TransFrameNet:Cause to make noise
blare.v 🔎
- A nearby carLähellä oleva autoblaredtoitottiits horntorveaanloudlykovaäänisestiand, to Jessamy's intense relief, Julius seemed to get control over himself again very rapidly, steering them back on to a straight course.
- Trams rattled,taxistaksitblaredtoitottivattheir hornstorviaan, and everywhere skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth to touch the azure sky.
- Car hornsAutojen äänitorviawere<empty>blaredtuutattiinfor minutes on end, headlights were flashed, people danced and sang and shouted, ``The Shah is gone.
blast.v 🔎
- Making no concessions to the concept of melody,the band membersbändin jäsenetblastedpaukuttivatawayat their instrumentssoittimiaanas loud as they couldniin lujaa kuin pystyivät.
- The CortinaCortinablastedtoitottihis horntorveaanand waved him on and that was that.
clang.v 🔎
- The tramRaitiovaunuclangedkalauttiits bellkelloaanand rattled off angrily into the gloom.
creak.v 🔎
- Ratagan cocked his head to listen to the race ofthe wind outside thatulkona ujeltavaa tuulta, jokacreakednatisuttithe rafterskattoparruja.
- EmmieEmmiegot up, trying nottoollacreaknatisuttamattathe chairtuolia.
peep.v 🔎
- He was coming out of the bank, andIminänearlypeepedtuuttasinthe horntorveato let him know I was there.
tinkle.v 🔎
- HeHänwhistled now andtinkledpäristian imaginary drumkuvitteellista rumpua, before offering me three teeth of golden maize.
toot.v 🔎
- Somewhere outside the parkJossakin puiston ulkopuolellaa motoristmotoristitootedtuuttasihis horntorveaan, the anger muted by distance.
- Wishing that her friend were sometimes not quite so outspoken, Laura suppressed a small sigh before they heard the noise of wheels crunching on gravel, anda car hornauton äänitorveabeing<empty>tootedtuutattiinimpatientlykärsimättömästi.
- The program takes you on a drive with Noddy in his little yellow car around ToyTown, visiting friends, interacting with them andoccasionallyajoittaintootingtoitottamaanyour horntorvea.
- AT A drive-in church in Los AngelesLos Angelesin drive in -kirkossareligious motoristsuskovaiset motoristittoottuuttaavat torveaonce for Amen and twice for Hallelujahkerran sanoakseen aamen ja kahdesti sanoakseen halleluja.
- She had seen him on the telly --hehänhad been on the early evening newstootingtoitottamassahis trumpettrumpettiaan.
- It is essential in these casesto<empty>toottuutatabefore overtakingennen ohitusta.
- Behind usTakanammean impatient motoristkärsimätön motoristitootedtoitottia horntorvea.
- `I've toldherhänelleagain and againtoettätoottuuttaisiher horntorveabefore crossing the main corridorennen pääkäytävän ylittämistä, ``grumbled the Headmaster.
- HeHänwent out to his car carrying his jazzy jacket andtootedtuuttasias he drove awayajaessaan pois.
- Nor were they concerned bydrivers whokuljettajat, jotkatootedtoitottivathornstorviaanas they sped pastkiihdyttäessään ohi.
- Add a tablespoon of media and voila -- the perfect setting fortwo of the centreskahdelle keskuksistato<empty>toottoitottaatheir hornstorviaanby claiming discovery of an analogue to AIDS in monkeysväittämällä löytäneensä apinoilta AIDSin vastineen.