Operators earn 28p a minute for peak rate calls and 16p for cheap, with
British Telecom
British Telecom the person who is responsible for the bill
henkilöltä, joka vastaa laskusta, whether he made the call or not.
London hotels
Lontoon hotellit can not expect to go on
high prices
korkeiden hintojen when they can not even be bothered to welcome guests in their own language.
Except in a few cases, where the law states that a product must be sold at a fixed price (ie all retailers must charge the same price),
vähittäiskauppiaat what they like
mitä haluavat !
what they like
mitä haluavat , then be as inefficient as they like, and stay under the profit ceiling.
baked nothing that could be found at the local baker and
what she considered exorbitant prices
hänen mielestään ylettömiä hintoja , which people seemed happy to pay in cash.
to go to church
kirkkoon menosta .
to park on the playground
leikkipuistoon pysäköimisestä can be a lucrative source of funds.
the surveyor, who is doing a ventriloquist act with his insurers,
rakennustarkastaja, joka toimii vatsastapuhujana vakuuttajayhtiöidensä kanssa, carries on with his surveys,
higher fees
korkeampia palkkioita to pay for his increased insurance premiums
maksaakseen kasvaneet vakuutusmaksunsa .
just write WORLD LEADER in your passport,
to expound views rejected by your people
oman väkesi hylkäämien näkemysten selvittämiseen , and let the world, and the people, go to hell.
to produce 18 prints
18 vedoksesta (4 half-frame exposures are needed for each print).
Press leaks hinted that the government was considering means-testing the child benefit now paid to every mother and
richer patients
varakkaampien potilaiden to use National Health Service hospital beds
julkisen terveydenhuoltojärjestelmän sänkypaikkojen käytöstä .
Nevertheless, there are often Possibilities for
the supplier
tavarantoimittajan different people
eri ihmisiltä different amounts
eri summia for the same good
samasta tavarasta based approximately upon marginal value, for example a fixed charge plus an amount dependent upon intensity of use.
Nutty found out that
ten pounds an hour
kymmenen puntaa tunnissa .
So he'd taken an upstairs room and divided it into six spaces, figuring
£1.50 an hour
1,50 puntaa tunnissa for each of them
kultakin heistä and really coin it in.
at 50p per item per week
50 p kappaleelta viikossa from closing time on the date stamped in the item.
Twice I've picked up goods on a shelf marked reduced and then found, because of the bar codes,
at the pay-out desk.
Mrs Ryan was cheerfully living on
a steadily increasing overdraft
tilinylitys kasvoi tasaisesti ,
at two per cent above the normal rate
kaksi prosenttia normaalitaksaa enemmän, because the loan was unsecured.
After testing nine such cleaning firms, Which? magazine found
for poor quality service
palvelun heikosta laadusta .
The money was raised by
for the emission tests which become part of vehicle testing from April 1
päästötesteistä, jotka tulivat osaksi ajoneuvon testausta 1. huhtikuuta alkaen .
Solicitors and private doctors
Asianajajat ja yksityiset lääkärit a set rate
määrätyn taksan so use it economically.
The water company
Vesiyhtiö then
in much the same way as the gas and electricity companies do.
As we just remarked,
on bank loans
pankkilainoista .
To pay for this,
companies that take part in the DSD
yrityksiltä, jotka osallistuvat DSD:hen, on each package
jokaisesta pakkauksesta , which must be approved by the organisation as recyclable.
They learned that lawyers in Leeds and Selby were kept busy defending 18th century rioters, who burned down toll houses in protest against plans by
all future bills
kaikki tulevat laskut directly to me
suoraan minulta , ``Cornelius said with a smile.
higher rates
suurempia taksoja to non-residents
muilta kuin asukkailta .
Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by
to the offending corporation
lakia rikkovalta yhtiöltä .
The new lender
Uusi lainanantaja its legal expenses
lakisääteiset kulunsa .
is not considering
anything like the £7 a litre at which the health drink sells in Germany
mitään 7 puntaa litralta, millä terveysjuomaa myydään Saksassa .
will also have powers
private companies
yksityisyrityksiltä for ``permits to pollute
"saastutusluvista" , and to carry out such environmental monitoring work as is required by law.
If it's done within the hour
She just hoped that
for taking the child off her hands
lapsen ottamisesta hänen vaivoistaan .