TransFrameNet:Cause change of consistency
- Mammals were first domesticated for their milk around 6000BC and cheesemaking was a natural progression fromthe acid that formed naturally in the milkhaposta, jota muodostui luonnollisesti maidossa,andcurdledjuoksettiitsen.
- ItSe'll<empty>curdlehyydyttääthe drugslääkkeet.
- Pilkington recounts how when Winifred Harper turned on her tap, `out camea yellowy, stinking acerbic fluid whichkellertävää, haisevaa ja karvasta nestettä, jokacurdledjuoksettithe milkmaidon``.
- ItSecurdledjuoksettimilkmaidonin teateessä, was just drinkable in coffee, and, when people washed in it, the water turned blue.
- It isthe same heat in the sun thatauringossa sama lämpötila, jokamelts wax andhardenskovettaaclaysaven, and it is possible, perhaps by the use of indicative signs, to investigate the underlying causes of dissimilar effects.
- Tungsten, molybdenum, chromium and manganese, for instance, are used tohardenkovettamiseensteelteräksen.
- ButAdams' polyesterAdamin polyesteriused a peroxide catalystto<empty>hardenkovettamiseenitsen, and the peroxide bleached some of the red from the polyester (the US-finished instruments were cellulose).
- Provided that iron contains some carbon, introduced by carburisation (heating under charcoal),itsitäcan bevoihardenedkovettaaby quenchingkarkaisemalla, that is by cooling rapidly in oil or water.
- They ate meat andbread thatleipää, jonkawasolihardenedkovettanutby the coldkylmyys, but Bicker would not allow them to eat snow.
- The samples ranged frommodern lacquermodernista lakastahardenedkovetetustain the laboratorylaboratoriossato objects from the last centuries BC.
- SoftenPehmitächeesejuustoawith a forkhaarukallaand add finely chopped chives, parsley or spring onion tops and season well.
- SoftenPehmitäthe cheesejuustoa, then beat in the soured cream or fromage frais.
- The horseHevonensoftenspehmentääfoodruokaabefore swallowingennen nielemistäby chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jawpureskelemalla ruokaa poskihampaillaan sivuttaisella alaleuan hankaamisella.
- In a large saucepansuuressa kasarissasoftenPehmitäthe onion and garlicsipulia ja valkosipuliain the oilöljyssä, and cook until just coloured.
- Internallyitsetends to cause wallpaper to lift off,to<empty>softenpehmenemistäplasterlaastinand flake emulsion paint, leaving tidemarks.
- YouSinun'll haveto<empty>softenpehmentääitsitäin milkmaidossa.
- Ruminants like deer and cattle have a forward site for fermentation in a complex multi-chambered rumen wherethe foodruokaais soaked andsoftenedpehmentävätby enzymesentsyymitin the stomachmahalaukussa.
- The product used was made by boiling a quantity of hops with treacle, adding mashed potatoes and salt, thenthickeningsuurustamallathe mixtureseostawith flourjauholla.
- TheyNethickensaostavatthe curdjuoksettunutta maitoa,giving it extra body and making it more stable when spread into flan cases or flat, open plate piestehden siitä täyteläisempää ja kestävämpää, kun sitä levitetään kakkumuotteihin tai mataliin piirakkavuokiin.
- PuréeSosettacan bevoigraduallyvähitellenthickenedsaostaaby adding flour, oatmeal, potato, rice, or any staple that the family useslisäämällä jauhoja, kaurahiutaleita, perunaa, riisiä tai mitä tahansa perheen käyttämää peruselintarviketta,until it reaches the consistency of mashed potatokunnes sen koostumus muistuttaa perunamuusia.
- Cars and light vans contribute to 18 per cent ofthe carbon emissions whichhiilipäästöistä, jotkathickenpaksuntavatthe protective layer of gases around the Earthmaapalloa ympäröivien kaasujen suojakerrostacontributing to global warmingedistäen siten ilmaston lämpenemistä(see Chapter 1).
- It is made frombloodverestäthickenedpaksunnetustawith cerealsviljakasveillaand contains large pieces of fat.
- Further along, an apothecary was trying to sell the customers of such women a cure for the clap made out of boar's grease, sulphur, bark and quicksilver,alljoita kaikkiathickenedsaostettuby heavy treaclepaksulla siirapilla.
- The fruitHedelmääis cooked to bring out the flavour, then sweetened andthickenedsuurustetaan.
- For a soft effectPehmeän vaikutelman saamiseksi,thinohennadownan oil-based paintöljypohjaista maaliawith spiritsspriillä, and then apply your colour with a brush.
- As before, a little water was usedto<empty>thinohentamiseksithe acrylicakryylinto the consistency of creamkermamaiseen koostumukseen,and most of it was gone over twice to get an even coverage of bright intense colour.
- If wood is to be stained as well as filled, then it is possible with some makesto<empty>thinohentaathe fillerkittiäwith the wood dyepuuvärillä, so that dyeing and filling can be carried out in one operation.
- Fill a paper piping bag withroyal icing thatvalkoisella kuorrutuksella, jotahas beenonthinnedohennettuslightlyhieman.
- The colourVäriäwas<empty>thinnedohennettiinwith watervedelläto the consistency of creamkermamaisen koostumuksen aikaansaamiseksiand applied with soft synthetic haired brushes.
- The paintMaaliis soft, handles well andisoneasilyhelppothinnedohentaawith watervedellä, though of course it is waterproof when dry.
- Oil pastelsÖljypastellejacan bevoithinnedohentaawith white spiritsmineraalitärpätilläusing either brushes, rags or bothkäyttäen joko suteja, rättejä tai molempia.