buckle.v 🔎
- HeHänflushed the pan andbuckledkiinnittihis beltvyönsä.
- Taking his trousers from the chair-back,hehänslid his legs into them andbuckledkiinnittithe beltvyönround his waistvyötärölleen.
- SheHänbuckledkiinnittia stiff hard beltjäykän, kovan vyönaround Alexandra's waistAlexandran vyötärölleand stood back to admire the effect.
button.v 🔎
- Within a few minutes of this treatment being given,hehänwas ableto<empty>buttonnapittamaanuphis coattakkinsa.
- Which is why I suggestyousinäbuttonsulkisityour lipsuusi, except to mention that whatever she decides, you are on her side, supporting her through what's going to be a painful experience.
- It is dark outside andIminäbuttonnapitanmy jackettakkini.
cap.v 🔎
- This nannyTämä lastenhoitajaworked in the big brewery down Manchester Road,cappingkorkittithe bottlespullojaand loading them into wooden crates.
- AN elderly couple suffered a `sad and lingering ``death aftercowboy buildersvaromattomien rakentajiencappedpeitettyätheir chimneyheidän savupiippunsa, preventing fumes from their coal-fired oven escaping, an inquest heard yesterday.
- For a start, a flue which has had its fireplace closed, should also have hadits chimneysavupiippucappedpeitetty.
fasten.v 🔎
- Of that I have no doubt, but I am equally certain that it washis own handshänen omat kätensäwhichfastenedkiinnittiväthis belthänen vyönsäaround his neckhänen kaulaansaand fumbled for the window bar.
- `Please extinguish all cigarettes andfastenkiinnitäseat beltsistuinvyöt, ``the pilot says in English.
- QuicklyIminäfastenedsidoinmy veilhuntuniaround my facekasvoilleni.
- Unable to continue, she gestured toEllenElleninto<empty>fastensitomaanthe ties at the back of her gownhänen pukunsa selkäpuolella olevat narut.
- HeHänfastenednapittithe dressleninginwith clumsy fingerskömpelöillä sormilla, for a moment hating himself.
- In a last defiant gestureDianaDianafastenedsulkithe letterkirjeenwith red sealing waxpunaisella sinettivahallaand had it hand-delivered, just as Prince Philip had done with the one he sent to her.
- The six relics go in, and, after carefully expelling all air,Iminäfastensuljenthe necksuunwith stringnarullaand push it into the white saddlebag.
- SheHänwould<empty>fastensitoisithe ringsormuksenabout her neckkaulaansaand wear it for Johnny, as he had asked her to do.
- HeHänfastenedsitoihis cloakviittansaround his shouldershartioilleen.
- The doorbell rang asJulietJulietfastenedsitoiher black sandalsmustia sandaalejaan.
- Before she could say any more,hemiessettled the helmet down over his head andfastenedsitoithe straphihnan.
- SaraSarafastenedkiinnittiher brarintaliivinsäand pulled on her shirt.
- Her motherHänen äitinsäfasteningnapittaenMelanie's coatMelanien takkiasnugly at the neck and tucking in a scarf.
lace.v 🔎
- HeHänthen put the shoes on andlacedsitoithemneup.
- LaceSidoupyour old bootsvanhat saappaasi
- Soft knee-high boots, fashioned of calf-hide for light indoor use,Vasikannahalla kevyeen sisäkäyttöön muokatut pehmeät polvipituiset saappaatwere<empty>lacedsidottiinabout his leggingshänen säärystimiensä ympärille.
- Whenthe bootsaapasisonlacedsidottuup, your heel should be held firmly and you should not be able to move it about.
seal.v 🔎
- SealSuljethe bagpussiwith a wire `twistit ``twistit-rautalangallato protect the female stigma which, in a day or two, will become sticky and thus ready to hold any pollen that touches.
- SealSuljethe jarpurkkiwhen the fruit is cold.
- `Two days, ``sighedIsabelIsabel,sealingsulkiena small jar of dried herbspienen, kuivattuja yrttejä sisältävän purkinand laying it aside.
- SealSinetöithe boxlaatikkowith tapeteipillä, then pad and cover it, attaching a handle across the top.
- Yousinämay fill andsealsinetöidäthis capsuletämän kapselin, and we will bury it deep within the bridge structure.
- Solveig Shjelstad remembers clearly how because he was so badly disfigured, her mother had sent her to collect small branches to lay over his body beforethe coffinarkkuwas<empty>sealedsuljettiin.
tie.v 🔎
- SheHänwrapped her raincoat around her,tyingsitoenthe beltvyöntightlykireälle.
- `I'm coming! ``shehäncalled,tyingsitoenthe beltvyönlooselylöyhästiaround her waistvyötärölleen.
- `He taught me howto<empty>tiesitoaa packagepakettiwith very little twine and very little paperhyvin pienellä määrällä nauhaa ja paperiaand still make it look nice, ``Walton later recalled.
- HeHänpulled on an old army tracksuit and finallytiedsolmiuphis gym shoestossunsa.
- His white tieHänen valkoinen solmionsawasoliperfectlytäydellisestitiedsolmittu, his shirt-front stiff with starch and studded properly.
- Alreadyshehänopens my father's letters, though so far she has not read them out loud ortiedsolminuthis tiesolmiotafor himhänen puolestaan.
- HeHänwas in his bedroom, standing at his dressing-table and tryingto<empty>tiesitoahis bow tiesolmukettaanin the inadequate lightvähäisessä valossa,when there came a tap at his doorkun hänen ovelleen koputettiin.
- StokStoktiedsolmihis tiesolmionsa,using all the muscles of his fingers as though it was made of metal instead of clothkäyttäen kaikkia sormiensa lihaksia aivan kuin se olisi tehty metallista eikä kankaasta.
- `TieSolmimy tiesolmioni.
- The brown paper bagruskea paperipussitiedsidottuwith white stringValkoisella narullahit the pavement, split and corn went all over the place.
unbuckle.v 🔎
- `He's going to her place, ``saidLeeLee,unbucklingavatenhis beltvyönsä.
- CharlesCharlesunbuckledavasihis ski strapssuksiensa siteetand stuck skis and sticks in the snow beside Peregrine's.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>unbuckleavatahis beltvyötään.
uncork.v 🔎
- `Ken most of the folk hereabouts? ``demandedthe customerasiakas,uncorkingkorkatenthe bottlepullonwith his teethhampaillaanand filling the grubby glass that had been set in front of him.
- My friend and IYstäväni ja minäsettled ourselves onto the snow anduncorkedkorkkasimmea well-chilled bottle of winehyvin jäähtyneen viinipullonin the hope of getting merry.
- HeHänuncorkedkorkkasithe bottlepullonand carefully poured the brandy.
unfasten.v 🔎
- HeHän'd discarded his trousers andwas<empty>unfasteningavasihis shirtpaitaansawhen she realised she was staring.
- HeHänunfastenedavasithe lacesnarutof his coattakkinsaand yawned.
- FitzAlan moved a pace to meet them,his free handvapaan kätensäunfasteningavatessahis cloakviittaansa.
- SabineSabineunfastenedavasithe chainketjunround her neckkaulastaan, and put the medallion gently into the Baronne's hand.
- HeHänundid his tie so that it hung loose around his neck andunfastenedavasithe top few buttonsmuutaman ylimmän napinon his shirtpaidastaan.
unscrew.v 🔎
- HeHänopened one of the packets of biscuits andunscrewedavasithe lid of the flasktermospullon kannen.
- AsIminäunscrewedavasinthe burnerpolttimen, there was a rapid escape of gas.
- An answering knock came from inside, and taking the screw from her pocketshehänunscrewedruuvasi aukithe cratepuulaatikonexpertly.
- RobynRobynunscrewedavasia jar of moisturiservoidepurkinand smoothed it over her face and neck.
- ``We have had cricket sales before and we enjoy seeingthe buyers in front of the rostrumostajat lavan edessäunscrewingkiertämässä aukitheir flaskstermospullojaanand unwrapping their sandwiches, said Richard Madley, a director of Phillips auctioneers.
unzip.v 🔎
- I heardMickMickinunzipavaavan vetoketjunhis tentteltastaanand get out.
- HeHänunzippedavasi vetoketjunthe baglaukustaanand lifted out a chainsaw.
- I<empty>slid out of the sleeping-bag andunzippedavasin vetoketjunthe tent openingteltan oviaukolta.
zip.v 🔎
- SheHänzippedsulki vetoketjunher jeansfarkuistaanand sauntered back downstairs to the other side of the table from Lucy.
- I<empty>zippedSuljin vetoketjunupthe flapsläppätaskuista, not daring to show my anger.
- Perdita was trembling so badly thatshehäncould hardlytuskin pystyizipsulkemaan vetoketjuaupher bootssaappaistaan.
- Vigorously towelling her hair,JudyJudyzippedsulki vetoketjunupher black velvet dressmustasta samettimekostaanthen quickly brushed her hair.
- HaveOletkoyousinäzippedsulkenutyour zipvetoketjusi, yeah?