TransFrameNet:Change tool
- His first, 11 weeks after the crash took place on December 20 whenhehänetwas<empty>gentlyvarovastitransferredsiirrettiinfrom hospitalsairaalastaby ambulance, strapped to a stretcherambulanssilla paareille vyötettynä.
- The 7.05 from Hartlepool to Darlington and the 7.57 from Darlington to Hartlepool were both cancelled andpassengersmatkustajattransferredsiirtyivätto busesbusseihin.
- `The pressure only comes off and then to a degree, not totally when you qualify for the World Cup, ``he said asthe squadjoukkuetransferredsiirtyito DetroitDetroitiin.
- Airport police confirmed Demeke had gone through security checks, dismissing reports that he had avoided them bytransferringsiirtymälläfrom an Oslo flightOslon-lennolta.