TransFrameNet:Cause to be dry
- ALCOHOLALKOHOLIdehydrateskuivattaathe bodykehoaby making drinkers pass more urinesaamalla juojat erittämään enemmän virtsaa,and by now Liz is feeling these effects, so she visits the bathroom.
- SectionsOsiotwere dewaxed in toluene,dehydratedkuivatettiinin ethanoletanolissa, washed in PBS, and immersed in a solution of 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS to eliminate endogenous peroxidase activity.
- `TheseNämäare areondehydratedkuivatettuin very light-weight sachetserittäin kevyissä pusseissa.
- SectionsOsiotwere<empty>thensittendehydratedkuivattiinin ethanoletanolissaand air dried.
- PreparationsPreparaatitwere counterstained with Harris' haematoxylin,dehydratedkuivattiinand mounted in DPX.
- I have a headache and am concerned thatthe windtuulihasondehydratedkuivattanutmeminua; it is so important to pour liquid down in the Arctic, especially in winter.
- The slidesObjektilasitwere<empty>dehydrateddehydratoitiinthrough graded ethanol baths with 0.3 M NH 4 -Acetateasteittaisilla etanoliliuoksilla, joissa oli 0,3 M NH 4 -asetaattia, air dried and processed for autoradiography.
- Otherwise,the specimennäytecan bevoidaandehydratedkuivattaaby passage through successively more concentrated ethanol/water mixtures, through absolute alcohol into acetonekäyttämällä sitä peräjälkeen yhä vahvemmissa etanoli-vesiseoksissa, absoluuttisessa alkoholissa ja asetonissa,before placing in resinennen laittamista hartsiin.
- After washing in phosphate bufferFosfaattipuskurissa pesemisen jälkeen,tissueskudoksetwere osmicated anddehydratedkuivatettiinin acidified DMPhapotetussa DMP:ssäbefore routine embedding in Taab resinennen rutiininomaista upotusta Taab-hartsiin.
- (iv)DehydrateKuivaathemnethrough a graded alcohol seriesasteittaisella sarjalla alkoholiliuoksia.
- Finally, the slides were weakly stained with haematoxylin for one minute beforedehydratingdehydratointiaand mounting in Xam (BDH, Poole).
- FARMERS WEEKLY's south-east barometer grower, Ashford-basedPeter MaylamPeter Maylamilla, has no winter barley, but was planningto<empty>desiccatekuivaavansaoilseed raperapsiathis weektällä viikolla.
- Other absorbent materials are available for bedding, but problems can arise when they are used in breeding cages astheynecanvoivatdesiccatekuivattaathe pupspentuja.
- Asia's currency marketsAasian valuuttamarkkinat, soaked for years in liquidity, have gone as dry as the desert,desiccatedkuivattamatby the currency crises sweeping the regionAluetta pyyhkäisevien valuuttakriisien.
- DesiccationKuivuminenistheirniidenmain problem.
- They are particularly useful when preparing a seed-bed for roots, but can destroy soil crumb structure by reducing it to `flour ``causingdesiccationkuivumistain dry weatherkuivalla säälläand panning in wet.
- In this waythe timbershirretwill be protected from repeateddesiccationkuivumiseltaand expansion, potentially a grave danger to such ancient wood.
- Unprotected in the desert, they would lose so much water by evaporation thattheyhewould quickly die ofdesiccationkuivuuteen.
- The dramaticdesiccationkuivuminenof North AfricaPohjois-Afrikanis a perplexing phenomenon.
- For the same reason,theyneare unable to hold much water within the shell and are, in consequence, at risk fromdesiccationkuivuaat low tidelaskuveden aikaan.
- The survival potential of the egg outside the body varies, but appears to be connected with the thickness of the shell, which protectsthe larvatoukkaafromdesiccationkuivumiselta.
- Here!dryKuivaayour eyessilmäsi. ”
- `DryKuivaayour hairhiuksesithrough an old fashioned hair net or a soft silk scarfvanhanaikaisen hiusverkon tai pehmeän silkkihuivin läpi.
- It has its own diffuser attachment which enablesyousinäto<empty>drykuivatayour hairhiuksesigentlyhellävaraisesti, eliminating the problem of frizz and flyaway hair.
- SheHändriedkuivasiherselfitsensä, dressed, brushed her hair and re-applied her make-up, then inspected her reflection in the mirror.
- The resulting biomassTuloksena oleva biomassais<empty>thermallytermisestidriedkuivataanto remove pathogenspatogeenien poistamiseksiand the final product is used as an animal feed.
- Nothing in the world tastes better than bacon and eggs cooked on a wood fire asthe sunauringondrieskuivatessathe tentteltanready for packing away again.
- Her mode of transport meansshehänwill arrive drenched at the door of a farmhouse to beg shelter and ask leaveto<empty>drykuivatakseenherselfitseäänby the firetulen ääressä.
- Wash anddrykuivaathe potatoesperunatin a clothliinalla.
- The mother, who had dropped the paper in the bowl,Äiti, joka oli pudottanut paperin kulhoon,driedkuivattiitsitäin her microwavemikroaaltouunissaanfor five minutesviiden minuutin ajanon high.
- Ramadan, ``he would say and close his eyes as thehot airlämmin ilmadriedkuivasihimhänetin secondsmuutamassa sekunnissaand I retreated even further under the wilting greenery.
- Collect anddrykuivatayour own herbsomat yrttisiin summerkesälläfor use during the winter months.
- Iminäcooked it over a fire ordriedkuivasinitsenin the sunauringossa.
- SheHänwent to open the door herself,dryingkuivatenher handskäsiäänon a tea-clothastiapyyhkeeseen.
- DryKuivaathe gridsristikoton clean Velin tissue or hardened filter paperpuhtaaseen Velin-pyyhkeeseen tai kovetettuun suodatinpaperiin.
- Asshehänreturned,carefullyhuolellisestidryingkuivateneach piecejokaisen osanwith a towelpyyhkeellä, she answered Judith's question.
- When, eventually, he thought she'd had enough,hehänhauled her out,driedkuivasiherhänetwith his shirtpaidallaanand said, `What shall we do now?
- SheHänwashed anddriedkuivasiherselfitsensäbetween the legsjalkovälistäand inserted a fresh tampon.
- WeMeimmediately rushed to the ladies, washed Jessica carefully in the sink anddriedkuivasimmeherunder the hand dryerkäsikuivaimella.
- Periodically view the effect under the tank's own lighting (drykuivaayour handskätesibefore switching onennen kuin kytket sen päälle!)
- Emerging from beneath the spray of the shower,shehändriedkuivasiherselfitsensäbrisklyrivakastibefore dressing with impatient fingersennen kuin pukeutui kärsimättömin sormin.
- `Best get out of them wet things, ``he said, kneeling down beside him, `so'sIminäcanvoindrykuivatathemnefor tomorrowhuomiseksi.
- YousinäcouldVoisitdrykuivataitsenin theresielläin wet weather.
- Wash anddrykuivaathe potatoesperunat.
- They would salt them down and let them lie in the brine for a while andtheyhewould take them out anddrykuivaisivatthemne.
- Larch and pine logsLehtikuusi- ja mäntyhalotcould be split small anddriedkuivattaaby the firetulen ääressä; or kindling could be gathered ``raw.
- ItemsEsineetshould be withdrawn anddriedkuivatarapidlynopeastiafter boiling has finishedkiehumisen päätyttyäand on no account should they be left soaking.
- A small proportion of dolphin meatPieni määrä delfiininlihaais salted,driedkuivataan, and sold as long strips known as muchame, which was originally introduced by Italian immigrants.
- It should take only two or three minutes to fully develop the board in this manner, andthe boardkartonkiis then rinsed with water anddriedkuivataancarefullyhuolellisesti.
- Banana skinsBanaaninkuoria, for example,are sometimesjoskusdriedkuivataanfor weeks until they have gone blackviikkoja, kunnes ne ovat mustuneet, then the inside off the skin can be scraped off and smoked.
- ``Ifwemedon't startdryingkuivatathe hidesvuotianownyt, dampness and the heat will destroy all our efforts within a few hours.
- Store the envelopes in an airtight container, and include a sachet of silica gel to absorb moisture (if the gel turns pink,drykuivatagentlyvarovastiin the ovenuunissauntil it turns blue again).
- A special set of glasswareTietty lasitavarasettishould be designated for media preparation, rinsed and soaked in double-distilled water immediately after use, washed in double-distilled water only anddriedkuivatain a hot ovenkuumassa uunissa.
- Finallythe woolvillais removed, rinsed in water with salt added to set the dye, anddriedkuivataanin the sunauringossa.
- His eyes filled, but he did not know it was happening, this overflowing, until I reached down, wiped his face, showed himmy wet fingers whichmärät sormeni, jotkahehändriedkuivasiwith his ownomillaan.
- Blanch the spinach leaves in boiling water for about 30 seconds, thendrykuivaawith a paper towelpaperipyyhkeellä.
- The final pelletLopullinen pellettiis washed in 1.0 ml of acetone as above andbrieflynopeastidriedkuivataanat 65°C65 °C:ssa.
- Each partJokainen osamust betäytyyindividuallyyksittäindried offkuivataand sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion and then put back in place.
- When the tops became straw-coloured the clumps were eased from the ground andthe bulbssipuleitawere<empty>dried offkuivattiinuntil the skins were yellow and brittlekunnes kuorista tuli keltaisia ja hauraita.
- Letdahlia tubersdaalian mukuloidendry offkuivuathoroughly before storing them -- they will rot if storing them -- they will rot if stored with damp soil still adhering.
- Dry offKuivatagladioli cormsgladioluksen varsimukulatin traysastioissa, then remove very small cormlets that have developed around the base -- these will eventually flower, but only when grown on for several years.
- Ashehändriedkuivasiitsitäoffpoishe prayed that the camera had survived the ducking.
- ItSecan only bevoidaandried outkuivattaaby diffusing it slowly through the tube wallshajauttamalla sitä hitaasti putken seinämien läpi.
- Driftwood from freshwaterMakean veden ajopuutshould betulisidried outkuivattaaat least and probably boiled or disinfected to remove any insect inhabitants or potential fungus or bacterial problems.
- Firstlythe holereikä, if wet,was<empty>dried outkuivattiinwith a swabbing stick and waddingvanupuikolla ja vanullaand the charge was then poured in, care being taken to avoid spillage around the mouth of the hole.
- Back on dry landKuivalla maalla,the rushesvihviläkasvitare<empty>dried outkuivataanbefore they're used in the workshop near Wantageennen käyttöä työpajassa Wantagen lähellä.
- Like the Mousse it gives your hair a healthy gloss and, because it doesn't contain alcohol,itsewon'teidrykuivatayour hairhiuksiasiout<empty>.
- We<empty>are stilledelleendryingKuivatammethemniitäout<empty>from a recent visit to the laundry.
- The meatlihasheHänenwould<empty>dry outkuivaamansain the sunauringossatomorrowhuomenna.
- WeMehave just had an extension completed and wantto<empty>dry outkuivattaathe wallsseinätquicklynopeastiso that we can use the room.
- If this does not help, the doctor may be able to give aninjectionruiskeento<empty>dry upkuivaavansecretionseritteitäand make the noise less upsetting.
- That was whendroughtsateettomuusdried upkuivattithe lawnsnurmikot, playing havoc with lawnmower sales and profits.
- How would Niger and Nigeria react to the plans of upstream nations forbarrages and irrigation schemes whichpatoamis- ja kastelujärjestelmistä, jotkamightvoisivatdry upkuivattaathe NigerNigerin?
- Ifanythingjokinwas guaranteedto<empty>dry upkuivaisitearskyyneleetfastnopeasti,it was his manner.
- She saw thatits heatsen kuumuushadolicompletelykokonaandried upkuivannutthe wet streaks of the map drawn by the stranger's fingermuukalaisen sormella piirtämän kartan märät juovat.
- It'sa chemical thatkemikaali, jokaactuallydries upkuivattaathe airilmaa, but although we've used tons of the stuff it hasn't had much effect.
- Heat from the projectorProjektorista tuleva kuumuuswill<empty>dry upkuivattaaink in the penskynien musteenmore quickly than with preparation on the film beforehandnopeammin kuin kalvon valmisteleminen etukäteen.
- The blustery winds of MarchMaaliskuiset myrskytuuletdried upkuivattivatthe landmaanso that when April arrived, with stronger sun and balmy air, the whole countryside sprang into new growth almost overnightniin, että huhtikuun saapuessa voimakkaampi auringonpaiste ja leuto ilma mukanaan koko maaseutu puhkesi uuteen kukoistukseen lähes yhdessä yössä.
- ItSedrieskuivattaathingsasioitaup<empty>somehowjollakin tapaa.