TransFrameNet:Biological area
bog.n 🔎
- The report estimates that exploitation ofbogssoidenin BritainBritanniassaresults in carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 40 per cent of that produced by the country's transport vehicles.
- Bald started work in 1809 and soon secured other appointments in Mayo, first as one of the engineers employed by the government to survey thebogssoitaof IrelandIrlanninand later as a road engineer.
- Behind that, among thebogssoidenof the river-plainjokitasangon, was the wide crossing that led to their station last night and then, further north, to Dunblane, where their base was.
- And whether he changes his system, ploughs his moorland, reseeds his pasture, increases his stocking rate, drains hisbogsuonand fertilises his meadow is strongly influenced by the advice and grant-aid he receives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF).
- Somewereolivatheatherkanerva-bogssoita, some bracken bogs and others were boggy floodlands of marsh grass.
- Drainage schemes have affected valley mires and blanketbogssoihin.
- As a former chairman of An Taisce, Ireland's equivalent of the National Trust, says: `How on earth do you rehabilitate a 6,000-year-oldpeatturve-bogsuon?
- At the far edge of thepeatturve-bogsuonthere rose a peculiar outcrop of limestone.
- I HAVE loved visitingpeatturve-bogssoillaever since, as a sixth-former, I first experienced the wonderful combination of springy surface and spongy sphagnum, glistening red sundews and white bog cotton that they offer.
- `He was preserved in abogsuolle, sir, ``Sheikh was saying.
copse.n 🔎
- Shots were returned, but the gunmen escaped to a nearbycopsevesakkoon.
- He could grow hedges and wildflowers instead of sugar beet; he could turn his fields into areas of `quiet countryside enjoyment ``; he could restore ancientcoppicesvesametsiäand chalk grassland.
- Now it is free, and very agreeable it was on a spring morning to walk throughitssencoppicesvesakoidenand gardens of oak and maple, white roses and birches and every kind of shrub.
- Morgan felt more comfortable as he approached the Grange, still hidden by acopsevesakonof treespuu-.
- They passed thecopsevesakonand the lights of a large Elizabethan house came into view.
- Coppicesvesakoitaof oakTammi-were cultivated in the area for the provision of charcoal.
- He wanders lonely valleys and isolatedcopsesvesakoissa, where he plays enticing music on his flute.
- He was approaching thecopsevesakkoaof treespuu-, a dark island by the side of the road.
desert.n 🔎
- Plants cope with hot drydesertaavikollain many different ways.
- A 17-year effort to protect some seven million acres of federally owneddesertaavikkoain CaliforniaKaliforniassaseems to be on the brink of success, the result of a new president and changing attitudes in Congress.
- Now much ofAustralia'sAustraliandesertaavikostais salinated.
- You only turn to it as people climb mountains and crossdesertsaavikoita-- to find out what you are made of by doing what you hardly dare to do.
- I went to bed utterly content; ahead of me were weeks of hunting and travel in remote mountains, and later the excitement of exploring theDanakilDanakilindesertaavikon.
- Inland, theMojaveMojavendesertaavikkonow provides solar power integrated into the local grid system.
- There are nosandhiekka-desertsaavikoitaor snowfields or rain forests to lift or deflect the breezes, or raise or lower the temperature.
- This strange greeting is used in this particular part of Arabia and parts of Oman, not the northern Gulf nor theinlandsisämaandesertsaavikoillaof Saudi ArabiaSaudi-Arabian.
- It was successfully tested over thedesertsaavikoillaof New MexicoNew Mexiconon 16 July 1945, before the war with Japan was over.
- Gilman said, `He would scarcely risk crossing thedesertaavikoninto North Yemen.
- Thedesertaavikkowas scattered with hills, like smooth dark whales riding in a flat sea.
- A plantation of 30,000 artificial palms would fundamentally shift cloud patterns nearcoastalranta-desertsaavikoita, drawing them overland from the sea.
- The navigator was a young sergeant named Mike Sadler who had emigrated to Rhodesia before the war and who was arguably the best at finding his way around theLibyanlibyalaiselladesertaavikolla.
- PolarNapa-desertaavikkois the area of bare rocks and soils beyond the tundra, where only a thin, patchy covering of plant life is found.
- Thewesternläntinendesertaavikkooffers few natural restrictions.
- Ground with less than about 50% cover is called fellfield; below about 20% fellfieldbecomes polartulee napa-desertaavikko.
- The train newly arrived on a European covered in dust blown from theGobiGobinDesertautiomaalta, or encrusted with salt spray from the Bosporus.
- For example, Alan Charig and Brenda Horsfield point to the shoulder-girdle and fore-limbs of a likely theropod unearthed on a 1965 expedition to theGobiGobinDesertautiomaallein MongoliaMongoliaan.
- Beyond the big waterfallis aondesertaavikkoof black sandmustan hiekan, then lava fields, the black and red-brown lumps dotted with a whitish lichen, then another lava field where the lichenous moss is bright green.
- The pygmies were gone, and below the airshipwas a softoli pehmeädesertaavikkoof fine, white sandhienon, valkoisen hiekan.
fen.n 🔎
- No swans', cranes', or bitterns' eggs could be taken from thefensuolta.
- When all was dry, men set thefensuonon fire.
forest.n 🔎
- It is expected that the group will argue its case for the protection ofThailand'sThaimaanwesternläntistenforestsmetsienat the global convention on biodiversity to be held at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development next June.
- Mosquito CoastMoskiittorannikonforestmetsäat risk from development deal
- The densest highforestmetsäin the High WealdHigh Wealdissais associated with the ghyll valleys, narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils.
- Scheduled for Sunday June 13, the bike ride will take in some of the loveliest parts of the county, starting and finishing atBelvoir ParkBelvoir ParkinForestmetsässäin BelfastBelfastissa.
- Scientists will studyforestsmetsiäin south-east Asian countriesKaakkois-Aasian maissa, with a view to establishing what conditions produce the highest carbon dioxide absorption.
- ForestsMetsätin the Brazilian state of Rio de JaneiroBrasilian Rio de Janeiron osavaltiossaare disappearing at the rate of one football field in area every hour, according to the environmental protection group SOS Mata Atlantica.
- Specialized intertidal communities of enormous significanceare theovatmangrovemangrove-forestsmetsiäof the tropicstropiikkien.
- Thebirchkoivu-forestsmetsätof SiberiaSiperian, so upright, so elegant in autumn, had been broken by this winter campaign.
- The 18 species of bowerbird inhabit the dampforestsmetsiäof New Guinea and AustraliaUuden-Guinean ja Australian.
- Theold-growthvanhan kasvustonforestsmetsätof Oregon and WashingtonOregonin ja Washingtoninare again under threat from logging, following a ruling by the US Supreme Court.
- Forty years ago, theforestsmetsätalong the eastern fringe of the AndesAndiet itälaidan varrella olevatwere as inaccessible as anywhere in the world; but it is there that is found wild cocoa with the greatest genetic diversity.
- Previously, the remains of some 4,000 of the massacre victims had been unearthed, atKatynKatyninforestmetsässänear Smolensklähellä Smolenskiain 1943 [for April 1990 Soviet admission of massacre see pp. 37383-84].
- How many large areas ofconiferoushavupuisenforestmetsänhave been planted?
- Throughout this settled area, theforestmetsääis being cut down.
- Norway too, has complained that logging the Kessi area, not included in the act as a protected area, will destroy theforestmetsänbetween Finland and NorwaySuomen ja Norjan välissä.
- Thenorthernpohjoisillaconiferoushavupuu-forestsmetsillähave an ecological importance in preventing the tundra from advancing to the south.
- In March 1250 he was appointed Chief justice of `all theforestsmetsienof EnglandEnglanninon both sides of the Trent ``, so that the forest administration was once again united under a single head.
- Kislev is a land of darkpinemänty-forestsmetsien, snow-clad wilderness and wind-swept steppes.
- Parts ofTunstall and RendleshamTunstallin ja Rendleshaminforestsmetsistä, in Suffolk, are being set aside as a reserve for the woodlark, one of Britain's rarest birds.
- The Slovenský Raj is well covered by naturalpinemänty-forestsmetsäton limestone hillskalkkikivikallioilla.
- I'm greatly encouraged by the recent upsurge of interest in what remains of theCaledonianKaledonianpinemänty-forestmetsästä(`Great Wood of Caledon ``September).
- Only 14 per cent ofthe PhilippinesFilippiinientropicalforestmetsästäremains untouched and 100,000 hectares is disappearing every year.
- The problem arose when the government decided to clear theforestmetsänalong the Sugihan riverSugihan-joen varrellafor a colonisation scheme.
- It's the only good thing to come from this threat to cut down theforestmetsä.
- A frail-looking figure emerged from theforestmetsästä.
- In a mild winter where snow cover is not prolonged, chaffinch and brambling from theScandinavianSkandinavianforestsmetsistäwill stay on to forage round the crofts.
- Paul's promise of variety was soon fulfilled as we turned off the ridge and headed into aforestmetsäänof fir treeskuusi-.
- Beavers live in theforestsmetsissäof North AmericaPohjois-Amerikanand in many parts of Europe.
- Some 420 of the animals live in theBwindiBwindinforestsmetsissäon the western borders with Rwanda and Zaïre.
- Together they are trying to save theforestmetsääsurrounding Fern GullyFern Gullya ympäröivääfrom developers and in particular from evil Hexxus (Tim Curry), who is polluting the air with toxic waste.
- Two Forest Justices were once more appointed, one for theforestsmetsäänorth of the TrentTrentin pohjoispuolella olevaa, and the other for those in the south.
- Theforestmetsäto the south of the Swampsuon eteläpuolellawas hilly and comparatively open.
- And now, a splendid piece of country to the west of the Aspe valley which I have been leaving out: the valleys,forestsmetsätand mountains south of the village of Arette.
glade.n 🔎
- But when she entered theglademetsäaukiolle, Fen had gone.
- Our Neolithic ancestors, while they are best remembered for their massive megalithic monuments such as those at Newgrange and Knowth, began their farming revolution in the cleargladesmetsäaukioillaof the Irish forestsIrlannin metsien.
- `I saw him as I ran into theglademetsäaukiolle.
- It was a misty December morning in 1940, when test Pilot Jack Hathorne crashed a Hurricane fighter plane into thisleafyrehevälleglademetsäaukiolleon Robinswood hillRobinswood-kukkulalla.
- And he went on his way with the youngest brother until they came to a longglademetsäaukiollein the forestmetsässä.
grassland.n 🔎
- He could grow hedges and wildflowers instead of sugar beet; he could turn his fields into areas of `quiet countryside enjoyment ``; he could restore ancient coppices and chalkgrasslandruohomaata.
- The 1977 Porchester report published figures provided by MAFF to indicate the potential loss of agricultural production if 16,000 hectares of Exmoor stayed as rough sheep grazing and were not convertedto<empty>grasslandlaidunmaaksi.
- GrasslandsLaidunmaatprovide more scope for combining conservation and good livestock husbandry.
- These `shaman forests ``were scattered over drygrasslandruohomaalle.
- Thegrasslandruohomaawaves and undulates in the morning light.
- Even in chalkgrasslandruohomaallain Great BritainIsossa-Britanniassa, non-equilibrium models may best explain the coexistence of plant species and, in lowland rain forest, there is still disagreement about the importance of chance establishment of trees.
- China is to set up what is described as the world's biggest nature reserve, covering 200,000 square kilometres in theQangtangQangtangingrasslandsruohomaillaof northern TibetPohjois-Tiibetissä.
greenwood.n 🔎
- Thegreenwoodsvihermetsätof SherwoodSherwoodinfill with music and outlaws during a week of jousting, jesting, fancy dress and feasting!
- In spring, summer and autumn it grinned at them from thegreenwoodtuoreesta puusta.
heathland.n 🔎
- 140,000 miles of hedgerow, 95% of traditional hay meadows, 40% of natural woodlands and 60% of wildheathlandkanervikkoahave all been destroyed.
- Bog, grassland, andheathlandkanervikkoexpanded around Loch Lang in the later post-glacial to form the present predominantly treeless landscape of S. Uist.
- Theheathlandkanervikkohad suddenly ended -- to give place to an expanse of emerald green, which looked bright and most attractive but which, Cheryl realised with a shudder, concealed treacherous shifting marsh.
- You walk on to climb the slopes of Bulkeley Hill from where you head for the village of Bickerton and on theheathlandkanervikolleof Bickerton HillBickerton Hillin.
- We crossed overheathlandkanervikonand passed ponds crowded with rushes and bordered by willows.
- The Surrey-based Heathland Countryside Management Project aims to see if the animals can regenerate and maintainheathlandkanervikkoaby eating the shoots of invading plants before they become firmly rooted.
jungle.n 🔎
- THEjunglesviidakotof ColumbiaColumbianharbour a deadly secret: Cocaine producing laboratories whose market is America.
- Fiercer invertebrates which came to themosssammal-junglesviidakoihinto prey on this grazing population, could not indulge in such trusting relationships.
- Medicine Man Sean Connery stalks theSouth AmericanEtelä-Amerikanjungleviidakkoaas a crusty Scots scientist on the brink of discovering a cancer cure in this fast-paced adventure.
- An Indian poet once wrote that the tiger stalks thejungleviidakkoalike the lowering clouds of an approaching storm but the leopard moves as silently as mist drifting on a dawn wind.
- I went over to have a look, but found thejungleviidakonimpenetrable.
- Their natural habitatis theonAmazonianAmazoninjungleviidakkowith a high temperature and humidity.
- Because she went in thejungleviidakkoonall alone?
- With the withering of their grasslands, the nomads of the Sahara were forced to descend into the narrowjungleviidakkoonof the Nile valleyNiilin laakson, there to take up the toil of agriculture.
- Paul bit his lip as he jogged at his father's shoulder along a trail that wound through fringes ofjungleviidakonbeside the La Nga RiverLa Nga -joen vierellä.
lea.n 🔎
- He drove to a favourite spot and walked, in the late afternoon, up the long flank of a hillside, in theleakedollaof an old hedgebankvanhan pensasaitarivistön.
marsh.n 🔎
- The only track into Bahdu from the south, feasible for loaded camels, skirted amarshmarskimaataat the foot of these hillsnäiden kukkuloiden juurella.
- A fewmarshessoitain western FranceLänsi-Ranskassaare still managed very strictly as commons.
- Cobbett declared that themarshessuotof South HoldernessSouth Holdernessinin the East RidingEast Ridingissa, together with the Fens, were the richest land in England.
- We have already mentioned themarshessuotof Sussex and KentSussexin ja Kentinas examples of areas drying out.
- Themarshessuoton the lower reaches of the Tigris and EuphratesTigrisin ja Eufratin alemmilla alueillacover an area of up to 17,000 square kilometres and provide a refuge for Shia opponents of Saddam's regime.
- Nowadays the river Derwentis non-tidal due to the flood barrier atei vaihtele vuoroveden mukaan tulvaportin vuoksiBarmbyBarmbynmarshsuolla olevan.
- IN THE heart ofNorth America'sPohjois-Amerikanlargestfreshwatermakean vedenmarshmarskimaana rare female woodstork prepares to nest.
- According to Laurie Boorman, a scientist with the National Environment Research Council, at the present rates of degradation half the areas ofcoastalrannikonmarshesmarskimaidenwould disappear within 50 years.
- The monks of Furness reclaimed thecoastalrannikonmarshesmarskimaatof WalneyWalneyn, with embankments incorporating beach pebbles.
- He trailed along behind her through the sand dunes, along the edge of thetidalvuorovesi-saltsuolavetisenmarshsuon.
- They have created an experimentalsaltsuolavetisenmarshsuonby allowing coastal farmland at Northey Island in Essex to be flooded.
- There are many ways to cross themarshmarskimaa.
- They had drainedmarshessoita, diverted roads, uprooted hedges, planted trees and felled them, preserved game and in due season, hunted it.
- A century ago, more than 200 Siberian cranes were recorded in the jheels andmarshessoillaof Uttar PradeshUttar Pradeshin.
- A former pool had silted up and was turning into a miniaturereedkaislikko-marshsuoksi.
- You continue on through the meadows ofCockCock-marshsuon-- a Site of Special Scientific Interest -- to the banks of the Thames.
- We followed them through themarshsuon, which smelled of dying plants.
- These occurred at different times down the whole length of the front, from Haj Omran in the mountains of the north to themarshessoillein the southetelän.
- That night El-ahrairah came out of themarshessuoltaof KelfazinKelfazininand went secretly up to the great ditch.
- Themarshsuohas been drained so the water forms a lake with small islands for birds and wildlife.
marshland.n 🔎
- It is just outside this area but it is the home of the Duke of Bedford, whose ancestors put their wealth, or capital, into a vast scheme to drain themarshlandtulvamaanof the FensFenien.
- Others include an excavator for working inmarshlandtulvamaalla, and a catamaran for excavating river crossings.
- Themarshlandsmarskimaantoo continued to be drained and enclosed.
- Glanville Jones cites a number of examples where scattered farmsteads existed in extensive temporary grazing in mountains andmarshlandtulvamailla, and where forest areas were shared between numerous vills.
- This production is neither send-up nor good, old-fashioned thriller, but a preposterous, flabby compromise occupying amarshlandtulvamaanbetween the two.
mead.n 🔎
- Met we on hill, in dale, forest ormeadniityllä,
- Not that I disapprove rural Pleasures, as the Poets have painted them; in their Landschape every Phillis has her Coridon, every murmuring Stream, and every flowryMeadniittygives fresh Alarms to Love.
- O'er the tall Mountain on the fertileMeadniityllä:
meadowland.n 🔎
- The great area of land south of Lord Burlington Lane, down to the river bank,wasolimeadowlandniittymaatawith osier beds at the water front.
- You cross a series of bridges and get into the swampymeadowlandniittymaalleknown as Arthog Bog.
- If happiness means ambling throughmeadowlandniittymaan, alpine pastures and forest, then the 90 miles of footpaths here will send you ecstatic.
mire.n 🔎
- Drainage schemes have affectedvalleylaaksonmiressoihinand blanket bogs.
- Having skirted themiresuotaitself without success, the search-party fanned out to cover a wider area, calling Horatia's name.
- You didn't get trapped in themiresuohon?
- He said you'd have no idea where to start and, in any event, he had bribed two shepherds to say I'd gone down toFoxtonFoxtoninMiresuohon.
- She must have galloped through marsh andmiresuonfor an hour.
moor.n 🔎
- Breeds inlowlandalamaanmoorsnummillaand marshes.
- I never want to leave themoornummea.
- I cross themoornummento Banavie then turn right to Gairlochy along the line of the Caledonian Canal.
- Cross themoornummiheading north-west to arrive at the Glen Brittle Hut.
- Detective Chief Superintendent Wycliffe and his wife, Helen, were to see the spectacle for the first time; they were spending a long weekend with the Ballards, who lived on themoornummellaabove the townkaupungin yllä.
- It is often cold on themoorsnummillabehind HaworthHaworthin takana olevilla, and the winds blow all winter.
- One night he was over themoorsnummillaaround North StainmorePohjois-Stainmorenand had to return home at dead of night.
- So they walked across themoornummen.
mudflat.n 🔎
- A similar threat faced Lough Foyle, Londonderry, where the Culmore tip was encroaching onmudflatsrantakaistaleellaoffering a winter home to hundreds of whooper swans migrating from Greenland.
- How fresh, brackish and seawater bathe themudflatsrantakaistaleitain daily rhythm.
- By keeping thetidalvuorovesi-mudflatsrantakaistaleet, the conservationists argue, the development will be both more imaginative and environmentally sound.
- It would cover an area of 23 hectares and providemudflatsrantakaistaleitasimilar to those which would be permanently covered within the bay area.
- It is a fundamental principle of the Bill that the impounded lake should permanently cover the existingmudflatsrantakaistaleen.
- Terns, redshanks and sand plovers were also at risk, together with birds accustomed to using thecoastalrannanmudflatsvattejaas resting points on seasonal migrations between Siberia and East Africa.
plain.n 🔎
- In groups of 10 to 30 men, on foot or in jeeps, they cross the barrenplaintasangonbetween the frontier and the Tigrisrajan ja Tigriksen välissä, to the Shia cities and the settlements around them.
- The maria and smallplainstasangotin the highlandsylämaillacan readily be seen to postdate the craters on their borders.
- Every few minutes Jacques Devraux sent his trackers up the taller trees to scan theplaintasankoaon the other side of the rivertoisella puolella jokea, but each time they descended shaking their heads.
- The Moon has no analogue of theMercurianMerkuriuksenintercraterkraatereiden välisilleplainstasangoille.
- Eventually theplainstasangotof the eastern UkraineItä-Ukrainanare reached, and the city of Kharkov.
- As we were crossing theplaintasankoaof BirzebbugiaBirzebbugiannearing the air station, we were surprised to hear a sharp report.
- The next day they crossed a relentlessplaintasangonof reeds and coarse grasskaislikkoja ja karheaa ruohikkoa, relieved only by colonies of bustard and the black tents of Kurdish tribesmen.
- Thecentralkeskeisetplainstasangotof ChinaKiinanhave been farmed continuously for thousands of years and you begin to wonder how they have stayed fertile.
- Third, within the territory of the northern Angles a Bernician leadership had reasserted itself and the political centre of gravity shifted northwards away from theplaintasangonof YorkYorkin.
- Thecoastalrannikko-plaintasankoin SussexSussexissaproduced a wheat and barley surplus, the Wealden farmers probably grew sufficient for their own needs, whilst concentrating on stock raising.
- Frequent marine ingressions flooded the low-reliefplaintasangollaand left `marine ``shales behind.
- This mineralizes and fertilizes thefloodtulva-plainsmaatbelow, as it slowly and inexorably finds its way to the sea.
- Thelowlandalamaanplaintasankoand Allier valley to the north and south of Clermont-Ferrand are highly productive cereal (especially maize), and vegetable growing areas, in places with livestock.
- Cenerente is a small village about three miles from Perugia which is silhouetted against the skyline on a hilltop 1000 feet above theTiberTiberinplainstasankojen.
- After crossing many low hills, we descended into the small land-lockedplaintasangolleof GuitronGuitronin.
- This should enable computers to give highly detailed information: how many people live within a radius of a certain point, for example, or how many live alonga river'sjoenfloodtulva-plainmaan.
- I lived on theplaintasangolla.
- We sat with our backs against the trig point and gazed down like Gods on thecoastalrannikko-plaintasankoaof ThassosThassoksen.
- Similarly, a mother cheetah on theAfricanAfrikanplainstasangoillawill let its young `play ``with a gazelle.
- Where the road passed through thecoastalrannikko-plainstasankojenthere were farms with cattle grazing on knee-high grass.
- The Sussex Levels cover a considerable area, of the order of 160 square kilometres, and, except for Pevensey Levels, are associated with thefloodtulva-plainsmaidenof the main riverstärkeimpien jokien.
prairie.n 🔎
- It arrives, theoretically, in Vancouver three days, three hours and five minutes later, having crossed 2,887 miles of pine-wilderness,prairiepreeriaaand mountain.
- Dawn on Day Three and we were crossing theprairiespreerioita.
- Among the great variety of trailers, an enclave of horse-drawn barrel-top wagons formed a circle, like covered wagons on theprairiepreeriallaawaiting Indian attack.
- At the Nez Perce camp onWeippeWeippenprairiepreerialla, and later in the Clearwater valley, the expedition met only kindness and help from the Nez Perce.
- When the troops withdrew in October, the anti-treaty Nez Perce met in council at Tepahlewam (Split Rocks), an age-old meeting place onCamasCamasinPrairiepreerialla.
- In theCanadianKanadanprairiespreerioillaand in some parts of Africa the last branch lines constructed in the 1920s were obsolete almost as soon as they were built.
rainforest.n 🔎
- TheGombeGombenrainforestsademetsäis not the sort of Eden we might fondly imagine.
- When this happens, the land is abandoned and yet morerainforestsademetsääis burned.
- we are lobbying the EC to make sure its aid programmes and industrial activities are not destroying therainforestsademetsää.
- Burning tropicalrainforestsademetsänproduces millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, which contributes to global warming -- the Greenhouse Effect.
- 500 years ago there were two million indians living in theAmazonianAmazoninrainforestssademetsissä.
- Decomposition in therainforestsademetsässäis quick.
- Nigeria'sNigerianrainforestssademetsiähave been so exploited for logs that the country now imports more hardwood than it exports.
- Damien Lewis, environmental writer and film-maker, was filming in therainforestsademetsässäof CameroonKameruninfor four months.
savanna.n 🔎
- Cochrane et al. state that c. 80 per cent oftropical America'strooppisen Amerikansavannassavanneistaare mostly well drained, with the largest single expanse in central Brazil.
- THE western sky was glowing pink when we spotted him, a tiny shadow trotting across the darkeningsavannahsavannin.
- Nevertheless, tropical rain forest may be flammable at the edges, so thatsavannasavannimay spread.
- But how did such migrants ever learn that there was better weather at the other end of the globe or that hundreds of miles north of theAfricanAfrikansavannahssavanneista, for a few months, abundant food was to be had.
- One of these, the Common Zebra, is widely distributed over thegrasslandruohotasangonsavannahsavanninin eastern and southern Africaitäisessä ja eteläisessä Afrikassain different forms, each with a slightly different stripe pattern.
- Onyeanusi's study involved an assessment of the impact of vehicle tyres on off-road tracks in a specific area of whatis predominantlyon lähinnägrasslandruohotasankoistasavannasavannia.
- Hornbills, too, live in forests, but also in woodlandsavannahssavanneillain Asia and AfricaAasiassa ja Afrikassa.
- It was a small animal, probably about 1.2 m tall, living in woodlandsavannahsavannilla.
- In both forest andsavannahsavannillalarge parties with many males develop, especially among ground-dwellers subject to terrestrial predation.
- By far the largest tree in theAfricanAfrikansavannahsavannilla, baobabs are protected by law in several African countries and are important ecological resources.
- It seems likely that the two `fingers ``at the tip of the trunk are more useful to a species that lives onsavannasavannillaand finds much of its food by grazing.
spinney.n 🔎
- Since then, an incredible 27 lb 9 oz of roach was brought to the scales in an Oxford Open from a peg inNorthbrookNorthbrookinspinneymetsikössä.
- The thinbeechpyökki-spinneymetsikköfrom where the dogs were slipped still stands near the Oxford road.
- So it was that in the Autumn of 1983, just after we bought this house we decided to plant a smallspinneymetsikönto hide a development of new houses on our north border.
- Millions of small birds now sing in the hedges andspinneysmetsiköissä.
- The dragon continued through thespinneymetsikön, incinerating every likely-looking bush and clump of ferns.
swampland.n 🔎
- The elevated highways over theLouisianaLouisiananswamplandsrämeiköissäwere needle straight, and we started to snap the speed limit, just a little.
- The squalls were screeching now over their heads, rain curtains hurtling after each other seaward across thelowmatalanswamplandrämeikön.
- The Okavango river flows across the desert to form a hugeswamplandrämeikön, a watery jungle where animals roam; a fascinating, dangerous place.
- `Not if it landed there! ``replied Brown Owl sharply, and pointed towards theswamplandrämeikköäon the other side of the fenceaidan toisella puolella.
- Many had trekked throughswamplandsrämeikönto reach the border towns of Akobo, Nasir and Jekou in Sudan's Upper Nile and Jonglei States.
taiga.n 🔎
- Populations were slightly higher in thewoodedmetsäisellätaigataiga-zone further south, where the abundance of game, fowl and fish supplied enough food for denser settlement.
- It was presumably from present-day Manchuria that the Tungus tribes gradually spread northwards to pervade thetaigataiganas far as the Arctic zone, from the Sea of Okhotsk in the east to the Yenisei in the west.
- Freshwater lakes in tundra andtaigataigalla; in winter mainly on estuaries and coastal waters.
- Coniferous forests in hill districts and in thetaigataigalla, more rarely in mixed or deciduous woods.
thicket.n 🔎
- I can see Eliot pacing under the mighty oaks and pushing his way throughhazelpähkinä-thicketspensaikkojenin a smart suit, a bowler hat, and grey spats.
- The stones at its margins were bleached like bones and nothing grew at the water's edge except rankthicketspensaikkojaof bamboobambu-.
- The green lawns were bright and cut close, thethicketspensaikotof daffodils had not quite died down along the edges of the drive.
- The tallbamboobambu-thicketspensaikotfringing the narrow river rattled and groaned in the faint breeze as the file of men moved cautiously through the half-light beneath the dense overhead foliage.
- Without waiting for a response he stepped into thethicketpensaikkoon.
- Although he had set his loaded rifle at his shoulder in readiness as he entered thethicketpensaikkoon, before he could squeeze the trigger the wounded seladang was upon him.
- She begins to run along the path, past a stagnant ditch, birch leaves flickering in the yellow light, slowing as she enters afirkuusi-thicketpensaikkoon.
tundra.n 🔎
- Man was among the last of a wide range of Eurasian mammals to trek overland through the forests andtundratundranof BeringiaBeringian, now the Bering Strait region, during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene.
- Several hours later after flying over what seemed endless tracts of grey-greenSiberianSiperiantundratundranwe descended over the great expanse of the Lena River.
- This large owl is found right around the Arctictundrastundrienof the Northern Hemispherepohjoisen pallonpuoliskon.
- Breeds ontundratundrallaand adjacent coasts, also on small islands in Baltic; in winter mainly on rocky and weedy shores, often with Purple Sandpipers (p. 129).
- Like a mammoth trapped in theSiberianSiperiantundratundralle, history has been deep frozen by the Cold War.
- A few reindeer were grazing on the sparsetundratundralla.
- A quite different (but economically interdependent) way of life supported the Chukchis and Koryaks of the interior, who roamed thetundratundraawith reindeer herds.
veld.n 🔎
- Meerkats, also called Suricates, live in colonies in burrows on the dry sandyveldsruohoaavikoillaof southern AfricaEtelä-Afrikan.
- The district covered by his law practice ranged `from themiddlekeskellä olevaltaveldruohoaavikoltanorth of the Magaliesberg MountainsMagaliesberg-vuorien pohjoispuolellato the bank of the Crocodile River bordering Bechuanaland ``.
- DISAPPOINTMENT swept across thesouthern Africaneteläisen Afrikanveldruohoaavikonthis week when Boy George failed to arrive.
- ``Unless it rains, I don't believe there are going to be any animals left in the lowveldruohoaavikollaby September, he said.
wold.n 🔎
- Thewoldsnummetof LincolnshireLincolnshirenare a small surprise.
- From 1863 onwards he devoted his spare time to opening the barrows with which theYorkshireYorkshirenwoldsnummetwere strewn, sometimes with his younger brother Robert.
- That afternoon they both went riding out along the ridge of thewoldnummentoward Burythorpe.
woodland.n 🔎
- 13 Explore thewoodlandsmetsämaitaat Trowse in NorwichTrowsessa, Norwichissa.
- This gift will help finance the Trust's seven-man forestry team in Borrowdale, where the Trust owns some of the most magnificent forests andwoodlandsmetsämaitain EuropeEuroopassa.
- Mining, new towns and motorways have gradually eaten away atwoodlandmetsämaillain the regionseudun.
- An 84 acre commercialconiferhavupuu-woodlandkorvennear Exmoorlähellä Exmooriahas been bought by Paul McCartney and given to the League Against Cruel Sports as a sanctuary against hunting.
- The Mitchells coppice theirwoodlandmetsämaataanto earn a living.
- Below Enniskillen, the lough kept appearing and reappearing, interrupted bybirchkoivu-woodlandsmetsät.
- We were enteringwoodlandkorpeenand, by the twittering and warbling from oak, ash and pine, were going to see more birds.
- Replantingwoodlandmetsämaanravaged by storms and disease, coppicing, hedgelaying and pond clearance to maintain a rich variety of wildlife habitat.
- Purple moor grass, which forms the pale-fawn undercarpet of the scatteredbirchkoivu-woodlandsmetsätof such wetlands as the Lancashire mosses and Hatfield Chasesellaisten kosteikoiden kuin Lancashiren soiden ja Hatfield Chasenwas popular for cattle bedding.
- The road goes on amid scenery of increasing charm along the bonny banks of the loch, which at its head is succeeded by the emerald pastures and richwoodlandsmetsämaatof Strath MoreStrath Moren.
- THE NATURAL CLIMAX vegetation of Southern Britain isdeciduouslehti-woodlandmetsää, and as late as 731 A.D. the Venerable Bede described the Wealden Forest as being `thick and impenetrable ``.
- Since World War 11, over half ofBritain'sBritannianancientwoodlandmetsämaistahas been destroyed.
- Swithland Woodsare ancienton ikivanhaadeciduouslehti-woodlandsmetsää, and with Bradgate Park are administered by Trustees with financial help from the County and Leicester City Councils.
- Tree saplings (over 1 metre in height) are absent from 80%, by area, of the 5,400 hectares of broadleavedwoodlandmetsämaistain the Snowdonia National ParkSnowdonian kansallispuistossa, virtually all of which is LFA.
- Of course, each of these landscapes of tundra, pine woodland anddeciduouslehti-woodlandmetsämaanwas occupied by various types of animals, which in their turn were hunted by man.
- OakTammi-woodlandmetsämaacovers the next stretch of hillside on the right and leads on to the Forestry Commission conifer forest.
- A landscape of open moorland, for example, will revert toscrubpensaikko-woodlandmetsämaaksiin a short time if grazing and heather burning are restricted.
- It is bordered by native hedges andwoodlandmetsämaa.
- THE body of a 67-year-old man missing for nine months has been found inwoodlandmetsämaaltaat Maesnewydd Farm, Talybont, near AberystwythMaesnewyddin maatilalta Talybontista, läheltä Aberystwythiä.
- The macro- and microflora from Upper Permian deposits in southern Africa are dominated by Glossopteris, which formed monospecific forests orwoodlandsmetsämaitaalong river banks and on elevated groundsjoenrantojen varteen ja korkeille maille.
- Nearing the head of the loch, the road goes through thewoodlandsmetsämaidenof the Beinn Eighe Nature ReserveBeinn Eighen luonnonsuojelualueenand trails are available for the public up the mountainside.
- A new authority's been set up to protect and managethe region'sseudunwoodlandmetsämaata.
- Little winding paths run throughwoodlandmetsämaanand across sheep-grazed award.
- It is unlikely that any of theSussexSussexinwoodlandsmetsämaastaremain in a natural state, although some areas may have a continuously wooded history.