He was active in the Yorkshire coalfield while
in the Nottinghamshire coalfield
Nottinghamshiren hiilikentällä .
A majority of those elected in 1968
Suurin osa vuonna 1968 äänestetyistä in the civil rights movement
kansalaisoikeusliikkeessä, and a number were involved in the DHAC at the time of their election.
Radical reform is necessary to enable
do want
in political life
poliittisessa elämässä, to do so.
and feed on larger mammals such as deer, antelope and wild pigs.
This is a rare sight;
, but because these cubs are so tame, there's an eager audience waiting for a glimpse.
at work or in leisure time
töissä tai vapaa-ajalla , you can eat slightly more fat.
Some 90% of all Victorian pictures are bought by British collectors though a few Italian and even
French dealers
ranskalainen välittäjä at London's December auctions
Lontoon joulukuisessa huutokaupassa .
on the question of employment, unemployment and training for people in West Belfast
työllisyyteen, työttömyyteen ja ihmisten koulutukseen liittyvissä asioissa Länsi-Belfastissa since 1987
vuodesta 1987 asti .
on a large number of political, economic, and cultural issues
monissa poliittisissa, taloudellisissa ja kulttuurisissa asioissa , and their views closely reflected their varying socioeconomic positions.
At the bail stage
takuumaksuvaiheessa ,
the Vera Institute
Vera Institute has also been
on myös ollut on a number of fronts
monilla rintamilla .
The Scottish Council
Skotlannin neuvosto for some years
joitakin vuosia in bringing employers and school pupils closer together
tuodakseen työnantajia ja koulujen oppilaita lähemmäs toisiaan .
This letter detector
Tämä kirjaintunnistin for some brief period of time
lyhyen ajanjakson ,
until the pattern mask is presented
kunnes kuvionsuojaus esitetään .
Furthermore, they are not nominal Free Presbyterians but
to the extent of giving their testimony in Free Presbyterian pulpits
siinä määrin, että antavat todistuksensa Free Presbyterian -kirkon saarnatuoleissa .
That prayer, convinced me, if I needed convincing, that
among people of other faiths and traditions than my own
sellaisten ihmisten keskuudessa, joilla oli eri uskonnot ja perinteet kuin minulla .
In the weeks leading up to the anniversary,
throughout Beijing
kaikkialla Pekingissä , and there were many reports of dissidents being beaten or detained.
throughout the period of the first World War
koko ensimmäisen maailmansodan ajan, but traffic decreased from 4.8 million tons in 1913 to 1.7 million tons by 1918.
In my experience I was acutely aware that
Irish lesbians
irlantilaiset lesbot within the English women's movement
Englannin naisasialiikkeessä for many years
useita vuosia .
The Gulf Families Association has now wound up but Mr Lloyd still takes an
role in the Gulf Crisis Line … a counselling charity for servicemen and their families
roolin Persianlahden kriisilinjalla, joka tarjoaa avustusjärjestön neuvontaa sotilaille ja heidän perheilleen .
people of all ages
Kaikenikäiset ihmiset enjoy these holidays.
Despite the frightening connotations, with careful management and medication your dog will regain weight and can live a
is confined to periods when they sleep with closed eyes.
Many animals are diurnal -- that is
in the daytime
päiväsaikaan and inactive at night -- whereas nocturnal creatures show the opposite orientation.
was an
member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society
Manchesterin Kirjallisuus- ja filosofiayhteisön jäsen ,
his papers to it showing a wide range of interests
hänen paperinsa siitä osoittivat mielenkiinnon kohteiden laajuuden .
in both fields
kummallakin alalla at all times
kaikkina aikoina ,
for accumulating data is an important task even when nothing spectacular is happening
sillä tiedon kerääminen on tärkeää myös silloin, kun ei tapahdu mitään erityistä .
The Board created
a new Marketing Department
uuden markkinointiosaston in June 1992
in seeking input to our awards from our overseas partners in education
pyytäessään apurahoihin osuuksia ulkomaisilta koulutuskumppaneiltamme .
In many dioceses there are comparable structures and
some of the diocesan music commissions
jotkin hiippakunnan musiikkitoimikunnista .
Gay men attending STD clinics
Sukupuolitautiklinikoilla käyvät homoseksuaaliset miehet tend
than gay men
kuin homoseksuaaliset miehet , so these rates of infection do not apply to all gay men.
It is worth emphasising the importance of Staphylococcus saprophyticus as the second commonest pathogen causing cystitis and acute pyelonephritis in
, particularly in the spring and summer months.
SYRIA expressed a strong desire yesterday to resume Middle East peace negotiations as soon as possible and the United States said it would play a
in the talks
neuvotteluissa than in the past
kuin aiemmin .
The revival has given aristocrats like Lord Ferrers the opportunity to play an
Darwin settled down in London for a few years and became an
member of the Geological Society
Geologisen seuran jäsen .
I'm an
We are not academic, we might not read The Origins of Family, Private Property and the State or this or that book, but you become a
It is therefore, hardly surprising to find that Richard Baxter was an
supporter of John Eliot
John Eliotin tukija , the `apostle ``to the American Indians.
It is the females who
are the
It was also accepted that an increase in PAF was necessary with perhaps a higher fee for
with an associate fee for non-teaching teachers.
We must abandon our leave and return to
Nor could leaders of the Conservative party offer
support for the idea
tukea ajatukselle , for it implied lack of confidence in the leadership of Baldwin no less than in that of MacDonald.
Hydrogeology Eight projects
Hydrogeology Eight -projektit during the year
vuoden aikana .
Lists are available showing
the many teachers who
ne monet opettajat, jotka were
during 1990
vuoden 1990 aikana ,
helping to fly the Medau flag
auttaen purjehtimaan Medaun lipun alla .
in the Labour Party
työväenpuolueessa from the 1920s
1920-luvulta alkaen .
For 1994 Jandi Sapi has announced J. P. Hackert, a study of
a German landscape painter
saksalaisesta maisemamaalarista, active
joka oli aktiivinen in eighteenth-century Italy
1700-luvun Italiassa .
Numerous small gold, copper and lead mines
Lukuisat pienet kulta-, kupari- ja lyijykaivokset in the 19th century
1800-luvulla .
during the month of May, when they would return to torment the living
toukokuussa, jolloin ne palasivat kiduttamaan eläviä .
There was no one better to bounce ideas off than Dave Smart; no one better at bringing down to earth the wild theories Bob occasionally allowed to take flight from his
These attractive little bagrid
Nämä viehättävät pienet monnikalat making them a useful addition to the mature, well-established and maintained planted community tank
minkä ansiosta ne ovat hyödyllinen lisä huolellisesti suunniteltuun, hyvin vakiintuneeseen ja kunnossa pidettyyn akvaarion eliökuntaan .
The old watermill
Vanha vesimylly was demolished a few years ago, but
until 1960
vuoteen 1960 asti .