Here it is important to establish the
kategorisointi and number of class boundaries actually being used in the study.
Existing tagsets tend to agree about the major
kategorisoinneista, but there are often differences in the sub-categorisations used.
Thus the economic, political and organizational contexts within which teachers work determine which
luokittelut they take for granted, which they question and dispute, and what those categorizations are.
For example, in his review of the functions of the inferotemporal cortex in rhesus monkeys, Dean concludes that this area may be involved in `
luokitteluun ``, rather than visual perception.
The research which underpins current understanding of black underachievement, and the political and professional reinterpretation of it, rests upon
luokitteluihin .
luokittelunsa is unprincipled in the sense that it does not really relate types of metaphor to each other, and is thus no more than a typology of poetic examples.
O'Connell points out that even boundary treaties may contain other provisions for the performance of reciprocal rights and duties, a factor which prevents
luokittelun as a dispositive or personal treaty with specific legal consequences
dispositiivisiksi tai henkilökohtaisiksi sopimuksiksi, joilla on erityisiä lainmukaisia seurauksia .
It showed how
by discipline installations, painting, photography and so on
harjoitusinstallaatioiden, maalausten, valokuvauksen jne. mukaan can still work effectively as a way of organising an exhibition.
luokittelua is re-assessed regularly.
The only unambiguous
luokittelut are
by physical size, age and sex
fyysisen koon, iän ja sukupuolen mukaan .
It introduced the concept of `special educational needs ``, recommending that it replace
luokittelun by the ten existing statutory categories of handicap
kymmenellä olemassa olevalla lakiperusteisella vamman luokalla .
into staff, students, and others
henkilökuntaan, opiskelijoihin ja muihin would be a useful first step.
Thus, provided that
as a collateral question
toissijaiseksi kysymykseksi it will substitute judgment on the point, whether that be one of fact or law.
, whose coming of age had coincided with the New Wave, mentally
and, therefore, Harmless.
all pupils
kaikki oppilaat as poor, satisfactory or good -- or (sometimes) excellent
heikoiksi, tyydyttäviksi, hyviksi tai (joskus) erinomaisiksi .
This allows
the information officer
informaatikon by a key word, by category, by author or by title
avainsanan, luokan, tekijän tai otsikon perusteella .
After detailed examination of the information fields, it was felt that it would be possible
as a basis for selecting areas for further study.
Different contributors to the volume
Kirjan eri avustajat have chosen
kumppanuuksia in various ways
eri tavoin .
could easily
voisit helposti into five sections
viiteen osaan .
the social substance on view
nähtävillä olevan sosiaalisen aineksen as exactly as a geologist would have named the crystals in a wound of rock
täsmälleen samoin, kuin geologi olisi nimennyt kristallit kallion haavoittumassa .
She said it was wrong
according to specific skills
erityisten taitojen perusteella .
It is difficult
alongside the previously mentioned sportsmen
yhdessä aiemmin mainittujen urheilijoiden kanssa simply because it was more a comedy outfit than a competitive unit.
Those systems are almost infinitely variable, and merely
luokitteleminen as within the common law or civil law tradition
tapaoikeuden tai siviilioikeuden perinteen rajoissa would conceal important differences.
The Beacon Nursery, a local Mencap project, offered care five days per week to
children over one year of age
yli yksivuotiaille lapsille, jotka as having severe learning difficulties
vakavia oppimisvaikeuksia omaaviksi .
Of course
some terms
joitakin kausia may be difficult
as stop or non-stop
päättyviksi tai yhtäjaksoisiksi .
Some medical practitioners undertake research:
such people
sellaiset ihmiset as doctors or scientists
tohtoreiksi tai tiedemiehiksi ?
For the analysis
women with azoospermic or sterilised partners and women with no partner
naiset, joilla on siittiökadosta kärsivä tai steriloitu kumppani, ja naiset, joilla ei ole kumppania, in the subgroup with infertile partners
hedelmättömien kumppanien kanssa alaryhmään .
The remainder of the population
Loput väestöstä into four groups
neljään ryhmään .
at some times, but has been combined with Petrology, or with Mineralogy and Petrology, at other times.
on the basis of the size of the pyroclasts of which it is composed
sen pyroklastin koon perusteella, josta se on muodostunut .
Each family
Kaikki perheet by its commonest long tail type and its median score for flight importance
yleisimmän pyrstön tyypin ja lintuparven merkityksen mediaanipisteiden perusteella , assessed by three ornithologists blind to the tail length data.
About half in each case
noin puolet kussakin tapauksessa by their headteachers
Rehtorit as casual or persistent truants
satunnaisiksi tai alituisiksi koulupinnareiksi .
by site of origin
alkuperäpaikan mukaan .
Both of these predictions are confirmed across
50 long-tailed families
50 pitkäpyrstöistä perhettä ,
jotka on luokitellut according to `flight importance ``and tendency to migrate
"lintuparven merkityksen" ja muuttamistapojen perusteella by three independent ornithologists
kolme itsenäistä ornitologia (Fig. 2b, c).
Persistent and casual truants
Alituiset tai satunnaiset koulupinnarit --
-- made up 4% of the school roll in November and 5% in June.
are more difficult
from the point of view of planning and national politics
suunnittelun ja kansallisen politiikan näkökulmasta .
under either a `T ``designation (which indicates solid maple with a gloss polyester finish), or the `ET moniker (flamed maple with a bubinga or zebra wood top and oil/urethane finish)
joko "T"-merkintään (joka tarkoittaa kiinteää vaahteraa, jossa on kiiltävä polyesteriviimeistely) tai "ET"-nimeen (liekkivaahteraa, jossa on bubingaa tai seeprapuuta pinnassa ja öljy/uretaaniviimeistely) .
To analyse what managers actually do,
their activities
heidän toimintansa and calculated the amount of time they spent on each.
The plan was
under one of three headings
johonkin kolmesta kategoriasta .
Paykel was one of
the first researchers
ensimmäisistä tutkijoista, joka life events
elämäntapahtumia according to their meaningfulness
niiden merkityksellisyyden perusteella and show the qualitative differences between events preceding different disorders (Paykel, 1978).
Shelter's research has found up to half of all homeless young people in Scotland had been in care, but
only 34 per cent of district councils
vain 34 prosenttia aluevaltuustoista as vulnerable
suojattomiksi .
Various attempts have been made
luokittelemiseksi types of volcanic activity
vulkaanisen toiminnan tyyppien on the basis of the nature of the material erupted, and the violence of eruptive events
purkautuvan materiaalin laadun sekä purkautumisen voimakkuuden perusteella .
If this pace kept up,
10,000 buildings
10 000 rakennusta as `historic ``
"historialliseksi" would disappear over the next twenty-five years.
It includes
material held in confidence
salassa pidettävää materiaalia, which
as ``personal records
"henkilökohtaisiksi todisteiksi" and certain types of journalistic material not caught by the definition in section 13.
, though hostile to Eliot's Christianity, admired the song,
; clearly Eliot revelled in this composition drawing on a pleasure in music hall which dated back to his St Louis childhood, and his youth in Boston.
as a nightmare
painajaiseksi because of the head
pään vuoksi , and even that had more farce to it than terror.
A fourth plate illustrates the system of
, `
by the number of stamina in the flowers
kukkien heteiden määrän perusteella ``.
So with increased age there is a switching of health rating from good to fairly good but no large increase in
the percentage
niiden prosentuaalisessa määrässä, jotka as in poor health
huonokuntoisiksi .
The population resides predominantly in
for local government purposes.
as `in priority need ``
"etusijalla tarpeessa oleviksi", by local authorities
Paikalliset viranomaiset if their parents have become `intentionally homeless, the Lords ruled last week.
is entitled to the following accounting exemptions: (a) It need not file a profit and loss account.
Estuarine waters
jokisuuvedet into another three types
edelleen kolmeen tyyppiin :
The advancing coasts may be due to emergence or to the development of constructional forms either organic or inorganic: they include, thus,
shorelines which
rantaviivoja, jotka as emergent and as neutral
nouseviksi ja neutraaleiksi .
For example, genitives are not stored because they can be easily identified, nor
as a dictionary part of speech
puheen sanakirjaosaksi .
as a foreigner
ulkomaalaiseksi .
as illiterate
Luku- ja kirjoitustaidottomiksi were obliged to take a compulsory form of basic education, with the aim that they would at least be able to read and write by the time they were released.
In this, in spite of her repeated offers to help Mrs Cranbrook, the cook, she found
with Polly Beard and Herbert Fraser
Polly Beradin ja Herbert Fraserin kanssa .
There, as Marx had noted,
with women and children
naisten ja lasten kanssa and are often obtained in order to be adopted by people without descendants.
his pastimes
ajanvietettään as dirty in any sense
millään tavalla likaisena .
as any sort of local genius
minkäänlaisena paikallisena nerona .
as too wrapped up in your own virtuous opinions to be much good at listening to other people's
liian uppoutuneena omiin itsetyytyväisiin mielipiteisiisi, että olisit kovinkaan hyvä kuuntelemaan muita ihmisiä .
, a curving crack leads rightwards to overhangs in a situation of some impressiveness.
Surely if the courts and lawyers limit themselves to medical criteria as justifying their
luokittelu- system, they must follow expert opinion.
They found that text analysis techniques incorporating natural language processing were superior to the traditional information-retrieval techniques based on
luokitteluihin, when the applications require structured representations of the information in the texts.
The name `panther ``comes from
luokittelusta .
Rex and Moore's
Rexin ja Mooren was based upon research in the Sparkbrook area of Birmingham, and it is more or less time-specific to the mid-1960s and applicable to medium-to large-sized cities.
The where used look-up file provides cross-reference information on the occurrence of individual parts and
luokittelusta .
And it is the same logic which attributes those few out of the 120,000 officers who pursue schemes designed to accelerate promotion with the derisory and metaphorically ephemeral
luokittelun of `high-flyers ``or `butterfly boys
"menestyjien" tai "perhospoikien" .
(i) Connections of this kind are stated in, among others, laws which enter into the
luokitteluihin of ``natural kinds or ``substances
"luonnollisten" tai "substanssien" .
Tuloihin perustuvat classifications
luokittelut of `developing ``and non-market economies are therefore inherently problematic.
At one stage, Whitehall officials seriously considered stripping Vauxhall of
luokittelun as a UK car company
isobritannialaiseksi autoyhtiöksi , so high was the imported content of `British-built ``Vauxhalls.
Unlike the people of the other Islamic groups, the Hui look Chinese: they are racially Chinese rather than Turkic and
luokittelunsa as a `national minority ``
"kansalliseksi vähemmistö" is almost entirely
on religious grounds
uskonnollisista syistä .
by audience age
yleisön iän perusteella has proved an acceptable limitation to impose on a cinema audience, and may also warn of the type of experience on offer.
by computer
Tietokoneen tekemä , howsoever sophisticated the algorithm, is not appropriate.
These apartments situated right on the water have been awarded the highest possible
luokittelun by the English Tourist Board
Englannin turistilautakunnan 2-5 Keys and Highly Commended
2-5 avainta sekä kunniamaininnan .
All histological tumour sections were reclassified according to the 1987 updated
tumour node metastasis
kasvain-solmuke-etäpesän classification
luokittelun by one of the authors (FB)
yhden kirjoittajan (FB) .
Figure 1.3 gives the broad outline of the
luokittelusta for electrical and mechanical engineering and architectural design activities within the three phases
sähkö- ja konetekniikan ja arkkitehtuurin suunnittelutoimista kolmessa vaiheessa .
The Dornoch Firth is one of the very few areas around the British Isles given a
for shellfish purity
äyriäisten puhtaudesta .
The two-fold
into more remote and accessible countryside areas
syrjäisempiin ja helppopääsyisiin maaseutualueisiin is somewhat simplistic, but it does provide a useful guide to understanding spatial differences in rural population change.
into group I and group II
ryhmään I ja ryhmään II is
based on canonical nucleotide sequence motifs and on conserved characteristics of the secondary structure potentially formed by the intron RNA
perustuu kanonisiin nukleotidien jaksomotiiveihin ja toissijaisen rakenteen suojeltuihin ominaisuuksiin, jotka mahdollisesti on muodostanut introni RNA (1, 2, 3).
A traditional
of the English courts
Englannin oikeusistuimien is
a division into `superior ``and `inferior courts
jako "ylemmänasteisiin" ja "alemmanasteisiin" .
was still of vital importance to both field and museum naturalists.
of gastritis
mahatulehduksen was
according to the Whitehead system modified to include the newly described entities of lymphocytic and chemical gastritis
Whiteheadin järjestelmän mukaisesti muokattu sisältämään äskettäin kuvaillut lymfosyyttiset ja kemialliset mahatulehdusten entiteetit .
Such information may not necessarily carry any
within the Service, but may simply reveal dispositions, working arrangements etc.
It was only when she went to America, headlining for the first time, that she came across the curious
luokituksen, with which music there is compartmentalised.
His successor, John Hope, in his lectures and writings, was one of the leading exponents of the Linnean system of
luokituksen according to flower structure
kukan rakenteeseen perustuvan , and of naming plants using Genus and Species.
Nevertheless, the
in terms of the legal nature of the transaction
oikeustoimen lainmukaisen laadun perusteella is important and the author's suggested approach is to look at the predominant purpose of the transaction.
Sri Lanka had a lot going for it: democracy going back to 1931 and a literacy rate which, at 88%, is the highest of
the 43 countries
43 maasta, jotka the World Bank
maailmanpankki as `low-income ``
"matalien tulojen" maaksi .
as `New World, ``
"uudeksi maailmaksi", South Africa
Etelä-Afrikka is far from au newcomer at wine making.
Some of those same cells may also be referred to when the device is presented with
an instance which
tapaus, jonka , so later learning can upset what was learned before.
Many studies
Monet tutkimukset also
the South West, the East Midlands and the West Midlands
lounaan, itäisen sisämaan ja läntisen sisämaan as parts of the `South ``
osaksi "etelää" .
Hodge and Whitby
Hodge ja Whitby (1981)
such state activities
sellaiset valtion toimet into three types
kolmeen tyyppiin : the improvement of locations as sites for industrial development; the reduction of relative costs, and the improvement of information flows.
`I suppose
under `Romance ``
osastoon "romanssi" .
all reckless killings
Kaikkien piittaamattomien tappojen might be too broad, but the point remains that some reckless killings may be thought no less heinous than intentional killings.
Countries like Nigeria
Maat kuten Nigeria as hazardous
vaarallisiksi .
That is, it may be arbitrary whether
as Panthera leo or Felis leo
Panthera leoiksi vai Felis leoiksi , but not whether one classifies all lions into one species or several.
by their forms of input
niiden syöttömuodon perusteella .
Since rocks of different composition absorb and reflect light differently,
can usefully
voivat kätevästi on the basis (more or less) of their colours
(enemmän tai vähemmän) niiden värin perusteella .
Again, attempts have been made
luokittelemiseksi into different types
eri tyyppeihin , but they all carry the same basic message of friendliness.
In the present study,
asymptomatic diabetic patients
oireettomat diabetespotilaat into two groups
kahteen ryhmään according to presence or absence of cardiovascular signs of autonomic neuropathy using standardised criteria
sen perusteella, oliko yhdenmukaistettuja kriteereitä käytettäessä havaittavissa autonomisen hermosairauden sydän- ja verisuonioireita .
One must expect this and while we are trying to understand fully the development of dune shapes and dune systems, it is necessary that
on a descriptive basis
kuvailujen perusteella .
This involves taking a sample of households and
according to their income groups
tuloryhmien mukaisesti .
In 1954, 31 per cent of
as in work
työssä oleviksi were in this category.
But from Prime Minister to school dinner lady,
married women
naimisissa olevat naiset are routinely
rutiininomaisesti not according to the work they do themselves, but by the work which is done by their husbands
heidän aviomiestensä tekemän työn mukaan, ei sen työn mukaan, mitä he itse tekevät .
We acknowledge that
stroke patients
aivohalvauspotilaat in the progressive or non-progressive disorder category
progressiivisen tai ei-progressiivisen vaivan kategoriaan .
could then be
voitiin sitten hierarchically
hierarkkisesti by choosing one character -- say size -- at random, and dividing the collection into orders according to that character
valitsemalla satunnaisesti yksi ominaisuus – vaikka koko – ja jakamalla kokoelma luokkiin sen ominaisuuden perusteella .
Some exhibitors will bring a tray containing about
forty berries which
neljäkymmentä marjaa, jotka have
and weighed.
Books and files
Kirjat ja kansiot and arranged on shelves and in filing cabinets by the alphabetic class mark or alpha-numeric file code.
potilailla, jotka on as Broca's aphasics
Brocan afaatikoiksi, have dysfluent speech but normal complexity of grammatical structure; others have reduced occurrence of function words, prefixes and suffixes but fluent speech; and so on.
She termed people fair or dark, and there was scarcely
one of the valley's many-hued inhabitants whom
yhtään laakson monisävyistä asukasta, jota .
Almost 80 per cent of an estimated 17,000,000 refugees in the world were in
the 47 countries
47 maassa, jotka as LDCs
vähiten kehittyneiden maiden luokkaan .
This approach, therefore, introduces severity ratings whereby
patients' illnesses
potilaiden sairaudet into one of four categories of severity
yhteen neljästä vakavuusluokkaan , within the same disease category.
The computer goes through its list of
7000 engineers and site workers
7 000 insinöörin ja työmaatyöntekijän ,
into five groups
viiteen ryhmään depending on location and qualifications
sijainnin ja tutkintojen perusteella , and decides how many to call.
The big improvement with the council tax is that we've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for
on low income
pienituloisiksi .
`In our library,
under Crime, Romance and General
luokkiin rikos, romantiikka ja yleinen .
is not usually
ei tavallisesti with hormonal cancers
hormonaalisiin syöpiin , but its onset largely coincides with the final hormonal growth spurt in teenagers.
If the parties had agreed that each consignment was to be separately paid for,
as severable
eroteltavaksi .
The list of
avoidable killings
ehkäistävissä olevista tapoista, joita not
even in principle could go on and on.
will be disclined
as excluding liability for deliberate breaches of contract or so as to defeat the whole object of the contract
sellaiseksi, että se sulkee pois vastuun sopimuksen tietoisista rikkomuksista tai tekee tyhjäksi sopimuksen koko tarkoituksen .
The `society-as-parent ``thinkers
"Yhteisö vanhempana" -ajattelijat , as indicated above, are more likely
unsatisfactory parenting
huonon vanhemmuuden in terms of personal inadequacy
henkilökohtaisen puutteellisuuden kannalta .
On the other hand, it is difficult
as meaning the majority of persons or the average reader
enemmistöksi ihmisistä tai keskivertolukijaksi .
The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement
Kummankaan osapuolen epäonnistumista toteuttaa joitakin tämän sopimuksen ehtoja tai edellytyksiä as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition
minkään sellaisen ehdon tai edellytyksen tulevasta toteuttamisesta pidättäytymiseksi .
Furthermore, he added
as an ultimatum
uhkavaatimukseksi, but couched in the nicest possible terms.
any attack on them
mitään hyökkäystä heidän kimppuunsa as national treason
kansalliseksi maanpetokseksi ?
It also helped to construct married women and, by extension, all young women, as employees who were `not interested ``in pensions,
their wages
heidän palkkansa typically
as `pin money
"taskurahaksi" .
as a blow to Iraq
iskuksi Irakiin , the communiqué welcomed the restoration of Kuwait's sovereignty and omitted any mention of the Western air exclusion zone over southern Iraq.
This clause
tämän lausekkeen by both Evershed J and the Court of Appeal
Sekä Evershed J. että hovioikeus to include acting as a consultant
sisältävän asiantuntijana toimimisen .
The elder reacts violently to
every action which
jokaiseen toimeen, jonka as an attack upon the dignity of his office
hyökkäykseksi virkansa arvokkuutta kohtaan and frantically invokes the support of the ancestors.
This is not an absolute rule: for example, it may be easier
a price list or catalogue issued by a manufacturer rather than by a wholesaler or retailer
hintaluettelo tai kuvasto, jonka on antanut valmistaja tukku- tai vähittäismyyjän sijaan .
to include the documents which initiated the proceedings, the pleadings and the adjudication
sisältävän asiakirjat, jotka panivat alulle oikeudenkäynnin, puolustuksen ja tuomitsemisen .
Even to get this much he had had to agree to a number of
statutes which
asetuksia, jotka as so prejudicial that he vowed to repeal them as soon as possible
niin haitallisiksi, että hän vannoi kumoavansa ne mahdollisimman pian .
as provisional descriptions of reality
todellisuuden tilapäisiksi kuvauksiksi , had occupied a place in physics, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo transgressed traditional subject boundaries by allowing an astronomical hypothesis this representational role.
What has irked him, I suppose, is
as ill-informed, indulgent Western empathy
tietämättömäksi, suopeaksi länsimaiseksi empatiaksi .
The existence of the two suites argues strongly against the
royal apartment
kuninkaallisen huoneiston .
The content categories are given as number, money, time, length, weight,
, and space.
The stream sediment may not, therefore, reflect local bedrock composition but that of exotic glacial deposits, and care is needed in site selection and
tulkinnassa .
Employers' and parents
Työnantajien ja vanhempien may diverge even more widely, particularly as the level of detail these groups are likely to be able or willing to handle will be broader than that used by teachers.
Eikmeyer (1989), in a paper from a conference on coherence, points out that
depends on the depth of understanding the reader requires.
This experiment has been carried out by Klatzky (1970) and Klatzky and Atkinson (1971) with results favouring the
inter-hemispheric transfer
aivojen välisen siirtymisen .
Those concepts of the legal fiction and
the ritual whose
rituaalin, jonka may change from age to age are essential to the understanding of Sweeney Agonistes in Eliot's own development as an artist.
the day consecrated by the Romans to the sun
roomalaisten auringolle pyhittämä päivä was identified with the Jewish first day, and given a Christian
where Christ was referred to as the `Sun of Righteousness ``.
A more plausible
states the following principle:
The laws which operate on a large, macrocosmic scale, also operate (perhaps with modifications) on the microcosmic scale
Lait, jotka toimivat suurella, makrokosmisella tasolla, toimivat (mahdollisesti muunnelmien kanssa) myös mikrokosmisella tasolla .
Our belief in Mendel's theory of genetics is based on
experiments, with fruit flies and similar organisms, whose
banaanikärpäsistä ja vastaavista eliöistä tehtyihin kokeisiin, joiden depends on probabilities.
There are two main
that Can be put on this finding.
This presents more difficulties for
has to do a great deal of
in order to make inferences from what people actually do to their motivations for doing it.
His was not entirely a list of subjects and their meanings, and
preferred to make the
by considering a sequence of dreams, and even the personality and circumstances of the dreamer
tarkastelemalla unien sarjaa ja jopa uneksijan persoonallisuutta ja olosuhteita .
Depending on
tulkinnastasi he was either cleverly biding his time, or drifting, baffled as to how he could top his past work.
We are used to the idea that a statement of belief or propriety is continually open to challenge, and that debates concerning
are never fully resolvable.
Given this uncertainty it is probably safest for the drafter to assume that s3 will be given
The key word is `generally ``and
does leave some room for discussion as to exactly which assets should be included as money.
The NHS is sufficiently large and self-contained to have
of commonly used words
yleisesti käytetyistä sanoista .
In addition, while referring in his letter to
tulkintaansa of s 74(a), ICTA 1988
pykälästä 74(a), ICTA 1988 , the inspector of taxes completely ignores the provisions of s 401, ICTA 1988.
Another Director-General whose vision of broadcasting had a major influence in a period of important change in social attitudes was Hugh Greene, who oversaw a more
of `public service ``
"julkisesta palvelusta" in the 1960s.
The obvious
of `language skills ``
"kielten osaamisesta" is
bilingual language skills
kahden kielen osaaminen .
For a refusal to interfere with an
under the Workmen's Compensation Acts
työmiesten palkka-asetusten mukaisesti , see McMillan v. Barclay, Curie & Co. (1899) 2 F. 91.
In such a model the weights themselves will have a
as the average population density per Landsat pixel
keskimääräisenä väestöntiheytenä Landsat-pikseliä kohden .
The East African Rift System is of this type and
as an incipient site of plate rupture
orastavana levyn halkeaman paikkana is further supported by its continuity with the divergent plate boundaries of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
`All part of the service ``
was a phrase open to
oli lause, joka oli avoin interpretation
tulkinnalle by early travel agents
ensimmäisten matkatoimistojen .
The difference between the arm and leg is thus due to the different
tulkinnasta of the same positional signals
samoista sijaintisignaaleista .
What must be clear in a transcript of this kind is that a great deal of
by the analyst
analyytikon has gone on before the reader encounters this `data ``.
This humanistic attention to the
tulkinnalle of their situation
tilanteestaan marks a distinct departure from the orthodox account.
I also sent him an article entitled `
Furthermore, such administrative histories tend to adhere to
tulkintoja in which the ascent of the party is seen unproblematically as a concomitant of the rise of labour and the evolution of more efficient organisational forms.
But inference from context would rule out such an
in this story
tämän tarinan .
Accreditation was not a concept that had gained currency in Britain at this time, and in developments over the next few years it was to receive a variety of
tulkintoja in British further and higher education
Britannian aikuisopetuksessa ja korkeakouluopetuksessa .
The ex-soldier's comment suggests, contrary to the
of the reporter
toimittajan , that there might be a perceived connection between tradition and the absence of discrimination.
But the musical analogy also suggests that the picture of
giving an
of his or her own research
omasta tutkimuksestaan is likely to reduce the chances of an independent viewpoint being brought to bear.
Procles was using his wits in the sort of intellectual games -- rationalistic
tulkintoja , comparisons of popular military leaders -- which appealed to the Greek and Roman public.
offers an
of Greek drama
kreikkalaisesta näytelmästä , in come ways anticipating Hegel's, which brings to the fore the question of tragic guilt.
Such conventions are prescribed neither by statute nor by judicial interpretation, so one must study instead
tulkintoja of political behaviour and practice
poliittisesta toiminnasta ja käytännöistä .
Some critics
Jotkut kriitikot have put a cynical
on the changes
muutoksille .
And of those cases, the majority involved matters of
with little or no political impact.
Whether or not these definitions are correct, every social encounter involves a process of
on the basis of available evidence
saatavilla olevien todisteiden pohjalta , whether this is self-conscious or not.
No such case as the latter has yet been brought and (although it is very improbable that any charge would succeed since the law is explicit) no certain
on this point
tästä seikasta has been made.
for the lack of overall relationship
kaikkien yhteyksien puutteesta might be
that the laboratory simulation was not actually successful in producing levels of subjective risk of the same magnitude as those experienced by drivers in the first study
että laboratoriosimulaatio ei itse asiassa onnistunut tuottamaan samanlaajuisia subjektiivisen riskin tasoja kuin kuljettajien ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa kokemat olivat .
She halted, hesitated, flicked a glance at him and saw from the surprised look on his face that
was putting
tulkintaansa on why she was scurrying to her room
siitä, miksi hän kiirehti huoneeseensa .
Although there are many different historical
tulkintoja as to why the purges happened
siitä, miksi puhdistukset tapahtuivat, most are agreed that the main purpose was to secure Stalin's power against all possible enemies.
This novel becomes `readable ``if we accept the
psykologioivan that Wallas is a kind of victim of Oedipal obsessions which he projects onto the objects around him
että Wallas kärsii eräänlaisista oidipaalisista pakkomielteistä, joita hän heijastaa ympärillään oleviin kohteisiin .
She accepted
the therapist's
terapeutin that this probably in part explained her excessive need for attention and reassurance from Charles
että tämä todennäköisesti selitti sen, että hän kaipasi ylen määrin huomiota ja vakuuttelua Charlesilta .
However, the
that state service-provision varies proportionately with age
että valtion palveluiden toimittaminen vaihtelee suhteessa ikään, may also be misleading.
It excludes the
that the door shut of its own accord
että ovi sulkeutuu itsestään , and so leads more explicitly to the conclusion that the door was shut by the shopman.
It appears that you have taken the real content of my personal views out of their true context and treated
with an
that I least expected.
In many respects
the Public School Missions
koulun tehtäviä , widely
as `civilizing ``and `Christianizing the community
yhteisön "sivistämisenä" ja "kristillistämisenä" , paralleled the settlements, with an ostentatious display of social conscience and religious conviction.
Seven of these ten
Seitsemää näistä kymmenestä as `deplorable ``
"paheksuttavina" -- overcrowded, poorly serviced, and dilapidated.
It seems natural
dishonestly keeping or dealing with the property
omaisuuden epärehellistä säilyttämistä tai kauppaamista (as it is now in the case of bailees).
It's a mistake to have a narrowly political view of the novel, as it is
its comedy
sen huvittavuutta as somehow decorative
jollain tapaa koristeellisena .
the conversation
keskustelua .
Field staff
Kenttätyöntekijät in intensely practical terms
hyvin käytännöllisesti .
However, it is more realistic
as primarily about the service of process which is in turn an essential step in the conduct of proceedings designed to secure the interests of the plaintiff
koskevan ensisijaisesti sen prosessin tiedoksiantoa, joka vuorostaan on olennainen vaihe kantajan etujen turvaamiseen suunniteltua kanteen toimeepanoa .
`Naturally, ``said Gus diplomatically, `
as under your orders
käskyjenne alaisena , sir.
in this light
tässä valossa .
with suspicion
epäluuloisesti , but when I hold out my hand, she takes it.
the empirical evidence
empiriisiä todisteita to be insufficient to support a general proposition that the tax system is undermining the work effort
riittämättöminä tukemaan yleistä väitettä, että verojärjestelmä heikentää työn aikaansaannosta .
The constructivist theory of mind
Mielen konstruktivistinen teoria on an analogy with action
toiminnan analogiana ; just as the representation theory takes an analogy with drawing and writing.
I'd just like to thank the fellow colleagues of my team for the effort and
a very worthwhile and creditable performance
hyvin onnistunutta ja kiitettävää suoritusta .
The Bikin river area
is also home to about 40 of the 250 remaining
on myös koti noin 40:lle jäljellä olevista 250:stä Siberian tigers
siperiantiikerille .
McCauley and Swisher (1984) recommend that
as a minimum number for an adequate sample
sopivana määränä riittäväksi otannaksi .
The approach
menettelytapaa by the government
Hallitus as being of particular benefit to the older urban areas
erityisen hyödyllisenä vanhemmille kaupunkialueille .
Once crowned,
his position
hänen asemallaan had divine sanction,
, and so was considerably strengthened.
And now the Court of Appeal has strongly indicated
a `living will.
While other people explored
, Columbus was forced to stay in Spain.
Milano is
the variety that
vaihteleva, jota as the standard among the enormous range of Italian salami
normaalina italialaisen salamien valtavassa valikoimassa .
The Dispensary merged into the Edinburgh Dental Hospital and school in 1879, with
as the school's creator
koulun perustajana , as consulting surgeon dentist.
He was now encumbered with
in an unfavourable light
epäsuotuisana .
Besides, you know
in the place.
Maybe Errol picked up on my mood because he said something offensive about
with deep affection
syvin kiintymyksen tuntein .
This breakthrough
Tämän läpimurron , still
in the detergent trade
pesuainekauppiaiden keskuudessa , was achieved by a technician at Procter & Gamble's French division.
with mystical awe
mystisen kunnioittavasti by all who see it
Kaikki, jotka näkevät sen, .
The action of eye-closing
Silmien sulkemisesta , normally
as voluntary
vapaaehtoisena , has thus become split off or `dissociated ``from voluntary control.
as ambitious
kunnianhimoisena ?
Er, a sharp fall in the interest, tax and dividends line led to the forty five million turnround at
the crucial measure
ratkaisevan tärkeänä toimenpiteenä , net funds from operation.
are also not formally
ei myöskään muodollisesti .