As the wave reaches the cell periphery
Kun aalto saavuttaa solun reunan ,
enough calcium
riittävä määrä kalsiumia may diffuse across
the neighbouring cell
viereisen solun .
To the extent that this identification is more likely to be made when
the stimulus in question
kyseinen ärsyke is already capable of
a detailed representation
yksityiskohtaisen representaation , the likelihood of a vigorous CR may be increased.
More important, perhaps, was
the confluence of stimuli which
ärsykkeiden yhteisvaikutus, joka the revolt of Sir Oswald Mosley against the political establishment
Sir Oswald Mosleyn kapinan poliittista järjestelmää vastaan .
The messages which travel through our nerves are carried by electrical impulses, and
each muscle cell
jokainen lihassolu by electricity
sähkön vaikutuksesta .
The Sony machines
Sonyn laitteet ,
by the sound of voices
äänillä , had recorded everything said in the White House, including the President's conversations with visiting foreign leaders.
In some cells
Joissakin soluissa , there are suggestions that
these inositol phosphates
kyseiset inositolifosfaatit specific channels in the plasma membrane
tiettyjä kanavia solukalvossa .
The number one will automatically light up as soon as
and the current increases gradually as the numbers get progressively higher.
`You take the pen out and
automaattisesti the recording mechanism
tallennusmekanismin .
Though he could put no figure on possible aid, Sir Wyn said assistance would come from
the Bellwin scheme which
Bellwin-suunnitelmasta, joka for emergency relief after exceptional storm or flood damage
hätäavuksi poikkeuksellisten myrsky- tai tulvatuhojen jälkeen .
In contrast, when the target is a word,
both letter and word detectors
sekä kirjain- että sanatunnistimet .
This led her to search for
a continuous tradition which
jatkuvaa perinnettä, joka by occult means
salaisin keinoin and linked the French and Russian Revolutions.
A violent, enduring mythology
Voimakas, kestävä harhaluulo to make sense of immediate socio-political crisis and fear
selittääkseen välittömän, yhteiskuntapoliittisen kriisin ja pelon .
Many of the specific meanings
Monet erityismerkityksistä which can be deciphered out of the symbol
because they are not indexically required
koska ne eivät ole indeksikaalisesti tarpeellisia .
When the chimpanzees came close to the leopard,
its mechanism
sen mekanismin ,
so that it started to move its head
joten se alkoi liikuttaa päätään .
by thermal motion in blood
Terminen liike veressä and these are always subject to the Earth's magnetic field.
placed the holdall inside the freight car and
the Geiger-Muller counter
Geiger-Müller-laskurin .
In reality
Todellisuudessa many schemata
monta skeemaa at once, each interacting with the other.
Other hypotheses
Muut hypoteesit deactivated
deaktivoidaan, unless they are the highest scoring in their region
jolleivät ne saa korkeimpia pisteitä niiden alueella, in which case processing is allowed to continue.
These are in fact forms of protein, which are not digested by the baby's stomach (
) but pass unchanged through the lining of the gut directly into the blood stream.
Nine people were wounded when two bombs exploded after hours at the Banco Popular in central Lima, and
at the home of a well-known television journalist
tunnetun televisiotoimittajan kodissa , police said yesterday.
`Put it back again, and
If it was a blue barrier then, hopefully,
by jumping onto a blue button
sinisellä painikkeella deactivate
tehtäisiin toimintakyvyttömäksi .
The intention was simple, to destroy or
any cancer cells
kaikki syöpäsolut .
The presence in the diet of carcinogens or pro-carcinogens is probably one important environmental factor and
these carcinogens and pro-carcinogens
nämä karsinogeenit ja prokarsinogeenit can be either activated or
by xenobiotic metabolising enzymes present in the colon
paksusuolessa olevilla vierasaineita metaboloivilla entsyymeillä .