TransFrameNet:Beyond compare
beyond compare.prep 🔎
- Around her neck she wore the famous `Regent ``,the diamondtimanttibeyond comparevertaansa vailla olevain its beautykauneudessaanwhich is part of the Crown jewels, while on her head sparkled a magnificent tiara.
- A parlourmaidSisäkköbeyond comparevertaansa vailla oleva.
- `Art, history anda rolling landscapekumpuileva maisemabeyond comparevertaansa vailla oleva.
incomparable.a 🔎
- Zell am See's distinctive Schmittenhohe mountain (6,447ft) is easily accessible by cable car and there are several restaurants at the top where you can lunch and enjoy theincomparableainutlaatuisistaviewsnäkymistä.
- Discussion of poetry was animated, especially of Dante'sincomparableainutlaatuisestageniusnerokkuudesta, but also of the genius of Shakespeare in his poems, especially the playfulness of his young works, which Ash particularly admires.
- There must be nothing worse than to find, after a couple of decades of academic graft, that there isa whole world of ideaskokonainen ideoiden maailmaout there ofincomparableainutlaatuistapedigreesyntyperääthat has become inaccessible.
- Chardonnay is, however, potentially the longest lived of all Champagne's grape varieties and a good blanc de blancs left to mature will achieve anincomparableainutlaatuisenintensity of flavourmaun intensiteetin.
- Born from Alfa Romeo's remarkable heritage of superb performance andincomparableainutlaatuisenhandlingkäsiteltävyyden, the new Alfa 164 is quite simply an extraordinary sports saloon.
- I truly experienceda momenthetkeäofincomparableainutlaatuisenjoyriemunup there.
- Like many other greatly celebrated pianists, Andrei Gavrilov first achieved international recognition through a widely publicized competition victory, later confirming his success withplayingsoittamallaof anincomparableainutlaatuisellavividness and panacheilmeikkyydellä ja itsevarmoilla elkeillä.
- SheHänisonincomparableverratonand in business terms she is perfect.
matchless.a 🔎
- A very strong leading `rogue ``character played with great guile by Clive Owen emerged out of a solid plot supported by thematchlessainutlaatuisetacting skills of Leslie PhillipsLeslie Phillipsin näyttelijän taidot.
- Love is the mystical marriage celebrated in the bridal chamber of the heart with itsmatchlessainutlaatuisensplendourloistokkuuden.
- She had never been able to equal her sister'smatchlessainutlaatuistabeautykauneutta, she knew, but at least she presented the world with a fair imitation of it.
- If artists gather in stables then New York in the summertime is a veritable art rodeo: group shows abound anditseis amatchlessverratontime to take the measure of any given galleryaika tutustua mihin tahansa galleriaan.
nonpareil.a 🔎
- ``I'm so happy this evening is happening, said Ekaterina Gordeeva after anonpareilverrattomancastosajaonput on an unmatchable show Tuesday night in memory of her late husband, Sergei Grinkov.
peerless.a 🔎
- I've started reading your column in the Sunday Express but that won't satisfy my insatiable appetite for yourpeerlessverratontawitnokkeluuttasi.
- Some pioneers (Ron James was a famous example) were well known for theirpeerlessverrattomastaprotection abilitysuojelukyvystään.
- I trust that you have been reading mypeerlessverratontaproseproosaanithis lovely morning.
- Doesn't matter,those base structuresnuo perusrakenteetareovatpeerlessverrattomia.
unequalled.a 🔎
- `We will be offering guests and local visitorsa range of facilitiesvalikoiman mukavuuksiaunequalledennennäkemättömiäin LondonLontoossa, ``he said.
- The extraordinary times in which the German artist Max Beckmann (1844-1950) lived and worked are reflected on his vibrant canvases toa degreehuomattavastiarguablyunequalledennennäkemättömiäby his contemporarieshänen aikalaisilleen.
- The whole Nez Perce movementKoko Nez Percen -liikeisonunequalledennennäkemätönin the history of Indian warfareintiaanien sodankäynnin historiassa.
- Does the right hon. and learned Gentleman accept that whilejurieslautamiehistötareovatunequalledainutlaatuisiain deciding dishonestypäätettäessä epärehellisyydestä, the burden of lengthy trials is becoming unfair on jurors?
- Masterminding this great force were the best brains in Germany, for the military profession carrieda prestigearvovaltaaunequalledennennäkemätöntäby any othermissään muussa.
- Faber is introducing a new vertical blind called Uprite which has aluminium slats and will giveunequalledainutlaatuistaservicepalveluaas it can be washed and re-hung immediately.
- For three decades the nuclear program has brought Polynesians money, jobs, and alevel of affluencehyvinvoinnin tasonunequalledennennäkemättömänin neighboring independent island nationsviereisissä itsenäisissä saarivaltioissa.
unmatched.a 🔎
- There were other families whose contributions were also very important, butthe leadership qualities of the Cohens -- Lyon's in particularCohenien - erityisesti Lyonin - johtajan ominaisuudet--had beenolivatunmatchedverrattomat.
- `For publicity he hada talentkyky,unmatchedverratonby any other politician of this centuryjota kellään muulla tämän vuosisadan poliitikolla ei ollut.
- According to Servan-Schreiber `Centre Mondial is a place for the most eminent scientists to finda computational environmenttietokoneympäristönofunmatchedverratontaqualitylaatua olevan.
- Richard GoughRichard Goughisonunmatchedvertaansa vaillaby any current English central defendertämänhetkisten Englannin keskuspuolustajien keskuudessaand Spurs must still be cursing the day they let him go.
- The lush, unique colours that make Rosemary clay so pleasing to the eye, now also please with fittings featuringprecisiontarkkuutta,unmatchedverratontaby traditional manufacturing methodsjota ei saavuteta perinteisillä tuotantotavoilla.
- Now, she gave him anunmatchedverrattomanmusical talentmusikaalisen lahjakkuudentoo.
- In the case of the CAP, the taxpayer is supportinga system whichjärjestelmää, jokaisonunmatchedvertaansa vaillain its waste, its inefficiency and its harmful social, economic and environmental effectsjätteensä, tehottomuutensa ja vahingollisten sosiaalisten, taloudellisten ja ympäristövaikutustensa osalta.
- But the big horse, ideally suited to Aintree, has some way to go before matching Red Rum'sunmatchedvertaansa vailla oleviaachievementssaavutuksia.
- The newest Andrew Lloyd Webber production is poised to build on hisunmatchedvertaansa vailla olevallesuccessmenestykselle, writes Mick Brown.
- You'll find that CompuAdd'sunmatchedvertaansa vailla olevaPC manufacturing capabilityPC:iden tuotantokyky, plus our strategic relationship with Microsoft adds up to an offer that's unbeatable!
- Room for growthKasvuvaraisonunmatchedvertaansa vailla olevafor a machine of this sizetämänkokoinelle koneelle: a remarkable three full-size and two half-size expansion slots.
unrivalled.a 🔎
- The new king was handsome, scholarly, a good linguist, a superb horseman,unrivalledverratonin field sports and martial artsulkoilmaurheilussa ja kamppailulajeissa, also an able musician.
- In his first season at Upton Park, he became the uncrowned King of the East End, scoring 28 goals in his first season and setting up anunrivalledverrattomastiscoring partnershippisteitä saavan kumppanuudenwith Tony Cottee.
- Their range of wedding ringsHeidän vihkisormusten valikoimansaisonunrivalledvertaansa vailla.
- With a Far Eastern office in Hong Kong (established 7 years ago), FSG offers vendors, purchasers and investors anunrivalledvertaansa vailla olevanservicepalvelun, which can be adapted to meet individual requirements.
- Andweme'reolemmeunrivalledvertaamme vaillafor fitness holidayskuntoilulomissa, because we invented them.
- BAA's forecasting team have consistently predicted passenger demand withunrivalledvertaansa vailla olevallaaccuracytarkkuudella.
- Rome is one of the world's most magnificent cities with a quite awe-inspiring history and a simplyunrivalledverrattomallabeautykauneudella.
- It has a well-earned reputation forunrivalledverrattomanluxuryylellisyyden, superb cuisine and discreet service.
- After eighty years this work remains theunrivalledvertaansa vailla olevagrammatical introduction to the Swahili of Mombasakieliopillinen johdanto Mombasan swahiliin.
- He produced a performance of rare andunrivalledvertaansa vailla oleviensporting excellenceurheilusuoritustenscoring three goals and six points which guaranteed his place in colleges folklore.
- BolognaBolognawas the greatest of the law ``schools by the middle of the twelfth century,oli 1100-luvun puoliväliin mennessä merkittävin laki"koulu", jonkaunrivalledvertaisia eivät olleetby the older schools of law at Rome, Pavia and RavennaRooman, Pavian ja Ravennan vanhemmat lakikoulut.
- As I mentionedthose tutorsnuo opettajatare possiblyovat mahdollisestiunrivalledvertaistaan vaillain the world of trade union educationammattiliittokoulutuksen maailmassa.
- A few short years ago he stoodunrivalledvertaistaan vaillaas the best player in the countryparhaana pelaajana maassa, but a series of niggling injuries left him kicking his heels in frustration.
without compare.prep 🔎
- To methe grenadillapassiohedelmäiswithout comparevertaansa vailla; its flowers are sweet like the flowers of roses, but its fruit is like no other fruit and I would choose it before the nectar of the gods.
without equal.prep 🔎
- Add to that whatever can be salvaged of the 18 state monopoly combines that were based in east Berlin, and you havea concentration of industryteollisuuden keskittymäwithout equalvailla vertaansain EuropeEuroopassa.
- The gifted and versatile George, the younger of the two, proved to be the main driving force in the decades which followed, whenthe nurserypäiväkotiwaswithout equalvailla vertaansaanywhere in the worldmissään maailmassa.
- Caimgorm's isthe premier mountain range in ScotlandSkotlannin tärkein vuoristowithout equalvailla vertaansafor size and altitudekoon ja korkeuden suhteen.
- As a family holiday destinationPerhelomakohteena,BournemouthBournemouthisonwithout equalvailla vertaansa.
- If Richter's Brahms is a revelation, thenhis playing of Liszthänen Lisztin-soittonsaisonwithout equalvailla vertaansa.
without peer.prep 🔎
- The chosen champion of the Everqueen of Avelorn, he isa warriorsoturiwithout peervailla vertaaand a foe without mercy.