associate.n 🔎
- The effects on pupil achievement of poorly managed transitions between primary and secondary schools have been amply documented by Professor Galton andhishänenassociatesyhteistyökumppaninsaat the University of LeicesterLeicesterin yliopistossa.
- The royal background of so many ofGloucester'sGloucesterinknownassociateskumppanienat this date is to be expected.
- Yesterday he smiled for the last time and said he did not wish to obstruct the work of Prime Minister Hans Modrow -- who now constitutes, with a small group ofassociatesyhteistyökumppaneitafrom DresdenDresdenistä tulevia, the only remaining acceptable face of reform within the East German Communist Party.
- Theseassociatesosakkaatfrom KeeneKeenestäare pictured at the store's deli counter.
- By 1980the Soviet UnionNeuvostoliitollewas left with only two substantialassociateskumppaniain the regionalueella,Syria and the PLOSyyria ja PLO, themselves uneasy allies against Israel.
- MrCronkite'sCronkitenassociateskumppanitin the networkverkostossasaw what others had failed to notice -- Mr Trout was actually an unemployed actor and former colleague named Buck Henry.
- For example, the psychopathic ex-Marine Travis Bickle (Robert de Niro) in Martin Scorsese's Taxi-Driver (1976) befriends an underage junkie prostitute and slaughters her pimp andhismiehenassociateskollegatin a climactic shooting-outkliimaksisessa ammuskelussa.
- Perhaps the most impressive of these was Loughborough College where that fine, sensitiveassociatekumppaniof Peter Slade and Brian WayPeter Sladen ja Brian Wayn,Stan EverndenStan Evernden, was the first lecturer to evolve a student-centred drama course for potential teachers.
- `There are plenty of buyers in the market, particularly for all sizes of shops and retail warehouses, ``saidMark TealeMark Teale, anassociatekumppaniof Hillier ParkerHillier Parkerin.
- At the time of her second marriage she was in love withHenry PierceHenry Pierceen, an attorney's clerk andassociatekumppaniinof her first husbandhänen ensimmäisen aviomiehensä.
- The Poitevin barons must have felt the wayHenry Morgan'sHenry Morganinoldassociateskumppaneidenwere to feel when he was appointed Governor of Jamaica with orders to stamp out piracy.
- One influential argument about urban decline has been put forward by Fothergill and Gudgin andtheirheidänassociateskumppaninsa.
- Since 1977 Agger andhishänenassociatekumppaninsa,former New York Senator Charles Goodellentinen New Yorkin senaattori Charles Goodell, had represented Morocco in Washington.
- The Grand Trunk Canal promoted by him andhishänenmerchantkauppa-associatekumppaninsaThomas BentlyThomas Bentlynwas set afoot in 1766 after the Duke of Bridgewater had already moved the line of his Runcorn cut to meet up at its northern end and complete the joining of the Trent and Mersey.
- The work ofresearchtutkimus-associateskumppaneidenand assistants is carried out under supervision, sometimes as part of a research team.
- In accordance with the group's aim to provide a platform for its younger scientists, short supporting talks were given by postgraduates andpostdoctoral researchpost doc -tutkimuksenassociateskumppanit.
- These `researchtutkimus-associateskumppanit``will participate fully in the main fieldwork stages of the investigation.
- Patients newly admitted to the hospital environment will naturally be anxious about keeping in touch with family, friends andworktyö-associateskumppaneihin.
- They've gone a lot of funny ways, the Cauldhames andtheirheidänassociateskumppaninsaby marriageavioliiton myötä tulleet, but to the best of my knowledge a gun has never crossed one off.
- Hewas anoliassociatekumppaniof NeuhausNeuhausin, and like that legendary figure imparted the richest sense of cultural and human ideals.
- The stewardship of the duchy was given to John lord Dynham, who had been one ofEdward IV'sEdward IV:nleadingassociateskumppaneistain the south westlounaassaand as such had already had dealings with the duchy.
- However, William Gladstone is known to have recorded cylinders forColonel Gouraudeversti Gouraudille, anassociatekumppanilleof Edison'sEdisoninin LondonLontoossa.
- Hewlett-Packard Co has signed Random House Electronic Publishing and Paramount Publishing's Professional Technical Reference Prentice Hall asitssenassociateskumppaneiksiin publishing books on Hewlett-Packard technologies and productsHewlett-Packardin teknologiaa ja tuotteita koskevien kirjojen julkaisuun.
- The fact that the work has been referred to and is performed by anoverseasulkomainenassociatekumppaniis irrelevant in this context.
- HisHänenformerentinenbusinessliike-associatekumppaninsaLars Skarke has filed a suit against Borg claiming £50 million damages arising out of the collapse of their business group.
- Friends andbusinessliike-associateskumppanitof MauriceMauricenwere in frequent contact.
- Her only diversion, apart from keeping house, looking after her children and entertainingmy father'sisänibusinessliike-associateskumppaneita, was in books.
- Kitangan denied that any such plot existed, but four people, including one ofhishänencloseassociateskumppaneistaan, were placed in detention under the Internal Security Act.
- Bernardino CardosoBernardino Cardoso, hitherto Minister of Planning and International Co-operation and a closeassociatekumppaniof the Presidentpresidentin, was given responsibility for foreign affairs in the new 16-member Cabinet.
- HeHänwas aolipoliticalpoliittinenassociatekumppaniof both the opposition leaders, George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham, and Anthony Ashley Cooper, first Earl of Shaftesburymolemmille oppositiojohtajille, George Villiersille, toiselle Buckinghamin herttualle, ja Anthony Ashley Cooperille, ensimmäiselle Shaftesburyn jaarlille[qq.v.].
collaborate.v 🔎
- Thereforetheyhewilltulevathappilytyytyväisinäcollaboratetekemään yhteistyötäin manufacturing efficient survival machinestehokkaiden eloonjääntikoneiden valmistuksessa.
- TheyHeare willing to contribute to andcollaboratetehdä yhteistyötäwith the youthsnuorten kanssa, often spending long hours coaxing and prompting.
- The firm's new Personal Video System Model 70 enables users working in a Microsoft Corp Windows environment to see each other in a scalable video window astheyhetalk andsimultaneouslysamanaikaisesticollaboratetekevät yhteistyötäon computer documentstietokoneasiakirjojen parissa.
- As a direct result of expertise gained by the Getty conservators in the restoration of the Nefertari tombtheyheidäthave now been invitedto<empty>collaboratetekemään yhteistyötäwith the Egyptian Antiquities OrganisationEgyptian Antiquities Organisation -järjestön kanssaon the restoration of the tomb of TuthankhamunTutankhamonin haudan restauroinnissa.
- Sometimes he seemed to act almost as his ``representative on earth; when Cecil Day Lewis was asked by The Times to compose Eliot's obituary, he suggested to Hayward thattheyhecollaboratetekisivät yhteistyötäupon itsen parissa.
- Maybetheyheidänshould haveolisi pitänytcollaboratedtehdä yhteistyötäon a bookkirjan parissa, instead of writing separate accounts.
- TheyHecollaboratedtekivät yhteistyötäwith SonySonyn kanssato produce a single, de facto standard enshrined in what has become known as `The Red Book ``tuottaakseen yksittäisen, tosiasiallisen standardin, jota säilytettiin siinä, joka on tullut tunnetuksi nimellä The Red Book.
- Sincetheyhecollaboratedtekivät yhteistyötäon balletsbalettien parissatheresielläin the 1750S1750-luvulla,it is possible that Roman performance ideas were incorporated in Paris.
collaboration.n 🔎
- They come together in Headstrong, the result of acollaborationyhteistyöstäbetween dance group Adventures In Motion Pictures, and five hat designers whose numbers include Fred Baretanssiryhmä Adventures In Motion Picturesin ja viiden hattusuunnittelijan välillä, joiden numeroihin sisältyy Fred Bare.
- There was the originalPeter Hall / Simon RattlePeter Hall / Simon Rattlecollaboration-yhteistyöfor the festivalfestivaalia varten, remarkable for the introduction of authentic instruments to Glyndebourne.
- Exactly twenty years aftertheirheidäncollaborationyhteistyöstäänfor that extraordinary presentation of Henry Moore in Florencepoikkeuksellisessa Henry Moore -esityksessä Firenzessä, Caro's exhibition reunites the powerful curatorial vision of Professor Giovanni Carandente with the British Council.
- WeMeillähad avery happyerittäin onnistunutcollaborationyhteistyöin BerlinBerliinissäover Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, which he had been wanting to do for a number of yearsMozartin Die Zauberflöten parissa, jonka hän oli halunnut tehdä jo vuosia.
- As in the First World War, the imperative need foractiveaktiiviselleworking-classtyöväenluokancollaborationyhteistyöllein the war effortsotapyrkimyksissägreatly enhanced the importance of the labour movement in the industrial and political life of the country.
- CurrentNykyinencollaborationyhteistyöin the development of staff training materialshenkilöstökoulutusmenetelmien kehityksessämay augur well for further co-operation and joint training opportunities.
- This study examines thepublic service broadcasters'julkisin varoin tuettujen televisiolähetystencollaborationyhteistyötäin the Eurikon and EUROPA satellite television channelsEurikon- ja EUROPA-satelliittitelevisiokanavilla, the reasons for the creation of the channels and the reasons for their demise.
- Thecollaborationyhteistyöof artistsartistienwith the stagenäyttämön kanssawas also brought to a high point by Serge Diaghilev, in his commissions to artists for the Russian Ballet.
- There is a strong case for a more serious effort atcollaborationyhteistyöhönon such matters within the alliancekyseisissä asioissa allianssin sisällä.
- The existence of Rios 2 as a separate development from theIBM-Motorola Inc-Apple Computer IncIBM-Motorola Inc:n - Apple Computer Inccollaboration-yhteistyöstäon Rios 1 or PowerPCRios 1:n tai PowerPC:n parissa, was confirmed at IBM's extension of the RS/6000 line last month.
- Thethree-yearkolmivuotinencollaborationyhteistyöon this multimedia workshoptämän multimediatyöpajan puitteissaaims to create two prototype multimedia applications for various categories of visitors and to experiment with putting such applications on media such as CD-ROM and Compact Disk-Interactive.
- Baker's visit coincided with Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel's visit to the USA, during whichUS-TurkishYhdysvaltain ja Turkin välisestäcollaborationyhteistyöstäon activity in central AsiaKeski-Aasian toiminnoissawas discussed.
- Washington'sWashingtoninnuclearydinvoima-collaborationyhteistyöwith RomaniaRomanian kanssadates from the 1970s, when the West was vigorously encouraging President Nicolae Ceausescu to pursue policies independent of the Soviet Union.
- It is not certain whether or not the discontinuation of the Concentrated Reinforcement Programme has heralded the end ofBRAC'sBRAC:incollaborationyhteistyönwith the village practitionerskylän ammatinharjoittajien kanssa.
- One of the experiments on the flight was designed byDr BriartyDr Briartyincollaborationyhteistyössäwith Dr MaherDr Maherin kanssa.
- Incollaborationyhteistyössäwith foreign research groupsulkomaisten tutkijaryhmien kanssa, comparative studies of some of the technological areas will also be undertaken.
- The range of speakers called upon seemed consciously designed to stressChristiankristillistäcollaborationyhteistyötäwithin the movement and equally its vitality across generations.
- Only in the later 1820s is there clear evidence not only of the pursuit of mass public meetings, as at Liverpool in April 1828, butcollaborationyhteistyöstäin setting up similar meetings in other major centressamanlaisten kokousten luomisesta muissa suurissa keskuksissa.
- TheirHeidänpreviousaikaisempaancollaborationsyhteistyöhönsäinclude work with prog-rock idol Steve Hillage on various Orb projects and with the offshoot-band System 7.
- So this was the first fruit ofourmeidäncollaborationyhteistyöstämme, the test of our method!
- In the tense climate of postwar eastern Europe, the new powers expediently circumnavigated the full truth oftheir citizens'kansalaistenwartimesota-ajancollaborationyhteistyöstäand atrocities in order to consolidate power as quickly as possible.
- Trueart and architecturetaiteellinen ja arkkitehtoninencollaborationyhteistyöis a process in which everyone has to define his own limits.
- The United Kingdom government strongly urged reconsideration of the decision, invoking Germany's long-standing commitment toEuropeaneurooppalaiseendefencepuolustus-collaborationyhteistyöhön.
- Now, after a space of seven years, director Martin Scorsese and actor Robert De Niro are reunited for GoodFellas,theirheidänsixthfilmelokuva-collaborationyhteistyössään.
- Progress towards the achievement of these aims requiresinter-agencyvirastojen välistäcollaborationyhteistyötä.
- Packer remarks that the greater willingness to join incollaborationyhteistyöhönagainst a consorting maleseurustelevaa urosta vastaanmay be related to the greater benefits that the altruism bestows on the recipient in these cases.
- It would be prudent to assume thatthe GRUGRU, incollaborationyhteistyössäwith its clientsasiakkaidensa kanssa, is effective at identifying needs and diverting what it purloins to the right places.
- Theremay be noei voi olladirectsuoraacollaborationyhteistyötäbetween SBUsStrategisten liiketoimintayksiköiden välillä, but what Porter calls the same generic skills may be called upon.
- As the ancestor spirits are such realistic replicas of living elders it is perhaps not surprising that they should work insuch close and harmoniousniin läheisessä ja harmonisessacollaborationyhteistyössä.
- WhenBritain and FranceBritannia ja Ranska, incloseläheisessäcollaborationyhteistyössäwith IsraelIsraelin kanssa, launched a military attack on Egypt, the American government was furious.
- The activities of the tuberculosis unit received worldwide recognition as examples of technically advanced countries benefiting fromthe MRC'sMRC:ncloseläheisestäcollaborationyhteistyöstäwith a substantial group of developing countrieshuomattavan kehitysmaaryhmän kanssa.
- Several governments, particularly from the larger states, sought co-operation on immigration and frontier controls and alsocloserläheisempääpolicepoliisi-collaborationyhteistyötä.
- As such, the Japanese are internationalising their Sigma project, now in the private sector, and actively seekinginternationalkansainväliseencollaborationyhteistyöhönin research into fundamental software architecturesperustavanlaatuisten ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurien tutkimuksessa.
- Such a role called for financial autonomy, an independent international civil service, andcollaborationyhteistyötäbetween world organizationsmaailmanjärjestöjen välillä.
- Thiscollaborationyhteistyönshould involve both their teachers and their peers.
- The most difficult moments ofourmeidäncollaborationyhteistyössämmeinvolved getting through his very special resistances and hesitations in taking a picture.
collaborator.n 🔎
- However, the three would-becollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaneitafor the grand tourkiertokäynnilläeach revived one of their ballets for three performances by the Ballet Club at City Hall, Cape Town, in July and August; this was when Yvonne Blake danced the Scarlet Woman.
- JoJo,myminuncollaboratoryhteistyökumppaniniin disposal (old, fat, black and stationary, glued to the heat of the incinerator: `Hey!
- His spare time was devoted to the study of the castle, in which he was ably assisted byClifford PerksClifford Perks,hishänenformerentinencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsaon several papersuseissa tutkielmissa, and later by Mark Cheshire, a former pupil.
- Oliver's sister, Philippa (`Pippa ``)Oliverin sisaresta, Philippasta (Pippa),becametuliherhänenlifelongelinikäinencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsaon many feminist issuesmonissa feministisissä kysymyksissä.
- An early oval fort of pre-Roman times with a later broch in one corner, perhaps added by the Votadini even thoughtheyheidänwere supposedto beollacollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaneitawith the Roman occupiersroomalaisten valloittajien kanssa.
- Since the departure ofhishänenmusicalmusiikillisencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsaChaz JankelChaz Jankelin, in the early Eighties, however, Dury has rarely recaptured his rude panache on record.
- Einstein andhishänencollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaneidensahad, therefore, to be very careful how they defined what they meant by physical reality.
- MorrisMorrisistawasto becomemäärä tullahishänenarchitecturalarkkitehtoninencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsa, in effect succeeding Campbell in this role, the contact presumably having originated at Pembroke House, the building of which appears to have constituted Lord Herbert's architectural apprenticeship.
- At Serrano's suggestion, Franco assumed the Interior portfolio himself, although the Ministry was effectively run bySerrano'sSerranoncloseläheinencollaboratoryhteistyökumppani,José Lorente SanzJosé Lorente Sanz.
- What kind of librettos did he receive fromhishänencollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaneiltaan?
- Scott was so taken aback that Palmerston immediately withdrew his suggestion of acollaboratoryhteistyökumppanista.
- The warden, Leopold Finch, was one ofJames II'sJames II:nTorycollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaneista.
- In 1926E.A. PreobrazhenskyE.A. Preobrazhensky, acloseläheinencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaniof Leon TrotskyLeon Trotskynand a one-time collaborator of Bukharin, published his book The New Economics.
- A celebrated writer of fairy stories, PerraultAnsiokas satujen kirjoittaja Perraultwas also aoli myöscollaboratoryhteistyökumppaniof Colbert'sColbertin, and the man who prevented Bernini from realising his projected façade for the Louvre.
- He methishänencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsaof forty years' standingneljäkymmentä vuotta pysyneenDr Annegrit SchmittDr Annegrit Schmittin(now his wife) when she presented her thesis to the Graphische Sammlung in 1952.
- The other sees him as acollaboratoryhteistyötyökumppanina,with the forces of oppressionsortovoimien.
- Fortuitously, the catalogues raisonné of three friends andcollaboratorsyhteistyökumppaninin the field of experimental printmakingkokeellisen taidejäljennyksen alallahave appeared together.
- In 1927 Gibson introducedhishänenfriend andresearchtutkimus-collaboratorkumppaninsa,,Anton Michels of the University of AmsterdamAnton Michelsin Amsterdamin yliopistosta, to his colleagues in what was by then ICI.
- `Out Of The Cradle ``is a project undertaken by Lindsey Buckingham with the help oflong-timepitkäaikainencollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninsa,Richard DashutRichard Dashut.
- Tanberg toldTorsten WilnerTorsten Wilnerille,hishänenlong-timepitkäaikaisellecollaboratorhteistyökumppanilleen, about his plans.
collude.v 🔎
- BuyersOstajatcan alsovoivat myöscolludesalaa tehdä yhteistyötäto strengthen their position vis-a-vis sellers.vahvistaakseen asemaansa myyjien suhteen
- Basically itwas aboutkyse olicertain British officialstietyistä brittiläisistä virkamiehistä, jotkaallegedlysyytösten mukaancolludingtekivät salaa yhteistyötäin drug-test avoidancevälttääkseen huumetestitat some meetingsjoissakin kokouksissain the early eighties80-luvun alkupuolella.
- Sohis parentshänen vanhempansahadolivatcolludedtehneet salaa yhteistyötäin persuading Edwin that there was a worthwhile job he could still dovakuuttaakseen Edwinille, että olisi jotakin hyödyllistä työtä, jota hän voisi yhä tehdä.
- Andseventeen employersseitsemäntoista työntekijääwere also prosecuted forcolludingsalaisesta yhteistyöstäin the offencesrikkomuksia koskevasta.
- WasOlikoshehäncolludingsalaliitossain his tax evadingmiehen veronkierron suhteen?
- For example, if airlines share a computerized reservation system this makes it easy to monitor andcolludetehdä salaa yhteistyötäon priceshintojen suhteen.
- In order to achieve its dogma of privatizing the coal industry,itsecolludedsalaisessa yhteistyössäwith British CoalBritish Coalin kanssato close thirty one pitssulki kolmekymmentäyksi kaivosta.
- Jacques Donzelot has argued thatwomennaisetactivelyaktiivisesticolludedtekevät salaista yhteistyötäwith doctorslääkärien kanssa,because of the new-found status that accrued to them within the family as educators of their children and as medical auxiliaries.
- A handful of national splittists in XinjiangKourallinen kansallisia separatisteja Xinjiangissa,colludingsalaisessa yhteistyössäwith national splittists outside XinjiangXinjiangin ulkopuolisten kansallisten separatistien kanssa, have stepped up their splitting activity.
- On June 21 the West German police announced that they had started investigations into allegations thatHonecker and MielkeHonecker ja Mielkehadovatactivelyaktiivisesticolludedtehneet salaista yhteistyötäin offering RAF activists refuge in East Germanytarjoamalla RAF-aktivisteille turvapaikan Itä-Saksasta.
- Iffirmsfirmatareto<empty>colludetehdä salaa yhteistyötätacitlyepäsuorasti, they must somehow choose prices and outputs which are sustainable by a credible punishment strategy that also has to be tacitly agreed upon.
- It depends how muchthe adultsaikuisetcolludetekevät salaa yhteistyötäand what their bank balances are looking like.
collusion.n 🔎
- The plot of the opera concerns the efforts ofFigaro, Susanna and the countessFigaron, Susannan ja kreivittärenacting incollusionvehkeillessäänto frustrate the count's plankreivin suunnitelman estämiseksi.
- He said: `It appears as though therehas beenon ollutcollusionvehkeilyäto fix these chargeskustannusten sopimisessa.
- Officials in charge of competition policy said they were satisfied with findings by the Office of Fair Trading in Britain that there was no evidence ofcollusionvehkeilystäamong record companies and shopsrekisteröityjen yritysten ja myymälöiden keskuudessa.
- There has unquestionably been some kind ofcollusionvehkeilyäbetween Jesus and JudasJeesuksen ja Juudaan välillä.
- Government documents released under the 10-year rule threw new light on Sir Anthony Eden's handling of the Suez crisis in 1956, but stopped short of confirmingcollusionsalaliittobetween Britain, France and IsraelBritannian, Ranskan ja Israelin välilläin the affairasiassa.
- Andtheyheillähadwillinginnokascollusionsalainen sopimusfrom the music press, including the NMEmusiikkilehdistöltä, mukaan lukien NME, sadly.
- She clutches her can of Coke and pinpointsherhänencollusionsalaliittonsa,in what her insides scream is her kidnappingjossa hänen sisimpänsä huutaa hänen sieppaustaan.
- But what must thehypocriticaltekopyhäncollusionvehkeilynof government officialshallituksen virkamiestenin this illegal activitytässä laittomassa toiminnassahave done to the way corporate officials regard laws against corporate behaviour more generally?
- There were three official assurances yesterday that the inquiry by John Stevens, Deputy Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire, intosecurity forceturvallisuusjoukkojencollusionvehkeilystäwith loyalistslojalistien kanssais proceeding apace.
- I'm not implyingyousinä're incollusionsalaliitossawith themheidän kanssaanor anything.
- Nicholas was astonished byAustria'sItävallancollusionsalaliitostawith his enemiesvihollistensa kanssa.
- Documents which discloseBritain'sBritanniancollusionsalaliiton,have been found in UN, US and British archives by Dr Michael Palumbo, an American writer (who three years ago discovered the UN files on Mr Kurt Waldheim, the Austrian President).
- THE ALLEGATION that the Royal Ulster Constabulary contains an “ Inner Circle ” of officers preparing private lists of IRA suspects and working against the Anglo-Irish agreement has lent a new dimension to thesecurity force-loyalistturvallisuusjoukkojen lojalistisellecollusionsalaliitto-saga.
- Not one gave them an inkling of theWhitehallWhitehallincollusionvehkeilystä.
- Thus what may at first sight appear to be something that facilitates competition can actually be a form oflegallaillisencollusionsalaliiton.
- An important aspect of recent legislation and policy has been to tighten up on `information agreements ``, which could form the basis ofsecretsalaisellecollusionyhteistyölle.
- It did not appear to be a case where therehad beenoli ollutcollusionsalaliittobetween the employer and the drivertyöntekijän ja kuljettajan välinento their mutual advantageheidän keskinäiseksi edukseen.
- The product ofcollusionsalaliittobetween politicians and mass media controllerspoliitikkojen ja joukkotiedotusvälineiden johtajien välilläto exclude threatening issues from the scope of effective electoral competitionuhkaavien seikkojen poistamiseksi käynnissä olevasta vaalikilpailustahas been termed the `mobilization of bias ``(Schattschneider, 1960).
- Twenty days before Kennedy's assassination his South Vietnamese satrap, President Diem had suffered a similar fate, with thecollusionsalaliitostaof the US authoritiesYhdysvaltain viranomaisten.
- I REFER to the slanderous reports aimed at the leader of the Opposition that is, supposedcollusionsalaliittowith the Communistskommunistien kanssa.
- This then ensures that fraud can not be committed without thecollusionsalaliittoaof at least two individualsvähintään kahden henkilön.
- Thecollusionsalaliittoof Clement VClement V:nwith Edward I and Edward IIEdward I:n ja Edward II:n kanssahad surely jeopardized the political integrity of any future archbishop.
- Individual multi-plant firms interact with each other in their decisions, chiefly through competition but also throughcollusionsalaisillain agreeing, for instance, to close competing plantssopimuksilla esimerkiksi kilpailevien laitosten sulkemisesta(Peck and Townsend, 1986).
- Snow and cloudLumi ja pilvetare incollusionsalaliitossaand the town is more of a memory than a view.
confederate.n 🔎
- UnlikeMr Kinnockherra Kinnock,herhänenconfederateliittolaisensain unpopularityepäsuosiossa pysymisessä, she may face a challenge.
- `BuckinghamBuckinghamisthe protector'sprotektorinchieftärkeinconfederateliittolainen?
- `Well, ``said the courier, `you andyoursinunconfederatesliittolaistesimust accomplish what you came to do.
- SheHänwas clever, capable and resourceful as an agent, and acceptable to Rokovssky ashishänenconfederateliittolaisenaanon this mission of assassinationtässä salamurhatehtävässä.
- The young womanNuori nainenwasolihishänenconfederateliittolaisensa, of course.
- Both Billy and Tony had praised his coolness, and they were puzzling over the fate oftheirheidänconfederatesliittolaistensa.
- Then aconfederateliittolainenof XX:ncalled on the defendants, who delivered the coats to him under the impression that he was the plaintiffs' agent.
conspiracy.n 🔎
- Col Gaddafi remained silent on the crisis, leaving his number two, Major Abdul Salam Jalloud, to denounce the sanctions in familiar terms as aWesternlänsimaisenaconspiracysalaliittonaagainst the Islamic worldislamilaista maailmaa vastaan.
- But, until recently, senior professional persons have not been directly challenged over what Bernard Shaw calledtheirheidänconspiraciessalaliitoikseenagainst the laitymaallikkoja vastaan.
- Yet some are dangerous to our cause, and we can not brooktheirheidäncontumeliousylimielisiäconspiraciessalaliittojaanagainst usmeitä vastaan.
- Thisconspiracysalaliittobetween State and museumsvaltion ja museoiden välinenwas humiliating even for the museums, because in case of need, the State could sell what it liked from their collections.
- The case was also, however, framed as aconspiracysalaliitoksibetween Shell and othersShellin ja muiden väliseksito contravene the sanctions orderseuraamusmääräyksen rikkomiseksi.
- They may have been encouraged to do so by General Aslam Beg's recent public condemnations of the war, couched in accusations ofconspiracysalaliitostaby the Westlännento undermine the Muslim worldmuslimimaailman horjuttamiseksi.
- There is some kind ofconspiracysalaliittoof bureaucratsbyrokraattien: they all have their fingers in the same profitable pie.
- Still worse, she had allowed herself to be drawn into aconspiracysalaliittoonof exclusionulkopuolelle jättävään.
- They take him aside as though inviting him intotheirheidänconspiracysalaliittoonsa.
- But British concern about a high-placedCommunistkommunisti-conspiracysalaliitostawas nothing to American paranoia.
- The statement followed a report in the pro-SWAPO Namibian, alleging that former members of the Koevoet counter-insurgency unit and Angolan rebels were involved in theconspiracysalaliittoon.
- He describes aconspiracysalaliittoain the early 390s390-luvun alkupuolenof helots, who together with the other inferior classes outnumber the full Spartan citizens, at a casual count in the agora, by four thousand to fortyheloottien keskuudessa, joita yhdessä muiden alempien luokkien kanssa oli enemmän kuin spartalaisia yhteensä agorassa suoritetun epävirallisen laskennan perusteella: neljätuhatta neljääkymmentä vastaan.
- Nineteen-year-old Patricia Catherine Deane, of Riverside Way, Belfast, pleaded guilty earlier this week to themurdermurha-conspiracyjuoneenin July, 1991heinäkuussa 1991.
- Yet, thankfully, his leader's rage was not directed at him, but at theconspiracysalaliittoonof Nadirpur and the French and British GovernmentsNadirpurin sekä Ranskan ja Britannian hallitusten väliseento steal the arms shipment that was rightfully the property of IranIranille laillisesti kuuluvan asekuljetuksen varastamiseksi.
- In a poll of 1,000 people, The People asked: Do you think there is aconspiracysalaliittofrom within Buckingham PalaceBuckinghamin palatsin sisäinento discredit Princess Dianaprinsessa Dianan saattamiseksi huonoon valoon?
- Maxwell brothers charged withconspiracyjuonestato defraudkavallus-
conspire.v 🔎
- TheyHeitäare also accused ofconspiringliittoutumisestato pervert the course of justicehäiritäkseen oikeuden toteutumista.
- TheyHeitäare jointly accused ofconspiringliittoutumisestawith othersmuiden kanssato cause an explosion likely to endanger lifetodennäköisesti henkeä vaarantavan räjähdyksen aiheuttamiseksi.
- However,HattonHattoniastill faces two charges ofconspiringliittoutumisestato defraud the local authoritypaikallisen viranomaisen kavaltamiseksi.
- Two othersKaksi muutahave since pleaded guilty toconspiringliittoutumiseento supply the drughuumeiden välittämiseksi.
- This restriction, however, merely limitsMr Nesbitt, who is chairman of the casino company Crockford's, and Mr Isaacsherra Nesbittiä, joka on kasinoyhtiö Crockfordin toimitusjohtaja, ja herra Isaacsiafromconspiringjuonittelemastatogetheryhdessäto start a rival record chainperustaakseen kilpailevan tietueketjun.
- The worldMaailmareallyis<empty>conspiringvehkeileeagainst yousinua vastaan.
- It is no less accurate than Lord Taylor's evocation ofthe `penologists, criminologists and bureaucrats ``who"penologeista, kriminologeista ja byrokraateista", jotkaevidentlyconspirevehkeilevätto hand villains the poor boxantaakseen roistoille köyhäinapua.
- `I want you to examine this act in which you proposewemeidänshouldtulisiconspiretoimia yhdessäwith the enemyvihollisen kanssaagainst our emperorkeisariamme vastaan.
- In the 80s80-luvulla,the bankspankit, with poor management,hadolivatconspiredjuonitelleetwith governmenthallituksen kanssato get us into this situationsaadakseen meidät tähän tilanteeseen.
- ConsequentlySen seurauksena,during the last months of his lifeelämänsä viimeisinä kuukausinaEdwardEdwardconspiredjuonitteliwith NorthumberlandNorthumberlandin kanssato exclude his half-sister from the throne and to elevate instead the duke's Protestant daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Greysulkeakseen sisarpuolensa valtaistuimen ulkopuolelle ja korottaakseen sen sijaan herttuan protestanttiminiän Lady Jane Greyn.
- Mr BunnHerra Bunnallegedlyconspiredjuoniwith othersmuiden kanssabetween 1 November 1990 and 31 December 19911. marraskuuta 1990 ja 31. joulukuuta 1991 välisenä aikanato defraud a syndicate of 35 banks led by Swiss Bank Corporation and Credit Lyonnaiskavaltaakseen Swiss Bank Corporationin ja Credit Lyonnais'n johtaman 35 pankin ryhmittymän.
- In February 1988hehänethad been indicted by a Miami grand jury forhaving<empty>conspiredsalaliitostabetween 1981 and 1986vuosien 1981 ja 1986 välilläwith the Medellín drugs cartel of Colombiakolumbialaisen Medellín-huumekartellin kanssato traffick drugs into the USAhuumeiden salakuljettamiseksi Yhdysvaltoihin.
- Can you imaginepoor old Tony and mevanhan kunnon Tonyn ja minunconspiringvehkeilevänto deflect the course of justiceestääksemme oikeuden toteutumista? …
cooperation.n 🔎
- But genuineco-operationyhteistyöbetween coloniessiirtomaiden välilläseems always to boil down to pure parasitism.
- Theindustrialteollisencooperationyhteistyönbetween our unionsliittojemme välilläshould continue of course.
- As the pressure on resources is felt more keenly by all sectors of the library world, the necessity forcloserläheisemmästäco-operationyhteistyöstäamong librarieskirjastojen välilläbecomes more urgent.
- Similarly, the family metaphor celebrates the idea of havingcooperationyhteistyöstäamong the members of the enterpriseyrityksen jäsenten välilläand ensuring that any conflict will be directed towards the outside world.
- Individual firms have taken on more security staff, but as yet there islittlevähäistäco-operationyhteistyötäamong companiesyritysten välilläon improving security outside their buildings, which is where bombs are most likely to beturvallisuuden parantamiseksi heidän rakennustensa ulkopuolella, jossa pommit kaikkein todennäköisimmin ovat.
- A joint EC-ACP committee would be set up to discussco-operationyhteistyöstäon international commodity agreementskansainvälisissä perushyödykesopimuksissaand specialized working parties.
- Firstly, at present the twelve work together, both through the Treaty of Rome and throughintergovernmentalhallitusten väliselläco-operationyhteistyölläon issues such as foreign policy and terrorismesimerkiksi ulkopolitiikkaa ja terrorismia koskevissa kysymyksissä.
- In the event, the Portuguese accepted a compromise whereby both sides pledged their commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms and ``agreed to continuetheirheihändialogue andco-operationyhteistyötäänon these issuesnäissä kysymyksissä.
- Our Review will also examine the possibilities offuturetulevaanEuropeaneurooppalaiseencooperationyhteistyöhönin the provision of a deterrent forcepelotteisiin varautumiseksi.
- This animosity boded ill fortheirheidänfuturetulevallecooperationyhteistyölleenin East PrussiaItä-Preussissa.
- The six-point joint statement also agreed onco-operationyhteistyöstäin shipping, communications, scientific surveys, and combating piracy and drug traffickingkuljetuksessa, viestinnässä, tieteellisissä tiedusteluissa sekä piratismin ja huumekaupan vastustamisessa.
- WeMeillähave always had thisco-operationyhteistyötäin the pastentisaikoina.
- The aim of this project is to analyse the political and institutional implications ofcloserläheisemmästäEuropean policeeurooppalaisesta poliisi-cooperationyhteistyöstäin the context of the probable abolition in January 1993 of most border controls in Europe.
- The tradition ofAnglo-Austrianenglantilais-itävaltalainenco-operationyhteistyöagainst FranceRanskaa vastaan, wearing thin in the time of Walpole and strained unbearably by the peace settlement of 1748, was also submerged by the events of the 1750s.
- `Their people are very good andwemeillähave acloseläheistäcooperationyhteistyötäwith themheidän kanssaan.
- According to most analysts, the visit underlined Keating's intention to shift Australia's external focus towardsgreaterlaajempaaeconomic and politicaltaloudellista ja poliittistaco-operationyhteistyötäwith AsiaAasian kanssa.
- The discovery followed a three-week operation inco-operationyhteistyössäwith the South African drug squadeteläafrikkalaisen huumeryhmän kanssaagainst illegal cultivation of cannabislaitonta kannabisviljelyä vastaanin the western highlands.
- Then he switched to seeking friendship andco-operationyhteistyöwith allkaikkien kanssa.
- Before leaving Tehran, Yazdi was quoted as saying thatIran'sIraninco-operationyhteistyöwith SudanSudanin kanssawas intended to ``defend our militant brothers in Egypt.
- Visa restrictions brought in byforeign governmentsulkomaisten hallitusteninco-operationyhteistyössäwith the Chinese authoritieskiinalaisten viranomaisten kanssain March and April of 1988 did little to reduce the queues of hopefuls in the embassy districts of Beijing and Shanghai.
- Both the Iranian and the Chinese governments denied thattheirheidänco-operationyhteistyönsäover nuclear technologyydinteknologiaa koskevawas for the development of a nuclear weapon.
- Erhard concentrated on a policy of low taxes, a stable currency and liberal trade, but an important element in West Germany's successwas theolico-operationyhteistyöof workers and the trades unionstyöntekijöiden ja ammattiliittojen.
- Referring toSingapore'sSingaporenmilitarysotilas-co-operationyhteistyöhönwith TaiwanTaiwanissa, Li told a press conference on Aug. 12: ``This is a fact, and we should not mind it too much.
- Our thanks to Rentokil Gibraltar fortheirheidänco-operationyhteistyöstäänin supplying preparationstuotteiden toimittamisessa.
- Although the tone was generally optimistic, with much talk of prospects forgreaterlaajempaanregionalalueelliseenco-operationyhteistyöhön, there were allusions in speeches to the enduring sources of conflict between the six states.
- The whole question ofpoliticalpoliittisestacooperationyhteistyöstäbetween Methodists and what they traditionally called `the Nonconformist churchesmetodistien ja perinteisesti nonkonformistisiksi kirkoiksi kutsuttujen välillä``was one which vexed leaders like Hugh Price Hughes.
- GreaterLaajempipolitical and economicpoliittinen ja taloudellinenco-operationyhteistyöin the Communityyhteisössädoes not require us to forget our nationhood, and the traditions and institutions of a free people.
- At European levelthe Regional Councilalueneuvosto, incooperationyhteistyössäwith Kent County CouncilKentin piirikunnan neuvoston kanssa, is lobbying for massive infrastructure aid using the concept of Community interest as the basis of its arguments.
- By the early 1930s it was clear that Abdallah intended to developfriendlyystävällismielistäco-operationyhteistyötäwith the Jewish Agencyjuutalaisviraston kanssa.
- Action is being taken to encouragecloserläheisempääcooperationyhteistyötäbetween Stockton council and its Asnieres-sur-Seine Twinning Association, which has appealed for more supportStocktonin neuvoston ja sen Asnieres-sur-Seinessä toimivan ja lisää tukea pyytäneen kaksosyhdistyksen välillä.
- The new party leadership appealed on television for unity and national support and pledgeditssenco-operationyhteistyöhönwith opposition groupsoppositioryhmien kanssato draw up changes in the constitution and electoral lawsaadakseen aikaan muutoksia perustuslakiin ja vaalilainsäädäntöön.
- Earlier in the month, Ministers of Culture from the then 34 CSCE countries met in Kracow, Poland, and adopted on June 6 a declaration calling forinternationalkansainvälistäco-operationyhteistyötäto protect members' cultural heritagejäsenien kulttuuriperinnön suojelemiseksi.
- But we are determined to play our part in maintaining the momentum forcloserläheisempäänco-operationyhteistyöhönto build a stronger European economy, to extend social justice, to preserve the environment, and to deepen our democracy.
- WeMeidänmust all work together incloseläheisessäcooperationyhteistyössäto provide the best possible service for our clientstarjotaksemme asiakkaillemme parasta mahdollista palvelua.
- The subject-matter of this bookisoninternationalkansainvälinenco-operationyhteistyöin civil and criminal proceedingssiviili- ja rikosoikeudenkäynneissä.
- This text gives us a new basis forco-operationyhteistyöllewith our partnerskumppaniemme kanssain bringing these criminals to justicetuomalla nämä rikolliset oikeuteen.
- There could be no early start:the lads'kavereidenco-operationyhteistyötäwas needed and we always found it difficult to agree on rules.
- Syria'sSyyrianco-operationyhteistyöwith Western countrieslänsimaiden kanssaduring the Gulf WarPersianlahden sodassaaroused some media speculation over the possibility of a future Israeli-Syrian peace agreement.
- Alternatively, it is treated pleasantly and gently if the magician wishes to securea person'shenkilöncooperationyhteistyön.
in_cahoots.a 🔎
- `I decided I was not going to change the way I taught to suit some sour little squirt ofa fascist inspector whofasistiselle tarkastajalle, jokanow turns out to bein cahootsjuonittelevanwith Roberto BandeiraRoberto Bandeiran kanssa.
- Some dealers tried to convey the false impression thatthe two marketsnämä kaksi markkina-aluettawereolisivatin cahootssamassa juonessa.
- I even found it difficult to believe thatshehänhad ever beenin cahootssamassa juonessawith Mr Broadhurstherra Broadhurstin kanssa.
partner.n 🔎
- IranIran, in fact,wasolithe Soviet Union'sNeuvostoliitonlargestsuurintradingkauppa-partnerkumppaniin the Middle EastLähi-Idässäduring this periodtuona aikana.
- At present,ourmeidänpartnerskumppanimmein EuropeEuroopassatend to follow an old-fashioned prescriptive approach to social policy.
- Centrepiece of the celebrations will be the signing of the `declaration of intent ``in Central Gardens when Middlesbrough council anditssenpartnerskumppanitin the projectprojektissapromise to preserve and improve the environment.
- ControllControllwasoliHewlett-Packard Co'sHewlett-Packard Co:npartnerkumppaniin the countrymaassauntil last summerviime kesään asti,when Hewlett-Packard exercised its right to buy out its joint venture with the firm, subsequently stripping Controll of its distribution functions.
- AllKaikkiwere frequentolivat säännöllisiäbusinessliike-partnerskumppaneitawith their uncle Samuelheidän Samuli-setänsä kanssa.
- More importantly, however, central government accepted that theLEAslainvalvontavirastotwereolivatpartnerskumppaneitaon the difficult path of curriculum change and developmentopinto-ohjelman muutoksen ja kehityksen vaikealla polulla.
- Part of its promotion campaign was the announcement of forthcoming nuptials between Richard andhishänenduetduetto-partnerkumppaninsaon the songlaulun esityksessä,Jocelyn BrownJocelyn Brownin.
- The group is still looking for possiblepartnerskumppaneitafor its optronics operationsoptroniikan toimintoihin, though it insists that so far there have only been talks, not negotiations.
- The Japanese are reluctant, partly becausetheyheitäwere asked to be contributors after the machine had been designed, rather thanto be<empty>partnerskumppaneitafor the whole projectkoko projektissa.
- Roy'sRoynpartnerkumppanifor the feattaidonnäytteessä,Judy Perry, who runs her own acupunture therapy centreJudy Perry, jolla on oma akupunktiohoitokeskus.
- Sergeant Joe regardedhishänenbusinessliike-partnerkumppaniaanwith gravity.
- He gave warning that the longer the Council of Ministers waited before taking a decision on the former, the more timetradingkauppa-partnerskumppaneillahad to change their minds on the latter.
- It is always advisable to have atrainingharjoittelu-partnerkumppanito assist when doing lying triceps exercises.
partner.v 🔎
- On the 14th of February 182614. helmikuuta 1826Knott and TaylorKnott ja Taylorpartneredryhtyivät kumppaneiksiin a 21 year lease21 vuoden vuokrasopimuksella(from the Rt.
- ChorusChorusillahas a similar deal with Thomson CSF for the Inmos transputer, and plans topartnerryhtyä kumppaniksiwith other chip manufacturersmuiden siruvalmistajien kanssa.
- SunSun, in the throes of trying to get as much commercial software at its disposal as possible,partneredryhtyi kumppaniksiwith Universal SoftwareUniversal Softwaren kanssalast Octoberviime lokakuussato put its like-minded Open/36 on Sparcsijoittaakseen sen samanhenkisen Open/36:n Sparciin.
- Unix System Labs is set to kick offa Solution Providers ProgramSolution Providers Program -ohjelmanMay 17in whichjonka myötäitsewill<empty>partnerryhtyy kumppaniksiwith systems integrators such as EDSjärjestelmäintegraattorien, kuten EDS:n, kanssaand make sales calls with them.
- Sun intends to set up a Sun Integration Service as part of its field organisation as a way to create demand and route business tothe system integratorsjärjestelmäintegraattoreille, joidenitse'sonpartneringkumppaninawithkanssa.
team_up.v 🔎
- Silicon Graphics Inc, Mountain View, is not commenting on a report in the New York Times thatitseis consideringteaming upyhteistyöhönwith Time Warner IncTime Warner Inc:n kanssato develop hardware for interactive televisionkehittääkseen laitteistoa interaktiiviseen televisioon.
- The bandYhtyewill<empty>team uplyöttäytyy yhteenwith producer Michael Brooktuottaja Michael Brookin kanssa,when they start work on their new album in the New Yearkun he alkavat työstää uutta albumiaan tammikuun alkupuolella.
- The twoHe kaksimet at a rally and decidedto<empty>team uplyöttäytyä yhteenfor the Charrington RACCharringtonin RAC:tä varten.
- There was no happy return to the Hippy days whentheyheteamed upryhtyivät yhteistyöhönfor the Sixties hit I Got You Babekuusikymmentäluvun hitillä I Got You Babe.
- Jim Clark and ChapmanJim Clark ja Chapmanteamed uplyöttäytyivät yhteenin 1960vuonna 1960and one of the best relationships in Formula One Grand Prix racing soon developed.
- Former Middlesbrough footballers Gary Pallister and Tony MowbrayEntiset Middlesbrough'n jalkapallonpelaajat Gary Pallister ja Tony Mowbrayteamed uplyöttäytyivät yhteenin the Dave Bingham Memorial Trophy competition at Barnard Castle Golf ClubDave Bingham Memorial Trophy -muistokilpailussa Barnard Castle Golf Clubilla.
- ELTON JOHN and Axl RoseELTON JOHN ja Axl Roseteamed upryhtyivät yhteistyöhönfor a spectacular duetlaulaakseen upean duetonat the MTV awards in Los AngelesMTV awardseissa Los Angelesissa.
- In addition,Harland & WolffHarland & Wolffhasonteamed upryhtynyt yhteistyöhönwith the Japanese manufacturing giant Kawasakijapanilaisen valmistusjätti Kawasakin kanssa, and so far has sent 60 people across to the Japanese yards to study their methods.
- TheyHeare<empty>teaming upryhtyvät yhteistyöhönwith British and American publishersbrittiläisten ja amerikkalaisten kustantajien kanssafor simultaneous English and German editions of the same bookjulkaistakseen samanaikaisesti sekä englanninkielisen että saksankielisen painoksen samasta kirjasta, or themselves issuing an increasing number of bilingual (usually German/English) books.
- It could be thatNavigation MixteNavigation Mixteis<empty>teaming upryhtyy yhteistyöhönto buy Paribasostaakseen Paribasinor that friendly defenders of Paribas such as Axa-Midi are strengthening their holdings.
- Five of the women who sailed aboard MaidenViisi naisista. jotka purjehtivat Maidenilla,haveovatteamed uplyöttäytyneet yhteento put together a 60-footerkootakseen 60-jalkaisen.
- At the end of my work placementTyöharjoitteluni lopussa,Iminäteamed uplyöttäydyin yhteenwith two other volunteerskahden muun vapaaehtoisen kanssafor a three week holidaykolmen viikon lomalla.
- Even Burt Lancaster became tired of Douglas's temperament whentheyheteamed upryhtyivät yhteistyöhönagainin 1964vuonna 1964to make Seven Days in Maytehdäkseen Seven Days in Mayn.
- CRYSTAL Palace unveil their new strike force today whenPaul Williams and Chris ArmstrongPaul Williams ja Chris Armstrongteam uplyöttäytyvät yhteenagainst OldhamOldhamia vastaanat Selhurst ParkSelhurst Parkissa.