The Yorkshire Television switchboard in Leeds with its myriad lines had been jammed all day with
about Hannah
Hannahia koskevat .
Thank you for
about what's up there in my loft
jotka koskevat sitä, mitä ullakollani on .
Compare that to one day recently when there were more than seventy
about a schedule change
aikataulumuutoksesta .
`Last year
had dozens of
about injured hedgehogs
loukkaantuneista siileistä , ``she says.
Mains will have found out by now that his private life will be interrupted by numerous
at all hours of the day or night
mihin tahansa aikaan päivästä tai yöstä from people seeking information
tietoja haluavien ihmisten .
`You know how we feel about
henkilökohtaisista , Celia.
This was supplemented by evidence of anonymous
by neighbours alleging violence in the family home
naapureilta, jotka esittivät väitteitä perheen kotona tapahtuvasta väkivallasta .
Police said other stations had not been evacuated because a warning
from the terrorists
terroristeilta had been too vague.
“ There
have been quite a few
varsin paljon …
came through.
has just had a
from someone you haven't heard from in some time
joltakin, josta et ole kuullut pitkään aikaan .
`She used to phone him nearly every day, though, and he was quite happy after
At the current cost of local
, pigs will more likely fly.
might warn her something's up.
The reconstruction's producer, Jayne Topping, said: `Normally these generate a huge response, somewhere between 100 to 300
Then he turned on his answering-machine and flinched at the
But after a
to ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey
ICC:n puheenjohtajalle Sir Colin Cowdreylle settled on an £850 fine.
Perhaps she had known it would happen, perhaps he had answered
for the same reason.
`Hello, Stoddard Templeton, can I help ``-- This is how Phyllis McQMcQuire answers the many
from customers enquiring about fabrics at Sekers, Whitehaven factory
asiakkailta, jotka tiedustelevat Whitehavenin Sekersin tehtaan kankaista .
The night he disappeared
Hänen katoamisyönään got a
from a woman who said she'd taken him because he looked abandoned
naiselta, joka sanoi vieneensä hänet mukanaan, koska hän näytti hylätyltä , ``Arkie explained.
Although we were officially the London helpline,
from all over Britain and from all over the world
kaikkialta Britanniasta ja ympäri maailmaa .
`Perhaps you could let me have your number and then
'll give
when Mr Steen is back in town and we could fix another appointment.
Only three people
Vain kolmen ihmisen were allowed to make a
each week, which meant sometimes you had to wait your turn for weeks.
'll make some
, then we'll go out.
Tim broke the news to him late on Tuesday afternoon in a
from the Godwins' Northamptonshire home
Godwinien Northamptonshiren asunnolta .
The next day
arrived back at UM's European headquarters in London and received an
then began answering the phone to protect her daughter and received similar
on February 7 and 9
7. ja 9. helmikuuta .
Here telesales operators will be able to feed information directly into a database as
When asked why it had taken him so long to change his view of IBM, Joseph Payne at Alex Brown & Sons said abruptly that
had to take another
and promised to call back later.
Wallace did not reply to
letters and
Within an hour of
Mr Crumwallis's
herra Crumwallisin to the school doctor
koulun lääkärille , the police were in residence at Burleigh.
received a telephone
just before Question Time
juuri ennen Question Timea telling me that that enterprise will have to close.
All said they had been inundated with
from eager fans
innokkailta faneilta .
, hundreds of
were received
after the BBC Crimewatch programme reconstructed the moment that James wandered away from his 25-year-old mother, Denise, while she was in a butcher's shop.
When I got home
Kun palasin kotiin, the NRA freephone pollution
NRA:n ilmaiseen saaste- number and I was told it was too dark and cold for anyone to go down and somebody would be there first thing in the morning.
Tickets for the Pet Show, which is from May 2nd-4th, are available --
the Earls Court box office
Earls Courtin lippumyymälään on 071 373 8141
numeroon 071 373 8141 .
if you have any queries
jos sinulla on kysyttävää, the Action Team
toimintatiimille on 031-557-3194
numeroon 031-557-3194 during office hours
virka-aikana, and they will put you in touch with the person responsible for your area.
the Apollo Box Office
Apollon lipputoimistoon .
He then became aggressive, demanding that I re-enter the cab while
Iris departed and
went disconsolately to the telephone and
police headquarters
poliisin päämajaan .
Potential customer Tony Phillips
Potentiaalinen asiakas Tony Phillips after asking salesmen to leave 15 times
pyydettyään myyntimiestä poistumaan 15 kertaa .
Anyone wanting information on membership or sponsorship
Kenen tahansa, joka haluaa tietoa jäsenyydestä tai sponsoroinnista, Mark Bygraves
Mark Bygravesille on 0473 553622
numeroon 0473 553622 in working hours
virka-aikana .
Pahdra Singh's secretary
Pahdra Singhin sihteeri to say she would be picking the team for this Saturday's match and that some kid I have never heard of, Ubahni Singh, will be playing centre-forward
kertoakseen, että hän valitsisi joukkueen lauantain otteluun ja että joku tenava, josta en ollut koskaan kuullut, Ubahni Singh, pelaisi keskushyökkääjänä !
The wireless blared `
to say I love you
to say I love you ``as Daisy went back into the house.
Please send your CV, listing telephone number for contact, or
for an application form
hakulomaketta varten .
for product details or information about the company which makes the product
tuotetietojen tai tuotetta valmistavaa yritystä koskevien tietojen vuoksi .
from a phone booth
puhelinkopista , spoke briefly to Sarah, then hurried to the curb to signal a taxi to take her back to her flat.
On 26 February
Helmikuun 26. päivänä Ardeshir Zahedi
Ardeshir Zahedi from his home in Switzerland
kotoaan Sveitsistä .
on the radio
radiopuhelimella , who had a look round on the underside of the `Fury and could see nothing wrong.
Quite often it hasn't and even if it has it may be helpful
the recipient
vastaanottajalle with information on delivery and timing
toimitus- ja ajoitustiedoista .
Ed Mantaring
Ed Mantaringille at (516) 231-5400 ext 834
numeroon (516) 231-5400, alanumero 834 or fax him at (516) 231-7378.
on (0439) 70466
numeroon (0439) 70466 .
on (0642) 556962
numeroon (0642) 556962 .
from Basingstoke
Basingstokesta and has a question for you.
from the hospital
sairaalasta and says there has been no change during the night.
Irina had been brisk when
with the news
ja kertoi uutiset and told him to telephone Rakovsky at his hotel.
while you were there
kun olit siellä .
Don't forget
your house insurance company
kotivakuutusyhtiöösi , and ask them to increase the buildings cover accordingly to include the new building.
If you are not satisfied with the manner in which your complaint is handled, please
the General Insurance Manager
yleisvakuutuksen hoitajaan at the address shown on your policy or last renewal notice
vakuutuskirjassasi tai viimeisimmässä uusimisilmoituksessa lukevaan osoitteeseen .
ottamalla yhteyttä the Trailbusters office
Trailbustersin toimistoon on 0742 701668
numeroon 0742 701668 .
If you would like to know more
Jos haluat saada lisätietoja , please
the Alumni Office
alumnitoimistoon , on 021 414 6878,
numeroon 021 414 6878, or write to the address on page 3.
to recommend a lawyer
suositellakseen lakimiestä .
So when
to see whether they could resume negotiations
selvittääkseen, voisivatko he jatkaa neuvotteluja , Wilson agreed.
If there is any doubt about this, please
to discuss alternative arrangements
keskustellaksesi vaihtoehtoisista järjestelyistä .
Hence, after many warnings,
the London company
lontoolainen yritys contacted
ottanut yhteyttä the Sheriff of Rye
Ryen seriffiin to collect the debt
periäkseen velan .
ottanut yhteyttä about the hit
osumaan liittyen ?
Firstly, my sincere apologies for not
ottanut yhteyttä about your proposal
ehdotukseesi liittyen .
If anyone else would like to help please
Mr Campbell
herra Campbelliin at All Hallows
pyhäinpäivänä .
For further information
Lisätietoja saat ,
ottamalla yhteyttä John McLean Fox
John McLean Foxiin at the above address
yllä olevaan osoitteeseen .
`If she phones you will you ask
at the showroom
esittelytilan , please?
your locksmith
lukkoseppääsi, for advice on the best type of window locks to fit
jos haluat neuvoja siitä, minkä tyyppinen ikkuna sopii parhaiten , and ask about specialist locks for your patio doors.
ottamalla yhteyttä Michael Eastman
Michael Eastmaniin for details of this post
Saat lisätietoja tästä ilmoituksesta .
her local authority
paikallisviranomaiseensa ; it was then, she says, that her life changed for the worse.
→ As Warwick are without an official distributor in the UK at present,
for their comments
pyytääksemme heidän kommenttejaan .
Mr Ashworth
Herra Ashworth his family
hänen perheeseensä in Skelmersdale
Skelmersdalessa telling them he was in Liverpool although extensive inquiries are also continuing in Scotland.
Once he had warned them,
in the main house
päätalossa olevaan .
If you have any original Lloyd Loom which is slightly the worse for wear,
Jos sinulla on alkuperäinen Lloyd Loom, joka on kulunut käytössä Graham Mancha
Graham Manchaan on 029 6615121
numeroon 029 6615121 .
on extension 4425
alanumeroon 4425 should you have any queries.
By the time
had managed
on the telephone
puhelimitse the flooding was getting even worse.
Victim Support
uhrien tuki local charities
paikallisiin hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöihin on their behalf and obtained donations and furniture.
Several readers
Useat lukijat contacted
ottaneet yhteyttä regarding foul play and the role of the touch-judge
liittyen epäreiluun peliin ja linjatuomarin rooliin .
through Woodworker
Woodworkerin kautta .
via Viewdata or telephone
Viewdatan tai puhelimen välityksellä to make a `firm ``booking
tehdäkseen "yritysvarauksen" , they will be given a `Booking Reference Number which will be entered on the booking form.
Unbeknown to Joan,
her husband
hänen aviomiehensä contacted
ottanut yhteyttä with a plea, `Give me three months alone with Joan
ja pyytänyt häneltä: "Anna minun olla kolme kuukautta yksin Joanin kanssa .
Earlier, Darlington magistrates listened to evidence from a
former employee of Sturdy who
Sturdyn aiemmalta työntekijältä, joka The Northern Echo
The Northern Echoon with new information
uusin tiedoin half way through the trial.
the two revenue men
nämä kaksi veronkerääjää attempted
the Venturous
Venturousiin with their portable radios
kannettavien radiopuhelimiensa kanssa for assistance
pyytääkseen apua , but as so often happens they had no success, and were forced to act on their own initiative.
with your requirements
vaatimuksiesi kanssa .
She advised
six weeks before they are due to leave
kuusi viikkoa ennen lähtöään .
After a wide-ranging inquiry, including checks with Magee College and other universities that drew a blank,
Laajamittaisen selvityksen jälkeen, johon sisältyivät tarkastukset Magee Collegessa ja muissa epäonnistuneissa yliopistoissa Derry police
Derryn poliisi their counterparts over the border
rajan takaisiin virkaveljiinsä and tracked down Tamako.
all organisers
kaikki järjestäjät prior to finalizing plans
ennen suunnitelmien viimeistelyä in order to avoid congestion of dates for teams involved.
The 67-year-old
67-vuotias The Northern Echo
The Northern Echoon after reading the wellie is to be replaced by the Duck Shoe
luettuaan, että kumisaapas korvattaisiin Duck-kengällä .
by `phone or by post
puhelimitse tai kirjeellä , you are under no obligation.
For marquee events and wedding receptions
telttatapahtumista ja häävastaanotoista the Catering Manager
ateriapalvelun johtajaan on (0532) 886214
numerossa (0532) 886214 .
Henkiinjääneisiin contacted
otettiin yhteyttä over two days in January 1992
kahden päivän kuluessa tammikuussa 1992 .
Having sought counsel's opinion,
the solicitor
asianajajaan by the union
ammattiliitto .
Late on Friday evening
Myöhään perjantai-iltana ,
Bill Freeman, Contracts Director
sopimusjohtaja Bill Freemaniin ,
otettiin yhteyttä .
Mrs Murchie
Rouva Murchieen by a woman in Canada who had lost touch with her son after he left the British army
kanadalainen nainen, joka oli menettänyt yhteyden poikaansa sen jälkeen, kun hän oli lähtenyt Britannian armeijasta .
otettiin yhteyttä directly and were asked to send their annual and interim reports.
otettiin yhteyttä in the middle of a meeting
kesken kokouksen at six-fifteen Eastern Standard Time
klo 18.15 EDT .
The Asian women
Aasialaisiin naisiin contacted
otettiin yhteyttä through a social worker who knew of a member of a local group who spoke English and might be willing to act as an interpreter
sosiaalityöntekijän kautta, joka tiesi paikallisen ryhmän jäsenen, joka puhui englantia ja haluaisi ehkä toimia tulkkina .
One name conspicuous by its absence was that of
very early on
hyvin aikaisessa vaiheessa .
None of
the organisations
organisaatioista, joihin contacted
otimme yhteyttä, had large ranges to choose from but they might be able to help you out with information charts and publicity posters for a small or no charge.
`Is anyone sure it was really
the kidnappers who
kidnappaajat, jotka ?
for a progress report
edistymisraportista .
When she failed to turn up
Kun hän ei tullut paikalle ,
her boyfriend, Dennis Davis, who also works at the centre
hänen poikaystävänsä Dennis Davis, joka myös työskentelee keskuksessa ,
her mother
hänen äidilleen .
But Adam had this idea of
to tell her he wouldn't be back that night
kertoakseen, ettei hän palaisi sinä iltana .
After a week
Viikon jälkeen in tears.
a preliminary report
alustavan raportin … ”
to cancel all appointments
peruakseen kaikki tapaamiset .
the Wilton sales office
Wiltonin myyntitoimistoon and places his order for the following week.
if you see anyone whom you regard as suspicious loitering close by or If you suspect a potential intruder is lurking nearby
jos näet jonkun maleksivan epäilyttävästi lähistöllä tai jos epäilet mahdollisen tunkeilijan väijyvän lähialueella .
your employees
työntekijöitäsi or write
if they're sick
jos he ovat sairaana .
to talk about times when you can view
keskustellaakseen näyttöajoista .
the Plumbing Help Line
putkitöiden auttavaan puhelimeen on 01-468 7767
numeroon 01-468 7767, if you would like information on where to find a local plumber registered with the Institute of Plumbing
jos haluat tietoa siitä, mistä löydät putkiasentajainstituuttiin rekisteröityneen paikallisen putkiasentajan .
our Rachel's
Rachelillemme I was hollering, I always do that.
They contacted
the hospital which
sairaalaan, mistä the parents of Baby Two
Vauvan Kaksi vanhemmille .
this number: 0891 311 098
tähän numeroon: 0891 311 098 (From the Irish Republic 1550 123 595).
If an employee has forgotten his or her number,
the Contributions Unit
maksuyksikköön at the nearest local Social Security office
lähimmän sosiaalitoimiston for an application form
saadakseen hakemuslomakkeen .
'd promised to
to let her know she'd arrived safely and to check on her sister
kertoakseen, että hän oli saapunut turvallisesti perille ja varmistaakseen, että hänen siskollaan oli kaikki hyvin .
Don't forget
that flight data
niitä lentotietoja .
, and he came to the villa to tell Shelley, who had been sitting by the telephone.
He guessed
when she got to work
kun hän pääsee töihin, and then maybe again when she took her break at half-three.
If you have forgotten anything,
whoever has a key to your house or is looking after it for you
sille, jolla on avain taloosi tai joka huolehtii siitä puolestasi .
Maybe Mademoiselle Rabier was
the Claudine who
se Claudine, joka when they were in Paris
heidän ollessaan Pariisissa ?
`The boys are naturally worried and
to find out more about the situation
saadakseen lisätietoa tilanteesta , ``Mathur said.
to let him know she was back
ja kertoa palanneensa , but he was the last person she felt like speaking to right now.
Since his death,
business people
liikemiehet ja -naiset to say how sorry they were and what a good job Mr Miller had done
kertoakseen, kuinka pahoillaan he ovat ja kuinka hyvää työtä herra Miller oli tehnyt , said Mrs Temple.
A CUSTOMER reports that
to ask for the barber shop
kysyäkseen parturiliikkeestä .
to make arrangements
sopiakseen järjestelyistä on 0420 84272
numeroon 0420 84272 .
filled in the acceptance form and
My colleague in America
Amerikkalainen kollegani yesterday evening
eilisiltana about your book
kirjastasi .
on a Friday evening and that night I went out to celebrate, ``she said.
The other day,
to tell him that I had photographed his favourite aircraft that morning
kertoakseni hänelle, että olin ottanut valokuvan hänen suosikkilentokoneestaan sinä aamuna .
at eight-fifteen
viisitoista yli kahdeksan .
Sarah, his sister
Sarah, hänen siskonsa ,
on Sunday morning
sunnuntaiaamuna .
Any parent who is worried their child may have been in contact with the doctor
Kuka tahansa vanhempi, joka on huolissaan siitä, että hänen lapsensa on voinut olla tekemisissä lääkärin kanssa for advice
pyytääkseen neuvoja .
Lady Spencer
Lady Spencerin had
Lord Charles
lordi Charlesille for details of the memorial service
pyytääkseen tietoja muistojumalanpalveluksesta , and he asked his solicitor to send her a fax.
are invited
a free number
ilmaiseen numeroon for information on how to help the prisoners
saadakseen tietoja siitä, kuinka vankeja voi auttaa .
from London, ``Newman said quickly.
from a call-box
puhelinkopista .
that Tuesday night
sinä tiistaiyönä had a meal with Dinah,
from her place
hänen luotaan and then drove down to Clapham.
His manager Alan McColm said: `
from the airport
lentokentältä to say what had happened
kertoakseen, mitä oli tapahtunut, and he was furious.
Kiah phoned Adai and
Commander Zadak
komentaja Zadakille .
Gajewski passed this on to
to discuss the matter
keskustellakseen asiasta .
`I missed him so much
every campsite in the area
alueen jokaiselle leirintäalueelle to try to track him down
yrittäessäni jäljittää häntä , but no luck, ``she said.
on 0891 525528
numeroon 0891 525528 by midnight on Thursday
torstain keskiyöhön mennessä , leaving your name, address and daytime phone number.
Dr Kathleen Long
tohtori Kathleen Long on oh-five-hundred, four-oh-four, treble zero
numeroon nolla-viisisataa, neljä-nolla-neljä, nolla-nolla-nolla .
on the fourth night
neljäntenä yönä to say goodnight to her
sanoakseni hänelle hyvästit that was all.
with a problem
kun minulla oli ongelma, and he had such insight that he could steer me through it, although he knew very little of the problems over here.
Doctor Kathleen Long
tohtori Kathleen Longille with your questions
kysymyksinesi on 0500 404 000
numeroon 0500 404 000 .
`I want
on the usual number
tavalliseen numeroon at eleven, old chum, and don't fail.
Further information, including a colour brochure, can be obtained by
Judith Lister
Judith Listerille on 0925 710414
numeroon 0925 710414 .
If the complaint sounds familiar,
during the show
esityksen aikana .
immediately after the Westminster meeting
heti Westminsterin kokouksen jälkeen .
Anyone who fancies any of these items
Kenen tahansa, joka pitää jostakin näistä esineistä, to any of the following numbers
johonkin seuraavista numeroista before 8pm on June 1
ennen kesäkuun 1. päivää klo 20 --
Portadown 331013
Portadown 331013 ,
Loughgall 891605
Loughgall 891605 .
at 7.15pm last night
klo 19.15 eilen illalla in response to press appeals
vastauksena lehdistön vetoomuksiin and arrived there soon after.
around eight or nine in the evening
noin kahdeksan tai yhdeksän aikaan illalla , spent the night there and drove back up the next day.
That evening
by the company
yrityksestä and told the problem is solved and the leaking machine located.
Well, on Thursday afternoon,
by a man with a foreign accent
vieraalla korostuksella puhuva mies who said he wanted to talk to him about Sam.
They had not been reachable when
in the night!
On Monday,
the results of 22 national competitions
22 kansallisen kilpailun tulokset to find the heaviest pumpkin in the world
maailman painavimman kurpitsan löytämiseksi .
On receiving a customer order in a member's office,
to the member's booth on the LIFFE trading floor
LIFFEn kaupankäyntikerroksen jäsenkoppiin , specifying sale or purchase, contract type, delivery month and quantity.
On top of it all, just at that moment
about the carpets
matoista -- they were going to come in and steam-clean them while the Professor was away -- and while I was speaking to them I saw Dandy go into the study-
And on this morning, of all mornings,
at the crack of dawn
aamunkoitteessa and asked me to preside over a ridiculous Press party.
gave myself just half an hour to get to the theatre and prepare for curtain up -- and
at each interval
jokaisella väliajalla .
would have preferred to
for a hire car
vuokra-auton but Lewis wouldn't hear of it.
to say that as far as he could tell Harry had nothing to do with it
kertoakseen, että hänen tietääkseen Harrylla ei ollut mitään tekemistä sen kanssa .
from a coinbox
kolikkopuhelimesta .
from your hotel
hotellistasi .
in the middle of the day
keskellä päivää just to ask what lingerie I'm wearing
vain kysyäkseen, mitkä alusvaatteet minulla on päällä .
My secretary will
Sihteerini to rearrange another appointment
järjestääkseen uudelleen toisen tapaamisen .
on o-five-hundred, four-o-four, treble zero
numeroon nolla-viisisataa, neljä-nolla-neljä, nolla-nolla-nolla to put your views to Tory MP Phil Gallie
esittääksesi kantasi konservatiivien kansanedustajalle Phil Gallielle .
Police hunting the killer of the prostitute Carol Clarke want
with information
tiedoistaan, to contact them again.
Retired post office worker Trevor, 74, said Garry was `absolutely hysterical ``when
with the tragic news
ja kertoi traagiset uutiset .
The three individuals
kolmelle henkilölle were
by a sultry female voice
aistillinen naisääni, informing them that their bid had been matched by another
joka kertoi, että heidän tarjouksensa oli ylitetty .
is meticulous in
anyone who calls when he's out
kenelle tahansa, joka soittaa hänen ollessaan poissa .
I told them I was ill, made profuse apologies and asked if one of the other celebrities could open the helpline.
but there was no answer.
yesterday and seemed a bit put out when I told him you were ill.
; no one was answering at the other end.
To her surprise
shortly after she'd returned home
pian sen jälkeen, kun hän oli palannut kotiin , pleading with her not to mention his name to the police.
this morning, Guido, but of course you weren't there.
if he was going to be late
jos hän saapuisi myöhässä .
Within a few days
Muutaman päivän sisällä or called
to confirm their attendance
vahvistaakseen osallistumisensa .
while I was with Bob
kun olin Bobin kanssa .
Do you remember
a week or two ago
about some books I wanted
eräistä haluamistani kirjoista ?
, then, ``he said to his Mum.
a couple of agents
parille agentille to arrange appointments to view
järjestääkseni näyttötapaamisia .
He said: `
and asked `What is going on with you and Sarah? ``.
My office
Minun virastostani that prison
siihen vankilaan and was told that the prisoner has now been transferred to Walton prison.
It was nine thirty when
Nick's number
Nickin numerosta .
at the above number
yllä olevaan numeroon and I will meet you in Paris to escort you to the hospital.
those numbers
niihin numeroihin to find out where it was
selvittääkseen, missä se oli, and it was something to do with the council or something.
at his office
hänen toimistoonsa , rather as if she felt this experience had some professional interest to Otto.
at the London office
Lontoon toimipaikkaan on Monday morning
maanantaiaamuna .
It was time
Holly Chase
Holly Chaselle with a brief story about the faintly ducal connection roughing it on the beach
ja kertoa lyhyt tarina herttuan kaukaisesta sukulaisesta, joka eli vaikeissa oloissa rannalla .
Miss Harding told the jury she was so frightened by the call
fearing Assin had become unbalanced.
to say that he was sick
ja kertonut olevansa sairas , which meant that the little creep didn't want to drive past the picket line.
It's best
the organisers
järjestäjille for start times
aloitusajoista , directions and more detailed information.
For these apartments and many others
näistä asunnoista ja monista muista ,
International Property Shops
International Property Shopsille on 0392 211022
numeroon 0392 211022 .
If you have any problems or complaints
Jos kohtaat mitä tahansa ongelmia tai valituksen aiheita , please
your local Customer Care Unit
paikalliseen asiakaspalveluyksikköön .
Sorrel's flat
Sorrellin asuntoon from Sergeant Purvis's desk
kersantti Purvisin työpöydältä , and as he was out to lunch I sat on it and rearranged his pencils in a petty and thoroughly satisfying bit of vandalism.
If you have any problems
Jos kohtaat ongelmia , contact your Social Security office, or
the Social Security Advice Line for Employers
sosiaaliavustuksen neuvontapuhelimeen työnantajille , free,
on 0800 393 539
numeroon 0800 393 539 .
to ask for a fully detailed breakdown of Moira's financial history
pyytääkseni yksityiskohtaista erittelyä Moiran taloudellisesta historiasta , in the vague hope that there might be something of interest there.
A number of other Ulster callers
Eräät muut soittajat Ulsterista also
with amazing stories of strange happenings during Geller's appearance
kertoen ihmeellisiä tarinoita oudoista tapahtumista Gellerin esiintymisen aikana .
when he got back
palatessaan takaisin , but didn't.
The phones were red-hot at Torquay, with
to complain that Fashanu's absence may have been instrumental in their 2-0 defeat
valittaakseen, että Fashanun poissaolo oli saattanut ratkaisevasti vaikuttaa heidän 2–0-tappioonsa .
to make the appointment
varatakseen tapaamisen .
A few days later
Muutaman päivän kuluttua ,
to say that a place had been found and a car was coming for Ben
kertoakseen, että paikka oli löytynyt ja auto oli tulossa hakemaan Beniä .
to say how awful they feel about what has happened
kertoakseen, kuinka pahalta heistä tuntuu tapahtuneen vuoksi .
tried, in vain,
to get a message to John
saadakseni viestin Johnille .
The morning after Vitor's visit to her home
Vitorin hänen kotiinsa tekemänsä vierailun jälkeisenä aamuna ,
the local authority
paikallisviranomaiselle to enquire about her work licence
kysyäkseen työluvastaan .
`I was so shocked
the organisers
järjestäjille .
I'll get
our contracts department
And when
about the killing
surmatyöstä and somebody said, `your friend's been murdered, I said, `You're talking rubbish. ``
Nine and a half hours later
Yhdeksän ja puolen tunnin kuluttua David Rosen
David Rosenille at his home
hänen kotiinsa .
But sometimes
and ask me to drive back to Althorp because the Countess was in floods of tears.
at regular intervals
säännöllisin väliajoin to see how things are going
saadakseni tietää, kuinka asiat sujuvat .
for a critical appraisal of my work
pyytääkseni kriittistä arviota työstäni .
from her lovely home
ihanasta kodistaan to tell me what happened last night in the Hotel … ”
to tell her when he would be arriving in Manchester
kertoakseen hänelle, milloin hän saapuisi Manchesteriin , and she had promised to work late and go out with him for a meal.
and learnt that she felt better; we could come to her room.
No, sure she'd no notion where to find him, but
in an hour or so
noin tunnin kuluttua ,
to see if there were any messages
tarkistaakseen, oliko viestejä .
to make the appointment for him to visit Jackdaw Cottage
ja sopi hänelle vierailun Jackdaw Cottagessa ?
For further tour details
Lisätietoja kiertomatkasta saat The South Bank
The South Bankille on 071 921 0888
numeroon 071 921 0888,
If you have any queries
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, ,
on 453-3366
numeroon 453-3366 .
our Helpline
auttavaan puhelimeemme, with any further questions you may have
jos sinulla on vielä kysyttävää .
'd tried
with the good news
kertoakseen hyvät uutiset but I had been out.
'll put some feelers out and then
with the outline proposal and estimate
ja kerron hahmotelmaehdotuksen ja arvion , ``he said.
before lunch
ennen lounasta and told him to buy it.
Warhurst said: `
right out of the blue
at 5pm on Thursday afternoon
kello 17 torstai-iltapäivänä to say the deal was back on again and would I come to Blackburn
kertoakseen, että sopimus oli jälleen voimassa ja kysyäkseen, tulisinko Blackburniin .
No less a person than Gloria Estefan
Ei kukaan vähäisempi kuin Gloria Estefan my startled publisher
hätkähtäneelle julkaisijalleni before leaving London
ennen Lontoosta lähtemistään ,
to order the Ology book
tilatakseen Ologyn kirjan , because she was crazy for the commercials.
was certainly not
from anywhere that the phone could be tapped
mistään, missä puhelinta voitaisiin salakuunnella .
His daughter Diane Perry said
by her husband
hänen aviomiehensä after he'd heard it on the radio
sen jälkeen, kun hän oli kuullut asian radiosta .
, hung over and apologetic.
would need
if he were to regain the Party conference in comfort.
That afternoon
Sinä iltapäivänä the matron of Abigail's hospital
Abigailin sairaalan ylihoitaja to tell us her lungs had finally got the better of her heart and she'd died an hour ago
kertoakseen meille, että hänen keuhkonsa olivat lopulta voittaneet hänen sydämensä ja hän oli kuollut tunti sitten .
On Monday night
Maanantai-iltana for the score
kysyäkseen tulosta .
from all over the country
ympäri maata wanting copies
haluten kopioita ; I have only been able to get my hands on two copies yet, ``she said.
from the phone in the pub
pubin puhelimesta , but it was constantly engaged.
Although I'd rung on the Thursday and they said his kidneys were failing, it still came as a shock when
on the Saturday at 9.30 in the morning
lauantaiaamuna klo 9.30 to say he'd died
ja kertoivat hänen kuolleen .
The Chief Inspector
Päätarkastaja .
Give Crispin my love, Ruth, and
and see how things are.