TransFrameNet:Cause to be wet
dampen.v 🔎
- DampenKostutathe pastry edgesleivonnaisen reunat, seal together lengthwise and then seal both ends.
- DampenKostutathe marzipanmarsipaaniwith watervedelläand position the squares, as shown.
- FrankieFrankiehad scrubbed his hands and feet anddampenedkostuttihis hairhiuksensawith watervedelläto make it lie flat and tidy against his headjotta ne pysyisivät sileinä ja siisteinä hänen päätään vasten.
- As he spoke,hehäntook a kerchief from his pouch,dampenedkostuttiitsitäfrom the flask and started gently to wipe her face.
- As she emerged into the yardfine raintihkusadedampenedkostuttiher facehänen kasvonsa.
- Very dry plaster, or other high-suction backgroundsHyvin kuiva laasti tai muu erittäin imukykyinen pohjashould betuleedampenedkostuttaaimmediately before fixing the covejuuri ennen holvikaaren korjaamista.
- `If you feed a powder supplementthe feedrehushould betuleedampenedkostuttaa,so that if the horse blows through his nose, he doesn't blow the powder onto the floorjottei hevonen uloshengittäessään puhalla jauhetta sieraimista lattialle!
- DampenKostutathe cake drumkakkurumpuwith watervedellä.
- Instead of immersing the paper in a bath for five to ten minutes as you mention, simplydampenkostutathe paper surface on both sidespaperin pinta molemmin puolinwith a spongesienellä.
- ThereSiinäIminädampenedkostuttelinsome paper towelspaperipyyhkeitäand wiped the flour off the goodies I'd removed from Flaxperson.
- DampenKostutawith watervedelläand secure to the front of the frog.
- Roll out half the white icing to the same shape as the pink, andlightlykevyestidampenkostutawith watervedellä.
douse.v 🔎
- Not for him the Baden-Powell approach of rubbing two Boy Scouts together;hehänliberallykauttaaltaandousesvaleleethe twigsrisutwith paraffinpaloöljylläand throws in a match.
- The alchemistAlkemistiwould burn incense anddousevalelisihimselfitsensäin specially prepared perfumeserikoisvalmisteisilla hajusteillabefore carrying out his experiments.
- SheHändousedkastoithe mopmopinwith the bubbling watervaahtoavaan veteenand moved the heavy tendrils over the kitchen floor until the pale-green surface was moist and dirt-free.
- AnnaAnnaemptied cornflakes out of the packet until her bowl was piled high, sprinkled the pile with sugar anddousedvaleliitsiihenin milkmaitoa, then sat staring at it while the sugar dissolved and the cornflakes drooped.
- After the fire had died downthe rockkiviwas<empty>dousedkasteltiinwith cold waterkylmällä vedellä.
drench.v 🔎
- A river of cold airKylmä ilmavirtafountained into the hold,drenchingkastelleneverybodyjokaisenin sudden condensationyhtäkkisellä kondensoitumisellaan.
- Iminästart browsing out of a sense of duty to begin with, anddrenchkastelenmyselfitseniwith showers of settled rainwaterläpimäräksi tasaisilla sadekuuroillaevery time I reach into a bush.
- After three days hard riding, Corbett and his party reached Edinburgh in the middle ofa sudden summer thunderstorm whichäkillisesti puhjenneen kesäisen ukkosmyrskyn, jokadrenchedkastelithemheidätto the skinläpimäriksi.
- One moment the sun was on her face, the nextraindrops the size of golf ballsgolfpallon kokoiset sadepisaratwere pelting down on her,drenchingkastellenherhänetas thoroughly as a bathroom showeryhtä läpikotaisin kuin kylpyhuoneen suihku.
hydrate.v 🔎
- To help keep the delicate skin here as youthful as possiblethis new eye creamtämä uusi silmänympärysvoideacts by `filling in ``the wrinkles and also penetrates into the epidermis thereforehydratingkosteuttaenthe skinihoa.
- The Signature collection has been entirely reformulated at Estée Lauder, with the Eyeshadow Duo incorporating eye treatment elements:a Bioplex Complex whichBioplex Complex, jokasoothes, protects andhydrateskosteuttaathe skinihoa.
moisten.v 🔎
- The tearsKyyneleetwere<empty>moisteningkostuttivather hairhänen hiuksiaanso that it clung to her cheeks, and they didn't look like stopping.
- Iminäpulled it off gently, so as not to wake him,moistenedkostutina handkerchiefnenäliinanwith colognekölninvedelläand wiped his forehead.
- SheHänmoistenedkostuttiher lipshuuliaanand said pleadingly, `She's been good to poor Dilys.
- HeHäntore it open,moistenedkostuttithe end of one gloved fingerhansikoidun sormenpäänthen dipped it in the substance and touched it to his tongue.
- MoistenKostutathe compostkompostiwith watervedelläand replace the lid.
- MoistenKostutathe chickenkanausing the reduced stockomalla liemelläänand garnish with the cooked vegetables from the stock, but discard the bouquet garni.
- SheHänmoistenedkostuttiher lipshuuliaanwith the tip of her tonguekielenkärjelläänand his sudden tension told her she was right.
moisturize.v 🔎
- (xii) Remove the slide very slowly and air-dry usingair whichilmaa, jokaisonmoisturizedkostutettuby passing through water at 37-Csuodattamalla se 37-asteisen veden läpi.
- Pat skin dry andmoisturisekosteutawith a body lotionvartaloemulsiolla.
- Rinse off andmoisturisekosteuta.
- HeHäntook to cleansing, toning andmoisturizingkosteuttaahis facekasvojaanonce he found that soap was bad for itkun hän huomasi saippuan tekevän sille huonoa.
- Secondly,itsemoisturiseskosteuttaaand protectsyour skinihoasiand finally, it contains vitamin E and sunscreens to help in the battle against ageing.
- Each eye-colour treatment includes natural plant extracts such ascucumberkurkkua(to soften andmoisturisekosteuttaathe skinihoa), healing calendula, and the natural sun-screen avocado.
- Revitalise your face,moisturisekosteutayour skinihoasi, and prepare it for make-up.
saturate.v 🔎
- After completely flushing out all hydrocarbon,the plugstupotwere<empty>saturatedkyllästettiinwith a brine of 100 000 ppm NaCl100 000 miljoonasosalla NaCl-suolaliuosta.
- This will greatly reduce the risk ofcondensationkondensoitumisesta,whichjokacanvoisaturatekastellathe insulationeristeet, rendering it useless, and can also cause serious rot in the roof timbers.
- It takes longerto<empty>saturatekyllästäälarge rodssuuret tangotwith deuteriumdeuteriumillathan to saturate the smaller ones; the latter took up to a fortnight and they estimated that the largest rods could take up to a year.
- The soilMaaperäshould be kept moist, but neversaturatedkyllästettynä, by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time.
soak.v 🔎
- HeHänput a nacho chip in his mouth andsoakedkasteliitsenwith beeroluella.
- While they were in the pub, in a corner far from a window, the rain had come on heavily,the kind of rain thatsellainen sade, jokawill<empty>soakkasteleeyousinutto the skinläpimäräksiin two minutes.
- In a wide bowl there was the night glimmer of a stream which was churned to flashing silver as they thrashed through it,the spraysuihkunsoakingkastellessathemheidätto their thighsreisiinsä asti.
- He feltthe rainsateensoakkastelevanhis clotheshänen vaatteensa, slash his cheeks, trickle inside his collar.
- FiremenPalomiehetwere<empty>soakingkastelivateverythingkaikento finally extinguish the blazeja saivat lopulta tulipalon sammumaan.
- The drizzleTihkusadewas alreadyjosoakingkasteliitsitädarker.
- ``IminäsoakedKostutina piece of cotton woolpumpulituponin ethereetterilläand chucked that in.
- HeHänturned on the taps and thrust my face and head into the water andcompletelykokonaansoakedkastelimy shirt and jacketpaitani ja takkini.
- Sometimes he even managed to keep for himselfthe little piece of cotton-wool thatpienen palasen pumpulia, jonkashenainensoakedkostuttiin perfumeparfyymillaso that he could rub the henna stains from her skinjotta mies voisi hangata hennatahroja naisen iholta.
sop.v 🔎
- `Most of itSuurin osa siitäwas<empty>soppedimeytyiupby the double thickness of the collar at the backtuplapaksun kauluksen taaksebut it soaked down through.
- Beneath his glass laya sheet of paperpaperinpala,soppingjoka imiupwineviinin.
- After all, ``he continued, deftly manipulating halfa loaf of garlic breadvalkosipulileivälläto<empty>soppyyhkienupthe tomato juice on his last plattertomaattimehua viimeiseltä lautaselliseltaan, `you never saw anybody fat come out of Auschwitz.
souse.v 🔎
- Before Lachlan could free itHectorHectorhad tripped him andsousedsuolannuthimhänet, for the cold water to bring him to his senses.
- LeavesLehdetmay be submerged under a dropping of dung,sousedmarinoidain a downpour of urinevirtsasuihkussa, trodden on, pulled into the ground by earthworms (further shades of Darwin) or damaged by frost.
- I started withcrunchy buschettarapealla bruschettallasousedmarinoidullain green olive oilvihreässä oliiviöljyssäand spread with tapenda -- delicious, but at £4.25 expensive for peasant-cuisine-come-to-Kensington.
wet.v 🔎
- SheHänwetkostuttiher lipshuuliaan.
- HeHänwettedkostuttihis lipshuuliaanin a theatrical wayteatraalisestiand a glimmer of humour flickered in his eyes.
- HeHänsucked at his cigarette and thenwetkostuttihis lipshuuliaandistastefullyvastenmielisesti.
- With his fingershehänbroke away mud from the river bank andwetkasteliitsitäin the riverjoessa.
- SoIminäwetkostutanthe linesiimanwith spitsylkäisemälläand slide the float and locking shot another foot deeper.
- Take the coin andwetkasteleitsewith watervedellä, and then press it against the victim's head for a short time `to get it to stick ``.
- Pakeezah BegumPakeezah Begumtook the plastic stamp,wettedkostuttiitsenon the ink-padvärityynyssäand firmly stamped the return-by date on the leaf at the front.
- WetKastelea piece of thick stringpätkä paksua naruaand put one end into each jar.