TransFrameNet:Cause to experience
- According to Tass, no less,the townkaupunkiawas<empty>terrorisedterrorisoivatby visitors from outer spaceulkoavaruudesta saapuneet vierailijat-- small-headed hominoids about 12ft tall who landed their flying saucer in the local park and then went walkabout.
- The local railway administratorsPaikallinen rautatiehallintowere<empty>terrorizedpeloteltiininto collaboratingyhteistyöhön.
- The forest-dwelling peopleMetsässä asuvia ihmisiäare being murdered,terrorisedpeloteltu, infected with diseases and driven from their territories as the forests are being destroyed.
- Between the 1740s and the 1820s1740-luvulta 1820-luvulle,Romney MarshRomney Marshiawas openlyavoimestiterrorizedterrorisoivatby armed gangs of smugglersaseistetut salakuljettajaliigat.
- In prisonVankilassashehänterrorizedpelottelithe turnkeys and fellow convictsvanginvartijoita ja muita vankejauntil, on 4 May 1763, she travelled with Turlis to the gallows.
- A GANG thatJENGI, jokaterrorisedpelottelia supermarket bosssupermarketin johtajaaby threatening his familyuhkailemalla tämän perhettä,was found guilty of robbery yesterday.
- In short,young hooligansnuoret huligaanitare<empty>terrorisingterrorisoivatand destroyingthe neighbourhoods in which they liveasuinalueitaan.
- Sure Style acted after a rash of complaints aboutsalesmenmyyntiedustajatterrorisingterrorisoivatpotential customerspotentiaalisia asiakkaita, refusing to leave their homes until they had agreed to buy double glazing.
- She said she saw thetwo defendantskahden vastaajantormentingkiusanneenan elderly womaniäkästä naistaby prodding her from behindtökkimällä häntä takaapäin.
- WeMeilläusedto<empty>tormentkiusatathe poor old Superintendentvanhaa poliisipäällikköparkaaunmercifullysäälimättömästiat the er Sunday School.
- HeHänwas determinedto<empty>tormentpiinatahernaistain any way he couldkaikin mahdollisin tavoin.
- He was either out and hadn't switched on the answering machine orhehänwas<empty>tormentingpiinasihernaistaby ignoring the telephoneolemalla piittaamatta puhelimesta.
- WHERE BRUTES REIGNED:Ashworth hospital's patientsAshworthin sairaalan potilaitawere<empty>tormentedpiinasivatby sadists among the staffhenkilökuntaan kuuluvat sadistit
- Graham StuartGraham Stuarttormentedpiinasiand teasedGary AblettGary Ablettiamercilesslysäälimättömästithroughout, beating the ex-Liverpool defender at will.