TransFrameNet:Cause motion
- Iminäcatapultedviskaisinthe tiny beastspikku kiusankappaleetacross the creekpuron yliandinto the mud on the far sidekauas mutaanso that I could have funerals.
- Anything too technicalKaikki liian tekninenmightsaattaisicatapultlaukaistahimhänetinto orbitmaata kiertävälle radalleagain.
- Although official records of dioxins date from the middle of last century, it wasan explosion at an Italian chemical plant in Seveso in 1976 thaträjähdys italialaisella kemiantehtaalla Sevesossa vuonna 1976, mikäcatapultedtoithemneinto the public arenajulkisuuteen.
- Warning that there wasno single mechanism whichainuttakaan mekanismia, jokawouldvoisicatapultjohtaaBritainBritannianto economic strengthtaloudelliseen kasvuun, Mr Kinnock said: `Research and development, transport and communications, science, education and training; they are the priorities.
- The three adultsKolme aikuistaseemedto be<empty>catapultedponnahtavanfrom their seatsistuimiltaanas they ran out into the back yard.
- Once our parents are dead,wemeistäare<empty>catapultedyhdessä hetkessäinto becoming the older generation ourselvesitsestämme tulee vanhempi sukupolvi.
- As discussed above there are assumed to be a number ofwilling Doom Diversinnokkaita Doom Divereitaready and waiting to step forward andbe<empty>catapultedammuttaviksi katapultillainto the airilmaan.
- HeHänswerved and avoided the worst of the impact, butwas<empty>catapultedsinkoutuion to the bonnet of the carauton konepellilleand thenon to the pavementkatukiveykseen.
- She sawthe driver of the carauton kuljettajanbeing<empty>catapultedsinkoutuvanoutulosonto his backselälleen.
- SomeJotkutwere<empty>catapultedsinkoutuivatout of smashed windowsulos rikkoutuneista ikkunoista, while others were trapped and had to be cut free.
- HillaryHillarywas<empty>catapultedponnahtito stardomkuuluisuuteenand his life has never been the same since.
- ItSecatapultssinkoaagrains of sandhiekanjyviäat passing antskohti ohikulkevia muurahaisiain an attempt to knock them down into the pit and eat them.
- This roller coasterTämä vuoristoratacatapultssinkoaayousinutover 75ftyli 75 jalan korkeuteeninto the airilmaan, then plummets you back to earth at 60mph.
- SheHänchucksnakkasia bath towelkylpypyyhkeento meminulle.
- Cameras won, and inchuckingheittäessänimy fishing bagkalastuslaukunashorerantaan, the 4lb breaking-strain cast snapped and the trout was gone.
- Yousinäcan start bychuckingviskaamallaall that hard luck stuffkaiken tuon kovan onnen tavaranout of the windowulos ikkunasta.
- `ChuckNakkaameminullea cantölkki!
- `ChuckNakkaausmeillea hammervasara, Cyril, ``he shouted down bossily, `the brickwork's not too bad.
- Odd-Knut makes coffee using the method we have become familiar with --chuckviskaathe coffeekahviin a potpannuun, add snow to taste, boil on the stove, when empty add coffee and/or snow as necessary.
- YousinäcanVoitchuckheittäämeminutin the riverjokeen, if you like, for all the good I am to meself.
- HeHänchucksviskaaitseninto the seamereen.
- Ifyousinäjustchuckheitätitsenon the floorlattialle, then someone s got to come round alter you and pick it up.
- As he filled her glass againhehänknocked over the salt cellar and quicklychuckednakkasithe spilt saltlevinneen suolanover his left shouldervasemman olkansa yli.
- SomeoneJokuhadolichuckednakannuta bricktiiliskiventhrough the gas-mantle on the corner by the Cathedral railingshehkusukan läpi tuomiokirkon aidaksien nurkillaand it hadn't been replaced.
- DollyDollychuckednakkasithe packpakkauksenat himhänelle.
- She saidshe<empty>might as wellvoivansa ihan hyvinchuckheittäytyäherself<empty>out of the windowulos ikkunasta.
- On duty she strode about looking as ifshehäncould not wait to get off duty andchuckheittävänsäa discuskiekkoa.
- Iminägo to funerals andchuckheitänearthmaata.
- TheyHe'd<empty>chuckheittelivättheir pitch-forksheinähankojaan,just as if they was javelinsaivan kuin ne olisivat keihäitä.
- There's a load of pigeons round his feet, all fighting overthe bits of breadleivänpaloista, joitahehänchucksheitteleethemniille.
- There is a hollow boom of surf as ifsome massive objectjokin valtava esinehas just beenolisi juurichuckedviskattuinto the seamereen.
- `He looks likea character whohahmolta, jokahas beenonchuckedviskattuout of a Stephen Conroy paintingulos Stephen Conroyn maalauksestafor making too much noise ``was one of the more polite comments by the critics.
- Marie yelled after me to wait but I didn't want to talk to her about it soIminächuckedviskasinmy sandwich-boxeväslaatikkoniover to herhänelleand told her she could eat them for me.
- I was impressed by the streamlined efficiency of the Surgicentre (if a little dismayed by the check 'em in, chop it off,chucknakkaa'emneoutulosattitude).
- There's a lot to be said for making the trench in autumn,chuckingviskataaninsinnehousehold wastekotitalousjätteetall winter and replacing the soil in spring.
- It's carbon, it's not being used as a fuelitsitä's just beingvainchuckednakataaninsisään, to do something with the with the iron ore and why does it put limestone in it?
- I can't afford to keepchuckingviskatatwo quidkahta puntaadown the drainalas viemäristä.
- I spectsomeonejonkunchuckednakanneenitsenoff the bridgealas sillalta.
- Take him away andchuckviskaahimhänetoff the derrickalas poraustasanteelta.
- And thenIminächuckednakkasinitsenout the windowulos ikkunasta.
- WemedraggedVedimmethe manmiehenfreeirtiand Warren drove the car at the dogs to box them in the alleyway so they could not escape.
- When he came round,theyhedraggedraahasivathimhänetoutsideulosand flung him in his night-clothes, into a car and handcuffed him.
- The crab-like handRavun saksia muistuttava käsireached him, closed around his belt, and beganto<empty>dragvetäähimhäntärelentlesslysäälimättömästiclearirti.
- In one shopIminunvirtually hadto<empty>dragpakottaaa sales assistantmyyjäaway from his pressing chat with a colleagueja lopettamaan kiireellinen keskustelu työtoverinsa kanssato help meavukseni.
- Round and round they staggered like the end of some ghastly marathon,LukeLukedraggingkiskoenMalditaMalditaauprightpystyynandalongeteenpäinby her headcollarriimusta, supporting her with his body, Perdita propping up her other side.
- There was a little struggle andOsmanOsmanhalfpuoliksidraggedriuhtaisihimselfitsensäfreeirti.
- `I sawstate policemenosavaltion poliisindragraahaavanstrikerslakkolaisiaacross the roadtien yliand make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs.
- Working dogs -- eventhoseniiden, jotkadraggingvetävätsledgesrekiäacross the snowlumessafor days on end -- should not look like hat stands.
- Paul followsJohnJohnia,whojokaseemsto be<empty>draggingraahaavanhis legsjalkojaanalong the floorlattiaa pitkin.
- With a final burst of furious rain, the sky cleared andIminädraggedraahasinmy baglaukkuanialong the roadtietä pitkinin blinding sunshine.
- The menMiehettook it in turnsto<empty>dragraahasivatStephenStepheniäalong the tunneltunnelia pitkinback to the foot of the laddertakaisin tikkaiden juurelle.
- GeorgeGeorgedraggedkiskoiherhänetuprightpystyynby her hairhiuksista.
- `At the last moment she tried to back out butIminädraggedkiskoinherhänetbacktakaisinby the elbowkyynärpäästä.
- Eventuallyhehänpulled her off anddraggedvetiherhänetawaypoisby the scruff of her neckniskasta pidellen.
- HeHänalso threatenedto<empty>dragraahatahimhäntädown the streetkatua pitkinhandcuffed to the bumper of his carsidottuna käsiraudoilla autonsa puskuriin.
- They probably figure the public wouldn't like them very much iftheyhedraggedkiskoisivata sick girlsairaan tytönfrom her bedsängystään.
- If an insect walks by,shehängrabs it andinstantlyhetkessädragsraahaaitseninside the tunneltunneliin.
- DraggingVetäenherhänetinto his armskäsivarsilleen,hehänpressed his mouth against her neck.
- ThenIminägot up and took the two rugs by their corners anddraggedraahasinthemneoutside the doorovesta ulos.
- As I left the pen I sawMr Stokillherra Stokillindraggingraahaavana large objectsuurikokoista esinettäover the cobblesmukulakivillä.
- Willie sat dejectedly at the table and watchedTomTomindragraahaavanhis small mattresspientä patjaansapast the windowikkunan ohi.
- SheHändraggedkuljettia handkättäthrough her hairhiuksissaan, only too aware of how she must look.
- EmberEmblerdraggedvetiherhänetto her feetjaloilleenand she limped stiff-legged through the hatch and on to the landing-ramp.
- He was looking pleased with himself ashehändraggedraahasithe tablepöydänto the side of the roomhuoneen reunaanto make space to work in.
- SheHängrabbed Anna's arm, her fingers sinking into the flesh, and beganto<empty>dragraahataherhäntätoward the carautoon.
- CorneliusCorneliusdraggedraahasithe portmanteaumatkalaukkuatowards the inn doorkohti kievarin ovea.
- Mrs. Morgan testified thatshehänethad beenolidraggedraahannutby her husbandhänen aviomiehensäfrom the bedroom which she shared with her small sonulos makuuhuoneesta, jonka hän jakoi pienen poikansa kanssa.
- DougDougis<empty>draggedvedetäänbackwardstaaksepäininto the chairtuoliin.
- IMinutwas<empty>draggedraahattiinback into the boattakaisin veneeseenalmost immediately.
- The duty managerPäivystävän päällikönhadto<empty>dragraahataherhänetoff the dance-floorpois tanssilattialtaduring the cabaret showkabaree-esityksen aikana.
- And whyis<empty>EllieElliedraggingraahaaher suitcasematkalaukkuaanout the front doorulko-ovesta?
- He felthimselfitseäändraggedraahattavanfrom the bedsängystä, his legs and arms quivering with restlessness.
- I was flung into a police van, andRussellRusselliawas alsomyösdraggedraahattiininsisään.
- The next article thatSeuraava esine, jonkaZachZackdraggedvetioutulos,was a stiff black circular object.
- Children, boys and girls, were loadingsmall cartspieniin vaunuihinto be<empty>draggedkuljeteltaviksialong<empty>by old horsesvanhojen hevosten.
- A man who nearly died whenhehänwas<empty>draggedraahautuialong<empty>under a car for a quarter of a mile says he hopes to be leaving hospital soon.
- The sky was low and constantly shifting asdifferent layers of grey and black clouderilaisia harmaiden ja mustien pilvien kerrostumiawere<empty>draggedkuljettivataroundympäriinsäby gusty windstuulenpuuskat.
- HeHäntäwas<empty>draggedraahattiinaroundympäriinsäby wire flex wrapped round his neckkaulaan kiedotulla sähköjohdolla, beaten and threatened with being strangled and having his ears cut off.
- In fact,her mate Klonohänen toverinsa Klononhad been killed anddraggedraahasioffmukanaanby a leopardleopardione night when her son Krono was about a year old.
- WeMeidätwere<empty>draggedraahattiinoutulos.
- LilyLilyturned to the mirror anddraggedrepäisioffpäästäänher hathattunsa.
- DexterDexterdraggedvetiover<empty>a chairtuoliaand sat down at the desk.
- Havemen with oxenmiehet härkien kanssadragvetämäänthe barrelstynnyreitäup the mountainvuorta pitkinto a lake with a narrow outletjärvelle, jolla on kapea laskujoki.
- SheHänmarched into the hall andflungpaiskasithe front dooretuovenopenauki.
- MeredithMeredithflungkohdistihimhäneenan eager glanceinnokkaan silmäyksen, enthralled by the noise, the snow, the funereal gondolas bobbing in the water.
- With a sob,ThedaThedaflungkietaisiher armskätensäabout his neckhänen kaulaansaand buried her face in his shoulder.
- BlancheBlancheflungheittäytyiherself<empty>across the floorlattian poikkiand rolled on to his feet, at the same time throwing a punch up into his genitals.
- She picked a saucepan off the cooker and raised it high, as ifshehänmightvoisiflingsingotaitsenacross the kitchenkeittiön poikkilike a hatchetkuin kirveen.
- And this, ``hehänpulled Lazlo's map from his pocket andflungheittiitsenacross the tablepöydän yli, `The great detective left this behind when he and Rex fled from his office last night.
- Her shadowHänen varjonsajumped away from her andflungheittäytyiitself<empty>upwards across the wallsylös seinilleas her candle flame waveredkynttilän liekin välkkyessä.
- One of the groupYksi porukastathen grabbed the boy andflungpaiskasihimhänetagainst a wallseinää vasten.
- I was standing at one of the windows of the outer office, watchingthe rainsateenflingpiiskautumistaitself<empty>remorselesslyloputtomanagainst the panesikkunaruutuja vasten.
- KateKateflungkietaisiher armskätensäaround himhänen ympärilleenand wept for joy.
- SheHänflungheittäytyiherself<empty>from her horsealas hevosensa selästäand smothered the burning body with her black cloak.
- Do notÄläflingviskaameminuafrom your houseulos talostasi
- MiltonMiltonflungheittäytyihimself<empty>in his chairtuolilleenand buried his head in his hands.
- When he came round,theyhedragged him outside andflungpaiskasivathimhänetin his night-clothesyöpuvussaan,into a carautoonand handcuffed him.
- Young JackNuori Jackflungheittihis dartstikatin such rapid succession that they were nothing more than a triple blurniin nopealla tahdilla, että tuloksena oli sarja triploja.
- The last word was a terrible scream and as she screamed itshehänflungheittithe glasslasinin the direction of EddieEddien suuntaanalthough I'm pretty sure she wasn't aiming at anyone in particular.
- BartonBartonscooped up all the bits of paper andflungheittithemneinto the airilmaan.
- HeHänunzipped his black jacket andflungnakkasiitsenon a chairtuolille.
- Ranulf thought of the Lady Agnes and moaned; she had proved a fiery lover from the timehehänhad firstflungnakannutherhäneton her backselälleenand lifted her lace-trimmed skirts.
- Inwemewould climb, rolling up hats and coats andflingingnakkaisimmethemneonto the back seattakapenkille.
- The menMiehetflungheittiväta netverkonover meylleni.
- With thathehänsnatched up the bottle andflungviskasiitsenthrough the open windowavoimesta ikkunastainto the yardpihalle.
- BalberithBalberithripped the remains of the fruit and salad bar from its mountings andflungviskasiitnethrough the roofkaton läpi.
- SheHänflungheittäytyiherself<empty>to the floorlattialleand rolled to safety behind the half-opened door, the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand.
- SheHänflungnakkasithe tapeteipinat himmiehelle.
- FlaviaFlaviaflunghäipyiherself<empty>out of the roomhuoneesta.
- With hardly a glance towards the board,hehänflungheittihis dartstikkansa.
- SheHänfelt as thoughflungsinkoavanfrom health to illness and backterveydestä sairauteen ja takaisinby the day, by the hour.
- Galileo was less successful in explaining whyloose objectsirralliset esineetare noteivätflungsinkoudufrom the surface of a spinning earthpyörivän maapallon pinnalta.
- She felt as ifshehän'd just escaped a raging tornado,flungpaiskattuto one sidesyrjäänjust in time.
- The room was full of the cheerful clutter of a family on holiday --books, maps and a camerakirjat, kartat ja kameraflungpaiskattuon to the tablepöydälle.
- WhateverMitä ikinähemiesmight<empty>flingsanoisikaanat herhänellethis time, she would not sit bowed and tongue-tied.
- The ColonelEverstiwas<empty>flungpaiskattiinbacktakaisinagainst the wall where he stood, for a moment, a puzzled expression on his faceseinää vasten, jossa hän seisoi hetken aikaa hämmentynyt ilme kasvoillaan.
- At that momentthe dooroviwas<empty>flungpaiskattiinbacktakaisin, thumping against the wall.
- The force of the casual blow was such thatYetYetwas<empty>flungpaiskautuiback against a bookcasekirjahyllyä vasten.
- Chris had to hold on to the grab handle of the jeep orshehänwould have beenolisiflungsinkoutunutoutulos.
- Air the bed byflingingheittämälläbackpoisthe coverspeitotfor around half an hour every morning
- DenisDenisflungpudottidown<empty>his gunaseensain disgust.
- HelenHelenflungpudottidown<empty>her knifeveitsensä.
- AmandaAmandaflungheittioffyltäänher coattakinin the halleteisessäand walked briskly into the lounge.
- FlingingHeittäenoffyltäänher dressing-gownaamutakkinsa,shehänclimbed back into the now cold bed and snuggled beneath the covers.
- HeHänflungojensiout<empty>a handkättäoratoricallyoratorisesti.
- HeHänkicked it open andflungpaiskasimeminutdown the three stepskolme rappusta alasinto the streetkadulle.
- With a final contemptuous glanceshehänlifted the calliper by its straps andflungpaiskasiitsenover the small cliffpienen rantakallion yli.
- The specks of dust consisting ofheavier particlespainavammista hiukkasistaflungirrottamistaoff<empty>by the Sunauringonaggregate into larger lumps (a process which can be duplicated in a laboratory).
- SheHänetwas carried up andflungpaiskattiinoutwardulospäin.
- JUST AS THE PANTING CYCLIST drew ahead of the London to St Alban's coachthe guardvartijahurledviskasian iron ball on a roperautapallolla varustetun köydeninto the spokes of the bicycle wheelpolkupyörän pinnoihinand felled the rider.
- There was a new NI record forNorth Down's Alison MoffittNorth Downin Alison Moffitt,whojokahurledsinkosithe javelinkeihään47.54 metres47,54 metriinand she later made it a double by throwing the discus 39.72 metres.
- AN animal rights activist whoEläinoikeusaktivisti, jokahurledviskasia smoke bombsavupomminacross the counter of a burger barhampurilaisbaarin tiskin yli,was yesterday banned from all McDonald's restaurants.
- In the presence of a few hundred Masai,the young warriornuori soturihurledheittihis spearkeihäänsäright through the district officer's heartsuoraan piirikunnan virkamiehen sydämeen.
- The gaunt womanRiutunut nainenhurledviskasihis plastic pistolmiehen muovipistoolinafter himhänen peräänsä.
- At lasthehänsat back, tousled and infuriated, crumpled the cheque andhurledviskasiitsenacross the roomhuoneen poikki.
- HeHänsuddenly grabbed the beer can andhurledpaiskasiitsenagainst the wallseinään,then upturned the table, sending it crashing against the cooker.
- For several months intermittentVulcanian activityvulkaaninen aktiivisuuscontinued,hurlingheittiashtuhkaabetween four and eight kilometres in the airilmaan neljästä kahdeksaan kilometrin korkeuteen,, but died down somewhat in early 1956.
- HorrocksHorrockspulled the silver cross from his chest andhurledpaiskasiitsenfrom himetäälle hänestä.
- A SHOPKEEPER was fighting for his life in hospital last night aftera gas blastkaasuräjähdyshurledpaiskasihimhänetfrom his bedsängystäinto the streetkadulle.
- All around himpeopleihmisetwere<empty>hurlingheittelivätpossessionsomaisuuttaanfrom windowsikkunoistaand dragging horses from smoking stables.
- Speechless with rage,MaitMaithurledpaiskasithe cardkortinin the Doctor's facetohtorin kasvoillebefore storming out of the cell.
- C'zinsitC'zinsithurledheittäytyihimself<empty>into the saddlesatulaanand charged away.
- FinanciersRahoittajatwould noteiväthurlheittäytyisithemselves<empty>off City window-sillskaupungin ikkunalaudoilta.
- EllenEllenhurledheittithe still discharging extinguisheryhä purkautuvan sammuttimenover the sidesivuun.
- A bolt thrower isa powerful weapon whichtehokas ase, jokacanvoihurlampuaits boltkeihäänthrough several ranks of troopsuseiden sotilasrivien läpi, piercing each warrior in turn.
- The tank blew up,hurlingpaiskatenthe VauxhallVauxhallinthrough the closed garage doorssuljettujen autotallin ovien läpi, which caused twenty more gallons of petrol to explode, blowing the front off the house.
- David Gower survives a caught-behind appeal off Mushtaq, provoking substitute Rashid Latif (centre, in cap) into a dash down the length of the pitch, wherehehänhurledviskasihis caplakkinsato the groundmaahan.
- Then, when the boy wasn't looking in his directionhehänhurledheittiitsentowards the poolallasta kohti.
- HeHänhurledheittäytyihimself<empty>at the boypoikaa kohti.
- TheyHehurledheittelivätpotatoesperunoitaat firemen trying to douse a bonfire of tyres in the town's central squarekohti palomiehiä, jotka yrittivät sammuttaa renkaista koostuvaa roviota kaupungin keskusaukiolla, prompting riot police to fire tear gas.
- With a triumphant yell,shehänhurledsinkosithe harpoonharppuunan.
- HeHänfeinted once, then,with great speed and strength behind the throwvaltavalla vauhdilla ja voimalla,hurledsinkosithe spearkeihään.
- SomeJotkutbegan tohurlheitellästoneskiviä.
- Fights frequently broke out in the course of whichgilt chairskullattuja tuolejagot<empty>hurledpaiskottiinacross the roomhuoneen poikki.
- Simon LilleySimon Lilleywas<empty>hurledpaiskautuimore than seventy feetyli 70 jalan päähänby the impacttörmäyksen voimastaand later died in hospital.
- He shut the kitchen door smartly to avoidthe dishcloth thattiskirätin, jokawas<empty>hurledheitettiinin his directionhäntä kohti.
- The back seatTakapenkki, its padding springing from the slashed plastic, had been ripped out andhurledheitettiinto one sidesyrjään.
- `IminähurledPaiskasinmy shirtpaitanidownmaahan,because I was so angry -- I felt cheated.
- A few cowlings and panelsMuutama suojus ja levygot bent though, having been lifted off the floor andhurledpaiskauduttuaanagainst the hangar walllentokonehallin seinäänby the force of the propellerpotkurin voimasta.
- A poem for Lucy was a message ina bottlepullossahurledheitetyssäinto a turquoise oceanturkoosiin mereen.
- TheyHewere<empty>hurledsinkoutuivatupylöslike waves breaking backwards into the seakuin taaksepäin tyrskyävät aallot mereen.
- He had gone only a few yards however whenthe horsehevonenhurledheittihimhänetover a precipicekalliojyrkänteen ylito his deathkuolemaan.
- Vicky Whitemore, knowing the problems that 'keepers face in these situations, was delegated with the responsibility and let no-one down asshehänenlaunchedsyöttäessäänthe ballpallonsafelyturvallisestiinto an unguarded part of the netverkon vartioimattomaan osaan.
- In that same instant,the Angel TwoAngel Twolaunchedponkaisihimself<empty>out of his chairylös tuolistaan, the speed of his reaction almost taking Grant by surprise in turn.
- In desperation,hehängave one last, vicious backward kick andlaunchedponkaisihimself<empty>outulosinto the darkpimeään.
- ``PooleyPooleystretched out a tentative bootto<empty>nudgetyöntääkseenthe copper coinkuparikolikonasidesyrjään.
- SoIminänudgedtöytäisinMartinMartiniain the direction of a mindless blonde divorceekohti aivotonta, eronnutta vaaleaverikköä.
- LindseyLindseyrose to her feet,nudgingtöytäistena drawerlaatikonto a closekiinni.
- HeHännudgedsuostutteliMrs Thatcherrouva Thatcheriatowards acceptance of a unified Germanyhyväksymään yhdistetyn Saksan.
- After the nest is complete and around 30cm in diameter,the malekoirasnudgestöytäiseethe femalenaaraanunder itsen alleand egg laying begins.
- The boilerhouse bridge needed repairing beforeitsepitchedheittäisius allmeidät kaikkiinto the riverjokeen.
- HeHänreached for Freddy, andwith what seemed no more than a flick of his wristpelkällä ranteen heilautukselta näyttävällä liikkeelläpitchedpaiskasihimhänetacross the foyeraulan poikki.
- The girlsTytötplan toto<empty>pitchpanevansatheir talentstaitonsaagainst the boyspeliin poikia vastaanat the end of term, so they're getting as much practice as possible.
- What better way to test the mettle of the new Calibra 16v thanto<empty>pitchpannaitsedirectly against the class best, VW's Corrado G60suoraan vastakkain luokan parhaan, VW Corrado G60 -mallin kanssa?
- The horseHevonenreared and its front legs buckled when it returned to the ground,pitchingpaiskatenthe jockeyjockeynon his headpäälleenin the 21 August race.
- The horseHevonenknocked the woman over with very great force and then stumbled and fell,pitchingpaiskatenthe jockeyjockeynviolentlyvoimakkaastionto the groundmaahan.
- Ifyousinätryto<empty>pitchsyöttääthe ballpallononto the topyläkautta, particularly working from a tight lie, you will find it almost impossible to pull the ball up quickly enough.
- HeHänwould<empty>pitchheittäisia dead treekuolleen puunover the front fenceetuaidan yli.
- Meanwhilestudentsopiskelijatat the lecture got the chanceto<empty>pitchesittääquestionskysymyksiäat the ministerministerilleon a range of subjects from Maastricht to the loss of his private life.
- HeHänetwas promptlyviipymättäpitchedheitettiinoverboardyli laidanand just as promptly swallowed by a great fish or whale which the Lord had directed through the waters for this especial purpose.
- Fishing gear was thrown off the deck andtwo of the crewkaksi miehistön jäsentäwere<empty>pitchedpaiskattiinviolentlyrajustibackwardstaaksepäininto the holdruumaan.
- The Doctor pounded along the tunnel as hard as he dared, whenhehänetwas suddenlyyhtäkkiäpitchedpaiskasito the groundmaahanby a huge invisible handsuuri näkymätön käsi.
- He said it correctly suspecting thatthe Conservativeskonservatiivitwere aboutto beaikeissapitchedheittääback into oppositiontakaisin oppositioonby Lord Aberdeen's coalition of Peelites, Whigs and Liberalslordi Aberdeenin peeliläisistä, whigeistä ja liberaaleista koostuva liittouma.
- ShalesShalespicked up one of the newspapers in front of him andpitchedpaiskasiitsendown the table in Dowd's directionpöydälle Dowdin suuntaan.
- HeHänpressedpainoiboth palmsmolemmat kämmenensäflatkiinniagainst the cool glassviileään lasiin, resting is forehead against the window.
- OneHenkilöcan notei voipressviedäthis argumentTätä argumenttiatoo farliian pitkälle.
- However it would be unwiseto<empty>pressviedäthese objectionsnäitä vastalauseitatoo farliian pitkälle.
- He did kiss me back then, as ifhehänwantedto<empty>presspainaahis wretched thin inhibited mouthkelvottoman, kapean, estyneen suunsaright through my headsuoraan pääni läpi.
- InstantlyHarrietHarrietpressedpainoiher handkätensäacross her mouthsuulleenin a theatrical gesture.
- The surgeonKirurgipressespainaahis stethoscopestetoskooppinsain my handsminun käteeni: `What is your opinion of this patient? ``he asks.
- PressPainaeach blockjokainen kappalefirmly in placetiiviisti paikalleen, and weight them with something heavy until the adhesive has set.
- HeHänpressedpainoihis facekasvonsainto her hairnaisen hiuksiin.
- HeHänpressedpainoihis fingerssormensagentlylempeästiinto her shouldersnaisen olkapäille.
- His motherHänen äitinsäpressestyöntääthe sweetsmakeisetinto his handhänen käteensä,like someone handing blood plasma over in a war zonekuten joku, joka ojentaa veriplasmaa sota-alueella.
- SheHänpressedpainoia firm fingersormella päättäväisestion the bellkelloa.
- HeHänpressedpainoia button on the desktiskillä olevaa painiketta, and two guards came in.
- CAPILLARY REFILL TEST: This involvespressingpainetaanyour thumbpeukalollaonto the horse's gumhevosen ientä.
- SheHängroaned,pressingpainoiher handskätensäover her earskorvilleen, but it wasn't that simple to cut off the insidious little voice.
- HeHänpressedantoikissessuudelmiapossessivelyomistushaluisestiover her facenaisen kasvoilleagain as if to make sure she was still his.
- And if your sauce has turned lumpy,presspuserraitsethrough a sievesiivilän läpi.
- The glass ball's pretty warm now andIminäpresspainanitsento my cheekposkeani vastenand sort of roll it against my skin.
- HeHänpressedpainoihis browotsansaagainst the coolness of the panelasiruudun viileyttä vasten, and shut his eyes.
- Something cool and dampJotakin viileää ja kosteaawas<empty>pressedpainuito her foreheadhänen otsalleen.
- Any engine machining companyMinkä tahansa moottorikoneistusyrityksenshould be able to bore out your head andpresspainaainsisäänthe valve seat insertsventtiilin istukkarenkaat(ETC 6278) and recut them.
- 8 The stimulus isthe pin whichneula, jokawhenpressedpainettunaonto the handkäteen, causes us to feel pain.
- Mix breadcrumbs and herbs andpresstyönnäonto the lambne lampaan sisään.
- The milk bottle, withits crushed toprypistynyt korkkipressedpainettunabacktaakse, a single mug, sliced bread spilling out of its wrapper, a slab of butter on a greasy dish, a bought fruit cake in its unopened carton.
- Using cool hands (wash under cold running water if necessary), transfer the roof to the cake andpresspainadownalasgently.
- SheHänwas<empty>pressedpainautuiback into her seattakaisin istuimelleenas the craft began to speed up.
- The old control towerVanha lennonjohtotornihas beenonpressedotettuback into serviceuudelleen käyttöön, but this time using mobile equipment.
- NinaNinacovered her face with her hands andpressedpidätteliback<empty>the hot tearskuumia kyyneleitä.
- Turn back the flaps, allow the moisture time to dry, then brush a mastic compound on to the roof boards andpresspainadownalasthe flapssiivekkeetfirmlytiiviisti.
- PressPainadownalasthe edgesreunatto seal and trim off the excess pastry.
- Drain it in a colander,presspainaoutpoisexcess moistureliika kosteusby putting a plate and weight on topasettamalla sen päälle lautanen ja paino.
- DalyDaly, urged by some of the crowd to `kee-eel ``,propelledkuljettihis ballpalloaansome 300 yardsnoin 300 jaardia, though into trees.
- TheyNepropeltyöntävätthe vesselalustathrough the watervedessäusing the same principle that allows a bowler in cricket or a baseball pitcher to swing a ball through the airsamalla periaatteella kuin syöttäjä kriketissä tai baseballissa heilauttaa pallon läpi ilman.
- The young Irishman was a complete contrast witha looping and swooping swing whichmutkittelevalle ja syöksähtelevälle heilautukselle, jokaneverthelesspropelledkuljettithe ballpalloawith great powersuurella voimalla.
- The present scheme excludesboatsveneetpropelledjoita liikutetaanby oar, pole and paddleairoin, sauvoin ja meloin.
- One of the tsar-reformer's great achievements was the foundation of the Russian navy, much of it consisting ofwooden galleyspuisista kaleereistapropelledkuljettamistaby the collective muscle-power of conscript or convict oarsmensoutajina toimivien varusmiesten tai vankien kollektiivisen lihasvoiman.
- As the droplet leaves the jet it is held in position byan electric field whichsähkökenttä, jokafurthereteenpäinpropelskuljettaaitsitätowards the paperkohti paperia.
- He was still talking ashehänpropelledkuljettihernaisenthrough the door and back along the corridorovesta ja takaisin käytävää pitkintowards the exitkohti poistumistietä, barely pausing for breath, and giving her no chance at all to interrupt.
- SheHäntäwas<empty>propelledvietiinroughlykovakouraisestialong the side of the vanpakettiauton kyljen viertä,squeezed between its side and the trafficpuristuneena auton kyljen ja liikenteen väliin.
- Buthehänwas ableto<empty>propelliikuttamaanhimselfitseäänalong the groundmaata pitkin`like a gorilla ``kuin gorilla.
- Thus in the Porifera and some Coelenteratesthe fluidnesteis<empty>propelledkulkeutuuthrough channelskanavien läpiso that the food and oxygen it contains reach every part of the bodyniin, että sen sisältämä ravinto ja happi saavuttaa jokaisen kehonosan.
- The drug comes ina powder whichjauheena, jokais<empty>propelledtyöntyythrough the skinihon läpiusing compressed gaspaineilman avulla.
- As the block thundered down,its forcesen voimapropelledkuljettithe severed headirronneen pääninto the basket she carried in front of her on the saddlekoriin, joka hänellä oli satulansa edessä.
- HeHänpropelledtyönsiMattieMattienthrough the doorovestawith some forcevoimalla, and bade her a hasty farewell.
- HeHänpropelledtyönsimeminutoff the terracepois terassiltaandthrough the shuttered dining-roomikkunaluukuin suljetun ruokailuhuoneen läpi.
- The door opened andCornelius MurphyCornelius Murphywas<empty>propelledvietiininto the science roomtiedehuoneeseen.
- WillyWillywas<empty>propelledpaiskautuithrough the windscreentuulilasin läpionto the wallseinään: that's how he incurred such nasty head injuries.
- HeHänpropelledtyönsihernaisenaway from himpois luotaanand Robyn struggled to stay upright.
- HeHänpropelledtyönsihernaistatowards the doorkohti oveaand flung it wide dragging her out onto the landing.
- IminäpulledVedinthe little guypikkumiehenfrom my pockettaskustaniand set him down on my desk.
- HenryHenrypushedtyönsithe doorovenopenaukiand went in.
- PaigePaigepushedpinnistiherselfitsensäfreeirti.
- IsambardIsambardpushedtyönsiHarryHarryagentlylempeästiforwardeteenpäinand closed the door behind them.
- MortonMortonwent off with him and returnedpushingtyöntäena wide porter's barrowportieerin kärryjä, with empty sacks in it.
- Cut a small hole at the bottom point andpushtyönnäthe green covered pencil or stickvihreäpäällysteistä kynää tai tikkuathrough the holereiän läpifor about 2cmnoin 2 cm:n verran(Fig 3).
- TheyHewere<empty>pushingtyönsivätitsitäeastitään,towards the Citykohti kaupunkia.
- The shootsVersotwere<empty>pushingtyönsivättheir headspäitäänabove the groundmaanpinnan yläpuolelleeven though the group was still able to claim record profits as late as January of this year.
- HeHänpoured a whisky down his throat andpushedtyönsithe glasslasinacross the bartiskin ylifor a refill.
- The kittenKissanpentupushedpuskiits tiny headpikkuista päätäänaffectionatelyhellästiagainst her facevasten hänen kasvojaanand she kissed its soft fur.
- SheHänclosed the wooden gate andpushedtyönsia bricktiiliskivenagainst itsitä vastenwith her footjalallaan.
- SheHänpushedtyönsiher chairtuolinsaagainst the tablepöytää vasten.
- O'Mara's wifeO'Maran vaimowas shown meeklypushingtyöntäessääna trolleyostoskärryäalong the aisles of the local Sainsbury supermarketpaikallisen Sainsbury-supermarketin käytävillä, stuffing it with packets of biscuits.
- SheHänpushedtaluttithe bikepolkupyörääalong the quaysatamalaituria pitkin, sniffing the tarry, fishy air.
- PeterPeterpushedtyöntelia prawnkatkarapuaaround his plateympäri lautastawith a forkhaarukalla, pretending not to notice, but he was hurt by her obvious boredom.
- SheHäntoyed with it with her fork,pushingtyönnellenitsitäslowlyhitaastiaround the plateympäri lautasta, swirling it into patterns.
- SheHänpushedtyönsia chairtuolinbehind himhänen taakseenand he dropped on to it, sitting forward, gripping the sideboard.
- There were newspapers on a table, the story was on an open page and ifMarshallMarshallhad not closed the paper andpushedtyöntänytitsitäbeneath othersmuiden alle, Wickham's curiosity would not have been aroused.
- SheHänpushedtyönsia cigarettesavukkeenbetween her dry lipskuivien huuliensa väliinthen fumbled in her coat pocket for a lighter and, cupping her trembling fingers around the flame, lit it and inhaled deeply.
- One evening at the Village Vanguard Krassner introduced Wilcock tothe comedian whose black humourkoomikon, jonka musta huumoripushedveicomedykomiikanbeyond any of the mild Eisenhower era limits of Shelley Berman and Bob Newhartyli Shelley Bermanin ja Bob Newhartin Eisenhowerin aikakaudella asettamien laimeiden rajojen.
- My mother wasthe kind of person whosellainen ihminen, jokapushedpatistiyoumuitabeyond your own boundsylittämään omia rajojaan.
- Just days after a truce was agreed, Khmer Rouge guerrillas planted explosives on roads in Kompong Thom province to haltreinforcementsapuvoimiabeing<empty>pushedtunkeutumastanorthpohjoiseenby Phnom PenhPhnom Penhin.
- SheHänpushedsysäsithe thoughtajatuksenfrom herpois, annoyed at herself.
- ThisTämäpushedtyönsimost regionsvaltaosaa alueistafurther from their original RAWP targets than the full model would have donekauemmas alkuperäisistä RAWP-tavoitteistaan kuin kokonainen malli olisi tehnytand increased the relative shift of resources to the south east.
- When she saw where I was sittingshehänpushedtyönsiher handskätensäin her coat pocketstakintaskuunand ambled over on her shaky heels.
- Mummy, however, was very firm about it, and soChristineChristinerather sulkilypushedtyönsiDonaldDonaldiain his pramalong the lanekujaa pitkinto the commonyhteismaalle.
- Every time there was a call, although 99 times out of a 100 the call was for him,hehänpushedtyönsithe phonepuhelintain my directionminua kohti.
- As he stood in uncertainty, still clutching his rupee,the peoplekansapushedtyönsihimhänetasidesyrjäänin their hurry to buy a little favour with divinity.
- AliceAlicecrumpled it up andpushedtyönsiitseninto the kitchen binkeittiön roskakoriin.
- `Are you suggestingJosephJosephpushedtyönsiherhänetinto the waterveteenas she walked through the harbour?
- SheHänpushedtyönsithe traytarjottimenoff her kneessylistäänand lay back on the pillow.
- The aim is to leap around in an inflated suit andpushtyöntääyour opponentvastustajaoff the matpois matolta.
- Meg stood in the doorway and watchedherhänenpushhätistellessäthe donkeysaasejaoff the short grass of the plateaupois ylätasangon lyhyeltä ruohikoltaandon to the pathkohti polkua.
- The situation is rather similar to that ofpushingtyöntelisia child on a swinglasta keinussa.
- Government reports on Oct. 5 claimed thatthe Hezb-i-Islami forcesHezb-i-Islamin joukothad beenolipushedajettusome 30 kmnoin 30 kmoutside the citykaupungin ulkopuolelle.
- The studentOpiskelijanhas to hone his skills to develop the power and speedtojollapushpuskeathe materialmateriaalipast that limitkyseisen rajan yli.
- Not looking at the cows, but keeping her eyes fixed straight ahead,shehänpushedtaluttiher bikepolkupyöränsäpast themniiden ohiand thenon to the footpathkohti polkua.
- SheHänsat in gloomy silence,pushingtyönnellenher foodruokaaround her platelautasellaan.
- Blindlyhehänpushedtyönsimore noteslisää seteleitäthrough the windowikkunastaand turned away.
- CranstonCranstonpushedtyönsihis facekasvonsato the grillesäleikköön.
- HeHänpushedtyönsia bookkirjaatowards meminua kohti, and raised an eyebrow as I signed my name.
- HeHändropped the lot into a shoe box andpushedtyönsithemneunder the bedsängyn alle.
- SammySammywriggled into his arms andpushedtyönsihis headpäänsäunderneath Tom's chinTomin leuan alle.
- Our MP Mr Ken Hind (Conservative, West Lancs) wrote to people in Scarisbrick saying thathehänhasonpushedvaatinutthe Department of Transportliikenneministeriötäinto accepting the need for a bypass between Ormskirk and Southporthyväksymään ohikulkutien tarpeen Ormskirkin ja Southportin välillä.
- HeHänpushedtyönsithe beeroluenaway from himkauemmas itsestäänwith his rather small girlish handmelko pienellä, tyttömäisellä kädellään.
- Once he nearly caught it butsomeonejokupushedtyönsihimhänetout of the waypois tieltäat the last moment.
- `Now, then, ``saidMrs Parvisrouva Parvissternly andpushedtyönsiMr Brownherra Browninout of the waypois tieltä.
- HeHängrabbed Farrell again andpushedtyönsihis facekasvonsawithin inchestuuman päähän.
- A EUROPEAN rulingEUROOPPALAINEN päätöstodaypushedtyönsiBritainBritanniaacloser to being placed in the dock over the killing by SAS soldiers in Gibraltar of three IRA terroristslähemmäksi oikeuden syytettä siitä, että SAS-sotilaat surmasivat Gibraltarilla kolme IRA-terroristia.
- DollyDollypushedtyönsithe cruetmaustepulloaacross<empty>.
- `Syrup, Mother? ``saidJimmyJimmy,pushingtyöntäenthe tinpurkkiaacross<empty>.
- PushPainaempty needlestyhjät neulatfrom non workingtoimimattomasta asennostato working positiontoiminta-asentoonand make a hem by placing loops of first row worked in main yarn evenly along the row.
- Again, change hands,pushtyönnäthe tillerperäsinvarsito where you were sittingsinne missä istut, watch for the boom, as it swings across, straighten up and sit down on the new side.
- `I have a lot of questions I have to ask you, ``hehänsaid, opening the rear door of the Ford andpushingtyöntäenherhänetinsidesisään, `but first just answer me one thing.
- A small beetlepientä kovakuoriaistahad beenolivatpushedtyöntäneetforwardeteenpäinby the othersMuut.
- PrivatisationYksityistäminenisto betullaanpushedtyöntämäänthroughläpiwithout even the safeguard of a consultative body.
- Then I realized thatshehänwas tryingto<empty>pushtyöntäähimmiestäawaypois.
- TheyHehad consistently failedto<empty>pushajamaanthroughläpireformsuudistuksiawhen governing alone.
- She was no longera nervous little nineteen-year-old thatpelokas, pieni yhdeksäntoistavuotias, jotahehäncouldvoisipushkomennellaaround<empty>as he pleased.
- Management was, however, not satisfied thatdecisionspäätöksethad been really `oli todellapushedvietydownalas``into the high-performance teamshuipputehokkaille tiimeille, and was concerned that production pressures had overridden their concern with group autonomy.
- Bonus payments would be handed out forpushingkasvattamisestaup<empty>voting levelsäänestysmäärien.
- Until recently no one seems to have considered that in addition to filtering lymph,the fluidnesteenmay also beovat myös voineetpushedpoistaaalong<empty>by the lymph nodesimusolmukkeet-- despite these structures being the most prominent features of the system.
- Suddenlyhehänetwas being<empty>pushedtyönnettiinback towards the walltakaisin päin seinää.
- He's a floating penguin that literally toots with joy whenhehänetis<empty>pushedpainetaandown under the waterveden alle.
- `Croquetkroketinwas<empty>pushedpäihittiout<empty>by tennisTennis.
- But once balanced there,itsecan bevoidaanpushedkaataaover<empty>with just one finger.
- For dry harvesting,machines with rotating teethpyörivillä hampailla varustettuja koneitaare<empty>pushedkuljetetaanup and down the bogsnevalla edestakaisinto gently comb the berries from the vines.
- They claim thatthe huge cropvaltava satowill<empty>pushpainaadownalaspriceshinnat, and this, coupled with cheap imported plums from Spain will mean it simply won't be worth picking the fruits.
- The AmericanAmerikkalainengrinned andpushedojensiout<empty>a handkätensä, a formal gesture.
- PushKäännäover<empty>those fried tomatoespaistetut tomaatit, will you, James?
- Holding it back with his shoulder and managing the flashlight under his arm, Forester took one of the cards and forced it into the gap, feeling it bend stiffly ashehänpushedtyönteliitsitäaround the edge of the dooroven reunaa pitkin.
- HeHänhas alreadyoli jopushedpannutthe boatelämänoutrisaiseksia long waykunnollain distancing Sinn Féin from the IRA, yet to no electoral avail.
- Although Liz's body is disposing of alcohol at the rate of about one unit a hour,her last drinkviimeisellä drinkilläänpushedylittiherhänover the legal limit for driving of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of bloodlakisääteisen autolla ajamisen rajan, joka on 80 mg alkoholia 100 ml:ssa verta.
- We often lost each other onthe seven bargesseitsemällä proomulla, jotkabeing<empty>pushedkulkivata thousand milestuhat mailiaup the Zaire RiverZaire-jokea pitkin, once Conrad's Congo.
- This means that the method employed to capture the shrimp in the colder months isa special shrimp neterityinen katkarapuverkko,pushedjota kuljetettiinalongpitkinin the sandy shallows.
- Looking round at the bare orderly room,the chairstuolitpushedtyönnettyinäin<empty>beneath each desk, each typewriter shrouded in its plastic cover, I felt singularly bereft.
- `A long time ago, ``said Weir, drinking deeply fromthe flasktaskumatistaStephenStepheninpushedtarjoamastaover to himhänelle.
- 2The X blockX-palikkaais thensittenpushedtyönnetäänupwardsylöspäin, taking the attacker's fist with it.
- In other words, fire up the Transit,shovesysääevery member of the bandjokainen yhtyeen jäseninsidesisään, come down and make thorough, absolute pigs of yourselves.
- Thenshehänshovedtyönsithe sketch padluonnoslehtiönback into the bagtakaisin laukkuun.
- A waitressTarjoilijashovedtyönsia plate of cocktail bitslautasellisen cocktailpalojabeneath Joshua's noseJoshuan nenän eteen.
- LizLizshovedtyönsiher chairtuoliaanbacktaaksepäin.
- ShoveTyönnätköusmeillethe marmalademarmeladin, Jo.
- Obviously in the presence of some prize bore,AlbertAlberthad scribbled this down andshovedtyönsithe bookkirjanacross the tablepöydän ylito Warnie or JackWarnielle tai Jackille.
- HeHänshovedtyönsia paperpaperinat hernaiselle.
- SheHänreached the house, ran into the front room andshovedtyönsithe suitcasematkalaukunbehind a big, glass case that had a capercailzie in itison vitriinin taakse, jossa oli metso.
- He may have to change his tune ifa swing to the right-wing Republicansrepublikaanien oikeistosiiven heilahdusshovessysäähis beloved Free Democratshänen rakastamansa Vapaat demokraatitbelow the 5 per cent markalle 5 prosentinand soout of the Bundestagulos Bundestagistain the next elections.
- She went into the bathroom andIminämade my own supper by slicing some of the foul cheese andshovingtunkemallaitsenbetween two slices of greased plastic breadkahden voidellun leipäviipaleen väliin.
- Andhehänshovestunkeeitsenin his pockettaskuunsawith some dismissive remarkvähin ääninand wonders what the hell he is to do.
- HeHänshovedtunkimy shirtpaitaniin my mouthminun suuhunifirst, so I wouldn't make a noise.
- ShovingTyönnettyäänthe letterkirjeeninside her bookkirjansa väliinEmilyEmilyhad humped her bicycle down the steps and hurriedly pedalled off towards Kensington High Street.
- Yesterday he was at Hartlepool Labour Hall, surrounded bya dozen or so womentusinan verran naisia, jotkashovingtyönsivätleafletsesitteitäinto envelopeskirjekuoriin.
- Here -- ``hehänshovedtyönsisome geartavaroitaoff the wooden slats of the cockpitsyrjään ohjaamon puisista raoista, `sit down for a bit.
- `Aye, go on you,Iminä'll<empty>shovelykkäänthe kettlevesipannunon the firetulelle, a cup of tea always helps things along.
- Sotheyhejustshovetunkivatsome tapehieman teippiäover itsen päälle.
- Some of themJotkut heistästood uncomplainingly for ten hours, onlyshovingtyönsiväta bundlekäärönpast themohitseena little more forcefully than necessary.
- HeHänpulled Rosheen and Klift to their feet andshovedtyönsithemheidätthrough the doorovesta.
- SheHänshovedtyönsithe thoughtajatuksento the very back of her mindkauas taka-alalle.
- SheHänhung the apron over the back of a chair,shovedtyönsithe saucekastikkeenunder a covering platekannen alle, turned off the gas under the fish-kettle in which herb-scented water had begun to simmer.
- HeHäncast around for a chair,shovedsysäsisome paperspapereitaasidesivuunwith a footjalallaanand perched on the edge of an armchair.
- HeHänpulled the pistol free andshovedtyönsiitsenagainst Hitch's cheekHitchin poskea vasten.
- SoGloriaGloriahadolishovedtyöntänytitsenout of the way under the bedpois tieltä sängyn alle.
- Because they're British, because their character is independent, becausetheyhedon't liketo be<empty>shovedkomentelustaaround<empty>, because they are prepared to take responsibility …
- BennyBennywas<empty>shovedtönäistiindown into a leather-covered chairnahkapäällysteiselle tuolillein an office carved from the living rock.
- MSP's politicsMSP:n poliittiset mielipiteethave beenonshovedtyönnettyso fartoistaiseksito the foreetualalle(presumably to mop up any stray prejudice to their musical influences) their very real talent for balls-out rock'n'roll has been largely ignored.
- He stood open-mouthed by the holly bush and watched asthe dirty pound noteslikaiset punnan setelitwere unrolled, counted, andshovedtyönnettiinunder his nosehänen nenänsä eteen.
- In doing this they have first cheapened the original process of selection which is made meaningless, and then,theyheshovedtyönsivättheir headspäänsäfirmlytiiviistiback into the sandtakaisin hiekkaan.
- WhitlockWhitlockshovedtyönsihimhänetback onto a tarpaulin in the corner of the warehousetakaisin varastorakennuksen nurkalla olevalle suojapeitteelleand scooped up the Browning.
- He slurped as noisily as a ravenous dog, mopping up what was left withhard crusts of bread whichkoviin leivänkuoriin, joitaFather Peterisä Petershovedtyönsibefore himhänen eteensäon a wooden platter.
- The same bottleSama pullo, jonkayousinä'dolitshovedtyöntänythalfwaypuoliksidown his throathänen kurkkuunsa?
- YouSinunalways had to spit it out andshovesysätäitsedown the back of some chairjonkin tuolinselkämykseen.
- `ShoveTungeitseup your armpitkainaloosi!
- `Not really, butyou<empty>might do up your top button andshovekohentaayour tiekravattiasiup<empty>a bithieman-- my mother's watching this.
- There are one or two things you can try, in order to remedy the situation, beforeyousinäfinallythrowheitätyour air pumpilmapumppusiout of the bedroom windowulos makuuhuoneen ikkunasta.
- `I watched him, in his torn and sodden shirt, untilthe cartrattaatlurched round a corner,throwinghorjuttaenhimhänetoff-balancekumoonagainst the railskiskoille; in my dreams I still watch him.
- AugusteAugusterushed to the kitchen across the corridor, returning with a bottle of water, hotly pursued by Boris, andthrewheittiitsenall over FouchardFouchardin päälle.
- CorbettCorbettrepeated his instructions and,throwingheilauttaenhis cloakviittaansaabout himympärillään, went downstairs.
- KeithKeiththrowsviskasihis handskädetabove his headpäänsä yläpuolellein the touchdown sign.
- The policePoliisihastilynopeastithrewmuodostia cordonvartioketjunacross the end of Duke StreetDuke Streetin päähänand here the first clashes occurred.
- In the end,shehänthrewviskasiher pencilkynänsäacross the roomhuoneen poikkiin frustration, then paced over to the window.
- CardiffCardiffthrewheittäytyihimself<empty>backwardstaaksepäinagainst the staircase wallrappukäytävän seinää vasten, as the thing from the stairwell lunged backwards into the darkness, taking the flapping and gutted body of Peters with it, still fastened to its arm.
- When it goes offyousinäthrowheitätitseagainst the wallseinäänto stop the noise.
- SheHänejected the clip andthrewheittiitsenamongst a pile of discarded wooden crates in the corner of the shedvajan nurkkaan hylättyjen puulaatikoiden pinoon, then buried the rifle under a mound of rubble in the pockmarked skip.
- The street lightKatuvalothrewheittistrange shadowsoutoja varjojaamong the hoardingstienvarsimainoksiin.
- Both parentsMolemmat vanhemmatgot very emotional andthrewheittivättheir armskäsivartensaaround herhänen ympärillen, although she had never felt they were very close before.
- Within an hourMr Lock (46)herra Lock (46)began hallucinating,throwingheitelläbookskirjojaaround the classroomympäri luokkahuonettaand clinging to walls, said Miss Sue Longstaff, prosecuting.
- HeHänpulled it off andthrewheittiitsenbehind himtaakseen, revealing himself naked to the waist.
- What safety they offered was debatable, but if worst came to worsthehänwould<empty>throwheittäytyisihimself<empty>beneath a carauton alle, and deny the voiders the entertainment of his slow demise.
- Instinctively,shehändarted forward,throwingheittäytyenherself<empty>between themheidän väliinsä.
- Iminäpulled off my shirt andthrewheitinitsenbeyond the woodpilepuupinon taakse.
- The High Court in Edinburgh heard today that Graeme Ralph (16) was waiting for the Inverness-London sleeper at Falkirk Grahamston station when he sawa manmiehenthrowingheittäväna trolleyostoskärrynfrom a bridgesillalta alas.
- BenedictBenedictalmostthrewpaiskasiherhänetfrom himpois luotaan, and leapt off the bed.
- HeMiesthrewpaiskasiher handhänen kätensäcontemptuouslyhalveksivastifrom himpoisand she rubbed it, wondering if she would ever get rid of the impression of his fingers.
- A TIP: If a power failure occurs (or the mains have to be turned off) temperature loss can be much reduced by justthrowingheittämälläa blanket from the bedsängyn peiteover the aquariumakvaarion ylle.
- He dreamt thatLucieLuciethrewtyöntäisihimhänetfrom the parapet of a bridgesillan kaiteeltainto deep watersyvään veteen, with a stone statue of Garvey tied round his neck.
- She had heardthe cops on Plentyettä Plentyn poliisitdidn't even botherthrowingheittämäänyousinuain jailputkaan.
- The boyPoikawaved his stick round his head andthrewheittiitseninto the pooluima-altaaseen.
- CLIVE SPUN around and collapsed at the same time, heaving from his shoulders ina spasm whichpuuskana, jokathrewheittiNinaNinanoff his backpois hänen selästään.
- TheyHetry andthrowkaristaathe houndskoiratoff the scenthajun kannoiltaand generally disrupt things.
- Be very careful of old fluorescent light tubes, which can explode if dropped, and never puncture old aerosol cans orthrowheitäthemniitäon a firetuleen.
- Feathers, who was not Harry's father, told the courthehänenthrewheittäneenthe babyvauvanon the bedsängyllebecause he would not stop crying.
- Do notÄläthrowheitärubbishroskiaonto an open fire in the livingavotuleenroom.
- Andhehäntook out the keys andthrewheittithemneonto the bonnetkonepellille.
- Even the violent messages, whenshehänthrewheittelithingsesineitäround the roomympäri huonetta, went unheeded.
- One of the young labourersYksi nuorista työläisistähadolithrownheittänyta bricktiiliskiventhrough a windowikkunasta, the part of the house still standing.
- His right hand took hold of the guard's tie and collar andhehänthrewpaiskasihimhänetbackwards through the doorwaytaaksepäin sisäänkäynnin läpi.
- HeHänthrewheittäytyihimself<empty>almost sidewayslähes sivuttainthrough the gapaukosta, rolling across the ground as much to put out the fire that was burning him as to lessen the momentum of the fall.
- At his commandallkaikkifour took off their masks and tracksuit tops andthrewheittivätthemnethrough the windowsikkunoistaon to the garage floorautotallin lattialle.
- ThrowsHeittääher bouquetkukkakimppunsato her unmarried friendsnaimattomille ystävilleenbefore she leaves.
- He sawhimmiehenthrowheittävänthe noosesilmukantowards himhäntä kohti.
- OfficialdomByrokratia's response has beento<empty>throwtuhlatamore moneylisää rahaaat the problemongelmaan.
- `More wine? ``shehänasked,throwingheittäenher coattakkinsacarelesslyhuolettomastion to a sofa in the drawing-roomsalin sohvalle.
- Er I know there were complaints thatpeopleihmisetusedto<empty>throwheittäärubbishroskiaout of the windowsulos ikkunoista.
- She sayshemiehenthrowsheittelevänthingsesineitäwithout thinking about the damage it does.
- Several smoke bombsuseita savupommejawere<empty>thrownheittivätby Catholic youngsters who had gathered at Shipquay StreetShipquay Streetille kokoontuneet katoliset nuorukaiset, stones were thrown and a policeman was knocked unconscious.
- A big rockison kivenwas<empty>thrownheittiby a manMiesat the front of Mr Deane's Mercedesherra Deanen Mercedeksen keulaan.
- Hehänetwas<empty>thrownheittibackwardstaaksepäinby the forceVoima.
- He knocked on the door anditsenwas<empty>thrownpaiskasiopenaukiby BernardBernard, oozing bonhomie from a silk dressing-gown.
- “ ALLIminutremember was the sudden transition from abseiling, to being battered and pummelled andthrownpaiskattiinviolentlyrajustidown the mountainalas vuorelta.
- At leastone eggyksi munawas<empty>thrownheitettiinin Luton, Beds, on March 28.
- HeHänthrewheittithe letterkirjeenasidesivuun, and went to stare at his Supper at Emmaus.
- I foundan old coatvanhan takinthrownheitetynacross a garbage canroskatynnyriinin a back alley.
- The bear scarcely repaid the compliment but sat on his hindquarters, hungrily stuffing his great muzzle from a pile ofscrapsruoantähteitäthrownheitettyjäaround himsen ympärille.
- As it was, marchers approaching John Street had to dodge a fusillade ofmissilesammuksiathrownheittämiäby the loyalistslojalistien.
- The England vice-captain was later hit bya stonekivithrownheitettyfrom the crowdväkijoukostawhen he was fielding on the boundary
- The Lieutenantluutnantti,thrownheitettyfrom the saddleSatulasta, was kicked in the pelvis by a thrashing hoof.
- On this occasionthe officialsvirkamiehetthrownheitetytfrom the windowikkunoistamanaged to survive, since they landed in deep piles of castle refuse.
- ``Mounted troops pursued some of the crowd through Christian Street andthe womennaisetthrewheittelivätfrom the windowsikkunoistaall they could lay hands onkaikkea mitä saivat käsiinsä.
- SomeJotkutshehändiscarded andthrewheittiinto the firetuleen, others she kept.
- Of24,200 workers24 200 työläistäthrownpotkaistiinon the dolekortistoonlast month, more than half were from the once prosperous region.
- If it looks goodhehänthrowsheittääonsiihenmore woodlisää puuta, if it looks bad he throws on more paraffin.
- She made the headlines by havinga glass of winelasi viiniäthrownkaatuiover herhänen päälleenat the plushy Caprice restaurant in London.
- Alex Stewart hada Coke bottlekokispullothrownheitettiinpast himvierestäand Phil Tufnell also had various things directed at him.
- She says that it's horrible, they getbrickstiiliskiviäthrownheitetäänthrough their windowsheidän ikkunoistaanand clothes lines cut down.
- That was apparently the case in Cleveland last week when an officer was knocked out bya concrete chunkbetonijärkäleelläthrownheitetylläthrough a windscreentuulilasin läpi.
- Foreign objectsvierasesineetinnocentlythrownheitetytto dolphinsDelfiineillemay cause their death, as happens with dolphins in captivity.
- He caughtthe pliers thatpihdit, jotkashenainenthrewheittito himhänelle, and the ball of string, and then went to hold the step-ladder steady while Kitty descended.
- She would grit her teeth and takeeverythingkaiken, mitähemiesthrewkohdistiat herhäneen-- for the time being.
- The attack in the forest was attempted murder and he now drew the same conclusion aboutthe daggertikaristathrownheitetystäat himhäntä kohtithe previous day.
- `PassengersMatkustajiaare requested notto<empty>throwheittämättäout of the windowulos ikkunastaanything likely to injure men working on the linemitään, mikä voisi vahingoittaa linjalla työskenteleviä miehiä``, said a notice in the compartment.
- Even whenthrownjouduttuaaninto of one of the British torture campsyhteen Britannian kidutusleireistähehänrefused to submit.
- `WeMeitäweren'teithrownheitettyaboutminnekäänand we weren't injured.
- Simmer with plenty of fish sauce, of course, and perhaps some fresh ginger slices, and then remove them andthrowheitäinsekaanfinely sliced lemon grass and kaffir lime leafhienoksi pilkottua sitruunaruohoa ja kaffirlimetinlehteä.
- And he added: `The batMailaawas<empty>thrownheiteltiinabout<empty>with an abandon that was strangely absent from their efforts in the one-dayers.
- Road tests carried out twenty years ago show howpassengersmatkustajatcan bevoivatthrownheittelehtiäaroundympäriinsäin a crash.
- The living turtleElävä kilpikonnais thensittenthrownheitetäänback into the watertakaisin veteen, in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell.
- In 1602theyheidätwere<empty>thrownheitettiindownalasfrom the walls of GenevaGeneven muureiltawhich they had assaulted by surprise.
- Another stun grenadetoinenkin tainnutuskranaattiwas<empty>thrownheitettiininSisäänand a third soldier hurled himself through the window after it, before it had exploded.
- The bodyRuumiswas<empty>thrownheitettiinoff<empty>on to the trackraiteilleand the investigators with the exception of Sherlock Holmes were deceived into believing it had fallen from a carriage.
- But he also knew the momenthehänthrewheittiawaypoisthe shotgunhaulikon, he was also throwing away his last hope of survival.
- Lids unscrewed from jars, boxes opened,bookskirjatthrownheitettyoff the shelveshyllyiltä.
- Mr Hurkett, who was with the couple's eldest daughter Emma, seven, sawhis wifehänen vaimonsathrownpaiskautuneenover the car roofauton katon yli.
- ThrowKerääovermukaana covering of compost, peat, leaves or newspaperkompostin katetta, turvetta, puunlehtiä tai sanomalehtiä, wrap with sacking or cartons, and hardy plants will then be happy enough, for a few weeks if need be.
- Working frantically and fastFrancaFrancadragged her clothes out of the wardrobe, carried them onto the landing andthrewheittithemnedown the stairsportaita alas.
- “HeHänmight haveoli saattanutthrownheittääitsenover the cliffrantakallion yli. ”
- That bit aboutthrowingheittämisestäthe stonekivenup the alleykujalleto make him rush off after it, I got that from a detective story.
- I continuously pick uplitterroskiathrownjättämiädown<empty>by othersmuiden.
- Rocks stained a particular colour, sudden changes in vegetation,materialaineksetthrownoksentamatup<empty>by borrowing animalskoloissa asuvien eläinten-- all these could provide evidence of a mineral deposit.
- Firms that should be investing and preparingYritykset, joiden tulisi investoida ja valmistautua,are<empty>throwingluopuvatoverboard<empty>, just to survive,research, design and everything, including model changes and investment,tutkimuksesta, suunnittelusta ynnä muusta, mallimuutokset ja investoinnit mukaan lukien,to struggle through a depression that the Government have created.
- A Soviet kitchen handNeuvostoliittolainen keittiöapulainen, hit on the head andthrownheitettyoverboardyli laidan.
- He ran to help and found that, instead of repairing it,menmiehetwere<empty>thrustingtyönsivätwhat they couldkaiken mitä voivatinto cartskärryihin, still under its netting.
- SheHänthrusttyönsithe paperpaperinacross the desktiskin yli, then was gone almost as fast as she'd come.
- HeHänthrusttyönsithe coinkolikonamong his clothesvaatteisiinsaand started to run away but turned back to say, `You a Yankee, Mister?
- Their scent came up to him ashehänmade for the stage door,thrustingtyönsihis noteviestinsäcarefullyvarovastiamong the rain-wet bloomssateesta märkien kukkien sekaan.
- This article inaugurated Rothermere's massive press campaign which helpedto<empty>thrustsinkoamaanthe BUFBUF:nfrom comparative obscurityverrattaisesta tuntemattomuudestainto the limelightparrasvaloihin.
- Instantly,shehänthrusttyönsiitsenfrom herluotaanas though it were the plague.
- Alternatively, hold a heavy medicine ball in both hands, bend your elbows andthrusttyönnäitsitäfrom youloitommalle.
- When Sarah was leaving,MaggieMaggiethrustlykkäsia parcelpaketinin her armshänen käteensä.
- HeHänleaned back in his chair andthrusttyönsihis handskätensäinside his trouser pocketshousuntaskuihin.
- Finallyhehänstood up,thrustingtyönsihis handskätensäinto the pockets of his black trousersmustien housujensa taskuihin.
- MichaelMichaelimpatientlythrusttyönsihimhäneton one sidesyrjäänand brought out the sack.
- SamSamthrusttyönsihis legjalkansaover the sillkynnykselle.
- It is quite commonplace formeMinulleto<empty>thrusttyöntäämy handkätenipast my ferretshillerieni ohi, grab a rabbit by its hind legs and pull it past the ferret.
- TheyHeunlocked this gate andthrusttyönsivätmeminutthrough itsen läpi, locked it behind me.
- TzannTzannthrusttyönsithe sealed orderssinetöidyt määräyksetto one sidesyrjään, on top of a small pile of unopened mail.
- MervynMervyndid not answer butthrusttyönsithe bookkirjaatowards himhäntä kohti.
- The whisper madehimhänetstir in his sleep, turning andthrustingtyöntämäänone armtoisen kädenunder the pillowtyynyn alle.
- AceAcetriedto<empty>thrusttyöntääa ghostly neural net crystalaavemaisen hermoverkkokiteenunderneath the Doctor's noselääkärin nenän eteenand only succeeded in pushing it out of the image field.
- ClasperClasperthrew the useless microphone to the ground andthrusttyönsia rolled up newspaperrullatun sanomalehdenaloftilmaan, which he brandished furiously in his left hand.
- Thenshehänthrusttyönsia footjalanagainst her husband's sideaviomiehensä kylkeä vasten, saying, `You had your answer, didn't you?
- SheHänpushed back her slim shoulders beneath the red jacket she was wearing andthrustnostiher chinleukansaat himhäntä kohtidefiantly.
- The mechanism thatMekanismi, jokathrusttyönsihimhänetaway from advertisingpois mainosalaltaandinto politicskohti politiikkaaand enabled him to change his life was the London Business School.
- A white line of fury around his mouth,hehänlifted the gold locket around her neck and, opening it with his thumbnail,thrusttyönsiitsenbefore her eyesnaisen silmien eteen.
- Knee: Protect your groin and throat, yell, andthrusttyönnäyour hiplantiosiforwardeteenpäinfor extra power.
- A handKäsithrusttyönsia large glossy photographsuurikokoisen, kiiltävän valokuvanout of the windowulos ikkunastaand waved it under Earle's nose.
- ButLisa's high society wedding to Marco last August, attended by Michael and Shakira Caine, Keith Floyd and Albert Roux,Lisan ja Marcon viime elokuiset hienostohäät, joihin osallistuivat Michael ja Shakira Caine sekä Keith Floyd ja Albert Roux,thrusttyönsiherhänetfrom being a successful modelkauemmas menestyvän mallin urastainto full membership of Diana's prized circleja lähemmäs Dianan arvostetun lähipiirin täysjäsenyyttä.
- HeHänseized her andthrusttyönsihernaisenoutsideulos.
- In the southern Appalachians,Cambrian to Devonian sedimentsKambri- ja devonikautiset kerrostumatwere crumpled andthrusttyöntyivätnorthwestwardsluoteeseen päinover Carboniferous and older stratakivihiilikautisten ja niitä vanhempien kerrosten päälleat the end of Carboniferous time to form the Plateaus and Valley and Ridge provinces.
- At lengthhehänreached his hotel andwas<empty>thrusttyöntyithrough the front doorsetuovista sisäänby the sheer momentum of the crowdsilkasta väkijoukon voimasta.
- He began striding away, wishing to put as much distance as possible between himself andthis nightmare thattähän painajaiseen, jokahad beenolithrusttyönnettytowards himhänelle.
- Inthis new life whichtässä uudessa elämässä, jokahad beenolithrusttyönnettyupon herhänelle, she felt that she must surround herself with a little group of servants whom she knew to be loyal to her.
- TommyTommyhadolithrusttyöntänyta bayonetpistimenright through its bellysuoraan sen vatsan läpi.
- TaczekTaczekthrustsinkauttihimselfitsensäupylösfrom his chairtuolistaanand patted his jacket and trousers to remove any creases.
- The attackerHyökkääjänow completes the turn andthruststyöntäähis right legoikean jalkansaout<empty>towards his opponentkohti vastustajaa.
- For one moment he almost fell again, thenhehänthrusttyönsione legtoista jalkaansaforwardeteenpäin, finding his balance.
- He reckoned he had done well to get away with two cups of tea and forty minutes of reminiscence before an opening arose tothrustesittääkseenin<empty>a questionkysymyksen.
- At what are called destructive' plate margins,the surface material of one platetoisen mannerlaatan pintamateriaaliis subducted (that is,thrusttyöntyydownalas) beneath the surface material of the adjacent plate, rejoining the molten rock of the mantle.
- With an abrupt gesture, the dark, bony, black-clad hands came up andthe hoodhuppuwasolithrusttyönnettybacktaakse.
- OarsAirotwere<empty>thrusttyönnettiinoutvesille, and the ship got under control.
- For instance, broad policies for assisting new enterprise may simply result insome businessesjotkut liikeyrityksetbeing<empty>thrusttyöntyvätupesiinonto the crowded platformahtaalle näyttämölleat the expense of others pushed off it.
- JulietJulietthrusttyönsibacktakaisinthe filekansionand hurried down the ward.
- ShionaShionathrusttyönsiupylösher chinleukansaand looked straight at him.
- HeHänthrusttyönsiopenaukihis bedroom doormakuuhuoneensa oven, turned, hands in the pockets of that immaculate dark blue suit.
- HeHäntossednakkasithe expensive silkkalliin silkinawaypoisas though it were a rag, revealing the bold, hard contours of his chest.
- Add to bowl andtosssekoitasalad ingredientssalaattiaineksettogethertoisiinsagentlykevyesti.
- SheHäntossednakkasithe letterkirjeenacross the tablepöydän yli.
- HeHänfolded the paper andtossednakkasiitsenacross the tablepöydän ylito eagerly awaiting handsinnokkaasti odottaviin käsiin.
- PaulPaulpulled several cubes of sugar from his pocket andtossednakkasithemneamong the childrenlapsille, and they squealed and fought among themselves, passing the prizes eventually from hand to hand.
- To learn to juggle, take one ball and practisetossingheittelemälläitsitäfrom hand to hand in an easy arckädestä toiseen kaarimaisesti.
- SheHänbegan to struggle,tossingviskelemäänher headpäätäänwildlyvillistifrom side to sidepuolelta toisellein an effort to avoid his marauding lips.
- LaisLaistossednakkasiher cigarettesavukkeensafrom the windowikkunasta.
- At the stationIminäpick up my other parcel from Left Luggage, andtossnakkaanitsenin a holdallkassiin.
- Andanimals with hornssarvekkaat eläimethave sometimes managedto<empty>tossnakkaamaantheir tormentorskiusaajansahighkorkeallein the airilmaanwhen making a last-ditch stand.
- TossHeitäthe potatoesperunatin the buttervoin sekaan, spoon into a warmed serving dish and garnish with more sprigs of basil.
- YmorYmorcrumpled the note andtossednakkasiitseninto a cornernurkkaan.
- HeHäntook out the letter andtossednakkasiitsenon the countertiskille.
- GrahamGrahamtook an envelope from his pocket andtossednakkasiitsenonto the sofasohvalle.
- HeHänhadolitossednakannuthis coattakkinsaover the back of a chairtuolinselkämykselleand was pouring whiskies.
- HeHäntossednakkasia glittering objectkiiltelevän esineenthrough the airilmojen halki.
- HeHäntook two pears from a bowl andtossednakkasionetoisento RostovRostoville.
- HeHändrew out a pack of five cigars andtossednakkasithemnetowards Mosskohti Mossia.
- HeHänturned andtossednakkasia pennypenninat the lad still squatting in the cornerpojalle, joka kyykki yhä nurkassa.
- TravisTravisstripped off his shirt andtossednakkasiitsenasidesyrjäänbefore unrolling the sleeping-bag and spreading it before the fire.
- And another at the 15th, a hole whereso many second shotsniin monta toista lyöntiäwere beingolitossednakannutby the angry windkiukkuinen tuuliover the clifftopalas kalliolta.
- It's difficult to be sure, but I'd say he'd been put in the water immediately after death and thathehän's beenolitossedheittelehtinytabout<empty>in shallow water over a rocky bottomkivipohjaisessa matalikossaever since.
- ADRIFT:YachtsJahtejawereolitossedviskeltyaroundympäriinsälike toyskuin lelujain the harboursatamassa
- His fatherHänen isänsäwas more than six foot andcouldsaattoitossheittääthe caberhirrenfurther than any man in Bunarkaigpidemmälle kuin yksikään mies Bunarkaigissa.
- Carla and NickCarla ja Nickwere sitting on the grass,languidlylaiskastitossingheitellenSara's frisbeeSaran frisbeetäto and froedestakaisin.
- The boat was gone completely, andhehänwas<empty>tossedpyöriskelithis wayympäriinsäand that in the water.
- And so the gulls can absorb or accommodate the pressures of the wind, standing apparently unconcerned ingusts whichtuulenpuuskissa, jotkaare<empty>tossingheittelevätaroundympäriinsä180-litre oil drums180-litraisia öljytynnyreitälike playthingskuin leikkikaluja.
- His first experience of the conflict betweentwo powerful menkahden voimakkaan miehen, jotka,tossingpallottelivatbetween themkeskenäänthe idea of warsodan käsitteellä.
- There was a wild look about him, withthe green cloakvihreän viitantossingheittelehtiessäfrom his shouldershänen hartioillaanand light reflected burning in his eyes.
- All they had to do was pile the earth back on top of the coffin andtossnakatainmukaana few bulbs of garlicmuutama valkosipulijust to be on the safe side.
- When the Muni Mob and Jimmy Cagney had a gang war,theyhetossedheittelivätin<empty>hand grenadeskäsikranaattejaevery twenty minutes.
- Wash the grapes and halve them, thentossheitäinto the bowlkulhoon.
- The burnt bed was broken up andpiecespalasiatossedoli heiteltythrough the windowikkunastainto the courtyard belowalla olevalle pihamaalle.
- She sank down on to the bed and glanced atthe writing pad thatlehtiötä, jonkashehän'dolitossednakannuttheresinneafter a brief effort to write to Arnie.
- This is strictlyundemanding garbagehelppoa roskaatossednakattuat the youth marketnuorisolle, for whom Slater is the nearest thing to the new James Dean.
- And this was mostly because ofold machine toolsvanhoja työstökoneitabeingolitossedheitettyawaypois.
- A BITTER David Gower blasted England's selectors last night after he was virtually the last to hearheettä hänethad beenolitossedheitettyback into the cricketing wildernesstakaisin sivuraiteille.
- It was justa casual phrase thathuoleton sanonta, jotawas<empty>tossedheiteltiinback and forth between acquaintancespuolin ja toisin tuttavien välillä, and meant nothing -- only she didn't want it to mean nothing.
- At first she had been surprised whena flask and a chunk of breadjuomapullo ja leivänpalahad beenolitossednakattudown to herhänellethat first night, until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet.
- The PLAYERPELAAJAtossesheittäädownpöytäänhis last coinviimeisen kolikkonsaby way of paying up, and turns away.
- And God says the wicked are like the tossing sea, for it can not be quiet, andit's waterssen vedettossheittävätupesiinrefuse and mudroskaa ja mutaa.
- HeHänsank back into his chair as Pyke and I walked away from the table, andtossedkippasithe whiskyviskindown his throatkurkkuunsa.
- The carVaunuwasolitossedlentänyt20 yards20 jaardin päähändown the lineraiteiltaand Swales, 27, his sister Louise, 24, and girlfriend Maria Garbutt, 28, died instantly.
- HeHänsmiled, taking a last draw on the cigarette beforetossingheittiitsenover the railkaiteen yli.
- Then he glanced aside, and yelled, `Watch out! ``ashehäntuggedkiskaisihis axekirveensäfreeirti.
- It unrolled ashehäntuggedkiskaisiitsenacross the bedroom floormakuuhuoneen lattian poikki, and inside was the blood-soaked corpse of Maria Shill.
- IminätuggedNykäisinhimhänetgentlylempeästialong the walkwayjalkakäytävälle, which was made of planks, I discovered, with short mooring posts sticking up at intervals, needing me to lift his legs over one at a time.
- HollyHollytook the bread andtuggedrepäisiitsitäbetween his fingerssormiensa väliinand wolfed it to his mouth.
- BlancheBlanchetuggednyppäsia handkerchiefnenäliinanfrom her baglaukustaanand blew her nose violently as if to remove the smell of urine from her nostrils.
- Eagerlyshehäntuggedrepäisithe cardkortinoff the Cellophane wrappingsellofaanikääreestään-- then stared at it in confusion.
- HeHäntuggedvetäisia fur-lined hatturkisreunaisen hatunover his cropped white hairlyhyeksi leikatun valkoisen tukkansa peitoksias he approached the transit van, his eyes riveted on Vasili's face.
- Dropping her head,shehäntuggedvetäisia brushharjanvigorouslytarmokkaastithrough the rippling red-goldaaltoilevan punakullan läpi, and then tossed it all back in a wild wavy curtain.
- `Don't be silly! ``snapsthe womannainen,tuggingkiskoenher offspringjälkikasvuaanthrough the throngväkijoukon halki.
- Catching her hand,hehänbegantuggingkiskoahernaistaback towards the cartakaisin kohti autoa.
- SheHäntwined her fingers through Piers's andtuggednykäisihimhänettowards the doorkohti ovea.
- NinaNinatook her hand again, andtuggedvetäisiherhänetaway from the open doorpois avoimelta ovelta.
- OneYksiof them beganto<empty>tugnykiähis carbinekarbiiniaout of its holsterulos kotelostaan.
- HeHänsighed andtuggednykäisihernaisencloserlähemmäksi.
- Andhehänstrode to her, grabbing her wrist andtuggingkiskaisihernaisenupstairsyläkertaan.
- The waters of the world's oceansMaailman valtamerten vedetare<empty>tuggedpyrkivätoutwardsulospäinby the gravitational pull of the moonkuun vetovoiman vaikutuksesta: a hill of water forms in the middle of the ocean when the moon is appropriately positioned above it.
- At the end of the second hymn -- Ye -- Holy -- Angels -- Bright -- Who-o-o-o wait at God's right hand! -- Henry foundhimselfhäntäbeing<empty>tuggedkiskoneenforwardeteenpäinby ElinorElinorin.
- Then I feltmy sleevehihaanibeing<empty>tuggednyittävändownwardsalaspäinand my feet swept from under me and suddenly I was lying next to Werewolf.
- A section of the hardboard wallOsa kovalevyisestä seinästäwasolituggedvetäistyasidesyrjään, and Chrissie glimpsed the pale, unshaven features of the man who lived in the concealed room.
- The gagSuukapulawasolituggedvedettyback into placetakaisin paikalleen, cutting off Connelly's exhortations for mercy.
- NATO's discomfort will grow if reform spreads to perestroika-resistant East Germany;West GermanyLänsi-Saksaawould be<empty>tuggedsysittäisiinhardervoimakkaammintowards neutrality and thoughts of re-unificationkohti puolueettomuutta ja ajatusta uudelleen yhdistymisestä.
- She felt her eyelids dropping and woke just in time to feelher handkättäänbeing<empty>tuggedvedettäväntowards the throbbing drumskohti jyskyttäviä rumpuja.
- Here, we are concerned with the former, relaxed and floppy, with huge jackets as comfortable as cardigans androomy trousersväljät housut, jotka ondesignedto be<empty>tuggedvedettäviksiinkokoonwith a sturdy leather belttukevalla nahkavyöllä.
- The weight of the engine tugged his nose down andhehänenhad to keeptuggingnykimistäitsenupylösagain.
- Iminätuggednykäisinthe ribbonnauhaaand lifted the lid and heard myself give a harsh shout of anger and rejection and probably shame.
- It was a very gentle push, which Yanto did not believe was a serious attempt to stop him, so, as he swayed back against her,hehäntuggednykäisithemniitädownalaspäinanother inchvielä tuuman.
- Butsomething inside mejokin sisälläniwas<empty>tuggingvetiin the other directiontoiseen suuntaan.
- HarryHarrytuggednykäisibacktakaisinthe curtainsverhotand squinted out at the painful brightness of a frosty morning.
- “ If you did, you'd never try to pull the wool … ”hehänreached up andtuggedtyönsidown<empty>her hatnaisen hattuafurtherkauemmasover her foreheadtämän otsalta“ … over my eyes, ” he breathed.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>tugkiskoaoffpoishis masknaamiotaan.
- Furious with Gilbert's panic,RohmerRohmerpushed past him andyankedriuhtaisithe doorovenwideammolleen.
- IminäyankedRiuhtaisinthe doorovenopenaukiand hit the threshold running.
- SheHänyankedkiskaisithe sleeping-bagmakuupussineven highervielä korkeammalle.
- IrisIrisyankedkiskaisiher leotardtrikooasunsafrom a drawervetolaatikostaand headed for the bathroom.
- Negligentlyhehänreached into a front garden andyankednykäisia flowerkukanfrom its treepuusta.
- HeHänrode at it, braked,yankedkiskaisiMarianaMariananoff the pillionpois takaistuimeltaand yelled at her to climb.
- Grabbing her by the arm,hemiesyankedriuhtaisiherhänetto her feetjaloilleen.
- SheHänyankedkiskoiAnnaAnnaatoward the carkohti autoaand didn't stop even when the child stumbled and almost fell.
- He put his hand in his jacket pocket, searching for his wallet, and as he did,DougDoug, serious now,yankedriuhtaisiHarryHarryntowards himitseään kohtiand whispered in tones from which all traces of his cockney accent were now absent.
- Avoid long trailing flexes wherever possible; they are a trip hazard, anda careless foothuolimaton askelcouldsaattaayankkiskaistathe flexsähköjohdonout of a plug or applianceliittimestä tai laitteesta, or pull the appliance over.
- It would have been easy foranyonekenen tahansato reach in andyankkiskaistaa clubmailaout of the baglaukusta.
- She gasped ashemiesyankedkiskaisiherhänetcloserlähemmäksi.
- HeHänyankskiskoomeminutupylösby the hairhiuksista.
- TerryTerrygrabbed at Joe's hands and triedto<empty>yankkiskaistathemneawaypois, but the grip was too strong.
- He felthimselfitseäänyankedkiskottavanacross the roomhuoneen poikkiand flung across his father's legs, his body protected while his outstretched hand dangled like bait in the dog's face.
- Thenshehänpulled the biscuit tin towards her across the table,yankedkiskoenoffaukithe lidkannen.
- SheHänturned back andyankedriuhtaisishutkiinnithe door from where the offending smell cameoven, josta haitallinen haju tuli.
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