The amounts of material so far available have been insufficient for full
luokittelua but we have tentatively identified them as corresponding to G34 and G17 extended through the C-terminus to include the C-terminal fragment of progastrin.
The earlier one concentrated upon
luonnehdintoihin ,
particularly of Rose's thespian colleagues
erityisesti Rosen näyttelijäkollegoista , gathered to say goodbye on her engagement to Arthur, a toff, and leaving the stage.
luokittelua koskevat studies have demonstrated the absence of the structural gene for diphtheria toxin and also in-vitro and in-vivo expression of the protein.
As the answers themselves acknowledge, the conduct of governments in their relations with each other may be affected by considerations of policy as well as by considerations of
luokittelun .
luokitteleminen as `slow journalism ``
'hitaaksi journalismiksi' , or the view of the latter as instant sociology, are both apt.
It is true that to discover that an object has a particular fractal dimension D is a valuable addition to knowledge and replaces earlier imprecise
luonnehdinnat, such as
`spotty ``, `stringy or `lumpy ``
pilkullinen, lankamainen tai kokkareinen .
Study of the people, according to the discussion in this chapter, involves
luonnehdintansa according to how the world of work is organized, how social life outside work is structured in its manifold ways, and how politics are constructed
sen mukaan, miten työmaailma on organisoitu, miten työn ulkopuolinen sosiaalinen elämä rakentuu monenlaisilla tavoilla ja miten politiikka rakentuu (Johnston, 1990b).
AEA has launched a new service which offers
spray nozzle
suihkusuutinten characterisations
luonnehdintoja by 3-D spatial distributions of droplet size, velocity, and number concentration
pisaran koon, nopeuden ja määrän kerääntymisen 3D-avaruudellisten jakautumien avulla for manufacturers and users of spray nozzles.
The synthesis and purification of all oligonucleotides and
luokittelu by enzymatic digestion was performed as previously reported (3).
Baden-Powellin characterisation
luokittelu of street robberies
katuryöstöistä as `little adventures ``
'pieninä seikkailuina' also rubs uneasily against other headlines and news stories of the period: `DARING RAIDS BY BAG-SNATCHERS.
Here, one starts with a connection in the world, and appears to describe it by way of
luonnehdinnallamme , the character of our belief about it.
Ideally one would like to be able to give a general
luonnehdinnan of suitable sentence types
sopivista lausetyypeistä ; unfortunately this is not at present possible.
luonnehdinnoilla as covert imperialist
salaisena imperialistina and
Great Britain
Isosta-Britanniasta as apologetic accomplice
pahoittelevana rikoskumppanina had their roots in the war.
The most important determining social force to Durkheim was collective sentiments, and especially religion --
a factor which
tekijä, jota some would describe as `cultural ``and
as `ideological
'ideologiseksi' .
In a verse autobiography which survives in two manuscripts,
as `Fidelia ``
'Fideliaksi' , and the political and theological reasons for her conversion are given in powerful Drydenesque polemic.
will use these to raise and
luokitellakseen by a variety of immunochemical and immunocytological techniques
useilla immunokemiallisilla ja immunosytologisilla tekniikoilla .
The Law Society
Lain yhteiskunta characterised
luonnehtinut in a number of official statements
useissa virallisissa lausunnoissa .
luonnehtiminen would be, it seems, to introduce the definiendum into the definiens.
For the time being
will therefore continue
luonnehtimista by means of the quadratic cost formulation
toisen asteen kustannusmuodostuksen keinoin .
Therefore it will come as no surprise that in the multiproduct case there is no neat way
subadditiivisuutta in terms of other concepts
muiden konseptien keinoilla .
One temptation is
cattle stealing
karjan varastamista as a traditional activity
perinteiseksi toiminnaksi , and to argue that it was the victim of modernization.
these factors
näitä tekijöitä using UV-cross linking experiments
käyttäen UV-ristilinkkikokeiluja .
as `behaving like savages ``
'käyttäytyvänsä kuin pedot' ?
The different schools
Eri koulukunnat that turning-point, and the mechanisms which give rise to it
tätä käännepistettä ja sen aiheuttaneita mekanismeja ,
in different ways
eri tavoin , however.
as being about objective truth, about “ proving ” things, being value-free
objektiiviseksi totuudeksi, asioiden 'todistamiseksi', arvottomaksi .
That is not to say, however, that
their meaning
niiden tarkoitusta .
Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century working class wives
1800-luvun lopun ja 1900-luvun alun työväenluokan vaimoja characterised
luonnehdittu as fatalistic in their attitudes towards childbirth
fatalistisiksi heidän synnytykseen suhtautumisensa osalta .
luonnehditaan as conservative if not reactionary
konservatiiviseksi ja jopa taantumukselliseksi , and certainly on a majority of occasions it is seen to support stability and the status quo.
How total, he asks in
a critique of totalization which
totalisaation kritiikissä, jota as his first `classical ``formulation
hänen ensimmäiseksi 'klassiseksi' muotoilukseen , can the totalization be?
The essence of prayer is this:
our relationship with God
suhdettamme Jumalaan by the words of the psalm
psalmin sanat : `My soul, find rest in God alone ``?
In the name of keeping the community secure in a hostile world, those leaders gag dissidents, suppress
as `deviant ``behaviour
'poikkeavaksi' käyttäytymiseksi , and commandeer community resources.
In our final Report
Loppuraportissamme carefully and at length
huolellisesti ja laajasti sen, what we meant by `grammar ``and by knowledge about language, and what kinds of programmes of study we thought appropriate
mitä tarkoitimme 'kieliopilla' ja kieltä koskevalla tiedolla ja minkälaisia opiskeluohjelmia pidimme sopivina .
acceptable ways for settling an argument or dispute
sopivat tavat tehdä argumentti tai ilmaista erimielisyyttä, usually exclude physical violence and manslaughter.
Section 178 of the Act
Lain 178. pykälä as ``computer- generated
'tietokoneen luomana', when it is generated by a computer in circumstances such that there is no human author of the work.
One of my friends
Yksi ystävistäni on an off-day
as `the place where everybody is always cross! ``
'paikaksi, jossa kaikki ovat aina huonolla tuulella! ", .
A K Cohen, among other sociologists
A K Cohen, muiden sosiologien joukossa ,
alakulttuurit as `cultures which exist within cultures ``
'kulttuureiksi, jotka ovat olemassa kultuurien sisällä' ,
with three major characteristics
kolmella pääominaisuudella .
If anything,
as a DJ rather than a rapper
DJ:ksi räppärin sijaan , and he remains desperately committed to the dance scene.
can, of course,
voit tietysti by a reference to force
viittauksella voimaan , but you can not thereby save the world from the use of force ….
These often take the form of images and metaphors which are used
by analogy
analogian kautta .
by our sexuality
seksuaalisuutemme perusteella, we are automatically considered `immoral ``and `obscene by the rest of society.
In a collection of essays published in 1948 under the title Linguistics and Literary History
Vuonna 1948 julkaistussa esseekokoelmassa nimeltä Linguistics and Literary Historu ,
by the term `philological circle ``
termillä 'filologinen piiri' .
wish to return to those qualities and
in a more personal way
henkilökohtaisemmalla tavalla , and
with the help of a fine Middle English word: clanness, or `cleanness ``
hienon keskienglantilaisen sanan avulla: sisäänpäinlämpiävyys .
Like Shelley,
mielikuvituksen in Platonic terms
Platonin termeillä .
Identify the issue, and
in the terms of your own culture
oman kulttuurisi termeillä
In a similar vein Gibson (this volume) argues, `The most basic issue is whether
without reference to native concepts
ilman viittausta kansallisiin konsepteihin .
From the later fourth century, this ideal offered
puzzled Christians
ymmällään oleville kristityille a means
their identity
identiteettinsä without ambiguity
ilman monitulkintaisuutta .
, followed no more unfavourable a pattern than other violent crimes or crime generally, then at the very least a verdict of `Not proven ``must be returned.
Yksityistäminen ,
to cover all sorts of novel roles for the private sector
niin, että se kattaa kaikenlaiset yksityisen sektorin uudet roolit , is now on the political agenda in much of America.
The largest group of congenital anomalies are
congenital abnormalities (or malformations)
synnynnäiset poikkeamat (tai epämuodostumat) ,
as structural defects present at birth, whether detected at that time or not
rakenteellisiksi vioiksi, jotka olivat olemassa jo syntyessä, huomattiinpa ne silloin tai ei .
These decisions both
Näillä päätöksillä on tend
`severe and enduring ``mental illness
'vakava ja kestävä' mielisairaus in the local context
paikallisessa kontekstissa and to allocate limited resources for care programming to those most in need.
`Saxtet ``have cleverly combined outstanding musicianship, boundless energy and visual as well as aural stimuli to create
an exciting performance that
jännittävän esityksen, josta has become increasingly difficult
Under the new Constitution, which came into effect on July 13
Uudessa perustuslaissa, joka tuli voimaan 13. heinäkuuta ,
as a republic with a parliamentary form of government and as a ``democratic, constitutional and welfare state
tasavallaksi, jossa on parlamentaristinen hallitus sekä 'demokraattiseksi, perustuslailliseksi ja hyvinvointivaltioksi' .
Work equipment
Työvälineiden to include everything from a handtool through machinery of all kinds to a complete plant, such as a refinery
sisältävän kaikki käsityökaluista kaikenlaisiin koneisiin ja kokonaisiin tehtaisiin, kuten jalostamoihin .
Of course, if
in this very broad way
tällä erittäin laajalla tavalla , then we would expect very many people to possess some; in fact the most recent figures still show very striking inequalities in wealth distribution.
the actions which
teot, jotka will vary with different social settings -- in different societies and different periods of time.
without qualification
varauksetta as based on a pentatonic, inflectional musical language, hence as antithetical to the functional-tonal language of bourgeois tradition
pentatonisen, vaihtelevan musiikillisen kielen perusteella, eli antiteettiseksi toiminnallistonaaliselle porvaristoperinteen kielelle .
Perhaps because Christianity has no law as such,
the concept of purity
puhtauden konsepti became veiled behind ideas of spiritual goals rather than
being simply
sitä olisi yksinkertaisesti by physical states
fyysisten tilojen perusteella .
The book is similarly cursory in its treatment of style (
) with not much attention given to a formal or material analysis of the work.
Rational political behaviour
Rationaalinen poliittinen käytös by the male pattern
miehisen kaavan perusteella .
The self-evaluating character of science
Tieteen itsearvioivan luonteen , without which new insights would assume the same significance as flights of fancy,
as `cognitive evaluation ``
'kognitiiviseksi arvioksi' .
The main thrust of the project is to compare both demand and supply factors as they affect
small firms
pieniin yrityksiin (
as employing between 5 and 100 persons
niin, että ne työllistävät 5–100 henkilöä ) in the different regions.
On the one hand, in genetic terms, the physical or biological differences between
have been shown to be trivial.
It holds that
as `nations ``
'kansoiksi' have the right to, and therefore ought to, form territorial states of the kind that have become standard since the French Revolution.
'Mainonnan' under s39(1)
sivulla 39(1) to include a catalogue, a circular and a price list
sisältävän kuvaston, joukkokirjeen ja hintaluettelon .
Selkärangattomat as animals that do not have a backbone or internal skeleton
eläimiksi, joilla ei ole selkärankaa tai sisäistä luurankoa, and that simple definition takes in around 97% of the whole of the living species of animals in the world.
The wider function of a higher education
Korkeamman koulutuksen laajempi merkitys ,
as education for `capability, creativity or communion ``
koulutukseksi 'kyvykkyyttä, luovuutta tai kanssakäymistä' varten, was incompatible with the organization of the universities.
(Of the centres of the world's rice culture, only India and Bangladesh lie outside
as the Pacific
Tyyneksimereksi .)
Here, in common with the Llanos area of the Orinoco basin in Venezuela, the vegetation comprises
cerrados which
cerradoista, jotka (1986)
as savanna woodland
savannialueiksi .
Old subjects
Vanhoja kohteita were recruited from local senior citizens' social clubs and
as those greater than 65 years of age
yli 65-vuotiaiksi .
As a result society at large has come to accept the devaluation of the economic role of
`older people ``
'vanhempien ihmisten', by these ages
heidän ikänsä mukaan .
Fibromyalgia is not identical with
the specific myofascial pain syndrome
erityisen myofaskiaalisen kipuoireyhtymän, jonka by
the International Association for the Study of Pain
International Association for the Study of Pain .
All four books about Ayesha
Kaikki neljä Ayeshasta kertovaa kirjaa jotka ,
by courtesy
kohteliaisuudesta and
by their subject-matter
niiden asiasisällön perusteella as adventure stones
seikkailukirjoiksi , contain in fact relatively little action.
It also changes over historical time, in different geographical regions, and in
different social groups
eri yhteiskuntaryhmissä jotka ,
by ethnicity, class, gender, occupation and so on
etnisyyden, luokan, sukupuolen, ammatin jne. perusteella .
The third sort of rule uses
``common-sense knowledge
maalaisjärkeen perustuvaa tietoa', jonka by a number of psycholinguistic studies
monet psykolingvistiset tutkimukset , and represented by a ``tangled hierarchy of ontological predicates.
The qualities of the feminine expressive role
Feminiinisen ilmaisuvoimaisen roolin ominaisuudet ,
määritelmän mukaan by Zelditch, Parsons and others
Zelditchin, Parsonsin ja muiden , are directly opposed to the qualities of the housewife/houseworker role.
What matters is that, regardless of their manufacturers, the devices themselves are enemies of each other in
the special sense
erityisessä mielessä, jonka in this chapter
tässä luvussa .
These important phrases
Näitä tärkeitä fraaseja anywhere in the law
missään lain osassa .
Taken alone
the Pacific Ocean
Tyynimeri can be, like any other,
voidaan, kuten mikä tahansa muukin, in a variety of ways
monilla eri tavoilla , depending on whether the observer is a geographer, geologist, cartographer, military strategist or fashionably up-to-date economist.
in terms of the amount of money an individual can spend over a period while leaving his or her net wealth position unaltered
sillä perusteella, kuinka paljon rahaa henkilö voi kuluttaa tiettynä aikana ilman, että hänen nettovarallisuutensa muuttuu .
Indeed, fully a quarter of the country's population is accounted for by just
the six largest cities
kuusi suurinta kaupunkia (
on a functional rather than administrative basis
toiminnallisella perustalla hallinnollisen sijaan ).
(This is not, incidentally, so in the Lerdahl and Jackendoff analysis of music, where
the three analogous kinds of prolongation
kolme samanlaista pidentämistyyppiä in terms of movement within and between keys
avainten sisäisen ja välisen liikkeen perusteella .)
All the evolutionary changes or events
Kaikki kehitykselliset muutokset tai tapahtumat , however
in relation to time or magnitude
suhteessa aikaan tai merkitykseen , became locked into the unchangeable process of creation and re-creation.
We are suggesting here that normalisation, over and above these many attempts
coherently and carefully
johdonmukaisesti ja huolellisesti , is open to different interpretations in practice.
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf , he recalled, had
as `common ground ``
'yhteiseksi pohjaksi' .
antarctic oases
antarktiksen keitaat as substantial ice-free areas separated from an ice-sheet by an ablation zone, and kept free from snow by ablation due to low albedo and radiation
merkittäviksi jäättömiksi alueiksi, jotka erottaa jääkentistä ablaatiovyöhyke, ja jotka pysyvät lumettomina alhaisen heijastuskyvyn ja säteilyn aiheuttaman ablaation vuoksi .
`Wealth ``refers to
material possessions
materiaalien omistukseen in particular societies
erityisissä yhteiskunnissa .
Addison writes of `imagination ``in his last paper in such a way as to make us feel that the connotation of the word has been enriched since
first took it up and
Chodorow, Byrd and Heidorn [1985] have investigated the use of MRDs in the construction of semantic hierarchies, based on the assumption that all
have ``genus and ``differentiae terms.
In fact, it barely fits the
at all, looking more like a big triangular thing.
The World Health Organisation's
Maailman terveyjärjestön that health
siitä, että terveys is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
on täydellisen fyysisen, henkisen ja sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin tila eikä vain sairauden tai vaivan poissaolo, redresses the medically biased emphasis on disease or infirmity.
Since the Vienna Convention applies to treaties between States,
limits third parties to States.
We rarely if ever have in mind a circumstance described as a single event or whatever, but the possibility is not to be excluded by
The words themselves, being less ``everyday, are less likely to have widely accepted definitions or stereotypical patterns of usage that may then be quoted as examples in
Bearing in mind the
, that's probably just as well.
What constituted a `pagan ``
Se, mikä oli 'pakana', was a matter of
by clerical authority
papistoviranomaisten ; in practice it meant what evaded the bishop's control.
This presupposes detailed
of their requirements
vaatimuksistaan and the development of processes to ensure that those requirements are met.
The most obvious
for labouring poets
työskentelevistä runoilijoista is
that it includes all those whose support normally depended on manual work, either their own or that of their families
se, joka sisältää kaikki ne, joiden tuki normaalisti riippui manuaalisesta työstä, joko heidän omastaan tai heidän perheidensä .
The Concise Oxford Dictionary
Concise Oxford -sanakirja gives two
(Table 1).
The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new
is fairly clear cut.
Everyone has
of contentment
tyytyväisyydestä .
Elsewhere, particularly in sitcoms,
older people
vanhemmat ihmiset as being either enfeebled, vague and forgetful or, at the other extreme, cantankerous battle axes
joko heikkoina, epäselvinä ja huonomuistisina tai toisessa ääripäässä riidanhaluisina taisteluhärkinä .
In books dealing with the more spiritual aspects of man,
as being outside each other
olevan toistensa ulkopuolella , each ascending level being larger than the one below, as shown in Figure 2.
Chris believes in teaching children about snakes, showing them that they aren't
the horrible slimy things
niitä kamalia limaisia olioita, joiksi CNI
The ideological importance attributed to the family as a basically self-contained unit clashes with attempts
access to `supplementary pedagogical resources ``
pääsyä 'pedagogisiin lisäresursseihin' as a universal right
yleisenä oikeutena .
Diario 16 also carried
a cartoon
sarjakuvaa, jossa as Cinderella with a glass slipper bouncing off her head after being thrown at her from the palace
Tuhkimona, jonka päästä kimposi lasikenkä, joka oli heitetty häntä kohti palatsista .
He published an autobiography in 1975:
as a rapscallion
lurjuksena (internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail).
The attempt
as an extremist
ekstremistinä , meanwhile, failed in the face of his likeability.
He says
horror films and books
kauhuelokuvien ja -kirjojen often
; now he wants people to get to know his reptiles so that they stop fearing them.
Charlie Chaplin's well-known film Modern Times
Charlie Chaplinin tunnettu elokuva Nykyaika work in modern mass-production factories
työtä nykyaikaisissa massatuotantotehtaissa as devoid of all skill or satisfaction
olevan vailla kaikkea taitoa ja tyydytystä , with workers merely cogs in some vast machine totally outside their control.
Making investments was undoubtedly easier then, with potential customers filling the streets and
high risk start-ups
korkean riskin alkavia yrityksiä as brilliant opportunities for investors
loistaviksi mahdollisuuksiksi sijoittajille , with little thought of the potential losses.
It would, however, be too simple
antislavery after the late 1830s
1830-luvun lopun jälkeistä orjuuden vastaista ajattelua as purely a scene of contending sects more concerned with maintaining their own kinds of purity than achieving anything practical
pelkkänä sellaisten vastakkaisten ryhmien riitana, jotka olivat huolestuneempia omanlaisensa puhtauden säilyttämisestä kuin minkään käytännön tavoitteen saavuttamisesta .
This new interest has not relied simply on a
uudelleenmääritelmään to draw attention to analogous, but uncriminalised, activities of the ruling class (although that has been part of it).
Recent knowledge concerning the disease's diagnosis and treatment, and
uudelleenmääritelmästä as a primarily civilian rather than a military problem
ennen kaikkea siviili- eikä sotilasongelmaksi , made the regulationist strategy impracticable.
One of Cornford's most important implications for Eliot
uudelleenmääritelmänsä of what `comedy ``meant
siitä, mitä 'komedia' tarkoitti in terms of Greek and more primitive drama
kreikkalaisen ja primitiivisemmän draaman termeillä .
It was Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss who had the insight and courage to start, at the turn of the century, the long process of discovery and purification which is leading to a
uudelleenmääritelmään .
In it Jones challenges the concept of full employment, questions the relevance of the work ethic and advocates the
uudelleenmääritelmän to include domestic labour and hobby activities
sisältää kotityöt ja harrastustoiminnan .
uudelleenmääritelmä of democracy
demokratiasta has been extremely influential.
Discretionary standards and the
uudelleenmäärittely of certain concerns
tiettyjen huolien mask both the values which are still implicit in legislation and in judicial decisions, and the lack of consensus on matters identified as personal.
Whether or not
uudelleenmääritelmänsä of democracy
demokratiasta salvages what classical theorists meant by `democracy ``is one of the points on which his work has been most criticised.