, cheeseboards,ZanussiZanussi-cool bags andstoragesäilytys-containersrasiatand Tupperware cheese graters.
- WaterKastelecontainersrasioitadaily during spells of dry weather and feed plants weekly
- Instead he'd fillhishänenaluminiumalumiini-containerastiansaand take it back to boil on his small gas cooker.
- 4 Spoon into afreezerpakaste-containerrasiaanand freeze until solid -- this takes about 3-4 hours.
- They carried the bodies in silence across the room and dumped them into thewoodenpuiseencontainersäiliöön.
- Place thesownkylvö-containersastiatin a warm propagator to germinate.
- If required, the rootstock can be removed and stored in acontainerastiaanof damp soil or mud, covering it from frost.
- Seeds are best stored in airtightcontainersrasioissa.
- He spilled the largecontainerastianof orange juiceappelsiinimehuahe was holding across the bar towards the spot where X was seated.
cooler.n 🔎
- We carried one largecoolerkylmälaukkua, no ice but the cooler proved adequate.
- Special aquarium coolers are available andbeerolut-coolersjäähdyttimiäcan be adopted.
- The simplest reported that two Octopuses at Portsmouth Sea Life Centre required the use of two giantbeerolut-coolersjäähdyttimenfrom the Carlsberg brewery to chill the Solent sea water used in the tanks when it reached 22°C.
- On this rested a dozen twinkling champagne saucers and a Georgiansilverhopeinenwineviini-coolerjäähdytincontaining a chilled and vintage bottle of Pol Roger.
crate.n 🔎
- Rice andcrateskoritof soft drinkslimsa-survived the capsize and a system was rigged up to collect rainwater.
- Crateslaatikotof fruit and vegetableshedelmä- ja vihannes-were stacked at the other end.
- Mrs Ward brought a hamper filled with oranges, apples, bananas and lettuce; her husband Freddy staggered under the weight of acratekorinof lemonadesitruunalimonadi-.
- Captain Burrows kept three or four hugepinemänty-crateslaatikkoa, which seemed big enough to pack all nine children, and freight them off to their new home.
- We have banned the use ofvealvasikka-crateshäkit, and taken action to ensure humane slaughter.
- They're only smallovat vain pieniäcrateskoreja.
- The Linkline Trolley is designed to ease the transportation of heavy loads such as beer kegs,crateskorejaof bottlespullo-and dishwasher racks.
- The terrace was cluttered with wooden benches, emptybeerolut-crateskoreillaand a fire escape which half hid the narrow door he meant.
- As I passed the ladies I noticed that thebeerolut-crateskoritstashed in front of the Fire Exit had been moved aside.
- I'm probably going to have some sort of a frothing fit before it and be flown home to England in awoodenpuu-cratelaatikossa.
- Through a doorway to the right I saw two more soldiers opening acratelaatikonof champagnesamppanja-with their bayonets.
- Crateslaatikotof beer and wineOlut- ja viini-lie at the side of the road, covered with a tarpaulin, a brazier burns and an alsatian dog keeps guard outside a broken down caravan.
crock.n 🔎
- But we should need to find acrockruukullinenof goldkultaa, my dear, to provide ourselves with all that.
- To me it's aoncrockruukullinenof shitpaskaato go out and harmonize with nature on my resin polyurethane surfboard.
- Abrinesuolavesi-crockruukkuis great for storing runner beans for a really long time.
- If containers do not have any drainage outlets, cover the base with at least 1 cm (½ in) depth of drainagecrocksruukuilla, shingle, etc.
- A largeporcelainposliini-crockruukussacontained several loaves of breadoli useita leipiä.
crucible.n 🔎
- Even thecruciblesupokkaator pots in which the steel was made were produced here, and the pot shop can still be seen.
- It had to be cast by the unsuitable technique of melting the metal in separatecruciblesupokkaassa.
- That the metal was poured from separatecruciblesupokkaastais shown very clearly in one of the heads where the mould had to be topped up.
cruet.n 🔎
- Dolly pushed thecruetmausteikonacross.
- Lady Grubb knew a great deal about antiques and owned some beautiful pieces, but she topped up the genuine furnishings with reproduction Jacobean coffee tables andplasticmuovi-cruetskannuja.
cup.n 🔎
- Cranston staggered behind him, holding awineviini-cupkuppiain one hand and the jug in the other.
- Zahara handed Jane acupkupinof watervettä.
- The trimly uniformed stewardess -- definitely wearing Western foundation garments -- brought a Cellophane envelope for leaky fountain pens and aplasticmuovi-cupkupinof fizzy lemonadeporeilevaa sitruunalimonadia.
- She stared at him over the rim ofherhänencupkuppinsa.
- Now it is my turn to pick upmyhänencupkuppini.
- The coroner turned away to refillhishänenwineviini-cupkuppinsa.
- Two girls passed by and tossed coins intohishänensmallplasticmuovi-cupkuppiinsa.
- They gave me water in a small, brokencupkupista.
- Everything in the house froze solid -- the water in the kettle, even my false teeth in acupkupissabeside my bedsänkyni vieressä.
- At any rate Herbert clearly had a high regard for his services, for in 1734 he presented him with a largesilverhopea-cupkupinas a token of his appreciation.
- Coffee had been brought in a huge white porcelain pot and matching whitecupskupeissaarranged around the white-painted table that stood at the edge of a huge paved terrace overlooking the endless sparkling blue sea.
- And she put it before Gabriel on a wooden plate and gave him awoodenpuu-cupkupinfull of water.
- He put down thecupkupin, stared straight at her.
- Ellen put downherhänencupkuppinsaof coffeekahvi-and stared at me as though I had gone completely mad.
- I sat with acupkuppiof coffeekahvi-on my lap, still half-asphyxiated by what I took to be Neapolitan warmth.
- `No need to worry about me, I can take care of myself, ``Penny said, reaching nervously for apaperpahviseencupmukiinof wineviini-.
cylinder.n 🔎
- She pointed to the figure of a man propped in the corner, and thecylinderspullojaof oxygenhappi-in the back pack lying beside it.
- CNG is pressurised to 200 bar; a typicalstoragetäyttö-cylinderpullonwould have a capacity of approximately 50 litres.
- In recent years some brewers have started to use a cask breather, a simple demand valve connected to a cask and aCO2CO2-cylinderpulloon,which maintains the gas pressure inside the cask as the beer is drawn off.
- AcetyleneAsetyleeni-cylinderspullotkept in the workshops made conditions particularly dangerous, a spokeswoman said.
- Theoxygen and airhappi- ja ilma-cylinderspullotwere covered and a three way tap attached to the nasal cannulas.
- Keg beers -- so called because they are kept in sealed and pressurised containers called kegs -- are therefore injected with carbon dioxide and connected tocylinderspulloihinof CO 2CO2-; in the pub cellar.
- The device contains acarbon dioxidehiilidioksidi-cylinderpullo,which released gas into a coiled chamber.
- Take Cameron'sstainless-steelruostumatonta terästägaskaasu-cylinderspullot.
- Rolled up, admittedly, but those things can be opened and inflated from theirgaskaasu-cylinderspulloistain seconds.
- In reply Dr Mumby said that he had anoxygenhappi-cylinderpulloand mask in his kit but no electrocardiogram or defibrillator.
- Thehot waterlämminvesi-cylindervaraajasupplies the domestic hot water to the taps.
- The most cost-effective insulation is an insulating jacket for yourhot water storagelämminvesi-cylindervaraajaasi.
- The other is more useful and is, in fact, the only way of draining thehot waterlämminvesi-cylindervaraajan.
- In order to prolong the life of a cask, some publicans connect acylinderpullonof carbon dioxidehiilidioksidi-to the shive hole and cover the beer with a blanket of gas.
- In short, thecylinderspullojencontentssisällötwere a mystery.
- Cylinderspullotof gasKaasu-can be connected to the spile hole to keep a blanket of applied CO 2 on the beer.
decanter.n 🔎
- It's what will WE do? ``he replied, rising from his chair to kiss her lightly on the forehead on his way to theScotchviski-decanterkarahville.
- Lord Southdown reminded him evenly that theportportviini-decanterkarahviwas stuck at him and would he pass it please?
- It's clean, quick and simple -- taking the mess out of cutting flower stems because it retains all the cut stems in theglasslasi-decanterkarahvissa,until you actually want to discard them.
- The highest price of £14,059 was bid by a Taiwan dealer for two 12 in-high wine beakers decorated with feathers (estimate £1,500 to £2,000), theceramickeraamisetdecanterskarahvitof the pre-refrigeration age.
- The table bears glass and crystal goblets, ornate and slender-neckeddecanterskarahvitof fine dessert winehienolla jälkiruokaviinille, and silver trays of sweet biscuits (enough for two full meals, they are so nutritious).
- He picked up acrystalkristalli-decanterkarahvinof amber liqueurmeripihkan väristä likööriä, set it down.
- Patrick had brought thebrandybrandy-decanterkarahvinand two glasses.
- `Football to me, ``I said, `is about 22 fit men kicking a ball around a park, not about pot-bellied Freemasons passing thesherrysherry-decanterkarahvinaround a centrally heated Portakabin.
- Kemp reached for the cheese; in the same moment, the Indian stepped forward with aclaretpunaviini-decanterkarahvin.
- Square-faceddecanterskarahvitof Scotch and Irish whiskyskottilaista ja irlantilaista viskiäflashed the many facets of their globular stoppers.
- Very shortly afterwards the men came in, Rupert carrying adecanterkarahviaof portportviini-and a bottle of brandy.
- He poured himself some amber liquid from a thickcut-glasskristalli-decanterkarahvista.
- She laid the things out on the table, along with adecanterkarahviof brandybrandy-and some glasses, then took her leave as Jake told her, `Thanks, Nettie.
- Sheffield presented an inscribedcrystalkristallisenwhiskyviski-decanterkarahvinand Leeds handed over an autographed shirt.
dish.n 🔎
- Place fruits on the bottom of thedishkulhonwith a little water.
- Grease four smallsoufflékohokas-dishesvuokaawith the butter and sprinkle with caster sugar.
- ``First: go to the bathroom and fill thesoapsaippua-dishastiawith warm water, not too hot …
- An inventory of 418-417 B.C. recorded a hundred and sixty-threesacrificialuhri-dishesastiaaof silverhopeistain the Treasury of Athena.
- I kept my head down and pretended to be consuming the scraps left onmyminundishkulhossani.
- He stretched and got up, then trotted over tohishänenwatervesi-dishvadilleenand slurped up a great guzzling mouthful.
- A little would be sprinkled into a smallmetalmetalli-dishvatiinplaced on top of a metal cylinder.
- She was washingdishestiskejäand seemed quite calm.
- Ellis pushed awayhishänendishastiansaof cherry pie and whipped cream.
- As thisdishannoksensacontains fresh oysters, eat it as soon as possible -- remember, the oysters are not cooked.
- Toss the pasta in the sauce and place in a warmedservingtarjoilu-dishastiaan.
dispenser.n 🔎
- A largedispenserannostelijaof detergentpesuaine-, an old flex microphone as big as a taper, a polythene bag of tubular bandages, a sealant gun and a box of raisins fell all over his feet.
- What's more it is as kind to the environment as it is to your skin, thanks toourmeidänozone-friendlydispenserannostelijamme.
- The 300ml aerosoldispenserannostelijais ozone-friendly and CFC free.
- The smaller dispensers are called swan-necks and the larger, with domed heads, are called,mushroomsieni-dispensersannostelijaksi.
- The word EMPTY lit up on thedispenserautomaatissa.
- Israel's Chief Rabbi, Mordechai Eliahu, has condemned Mr Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, for `moral degradation ``over his decision to havecondomkondomi-dispensersautomaattejain schoolskouluihin.
- Whitlock got to his feet and crossed to thedispenserautomaatilleagainst the wallseinällä olevalle.
- I find erm the ermmoneyseteli-dispensersautomaatitat a bankpankissavery convenient.
- There is valuable cultural information in the physical artefact: tablet form, bubble-pack press-throughdispenserautomaatti, advertising imagery used in the logo and packaging, and information about consumer appeal.
- She gave a similar answer when he asked her to open the automaticcashpankki-dispenserautomaatti.
- Been to thecashpankki-dispenserautomaatilla, got a statement, then withdrawn everything except four pounds ninety-five to keep the account open.
- Machinedetergentpesuaine-dispensersannostelijat: These commonly serve dishwashing machines, bottle and tray washers and basic clean-in-place systems.
- ItsSendetergentpesuaine-dispenserannostelijamay be recalcitrant, but observers applaud the Logic's ability to sprint like an electrified gazelle across washday's endless savannah.
- Thefoodruoka-dispenserautomaattiignored her.
- He reached out a hand to the smallmetallicmetallistadispenserannostelijaabeside them and pressed the sensor plate on its side.
- Hand soapKäsisaippua-dispensersannostelijoitacan also be used to dispense certain less viscous types of barrier cream.
- Special medical air fresh units and `anti-bacterial ``soapsaippua-dispensersannostelijoitaare also installed and maintained.
- Acardboardpahvi-dispenserautomaatti-unit was produced for distribution at various types of outlets throughout Wales.
drum.n 🔎
- And herewereolidrumsrumpujaof chemicalskemikaali-, each labelled, each with a job number to check against sampling.
- You don't have to use ready-made cable lengths;; you can buy adrumkelallisenof thin Ethernet cableohutta ethernet-kaapelia(RG-58/50Ohm) at about 50p per metre, and make up your own cable lengths.
- Half an hour with adrumpullollinenof selective weed killervalikoitua rikkaruohomyrkkyäand a spray and you'd put paid to that lot for good and all.
- Above our heads a hugedrumrullaof paperpaperia, some twenty feet wide, was slowly tracking along on a conveyor.
- The adjutant found Woolley with the armourer, checking ammunition before he allowedhishänenmachine-gundrumsrumpulippaanto be filled.
- A 5kgdrumrumpuwill cover about 7sq m (75sq ′).
- Akai has been reducing the test time, but Mitsubishi's TIP system drops it to just 1.5 seconds by taking advantage of the fact that the video headdrumrummussahas four headson neljä päätä.
- It has been heated outside the room by a log fire under apetrolbensa-drumtynnyrin.
- JOHNSON Brothers' mill manager Graham Jones inspects the millingdrumsrummut.
- Some were taking boxes anddrumstynnyreitäoff the lorries.
- There, until very recently, the packages anddrumstynnyritof wastejäte-were simply left in shallow open trenches, the authorities accepting that rain-water would eventually wash some of its radioactivity into a nearby river.
- Fourteendrumstynnyriäof crushed flint and watermurskattua piikiveä ja vettäare ground at the same time.
- Anoilöljy-drumtynnyriwas kicked away, rolling and crashing into the wall beside her.
- His dock was strewn with beer cans,oilöljy-drumstynnyreillä, fishing nets.
- Maybe it all stems from never being allowed to participate with the big boys in childhood beach games usingoilöljy-drumstynnyreitäas wickets.
- His allegations centre on the manner in which solid, low-level radioactive waste, such as gloves, overalls and small pieces of equipment, is buried insidesteelteräs-drumstynnyreihinin on-site pits.
- After ten miles, they could see that the smoke came from a burningoilöljy-drumtynnyristä, and this was odd enough to make them even more cautious.
- Perversely it costs more per unit quantity to pack indrumstynnyreihinthan it does in 5 litre quantities.
- It works on the same principle as a concrete mixer, with baffles moulded into the blackplasticmuovi-drumrumpuun, where they produce a tumbling, corkscrew mixing action when the drum is rolled.
empty.n 🔎
- The clerk behind the hatch asked fortheirheidänemptiestyhjiä astioitaanbefore she'd hand over the new bottles but they hadn't got them.
- `Roll on to-bloodymorra night, ``he moaned, as Yanto banged theemptiestyhjät astiaton the countertiskille.
- The barman collected theemptiestyhjät astiat.
- I puttheirheidänemptiestyhjät astiansaon the barbaaritiskilleand, of course, I glanced in here to see whether there were any more to clear away.
envelope.n 🔎
- The headmistress looked at theenvelopekirjekuortain her handkädessään olevaawith interested disappointment.
- That night at the meeting, Karen had a big brownenvelopekirjekuoriin her baglaukussaan.
- The days of littleenvelopeskirjekuoriaof happy powderonnellisuusjauhettabeing dropped into expectant palms have long since gone, and what's taken its place?
- From her colleagues at Spool setting, (the department which she joined in 1949), Joan was given a hi-fi system and from Axminster winding a handsomeenvelopekirjekuoriof moneyrahaa.
- He ambled towards us smirking, tapping a packet of air-mailenvelopeskirjekuoriaon his palmkämmeneensä.
- Before leaving, I gave a spare key to Lisabeth and anenvelopekirjekuorenwith Jo's two hundred quidJon kaksi sataa puntaa sisältävänfor her to give to Mr Nassim.
- `I'm going to Mr Drewer's office, ``she told Jimmy when he came back, and taking theenvelopekirjekuoren,with her resignationjossa oli hänen erohakemuksensa,in with her, she went to see her head of department.
- He pulled the photocopied manuscript out ofitssenenvelopekirjekuorestaan.
- If anyone has mislaidtheirheidängiftlahja-envelopekirjekuorensa, please use an ordinary one and just put your name and Birthday Scheme on it and place in the offering bag.
- Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool, she tore a large plaster fromitssenpaperpaperi-envelopekuorestaanand pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump.
- He prodded my ribs with something that turned outto be a<empty>manillamanilla-envelopekirjekuoreksi.
- One leading Republican says that `he would go out and stuffenvelopeskirjekuoriafor Mr Brown ``, if he entered the race.
- The small greenenvelopekirjekuoriwith the harp generally came with news of sudden death.
- All sorts of small items are needed for the day-to-day running of any shop or office, eg postage stamps, pens,envelopeskirjekuoria.
- Letters requiring a personal reply must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelop or a self addressedenvelopekirjekuoriand international reply coupons.
- The young woman glanced atthe letterkirjettä,whosejonkaenvelopekirjekuoriwas quite dog-eared, and put it, unopened, inside her brown leather handbag.
- Joe wrote nearly every day to Sarah, enclosing the letters in anenvelopekirjekuoreenaddressed to Maureen, and now it was easy for her to deliver them.
- Puzzled, he tore open theenvelopekirjekuoren.
- These should be placed in apaperpaperi-envelopekuoreen(not polythene) and labelled with the grower's name, address and field identification.
- So I took my letter, sealed in anenvelopekirjekuoren, back to the newsagent.
- I am receiving, on average, fourenvelopeskirjekuortafull of stampstäynnä postimerkkejäper day.
flagon.n 🔎
- They formed a queue outside the cinema, pockets of greasy overcoats and grubby kaftans bulging withflagonsviinipulloista.
- `You'll be needing some more wine, ``Elinor said handing me anotherflagonviinipullon.
- Corbett thought it was mere drunken bravado when one of them lunged across the table and uproar ensued as food, cups andflagonspulloittainof wine and aleviiniä ja aleawere sent sprawling.
- Nothing daunted, the bearers of comfort brought aflagonpullonof aleale-and a long clay pipe.
- Among the Celtic peoples of temperate Europe it was applied to La Tène bronze safety-pins and torcs as well as to prestige objects such asbronzepronssisiinwineviini-flagonskannuihin.
- Riven handed himhishänenflagonpullonsa.
- A serving wench brought usflagonspullonof watered beervedellä laimennettua olutta.
flask.n 🔎
- `I wasn't sure what you'd want to do, ``Rose said with the utmost caution, `and I brought aflaskpullollinenof teateetäand sandwiches just in case.
- `And there's aflaskpullollinenof teateetä,if you need it.
- One Sunday, he went hunting with his fierce black mastiffs, stopping only to swig at aflaskpullollisestaof strong drinkvahvaa juomaa.
- I tookmyminunflaskpulloniout and had a quick one.
- From the pouch hanging at his belt he brought out aleathernahka-flaskpullon.
- Burun studied thewineviini-flaskpulloaabsently, then laid it aside.
- Lily smiled and opened theflaskpullon.
- SteelTeräs-flaskspullotto their rightheidän oikealla puolellaancontain liquid anaesthetics.
- `FlasksPullotcontaining Holy Soil from the field of the Madonna.
- Though he knew drinking and driving was utterly forbidden in the GDR, he reached forhishänenhiptasku-flaskmattiinsaand took a swig.
- McCready held out a smallsilverhopeinenhiptasku-flaskmattihe had taken from his back pocket.
- As it happened, the Council system soon showed its value when its monitors discovered radioactive contamination under the gantry where nuclearfuelpolttoaine-flaskspullojafrom Hinkley Point were loaded on to trains at Bridgwater railway station, en route to Sellafield.
- On the tables are lenses, pouches with semi-precious stones, a box with rough `red gold ``coils (gold heavily adulterated with copper), cutting and polishing tools, and small oil-burning lamps (although the contents of theoilöljy-flaskspullojenhave long evaporated), with some minor bric-a-brac items completing the setting.
- Left:Sterling silverSterling-hopeasta valmistettuheart-shapedperfumeparfyymi-flaskpullo, £19.95, from Past Times mail-order catalogue and shops
- For therewould be noei olisisilverhopeistaflaskpulloaof brandybrandy-.
- If this involves a fairly long distance through cold parts of the house, you may have to buy metal dish covers, plate warmers andThermostermos-flaskspullojato keep the food and drinks warm.
- Jane drank from theflaskpullostaand began to speak.
- The shepherd poured some wine from a tatteredstrawolki-flaskpullostainto four greasy tumblers and the men sat at the oil-cloth-covered table.
- His bow lay within reach, there was a reed-pipe on the ground, and aflaskpulloof wineviini-; in his hand was a book.
- But he could fill aflaskpullonwith coffeekahvilla.
folder.n 🔎
- `I'll mail it next week, ``she said as she turned away to replace thefolderkansionin the cabinetkaappiin.
- Alexei added the permafax to the others already contained in thefolderkansiossain his handhänen kädessään olevassa.
- It was found in acardboardpahvi-folderkansiostain the back of the accused's car.
- It was while she was looking forhishänenrecordasiakirja-folderkansiotaanin the filing cabinet that she realised her hands were trembling.
- Yet thefolderkansioof poemsruno-makes clear that there was a group of women poets associated with Weston Hall.
- She carries under one armherhänenfolderkansiotaanof lecture notesluentomuistiinpanoja sisältävää, and under the other a bundle of books from which to read illustrative quotations.
- CardboardPahvisetfolderskansiotof stampspostimerkki-lay haphazardly within my reach.
- Leith glanced at thefolderkansiotaon the deskpöydällä olevaa.
- As she stooped to empty her bag, she caught sight, within one ofherhänenfolderskansioistaan, of a message written on the margin of a page: `Iron ``, it said.
- Abberley's with piles of cigarettes, note pads,lawyer'sasianajajanfolderskansioita, photographs, a torch, pencils, jar of caramels.
- You should be puttingyoursinunFrenchranskan kielenfolderskansiosiaway now please.
- Yoursinunpresentationfolderkansiossasicontains all the samples for your new colour scheme
- Cotterell lifted somemanilamanilla-folderskansioita, and they slid around and spilled across the desk.
- The office was empty when Jay got in, and she slid her dream onto her desk with aworktyö-folderkansiossato hide it from Francis's camp curiosity.
- At length I closed thefolderkansion.
- Mint Stamps -- A full set of stamps for each issue, packaged to arrive in mint condition in aprotectivesuoja-folderkansiossa.
- StampPostimerkki-folderskansioshould be kept under lock and key to avoid pilfering.
- Berg was holding out his credentials, aplasticmuovi-folderkansiossacontaining a laminated card with his photograph on it.
- `Another ransom letter, ``Hannah was saying to Bob Southwell, passing him theplasticmuovi-folderkansion.
- Oh, I've gotmyminunmusicmusiikki-folderkansioni!
- He opened a bluefolderkansion,resting in his lapjoka oli hänen sylissään, glanced through the typed sheets.
- Her mother took afolderkansionfrom the drawer of the dresserlipaston laatikostaand Terry took out one of the photographs.
- She took thefolderkansionand shot upstairs from her own tiny cell at one end of the double cube.
- He opened a drawer of the desk to extract afolderkansionof paperspapereita sisältävän.
glass.n 🔎
- GlassesLasitfor red wine and for whitepunaviinille ja valkoiselleat each place.
- Amy finished the brandy and put theglasslasinon the table.
- A suffragi went by carrying twosherrysherry-glasseslasiaon a silver tray.
- There was an open book on the sofa, a basket of ready-chopped wood near the stove, even a half-fullglasslasion a tablepöydällä.
- A barmanwas polishingkiillottiglasseslasejawith his back to Rain.
- Theglasslasiof wineviini-chilled Sara's hand, she listened to the sharp-ended sentences flicking through the air as her husband and Nicholas spoke.
- Peggy took another sip fromherhänenglasslasistaan.
- She stared glumly down atherhänenbrandybrandy-glasslasiinsa.
- Pekin dinner service, silver cutlery,crystalkristalli-glasseslasit, showy white napkins, all in order.
- He washed and went out to the nearest bar for a tallglasslasillisenof watervettäand a coffee.
- Someone could have put it away or be using it to sweep up a brokenwineviini-glasslasin.
- `Odd, when you come to think of it ``-- he handed her a fullwineviini-glasslasillisenof ginginiä-- `but they say he's like he is because his father and mother were religious.
- He handed aglasslasinof wineviini-to Leonora.
- He raisedhishänenglasslasiaanof wineviini-and downed half the contents in one gulp.
- Father Devlin raisedhishänenglasslasiaanin a toast.
- He raisedhishänenwineviini-glasslasiaanin salute.
goblet.n 🔎
- High on the moorland wilds, ancient travellers told of meeting with a mysterious stranger who would offer them agoldenkultaisengobletpikarinof wineviini-.
- Of the mysterious stranger andhishänengobletpikaristaanno more was heard until, perhaps, a strange chance discovery early in the last century.
- Thegobletpikariwas of unknown material, unusual colour and of unfamiliar shape: it was presented to the King.
- If these men thought of anything they were longing for plates of hot food,gobletspikareitaof good strong English alehyvää englantilaista alea, and clean soft beds, with a willing wench to share with them.
- He steers himself into the current of warm air rising above the chandelier, and is carried effortlessly upwards, past floors where people are sitting at little tables and eating ice-cream out ofmetalmetalli-gobletspikareista.
- When a servaton finally appeared, I ordered agobletpikarinof the fuming Paoostyc liquor called Old Sunburstsavuavaa Paoostyc-viinaa nimeltään Old Sunburst, raised my mask just enough to gulp it, then ordered two more.
- Marcus handed her agobletpikarinof scotchviskiäand Ted another pint.
- He drank and set thegobletpikarindown, looking about him again.
- He smiled at Riven's roving stare and raised hisgobletpikariaanin salute.
- Sir John stretched over and, despite the hour, filledhishänenwineviini-gobletpikarinsacompletely to the brim.
- The boy hurried away, rubbing his flaming cheek, as Gaveston sipped from thegobletpikarista.
- There was asilverhopea-gobletpikariin the centre of the cloth.
- Throgmorton slurped fromhishänengobletpikaristaan.
- On the table near Ruthven stood an emptypewtersiniharmaagobletpikari.
- The awards will be presented at the House of Sport on October with each category winner receiving an engravedWassailjuoma-gobletpikarindonated by sponsors Tyrone Crystal.
- Athelstan waited until the slattern had served them withgobletspikaritof wineviini-.
grail.n 🔎
- Equally, one should perhaps guard against the maxim that a conductor who is not also a creative writer is somehow debarred from access to thegrailGraalin maljaanof ultimate musical understandingkorkeimman musiikillisen ymmärryksen.
- Galloway has commented that `teachers and magistrates who see legal sanctions as the solution to the problem of poor attendance might be more happily occupied in search of theHolyGraalinGrailmaljaa``.
- Hasn't his search for Maastricht supporters resembled Indiana's quest for theGrailGraalin maljaa?
- YourSinunGrailGraalin maljasiis in the post John Walsh
- Here the sword had lain, and here thegrailGraalin maljaand the lance might one day be dreamed of and lifted.
hamper.n 🔎
- Our STAR letter wins aGood BoyGood Boyhamper-herkkukorinfull of doggie goodies, and every letter published will win a special golden bone award.
- The spacious boot coped admirably with everything they could cram into it in one week --picnicpiknikki-hamperskorit, the weekly shopping, even the latest buys from Sue's visits to the garden centre.
- Kunio and Judith prepared a largepicnicpiknikki-hamperkorillisenof chicken legs, dill pickles and assorted sandwicheskanankoipia, tillisuolakurkkuja ja lajitelma voileipiä, the rest of us arranging for an ample supply of lager and other liquid refreshment.
- For our night at the opera,Steve'sStevenhamperherkkukorifor four people contained all the following recipes, as well as rainbow trout gravlax and a thrice-risen walnut loaf.
- Thiswickerpaju-hamperkoriis packed with delicious goodies and costs £64.92, inclusive of nationwide delivery.
- Help fill ahamperkorifor a family, if you wish.
- HamperKoriof Norwegian delicacies from Selfridgesnorjalaisia herkkuja Selfridgesiltä, £17.50
- He was propped on one elbow beside her, the width of thepicnicpiknikki-hamperkoringiving her an illusion of safety from too close an intimacy.
- The thought caused her to hasten forward again, and moments later she was opening thefoodruoka-hamperskoreja.
- Carole Meadows gave her a wry smile as she began filling thepicnicpiknikki-hamperkoria.
handbag.n 🔎
- `Itwas a good expensivehyvä, kallishandbagkäsilaukkufrom Mappin and Webb.
- Must have a bit of money to drive a car, and that greatleathernahka-handbagkäsilaukkuhad cost something, he shouldn't wonder.
- `I've lost myhandbagkäsilaukkuni, ``Nutty said.
- And, as in Rome, you'll find it hard to resist all the wonderful shops -- especially the beautifulleathernahka-shoes andhandbagskäsilaukut.
- Finishing toucheswere<empty>silverhopeisethandbagskäsilaukut, flashing neon ear-rings, pale blue eyeshadow and tomatoes -- everywhere!
- More difficult to swallow was the murky medievalism pervading Milan's Prada, celebrated originator of the fashion cognoscenti's favouritenylonnailon-handbagkäsilaukku.
haversack.n 🔎
- I stole it out of one ofthe Posten'sPosteninhaversacksolkalaukuistawhen I was cleaning out the guard-room.
- Picking uphishänennow emptyhaversackolkalaukkunsa, Yanto climbed up the ladder on to the deck.
- Tom unpacked thehaversackolkalaukkunsaand wandered round the room putting the groceries away on shelves and into small cupboards.
- Taking the roll of tools out of my stout and well travelled haversack, I unscrewed the plate with only a little difficulty and put it into thehaversackolkalaukkuun.
- Graham hoisted thehaversackolkalaukunover his shoulderolalleenand noticed the gendarme watching him.
hopper.n 🔎
- Foster yeoman's 126 tonne Co-co Class 59 No 59004 Yeoman challenger passing West Ealing with the 10.05 Acton Yard to Merehead emptystonekivi-hopperssuppiloihinon 13 August 1988.
- Water is then fed into thehoppersuppiloonand the dilute liquid fed into the sprayer.
- Expanded pelleted diets result in less wastage by the animals, butfoodruoka-hopperssuppiloissahold a smaller weight of food.
- We grabbed the `speeder from the motor park and amazingly enough got ourselves passage to the Festival on agrainvilja-hoppersuppilossa.
- Each cage was about the size of a wire basket for office mail, and in the corner of every onewas apelletpelletti-hoppersuppiloand an inverted water bottle.
- The buyers who were pig farmers bought a 28 feet highhoppersuppilo,which, as the sellers knew, the buyers intended to use for the storage of pig nuts.
jar.n 🔎
- Use aCoplinvärjäys-jartölkkiäfor dipping, and then stand the slides on end in a rack to dry in a dust-free atmosphere.
- He turned and saw the red-haired Lennox woman coming out of the door of the main building, anearthenwaresavi-jarruukkuin her hand.
- They continued drinking from thejartölkistäin turn, but gradually the effects of the smoke, the alcohol and the clamour of the gongs made his senses swim.
- Specimenjarpurkillinenof sea watermerivettäin hand, she cheerfully highlighted the embarrassing prospect of European Court prosecutions over the pollution of nearby pleasure beaches.
- In the centre of the room was a large wooden table holding astonewarekivikeramiikka-jarruukkuof dried flowerskuivakukkia.
- Abberley's with piles of cigarettes, note pads, lawyer's folders, photographs, a torch, pencils,jarpurkkiof caramelskaramellia.
- A tin of shortbread, a box of chocolates and ajarruukullinenof chicken breastskananrintaain aspic had seemed suitable.
- Robyn unscrewed ajarpurkinof moisturiserkosteusvoide-and smoothed it over her face and neck.
- As the title of Philippa's selection of ceramic pieces suggests, many of them hark back even further in time to emulate two-handled, terracotta, Greek amphorae orwineviini-jarsruukkuwith their cone-pointed bases.
- Women carriedwatervesi-jarsruukkuja.
- Six goods trains arrived at Histon every day, bringing in the necessaries for jam-making: sugar from Amsterdam, Hamburg, and other Continental ports,earthenwaresavi-jarsruukkujafrom St Helens, Newcastle, and Chesterfield.
- Against walls,jarsruukullisiaof oil, cheap wine, and black and red beeröljyä, halpaa viiniä sekä tummaa ja punaista oluttawere stacked, and here and there a low table displayed jewellery.
- She extracted her spare set of keys from the prettyjarpurkistaof locally made potterypaikallisessa keramiikkapajassa valmistetustashe had bought when Nicky Kai had taken her to visit an unusual pottery one day.
- You can either put in a slug trap, whichis ajarpurkkifilled with beer and partly buried in the compost, or slug pellets.
- The largejarruukussacontained some bones of a bird, vertebrae of an animal, human hair and minute stems of flowers or herbs.
- Perhaps everycoffeekahvi-jarpurkissashould carry a label: `Special Offer -- 10,000 per cent off! ``.
- GlassLasi-bottles andjarspurkitcan be recycled very easily, provided the three colours are kept separate.
- There were a few tins in one of the cupboards, aglasslasi-jarpurkkiof riceriisiä, and some jars of preserves, but no vegetables, and no perishable foods.
- In the centre stood a jamjarpurkki,with flowers in itjossa oli kukkia,and surrounding Willie's place were parcels and envelopes.
- Mary was carrying what was obviously a large bag of food while Billy nursed astonekivi-jarruukkuof cidersiideriä, and a blanket
- Fill two jamjarspurkkiawith water and stir five tablespoons of Epsom Salts into each jar.
- Yellow lizards in aglasslasi-jarpurkissa
- `Why is it that you're the only person in the entire world who can't follow the instructions on ajarpurkissaof instant coffeepikakahvi-?
- On a chair beside the bedwas a largejarpurkkiof Vaselinevaseliini-, the lid open, a single fly gummed to the rim.
jeroboam.n 🔎
- `We're going to need more, ajeroboamjeroboam-pullon--
jigger.n 🔎
- Mr Braithwaite drained off his lime squash and added a couple ofjiggersmittalasillisenof rumrommiato his empty glass.
jug.n 🔎
- She went straight toherhänenjugkannulleenof watervesi-and lifted it up by the handle and peered inside.
- She kept handy ajugkannullistaof filtered boiled watersuodatettua, kiehautettua vettäfor drinking: this was the only way to avoid the numerous intestinal parasites from which almost all the local people suffered all their lives.
- The lady with the upright hair who Gloria said had a screw loose, clattered into the bedroom holding out a steamingjugkannuaon a traytarjottimella.
- A Victorianjugkannuon the mantelpiecetakanreunuksellahad been given him by Louise one Christmas.
- There was an emptyearthenwaresavinenwineviini-jugkannuon the tablepöydällä, and two used glasses.
- She filled ajugkannunwith water from the pail, found rag, a tankard and another crust of bread to add to the food in her pocket.
- Immediately after lunch, she dashed off to the kitchen and found one of theTrunchbull'sTrunchbullinfamousjugskannuista.
- `Why don't you go with him? ``asked Betty, carefully rinsing one ofLydia'sLydianlustrejugskannuista.
- Then he strode over to the table and picked up thealeale-jugkannunstanding there.
- Jess was given all the floor scrubbing and lugging of coals, sharing with fat giggly Sally Dade, the housemaid, dusting, washing up, bedmaking and carryinghot-waterkuumavesi-jugskannujato the bedrooms.
- She should have brought awineviini-jugkannufrom the hall, she chided herself as her breathing steadied.
- The three brothers crept in on tiptoe to leavejugskannutof iced lemon juicejääkylmää sitruunamehuaby my bedside.
- He threw the orange to one of the theatre-goers, then stooped to pick up aglasslasi-jugkannun, keeping the book and the saucepan going.
- The waitress reappeared with the tray and set out the tea pot,milkmaito-jugkannun, hot water container and a large dish covered with a silver lid.
- He had a bottle of milk, ajugkannuof creamkermaa, and two pats of lovely golden butter in a basket.
- He had knocked over thewatervesi-jugkannun,when he got up from the table.
- In the centre of each courtyard were largeearthenwaresavisiawatervesi-jugskannuja,which sweated gently in the breeze under the shade of thatched canopies.
- He was standing by his desk pouring a mug of coffee from aThermostermos-jugkannusta.
- He poured water from thechinaposliini-jugkannustainto the basin.
- Pour liquor intojugkannuunwith the vinegar.
- An enormousjugkannuof Edgebone's home-brewed aleEdgebonen kotona pantua aleasat on the floor between their chairs.
- He finally returned with two chunks of roughly cut bread, a slab of cheese and a tinytintina-jugkannullinenof milkmaitoa.
keg.n 🔎
- The stout landlord, who had been down in the cellar fetching a freshkegtynnyrillistäof alealea, lowered it to the floor.
- `Fourkegstynnyriäof HellerHelleriä, five of Dunkler.
- Give us backourmeidänfizzyporeilevakegtynnyrimme!
- Over the centuries the age of steam gave way to electricity, wooden casks changed places withmetalmetalli-kegstynnyreiden, horse drays yielded to motor lorries, barges to road tankers.
- KegsTynnyritin the pub cellarkapakan kellarissa, the one on the left connected for serving.
- The landlord filled up the tankard from akegtynnyristäbelow the barbaaritiskin alta.
- Thekegtynnyriwas empty.
- `The Geiger counter picked up levels of radiation but we already knew thosekegstynnyrithad been stored in that particular freight car.
- The report also mentioned contamination problems during the manufacture of the anti-allergic eye product Opticrom and suggests that `beerolut-kegstynnyreitä``were used for storage during the manufacture of Imferon, an injectable iron.
- Sixmetalmetallistabeerolut-kegstynnyriäloaded on to a Swiss bound goods train which had stopped at Strasbourg on the same day the vagrant had claimed to be there.
- I knew an emptybeerolut-kegtynnyrin,when I was tied to one, and the last time I'd seen that particular one there had been a young punk called Emma sitting on it nostrilling certain noxious and probably illegal substances.
- Baffled, he scratched his greasy white hair and wondered what it could be and why it should have been stored in abeerolut-kegtynnyriin.
- Two men -- one rolling akegtynnyriä.
- A pair of slippers were balanced on the rim of the stage, alongside akegtynnyrinof beerolut-and two huge loaves of bread.
knapsack.n 🔎
- `Right, ``I said, smiling, as they slid the straps of bright bluenylonnailon-knapsacksreputover their shouldersharteilleen, `we'll take a walk into the Berkshire wilderness.
- TERRY again unpacked hisknapsackreppunsa.
- Even with hisknapsackrepussaancontaining not only their sandwiches but his camera and painting materials, Fen seemed to be making nothing of it.
ladle.n 🔎
- Gambo Hartstock took hisironrauta-ladlekauhansaand stirred the contents of his bubbling cauldron thoughtfully.
- In the mid-18th century covered sauce-boats resembling soup tureens were introduced with a silver,porcelain or earthenwareposliininen tai savikeraaminenladlekauha.
- The soup tureen was in front of Edward Pitt, the curvingsilverhopea-ladlekauhaon the table by his plate.
- The coroner nodded off to sleep again so, crossing to a barrel of dirty water, Athelstan filled theladlekauhanand splashed it over Cranston's face.
- A young boy with aladlekauhaand a stoup of water wetted their grizzled mouths.
locker.n 🔎
- It was later traced by police to thelockerkaappiinof club skipper Cyril Probyseuran kapteenin, Cyril Probyn.
- `He just cleared outhishänenlockerkaappinsa.
- The new centre building will include reception desk, hire store, a multi-use area, toilets, first aid room, cafe overlooking the north terrace, a meeting room andbowlers'keilaajienlockerskaapit.
- HisHänenbedsideyöpöytänsälockerkaapissaheld the conglomerate of offerings, necessities and minor diversions considered indispensable to a brief spell in hospital.
- All the girls kept photographs of their parents perched prominently on thelockerskaappeihinby their bedssänkyjensä vieressä oleviin.
- Here there is a large hanginglockerkaappibeside the vanitykampauspöydän vieressäwith two drawers underneath.
- `That's the key tomyminunlockerkaappiiniat the North Oxford Golf ClubNorth Oxford Golf Clubilla, Inspector.
- “ I'll have the use of alockerkaapilleat the airportlentokentällä… ” she trailed off with a despondent sigh.
- The forecabin is separated from the saloon by a lobby which has a deep hanginglockerkaappion the starboard sidetyyrpuurin puolellawith a sliding basket stowage for folded clothing beneath it.
- If it's difficult to make the tool shed secure, think about buying army surplussteelteräs-lockerskaappejaor ammunition boxes to lock your tools in, and if necessary bolt the containers to the floor.
- He changed his Hannover-to-London ticket to a Cologne-London one, checked in and wandered towards thesteelteräksisiäluggagematkatavara-lockerskaappejato one side of the concourse.
- Can you go up and get me a vest or a towel or something frommyminunlockerkaapistani?
- The open wiring at the back of the control panel for the refrigerator is not protected from the contents of thefoodruoka-lockerkaapininto which it projects.
- Their weapons would have been deposited in thelockerkaappiinthe previous night by a UNACO operative.
- She opened alockerkaapinand began to undress.
- As Hennessy was opening up the greylockerskaappejaat the end of the roomhuoneen päässä, Donaldson spelt Bobo again.
- He crossed tohishänenlockerkaapilleenand opened it.
magnum.n 🔎
- You are the most extraordinary and wonderful woman I have ever encountered, and I shall make it amagnummagnumpullonof champagnesamppanjaa.
- His goal scoring prowess won him Scotland's Golden Boot Award, amagnummagnumpullonof Moet ChandonMoet Chandoniaand the nickname Champagne Charlie.
- The Anzac Captain, drunk as a fiddler's bitch, fumbled fortheirheidännewly-openedmagnummagnumpullollistaof champagnesamppanjaa, and shook the bottle.
- FAITHFUL readers know that four years ago we wagered amagnummagnumpullollisenof bubblykuplivaaagainst the proposed restaurant in the former TSB premises in Stanhope having a Michelin star by 1990.
mailer.n 🔎
- You'll only hear from us if we want your program, or if you've enclosed return postage and a suitablemailerpostiosoitteenfor returning disks we're unable to use.
- Oh we we've just sent out a six thousandmailermainosta.
mug.n 🔎
- Leaning back, he cradledhishänenmugmukiaanin his hands.
- `I was aiming for a Mediterranean feel, ``she explained, filling aplasticmuovi-mugmukinwith orange juice and taking it over to Thomas.
- I looked at Taff sitting opposite me in the gloom, his hands wrapped aroundhishänenhotmugmukinsaof teatee-, his shoulders hunched forward.
- Armed with the yellow pages and amugmukinof coffeekahvi-, I settled down by the telephone.
- Billy was sitting with amugmukiof teatee-at his elbow, his flattish face looking serious as he spoke.
- Lisa stared intoherhänencocoakaakao-mugmukiinsa.
- Big mugs: if you like drinks in a big way, get these colourfulFrench-style breakfastranskalaistyyliset aamiais-mugsmukitand saucers, £6.99, from The Reject Shop
- Declining on the grounds that he no longer had any religious faith, Uncle Hilbert sent asilverhopeisenchristeningristiäis-mugmukin, large enough to hold a pint of beer.
- The dark man sipped his beer, then rubbed his finger in the condensation that was dripping on the outside of themetalmetalli-mugmukia.
- He raised themugmukinto his lips and sipped the hot sugary tea, remembering the day when he had sat for the first time in Mr Corcoran's office.
- Bletchley smiled and accepted amugmukinof teatee-from an airman.
- The mead was passed, and themugsmukitwere refilled, and the fires burned a bit lower.
- Jos took six plastic-flighted darts out of a dirty half-pintbeerolut-mugmukistaand, handing three to Mungo, said: `Middle for diddle.
- Harris set downhishänenemptybeerolut-mugmukinsa, took out a handkerchief and wiped foam from his mouth.
- Thatenamelemali-mugmukilooked as if it might be his.
- They sat inside, drinking tea from enormousenamelemali-mugsmukeista.
- He bore a tray with apint<empty>mugkolpakollinenof steaming coffeehöyryävää kahviaand two thick slices of bread and honey.
- Dashinghis<empty>pint<empty>mugkolpakkonsadown on the bar, Greg Hocking darted through the door before any of the idly curious could bar his way.
- He flung the ball of paper across the tiny room, picked up atintina-mugmukinwith his shaving stick and soap inside it, and followed Chrissie through onto the landing.
- Christine watched, dismayed, as the children ate their lunch -- hunks of bread thrown on the table, andtintina-mugsmukillisiaof gruelvelliä.
- `I remember vividly being on night guard prior to the morning executions when some prisoners sang and rattledtheirheidäntintina-mugsmukejaanagainst the bars in some form of defiance.
- He swept the magazine into a drawer, then carried theteatee-mugmukinover to the sink where he emptied it.
- `Cocoa? ``she offered, coming in a little time later, carrying a small tray with threeenamelemali-mugsmukiaof steaming beveragehöyryävää juomaaon it, and a plate of Marie biscuits.
- God's perch was occupied by a different player who was slumped in his throne half-asleep, analeale-mugmukibetween his feet.
- Clarke took a swig fromhishänenmugmukistaan.
pack.n 🔎
- He thrust acigarettesavuke-packrasianin her direction.
- Quinn hefted thepackrasiaain his hands.
- `Very good, ``I replied, placingmyminunpackreppunion the bed.
- The Special Stamps themselves are dispatched inprotectivesuoja-packspakkauksiinon the day of issue.
- Layingmyminunpackrasianiof cigarettessavuke-on the tablepöydälle, I lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling.
- The stocky Frenchman gazed at him impassively, fishing apackrasianof cigarettessavuke-from the top pocket of his blue overallssinisten haalareidensa ylätaskusta.
- Choose from Ratatouille Grill and Macaroni Cheese Grill, both £1.59 for a pack of four and Cheese and Vegetable Burgers, £1.49 for apackpakkauksestaof threekolmen, available from supermarkets and food stores.
- Uncertainly, Henri drew forthhishänentarottarot-kortti-packpakkansaand spread the cards in a fan.
- The success of JS in this area was recognised at the `Britain Can Make It ``exhibition when, in the Printing and Packaging Section, our coffee berries andsemolinamannasuurimo-packspakettimmewere selected as outstanding examples.
- Three lorries loaded withcateringpitopalvelu-packspakkauksillaand worth a total of £160,000 were stolen from the Cairns and Brown compound in Washington.
- `Batteries, ``he said, and he brought abatteryparisto-packpaketinout of his shirtpaidastaan.
- Each man, NCO, and officer had his personal bearer, a criado who carriedhishänenpackreppuaan, blankets, and other gear except his weapons.
- Carry your spares in their originalbubbleläpipaino-packpakkauksessaor, if loose, wrap each battery in plastic.
- Piz Buin has the smartest selection — theSkiSkiPackPack -pakkauksessacontains sun cream, clear sunblock and five coloured zincs for £9.99.
- Jack finished his tea and put some cigarettes fromhishänenpackrepustaaninto his top pocket.
- Taking outhishänenpackrasiansaof StrandsStrands-, Michael lit one slowly.
- With clumsy fingers he took out apackrasianof cigarettessavuke-and tried to light one.
- He took one of my cigarettes from thepackrasiastaon the tablepöydällä olevasta.
pail.n 🔎
- They filledtheirheidänpailämpärinsäand container, and started the return journey.
- Susan placed thepailämpärinof watervesi-on the table.
- She heard the rattle of amilkmaito-pailkiulunin the next alley, and the familiar cry of: `Any milk here?
- He was full of an incandescence that `nopailsämpäreitäof cold waterkylmävesi-``could put out.
- A mop andpailämpäriare propped against the wall, but there is nothing else of interest or value here.
- He enjoys creeping past the back gardens of his neighbours, spotting the gleamingmilkmaito-pailskiulujain one and listening to the notes of a bass viol coming from another.
- There wereironrauta-pailsämpäreittäinof sheep's headslampaan päitäin the kitchen for boiling into broth.
- And there was a picture engraved on glass, illustrating the fable of the milkmaid andherhänenpailkiuluaan.
- A few drops of urine on the floor byhishänensloplikavesi-pailsangostaanmerited a scientifically aimed punch at his kidneys from the guard.
- Soon we were all jigging with mackerel feathers, V.I.P.'s included, and before long had severalpailssangollisiaof twitching mackerelnytkähteleviä makrillejaon deckkannella.
- One lady crouched under the leathery flanks of a water buffalo, gently pulling at the beast's udders, shooting warm jets of frothy milk into a batteredtintina-pailkiuluun.
- Water tap, that broom andwoodenpuu-pailämpäri
- ``They have sinks but no taps, the waste-pipes emptying into apailämpäriin.
- The women of the other crofts were already at the burn, filling theirpailsämpärinsäat the freezing cold stream.
pannier.n 🔎
- A mule clattered past, itsstrawolki-pannierslaukutthrust us against the adobe wall.
- Thepannierskantokoritand fanciful baskets, overflowing with variegated worsted, are gay and full of pleasure to the eye, and give an air of elegant business that is vivifying.
- Relieved of the weight of the food in ourpannierskantokoreissammewe returned to Fontanellato, where the latest news was not too good.
- If we returned to the road withourmeidänpannierskantokorimmefull of food and met the Germans, they would probably stop and search us.
- On the return ridemyminunpannierkantokorinifell off but I didn't discover this until I reached Petone.
pipette.n 🔎
- The wine was introduced into them by means of fineglasslasi-pipettespipeteillä, though the champagne had to be robbed of its sparkle before it could be persuaded to enter!
- In broad outline the process involves collecting the embryos into warm (37-C) Hepes-buffered recovery medium containing BSA (M2 + BSA) using a flame-pulledglasslasistaPasteurpasteur-pipettepipettiäattached to a mouth piece.
- All manipulations are done under a dissecting microscope using glass cavity blocks andglass mouthlasisia suu-pipettespipettejä(angled if necessary).
- It is possible to inject ``free-hand but, particularly for younger embryos, holding theinjectionruisku-pipettepipettiäin a Singer manipulator produces a more reliable and steadier motion.
- InjectionRuisku-pipettespipetitare made in exactly the same way as holding pipettes except that they are broken off at a smaller internal diameter.
- Place a microdrop of 1% sodium citrate with an egg on a grease-free slide using afineohuttapipettepipettiä.
- The chloroform phase was separated by aspiration with aPasteurpasteur-pipettepipetillä, and the aqueous phase was reextracted with 3 ml chloroform:methanol mixture.
planter.n 🔎
- To do this, your pre-raised seedlings must be pricked out into 3in pots, roughly the shape and size of abulbsipuli-planterruukun.
- Removing a plug of turf with theplanterruukkuineenand replacing it with a pot-grown cowslip takes seconds.
- Both purely decorative timber models for use aspatiopatio-plantersruukkuinaand fully functional wheel-barrows for lightweight jobs around the garden are available.
- She was given a sun dial, two largeplantersruukkua, garden centre tokens and flowers.
- TerracottaTerrakotta-planterruukkuand dish.
- Give your potted plants some pazzazz withHabitat's TropicsHabitatin Tropics-planterruukullaand saucer, £20, available from all branches.
- WoodenPuu-plantersruukkujacan be made to order.
- Bowl-likeconcretebetoni-plantersruukutenhance such herbs as wallflowers, followed by chamomile, mignonette, cotton lavender, and dill or fennel for height.
- Clusters of tall, willowy bamboos rose out of ten pale-pinkmarblemarmori-plantersruukustaand almost touched the high triple-domed ceiling.
pot.n 🔎
- I was amazed at how well the hair kept its shape, even when left to stand in mywatervesi-potpadassanifor half an hour or so.
- Tinysalt and peppersuola- ja pippuri-potspurkitfor individual place settingsyksilöllisesti sijoitettaviksi(or picnics), 67p each, from John Lewis stores
- The globular heads or ornamental onion, Allium karataviense make a stunning display in this largeclaysavi-potpurkissain May and June.
- Thieves have stolenornamentalkoristeellisiachimneysavu-potshattujain two separate incidents at Darlington homes.
- There were two paintbrushes and threepotspurkkiaof paintmaali-.
- Put the leaves in thepotruukkuunof watervesi-in the cage, taking care to plug the pot with cotton-wool, as described above.
- Slowly, he usedhishänenpotyöastiaansa, and then allowed himself to be taken by the hand along the passage to the lavatory.
- We were trying to make the tree stand erect inFred'sFredinpotruukussaand not seeing quite how it was to be done.
- All the geraniums intheirheidänpotsruukuissaanhad been cut back.
- In the end I threw myyoghurtjogurtti-potpurkkinifull of glueliimaa täynnä olleenat her and said the `f ``word I'd learnt from Auntie.
- Every type ofbricktiiliä,tilekaakeleitaandchimneysavu-pothattujacan be found along with wrought iron gates, lead covered domes, window frames.
- But rumour is rife that thereactorreaktorinpotastiahas already been buried.
- Craft items are sometimes more difficult to categorise, for example, a hand-crafted chair or aceramickeramiikka-potastia.
- The room was sparsely filled with ugly furniture, a horsehair sofa, and an aspidistra which sat in pride inits<empty>brassmessinki-potruukussaanon a green chenille tablecloth.
- Thepotspurkiton the dresserlipastolla olevatand the straight-backed, hard-backed chairs and the rag rug all seemed to be at peace with the world.
- Preston went back tohishänenpotpurkilleenof glueliima-.
- Water thepotruukkua,until the compost is quite damp.
- Sink 3inpotsruukutfull of good soiltäynnä hyvää multaainto the ground, in rows beside this year's strawberry plants.
- Thepotastiahangs on the end of a rope and when in contact with the water makes a disinfecting solution of chlorine.
- These chlorinatorsareovatearthenwaresavi-potsruukkujacontaining a mixture of coarse sand and bleaching powder.
- Cover them with a bucket or largeflowerkukka-potruukulla, or place a dinner plate on a crown of foliage.
- Underneath it stood an orange box on top of whichwere twooli kaksiflowerkukka-potsruukkua.
- It cast dancing shadows on the thick white carpet and gilded the green leaves of the plants which spilled fromceramickeramiikka-potsruukuista.
- To last through the bleakest of winters,terracottaterrakotta-potsruukkujenneed to be tough and frostproof.
- Lindsey barely had time to catch a glimpse of colourful awnings andflower-filledkukilla täytettyjäterracottaterrakotta-potsruukkuja,before Niall had brought the car to a halt, cut the engine and was climbing out.
- Daffodils can also be grown in tubs orpotsruukuissafor earlier blooming.
- It can be planted in apotruukkuun, and embedded in the gravel.
- The key was still in theplantkukka-potruukussaand I took it out.
- Striking them inpotsruukuissain a greenhousekasvihuoneeseendramatically reduces the time taken.
- Smallerpotsruukutcan be planted with single specimens to flower for months, or to be concealed and moved into place as they approach their best.
pot_cooking.n 🔎
- `Yer can, ``said Miss Angus, lifting the heavysilverhopea-potruukkuawith a shaky hand and slopping some into a cup.
- When completely cold, cover thepotruukkuwith foil or greaseproof paper.
- He noticed she needed two hands to lift thesilverhopea-potruukun.
- Children swam from the banks, and women washed clothes andpotspatoja.
- She gave him a wry smile as she added seasoning to thepotpataan.
- Leonora restored thepotpadanto the oven and straightened.
- He stood up and sauntered tohishänencoffeekahvi-potpannulleen.
- The secondwas aolicookingkeitto-potastia, black outside, polished and gleaming inside, solid and commodious.
- The cooking fires were lit andpotspadatwere set over the flames to boil.
- There were somecookingkeitto-potsastioita, and a large bowl half full of water.
- A basic slo-cookeris anonearthenwaresavi-potpata, with a lid, set in a metal frame that contains a heating element.
- By the door was a largeearthenwaresavi-potpadallinenof watervettäwith a metal drinking cup set on its lid.
- He received Mark in the central lobby and took him to the Members' tea room for a chat over apotpannunof teatee-.
- Her father reached for theteatee-potpannuun.
- Put the rice in aclaysavi-potpataanor a medium-sized pot.
- Mrs. X said `I don't mind if you usemyminunpotskattiloitaniand pans ``.
- He stirred apotpurkkiaof paintmaali-, dipped a brush in the paint, bent forward and applied it in slow strokes to the sheet of card in front of him.
- I made myself apotpannullisenof mint teaminttuteetäand sat silently at the living-room table.
- Its main featurewas a largeoli suuripotkattilallinenof soup containing enough marijuana to fell a herd of oxenkeittoa, jossa oli tarpeeksi marihuanaa kaatamaan karjalauman.
pouch.n 🔎
- Bernard rifled through thechangekolikko-pouchpussukkaain his wallet and handed her three quarters.
- Infusion of oleic acid into theileoanalileoanaaliseenpouchpussiinin humansihmisellähad no effect on circulating PYY concentrations, although a similar infusion did increase the PYY response to an oral mixed meal in these patients.
- There were spices -- a smallclothkangas-pouchpussillinenof cuminkuminaaand a bigger one of turmeric.
- In a moment or two, when she'd recovered, she produced her chillim and the littlepouchpussillinenof tobaccotupakkaathat she kept in her waistband.
- He knew that she carried apouchpussillinenof poisonsmyrkkyjä.
- Features like thekeyavain-pouchpussukkaon the side pocketsivutaskussaand the expanding lid are practical, not gimmicky.
- single compartment main body with drawstring; lid pocket with rear zip; 10in deep side pockets;meshverkko-pouchpussukkaon frontedessä.
- He wadded the money up tight and shoved it into one of thepouchespussukoistaon his Sam Browne beltSam Browne -vyönsä.
- Eventually he shrugged, drew outhishänenskeleton-keyyleisavain-pouchpussinsaand began to work on the lock.
- Weasel turned and grinned expectantly at his companion, who grunted and handed over a coin fromhishänenpouchpussistaan.
- Sheldukher handed her a cotton disc fromhishänenbeltvyö-pouchpussukastaan.
- It industriously collects them, stuffing them intoitssencheekposki-pouchespusseihin.
- I unzipped thepouchpussinround my waistvyötärölläni olevanand gave him the small jar of paint and the sawn-off paintbrush.
- Before he could, the little man brought out a small laser pistol from apouchpussistaat his beltvyöllään olevasta.
- Huy produced the little amulet of Ishtar from thelinenpellava-pouchpussistaat his beltvyöllään olevasta.
- He stoked the fire so that it flared, then reached behind him for apouchpussin,of thin leatherohuesta nahasta valmistetunwhich contained charred bones.
- Design:travelmatka-pouchpussi,with one main padded compartment and numerous smaller zipped pockets in the lid and on the front of the pouch.
- The bowl was filled with water and the old man, chanting softly to himself, poured powder into it from smallleathernahka-pouchespusseista.
- Corbett dug intohishänenleathernahka-pouchpussiaan.
- You can conveniently carry around relatively large tools like hammers, screwdrivers and chisels, and there is also a steel tape-measure clip, two leather loops, anailnaula-pouchpussiand three smaller pouches.
- He pulled outhishänentobaccotupakka-pouchpussukkansaand pulled the drawstrings open.
- Tibetantobaccotupakka-pouchespussukatand other exotic mementoes bear witness to his extensive travels.
- He fetched atobaccotupakka-pouchpussukanout of his pockettaskustaanand a packet of cigarette papers.
- They've also been recycling vinylstringnaru-pouchespussejaand have even decided to stop shining up their bronze strings by washing them in acid -- still a common procedure for most string manufacturers.
- He ejected the spent cartridge, felt inhishänenammoammus-pouchpussissaan.
purse.n 🔎
- But she still clutched the bag from Modas de Criancas with Peach's presents and, thank God, she hadherhänenpursekäsilaukkunsa,with her money and papersjossa olivat hänen rahansa ja paperinsa.
- The firstwas a littleoli pieni,pursekäsilaukkuof soft leatherpehmeästä nahasta valmistettu, which clinked a little as he put it down.
- I don't understand it but I seem to have found some extra money inmyminunpurselompakostaniand I don't know where it came from.
- He reached inside his doublet and brought out a whitevelvetsametti-purselompakon.
- They usually appear as wrinkled old men, and have knowledge ofleathernahka-pursespusseistaof gold coinskultakolikkoja sisältävistä, usually hidden in the roots of trees or in ruined castles.
- He sighed, rose, and began to scoop his winnings into a smallleathernahka-purselompakkoon.
- Queen Margaret took us both by the hand, welcoming us back and handing Benjamin a smallpursepussillisenof silver coinshopeakolikoita.
- Let's getmyminunpursekäsilaukkuni.
- And she returned shortly afterwards with a thick roll of notes fastened with a rubber band and Melanie counted out seventy-eight pounds and a ten shilling note and the woman gave her five shillings fromherhänenalligatoralligaattorinnahka-purselompakostaan.
- He thought of the widow in her ramshackle hut at the end of the village and the gratitude in her eyes when he gave her apursepussillisenof coinskolikoita.
- She held apursekäsilaukkuain her limp hand.
ramekin.n 🔎
- Drape four or five squares of filo, each in a slightly different position, over eachramekinannosvuokaan, brushing layers with melted butter.
- Mix the prepared fruit with the kirsch and divide equally among foursmallpieneenramekinsannosvuokaan.
- Grease foursmallpientäramekinsannosvuokaawith a little vegetable oil.
reservoir.n 🔎
- Kielder Water, the largestman-madekeinotekoinenreservoirpatoallasin EuropeEuroopassa, surrounded by the largest man-made forest in Europe, was opened by HM The Queen in June 1982, and has been developed into a major water-sports centre.
- C. The photograph shows two of thestoragetasaus-reservoirsallastain the PenninesPenniineillä.
- I have been asked to draw the attention of Wyre Borough Council to a burnt out car which I understand has been abandoned off the road near thereservoirpatoallastaon Nicky Nook, ScortonNicky Nookissa, Scortonissa.
- Areservoirsäiliöof coloured gelvärigeeli-is put near the nozzle.
- Golf courses, according to Ms Chee,are often `ovat usein "reservoirsaltaitaof toxic chemicalsmyrkkykemikaali-``.
- Of all the changes in the last two generations, only the greatreservoirsaltaatof watervesi-for the industrial cities of the North and Midlands have added anything to the scene that one can contemplate without pain.
- To the north and east were storehouses; huge, coveredreservoirsvarastojaof grain and ricevilja- ja riisi-.
- ARCHAEOLOGISTS in Devon are recording the 5,000-year history of a valley which is about to be flooded to form one ofBritain'sBritannianlargestreservoirspatoaltaasta.
- A Barren Measures'sandstonehiekkakivi-reservoirvarastojenstudy was based on log analysis of three wells in the study area.
- The Victorianbricktiiliskivi-reservoirvarasto, built in 1856, upon which stands the Putney home ground of the Metropolitan Water Board, Western Area CC.
- If all three colours overlap (such as in the fifth matrix) then a black dot is printed from theblack inkmustasta muste-reservoirsäiliöstä.
- Data is available, however, for the reef andcarbonate mudstonekarbonaattisavikivi-reservoirsvarastoistaand examples of these can be found in southern Denmark (Clark and Tallbacka 1980).
- A newreservoirpatoallasat Bewl BridgeBewl Bridgenof 310 hectares (a small part in Kent) is nearly full, and a reservoir at Ardingly (70 hectares) is in the process of being flooded.
- From the car park below theNeuaddNeuaddinReservoirpatoaltaanwalk towards the reservoir to the end of the road.
- The Wytch Farm oilfield started production from theBridportBridportinreservoirpatoaltaaltaat the rate of 4000 barrels a day in 1978.
- Reservoirspatoaltaissain the Lake DistrictLake Districtin, for example, supply acid lead-stripping water to Greater Manchester.
- The damming of the River Vyrnwy in 1881-92 to create areservoirpatoaltaanto supply Liverpool with water involved the earliest large-scale masonry dam, 161 feet high and 390 yards long.
- Other possible places for disposal are abandonedoil and gasöljy- ja kaasu-reservoirssäiliötand aquifers.
- The land is used for many purposes: for housing, factories, rail and roadways, airports,watervesi-reservoirsaltaisiin, recreation, amenity, forestry and farming.
- At times of low demand, electricity can be used to pump water from a lowreservoiraltaastato a high reservoir.
- It would be difficult to buildwater-gatheringvedenkeruu-reservoirsaltaitaof the size of those found in other Parts of the Pennines in the Dales because of the many eaves and potholes that would carry the water away.
- Adistributionjakelu-reservoirsäiliöönholds enough water to supply the area it serves for about a day.
- This lush green mountainous island, with one of the best all-year-round climates in the world,is also a hugeon myös valtavaself-regulatingitsesääteleväreservoirpatoallas,which holds up to 200 million cubic metres of water.
rucksack.n 🔎
- Davis checked that each man had arucksackrepullinenof bombspommeja, a pocketful of fuses, benzedrine tablets, a full water-bottle and a loaded weapon.
- I placed my pipes andrucksackrinkanon the back seat of the jeepjeepin takapenkilleand informed the driver that I was going into the orchard for a last look round.
- Withrucksacksrinkaton their shouldersharteillaanand clutching their weapons, the group of desperadoes trudged up the main coast road, clearly silhouetted by the headlamps of passing enemy traffic.
- He wears a brownrucksackrinkkaon his backselässään.
- Placing the bagpipes inmyminunrucksackreppuuniI made my way back across the green to the orchard, expecting a summons at any moment to appear before Shimi Lovat.
- They wrestled, grunting, Ross hampered by therucksackrepulla.
- Broadly speaking there are three types -- daysacks, weekend sacks andbackpackingvaellus-rucksacksreppuja.
- A sense of humour and a small softrucksackreppuor carry bag to hold all this paraphernalia are useful.
- He was carrying a smallrucksackreppuaby one of its straps.
- I packedmyminunrucksackrinkkani, signed the visitors' book, left my list of sightings in the common room and said my farewells.
sack.n 🔎
- There was nodeliveryjakelu-sacksäkkiäwith the bicycle.
- Why didn't they wait for the passengers to get off first, instead of squeezing themselves,their<empty>sackssäkkinsäof wheatvehnä-and bicycles on at the same time that others were dragging their possessions off?
- Fruit and vegetables are half the price of home andsackssäkillisiäof oranges and lemonsappelsiineja ja sitruunoitaare virtually given away.
- He turned away to the bedside table and found asouvenirmatkamuisto-sacksäkillisenof nickelsviisisenttisiäfrom Las Vegas among the things he had unpacked from his pockets.
- And she used to tell me about her burying it with her father you see, thesackssäkitof maltmallas-so that he didn't find it.
- He set downhishänensacksäkkinsäand straightened his aching shoulders.
- Along the route he was stopped by a dwarf and led into the mountain, where he was told to emptyhishänengrainvilja-sackssäkkinsäand fill them with gold.
- Dried leaves of the stuff lie in heaps on the floor of the open-air market, waiting to be bundled up inburlapjuutti-sackssäkkeihin.
- A kitchen worker appeared, dumped two blackgarbagejäte-sackssäkkiä, then disappeared.
- Some junior officers were further back, with themailposti-sackssäkkeineen.
- He pulled ajutejuutti-sacksäkinonto his lap and pointed down at my face with a dagger.
- He is sitting there now, fat and inanimate as asacksäkkiof flourjauho-, staring out of the window as the lights come on.
- Those necessities are sacks of flour andsackssäkitof riceriisi-, although I am glad to say that the Iranian Government are now providing flour for every refugee within their borders, and certainly for the Shias.
- For a horse in a yard,hessianjuutti-sackssäkit, large balls, a soft football, a length of hose, and plastic buckets and plastic garbage bins and lids, can all provide entertainment.
- During wintertime John Lowson was rarely seen withouthishänenhessianjuutti-sackssäkkejään.
- He hurled apaperpaperi-sacksäkillisenof dog mealkoiran ruokaaover on to the back seat and then got in behind the wheel, placing a grocer's carrier bag on the floor between them.
- PlasticMuovisetrefusejäte-sackssäkitare particularly useful for this purpose secured at the bottom with waterproof pvc tape.
- A return to the oldplasticmuovi-sacksäkkiinwould presumably produce an equally instant reduction.
- The tramway carriedsackssäkitof grainvilja-directly to the mill's main entrance.
- Let me carry thesacksäkkiä.
safe.n 🔎
- `Every door has its own lock, and residents also have asafekassakaappifor valuablesarvoesineille.
- Later she tried to make an oven out of anironrautaisestasafekassakaapista, but it did not work.
- Jack Mahoney gets two in the chest, and three guys bust open asafekassakaapinin a downtown jeweller's.
- They all moved to the manager's office, where the door was locked, then thesafekassakaappiwas unlocked.
- The Director keeps the third set of keys in his security cupboard, and the fourth are in asafekassakaapissaat Guy's Marsh police stationGuy's Marsh -poliisiasemallain case the alarm rings in the night.
- `You were in and out of this office all the time, you must have some idea of what my brother kept inhishänensafekassakaapissaan.
- Morse seemed to think you'd found something in thesafekassakaapista,which Matthew regarded as a negotiable asset.
- If he paid between twelve and fifteen thousand pounds a kilo, Carmichael has a hundred grand inside thatsafekassakaapissa.
- The consignment inHuey'Hueynsafekassakaapistahas to be moved out and down the line.
samovar.n 🔎
- Memories of pre-revolutionary days with theirsilverhopeisinesamovarssamovaareineenand golden church domes, their incense and bejewelled church vestments, were alluded to by Plavinsky, Rabin, Kropivnitskaya and others.
- Persian books were stacked in disordered piles; in the corner glistened a bigbrassmessinki-samovarsamovaariincised with Islamic decoration.
- While he fiddled withhishänensamovarsamovaariaan, Dr Jaffery told me about his work.
- Surely a Russian cook could manage tea of all things, and Auguste was cheered by the sight of thehugevaltavatsamovarssamovaaritimported into the Pavilion.
sarcophagus.n 🔎
- Another $26,000 buys a bronze, sealedsarcophagussarkofagifilled with inert gas that kills body-eating bacteria.
- In the centre of the vault, which dated back to 382-336BC,wasthe king'skuninkaansarcophagussarkofagi, apparently untouched for 23 centuries.
- At the head of the left transeptis a very early Christianon hyvin varhainen kristillinensarcophagussarkofagi,which held the remains of San Celso until, in 1935, they were transferred to the Crucifixion chapel.
- Indeed,Scipio Barbatus'Scipio Barbatuksensarcophagussarkofagi, made in the early third century BC of local stone, resembles a contemporary Greek altar.
- The Agia TriadhaAgia Triadhasarcophagus-sarkofagishows birds perched on double-axes, indicating the presence of a deity.
- The larnax was aclaysavi-sarcophagussarkofagi, often with panelled sides and gabled lids, and elaborately decorated all over with painted images.
- He has since visited Chernobyl and thesarcophagussarkofagilla,built to contain what remains of reactor no.4.
- The Yellow House was gone, swallowed by the railway, but the nondescript indefinite area between nineteenth-century railway and the ancientRomanroomalaisetsarcophagisarkofagitin their Elysian fieldsElysionin kentilläwas still there.
- The audacious ones stood in full view when she mounted the surrounding steps to a whitemarblemarmori-sarcophagussarkofagille.
- Perhaps Flaubert's interest was encouraged by the discovery (or indeed the memory) that in 1837the king'skuninkaansarcophagussarkofagihad been excavated by the British and shipped back to London.
- She walked slowly over to thegoldenkultaisellesarcophagussarkofagille.
- Much of the extant Etruscan sculpture is in the form ofsarcophagisarkofagejain stone and bronzekivi- ja pronssi-.
- Place the mummy's head in thesarcophagussarkofaginat the appropriate end.
satchel.n 🔎
- I picked up mysatchelolkalaukkuniwith its broken strap and walked -- no, limped -- to the window.
- `Hissatchellaukkunsaof bookskirja-.
- Acanvaspurjekankainensatchelolkalaukkulooped round his neck sagged against his chest.
- The Symphony bags shown here are (from left): rucksack with compartments (£3.99), asatchelolkalaukkuwith reflectorsheijastimilla(£3.99), and a kitbag (£2.99).
- In a trice, she had flown up the stairs, grabbed her coat andsatchelolkalaukkunsa, and quietly made her way out the door.
- The next shop yielded a heap of half-finished wooden pattens, the footwear used by field workers, along with asatchelolkalaukkufull of long nails and several hammers.
- After a little, she went to Oliver's room and found a Nux Bar inhishänensatchelolkalaukustaanand ate it.
- By the time you're thirty you'll have skin likemyminunoldschoolkoulu-satchellaukussani.
snifter.n 🔎
- He pulled open a door and took out a decanter and aballoonpyöreänsnifterkonjakkilasin.
- He gave her a cool smile over the rim of thesnifterkonjakkilasin.
- He walked to the table where he'd left hisbrandybrandy-snifterlasinsa, lifted it, and drained it of liquid.
- He slammed down thesnifterkonjakkilasinagain and flung his hands on to his hips.
spittoon.n 🔎
- Yemeni homes and cafés provide aspittoonsylkykuppifor this purpose.
- This last noise occasioned by a solid pellet of his spittle hitting abrassmessinkiseenspittoonsylkykuppiin.)
- The government urged betel chewers throughout the country to spit the red juice inspittoonssylkykupeissa.
spoon.n 🔎
- With the coins are a remarkable group ofsilverhopea-spoonslusikoitain a variety of forms, some marked with the Christian Chi-ro symbol.
- Alexandra looked uncomprehending and moved to putherhänenspoonlusikkansain her soupkeittoon.
- He dipped aspoonlusikaninto the boeuf bourguignonboeuf bourguignoniin.
- Spades, scoops andspoonslusikoitaof different size, shape or colour give opportunities for comparisons.
- Geordie banged aspoonlusikanon his highchair and, when they all looked at him, dissolved into delighted laughter.
- He was used to her economical movements and noted that she went twice to the fridge for milk and forgotcoffeekahvi-spoonslusikaton the tray.
- Athelstan loweredhishänenspoonlusikkaansa.
- Isabel Lavender laid downherhänendessertjälkiruoka-spoonlusikkansa.
- `What's happened? ``asked Ruth,soupkeitto-spoonlusikansuspended in mid-air.
- I can see the mixing-bowl andwoodenpuu-spoonlusikan.
- He returned with a dish of multi-coloured ice cream and asilverhopea-spoonlusikka.
- Stir in oodles of special effects and hand thewoodenpuu-spoonlusikkato Robert `Back To The Future ``Zemeckis.
- She picked up aslottedreikä-spoonkauhanfrom the table and beat gently on the tin lid.
- A tea-bag, aspoonlusikallinenof Marvel milk-powderMarvel-maitojauhetta, and the green plastic mug was steaming triumphantly by my side.
- London silver dealers J. H. Bourdon-Smith in Mason's Yard, are holding an exhibition of around 140 West Countrysilverhopea-spoonslusikkaafrom 9 to 11 December.
- Place the ingredients and ametalmetalli-spoonlusikkain a heavy goblet.
- It started as baby Thomas was lowered into his high chair -- and ended when a dollop of Ready Brek lefthishänenplasticmuovi-spoonlusikkansamid-grapple to go flying over both breakfast-time combatants.
- Tip: To fold flour in use a largemetalmetalli-spoonlusikkaain a figure-of-eight motion, as gently as possible, to prevent knocking out any of the air.
- Use propermeasuringmitta-spoonslusikoita{{{1}}}
- Take them from the pan with aperforatedreikä-spoonkauhallaand transfer them to a mortar or the liquidizer goblet.
- He poured an inch of condensed milk into the mug plus fourspoonslusikallistaof sugarsokeriaand stirred the coffee before straining it.
stein.n 🔎
- Marshals -- and waitresses flown in from Germany -- will make sure drinkers don't get too manysteinstuoppiaof beerolut-at the four day event.
- Around the walls on hooks hung antique épées, foils, sabres, and daggers, as well asstonekivisiädrinkingjuoma-steinstuoppejadecorated with double-headed eagles, fylfots, and tusked boars' heads.
- Tiltinghishänensteintuoppiaandismissively, Tundrish tipped out some brew as a derisive libation.
- The feast proceeded in dainty silence until a bare fish skeleton the size of a heavy bolter lay on the platter before each celebrant, andtheirheidänstonekivi-steinstuoppinsastood empty.
- This I washed down with lager from a greatsteintuopistaas monumentally carved as the Parthenon.
suitcase.n 🔎
- Erika looked at the splendid silverplasticmuovi-suitcasematkalaukkuaon her bedsängyllään.
- I sentmyminunsuitcasematkalaukkunito the palace.
- Horowitz, who preferred travelling light, hadsuitcasesmatkalaukkujawith clothes packedvaatteilla pakattujadeposited at various locations all over Europe.
- I opened it and found a shirt, crumpled but clean, a pair of polished brown boots and a cheapcanvas-coveredpurjekankaalla päällystetynsuitcasematkalaukunwith a strap round it.
- Why have you come with asuitcasematkalaukullinenof canned pineapple chunkspurkitettuja ananaspaloja, asks Sly.
- They had met a fortnight after Meg's arrival when Alice had called at the Old Rectory with asuitcasematkalaukullinenof jumblevanhoja tavaroitafor the annual sale in aid of St Andrew's Church in Lydsettvuosittaisiin myyjäisiin St Andrewn kirkon hyväksi Lydsettissä.
- Suitcasesmatkalaukkujaof shareholders' cashOsakkeenomistajien rahaa sisältäviähave been found in the grip of bribed politicians.
- Cornelius stuffed things intohishänensuitcasematkalaukkuunsa.
- HisHänencardboardpahvinensuitcasematkalaukkunsalay ready, and he looked stiff and awkward in his shiny suit of blue serge and clumsily knotted tie.
- Cardiff looked over to where the other two strangers were layingtheirheidänmetalmetalli-suitcasesmatkalaukkunsacarefully down in the main reception area under the watchful eye of Pearce's men.
- He ranged along his shelves, found the numbered item, a smallfibrekuitu-suitcasematkalaukun, and handed it over.
- However, some items make useful additions to anyholidayloma-suitcasematkalaukkuunand will make sure you get the trouble-free break you deserve.
- Thepigskinsiannahka-suitcasematkalaukkuwas his; he put it on the bed and filled it with essentials.
- `There was asuitcasematkalaukkuin the carautossawith clothes in itjossa oli vaatteita, ``he said.
- He ran to the bedroom, climbing on a chair to check thesuitcasesmatkalaukuton top of the wardrobevaatekomeron päällä olevat.
- Police found Christine's body crammed into asuitcasematkalaukkuunin the loft.
- Groped for my watch which I had put on top ofmyminunsuitcasematkalaukkuniunder the bedsängyn alle: it wasn't there.
- Thesuitcasematkalaukkulay opened in front of him.
- One hand clung on to a littleleathernahka-suitcasematkalaukku, with the initials E.R.
- Many times after cooking and cleaning there, she would have to bringsuitcasesmatkalaukutof washingpyykkiä sisältävätback to our house in Taibach to get it ready for the next visit.
- Branson and Berry had brought with them asuitcasematkalaukuncontaining several thousands of American dollarsuseita tuhansia Amerikan dollareita sisältävän, which was carried coolly through Customs, in defiance of the local currency regulations.
- Diana asked the maid who was carrying twoLouis VuittonLouis Vuittonsuitcases-matkalaukkuawith the `S ``initial to her car.
- She wore a white ribbed sweater under the soft leather jacket and a tweed hat on her head, and carried a smallovernightyöpymis-suitcasematkalaukkua.
- The first was known to be Tony Gauci, son of the owner of Mary's House, the boutique in Sliema from which the clothing in thebombpommi-suitcasematkalaukunhad allegedly been purchased.
- He opened thesuitcasematkalaukunand took from it the carrier-bag with the Union Jack on it.
- There weresuitcasesmatkalaukkujafull of dresses and jewelstäynnä leninkejä ja jalokiviäaround her, ready for a journey.
- Dr Fenech-Adami said last night: `On the facts as known to us, it has not been proved that thesuitcasematkalaukkucarrying the bombpommin sisältäväoriginated in Malta.
- The robbers would have needed at least 16 largesuitcasesmatkalaukkuato carry off the cashkäteisen kuljettamiseen, said bank spokesman, Jean-Claude Bach.
- Each team has asuitcasematkalaukku,which contains some clothes which are chosen to look funnyjoka sisältää hassulta näyttäviä vaatteita.
- The same was true of the clothing around the bomb and theSamsoniteSamsonite-suitcasematkalaukkua,that contained the devicejossa laite oli.
- During the 1987 expedition asuitcasematkalaukkucontaining jewellery, gold coins and bank notesjalokiviä, kultakolikoita ja seteleitä sisältäväwas recovered, among other artefacts believed to be worth about £38m.
tank.n 🔎
- The tinyoxygenhappi-tanksäiliöon his backhänen selässäänwas uncomfortable but deemed necessary in case the mist became too choking.
- On collection of the car, clients paying cash will normally be asked to pay a further deposit roughly equivalent to the remaining cost of the rental and the fulltanksäiliöof petrolbensiini-.
- You have a fulltanksäiliöof petrolbensiini-and some reserve supplies at the back.
- YourSinuntankSäiliösihas certainly reached its limits now, and some of the fish have yet to reach their full potential.
- At least 400 people have climbed Everest and dozens more are ready withtheirheidänoxygenhappi-tankssäiliöineen.
- Covertanksäiliöto protect the light sensitive eggs.
- Purists still demand the long trudge with the Atco cylinder-mower, the old one with the heavy roller and thepolished-brasskiillotetusta messingistägasbensa-tanktankki.
- Home made nylon wool spawning mops are then placed in thetanksäiliöön.
- I have had a 20-gallon marinetanktankkifor almost one year.
- Philip kept his eyes on thefishkala-tankakvaariossain the corner of the living-room.
- When the fish are placed in thebreedingkudetus-tankaltaaseen,courtship will normally start within minutes, the male displaying to the female and driving her into the floating mops.
- Your best bet is to let the insurance company know that you have afishkala-tankakvaariobefore you take out a policy.
- Further modifications for desert travel included a water condenser, a sun compass and a large extrafuelpolttoaine-tanksäiliö.
- Itspetrolbensa-tanktankkiwas dented and there was a big oil patch underneath, but no signs of life that Henry could see.
- The driver is fairly safe, because of the height of the seat, but thepetrolbensa-tankstankitappear to be exposed to damage.
- A shell scored a direct hit on apetrolbensa-tanktankkiin, and he felt the wave of heat from fifty yards off.
- Thewatervesi-tanksäiliöat the south end of Bewdley's island platformBewdleyn saarekelaiturin eteläpäässähas been temporarily removed for repairs.
teaspoon.n 🔎
- Place the potatoes, apples, sugar, oneteaspoonteelusikallinenof saltsuolaaand the vinegar in a large pan and just cover with water.
- Most interesting in the gold section was a set of twelve,Lexington, KentuckyLexington, Kentuckyteaspoons-teelusikoitaof around 1850 (lot 29).
- `They're still arguing today, would you believe it? ``she said to Phoebe, accepting a dish of tea and making a whirlpool withherhänenteaspoonteelusikallaan.
- Make melon balls using a melon baller orteaspoonteelusikkaa.
- Then, using ateaspoonteelusikkaa, put a small amount of filling in the centre of each wonton skin.
thermos.n 🔎
- She took it out of the knapsack, poured coffee from thethermostermospullostaand ate and drank.
- `Don't forgetyoursinunThermostermospulloasiand plastic spoons, ``said Bedelia.
- Already aboard were a tommy-gun, grenades, athermostermospullollinenof coffee laced with brandybrandylla terästettyä kahvia-- they would need this -- and the infra-red signalling gear.
- Thecoffeekahvi-thermostermospulloand cups were fetched, the incense came again but this time it was passed more slowly, so that everyone could enjoy the sweet-smelling smoke to a greater extent.
- I've got a packed lunch, athermostermospulloof ice-cold martinisjääkylmiä martineja, and some beer and Coke.
- Athermostermospulloof soupkeittoa, cups, a plate of sandwiches waited on an ugly silver tray in the hall; a domestic attention marking the end of the party.
- I've put theThermostermospullollisenof watervettäin your packreppuusi-- use it sparingly.
tin.n 🔎
- Spread the mixture into a 6-inch sandwich tin ortarttorttu-tinvuokaanwith a removable base.
- Thistinpurkkiof nutspähkinä-was a continual source of nourishment to my brother and myself until in his exasperation at the fast-diminishing level of nuts my Father moved the tin out of our reach.
- Mrs Parkin described how children were coming to the school weighed down withtinspurkeillaof foodruoka-.
- He saves all his coppers and keeps them inhishänentintölkissään.
- He reached forhishänentobaccotupakka-tinpurkkiaanand makings and took them, along with the whiskey, to the table.
- The dinners came by van inmetalmetalli-tinsvuoissa.
- Richard looked again at thesardinesardiini-tinpurkkia.
- From atinpurkeistain the cupboardkaapissa olevistascones were produced, and spread with butter and honey.
- He was staring at the girl who, aware that she had caught his eye, was now lounging on the steps, pouting, thesardinesardiini-tinpurkkiin one hand, a cigarette in the other.
- On her way, out of shame that she would mess up the arrangements, she stopped at a small shop and got some fresh rolls and ham, some butter and sometinspurkkiof Smithwicks bitterSmithwicks-bitteriä.
- Miss Poraway clattered noisily behind her, with her list and atobaccotupakka-tinpurkkifor collecting the money inrahan keräämiseen.
- But on the day he departed to do his bit, she gave him a large squarebiscuitpikkuleipä-tinpurkin,with a big round fruit cake in itjossa oli suuri, pyöreä hedelmäkakku.
- Spread over the sliced orange in thecakekakku-tinvuokaan.
- Rinse aloafleipä-tinvuokawith cold water and stand it in a dish surrounded by ice cubes.
- Church shook with silent mirth and dropped thetinpurkin.
- The cupboards heldtinspurkkejaand packagesof every kindmonenlaisia, even a box of fresh vegetables.
- I got into the trench and openedmyminuntintölkkiniof soupkeitto-, pouring the piping hot liquid into a mess tin.
- She began openingher grandmother'sisoäitinsäcakekakku-tinsvuokia, found a chocolate biscuit and started to eat it.
- Coventry nodded and opened atinpurkinof biscuitskeksi-.
- Scores of meticulously labelledtinspurkkejacontaining sub-assembly fixings were stacked at the rear of the workshop.
tumbler.n 🔎
- A croissant warm from the oven, a cup of good coffee and atumblerlasillinenof just-squeezed orange juicejuuri puristettua appelsiinimehuacosts under £1.
- The packet contained two smaller packets -- one blue, one white, which were mixed together in atumblerlasilliseenof watervettä.
- Because you lost so much body water in the heat, small boys broughttumblerslasillisetof iced waterjäävettäat the end of every set.
- Markby drainedhishänentumblerjuomalasinsaand stood up.
- Put the sugar, mint and a little soda into a talltumblerjuomalasiin.
- Michelle raised his owntumblerjuomalasiaan.
- Thetumblerjuomalasiin his right handoikeassa kädessäänwas almost empty.
- You may also want to have atumblerlasillisenof alcoholalkoholiato sip to relax beforehand.
- A few moments later she was putting awhiskyviski-tumblerlasininto his hand.
- How much it meant to us when she broughtherhänenWaterfordWaterford-tumblerlasinsaup onto the stage with her, settled her feathers and her sequins and then looked calmly round until there was complete silence.
- In his study, Adam, wearing a dinner jacket, poured whisky into acut-glasskristalli-tumblerlasiinand confronted his brother.
- The third, a shopkeeper and a victim of circumstance, toyed nervously withhishänenwhiskyviski-tumblerlasiaanand prayed desperately for an opportunity to slip away and feed his camel.
- Ray Plummer filled theWaterford crystalWaterford-kristalli-tumblerlasinwith sodasoodavedelläand ice and handed it to John Hitch, and then repeated the procedure, passing the other brandy and soda to Terry Morton.
- Partly filling an exquisitecrystalkristalli-tumblerlasin, he pressed the prismed top back into the decanter's neck, and sank into one of the leathern fireside chairs.
- Acut glasskristalli-tumblerlasisat on the coffee table beside a bottle of gin and a bottle of tonicoli sohvapöydällä ginipullon ja tonikkipullon vieressäwater.
- She laid them out in a precise circle on the polished dining table, the `Yes ``and `No cards opposite each other, then placed aglasslasisentumblerjuomalasinupside downin the centrekeskelle.
- His face lit up, he puthishänenplasticmuovisentumblerjuomalasinsadown on the mantelpiece.
- Aplasticmuovinentumblerjuomalasicontaining toothbrush and paste stood on a deeper shelf behind two thin metal rails designed to prevent things falling off.
tun.n 🔎
- In the brewery it is milled into a powder called grist and then mixed with hot water (known as liquor in breweries) in a vessel called amashmäskäys-tunamme.
- This traced itself back to John Merchant, a Fleming given a permit almost 100 years earlier, in 1492, to export 50tunstynnyriäof `ale called berre"alea nimeltä berre``to the Low Countries.
- Surrounding the stonesis aonwoodenpuu-tuntynnyrilined with zinc.
- The cellars were huge and cavernous but contained nothing remarkable; beer barrels,wineviini-tunstynnyreitä, cut logs, sea coal and other stores.
tureen.n 🔎
- When ready to serve, reheat the soup to boiling point and pour into a heatedtureenliemikulhoon.
- He kicked over a candelabra, upset atureenkulhonof soupkeitto-, then leaped from the last table to land with a crash in Lord John's path.
- The finest piece in this saleis a magnificenton suurenmoinensilverhopeinensoupkeitto-tureenkulhoby Paul de Lamerie.
- Drain well in a colander and divide them among individual bowls or put them in a largesoupkeitto-tureenkulhoon.
- On the top shelf was asilverhopeinentureenliemikulhobrimming with strawberries.
- A look into the Christie archives showed that the catalogue listed foursoupkeitto-tureenskulhoa, each selling for £68.
- Thesoupkeitto-tureenkulhowas in front of Edward Pitt, the curving silver ladle on the table by his plate.
urn.n 🔎
- Wordsworth shared in sympathy with Sir George Beaumont when he erected anurnuurnanin memory of Reynolds in his grounds.
- Anurnuurnallinenof Waimea sandWaimean hiekkaa, representing the ashes of the dead man, was voided on the sea.
- As for drinks, therewould be silvery twirledolisi hopeisena pyörteileviäurnspannullisiaof teatee-on tap for the grown-ups and milk or fresh lemonade for the young.
- Ronni was surprised he remembered that conversation by theurnruukkujenof red geraniumspunaisten pelargonia-.
- Hooks of meat, barrows of vegetables, trays of pies,urnspannullisiaof teateetäpassed him in every direction.
- A lemonade seller had a place at the kerbside further along,hishänenpolishedurnastiansareflecting the warm glow from the fire of a trader in hot chestnuts next to him.
- Eric would turn inhishänenurnuurnassaan.
- And now this new posh house with itscreamkermanvaaleineurnsuurnineenoutside.
- LeadLyijy-urnsuurnatare elegant with trailing jasmine, catmint, rue and lavender; clay parsley pots could alternatively have small plants of feverfew pushed into all the openings, to flower all summer.
- A sunken marble bath here has severalcopperkuparisiawatervesi-urnssäiliöitäaround it, vials of liquid soap and an ivory comb on a dressing table, towels, and similar accoutrements.
- Anearthensavi-urnuurnaand human bones were also found, the former was broken to pieces ``.
- The items showed that the burial had taken place at the period when the cremation of bodies and burial of the ashes inurnsuurnissawas practised.
- A classical, goblet-shapedstonekivi-urnuurna, placed on a plinth at the end of a long, narrow lawn draws the mixed borders on either side together and integrates them.
- They came to a halt outside the front door flanked by hugestonekivi-urnsuurnatoverflowing with red geraniums.
- Twostonekivi-urnsuurnaaworth £500 have been stolen from a house in Coniscliffe Road, Darlington.
- Eyes turned again to theteateen-urnkeittimeen.
- How long does our usualteateen-urnkeittimemmetake to boil?
- Again there was the picture of men carrying greatteateen-urnskeittimiä, and as Stanley Spencer said himself, ``mad tea urns made for lunatics.
valise.n 🔎
- Charles wandered slowly up the village street in search ofhishänenvalisematkalaukkuaan.
- He leapt up the steps, grabbedhishänenvalisematkalaukkunsaand hastened down again to the truck.
- His first wife, Hadley, left a wholevalisematkalaukuncrammed with manuscripts in a railway carriage.
- Theodora swungherhänenleathernahkaisenvalisematkalaukkunsafrom the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.
vase.n 🔎
- Bunny dropped the lighter into achinaposliini-vasevaasiinin the cocktail cabinet in the prop-roomlavastehuoneen cocktailkaapissa olevaanand burnt the letter on the fire.
- A small heavyporcelainposliini-vasevaasion a side tablesivupöydälläcaught his eye.
- She put out a hand to touch one of the ribbed blue and yellowvasesvaaseistaon the marble mantelpiecemarmorisella takanreunuksella.
- Mrs Wright lifted avasevaasia,of flowerskukka-that was on a small table by the door so that she could see how much water was in.
- Avasevaasiof white liliesvalkoisia liljojastands on the table; the decanter is a silvered jug of water only.
- Elinor read the cards from two identical largevasesvaasista,of lilieslilja-which took up all the space on the dressing table.
- She didn't trust the captain, so we were there to ensureherhänenvasesvaasinsawere carefully loaded and no pilfering went on.
- `I likeyoursinunjadejadenvihreästävasevaasistasi, Rokeya, ``she said.
- Fine by me, I said, distributing ashtrays andbudkukka-vasesvaaseja.
- On it were a variety of jugs andchinaposliini-vasesvaasejafrom the same school of design as the pixie doorknocker.
- He pulled out a blueMingming-vasevaasinwhich, after a preliminary dousing with water, appeared as good as new after its four centuries of burial.
- Her popularity was obvious when so many colleagues gathered for her farewell presentation at which she was given acrystalkristalli-vasevaasiand some luggage as a leaving present.
- There were a couple of oriental rugs on the tiled floor, old maps, comfortable armchairs and sofas,flowerkukka-vasesvaaseja,which tactfully avoided the awfulness of Italian ceramics.
- Both pictures depict aglasslasi-vasevaasejaset on a stone plinth with variegated tulips, daffodils, irises and other flowers.
- By its side was Carla's mug, also empty, and a dozen roses arranged in avasevaasiin.
- She was going to put it in thechinaposliini-vasevaasiin, only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping, so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf.
vat.n 🔎
- If you wish to increase the survival rates, by all means overwinter the little fish indoors, either in a coldwater aquarium or afilteredsuodatetussavataltaassain shed or garagevajassa tai autotallissa.
- This is the '70s equivalent of Julia Roberts, Mel Gibson and Vanessa Paradis wrestling in avatsammiossaof KYKY-
- Do you think the Ancient World was all rose petals, lute music, and plumpvatssammioitaof honeyhunaja-sealed with bear fat?
- the grapes are crushed and the juice (or must) and skins go into thefermentationkäymis-vatsammioon.
- He hoisted the scullion up and threw the creature into the hugevatsammioksi.
- They may be able to help you with a view to hiring a showvataltaanfor KoiKoille.
- The body was too large to bring on board, so the head was cut off and preserved in apicklingpeittaus-vatammeeseenaboard the Monongahela.
- It took fire crews almost an hour to rescue Robert Stanley who fell fifteen feet into thevatammeeseenat Long Crendon in BuckinghamshireLong Crendonissa, Buckinghamshiressa.
- The procession moved through the kitchen, through clouds of steam from several largemetalmetallisestavatsastiastaof foodruoka-.
- The mixture is then transferred to afermentingkäymis-vatastiaan,where yeast is added and fermentation converts the sugar into alcohol.
- Once everything had been checked I filled thevataltaanwith watervedelläand switched the pump on.
- A chamber was opened and I realised that, like many wise householders, Santerre used one room to store hugevatssammioitaof watervesi-against the very fire we were now fighting.
vial.n 🔎
- Manufacturers dispatchvialsampullejaof vaccinerokote--- along with frozen carbon dioxide for cooling -- in large, insulated cartons which must be tested for both strength and the efficiency of the insulation.
- The one with Pavarotti and Sid Vicious fighting over avialampullistaof dopehuume-
- The plants are grown in smallplasticmuovi-vialsampulleissafilled with a clear jelly-like substance called hydrogel.
- Instruct your patient to purchase a 100ml or 150ml bottle of purified water and to add the contents of the smallvialampullistato it.
- Three separate incidents apparently occurred within a fortnight of the start of this month including one in which avialampulliof radio-active substanceradioaktiivista ainettawas spilt.
- However, if the adventurers make a thorough search here, they have a 50% chance each for turning up a sealedvialampullin,with 2D4+1 doses of Trollbanejossa on 2D4+1 annosta Trollbanea, and another with D4+1 doses of Graveroot.
- Single lots of OPV packaged in10-dose10 annoksenvialsampulleihinand IPV packaged in single-dose syringes were used.
- McGowan closed the door and slipped a smallglasslasi-vialampullininto Jed's hand.
- The supernatant was transferred to aglasslasiseengas liquid chromatographykaasu-nestekromatografiseenvialampulliin(Chromacol Ltd, London, UK) dried and resuspended in 200 µl hexane.
vivarium.n 🔎
- Now I usetheirheidänoldvivariumvivaariotaanto rear owls in.
- An indoorvivariumvivaarioonneeds to be supplied with fresh water but also areas of dry land with plenty of cover, and the main problem is hygiene: in high humidity, bacterial disease can break out.
wallet.n 🔎
- MyMinunwalletlompakkoniwith 600 francs in itja siinä olleet 600 frangiahas been stolen.
- A pen, pencil-cases, awalletlompakko,with a pound note insidejonka sisällä oli punnan seteli, and my first watch, a pocket Ingersoll (this cost in today's money, 12 pence).
- `The peculiar thing is that Blackbeard seemed ready to murder us for awalletlompakosta,with a few fivers in itjossa oli muutama vitonen, all of which he was going to give to his bruiser, anyway.
- This consists of a compact portable reader, awalletlompakostaof microfichesmikrokortti-and the paper version of the index.
- If she had awalletkukkaro,of moneyraha-she'd go and buy them now.
- The man freezes in the act of stowing awayhishänenwalletlompakkonsa.
- The other man in the greatcoat gave a perfunctory flip ofhishänenIDhenkilökortti-walletlompakkoaan.
- A selection of products is available: envelopes, two pads -- scribbling and writing, reporters notebook, subject dividers anddocumentasiakirja-walletslompakkoja.
- She'd searched and searched for thewalletlompakkoa.
- She expected his suspicion and passed acrossherhänenwalletlompakkonsaof blue plasticsinimuovisen.
- `Life's full of disappointments, Inspector, as I'm sure -- ``Suddenly he stopped; and his eyes lit up as he withdrew ablack-leathermustan nahka-walletlompakonfrom the breast-pocket of his sports jacket.
- On behalf of them all Tony Pite, tennis club chairman, presented Mr. Offer with aleathernahka-walletlompakon.
- Thieves stole aleathernahka-walletlompakoncontaining credit cards from a jacket hanging in McKenna and Browns in High Street, Northallerton between 3.30pm and 4.40pm on Friday.
- There were about thirty coins arranged in layers on cardboard trays; each tray was encased in aplasticmuovi-walletlompakkoon.
- `Apparently Timmy carried identification inhishänenwalletlompakossaan.
- She'd foundherhänenwalletlompakkonsaof credit cardsluottokortti-and flourished it under his nose, every fibre of her being poised to defy him if he tried to deny her the right to pay.
- She finished her drink and picked up aticketlippu-walletlompakonfrom the table.
- Bernie stood up and took out hiswalletlompakkonsa.
- Thewalletlompakossacontained an assortment of plastic cards and sixty pounds in notes.