TransFrameNet:Calendric unit
April.n 🔎
- Every yearAprilhuhtikuun23 has been commemorated.
- That was on Saturday, 25thAprilhuhtikuuta.
- The closing date is 30Aprilhuhtikuuta.
- ByAprilhuhtikuuhun19911991Pearl had recognised the urgent need for change.
- Pensioner's received a 5.9 per cent increase in the state pensionlastviimeAprilhuhtikuussa.
- It opens in New YorknextensiAprilhuhtikuussa, followed by a national US tour.
- Over 70 SVQs have already been accredited; the target is to have 150 bynextensiAprilhuhtikuuhun.
- The first-ever world symposium on bad breath is to be heldthistässäAprilhuhtikuussain Mexico.
Sunday.n 🔎
- BRITAIN 'S newest narrow gauge railway opens its doors to the public for the first time onSundaysunnuntaina.
- Their phone call came to my home in Hampstead inviting me to come to Toronto to meet them onthe followingseuraavanaSundaysunnuntaina.
- It's alleged to have happened in GovanlastviimeSundaysunnuntaina.
- Well as I say I went for this interview and she phoned melastviimeSundaysunnuntainadidn't she?
- Harrogate would prefer to play Ripon nextSundaysunnuntaina.
- Q: Are you expecting a larger gatheringthistänäSundaysunnuntaina?
- Thiswas aoliSundaysunnuntai.
- It'sSundaysunnuntaitoday.
- And every month, they got the Friday, Saturday, andSundaysunnuntainoff you see.
- It was after he had been spending aSundaysunnuntainwith her that the accident happened.
- Heather Mallender visited me here onSundaysunnuntainathe eighteenth of September.
- We arrive 6 o'clockSundaysunnuntai-evening.
Tuesday.n 🔎
- The magistrate set a preliminary hearing fornextseuraavaksiTuesdaytiistaiksiand ordered Pickett held without bond.
Wednesday.n 🔎
- `I wonder was she born on aWednesdaykeskiviikkonalike Patsy?
- She'd spentlastviimeWednesdaykeskiviikonevening drinking at the Royal Legion Club in Swindon Town Centre.
- `ComenextseuraavanaWednesdaykeskiviikkonaif you can.
- Meetings of the circle are held at 8.15pm, preceded by Mass at 7.30pm on the firstWednesdaykeskiviikkonaof the monthkuun, at Loreto Convent Grammar School, Dunham Road, Altrincham.
- UK prices have not yet been set, theyshould be outpitäisi olla saatavillathistänäWednesdaykeskiviikkona, the company assures us.
- `And it'sWednesdaykeskiviikkotoday.
- ItwasoliWednesdaykeskiviikkoJune 14, 1922, and Hampshire were the visitors at Edgbaston.
- First it was weekends, then itwasoliWednesdayskeskiviikkoisinas well.
- A group of about 20 girls arrived at the Outreach Farm centre in Lancashire that wetWednesdaykeskiviikonmorning.
- On Mondays,Wednesdayskeskiviikkoisinand Fridays they had a poker school.
- WednesdaysKeskiviikotare for jobs in the media.
- Alleged White House gunman Robert Pickett was arraignedWednesdaykeskiviikkonaat a federal court in Washington and ordered held without bond.
afternoon.n 🔎
- Itwas a cold, rainyoli kylmä, sateinenafternooniltapäivä.
- `He has a busyafternooniltapäivä.
- ItwasoliWednesdaykeskiviikko-afternooniltapäivä.
- The jeep force set off in the lateafternooniltapäivälläof 26 July26. heinäkuuta, with about forty miles to cover to the coastal plain.
- In theafternoonsiltapäivisinmother and daughter went for long, nature-based rambles when Emma had to identify and discover things.
- Mandy Hickey, 27, was found dead in a house in Quarry Road onThursdaytorstai-afternooniltapäivällä.
- Reg apparently came mostSundaysunnuntai-afternoonsiltapäivisinto help welcome the anxious new arrivals.
- Theafternooniltapäiväof Wednesday 24 Feb.keskiviikkona, helmikuun 24. päivänäsaw the official opening of the Tweed Cycleway, which was held in Galashiels.
- `I'm goin'thistänäänafternooniltapäivällä, Mum.
- Why don't you both come alongtomorrowhuomennaafternooniltapäivällä?
- `You can come overtomorrowhuomennaafternooniltapäivällä, if you want.
- Itwas earlyoli aikainenafternooniltapäiväof the following dayseuraavana päivänäbefore Karelius found the opportunity to be alone with her.
autumn.n 🔎
- Certainly, he was blind to the true nature of Hitler and Nazism until theautumnsyksyynof 1938vuoden 1938.
- Bromley's own leaving party is scheduled forlateloppu-autumnsyksyyn.
- One of the smartest initiatives of the Tate Gallery's director, Nicholas Serota, is his series of installations of contemporary sculpture which take place eachautumnsyksy.
- LastViimeautumnsyksynäthe area around Lhasa was made a special economic zone.
- The next intake is already planned forAutumnsyksyksi19861986, but there is still time for anyone suitable and interested to be included.
- Like his brothers Richard agreed to accept rather less than he had been offered thepreviousedellisenäautumnsyksynä: half the revenues of Aquitaine, but this time only two residences, and apparently unfortified ones.
- It was rumoured that he had even been asked to Sandringham with his sketchbook, some timethis comingtänä tulevanaautumnsyksynä.
- This lastTänä viimeautumnsyksynäSouth East Arts tried and experiment in Brighton and organized a series of five so-called fringe theatrical productions at the Pavilion Theatre over a period of two months.
- The UK may have longer to wait than other countries, since a flush of lamb marketingsis likelytodennäköisestithistänäautumnsyksynäto beat the ending of the variable premium.
- In his new poem, the Complaint, itisonautumnsyksy.
- This seems more likely than that everything will be back to normal bythistähänautumnsyksyyn, as the government claims.
- Building work is expected to begin by theautumnsyksyynand the council hopes the bypass will be open by the summer of 1994.
- We are hopeful that two new training courses will beginthis comingtänä tulevanaautumnsyksynä.
- Bohunt volunteered for the first year, which startedlastviimeautumnsyksynä.
calendar year.n 🔎
- `No, acalendar yearkalenterivuosiis the time the Earth takes to orbit the sun.
- A maintenance contract covering thecalendar yearkalenterivuoden1991 was not issued under invoice until April 1991.
- Ourcalendar yearkalenterivuotemmeis based on the solar year -- the number of days the earth takes to travel round the sun.
- By the end of October we had received some 38,800 principal applications duringthistämäncalendar yearkalenterivuoden.
- If adopted, it would apply tocalendar yearkalenterivuoden1993 statements.
dawn.n 🔎
- It will only come closer arounddawnaamunkoitteen.
- She returned just afterdawnaamunkoitteen.
- Atdawnaamunkoitteessanext morningseuraavana aamunatwo Chinese planes came in and we got almost everyone on board and away.
- I had to wait tilldawnaamunkoitteeseento see what I was doing, ``said Peter, of Taunton, Somerset, who suffered minor injuries.
day.n 🔎
- BoxingTapanin-Daypäiväbrought a bumper crowd to Edgar Street.
- According to Friedersdorf, `We knew we had to get our bills enacted before theLabortyönDaypäivänrecess.
- They proceed not to turn up on Monday, the next workingdaypäivänä.
- The nextSeuraavatfewdayspäivääare going to be a mad whirl of a lot of strained socialising.
- This happens ten times adaypäivän.
- `I visited his grave everydaypäiväand sat and cried.
- President Bush signed the measurethe followingseuraavanadaypäivänä.
- The nextSeuraavanadaypäivänä, he comes back.
- Both men promised to returnthe nextseuraavanadaypäivänä.
- Jennifer, she was born onApril Fool'saprilli-Daypäivänä.
- `The old king diednextseuraavanadaypäivänäand killed the story stone dead.
- We might even get a decentdaypäivän's work out of `em.
- However, on Fridays she has adaypäivänat home.
- Itwas a bright coldoli kirkas kylmädaypäiväin Aprilhuhtikuussa, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
daybreak.n 🔎
- He then forced himself to get through the rest of the day without writing, so that the well would have replenished its juice by the time he took up his pencil againthe nextseuraavassadaybreakaamunkoitteessa.
- `We worked fromdaybreakaamunkoitteestato dusk on farmland.
decade.n 🔎
- The nextSeuraavadecadevuosikymmenmay well see the introduction of more designer polymers and composites, such as adhesive liquid crystalline systems and biocompatible monomers with reduced polymerisation shrinkage.
- Having spentthe lastviimeisendecadevuosikymmenenappearing in television mini-series and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, Starr has rediscovered his musical roots.
- The lastviimeinendecadevuosikymmenof the nineteenth century1800-luvunsaw the development of a considerable antipathy to trade unionism among influential public opinion.
- One such reform took place in AD 317, and therefore coins made inthe previousedellisendecadevuosikymmenenwould not have been available after this date for subsequent use and loss.
- Life went on, and pottery and other artefacts continued to be made for severaldecadesvuosikymmeniäat least.
- What progress has the human family made inthe last twokahden viimeisendecadesvuosikymmenentowards fulfilling the basic needs of its poorest members?
- Environmentalists paid it little heed: they spent thedecadevuosikymmenenprior to 1983ennen vuotta 1983worrying about issues such as the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, the third London airport, motorways and nuclear power.
- Her imperial era was over, though it took anotherdecadevuosikymmenenand two major anti-terrorist campaigns in Borneo and Aden to complete the transition.
- It is also proposed that widescale improvements and expansions to existing roads should take place inthe nextseuraavandecadevuosikymmenen.
- In thedecadevuosikymmenenbefore the warennen sotaa, Jewish settlement in the East End led to some involvement in the London underworld on the part of the Jewish population.
dusk.n 🔎
- Mrs Hassock ushered them into her front room, with the window on the street, the window through which Lucy, when walking that way, had glimpsed her afterduskiltahämäränon a winter eveningtalvi-iltana.
- You fish fromduskiltahämärästäto dawn (or as long as you can last) for three nights (£180, excluding accommodation).
- The Saxon peasant worked from dawn untilduskiltahämäräänand as one went down the class ladder life was harder.
eve.n 🔎
- `It's nice that we can spendChristmasjoulu-Eveaatontogether like this.
- Santa comes onChristmasjoulu-Eveaattona,
- At thePassoverpääsiäisenEveaatonmeal the stories of the plagues are recited, and with each one a finger is dipped in a glass of wine and a drop of the wine let fall on to a plate.
- The following daywas theolieveiltaof the Feast of St NicholasPyhän Nikolaoksen juhlan.
- On 29 April and 1 May the setting sun's rays were scarcely differently placed, but an ancient tradition attached to theeveaattoonof May Dayvapunpäivän.
evening.n 🔎
- OnFridayperjantai-eveningiltana, while they were listening to Gerhardt sing In Wunderschönen Monat Mai, Fru Gertlinger burst in uncharacteristically.
- Richard had talked to her alleveningillan.
- Johnny arrivedthe followingseuraavanaeveningillanas Cassie was working on her usual classroom preparation in the little attic room.
- Can I come to your roomthistänäeveningiltana?
- It startstomorrowhuomeneneveningillalla.
- Itwas a fineoli kauniseveningilta, the sea was an unruffled expanse of silvery blue; the Mount stood out, a grey-green pyramid with its fairy-tale castle at the top catching the low sun.
- She hoped that most of them had been out enjoying theirFridayperjantai-eveningillasta, but many clearly had not and the row of bodies being assembled under the blankets grew longer with every passing minute.
- Seb spent theeveningillandrinking steadily, talking generalities, until Jacob was called away to intervene in a fight between two of his navvies.
- He doesn't normally work onSundaysunnuntai-eveningsiltaisinbut if anyone does come -- ``She paused.
fortnight.n 🔎
- And so, with her emotions wrapped up safely in a package of anger, Lisa proceeded to facethe comingtulevatfortnightkaksi viikkoa.
- The idea came from the cancer support group which meets everyfortnightkahden viikonat the Derry Well Woman centre.
- Where were the two girls duringthe lastviimeistenfortnightkahden viikonof their lives?
- We have had some welcome summer days in the lastfortnightkahtena viikkona.
- A decision is expected inthe nextseuraavanfortnightkahden viikon.
hour.n 🔎
- Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off duringdaylightpäivänvalonhourstunteina.
midday.n 🔎
- `The rain will continue through the night until aboutmiddaykeskipäivääntomorrowhuomisen.
- We docked atmiddaykeskipäivällä.
- We left Miami on a Tuesday afternoon and were in A-1's Los Angeles' office bymiddaykeskipäiväänon Saturdaylauantaina.
- Itwasolimiddaykeskipäivä,when they faced one another on the level field in the north-east quarter of Caer Camel.
midnight.n 🔎
- The flights must be booked between today andmidnightkeskiyönon New Year's Dayuudenvuodenpäivänand tickets remain valid until the end of March.
- Firemen were called to Old Cemetery Road in Hartlepool shortly beforemidnightkeskiyötäon Tuesdaytiistainato put out a blazing car.
- I'll wait there tillmidnightkeskiyöhön.
- When it had gonemidnightkeskiyöLowell knew she wasn't coming.
- `The police seem to think it happened some time aftermidnightkeskiyönlast nightviime yönä.
- MidnightKeskiyöpasses and another sleepless night begins.
- Under the terms of Knighton's original contract with Edwards, he setmidnightkeskiyöntomorrowhuomisenas the deadline for posting a formal offer to shareholders.
- Departing staff will be required to clear their desks and hand in their entry passes bymidnightkeskiyöhöntonighttänä iltana.
- Anyone who takes part must register as soon as he or she has completed 15 minutes' exercise, betweenmidnightkeskiyöntonighttänäänand 10.30pm tomorrow.
morn.n 🔎
- May hopenextseuraavanaMornaamunato see the chearful Sun:
- I'd been working since earlymornaamusta,
- MornAamucame and went, and came, bringing no day,
- Came home in evening he says purposely to take me overnextseuraavanamornaamunaearly.
morning.n 🔎
- `You'll have to wait formorningaamua.
- `My wife doesn't want you hanging around her like a pet dog, ``Nahum said to him after the service oneSundaysunnuntai-morningaamuna.
- I've just finished Saturday Night andSundaysunnuntai-Morningaamun.
- Later in the day we received instructions that Sir Robert and his party would be leaving thefollowingseuraavanamorningaamuna.
- I'm kept up `tilearlyaikaiseenmorningaamuunby the sound of people in the next room chopping up lines.
- We generally sleep right through theearlyaikaisenmorningaamun,if it's rough weather.
- I dutifully spent themorningaamunin outer space.
- `According to Rose, he was at a factory in Anduze by nine and spentthe restloputof themorningaamustathere.
noon.n 🔎
- Courier Pak Limited to 2lb., and to size and shape 12 in. x 15½ in., these are delivered to the consignee not later thannoonkeskipäivälläon the day after pick-upnoutamisen jälkeisenä päivänä.
- The armed forces launched the coup just beforenoonkeskipäivääon Feb. 23helmikuun 23. päivänä.
- But towardsnoonkeskipäivääof the next dayseuraavan päivänthe clouds parted for a moment.
- He did not come atnoonkeskipäivällä.
- With that Baldwin had to be content until almost theMondaymaanantainnoonkeskipäivään.
today.n 🔎
- I've been to Brentwoodsolen ollut Brentwoodsissatodaytänäänto talk about another one.
- `Going off to Londontodaytänään, are you, miss, and on your own too, won't you let me come with you?
tomorrow.n 🔎
- `Bydawnaamunkoitteeseentomorrowhuomiseen, London time, ``said the Veep.
- `The rain will continue through the night untilabout middaysuunnilleen keskipäivääntomorrowhuomisenna.
- Phone your answer on the following number 0891 525 512 bymidnightkeskiyöhöntomorrowhuomiseen, leaving your name, address, video choice and daytime phone number.
- Anyone who takes part must register as soon as he or she has completed 15 minutes' exercise, between midnight tonight and10.30pmkello 22.30tomorrowhuomenna.
- The show will run from10am to 4pmkello 10-16tomorrowhuomennaand Sunday.
- `We're going nowhere -- at least, not untiltomorrowhuomenna.
twilight.n 🔎
- `They walked to and fro in thetwilighthämärässä
- Thetwilightiltahämäräwas fading fast when she entered the bedroom but she could see that the child was still sitting bolt upright in the bed.
- It was in Morrocco that thetwilightiltahämäräbegan to fall.
week.n 🔎
- It was part of the economy drive in preparation forHateviha-Weekviikkoa.
weekend.n 🔎
- The National Soccer Tournament at Portlaoise (June 26kesäkuun 26. päivänWeekendviikonloppu) is all set to go.
- The firstEnsimmäisenweekendviikonlopunin Septembersyyskuussashould be a closed date and I hope in future years the folly of playing games on national finals day will not be repeated.
- The followingSeuraavanaweekendviikonloppunaI cemented capping stones round the top of the new pond and also round the header pools.
- The National Administrative Council met onthe followingseuraavanaweekendviikonloppunato discuss the situation which had arisen.
- Councils are poised to try to ban Sunday shoppingnextseuraavanaweekendviikonloppunaif the European Court of Justice refers the debate back to the House of Lords this week.
- Sonextseuraavanaweekendviikonloppunawhen you come back off the induction you should be fired up, let's see what we're really gon na to do here yeah.
- On theweekendviikonloppuna,beginning 29 Apriljoka alkaa 29. huhtikuuta, students of water power will be able to learn how to put a project together.
- Theweekendviikonloppubefore your birthdayennen syntymäpäivääsi.
- Edberg, whose most recent brief reign as No 1 ended with defeat by Richard Krajicek in Tokyo, has other things on his mind, such as his wedding in Swedenthistänäweekendviikonloppuna.
- Actually I think I may come downthistänäweekendviikonloppuna, just to escape.
- ``Doing something specialthistänäweekendviikonloppunathen, Mr. Kopek?
- Until then, goodnight and have a goodbank holidayvapaataweekendviikonloppua.
- Pamela was the one who found him, and she spent theweekendviikonlopunafter he died stoned out of her mind, listening to his records.
- It now takes place over theweekendviikonloppunaof April 24 and 25huhtikuun 24. ja 25. päivän.
winter.n 🔎
- His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of thewintertalventhat had just ended.
yesterday.n 🔎
- Even so, when applied toyesterdayeilisen's polls the program yields fascinating -- not to say hair-raising -- results.
- UntilyesterdayeiliseenI had never seen your mother.
- It was brilliantyesterdayeilen!
- Dadawas on the riveroli joellayesterdayeilen.
- `She only wentyesterdayeilen, Billy.
- I read it to themyesterdayeilenafternoon.
- `I can't tell you how I enjoyedyesterdayeilis-evening.