For certain businesses the purchaser may require the prior consent or approval of an industry regulator before
can commence the new business or
into its existing business
olemassa oleviin yrityksiinsä .
There is no linkage, no indication of how
and no indication of either rhythm or quality to make the movement come alive.
Specific recommendations were aimed at strengthening the police, in manpower, efficiency and pay, and speeding up the process of
yhteensulauttamiseksi local forces
paikallisten joukkojen .
I believe, however, that
two issues — screening and treatment of early prostatic cancer —
kaksi asiaa — varhaisen eturauhassyövän seulonnan ja hoidon — when they should be argued separately.
The 1st and 2nd battalions of the Yorkshire Volunteers continue, and
The two corps
Kaksi armeijaa in 1880
as The 7th Battalion
7. pataljoonaksi .
Before that time
with another local comprehensive
toiseen paikalliseen peruskouluun .
are often obliged, therefore,
two or more classes
kaksi luokkaa tai useampiakin for massed singing, or to rely heavily upon BBC Schools' broadcasts.
parts of human bodies
ihmisruumiiden osia to create a `monster ``, which he then brought to life.
It was a period of upheaval at OCU and in May 1960
`A ``and `B Squadrons
A- ja B-laivue into a single squadron of two flights
yhdeksi kahden lentueen laivueeksi .
At 18 she gave up competing to teach, setting up
a class in South Shields which
South Shieldsiin kurssin, jonka with her old school in Jarrow
vanhaan kouluunsa Jarrow'ssa, when her own teacher retired.
The horror of the near nervous breakdown she suffered soon after launching her recording career, as
with singing
ja laulamisen , was taken by her as a warning to calm down.
Each of the four full-time farmers had at least one personal specialised enterprise; for example,
, with holidaymakers buying the homemade dairy products.
She is
a vivacious young lady who
eloisa nuori nainen, joka with commercial flying and club administration
sekä mainoslentämisen ja yhdistyshallinnon. .
Phases of multiply measured reflections
Moninkertaisesti mitattujen heijastumien vaiheet using the phase probability coefficients
käyttämällä vaihetodennäköisyyskertoimia .
in a shampoo that makes dry hair lustrous and more manageable
sampooseen, joka tekee kuivista hiuksista kiiltävät ja hallittavammat .
Armed with the techniques he has learned over the past months,
is free
in whatever way he thinks suits his stature
sillä tavoin kuin hän uskoo sopivan hänen kokoonsa .
their 50th birthdays
50-vuotissyntymäpäivänsä into a 100th anniversary celebration at a Mauritian restaurant they consider `the best in the world ``
100-vuotissyntymäpäiväksi, jota juhlittiin heidän mielestä maailman parhaassa mauritiuslaisessa ravintolassa .
After playing through each of these examples individually,
into a 12 bar sequence
12 tahdin sekvenssiksi and use different double stops for each chord on each successive chorus.
John Pendlebury's (1939) view was that
always tended
their goddesses
jumalattarensa into a single deity
yhdeksi jumalolennoksi .
Harriet Walter plays her excellently as
strong sexuality
vahvan seksuaalisuuden with a defiant nobility of character
ja luonteen uhmakkaan ylevyyden .
his utilitarian ethical theory
utilitaristisen eettisen teoriansa with a hedonistic psychological theory according to which each of us necessarily seeks to maximise his own happiness
ja hedonistisen psykologisen teorian, jonka mukaan jokainen pyrkii väistämättä maksimoimaan oman onnellisuutensa .
mixing tracks
kappaleiden miksaamista with recording sessions
ja äänittämistä .
A fine guitarist in many styles
Hän on hieno kitaristi, joka taitaa erilaiset tyylit, ,
ammattitaitoisuuden with wry humour and a straightforward honesty of purpose (so often lacking in music of this kind)
sekä ironisen huumorin ja suorasukaisen rehellisyyden (mikä tällaisesta musiikista usein puuttuu) .
these approaches
nämä lähestymistavat by examining both the degree and duration of DGR and the response to provocation testing in the same subjects
tutkimalla sekä DGR:n astetta että sen kestoa ja samojen subjektien vastetta altistuskokeeseen .
However, recent studies in this country and abroad have revealed that
the majority of women who
valtaosa naisista, jotka exercise, dietary recommendations and supplements
harjoittelun, ravintosuositukset ja lisäravinteet, have found that their symptoms have either cleared up or considerably improved.
In practice it is possible
the two methods
nämä kaksi menetelmää .
oats, milk powder and baking powder together
kaura, maitojauhe ja leivinjauhe .
Instead the two modules operate in isolation with
by a control processor
ohjausprosessorin .
The project is part of a wider concern about how sound impinges uninvited on memory and how
material from the eye and the ear
silmästä ja korvasta saapuvan aineksen .
These resources
nämä resurssit by organisations
organisaatiot into policies
toimintamenetelmiksi as programme outputs
ohjelman tuotteina .
The 1988 and 1990 samples
Vuosien 1988 ja 1990 näyteet to test for association between prescribing status before assessment and frequency of recent injecting
ennen arviointia annetun määräyksen tilan ja viimeaikaisen piikitystiheyden välisen yhteyden testaamiseksi .
all context-tables
kaikki taustataulukot into a single library
yhdeksi kirjastoksi, then a change in the properties of a context can be effected just by changing its context-specification within the library.
Oman edun tavoittelu had been successfully
oli onnistuneesti with civilising and training slaves `to the threshold of liberty ``
orjien sivistämiseen ja kouluttamiseen lähes vapautta hipoen .
In that section,
using weighting factors.
in a single trial but are regulated by an order of Steyn J. on 31 July 1991:
For economy in building costs
Rakennuskustannusten taloudellisuuden vuoksi ,
these three types of farm buildings
nämä kolme maatilarakennustyyppiä into a single building
yhdeksi rakennukseksi .
All these images
Kaikki nämä kuvat were twisted and changed and
by the creative process of Coleridge's mind
Coleridgen mielessä luovalla prosessilla into the superb poem
erinomaiseksi runoksi .
Stir in the greens mixture and
It was not until
with China clay
posliinisaveen that loose powdered graphite could be formed into drawing lengths, so avoiding the English monopoly on their cut lengths from Borrowdale.
Sounding like a variation of Buffalo Tom, the Pixies and Sebadoh (with hints of The Cure, Teenage Fanclub and Can),
agonised tunes
tuskalliset sävelmät with fey and angst-riddled melodies
kummallisiin ja ahdistuneisiin melodioihin .
Identification of the new muscle proteins was made possible by
with mouse muscle cells
hiiren lihassoluihin ; the human muscle proteins are similar but distinct from those made by mice.
Cover with a damp cloth and iron gently,
the woven ribbon
kudottu nauha to the interfacing
vahvikkeeseen .
Just as in her earlier fiction Brooke-Rose fused discourses, so in Textermination
by making them (and their discourses) interact
laittamalla ne (ja niiden diskurssit) vuorovaikutukseen keskenään .
The way the red blood cell nucleus is put into the HeLa cell cytoplasm is by
As part of the `Big Bang ``, this system was discarded in favour of a dual capacity regime in which
the two jobs
kaksi työpaikkaa .
This was also the decade of leisure; sneakers were everywhere, sports shops blossomed and
tennis star Bjorn Borg
tennistähti Björn Borg fashion and sport
muodin ja urheilun with his trend-setting striped headbands
uuden muotisuuntauksen aloittaneilla raidallisilla pääpannoillaan. .
By means of juxtaposition and carefully-wrought connections,
the cognitive processes of metaphoric structuration and epistemological organization
metaforisen rakentumisen ja epistemologisen järjestyksen kognitiiviset prosessit .
He was a fiery character of immense stubbornness who stood out against the new plans
into a co-operative pool that would benefit everyone
yhteistoiminnalliseksi yhtymäksi, joka hyödyttäisi kaikkia .
This year it is taking on its biggest challenge yet, backed by
a major reorganisation which
suuri uudelleenjärjestely, joka two previously separate businesses
kaksi aikaisemmin erillistä yritystoimintaa .
grew it,
with an American company
amerikkalaiseen yhtiöön , then a few years later, having developed a multimillion pound empire, cast around for a new challenge.
But that could all change with proposals
with the six smaller district councils within the county
maan kuuden pienemmän piirineuvoston kanssa .
Kangaroo rats
Rottakengurut by sharing a communal sand bath
yhteisessä hiekkakylvyssä .
The resultant data
tulokseksi saadut tiedot to produce the digitised colour images displayed on your screen
tuottaakseen näytöllesi digitoituja värikuvia .
A number of ministries
Lukuisia ministeriöitä as a cost-cutting measure.
This way
, spread and when dry, re-pastelled.
The National Union
Keskusliitto with Central Office
Keskustoimistoon and fusion with the Liberal Unionists followed in 1912.
The official imposition of Christian orthodoxy at the end of the century reinforced the tendency
church and empire
kirkko ja keisarikunta ; the Christian emperors became God's agents in bringing their subjects under the yoke of Christ.
They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that
has any plans
15 health care districts
15 terveydenhuoltoaluetta into six super districts
kuudeksi yläalueeksi .
The basic model for early Anglo-Saxon England is that
small cohesive social units with low population densities
pienet, yhtenäiset sosiaaliset yksiköt, joissa oli pieni asukastiheys, by peaceful and forceful means
rauhanomaisin ja voimakkain keinoin into larger political agglomerations
suuremmiksi poliittisiksi taajamiksi .
The great Frankish leader who
Suuri frankkilainen johtaja, joka the confederacy
konfederaation into a powerful entity
vahvaksi kokonaisuudeksi, was Clovis, first of the Merovingian kings.
with quantum mechanics
kvanttimekaniikkaan , one had to introduce the idea of ``imaginary time.
And when
their great Emperor Gia Long
heidän mahtava keisarinsa Gia Long finally rose from the Mekong delta a century ago
all the peoples from Saigon to Hanoi
kaikki Saigonin kansat Hanoihin , hadn't he triumphantly renamed his new empire ``Viet Nam?
However, the theme of
by means of unifying Europe
yhdistämällä Eurooppa is at least two hundred years old.
Second to Henry Yevele, Wynford was
an architect of genius who
nerokas arkkitehti, joka transformed and
English building
englantilaisen rakentamisen .
want to
, should they try to, and do the data justify their claims?
If the first quotation refers to a time when Strife is relatively dominant and things are over-scattered, the second perhaps refers to
the over-action of Love, when
rakkauden ylivoimaan, jolloin things best kept separate
asiat, jotka olisi paras pitää erillään, .
Northern Telecom Ltd
Northern Telecom Ltd its data network products
tietoverkkotuotteensa under the name Magellan
Magellan-nimen alle , and has announced a cell-based networking switch designed to bring together data, speech, video and image networks.
Oriental wisdom
Itämainen viisaus in a genealogical tree in which the Jews were the descendants of the Persian wise men
sukupuuksi, jossa juutalaiset polveutuivat persialaisista viisaista miehistä .
The character Sarrasine in Balzac's story is
just a collection of traits which
vain kokoelma piirteitä, jotka arbitrarily
mielivaltaisesti through being called `Sarrasine ``
kutsumalla häntä nimellä "Sarrasine" .
Whereas the Ego seeks to divide and separate,
and heal.
, said Campbell, accepted a cutting off from his Father in order
was determined to break the power of the provincial Rases and
under his sole control
omaan yksinomaiseen hallintaansa ,
administered by governors appointed by himself
jota johtivat hänen itsensä määräämät kuvernöörit .
THE Conservative Party
Konservatiivien puolue took the final decisive step towards
with its distant continental cousins, the Christian Democrats
kaukaiseen, mannereurooppalaiseen serkkuunsa kristillisdemokraatteihin .
He said he hoped Mr Clerides would continue UN sponsored efforts
as a bi-zonal bi-communal federation of Greek and Turkish Cypriots
kreikkalaisten ja turkkilaisten kyproslaisten kaksialueiseksi, kaksiyhteisölliseksi liittovaltioksi .
The new social movements represent a very positive force,
people in different occupations
eri ammateissa toimivat ihmiset to confront a problem
kohtaamaan ongelman and in so doing, they raise consciousness.
To try
these pools
nämä resurssit into a long-distance chain
pitkäksi ketjuksi ,
has placed around 200 transmitters throughout the country; Classic FM is making similar efforts.
the portrait as depiction of object
muotokuvan objektin kuvauksena with the portrait as site of subjectivities
ja muotokuvan subjektiivisuuden tyyssijana .
by avoiding unnecessary controversy
välttämällä tarpeetonta vastakkainasettelua .
now hopes,
as soon as the general election is out of the way
heti kun yleiset vaalit on hoidettu pois alta ,
the various pro-hunting campaigns
useita metsästystä puoltavia kampanjoita .
In days gone by there had been little differences between the members of the party on the war policy, but the war was now over and
all their forces
kaikki joukkonsa …
His central concern was `integration ``:
a political society
poliittinen yhteisö .
The West and East German railways
Länsi- ja Itä-Saksan rautatiet are starting the process of
though at the moment they still operate quite separately.
Latest results from Europe's centre for particle physics point to the possible discovery of the W, a particle that plays a key role in
two of nature's forces
kaksi luonnonvoimaa
The `twin' villages
Kaksoskylät were officially
virallisesti as Newbald civil parish
Newbaldin piirikunnaksi .
The reason that
Syy, miksi so many different interest groups, with their contrasting standpoints,
niin monet eri sidosryhmät vastakkaisine näkökantoineen can apparently
voivat nähtävästi is obvious enough.
The USSR's fifteen union republics
Neuvostoliiton viisitoista liittotasavaltaa, jotka ,
on a supposedly voluntary basis
oletettavan vapaaehtoisesti , formed an `integral, federal, multinational state ``, according to the 1977 Constitution.