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- Itwas aoliconscioustietoinenchoicevalinta,that I wanted to go into the companyettä halusin mukaan yritykseen, but I didn't have a clear view as to what particular part of the business I was interested in.
- `Then itisonyoursinunchoicevalintasi,that you don't sitettä et istu, your choice that you don't smoke, am I right?
- The absence of any link between ``fish and ``fork confirms thechoicevalinnan,that the prepositional phrase ``with a fork should be attached to ``ateettä prepositiolausekkeeseen "haarukalla" tulisi liittää sana "söi".
- To advocates of the `resolute approach ``, crimeis simply aon yksinkertaisestichoicevalintato do wrongtoimia väärin; it is never the squalid last gasp of the outsider.
- But coach Bob Dwyer is playing it cagey overhishänenchoicevalinnastaanto succeed injured skipper Michael Lynagh at fly-half for Saturday week's Test against Wales in Cardiffkorvata loukkaantunut kapteeni Michael Lynagh pelinrakentajana lauantaista viikon kuluttua Cardiffissa pelattavassa maaottelussa Walesia vastaan.
- UKUKfaceschoicevalinnanbetween old fears and `reunification ``vanhojen pelkojen ja "yhtenäisyyden palauttamisen" välillä.
- The issuebecame a nakedmuodostui peittelemätönchoicevalintabetween the destruction or the defence of culturekulttuurin tuhoamisen ja puolustamisen välillä, and the intellectual/writer was called upon to defend culture against the barbaric and destructive philistinism of fascism.
- Previous studies have tended to concentrate almost exclusively onscientists'tutkijoidenchoicesvalintoihinbetween different theories or explanationseri teorioiden ja selitysten välilläsince such choices were regarded as the characteristic feature of science.
- It was often difficult to get schools to provide even basic information such as the breakdown ofsubjectoppiaine-choicevalinnanby sex, and members of the team frequently had to extract the information themselves from school data.
- Our experiments indicate that crested auklet ornament size is likely to be favoured by sexual selection involvingmutualkeskinäinenmateparin-choicevalintaby both sexeskummallakin sukupuolella.
- The numbers presented in companies' annual financial statements are, in part, the result ofaccounting policykirjanpitomenettelystächoicesvalitsemastaby their managementsniiden johtajien.
- The new Benefits Agency is simplifying forms and wideningchoicevaihtoehtojain methods of paymentmaksumenetelmiin.
- The institutions of health, education and housing powerfully influenceourmeidänopportunities andchoicesvalintoihimmein later lifemyöhemmin elämässä.
- All multi-divisional companiesMoniosastoiset yrityksetface dilemmas andchoicesvalintojaon the extent to which they seek to centralise or decentralise their operations and how far they try to fit their industrial relations into their strategic plans and organisational structuresiinä, missä määrin ne pyrkivät keskittämään tai hajauttamaan toimintojaan ja kuinka pitkälle he pyrkivät sovittamaan työmarkkinasuhteita omiin strategisiin suunnitelmiinsa ja organisaatiorakenteisiinsa.
- When filling in the UCCA form, applicants will be asked to listtheirheidänchoicevaihtoehtonsaof universitiesyliopisto-in institution code number order (ie the order in which the universities are listed in the UCCA handbook).
- The owners pride themselves on offering comfortable accommodation, on giving personal service with attention to detail and on providing achoicevalikoimanof good foodhyvää ruokaa.
- One, it seemed to some of us,was theolichoicevalintaof HarlechHarlechinas the name.
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- Coincidentally, or maybe not,the stormmyrskychosevalitsithat momentsen hetkento let off a sheet of dazzling green lightning and an earsplitting crack of thunder.
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- Butin Julyheinäkuussathe commissionkomissiooptedpäättifor policies which are disastrous for professional family farms, expensive for taxpayers, unlikely to remove surplus production, and bad for the countrysidemenettelyistä, jotka ovat tuhoisia ammattimaisille perhetiloille, kalliita veronmaksajille, epätodennäköisiä vähentämään ylituotantoa ja haitallista maaseudulle.
- For dessertjälkiruoaksioptValitsefor one of Sainsbury's wonderful frozen gateauxjokin Sainsburyn ihanista kylmistä täytekakuista.
- With the introduction of Community Charge all charge payers will pay their annual bill by ten monthly instalments commencing 15th April unlesstheyheoptvalitsefor either annual or half-yearly paymentsjoko vuosittaista tai puolivuosittaista maksua.
- No-oneKukaan eioptedvalinnutfor SwedenRuotsia.
- Cypress' Sparc `sunsidiary ``Ross Technology shipped only about $3.9m worth of product last quarter and its continued existenceshouldtulisiSunSuninnoteiköoptvalitafor the HyperSparcHyperSparciais in doubt.
- In fear of this possibility,many womenmonet naisetchoose to have pregnancy screenings andmayvoivatoptvalitafor abortionraskaudenkeskeytyksen,if evidence of handicap is revealedjos ilmenee todiste vammasta.
- More and more parentsYhä useammat vanhemmatevery yearjoka vuosiare<empty>optingvalitsevatfor independent schooling for their childrenyksityisen koulun lapsilleen: it is no longer seen as exclusively the preserve of a privileged class.
- EvenCorazon AquinoCorazon Aquino, the Philippine president,hasonoptedvalinnutuncharacteristicallyepätyypillisestifor firmnesskiinteyden.
- Two-thirds of buyers choose saloon bodystyles withthe remaining one-thirdloput yksi kolmasosaaoptingvalitsevatfor a hatchbackhatchbackin.
- Butby the time of the Hinkley C InquiryHinkley C -tiedusteluun mennessä,the CEGBCEGBhadolifirmlyvakaastioptedvalinnutfor the Pressurized Water Reactorpaineistetut vesireaktorit.
- Instead,hehänenis expected to surrender one-third of the Championship andoptvalitsevanfor some easy moneyhelppoa rahaa.
- The ScotsSkotitoptedpäättivätto retain Derek Stark on the wing and to introduce Adam Roxburgh to the pack for their opening tie today against ACT in the Canberra Sevenspitää Derek Starkin laidassa ja ottaa Adam Roxburghin hyökkääjäketjuun tänään Canberra Sevensissä pelattavassa avausottelussaan ACT:tä vastaan.
- And the signals suggestedMr Clarkeherra Clarkenmayvoivanoptpäättääto extend the scope of VAT to newspapers, food, children's clothinglaajentaa ALV:n ulottumista sanomalehtiin, ruokaan, lasten vaatteisiin, and could also tinker with tax allowances to pull in extra revenue.
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- The pupils discussed, then as later, whether a horse's hair across the palm of the hand would splitthe bamboo canebambukepinpickedvalitsemanby the mastermestarinfor its elastic swishing qualitysen elastisen piiskalaadun vuoksi.
- IfSeguraSeguracouldvoisipickvalitaone giftyhden lahjanof tennis talenttennislahjakkuudento be born with, he'd choose mobility.
- I mean, doesshehängo andpickvalitsemaanpeopleihmisiäat randomsatunnaisesti?
- ICI's chairmenICI:n puheenjohtajathave traditionally beenon perinteisestipickedvalittufrom its cadre of executive directorstoimitusjohtajiensa keskuudesta(now nine).
- In the eveningIllalla, the names ofthose whoniiden, jotkahad beenolipickedvalittufrom the line-uprivistä,were read out over the camp tannoy.
- YousinäcanVoitpickvalitafrom the Mario World charactersMario World -hahmoista, including Mario, Princess, Luigi, Koopa Trooper, Donkey Kong, Toad, Bowser, and everyone's favourite dinosaur, Yoshi.
- In fact, the choice is so wide that your problem may be one of bewilderment -- how areyousinäto<empty>pickvalitathe ideal modelihanteellisen mallinfrom the dozens competing for your customkymmenistä, jotka kilpailevat sinun asiakkuudestasi?
- His time of 46.55 secs was a second slower than David Grindley ran in Rome on Wednesday andGrindleyGrindleyis now favouriteto be<empty>pickedvalittavaksifor the European Cup later this monthEuroopan Cupiin myöhemmin tässä kuussa.
- At one timeAikoinaanjestershovinarritwere<empty>pickedvalittiinfor their hunchbackskyttyräselkiensä takia, or some deformity.
- HuyHuytriedto<empty>pickvalitahis wordssanansacarefullyhuolellisesti, but Nubenehem was on the defensive immediately.
- Recruitment and selection are usually thought of asthe companyyrityspickingvalitseethe personhenkilön.
- Perhaps this is the perfect excuse to be allowedto<empty>pickvalitaa selectionlajitelmaof all the suitable plants from the gardens of all your friends and familykaikkia sopivia kasveja kaikkien ystäviesi ja perheenjäsentesi puutarhoista, just in case!
- Other choices include:shouldpitäisiköyousinunpickvalitawell-known texts or little-known textshyvin tunnettuja tekstejä vai melko tuntemattomia tekstejä?
- You'll need to use the claw whenyousinäpickpoimitonejonkinof the big pawpawsisoista papaijoista.
- Microsoft indicateditsewill probablytulee todennäköisestipickvalitsemaananother RISC processortoisen RISC-prosessorinbefore the end of the yearennen vuoden loppua.
- I was interested to see thatthe Financial Times and The SpectatorThe Financial Times ja The Spectatorpickedvalitsivatthe same phrasesaman ilmauksen-- they described it as a ``pyrrhic victory.
- The contest, organised by North Staffordshire Hospital Radio, tookthe top 16 players16 parasta pelaajaa--pickedvalittiinon points scoredsaatujen pisteiden perusteella-- into four semi-final eliminators.
- He says;TheyHejustpickedvalitsivatOxfordOxfordin,because it would be scenickoska se olisi luonnonkaunis.