Being self-employed there was little problem with
the forest work
metsätöiden clashing
yhteensovittamisessa with the farm work
ja maataloustöiden .
Geraldine did not watch the Golden Girls tonight because
sattui samaan aikaan with News at Ten
kympin uutisten kanssa .
More youngsters are finding
their own values
omien arvojensa clashing
olevan ristiriidassa with a school's social codes
koulun sosiaalisten käyttäytymismallien kanssa , some are picking up contradictory messages from the media and more are coming from broken or damaged families.
On the graphics front, the game is a birrova mixed bag,
the excellent in-game presentation screens
upeat pelin sisäiset esitysruudut sometimes
with the occasional blocky sprite
satunnaisten keijukaishahmojen kanssa .
in an important way
tärkeällä tavalla with the Christian doctrine of creation which provides both a purpose to human activity and a cultural mandate defining the terms of man's trusteeship in this world
kristillisen luomiskertomuksen kanssa, joka antaa sekä tarkoituksen ihmisen toiminnalle että kulttuurimandaatin määritellä ihmisen olemassaolo tässä maailmassa .
the final qualifying meet
finaalikarsinnat clashed
sattuivat samaan aikaan with a Commonwealth Games get together
valtakunnallisten kilpailujen kanssa , Scottish representation at the Superfinal is disappointing.
has been delayed until next week, to avoid
satu samaan aikaan with the Prime Minister's speech to the Conservative conference today
pääministerin tämänpäiväisen puheen kanssa konservatiivien konferenssille .
Some railways refused to carry
parties whose projects
tahoja, joiden projektit clashed
olivat ristiriidassa with their own
heidän omiensa kanssa .
Copernicus's astronomy was bold in 1543 because
with the background assumption that the earth is stationery at the centre of the universe
oletuksen kanssa, että maapallo on paikallaan universumin keskipisteenä .
and compete.
Yhteensopivuus between species
lajien välillä should be considered.
yhteensopivuus between offices
virastojen välillä is what is requiredas to the nature and volume of work.
It claims
yhteensopivuutta with Windows 3. x
Windows 3. x:n kanssa (as it is now and as it may become to ward off emulators) and no degradation in the performance of any Windows application.
NT's greatest strength, on the other hand,
yhteensopivuus with Windows
Windowsin kanssa .
On top of which
yhteensopivuus falls short of perfect, essentially emulating a 286 running in real mode.
yhteensopivuus has been improved and now includes Unix SVR4 Streams support, binary compatability with Unix V.3.2 system calls and Unix shells.
High on the list should be to determine the
yhteensopivuus (or otherwise)
of the chosen marine fish species
valituille suolaisen veden kaloille .
Usually δ for a polymer is established by finding the solvent which will produce maximum swelling of a network or the largest value of the limiting viscosity number, as both indicate
yhteensopivia .
Harmonisation could be limited to essential requirements in order for health and public safety considerations to be accounted for, and to ensure technical
yhteensopivuus .
Hence, while both product stability and
tuotesäiliön together constitute the total overall stability of the product to be marketed, they are also quite distinct and separate concepts.
The chips, offering
upwards binary
ylöspäin binääristä compatibility
yhteensopivuutta with preceding generations
edeltävien sukupolvien kanssa , will adhere to the Sparc V9 specification that was published by the Sparc International supporters club last year.
But the PowerPC-based VME engine is better suited for use in development environments because of
yhteensopiva with the RS/6000
RS/6000:n kanssa .
The card also has Macintosh connection sockets to give
liitettävyyden compatibility
yhteensopivuuden with external Macintosh peripherals
ulkoisten Macintosh-oheislaitteiden kanssa .
Logix claims that the machines offer
yhteensopivuuden with Sun's Sparcstation range
Sun's Sparcstation -tuotteiden kansa .
UI believes desktop Unix will be successful if it `can convince users of the the interoperability and
yhteensopivuudesta of applications running on platforms
alustoilla ajettavien sovellusten .
Much of the performance of Windows on any PC is down to the
yhteensopivuudesta of the hardware
laitteiston with the operating system, and Windows itself
käyttöjärjestelmän ja itse Windowsin kanssa .
Other problems of
intercontinental telephone systems'
mannertenvälisten puhelinjärjestelmien compatibility
yhteensopivuudessa held the fax system back as well: in the 1970s it was still illegal to transmit fax signals overseas from the US via the public telephone system.
Simply connect your
PC or laptop
PC tai kannettava to a shortwave radio with upper side band switch.
The program supports HP LaserJets, DeskJets, Canon BubbleJets, Epson and IBM dot matrix or
any printer
mikä tahansa tulostin, joka on , so you should be able to use almost any printer on the market.
A move to partly remedy this situation is the production of
-yhteensopivien microcomputers
mikrotietokoneiden .
Repertoire is a complete invoicing and stock control program aimed at the small business and will run on virtually any
-yhteensopivassa with any DOS from 3.2 upwards.
In its concern with manipulation
Ollessaan huolissaan manipuloinnista ,
classical criminology
klassinen kriminologia with its successor, positivist criminology
kuin edeltäjänsä, positivistinen kriminologia ; they were both based on the belief that the primary purpose of the penal system was to control crime.
so, for example, bold text appears bold without any extra effort.
And because Lotus is the market leader, Microsoft has ensured that
Add the cost of a
computer with a modem
modeemitietokoneen and the costs continue rising -- plus a haemoglobin-measuring device, a lung function tester, etc.
include the new Japanese OADG standard machines.
One possible solution is the evolutionary approach, by which only minor enhancements are made to a pre-existing architecture so that
all programs
kaikki ohjelmat to the new computer
uuden tietokoneen kanssa .
The existence of large and mobile capital flows makes it extremely difficult for national governments to overcome market pressure and maintain
an exchange rate which
vaihtokurssia, joka with general market sentiment
yleisen markkinailmaston kanssa .
AEG secures power supply with its intelligent and
The Monograph Index will be scanned into an ASCII file during 1993, for conversion into
with Soutron Library System
Soutron-kirjastojärjstelmän kanssa .
The new microprocessor control system was custom designed to provide
logic control of these two systems
loogisen ohjauksen näille kahdelle järjestelmälle .
're …
in other areas
muilla alueilla … ”
Such rights can only be granted if
with the Treaty
sopimuksen kanssa .
Selling houses to the poor
Talojen myyminen köyhille with minimising the losses to taxpayers, which requires selling assets at the best price available
veronmaksajille koituvien tappioiden minimoimiseksi, jolloin edellytetään varojen myymistä parhaaseen mahdolliseen hintaan .
`My theory has always been that
working practices and the way that careers are structured
työtavat ja urien rakentuminen with having a family as well
perheen perustamisen kanssa .
UniSoft's UniPlus SVR4/MIPS
UniSoftin UniPlus SVR4/MIPS with Risc/OS
Risc/OS:n kanssa and compliant with the MIPS RISC application binary interface.
Sony, Pioneer and Toshiba are also going to make
CD-ROM drives
CD-ROM-levyjä .
The instrument offers simple, clean and
ympäristön kannalta , minimal addition of extra chemicals or reagents, minimal danger of contamination of the sample, and it is ideal for trace and ultra-trace analysis.
Secondly, be prepared to experiment with other typeface libraries so long as the format they produce has
printer and screen fonts
tulostimia ja näyttöfontteja .
This is a double responsibility:
two responsibilities which
kaksi vastuuta, jotka sometimes
Wolverton Works were asked to build a new string of four coaches, and to modify the ancillary Royal vehicles so
They confound you because there are times when
only to a warm bed
vain lämpimälle vuoteelle yet you end the day with a netful of fish.
Among the leading computer firms, Fujitsu and Hitachi have followed the course of making
machines that
koneita, jotka are `
with those of IBM
IBM-tietokoneisiin , the world's biggest computer company.
The demands on the operator stem from
two kinds of task which
kahdenlaisista tehtävistä, jotka because they require very different levels of skill.
But the Debussy, wonderfully evoked in a lengthy review by Cardus, demonstrates equally well what can be achieved when
music, design, and stage movement
musiikki, design ja lavaliikehdintä .
It claims that individual growth can take different, nurturance- or achievement-oriented forms for women or men respectively, and offers women
minimal growth programmes
minimaalisia kasvuohjelmia, jotka ovat with this division
tämän osaston kanssa .
Similarly, the special relationship between Thatcher and Reagan was a meeting of ideologies, which in turn expressed
within a larger system of forces.
If this cycle obtains, then it is argued that government is controlled, and
public policy
julkinen politiikka with the wishes of the majority of the electorate
äänestäjien enemmistön toiveiden kanssa for most of the time.
Moreover, female well-being was defined in
määritelmin, jotka ovat with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour
sekä naisten lisääntymistehtävän että ihanteellisen käytöksen kanssa .
todistusaineisto, joka with Wagner's
Wagnerin aineistoa account has come from experiments using the flavour-aversion procedure.
that policy statement
sen poliittisen lausunnon must surely be
pitää varmasti with the other legal requirements
muita lainsäädännön vaatimuksia as to the content of sex education
sukupuolivalistuksen yhteydessä .
Considered in these terms,
the results of the various studies
eri tutkimusten tulokset consistent
toisiaan vastaavia .
These people should be supportive of animal welfare, of course, but with the understanding that
being in support of animal welfare
eläinten hyvinvoinnin tukeminen with utilising animals for human preferences and interests
eläinten käytön kanssa ihmisen haluamalla tavalla .
This conclusion
Tämä johtopäätös emerges from the NMR data alone, but
with available biochemical data
saatavilla olevan biokemiallisen tiedon kanssa .
They give rise to
behavioural responses to external stimuli that
käyttäytymisvasteet ulkopuoliseen ärsykkeeseen are enduring and
within a person's psychological constitution.
The report, written before the Gulf crisis, urged
a cut in military expenditure
leikkausta puolustusvoimien menoihin, joka olisi with diminishing military tensions
lientyneen maailmantilanteen kanssa in order to maximise spending on health and education.
The court should favour
a construction which
rakennetta, joka with and contributes to the smooth and efficient working of the contractual machinery recognised and reinforced by the legislation
lainsäädännön tunnustaman ja vahvistaman sopimuskoneiston tehokkaan ja sujuvan toiminnan kanssa ja edistää sitä .
The choice of timber is up to the entrant; the only proviso being that
the two pieces
kahden kappaleen .
However, the six states that joined in this new venture were strong supporters of the Council and saw no
epäsopivuutta between the two bodies
kahden kehon välillä .
Disagreement has tended to centre upon the issue of responsibility for the evident political
epäsopivuutta of left and right
vasemmiston tai oikeiston välistä and the consequent unworkability of Republican democracy.
Yet Mannheim's fundamental views on the problems of ideology and the sociology of knowledge can not be accepted, because of their basic lack of logical and epistemological consistency and
vastakohtaisuutensa with empirical facts
kokemusperäisten tosiasioiden .
The best explanation of
vastakohtaisuuteensa still seems to be Mommsen's: divus Marcus is a later gloss.
Only if this is done can any change be attributed to product instability or
tuotesäiliön incompatibility
epäsoveltuvuuteen .
There is a
vastakohtaisuutta between the arguments that have been advanced
argumenteissa, jotka on viety eteenpäin .
By January 1946 de Gaulle had been brought face to face with the reality that a basic
vastakohtaisuutta of outlook and temperament existed between
himself and the members of the assembly
hänen itsensä ja kokouksen muiden jäsenten välillä .
These, or a hundred other weaknesses or
epäsopivuudet in computer systems
tietokonejärjestelmissä , create information bottlenecks at crucial times.
Justifying IBM Corp's move into systems integration and facilities management, Jim Cannavino says that IBM has unrivalled experience of making quite
yhteensopimattomia work together -- `mostly our own… `
He sent in the new pages, which, three months later, Sixsmith acknowledged and applauded in
a hand
käsialalla, joka oli incompatible
erilainen kuin with that of his earlier communications
hänen aikaisempi viestintänsä .
I am still left aghast at the astonishing numbers of
yhteensopimattomia that are sometimes crammed into remarkably small tanks.
yhteensopimattomat , yet after ten minutes in the same room as him I felt as though I had been plugged into the mains.
I used the phrase `abuse of power ``to connote
some form of misbehaviour that
sellaista kurittomuuden muotoa, joka incompatible
yhteensopimaton with the judicial role that the judge was expected to perform
sen oikeudellisen roolin kanssa, jota tuomarilta odotettiin .
yhteensopimattomia weapons systems
asejärjestelmiä and riven by language difficulties, the troops lack the capacity to fight as coordinated units.
The Treaty of Rome does not regard
all state subsidies
kaikkia valtion tukia as
yhteensopivina with the Common Market
yhteismarkkinoille ; indeed, subsidies to consumers, and aid to seriously underdeveloped areas, are both regarded as being compatible with Community law.
If the Commission then finds
yhteensopimaton with the common market
yhteismarkkinoiden kanssa it is empowered to require its abolition or alteration, subject to the right of appeal to the European Court of Justice.
I found that I was trying to achieve two
yhteensopimatonta .
Accuracy and immediacy are often
yhteensopimattomia for the accountant and the organisation should always insist that approximations that can be acted on are infinitely preferable to historical exactitudes.
There never has been room in the consumer electronic marketplace for two directly competing, but
yhteensopimattomille ,
Modems in Computer Room
Tietokonesalin modeemit had been found
yhteensopimattomiksi with our telephone system
puhelinjärjestelmämme kanssa and should be disposed of.
There were, ultimately,
some findings that
joitain löydöksiä, jotka incompatible
yhteensopimattomia with the theory
teorian kanssa and it was abandoned by its originators.
In particular,
to be a ``regular casual working more or less continuously for one organisation
säännöllisenä tilapäistyöntekijänä oleminen enemmän tai vähemmän samalle yritykselle incompatible
ole sama asia with working only as and when one chooses
kuin tehdä työtä vain silloin kun huvittaa .
On a show of hands, representatives rejected a motion against
any legislation
kaikkea lainsäädäntöä, joka incompatible
ei sovi yhteen with `the traditional character of Sunday
perinteisen sunnuntain kanssa ``.
The fact that some supposedly knowledgeable people think
the two
etteivät kaksi ihmistä just shows how ignorant they are.
One of the problems frequently encountered in negotiating is that sides take up
yhteensopimattomia .
In many ways this resembles Ehrenzweig's (1967) concept of `syncretistic ``vision within which apparently
yhteensopimattomia are integrated into a unified percept.