TransFrameNet:Change of consistency
- These are also `baddies ``as they makethe bloodverestämore liableto<empty>clothyytymiselle, so the fewer of them you have in your blood the better for your heart.
- Among other things, smoking makesthe bloodverenclothyytymäänmore easilyhelpomminand puts him at risk of another heart attack, which may be less mild than the first.
- Ifwhole bloodkoko verenis allowedto<empty>clothyytyäbefore separation of the serumennen seerumin erotusta, early post-implantation rat embryos suffer a higher incidence of abnormalities and reduced growth (21).
- ProteinsProteiinittendto<empty>coagulatekoaguloituaand form large particles when heated, but this is controlled using a high shear process (intensive blending).
- The link isa sticky red gum secreted by the mukula whichmukulan erittämä tahmea eukalyptuskumi, jokacoagulateshyytyyquicklynopeastiand is explicitly compared by the Ndembu to blood.
- BloodVerislowlyhitaasticoagulatedhyytyiround the edges of the gashviiltohaavan reunoille.
- `BloodVeriprobablycoagulatedhyytyibefore he entered the waterennen kuin hän meni veteen.
- There have been many attempts to understand why certain materials causebloodverencoagulationhyytymistäand many suggestions have been made as to how to overcome the problem.
- They inhibitcoagulationhyytymiseneven when there is a hypercoagulable state and reduce the deposition of organ microemboli in cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with sepsis.
- For the former, the outer layer can improve biocompatibility; in this way the tendency forsurfacepinta-coagulationhyytymiseen, complement activation and an immunological response are much less.
- A lot of food we eat contains albumen, for example, eggs and fish, and this mode allowsgentlehillityncoagulationhyytymisenof the albumenalbumiininwithout any fear of curdling.
- However, because of the complexity and interdependence of the many parameters that governplateletverihiutaleidenactivation andcoagulationhyytymistä, few, if any, satisfactory thromboresistant materials have been reported.
- Sodium Heparin, preventingcoagulationhyytymistäof bloodveren, aiding infusion of cryoprotectants, 20% Mannitol, preventing cell swelling, due to hypoxia, ischaemia and injury.
- The relative contributions of promary fibrinolysis and disseminatedintravascularsuonensisäisencoagulationhyytymisenremain controversial.
- `I find by the time I get to the last houses on Christmas Eve,rum custardrommivanukashasoncongealedjähmettynytinto a nasty skinrumannäköiseksi kuoreksi, ``he said.
- And when she understands this (Columbus dreams)the bloodveriat onceoitiscongealsjähmettyy,becoming a thick and verminous sludgemuuttuen paksuksi ja matoiseksi liejuksi.
- BloodVerihadolicongealedjähmettynytthicklypaksuksion the end of the smashed fibulamurskaantuneen pohjeluun päähän.
- She pointed tohis forehead wheremiehen otsaa, johonthe bloodverihadolicongealedjähmettynytand dried around the cut.
- Cook slowly, stirring constantly, until thickened but do not allow the sauce to boil orthe creamkermawill<empty>curdlejuoksettuuand the egg will scramble.
- The clotted cream on the rhubarbPaksu kerma raparperin päällähadolicurdledhyytynyt.
- The cake mixtureKakkusekoituswill<empty>curdlehyytyyslightlyhieman, as it contains so little flour -- but do not worry.
- Gradually beat in the eggs, one at a time --if you add them too quicklyjos lisäät ne liian nopeasti,the mixtureseosmaysaattaacurdlejuoksettua.
- He trailed his fingers along her breasts, feelingthe nipplesnännienhardenkovettuvanin expectationodotuksesta, and she lay back, breathing quickly, her body turning to liquid under his hands.
- She could feelher nipplesnänniensähardeningkovettuvanbeneath the touch of his fingersmiehen sormien kosketuksesta, and her body trembled almost uncontrollably.
- She felther nipplesnänniensähardenkovettuvanwith pleasurenautinnosta, and gave a soft little cry of delight.
- The resinHartsihardenskovettuu,when the laser comes into contact with itkun laser koskettaa sitä, gradually producing a perfect three dimensional model.
- But gradually the blood is drawn back into the body andthe veinssuonethardenkovettuvatinto rigid struts that will give the wing its strengthjäykiksi tuiksi, jotka antavat siivelle sen vahvuuden.
- Among the Coleoptera,the fore wingsetusiivetare muchpaljonhardenedkovettuvatto form horny sheaths or elytramuodostaakseen kilpimäiset peitinsiivet eli elytrat, which protect the hind wings when these are in repose.
- Any two solids can therefore be glued together if we can finda liquid whichnesteen, jokawill wet them both and thenhardenkovettuu.
- A bib had been tied around Bissell's neck to collect the raw, liquid plaster which oozed from his mouth whereitsecongealed andhardenedkovettui.
- Check that the bridge hasn `t moved, then leave in a warm place for a further 24 hours to allowthe glueliimanto<empty>hardenkovettuafullytäysin.
- The salivaSylkidries andhardenskovettuuquicklynopeastiand with repeated flights, the bird slowly builds up the line into a low wall.
- The following recipe makesa fairly soft cream whichmelko pehmeän vaahdon, jokawill<empty>hardenkovettuuslightlyhieman,if kept in the fridgejos se pidetään jääkaapissa(to halt the formation of mould), but nevertheless melts on contact with the skin.
- The vinylVinyylimaysaattaahardenkovettuaand crackafter 10 to 15 years10-15 vuoden kuluttua, but until then the bed will be just as comfortable as the day you bought it.
- When Ember had heard her out,blue firesininen tuligelledgeeliytyiinto sapphiresafiiriksiaround himhänen ympärillään.
- Pour half into a charlotte russe tin or a 15 cm (6 ″) cake tin and leaveto<empty>sethyytyä.
- Simmer gently untilappleomenahasonsoftenedpehmennyt.
- Inside, her organs twined about each other unnaturally,her boneshänen luunsasoftenedpehmenivätand grew functionless knobs that breached her skin.
- If a piece of ordinary glass is heated over a gas flame,itsesoftenspehmeneeeasilyhelposti, and eventually the heated part will gather itself into a drop and fall to the ground.
- It is, in fact, a supercooled liquid, and if heated,itsewould<empty>softenpehmenisislowlyhitaastiover a broad temperature rangelaajalla lämpötila-alueella, rather than melting abruptly.
- Letthe vegetableskasvistensoftenpehmetäover a low heatpienellä lämmöllä.
- By the end of the afternoonIltapäivän päätyttyäthe cloudspilvethadolivatthickenedpaksuuntuneetinto solid curtain walls of charcoal cumuluskiinteäksi hiilenharmaaksi kumpupilvien seinämäksi.
- Bring quickly to the boil, stirring continuously untilthe saucekastikethickenssuurustuuand clears.
- When it is thoroughly combined, pour the sauce back into the saucepan and warm over very low heat untilthe saucekastikethickenssuurustuu, about 2 minutes.
- If using dark chocolate, beat the mixture for 1-2min with an electric or hand whisk, untilitsethickenssaostuuslightlyhiemanand lightens in texture (this is not necessary when using white chocolate).
- And, althoughthe skinihothickenspaksuuntuuin the sunauringossato protect itselfsuojatakseen itseään, it doesn't on a sunbed.
- The mix formsa slurry whichsementtimassan, jokais rolled out and heated to remove water, thenthickenedpaksunnetaaninto a solid stripkiinteäksi kaistaleeksi.
- The snowLumisadethickenedtihenias night fellillan tullen, piling around their shelter and hissing at the fire.
- Fine roots grow very freely from the nodes wherethe root growthjuuren kasvuthickenspaksuneeat the lower nodesalemmissa nivelissä.
- With her hand Tabitha wiped a crescent inthe condensationkosteuteenthickeningtiivistyneeseenon the viewportikkunaan.