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- The Castle Cup, happily run on a league basis again, was stretched into afour-daynelipäiväiseksicompetitionkilpailuksito prepare South Africans for their return to Test cricketvalmistelemaan eteläafrikkalaisten paluuta testikrikettiin.
- The small restaurantsPienet ravintolatwere inolivatgood-naturedsävyisässäcompetitionkilpailussa keskenäänto secure the most customerssäilyttääkseen useimmat asiakkaansa, and as Ashley and Vitor approached waiters came out to greet them.
- There'll be aJärjestetääncompetitionkilpailuto design the new centreuuden keskuksen suunnittelusta, but the architects feel they should help establish the winning criteria.
- Manchester's Royal Residential Schools Wolf Cub pack were victorious inthree successive yearskolmena peräkkäisenä vuonnasportsurheilu-competitionskilpailuissaagainst other Wolf Cubs in the areaalueen sudenpentuja vastaanfrom 1954 to 1956vuodesta 1954 vuoteen 1956.
- It was in 1975 that Congress made the SEC set up a National Market System for securities, which required efficient execution of transactions,fairkohtalaistacompetitionkilpailuaamong broker-dealersmeklari-välittäjien keskuudessaand the availability of price quotes.
- Competitionkilpailuamong retailersVähittäismyyjien välinencan be … for customers.
- The government firmly believes in the value ofcompetitionkilpailuunamong schoolskoulujen väliseenas a means of raising standardstason nostajana.
- On the other hand, establishing the vernacular as the main medium of government and instruction can be a way of excludingcompetitionkilpailustaby outsidersulkopuolisetfor public employmentjulkisten virkojen.
- Colchester were defeated in the semi-final of therunners-uposanottajistacompetitionkilpailunby Rochford, the eventual winners.
- What prevents sabbatarianism becoming a major vote-loser for the Party is the absence ofseriousvakavancompetitionkilpailunfrom any group to the right on the constitutionmissään ryhmässä perustuslaista oikealle.
- Every year races, such as the London, demonstrate how disabled and able-bodied athletes can compete side-by-side in the samecompetitionkilpailussa.
- The BDDA also inaugurated in his memory anannualvuotuisetfootballjalkapallo-competitionkilpailutfor the Healey Football ShieldHealeyn jalkapallopokaalista.
- On Saturday thesix-a-side football6 A Side -jalkapallo-competitionkilpailutis held in Earl's Orchard, Richmond, kicking off at 11.30am.
- A popular legend tells of Arion, a lyric poet and musician, who was returning to Greece from Italy, laden with riches he had won atmusicmusiikki-competitionskilpailut.
- Macijauskas himself is from the second city and former capital, Kaunas which is wherehehänworked with the local branch of the society, won somecompetitionskilpailujaand became a newspaper reporter.
- Ever sinceIminäwon a short-storycompetitionkilpailutsome years ago I've wanted to write for magazines.
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- WHEELCHAIRcompetitors-kilpailijoillein Sunday's London Marathonsunnuntain Lontoon-maratonillahave been told that instead of going for personal best times they must take at least one hour and 50 minutes to complete the course.
- But whenthe 28-year-old Luton osteopath28-vuotiaasta lutonilaisesta ostepaatistabecomestuleeBritain'sBritannianonlyainoacompetitorkilpailijain this month's Pentjak Silat World Championships in Indonesiatämän kuun Pentjak Silat MM-kilpailuissa Indonesiassa, harming an opponent will be the last thing on his mind.
- Britain lags behindits<empty>competitorskilpailijoillaanin every measure and is bottom of the league table.
- `HeHänseems to keep his best golf for the `big ones ``, and is still one of the toughestcompetitorskilpailijoistain the gamepelissä.
- With manycompetitorskilpailijoineenfor the 16 novelty events16 uuteen tapahtumaan, judge Mr. M. Spooner had a hard task.
- He had no real gift for the dramatic and could not to contend withhishänenyoungcompetitorkilpailijansaJoshua ReynoldsJoshua Reynoldsinin the Grand Mannersuuressa taiteessa.
- From the prologues to the Heautontimorumenos and the Adelphoe we know thathishänencompetitorskilpailijansahad tried to discredit him for this.
- SheHänwas a top classoli huippuluokancompetitorkilpailija, described in court as thorough, careful and sensible beyond her years.
- Golf employed a far larger number of professionals butthese mennämä miehetwere rarelyolivat harvointournamentturnauksessacompetitorskilpailijoina.
- On 2nd July he had criticized the organization of the competition and the judges' decision to award only one prize to eachcompetitorkilpailijalle.
- While not in a heat Jan would be out encouraging the othercompetitorskilpailijoita.
- A large crowd assembled to seecompetitorskilpailijoitafrom all parts of Kent take part, among the events included were track races for local athletes and open events for all comers.
- Not that this dissuades upwards of 800competitorskilpailijaafrom entering the event.
- Set against the background of the 300-year old home of the Duke of Buccleuch, the event attractedtopparhaitacompetitorskilpailijoitafrom all over the world including British National champion, George Bowman of Penrith.
- Over 100juniorjuniori-competitorskilpailijaafrom throughout the country took part in BSAD's national finals at the weekend.
- More than two hundred and fiftycompetitorskilpailijaaare lined up to compete.
- But if someOlympicolympialaistencompetitorskilpailijoistaare struggling to find the cash, their problems pale in comparison with the difficulties facing disabled athletes hoping to go to Spain for THEIR games.
- This very continuity should work to the advantage of the regularUS TourUS-tourincompetitorskilpailijoille.
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- Bayfield and England captain Will CarlingBayfield ja Englannin kapteeni Will Carlingare<empty>playingpelaavatonly after making near-miraculous recoveries from injuries against Otago in Dunedin last weekendvasta koettuaan lähes ihmeparantumisen vammoistaan Otagoa vastaan Dunedinissa viime viikonloppuna..
- Italian World Cup hero Roberto Baggio,playing, joka pelasihis first matchensimmäisen pelinsäagainst his former teammates of Juventusaiempia seurakavereitaan vastaan Juventuksesta, made some good passes, converted a penalty for AC Milan but failed to produce an outstanding performance.
- BUNDABERG, Australia ---ZimbabweZimbabweplayspelaaQueensland stateQueenslandin osavaltiota vastaanin a one-day matchyksipäiväisessä ottelussa.
- ``I hopeIminäcan continueto<empty>playpelaamistalike thiställä tavallain my next few tournamentsseuraavissa turnauksissaand hopefully I can win a few more titles coming up, she said.
- The four cricketersNeljä kriketinpelaajaaare hereto<empty>playpelatakseenin the Worldwide Cricket Sixes tournamentWorldwide Cricket Sixes -turnauksessathis weekendtänä viikonloppunaamong 10 countries.
- In South Korea, the group visited candidate cities, including Seoul, Pusan, Pohang, Taejon and Suwon, where they were greeted byhundreds of children in uniformsata pelipukuihin pukeutunutta lastaenthusiasticallyinnostuneestiplayingpelaamassasoccerjalkapalloain stadiastadionilla.
- About 20 million womenNoin 20 miljoonaa naistaactivelyaktiivisestiplaypelaasoccerjalkapalloain 81 national associations81 kansallisessa liitossaaround the worlderi puolilla maailmaa.
- ``She's so calm and collected on the court andshehänplayspelaaintelligentälykästätennistennistä.
- TodayTänään,about 200 teen-agersnoin 200 teiniäplaypelaabaseballbaseballiatheresiellä.
- The sentence allowedhimhänento<empty>playpelatabaseballbaseballiaand to travel for road games.
- ``But when it gets time to play football,weme're goingto<empty>playpelatafootballjalkapalloa.
- The NHL also staged an opener in Tokyo this season, whenthe Anaheim Mighty Ducks and Vancouver CanucksAnaheim Mighty Ducks ja Vancouver Canucksplayedpelasivatat Yoyogi ArenaYoyogi Arenallalast Octoberviime lokakuussa.
- Grand Slam Cup winner IvanisevicGrand Slam Cup -voittaja Ivanisevichas vowedto<empty>playpelataat full powertäydellä teholla--- even in his mixed doubles matches.
- --- --- --- SPECIAL DAY: There have beena number of memorable matches thatuseita ikimuistoisia otteluita, jotkahave beenonplayedpelattuat the U.S. OpenU.S. Openissaon Sept. 88. syyskuuta.
- The WanderersWanderersplaypelaaat SwindonSwindonissaon Sundaysunnuntainain the semifinals of the League Cupliigacupin semifinaaleissa, while their rivals continue in league play.
- The sportTätä urheilulajiais<empty>playedharrastavatby girls and boystytöt ja pojatat schoolkoulussaand Lord's welcomes fee-paying female spectators, said Kamlesh Bahl of the Equal Opportunities Commission.
- OlympiakosOlympiakosplayspelaaagainst Aris SalonicaAris Salonicaa vastaanin PiraeusPireuksessalater Sundaymyöhemmin sunnuntaina.
- On SundaySunnuntaina,Romania's top player, Adrian VoineaRomanian huippupelaaja Adrian Voinea,playspelaaagainst Jan SiemerinkJan Siemerinkia vastaan, and Andrei Pavel faces Haarhuis.
- ``He was a very good batsman and loved cricket, saidWorcestershire president and former England batsman Tom GraveneyWorcestershiren presidentti ja entinen Englannin lyöjä Tom Graveney,whojokaplayedpelasiagainst WyattWyattia vastaan.
- Their numerical strength is due to the four-day gametheyheplaypelaavatagainst an Academy XIAcademy XI:a vastaanin NelsonNelsonissafrom Feb.27-March 2 before their centenary test against New Zealand27.2. - 2.3 ennen satavuotiskarsintoja Uutta Seelantia vastaanin AucklandAucklandissastarting on March 44. maaliskuuta alkaen.
- Fedorov, a restricted free agent who helped the Detroit Red Wings win the Stanley Cup last yearFedorov, rajoitetusti vapaa pelaaja, joka auttoi Detroit Red Wingsin voittoon Stanley Cupissa viime vuonna,has notei oleplayedpelannutin an NHL gameyhtään NHL-peliäthis seasontällä kaudellabecause of a contract dispute with the club.
- BrownBrow,whojokawill beplayingpelaamaanin his first bowl gameensimmäisen liigaottelunsa, disagreed.
- Bangladesh and Sri LankaBangladesh ja Sri Lankaalsoplaypelaavatin this tournamenttässä turnauksessawhich runs in Sharjah on a round-robin basis until April 14.
- Sampras and World No. 5 Michael Chang, fresh off winning in BeijingSampras ja maailmanlistan 5. Michael Chang, joka juuri voitti Pekingissä,will<empty>firstensinplaypelaavaton Wednesdaykeskiviikkona.
- Facing cordons of riot police,studentsopiskelijatplayedpelasivatvolleyballlentopalloawhile wearing water polo caps.
- HungaryUnkariplayedpelasiPortugalPortugalia vastaanin BudapestBudapestissaand Norway faced Israel in Oslo.
- Kamsky, still alive in the FIDE cycleKamskyn, joka on edelleen mukana FIDE-syklissä, is slatedto<empty>playpelaavanAnatoly KarpovAnatoly Karpovia vastaanfor the FIDE championshipFIDE-mestaruuskilpailuissalater this yearmyöhemmin tänä vuonna.
- JuventusJuventusplayedpelasiits semifinal matchsemifinaaliottelunsaat San Siro --- the traditional homefield of AC Milan and InterSan Sirossa ---AC Milanin ja Interin perinteinen kotikenttä--- following a controversy with the owners of Turin's Delle Alpi arena.
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- At Indiana State University and during his early NBA career, Bird gulled fans, opposingplayerspelaajia, and the media.
- but you don't know that and but he's lost he was anoutstandingupeafootballjalkapallonplayerpelaaja
- Barshefsky), kickingtennistennis-playerpelaajaAnna KournikovaAnna Kournikovaawhen she's down.
- Piazzawas the Dodgers'oli Dodgersinbestparasplayerpelaajaon the fieldkentän, it s most popular with the fans, and it s most expensive to keep.
- playersPelaajatnow days compared with the old players it seems like most the players today are
- and you know uh you know i used to think that that one oneplayerpelaajareally doesn't make the club
- These players are much better than thelow-stakesheikommatplayerspelaajatand take my money in a hurry.
- it really only takes oneplayerpelaajato really give any team a bad rap you know one that
- The Secretary of duhFENSE may be introduced at the annual Army- Navy game, while the crowd is shouting to theplayerspelaajilleon the fieldkentällä, ``DEE-fense, DEE -fense! ``
- Here are Shafer's instructions to theplayerspelaajille:
- 2. ``On Saturday night, at an event called Columbine Surprise Party,playerspelaajatfrom the Denver Broncos and the Colorado Rockies mingled with students and family.
- they've got i mean they've got someexcellenterinomaisiaplayerspelaajiauh
- well i mean as far as the thetopparhaatplayerspelaajatyou know like the ones they have this year you know
- The NYT runs the indictments story inside, adding that a nationwide survey ofDivision I basketball and footballykkösdivisioonan koripallon ja jalkapallonplayerspelaajistashowed that 4 percent said they had gambled on a game they had played in.
- Winningplayerspelaajatwon't accept the kind of bullying Parcells dishes out.
- and thebestparhaatplayerspelaajatplay and the ones that are just barely new sit on the bench most of the time they play a little bit just like what you just said
- The NYT has a classic obit to show off today, about thebestparaspolopoolonplayerpelaajaever, Cecil Smith; the piece, by Frank Litsky, effortlessly takes the reader back to the days when the sport was played by the likes of Walt Disney and Will Rogers, and tens of thousands watched games.
- iam aolenplayerpelaajabut certainly not a good player uh the highlight of my season is probably the four times i get under a hundred
- i am a player but certainly not agoodhyväplayerpelaajauh the highlight of my season is probably the four times i get under a hundred
- Hunter S. Thompson once said of Circus Circus, the casino wherecrapsnopanplayerspelaajatand flying trapeze artists mingle beneath a billowing canopy, that it was what hepcats all over the world would be doing on Saturday night if the Germans had won World War II.
- It seems to be the tasteful name for some kind of high-roller area, ``the ultimate club forKeno, Slot, Bingo and Table GameKenon, Slotin, Bingon ja lautapelienplayerspelaajille. ``
- do you have anyplayerspelaajiathat you like watching
- This summer's World Cup will distract fans and removethe league'sliiganbestparhaatplayerspelaajatfor two months in the middle of the season.
- Checkers masters stared down their Armageddon a few years ago, when a powerful computer program named Chinook forged a tie with the second-bestparhaancheckerssakin-playerpelaajan kanssain the worldmaailman, Don Lafferty.
- that's that's in uh Texas stadium where thefootballjalkapallonplayerspelaajatplay
- so i i think that's kind of the Mavericks problem they haveokayihan hyviäplayerspelaajiabut sometimes the strongness of the team isn't together
- but if uh Jerry Jones continues to pay these guys what you know they say they're paying them i don't know you know i think it depends on you end up you know thebestparhaatplayerspelaajatwill come there if they're going to be paid the most so
- yeah oh and library went well today yes Harold Reynolds who's a MarinerMarinerinbaseballbaseball-playerpelaajauh came to school today and they had lunch in the library of all things
- To commemorate Robinson's shattering of the color barrier in sports 50 years ago, noplayerpelaajawill ever again be assigned the number 42.
- uhplayerspelaajat
- yeah i do i'm aolenplayerpelaajai i'm kind of embarrassed i'm talking to a man cause i'm sure that you are you play a lot more than i do oh really
- He tacked inspirational quotes toplayerspelaajille' doors, emphasized what each player did right, and provided an ``imaging ``tape for each player, consisting of her best moves set to her favorite music.
- Typically assumed to be a high-roller card game, baccarat (bah-cah-rah) is similar to blackjack, though it's played with stricter rules, higher limits, and lessplayerpelaajieninteraction.
- The story says that as a Knick, he routinely held on to an opposingplayerpelaajien's shorts and even garners a quote from the man 26 years later: ``He was one of the dirtiest players I ever played against. ``
- uh-huh and Anderson Hunt all their uh theirbestparhaatplayerspelaajati think are graduating
- Set in a quaint olde Irish seacoast village, it tells the story of an elderlylotterylotonplayerpelaajien, Jackie O'Shea (Ian Bannen), who learns that one of his fifty-odd neighbors holds the winning ticket to a 7 million pound drawing.
- The ANC won more than 60 percent of the vote and the National Party won 20 percent, making Mandela president and de Klerk only asecondarytoissijainenplayerpelaaja.
- We goadbaseballbaseballinplayerpelaajiaAlbert Belle so much that All-Star-game manager Joe Torre must confine him to the dugout.
- The maximumplayerpelaaja-salary will be capped at $ 14 million, with a maximum annual increase of 12 percent, and the players' total share of league revenues will be capped at 55 percent after three years.
- Girls play this game in Mexico also, with a boy as the centerplayerpelaajana, which Inez Cardozo-Freeman interprets as a portrayal of betrayal and abandonment preparing little girls for marriage.