TransFrameNet:Cause impact
bang.v 🔎
- LukeLukegrabbed hold of her arm and brought her up short, half dragging her through,bangingpaukauttaenthe kitchen doorkeittiön ovenshutkiinnibehind themheidän takanaan.
- ButLeeLeebangedpamauttihis headpäänsäagainst the shedkatokseeneven hardervielä kovempaa.
- HeHänwent over andbangedpamauttion the panelpaneeliaso hard that his knuckles hurtniin kovaa, että hänen rystysiinsä sattui-- even so, he knew that he'd be lucky if he were heard.
- SheHänbangedpamauttithe receiverkuulokkeendownpaikalleenso hard the telephone skidded off the bedside table and clattered to the floorniin kovaa, että puhelin luiskahti yöpöydältä ja kolahti lattialle.
- `There ought to be a law against it, ``replied Dorothy emphatically, asshehänbangedpaiskoiknives and forksveitsiä ja haarukoitadown<empty>on to the tablepöydälle.
- The Home SecretarySisäministeribangedpaukauttihis fistnyrkkinsäsharplyterävästion the heavy table before themheidän edessään olevaan raskasrakenteiseen pöytään.
- HeHänhadolibangedpaukauttanuthis glasslasinsaon the tablepöytäänand it was not for her to disobey.
- HeHänbeganbangingtakoahis headpäätäänagainst the wallseinään, vomiting up his food, lost a great deal of weight and was eventually taken to hospital.
- Without speaking,shehänelbowed him out of the way and continued with her baking, thumping andbangingvaivaamistathe doughtaikinaninto shapemuotoonsa, all the time her tears falling silently.
- On the floor, ``the corporal bellowed, ashehänentered the billet andbangedpaukuttithe frame on the end of every bed he passedjokaisen ohittamansa sängynpäädyn runkoawith his canekävelykepillään.
- Iminäwantto<empty>bangiskeämy skullkalloanirepeatedlytoistuvastion the road surfacetienpintaanuntil it hurtskunnes se tekee kipeää.
- LaidlawLaidlawbangedpamauttithe steering wheelohjauspyörääangrilyvihaisestiwith his fistnyrkillään.
- HeHänkeptbanginglyömistämy legjalkaniwith his little rubber hammerpienellä kumivasarallaanto test my reflexestestatakseen refleksejäni, but there was no reaction.
- Meeting Jack in his butch horn-rims gave me a feeling of intense familiarity, and the first timewe<empty>bangedosuivatglassessilmälasimmetogethertoisiinsain mid-kisskesken suudelmanI knew it was sight at first love.
- ButIminäwas an alien being in a green screen world, lost, weeping with rage and frustration, cuffing the poor old computer,bangingpaukuttaenmy headpäätänioff the keyboardnäppäimistöön.
- GrantGrantshouts at his boat,bangingpaukuttaenan angry palmvihaista kämmentäänonto the wheelruoriin.
- My faceKasvoniwas<empty>bangediskettiinagainst the wallseinäänand my assailants disappeared.
- The shuttersIkkunaluukutwere<empty>bangedpaukautettiinshutkiinni.
- The outside door beyond the kitchenKeittiössä oleva ulko-oviscraped open andwas<empty>bangedpaukautettiinshutkiinni.
- SheHänbangedtakoithe heel of her handskämmenentyveäänagainst the side of her headpäätään vastenin an effort to drive away the demonsajaakseen demonit pois.
- Mrs MurphyRouva Murphybangedtakoiwith her gavelnuijallaan, rather more cautiously this time.
- The sharp sound ofSister Mary's handsisar Maryn kädenbangingpaukauttaessadown<empty>on the square of writing paperkirjoituspaperin reunustastopped the chanting.
clang.v 🔎
- Just thenBiffBiffstartedclangingsoittamaanthe iron trianglerautaista triangeliato summon them together.
clash.v 🔎
- At regular, but otherwise apparently arbitrary points during the servicean acolyteavustajawould emerge from a recess, face the congregation andclashlyöthe cymbalssymbaalitviolentlyvoimakkaastitogether.
- Close by the doorwaytwo boyskaksi poikaaclashlyöcymbalssymbaaleja,hardkovaaso they hit together squarely, hollow full against cupped hollow.
- Bedu's rhythmics lessons gotus allmeidät kaikkibanging bongos,clashinglyömääncymbalssymbaaleja, dashing round the gym and holding a rhythm against all comers.
clatter.v 🔎
- As I have mentioned, servants are normally invisible for Jane Austen, who identifies ministering hands only when, as at Portsmouth in Mansfield Park,theyhebang the doors andclatterkolisuttavatthe cutleryaterimia.
- Quickly thrusting the thought away,shehänclatteredkilauttithe glasslasinagainst her teethhampaisiinsa, gulped a larger mouthful than she intended, and struggled desperately not to cough.
- TheyHeclatteredkolistelivattheir spoonslusikoitaandutifullyaround their plateslautasillaan.
click.v 🔎
- HeHänclickedkilistiher glasslasiaanwith hisnaisen omaan, smirked, and drank to the bottom.
- HeHänclickednapsauttihis heelskantapäitäänand kissed her hand in true Teutonic manner.
- HeHänturned to Leonore,clickingnapsauttaenhis heelskantapäitäänsmartlyfiksusti.
clink.v 🔎
- Occasionally I hearSuzieSuziendownstairsclinkkilisteleväna piece of crockeryastiaa.
- HeHänwrites his cards andclinkskilisteleethe icejääpalojain his glasslasissaan.
- RoryRorysmiled, sucking air through his teeth at the same time,clinkedkilauttione thumbnailpeukalonkynnelläagainst his glasslasiinsa.
- WoolleyWoolleyclinkedkilistiher glasshänen lasiaan.
- With another chuckle,DonalDonalclinkedkilistihis glasslasiaanagainst hersnaisen lasia vasten.
- Desmond grinned across the restaurant table at Shiona astheyheclinkedkilistivätchampagne glasses togethersamppanjalasejaan.
- HeHänheld up his cup,clinkedkilistiitsitäon Cameron'sCameronin lasia vasten, and gave him a deliberate nod.
hit.v 🔎
- All the childrenKaikki lapsetnownythitkopauttivatthe top of the packpakkaato `turn their card over ``"kääntääkseen esiin oman korttinsa".
- It's obviously a reasonably-sized practice/small gig amp, but even so the limiter comes in really quickly -- perhaps because my style isto<empty>hitnäppäilläthe stringskieliäreally hardtodella kovaotteisesti.
- I raised my hand to my eyes wondering howIminäcould haveOlisin voinuthitosuaitsiihenso hardtodella kovaa.
- ImmediatelyHolmesHolmesjumped up andhitosuithe bell-ropekellon köyteenhardkovaa.
- Iminä'm<empty>hittingLyönmy headpäätänirepeatedlytoistuvastiagainst something that isn't therejohonkin, jota ei ole,and I suppose that that could be a definition of insanity.
- SheSeflies back and forth in her cage as much as it's possible, dashing her talons against the bars andhittingnokkienher beaknokallaanagainst the topkattoa.
- `Are you admittingIminä'veolenhitosunutthe nailnaulanon the headkantaan?
- The idea isto<empty>hitosuaatomsatomeihinhead-onsuoraanwith laser beamslasersäteillä, slowing them down.
- I know what we'll do; I'll go up on the dunes andyousinähitlyötthe bellkelloawith your bit of woodpuukapulallasiand we'll see if I can hear it.
- AngrilyvihaisestiHolmesHolmeshitlöithe rock in front of usedessämme olevaa kiveäwith his open handavokämmenellä.
jab.v 🔎
- HeHänjabbedsurvaisithe metal rodmetallitangonhardvoimallainto the man's stomachmiehen vatsaanand as he doubled up, brought it swiftly down on his exposed head.
- He began to shake his head in denial, butChenChenjabbediskithe gunaseenhardvoimallaagainst his headhänen päähänsä,drawing bloodjoka alkoi vuotaa verta.
- IminäjabTökkäsinthe pistolpistoolinhardvoimallain his ribshänen kylkiluihinsaand say, `Don't try nothing.
- He dropped to his knees, busying himself with adjusting the drop of the trousers from Tzann's inside leg and fighting the irrational and childish desireto<empty>jabpistääa pinneulallainto his testicleshänen kiveksiinsä.
- HeHänjabbedtökkäsia fingersormellainto the table-toppöydänkanttato emphasize his pointkorostaakseen asiansa tarkoitusta.
- SheNainenjabbedsurvoitwo fingerskaksi sormeainto his eyeshänen silmiinsäand he screamed and rolled off her, trying to rise to his feet, blinded by her attack.
- `There, ``DonnaDonnasuddenly shouted,jabbingtökätena fingersormellaagainst the glasslasiin.
- `Outstanding my foot, ``MyraMyrasaid,jabbingpistäena pin into Claudia's legneulalla Claudian jalkaanin her indignation.
- HeHänstraightened up from the binnacle andjabbedtökkäsia fingersormellapainfullyinto my chestrintaani.
- HeHänjabbedtökkäsithe metal rodmetallitangonhardvoimallainto the man's stomachmiehen vatsaanand as he doubled up, brought it swiftly down on his exposed head.
- `Morris dancers and mudwater-medicine merchants! ``mouthedthe Bishop's secretarypiispan sihteeri,jabbingtökätenhis eyeglassmonokkelinsain the playmaster's facenäytelmämestarin kasvoille.
- I try to twist my body soIminäcanpystynjabiskemäänmy left elbowvasemman kyynärpääniin his facehänen naamaansa.
- ButDuvallDuvallsmacked it dismissively aside andjabbedsurvaisitwo steel-hard fingerskaksi teräksenkovaa sormeaanat the base of Jimmy's throatJimmyn kurkunpohjaanwith a cold and precise disdainkylmästi ja harkitun halveksivasti.
- Asher fingerhänen sormensajabbedtökkäsithe buttonpainiketta, suddenly a firm hand was on her sleeve.
- HeHänjabstökkääthe gun barrelkiväärinpiipunto my neckniskaani.
- The manMiespocketed the wallet, andjabbedpolkaisihis footjalkansadownalason the acceleratorkaasupolkimelle.
- Covering the sprawled guards constantly, Mortimer hopped over the bodies and continued downwards,his menhänen miestensäjabbingtökkiessäthe bodiesruumiitawith bayonetspistimilläto make surevarmuuden vuoksi.
- SheHänstopped andjabbedtökkäsiat O'Hara's machineO'Haran konettawith her umbrellasateenvarjollaan.
ram.v 🔎
- A POSTMANPOSTIMIESrammedtörmäsihis Fiat PandaFiat Pandallaaninto a getaway carpakoautoonafter spotting burglars cutting into a stolen safe containing £3,000havaittuaan rosvojen murtaneen varastetun kassakaapin, jossa oli 3 000 £.
- Father Shanahan, of Rushey Mead, LeicesterIsä Shanahan, Rushey Meadistä, Leicesteristä,rammedtörmäsihis DatsunDatsunillaaninto another cartoiseen autoonon the way to the city's Gilroes cemeterymatkallaan kaupungissa sijaitsevalle Gilroesin hautausmaalle.
- A stolen XR3 carVarastettua XR3-autoawas usedto<empty>ramkolaroimiseenthe police carpoliisiauton.
- HeHänrammediskihis footjalkansadownmaahan, the Merc. responded, shot forward like a torpedo.
- HeHänrammedpaiskasihis caplippalakkinsadownmaahanhardvoimalla
- TheyHe`hot-wired ``a prison van andrepeatedlytoistuvastirammedajoivatitsilläinto a security gatepäin turvaporttia.
- She looked up and waved as the Golf drove past and when Melissa had put it away and locked the garage door,shehänrammedsurvaisiher forktalikkonsainto the groundmaahanand strolled over for a chat.
- When the terrified actress locked herself in the car,hehänrammedpuskiitsitä päinwith his Ford BroncoFord Broncollaan.
- BillBillaccelerated andthensittenrammedtallasihis footjalkansaon the brake pedaljarrupolkimellecausing Rex and Laura to plummet floorward.
- The two huge spikesKaksi valtavaa piikkiäwere<empty>rammedjuntattiininto his bodyhänen kehoonsa.
- There was even supposed to be a plot to assassinate Gromyko byrammingtörmäämälläa beer truckolutrekallainto his motorcadepäin hänen autosaattuettaan(and a meat truck did overturn on the road shortly before the cars were due).
rap.v 🔎
- asIminärappedKoputinthe windowikkunaanwith my umbrella handlesateenvarjoni kahvalla
- One of the puppets, dressed in a formal costume, announces `the commencement of the evening's entertainments ``when the puppets jump up, andhehänrapsnaputtaaa canekävelykeppiäon the floorlattiaanto command attention.
- KirovKirovfelt it with his fingertips andrappednaputtihis knucklesrystysiäänagainst the main body of the sink unitaltaan runkoon.
- He told his teacher he had lost it on the way to school, andMr Watsonherra Watsonpromptlyrappednäpäyttihis knuckleshänen rystysiäänwith a rulerviivottimellafor his carelessness.
- CarolineCarolinelifted her hand andrappedkoputtiher knucklesrystysilläänsharplyterävästiagainst the doorlattiaa.
- CharlotteCharlotterappedkoputtion the windowikkunaawith her knucklesrystysillään.
- CorneliusCorneliusstepped sharply up andrappedkopauttiupon itsitäwith his knucklerystysellään.
rattle.v 🔎
- `It does to me! ``hehänsaid under his breath, then, after a pause,rattledkolistithe handlekahvaaagain, his voice softening.
- HeHänrattledkolistithe tinpurkkiaagain,less vigorouslyvähemmän rajusti.
- Even Wormwood Scrubs must have more to offer, thought Henry ashehänrattledkolistelithe coffee machine on the third floorkahvinkeitintä kolmannessa kerroksessa, than Harris, Harris and Overdene.
- An overheated breezeYlikuumentunut tuulahduscame out of the desert,rattledrämistelithe canvas sunscreenaurinkovarjon kangastalike a bad-tempered child seeking attentionkuin huonotuulinen, huomiota kerjäävä lapsi, and moved on, ignored.
- Buthehänwouldn't answer and only shifted,rattlingkalisuttaenthe chainketjua.
- Then, withwindtuulenhowling round the windows andrattlingkolistellessathe doorsovia, we sat in front of a peat fire and played games with the children.
- HeHänrattledkilisyttithe keysavaimiaagain.
- TheyHecontinuedto<empty>rattlekolisteluaand pull, but nothing happened.
- Ahead of him, the forest ceiling dropped to the level ofthe oil-palmsöljypalmut,whichjotkarattledhelisivätand jerkedwith the rainsateessa.
- The joltTärähdysrattledkolauttihis ribshänen kylkiluitaanand he breathed in at the same moment as his head crashed through the surface, like a seal in the surf.
- `Are yez right then? ``enquiredthe cleaning womansiivoojanainen,rattlingkolistellenher mopmoppiaanin the bucketämpärissäin an aggressive fashionaggressiivisesti.
- When she didn't answer straight away, he gaveher a shakeravistuksenthatrattledravistiher teethhänen hampaitaan.
- Old PeteVanha Peterattledkolistelihis empty glasstyhjää lasiaanon the countertiskilläand feigned deafness.
- `I remember vividly being on night guard prior to the morning executions whensome prisonersjotkut vangitsang andrattledkolistelivattheir tin mugstinamukejaanagainst the barskaltereita vastenin some form of defiancejokseenkin uhmakkaasti.
- It was probablythe windtuulirattlingkolistelevasome latticesäleikköä, but she was going to find out.
- BlancheBlancheraised the ball-point to her mouth andrattledkolisuttiitsitäbetween her teethhampaidensa välissä.
- Later a storm breaks over the hotel; lightning flares above the mountains across the loch, andthe windowsikkunatrattlehelisivätas the thunder boomsmyrskyn pauhatessa.
- A little further along, one of the safety meshes between the railway track and the walkway was missing, and had been temporarily covered withstrips of orange plastic thatoranssinvärisillä muovinauhoilla, jotkarattledkahisivatin the windtuulessa.
- The cupsKupitrattledkolisivatin response to her uncontrollable tremblinghänen hallitsemattoman tärinänsä vuoksi.
- Asthe tatty shacksnuhjuiset hökkelitshook andrattledrämisivätwith the vibrations from the planelentokoneen aiheuttaman tärinän vuoksi, the occupants cursed Sly.
- The glass lampshade in the hallwayAulan lasinen lampunvarjostinrattledhelisiwith the shock of the reportlaukauksen voimasta.
- He scrambled out blindly on to the damp grass whileMr Chanherra Chanrattledrämisteliat the lock of the boottavaratilan lukkoa.
- The windTuuliwas getting up,rattlingkolistellenagainst the wooden shutterspuisia ikkunaluukkuja, and forcing twigs to scratch against the window panes.
run.v 🔎
- I<empty>remember falling upstairs, carrying a glass test tube andrunningviiltäneenithe glasslasillainto my handkäteeni.
- A young womanNuori nainenranpuskia pushchairlastenrattaillainto the back of her legshänen jalkoihinsapainfullykipeästiand, when Meredith turned round, treated her to a furious glare which clearly said she had no business to be in the way.
- NOW that the Queen has agreed to pay tax can we concentrate on scuttling the creaky old royal yacht,runningajamaanthe royal trainkuninkaallisen junaninto the bufferspäin puskimiaand grounding the Queen's flight?
rustle.v 🔎
- As they climbed higher the air became cooler anda light breezekevyt tuulenvirerustledkahisuttithe gorse beside the trackpolun reunoilla kasvavia piikkiherneitä.
- A breezeTuulihad sprung up,rustlingkahisuttaenthe treespuita.
- Through winter, spring, summer and fall the mood will change from swollen aggressor tearing at the banks toplacid waterstyyniin vesiin, jotkarustlingkahisuttavatthe rushesvihviläkasvejaand swaying the weed.
- Once he thought he heard a movement among the trees to the left of him, as offootfallsaskeleetrustlingrapisuttivatthe grassruohikkoa.
- DollyDollymade a face, thenrustledrapisuttithe newspapersanomalehteäirritablyärtyisästi.
- The windTuulirustledkahisuttilightlyhiljaathrough the cottonwoods and willows alongside the MattoleMattolen virginianpoppeleita ja pajuja, not 60 yards from Euclid's peaceful nose.
- It was Toshack, in Lisbon, gushing with gratitude ashehänenrustledrapisuttaessahis contractsopimustaan.
- `The Empire is more important than a burglar, ``hehänreplied testily,rustlingrapisuttaenpaperspapereitavigorouslytarmokkaastito prove his point.
- It was likethe windtuulirustlingrapisuttaisithrough dry stickskuivia oksia.
- Pandanus thatchPandanuksen olkikattorustledrapisiin the windtuulessa.
- Every sound seemed a potential threat --the windtuulenrustlingrapistessain the pine treesmännyissä, the flapping of a startled bird's wings, the jackals' baleful howling as they patiently awaited the abandoned carcass.
- Laura sighed, lying back against the head-rest of the open sports car, closing her eyes as she relishedthe cool breezeviileän tuulenrustlingsuhinastathrough her blonde hairhänen vaaleissa hiuksissaan.
slam.v 🔎
- CharlesCharlesgot in andslammedpaiskasithe dooroven kiinni.
- Slammingpaiskomisellaa doorOvenin someone's facejonkun nenän edestähas nothing to do with breeding or upbringing.
- The other girlToinen tyttölaid the last of the flowers in position, andslammedpaiskasithe van doorspakettiauton ovetshutkiinni.
- HeHänducked out of number twenty-three andslammedpaiskasishutkiinnithe dooroven.
- VologskyVologskyslammedpamauttihis fistnyrkillädown<empty>upon the tablepöytäänas the injustice of it all descended upon him againkun sen kaiken epäoikeudenmukaisuus lankesi taas hänen eteensä.
- HeHänslammedlöihis fistnyrkkinsädown<empty>angrilyvihaisestion the consolekonsoliinand turned to the twinkling carrying case.
- HeHänslammedpaiskasithe phoneluurindownkiinniand allowed himself a small smile.
- HeHänslammedpaiskasithe phoneluurinback into its cradletakaisin paikalleen, and Belinda winced.
- Angrilyshehäntore her hand away from Rune's clasp andslammedläimäyttiitsenpalm-downkämmen edelläon the tablepöytään.
- HitchHitchslammedläimäyttithe cassettekasettiahardvoimakkaastiagainst the cratepuulaatikkoa vasten.
- I was so worked up,Iminäkeptslammingpaukuttamistamy bedsänkyniagainst the wallseinää vasten, banging on windows, turning the taps on.
- DanDanfelt an urge to take back his fist andslamiskeäitseninto the old woman's teethvanhan naisen hampaisiin.
- SheHänbanged his head on the till,slammingpaukauttihis handhänen kätensäin the drawerlaatikkoon, and he ran off with only half a 20 pound note.
- SlammingLäimäyttämälläher handkätensäon the tablepöytään, cutting off the other girl in mid-sentence,shehändenied frantically, `No!
- MaximMaximslammedläimäyttithe steering wheelohjauspyörääwith both handsmolemmin käsin, nearly hard enough to break it, certainly hard enough to make both palms sting.
- HeHänslammedläimäyttihis handkätensädown<empty>on the top of the dressing tablepeilipöydän kanteen, causing some of the bottles to topple over.
- John and his friend then began to fight back and were gaining the upper hand whenthe policepoliisiintervenedslammingpaiskatenthemheidätup<empty>against a wallseinää vastenwith their arms pinned behind their backskäsivarret puristettuina tiukasti heidän selkiensä taakse.
- HeHänturned on his heel, picked up the painting, and left the villa,slammingpaiskatenthe dooroven kiinnibehind him.
- HeHänlet out a whoop, andslammedläimäyttithe gunaseendown<empty>onto the bartiskiin, breaking glasses.
- Both men went hurtling backwards,ScottScottinslammingiskiessäthe newcomer's headtulokkaan päänagainst the bathroom cabinetkylpyhuoneen kaappia vasten.
- FerdiFerdislammedpaiskasithe car doorauton oven kiinniand buttoned his jacket, sniffing the clean soft Mediterranean night air appreciatively.
- He was off-balance, his defences down asWardWarddrew back his right arm andslammedpamauttithat gloved handkäsineeseen puetun kätensästraight into the sallow facesuoraan kelmeisiin kasvoihin.
- `Five! ``hehäncarolled, andslammedläimäyttihis little handpienen kätensädown<empty>on Vitor's big onevasten Vitorin isoa kättä.
slap.v 🔎
- `We made it, ``andhehänslappedläimäyttithe gloved handkäsineeseen puetun kätensätwiceagainst the steering wheelohjauspyörää vasten.
smack.v 🔎
- `Fuck, ``shehäncursed, keeping her voice low, andsmackingläimäyttäenthe machinekonettaagainst the palm of her handkämmeneensä.
- As it appears from his zip topIminäsmackmäjäytänmy right fistoikean nyrkkiniinto his facehänen naamaansa.
strike.v 🔎
- Whenhehänstruckiskiitsenhardvoimakkaastiagainst the trunk of the treepuunrunkoonit seemed solid and did not break or splinter.
- SheHänstruckläimäyttihimmiestähardvoimakkaastiacross the left cheekvasemmalle poskellewith the flat of her handavokämmenellä.
- `Monsieur Vassoir! ``shehänbellowed,strikinglyödenthe glasslasiaso hardniin kovaa, ettäshe thought it might break.
- `Shut up, ``hissedFarrellFarrell,strikingiskienhimhäntähardvoimakkaastiacross the stomachvatsaan.
- HeHänalsostrucklöihimmiestäwhen Sweeney tried to escape on the way to the Bridewellkun Sweeney yritti paeta matkalla Bridewelliin.
- On her way back up the stairsshehänstrucklöiitsitäto make sure it had petrolvarmistaakseen, että sisällä oli bensiiniä.
- WilliamsWilliamsjumped at the tailor,strikinglyödenhimhäntärepeatedlytoistuvastiwith blows to the headiskuilla päähän.
- HeHänraised his good arm andstruckiskithe glasslasiawith his elbowkyynärpäällään, a single jab which shattered the window.
- I remember being with him whena drunken drug addictpäihtynyt huumeiden käyttäjä, brought to his door by Sgt. Hendry, broke away and lunged at Chief Fyvie bringing up his hand-cuffed wriststo<empty>strikelyödäkseenthe chiefpoliisipäällikköäin the facekasvoihin.
- `Ah, no, Sir Richard may be pompous, Lady Isabella frosty,Dame Ermengildedame Ermengildemaysaattaastrikeiskeäher canekävelykeppiäänon the floorlattiaanin tempersuuttuessaan, but Vechey's death can not be dismissed.
- SheHänreturned to the sitting room andstruckläimäyttiTam, who had knocked the bowl of biscuits from the table and was wolfing them off the carpetTamia, joka oli pudottanut pikkuleipäkulhon pöydältä ja ahmi niitä matolta.
thump.v 🔎
- HeHänthumpedkumauttithe worktoptyötasoasharplyterävästi.
- HolmanHolmansprang to his feet andthumpedpamauttithe desktiskiäwith his handkädellään.
- One played a bugle, another scraped a fiddle and two more blew on combs-and-paper, whilethe percussionistperkussionistithumpedjyskyttia bass drum with a cymbal attached to the rimbassorumpua, jonka reunaan oli kiinnitetty symbaali.
- When a builder tried to cheat hershenainenoverwhelmed him,thumpinglyömälläthe tablepöytää, her normally calm eyes glaring.
- Hazel slipped out of the burrow into the run and at once came uponStrawberryStrawberrybusilythumpingrummuttaena hind legtakajalkaansaon the hard earth floorkovaan maalattiaan.
- HeHänthumpedjyskyttihis fistsnyrkkejäon his kneespolviinsa.
- The door of cabin 10 was stuck andViVithumpedjyskyttiitsitähardkovaa.
- SheHänthrew it down in disgust and took a drum which Corrie showed no inclination to use,thumpinglyödenitsitäfuriouslyvihaisestito express her feelings.
- Who on earthKuka ihmewas<empty>thumpinghakkasiat the doorovealike that early in the morning?