The first releases occurred
in mid-July
heinäkuun puolivälissä, when
all death sentences
kaikki kuolemanrangaistukset and proclaimed an amnesty for all political and some criminal prisoners.
to two years
kahdeksi vuodeksi , and in actuality Sukarno was released on 15 December 1931.
It had been widely expected that
President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali
presidentti Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali , whose distaste for capital punishment for politically motivated crimes had been well publicized,
the death sentences
kuolemantuomioita .
The Prime Minister, Shaikh Saad al Abdullah as Salim as Sabah
Pääministeri Shaikh Saad al Abdullah as Salim as Sabah ,
the death sentences
kuolemantuomioita imposed on 29 people (three of them women) for collaborating with the Iraqi authorities.
The two others
Kaksi muuta , Daniel Santovenia Fernández and Pedro de la Caridad Alvárez Pedroso,
to 30 years' imprisonment
30 vuoteen .
There was no break for the rest of that day, and
by late afternoon
myöhäiseen iltapäivään mennessä Major Sakata, Sergeant Akida and Corporal Sushi
majuri Sakata, kersantti Akida ja korpraali Sushi had had
to life imprisonment
elinkautisiksi .
When Ako Adjei, Adamafio and Crabbe were given a second trial they were condemned to death: but
to life imprisonment
elinkautiseksi .
His sentence
Hänen tuomitaan to beheading
teloitukseksi and he was executed at Amiens in 1766.
He was sentenced to death in 1983, although
to a 20-year prison term
20 vuoden vankilatuomioksi .
After laying down arms she was court-martialled in Kilmainham Gaol, but
her death sentence
hänen kuolemantuomionsa to penal servitude for life in Aylesbury Gaol
elinkautiseksi Aylesbury Gaolissa .