- The Volvo fared little better but Donna closed her eyes tightly as the impact hurled her forward again and sent her crashing against the steering column with enough force to knock thebreathhengityksenfrom herhäneltä.
- The moon disappeared, and there was a slow, light wind, like thebreathhenkäisyof a dying mankuolevan miehen, as Gabriel climbed the ladder and started thatching high up on top of the third rick.
- She blew outher<empty>breathilman.
- He blew out 59 withhishänenfirstbreathhenkäisyllään.
- She sucked in a deepbreathhenkäisyn.
- On aninwardsisäänpäinbreathhengitykselläpull them in tight.
- Time the outward motion withyoursinunoutwardulos-breathhengityksesi.
- Squeeze them together again and on anoutwardulos-breathhengityksellälet them go again.
- He held hisbreathhengitystään.
- `Leave me get abreathhenkäysof airilmaa, and I'll do that!
- She pulled harder at him, squeezed the verybreathhengenvedonfrom his bodyhänen kehostaan.
- She thought for a moment and blew herbreathhengityksenoutulosover her lipshuultensa ohi.
- Iminäcan'tEn pystybreathehengittämään! ”
- Do you know thatfishkalatcan'teivät voibreathehengittää,unless they're in water?
- Her assailants had covered her face and pinched her nose so thatshehäncould notei kyennytbreathehengittämään.
- Andsome lifehieman elämäämight bevoisibreathedpuhaltaainto Labour's democracy of the dead at lastkuolleiden työväenpuolueen demokratiaan.
- SheHänstood on the embankmentbreathinghengittäeninsisäängulps of airhenkäyksiä ilmaa,as he stood awkwardly by her, then fumbled for a handkerchief and he saw that she was crying.
- Going out on to Des Voeux,shehänbreathedhengittiinsisäänthe hot, humid airkuumaa, kosteaa ilmaa.
- The sun was up, the dark clouds disappeared and for a momentshehänbreathedhengittieasyvaivattomasti.
- HeHänfell onto his pallet,breathinghengittäenhardvoimakkaasti.
- HeHänmounted the slope with effort,breathinghengittäenhardvoimakkaasti.
- BreatheHengitäinsisäänthrough the nosenenän kauttaandoutuloshardvoimakkaastithrough the mouthsuun kautta, both to a slow count of four.
- In the blue light of the morninghehänbreathedveti henkäyksensähis lastviimeisen.
- SheHänbreathedhengittithe last gasp of smokeviimeisen savunhenkäisyntowards the ceilingkohti kattoaand stubbed out her cigarette.
- It is after all a dealers' fair and gives us a chance to show what we have to potential and established clients withoutthe auction houseshuutokauppayhtiötbreathinghengittävätdown our necksniskaamme.
- He was in coma, and ashehänbreathedhengitti,he made a terrible bubbling sound.
- So long astheyheweren't too close andbreathinghengittäneettheir germsbakteereitaanon herhänen päälleen, Gloria liked there to be people about.
- JesusJeesushadolibreathedpuhaltanuthis Spirithenkeäänupon his disciplesopetuslastensa päälle.
- HeHänwas<empty>breathinghengittiin short fast gaspslyhyin, nopein henkäyksin.
- The major hazards will come fromaerosols containing microbes thataerosoleista, jotka sisältävät mikrobeja, joitaare<empty>breathedhengittävätinsisäänby workers in biotechnology factoriesbiotekniikkatehtaiden työntekijät.
- He swayed a little ashehänbreathedhengittifumes of wineviininhöyryjäinto her facehänen kasvoilleen.
- Andhehänsureis<empty>breathinghengittääbadvaikeasti.
- HeHänbreathedhengittideeplysyväänbefore speaking again.
- SheHänclosed her eyes andbreathedhengittideeplysyvään, pretending to be asleep.
- The doctor presses on Andy's chest whilehis wifehänen vaimonsabreathespuhaltaainto the boy's mouthpojan suuhun.
- Place your lips around the child's mouth andbreathepuhallainto his lungshänen keuhkoihinsa
- VictorVictorbreathedhengittion the glass in his handkädessään olevaan lasiin, and buffed it until it gleamed.
- HeHänbreathedhenkäisilovinglyrakastavastion the silverhopeaanand polished it with his sleeve.
- HeHänstood straight andbreathedhengittithrough his mouthsuunsa kauttatasting mint coolness.
- The stagUroshirvibreathedhengittiheavilyraskaastithrough its nosenenänsä kautta.
- Iminätriedbreathinghengittääthrough the sleeves of my tracksuitverryttelypukuni hihojen läpi.
- GeorgeGeorgebreathedhengittiin his earhänen korvaansa.
- The idea is thattheyhe'll<empty>breathehengittävätinsisäänthe genegeeniäfrom an inhalerinhalaattorista,and it will attach to the walls of cells in the lungs.
- They had come quietly but Tom had ears that could hear a mouse moving underground, ora squirreloravanbreathinghengittävänin a treepuussa.
- Most modern fishSuurin osa nykyaikaisista kaloistabreathehengittääin watervedessäwith gillskidusten avulla, but many species living in foul, swampy water supplement this by gulping air at the surface.
- In spite of his initial impression,hehänwas<empty>breathinghengittiwithout difficultyilman vaikeuksia.
- Exhalationsuloshengityksetfrom the EarthMaapallonextinguish the sun's fire gradually every day and cause the darkness of night.
- MoistKosteatexhalationshenkäyksetfrom the seamereltäexplain other meteorological phenomena: clouds are a direct result, and wind and rain issue from clouds.
- Theexhalationuloshengitysblots out my vision altogether.
- MontgomeryMontgomerygave ashortlyhyenexhalationuloshengityksen,which could have represented disbelief, frustration or simple boredom.
- Each child had three recorded attempts without a noseclip and with a minimumexhalationuloshengitykselläof 1.5 seconds1,5 sekunnin.
- His shoulders lifted and fell in ahugevaltavallaexhalationuloshengitykselläof breath<empty>.
- He expelled his breath in alongpitkälläexhalationuloshengityksellä.
- SheHängave ahuskykäheänexhalationuloshengityksenof breath<empty>, and a second later he had bent his head to press his hot mouth against the swell of her breasts.
- SheHändrew in deeply andexhaledhengitti ulosthrough her nosenenänsä kautta, then snapped the cigarette briskly from her mouth and pointed it at him with a flourish.
- SheHänexhaledhengitti ulosslowlyhitaasti, shudderingly, holding her breath as Parmedes injected Zambia in the neck.
- HeHäntook smoke into his lungs andexhaledhengitti ulosslowlyhitaasti.
- Among the innovations is a medical mass spectrometer, which will analysethe gaseskaasujabreathed andexhaleduloshengittämiäby patientspotilaiden, virtually ruling out any risk of brain damage under anaesthetic due to equipment failure or human error.
- A COMPUTER screen linked to Britain's only medical mass-spectrometer gives a constant read-out ofgaseskaasuistainhaled andexhaleduloshengittämistäby patientpotilaan.
- EnriqueEnriquelit another cigarette,exhalinghengittäen ulospungent blue smokepistävää sinistä savuatowards the stained ceilingkohti likaista kattoa.
- He chuckled ashehänexhaledhengitti uloscigarette smoketupakansavuaacross the space between usvälissämme olevaan tilaan.
- All the timetheyhestroked their nicotine stained moustaches andexhaledhengittivät ulosnoxious fumeshaitallisia kaasujafrom their foam-flecked lipsvaahdon täplittämiltä huuliltaan.
- Exhalinghengittäminen ulosa cigaretteTupakanthrough the fine tissues of a handkerchiefnenäliinan hienon paperin läpigives graphic demonstration of what happens to the even finer tissues of the lungs.
- IminäexhaledHengitin ulosa cloud of smokesavupilven.
- HeHängaspedhaukkoi henkeäänwith painkivusta,as the head of the smaller boy caught him in the stomach.
- In 1986, on their first tour to Britain for years, the Bolshoi's artistic director, Yuri Grigorovich, revealed Mukhamedov to the ballet world, anditsegaspedhaukkoi henkeäänwith astonishmenthämmästyksestä.
- Suddenly,shehänwas clinging to him, her hands in his dark hair,gaspinghenkäistenwith pent-up desiretukahdetusta halusta,as his hands swept up to her breastskun miehen kädet kaartoivat ylös hänen rinnoilleen.
- SheHännearlygaspedhaukkoi henkeäänwith dismaytyrmistyneenäat the shock that shivered down into her tummyjärkytyksestä, joka värisi alas hänen vatsaansa.
- LouisaLouisagaspedhenkäisiwith delight to see the man and his reflection travel together so fluentlyihastuksesta nähdessään miehen ja tämän peilikuvan matkaavan yhdessä niin sujuvasti.
- Alexandra and LyddyAlexandra ja Lyddygaspedhenkäisivätin unisonyhteen ääneen.
- A few seconds later,hehängaspedhenkäisivätin realizationtajutessaan: hadn't the scientist referred to his tardy colleague as `he ``?
- HeHänturned,elbows beneath himkyynärpäät allaan,gaspinghenkäistenin the foul airhuonoa ilmaa, his chest heaving.
- It was so beautifully cut thatJoannaJoannagaspedhenkäisiin admirationihailusta.
- She had disappeared, strategically, into the folds of her little black dress, leavingKarenKareningaspinghaukkomaan henkeäänin her underslipalushameessaan.
- ThessyThessygaspedhaukkoi henkeäänat such blasphemysellaisesta jumalanpilkasta, while I scowled at Ellen's blackmail.
- And asFabiaFabiagaspedhaukkoi henkeäänat the implicationoletuksesta,she saw behind that statement Lubor was going on, `It is I who asks you, for myself.
- The jewels sparkled in the candlelight andthe guestsvieraatgaspedhaukkoivat henkeäänat the sheer magnificence of the pieceteoksen silkalle upeudelle.
- He slowly lifted the hand which had been clutching his, opened it and very gently implanted a kiss on its palm, and laughed whenshehängaspedhenkäisiat the caresshyväilystä.
- Symptom:Larger fishSuurempi kala, in particulargaspinghaukkoo henkeäänat the surfacepinnalla.
- JoshuaJoshuagaspedhenkäisi,as his heavy frame shookkun hänen vankka runkonsa vapisi.
- AliceAlicesuddenlyyhtäkkiägaspedhenkäisias though an invisible blade had pricked her fleshkuin näkymätön terä olisi pistänyt hänen lihaansa; the smile remained, though, and became even more serene.
- After just a minute or so, especially if we were handling metal,wemeidänwould need to stop andhuffpuhkuaon to frozen fingersjäisiin sormiin, standing around with pained expressions while circulation returned.
- While the first group of dogs feeds -- it takes just a few seconds for them to finish the bowls, right down to the lick clean --Iminähuffpuhkunon my fingerssormiini, more hopefully than knowingly.
- HeHänhuffedpuhkuiangrilyvihaisesti,exasperatedraivostuneena, then turned to his son again.
- BerdichevBerdichevhuffedpuuskahtiimpatientlykärsimättömästiand looked up at the overhead camera.
- The butlerHovimestariinserted a hooked finger into his collar, grimaced andhuffedpuuskahti.
- TheyHehuffedpuhkuivatand puffed after that, but nothing was going to get through.
- He rose, flung his arms wide, took adeepsyväninhalationsisäänhengityksenof sea airmeri-ilmaaand climbed the few paces to the top of the dune where he would be visible to the clothed.
- The man, who has not been named, was treated at hospital forgaskaasuninhalationhengittämisestäthen questioned.
- Asthma is currently treated with two different drugs taken byinhalationinhalaation avulla.
- SteamHöyry-inhalationsinhalaatioitawere given four hourly and Mr Brown was given analgesia prior to physiotherapy.
- Dust from such holes sprinkled down upon the drillers and considerable amounts were inevitably taken in by theirvigoroustarmokkaatinhalationssisäänhengityksensäas they laboured.
- A couple in one house at Primrose Gardens were treated for shock andsmokesavuninhalationhengittämisen.
- A post mortem examination report showed he died from poisoning by carbon monoxide due toinhalationhengittämisenof fumeskaasujen.
- Nicotine is contained in the moisture of the tobacco leaf: when the cigarette is lit, it evaporates, attaching itself to minute droplets inthe tobacco smoketupakansavuuninhaledsisään hengittämäänby the smokertupakoijan.
- Released from his pipe, at least momentarily,hehäninhaledhengitti sisäänthe morning airaamuilmaa.
- RuthRuthdeeplysyvääninhaledveti henkeensäthe scent of the pines so richly sweetmäntyjen runsasta ja makeaa tuoksua, warm and Mediterranean.
- Her lungs burned asshehäninhaledveti henkeensäfoamvaahtoa; she vomited.
- Smokeless tobaccoSavutonta tupakkaacan bevoiinhaledvetää henkeen, chewed or sucked and, as with smoking, can cause cancer in humans -- most particularly cancers of the oral cavity.
- Each member of the groupKaikki ryhmän jäsenetinhaledhengittivätfrom the cantölkistä, and some felt a strange effect, rather like being drunk.
- Then the movement is reversed: the air inside, now heated, escapes through the same pores whereby it entered, and is replaced bycold airkylmä ilmainhaledsisään hengitettythrough the mouthsuun kautta
- ManfredManfredinhaledhengitti sisäänpowerfullyvoimakkaastithrough his nosenenänsä kauttaand held his breath while he stared at the stars and listened to the tiny howl of life in his ears.
- HeHäninhaledhengitti sisäänslowlyhitaasti, allowing the breath to escape gradually from between slightly parted lips before answering.
- HeHäninhaledhengitti sisäänand exhaled.
- The female emperor mothNaaraspuolinen riikinkukkokehrääjäpuffshengittääher sexual perfumesseksuaaliset tuoksunsaout from her abdomenulos vatsastaan, and these carry downwind in an expanding cone.
- The countKreivipuffedpuhalsioutulossmokesavuathrough his long holderpitkän pidikkeensä läpi,as we shook handskun kättelimme, and then Paula Reece asked him, `Vrin, be an angel and let's have a little piano music.
- He drew a breath, thenpuffedpuhalsiitsenoutulos.
- JamesJamespuffedpuhalsioutulosa great breathsuuren henkäyksen, digging his hands deep into the big empty pockets of his coat.
- ”HeHänpuffedpuhalsiblue smokesinistä savuatowards the ceilingkohti kattoa, … we'll skip lunch at La Motte Farm.
- `That's the tables done, ``Sally said, coming in witha great draught thatsuuren tynnyrin, jokastirred the fire andpuffedpuhalsicurls of smokesavukiehkuroitafrom under the mantel-shelftakanreunuksen alta.
- ItSerespireshengittääanaerobicallyanaerobisesti,by a process known as fermentationprosessilla, joka tunnetaan käymisenä; breaking down sugars to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol.
- HeHänhad alwaysoli ainarespiredhengittänythis worktyötäänwith the same primal need that his body sought oxygen.
- It is whenan outgoing fishseurallinen kalaceases to swim with the shoal and skulks, perhaps with fins folded andrespiringhengittäenmore rapidly than usualnopeammin kuin normaalisti, that something is suspect.
- This assists the corals in the building of their skeletons, and releases oxygen which helpsthe coralskorallejarespirehengittämään.
- TheyNerespirehengittävätat lower levels of light, temperature and tissue moisture than bryophytes or vascular plantsmatalammilla valon, lämpötilan ja kudosten kosteuden tasoilla kuin sammalet tai putkilokasvit, and are protected by dehydration against exhaustion of carbohydrate reserves (Smith, 1984).
- Terrestrial amphibiansMaapallon sammakkoeläimetrespirehengittävätthrough their skinihonsa kauttaand to do this must keep it moist with mucus.
- The first living things evolved in its absence, andmany organismsmonet eliöteven todaytänäkin päivänästilledelleenrespirehengittävätwithout its aidilman sen apua.
- BluftonBluftonrespiredhengittideeplysyvään,his eyes glued first to the superintendent's face and then Dexter'ssilmät liimautuneina ensin poliisipäällikön kasvoihin ja sitten Dexterin.
- HeHänlay back,respiringhengittäendeeplysyvään.
- Because the cornea is avascular,itsenneedsto<empty>respirehengittäädirectly from the atmospheresuoraan ilmakehästä.
- In this process, the tentacles serve another and important function, for the water brings with it dissolved oxygen whichLingulalingulaneeds in orderto<empty>respirehengittääkseen.
- DavidDavidrespiredhengittislowlyhitaasti,letting the air swell in his lungs before the weight of his rib-cage forced it outantaen ilman paisua keuhkoissaan, ennen kuin hänen rintakehänsä paino pakotti sen ulos.
- However,many modern organismsmonet nykyaikaiset eliötrespirehengittävätwithout the aid of oxygenilman hapen apua; that is, are anaerobic.
- DavidDavidrespiredhengittideeplysyväänto quieten his euphoriavaientaakseen euforiansa.
- The sentence was stifled under the thick cushion ofEmilia'sEmiliansighhuokauksen.
- Kiku'sKikunsighhuokauswas exaggerated.
- The pub landlord'sPubin omistajasighhuokasiof reliefhelpotuksestametamorphoses into a gigantic shit-eating grin as BACK TO THE PLANET and entourage depart his suit-heavy establishment.
- GuidoGuidogave abrieflyhyensighhuokauksen.
- Folding her against himVetäen naisen itseään vasten,hehängave alongpitkänsighhuokauksen, then moved her back so that he could look into her face.
- Iminäswallow, take alongpitkänsighhuokauksenand look at him.
- SheHängave awearyväsyneensighhuokauksen.
- RexRexmade amajorsuurensighhuokauksen.
- SheHänbreathed asighhuokauksen,of reliefhelpotuksenas he made no attempt to continue the discussion.
- SheHängazed up at it with adeepsyvänsighhuokauksenof pleasuremielihyvän.
- “ I'll have the use of a locker at the airport … ”shehäntrailed off with adespondentepätoivoisensighhuokauksen.
- Uncle Philip sighed heavily, thesighhuokausof a man being thankful for exceedingly small mercieserittäin pienistä asioista kiitollisen miehen.