`If they thought
, but there's no crime in a man going missing.
You note that the American murder rate is consistently four or five times worse than that suffered by West European countries and that
60% of American murders
60 % Amerikassa tehdyistä murhista .
in public or private
julkisesti tai yksityisesti , but the act is drafted in such a way as to exclude domestic disputes (s.4(2)).
You might be able to think of crimes that are not generally regarded as deviant --
in self-defence
itsepuolustukseksi , for example.
We know that custody does not stop
young people
nuoria ihmisiä when their sentence is over
heidän tuomionsa päätyttyä .
Is the Minister aware that not only juveniles but adults are committing crimes while on bail and that
many crimes
moniin rikoksiin, joita by adults while on bail
aikuiset, jotka ovat vapaana takuita vastaan involve firearms?
There's only a possibility that
the two murders
kaksi murhaa by the same person
sama henkilö .
While these figures refer to
, they do give a good indication of the extent of class differences in crime statistics generally, given the high proportion of offenders who are juveniles.
And how
treason against the King of England
maanpetoksen Englannin kuningasta vastaan in a foreign country
toisessa maassa , if he is not English?
By contrast,
a person who organises a procession or a meeting and knowingly fails to comply with the conditions imposed
henkilö, joka järjestää kulkueen tai tapaamisen, ja tietoisesti epäonnistuu määrättyjen ehtojen noudattamisessa, an offence punishable with three months' imprisonment or a level three fine
rikoksen, josta voi tuomita kolmeksi kuukaudeksi vankeuteen tai kolmannen tason sakon .
This fact was emphasised in Fletcher v. Budgen (1974 C.A.) where it was held that even
It is often difficult to differentiate
tarkoituksella from those who are confused in their claims.
You must, therefore, be certain, I repeat, certain beyond reasonable doubt that
such an evil crime as murder
murhankaltaisen julman rikoksen .
In mitigation Lawrence Hazell, for Muise, said
because he owed some people £110
koska hän oli joillekin ihmisille velkaa 110 £ .
Surely we can be warned by
the horrors
kauhut, joihin perpetrated
syyllistyttiin in the former Yugoslavia
entisessä Jugoslaviassa about the results of political, religious and ethnic intransigence.
Many prisoners had died during those two years, not from illness but from
the atrocities
julmuuksiin, joita some Japanese
jotkut japanilaiset on a daily basis.
When dealing with cases of
sexual abuse
seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä perpetrated
on kohdistunut , one of the greatest problems is the guilt which that child always feels during and after the event.
Sir Derek, however, sat tight, believing that he should not be blamed for the
£215m fraud
215 miljoonan punnan petoksesta, joka against the company
yritystä kohtaan .
He spoke of high levels of crime, and of
väkivallasta, johon by the security forces
turvallisuusjoukot against peaceful demonstrations
rauhallisiin mielenosoituksiin kohdistuvasta , but also called for an end to ``mindless violence between township factions.
Less than a year later
Alle vuotta myöhemmin an almost identical crime
lähes identtinen rikos when Sarah Metyard and her daughter Morgan were charged with the brutal murder of one of their five Parish apprentices
kun Sarah Metyardia ja hänen tytärtään syytettiin siitä, että he olivat julmasti murhanneet yhden viidestä seurakunnan oppipojasta .
`Did you know that
a significant number of burglaries
merkittävän määrän murtovarkauksia ?
He concluded that the transfer was not void but was, by reason of the
by the Hammonds
Hammondien , voidable.
Oh, yes, even then I dully understood that the Luciferi were
the bastards who
kusipäitä, jotka such a dreadful crime
niin kauhean rikoksen .
by an operated transsexual
leikattu transseksuaali , the innocent party will have the same remedy until the expiration of three years.
He could have learned
either from Andrus or through the ordinary gossip of the bazaars.