Even so, the propaganda which set out to promote the
suurentelua of the figure of Franco
Francon hahmon ,
almost to the point of beatification
lähes kaunisteluun asti , could not have succeeded without fertile ground in which to plant its seeds.
Their dominance stood in clear contrast with the much more diffused influence of the county gentry in the earlier seventeenth century, yet it was an almost logical outcome of the steady pattern of
laajentamisen and judicious marriages which the more prudent of the local squirearchy had pursued over several generations.
Although I have described the events in terms of the DUP's success in displacing other Unionist groups, the leaders of the DUP were not fixed on
laajentamisesta at any cost.
He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of
laajentamisen from the very beginning of his reign.
Socialism, on the other hand, is not born out of armed conquest and
laajentamisesta , but economic development and the class consciousness it creates.
Analogical inheritance can be used to guide the
kasvattamista of a semantic net
semanttisen verkon .
MIP-1 specific
MIP-1:lle ominaista augmentation
lisääntymistä of adhesion to VCAM-1
VCAM-1:een kiinnittymisen was not observed with a control glycoprotein (CD45; data not shown).
Further work is going on in terms of
kasvattamisen to clarify things for consumers.
Very few of us naturally look like our dogs so a
might be called for.
It would be wrong, however, to suggest that this
infrastruktuurin augmentation
kasvattaminen was no more than window-dressing.
Thus a powerful lexicon is achieved, a storehouse of colour and shape in which repetition,
and alteration become important devices.
The intense heat
Intensiivinen kuumuus the blood vessels lying under the skin's surface
ihon pinnan alla olevia verisuonia , thus exacerbating the problem.
Based on our clinical experience,
arbitrarily chose
these patients
näitä potilaita at weekly intervals and one to six bougies were usually passed on each occasion, depending upon the patient's tolerance and the tightness of strictures.
, purify the skin and tone the muscle.
these strictures
näitä striktuuria are temporarily
väliaikaisesti by endoscopic stenting
endoskooppisella sentillä , the permanent presence of these clips might perhaps induce restricturing after stent removal.
Forty four (93.6%) of the remaining 47 patients
Neljäkymmentäneljää (93,6 %) jäljellä olevasta 47 potilaasta successfully and had complete relief of dysphagia.
If dysphagia recurred after adequate initial dilatation,
Dilatation was resumed after a gap of three to four weeks and
the strictures
striktuurat were successfully
oli onnistuneesti in all without further complication.
The percutaneous tract
Perkutaanista aluetta with 6-8 French teflon dilators
6-8 ranskalaisella teflondilataattorilla (Wilson Cook, europe) and then 9-12 French telescopic metal dilators (Olympus, Keymed) introduced in a coaxial fashion.
Enough countries signed the first lot to bring the fund into existence; but most are now waiting for America's signature before agreeing to
laajentamiseen .
As is the case with its farming and defence policies, the current budgetary arrangements of the EEC simply could not survive a
laajenemisesta .
The growth of tree roots and
penetration and
of incipient rock fractures
orastavien kallion murtumien can contribute significantly to the break-up of rock which may have experienced relatively little weakening through chemical alteration.
Binge-eating can cause menstrual disturbances, acute swelling of the stomach and also
salivary gland
sylkirauhasten .
Frank, whose
was benign, underwent microwave treatment, while Jack, who had prostatic cancer, had surgery and continues to receive monthly hormonal injections for the rest of his life.
defence and
in the new political circumstances of post-Conquest England represented a return to the aim of spreading Christian doctrine and discipline from a central monastic community.
It has been in the hands of the Maitland family for more than 400 years since
creation by John Maitland, Chancellor of Scotland, and later
laajentamisesta by the Duke of Lauderdale
Lauderdalen herttuan suorittamasta .
In 1902 further
took place when a new paint shop was built (Shop 3).
his interests
mielenkiinnon kohteitaan considerably
huomattavasti by 1985, and had already made his famous `carbuncle ``speech.
Since then
by the embryo transfer technique
alkionsiirtotekniikalla .
into Europe.
In fact, …
their contacts with developing countries
sopimuksiaan kehittyvien maiden kanssa through the use of a variety of business arrangements other than direct investment
käyttämällä monenlaisia liiketoimintajärjestelyjä suoran sijoittamisen sijaan .
The ratio will have improved but this is no solution to the original problem which was that banks wanted
their business
liiketoimintaansa by lending more
lainaamalla .
If the NTB is removed,
could increase exports and thereby
which would reduce price to P2.
The Soviet Union has shown itself anxious
with, for example, Mexico, with which Moscow already has good and well-established political relations.
Growth continued to create
the black market
laittomia markkinoita .
, Draco.
by the World Administrative Radio Conference
maailmanlaajuisessa radiokonferenssissa in 1979 to extend from 88 to 108 MHz -- previously it had stopped at 100 MHz.
This gallery
Tätä galleriaa by 900 m2
900 neliömetrillä and inaugurated during the Paris fair, FIAC, this autumn with a retrospective of Louise Bourgeois (on show until January 1993).
This banking activity
tätä pankkitoimintaa considerably
huomattavasti by Abel Smith I and his brothers
Abel Smith I ja hänen veljensä , but Abel I's own eldest son (Sir George Smith, baronet) used his inheritance to become a country gentleman.
A working party was set up under the auspices of the Institute of British Geographers, and
by support from ESRC
ESRC:n tuella .
With this award
Tämän palkinnon avulla to more than three times its present size
kolme kertaa suuremmaksi, kuin se on nykyään, and become one of the University's most important academic developments.
After the Civil War
Bolshevik control
bolsevikkien valvonta from its bastion which had been reduced to the size of medieval Muscovy.
The modern dock system at Bristol was largely the work of William Jessop early in the nineteenth century, with later alteration and
Policies with a growth motivation, for example,
, will normally on their face give no clue that their purpose is something other than the maximisation of profits.
was fuelled by growing external demand and generally expansive domestic economic policies.
It recommended a
in higher education
korkeakoulutuksen (from 216,000 places in 1962-3 to 390,000 in 1972-3 and 560,000 by 1980).
It was the failure of this attempt which led to the
of the regular police
tavallisen poliisin into rural areas in the first half of the twentieth century.
The Benelux states were hostile to the suggestion, because they hoped that a
maantieteellinen of EEC membership
ETY:n jäsenyyden , including British participation, would occur before concrete political plans were discussed.
The pace of
was matched only by Russia's, but Russia's was on a much smaller scale and depended on foreign capital, some of it German.
How are
and the remorseless rise in her international prestige in the century and a half before the Crimean War to be explained?
kept up the demand for machines and power which fed the heavy industries.
Synthesis was achieved only after some years, and only by methods which did not justify
to an industrial scale
tehdasmittakaavaan .
It is also proposed that widescale improvements and
to existing roads
nykyisten teiden should take place in the next decade.
The report demands a ban on trade in all hazardous waste to and from the UK and an immediate moratorium on the construction of new incinerators and the
of existing ones
olemassa olevien .
The considerable locational advantages possessed by West Ham which gave rise to
poikkeukselliselle were to become fetters on the ability of its industry to adapt to a transformed economic environment in the twentieth century.
1700-luvun may not have been in any full sense ``export led, but foreign trade did nevertheless have a significant and dynamic role.
Using a camera to record the progress of
or of an experiment not only gives useful experience of photographic work but gives a particular slant to, or stimulus point for, subject study.
on an external solid wall
kiinteään ulkoseinään may suggest that the wall and its built-in joist-ends have been subjected to damp.
Economic development means more purchasing power in the hands of individuals and that means
for cosmetics, toiletries, pharmaceutical products
kosmetiikalle, hygieniatarvikkeille ja farmaseuttisille tuotteille -- all the markets we supply.
We must make sure we don't keep on disturbing the
by constantly going back to the same people and badgering them.
It is only in the last 40 years with the
of commuting
työmatkaliikenteen that the towns on the outskirts -- like say Arnold -- have developed and grown.
In forecasts issued in 1991, the IMF had predicted
of nearly 3 per cent
lähes 3 prosenttia .
Levels of investment are important to economic growth, and it is often considered a `good thing ``to stimulate
by inducing a higher level of investment
kiihdyttämällä korkeammanasteista sijoittamista .
The weakness of the pound
Punnan heikkous helped
The porcupine fish
Siilikala (opposite, top)
by gulping in water (or air if it has been removed from the sea)
haukkomalla henkeä vedessä (tai ilmassa, jos se on otettu pois merestä), until its body is so puffed up that its spiny scales stand out rigidly from its body and defy any killer to devour it.
Not only was maintaining the British war effort imposing an ever-increasing burden,
but subsidies to allies
mutta tukiaiset liittolaisille .
Arriving at the edge of the quay, Fitzroy Maclean attempted
, only to discover that it had a puncture.
She denied that
the company's approach to Mr Bond
yrityksen herra Bondin puoleen kääntyminen artificially
keinotekoisesti .
After a rest of five minutes
the rectal balloon
peräsuoleen asetettua palloa with 10, 20, 40, 60, and 100 ml of air (intermittent inflation).
with liquid rubber monomer under its own vapour pressure.
until he was at bursting point.
An indexation allowance
Indeksiin sidottua määrärahaa can also be used
or create
a loss for CGT purposes
tappiota pääomaverotusta varten .
Sea shells enlarge not by growth or
suurenemalla in all directions
kaikkiin suuntiin , but by the accumulation or accretion of material on the unbounded end of the spiral structure.
suurennukset reveals, in theory, precisely the same pattern.
Thus 7 × 50 indicates a
suurenemisen ,
with each object-glass 50 millimetres across
kunkin objektiivin ollessa 50 mm leveitä ; 12 × 50 gives a magnification of 12, again with 50-mm object-glasses, and so on.
True, the
of ordinary binoculars
tavallisten kiikaireiden mean that the scope is limited, but with open clusters, at least, binoculars are very suitable.
If there were changes in the terminals at the presynaptic side, they would have to be measured using the electron microscope, however, for
are not visible at
light microscope
vähäisissä mikroskooppi- magnifications
suurennuksissa .
you can afford, that are easy to handle, and have a
suurennuskyky (resist the temptation to go for higher power).
A useful feature divides the working area into multiple screens, each of which can display a selected
part of the main drawing
osan pääpiirroksesta at any level
millä tahansa tasolla of
suurennuksen .
Number of fibroblasts was also calculated per microscopical field at
suurennuksella .
President Gorbachev well understood the need for
by negotiation
neuvottelemalla , without jeopardising common security.
Yet Denmark plans a
and the Netherlands aim to stabilise production by 1995, with cuts thereafter.
The formation of the EEC in 1958 also saw
by member countries
jäsenvaltioiden which increased competitive pressure on their industries.
We made good progress, but
a combination of better health promotion, screening and treatment
paremman terveyden edistämisen, seulontatutkimusten ja hoitojen yhdistelmän should deliver say, a
twenty five per cent
kahdenkymmenen prosentin by the end of the century
vuosisadan loppuun mennessä .
The extent of the transformation in provision is indicated by the
from forty
neljästäkymmenestä to six places
kuuteen paikkaan in the average size of residential units across the system as a whole
keskikokoisissa asumisyksiköissä koko järjestelmässä .
This represents a
from the figure of 980
verrattuna lukuun 980 in the Sixties, when student conductors were employed and before the introduction of one-man operations on trams and buses
kuusikymmentäluvulla, jolloin palkattiin opiskelijarahastajia, ennen kuljettajarahastuksen käyttöön ottamista raitiovaunuissa ja busseissa .
What will be involved in the
from a battalion
pataljoonan to one company
yhteen komppaniaan ?
Moreover, the
could produce some positive feedback by further reducing the radiative heating and hence the temperature of the lower stratosphere.
restricts the canal available for the spinal cord.
A concerted effort by all departments
Kaikkien osastojen yhteiset ponnistelut has seen a
, dramatic improvement in production efficiency and better logistics and distribution.
of bone in their bodies
heidän kehojensa luu- doubtless made them considerably lighter, size for size, than their ancestors.
We were genuinely impressed by the
on this very powerful motor
tämän erittäin tehokkaan moottorin .
In this way we get closer to the efficient solution in which the marginal cost of
is equalized across firms.
We attribute the
during autumn and the
to the effects of heterogeneous chemistry.
But operating profits improved in the second half and the company can take some credit for the
in gearing
velkaantuneisuuden to just 5 p.c
vain viiteen prosenttiin .
``Burden-sharing -- Proposals for
US military
USA:n armeijan