- This question came fromthe management representative whojohdon edustajalta, jokawasattendingosallistuithe meetingkokoukseen.
- To make things worse,hehänattendedosallistuia meetingkokoukseenin South AfricaEtelä-Afrikassawithout the permission of his Church Chairmanilman kirkkonsa puheenjohtajan lupaa.
- Earlier, 270 candles were lit aftera ceremonyseremonian, johonattendedosallistuiby 1,000 local people1000 paikallista ihmistäin Dryfesdale cemeteryDryfesdalen hautausmaalla pidetynto dedicate a garden of remembrancevihkimään muistopuutarha.
- In 1990Vuonna 1990BustinBustinattendedosallistuia fresco coursefreskokurssillenear Florencelähellä Firenzeä.
- In fact the health visitor diagnosed a problem with speech at his screening at age 3, andhehänbeganattendingkäydäthe local health clinicpaikallisella terveysasemallafor speech therapypuheterapiassa.
- All patientsKaikki potilaatattendedkävivätthe cliniclääkäriasemallamonthlykuukausittainfor six monthskuuden kuukauden ajan.
- TonightTänäänthe Sovietsneuvostoliittolaisetattendosallistuvata receptionvastaanottoonat the House of Commonsalahuoneenand another tiny barrier will be broken down on Wednesday when the Combined Services provide the opposition at Aldershot.
- Mr Primakov asked him to remind the meeting thatthe Soviet UnionNeuvostoliittowantedto<empty>attendosallistuathe G7 summit in LondonG7-huipputapaamiseen Lontoossa.
- Some of themOsa heistähad notei ollutattendedkäynytschoolkoulussavery regularlykovin säännöllisestibefore.
- The ProfitbossProfitbossattendskäyat least one external business conferenceulkoisessa liikekonferenssissa vähintään kerranevery six monthskuudessa kuukaudessa.
- ThisSielläwas very welloli paljonattendedosallistujiaand a committee, with himself as chairman (a post he held for the next thirty-six years), was elected and set to work.
- So farToistaiseksihehänhadoliattendedkäynytMass at St Basil'sPyhän Vasilin katedraalin messusssaonly oncevain kerran,sitting at the back and hurrying out after the service before anyone could speak to himjolloin hän istui takana ja kiiruhti ulos jumalanpalveluksesta ennen kuin kukaan sai tilaisuutta puhua hänelle.
- All threeKaikki kolmehadolivatattendedosallistuneetEdward IV's funeralEdvard IV:n hautajaisiinin the previous monthedellisessä kuussa, as had several other former royal servants who can be associated with Gloucester in this period.
- Environmental protection talksYmpäristönsuojelupuheitawere held in Tokyo on May 18-19, chaired by Japan andattendedosallistuiby more than 35 delegationsyli 35 delegaatiota.
- In addition to making an order forthe child'slapsenattendanceosallistumisesta,the court may order any person who is in a position to do so to bring the child to court (s95(5)).
- It was Peters who chided him about his frail physique, which led tohishänregularsäännöllisestiattendancekäviat August's Gymnasium, which was in the basement of Apley HallAugustin kuntosalilla, joka sijaitsi Apley Hallin pohjakerroksessa.
- The Labour leaflet compared the numbers going to the Royal Shakespeare Company withattendanceskävijöihinat Wembley StadiumWembley Stadiumin, Aida with the Ideal Home Exhibition, and ballet, somewhat incongruously, with Rugby Union.
- There were also the unforeseen situations that preventedhishäntäattendanceosallistumastaat a coursekurssilleat the last minute -- like the sudden outbreak of mildew that demanded immediate attention.
- The managerJohtajan, though not the supervisor, should normally be inattendancepaikallathroughout the time when the office is open to the public or to telephone calls from the publictoimiston ollessa auki yleisölle tai yleisön puhelinsoitoille.
- A local authority applicant may call a parent as witness and compelhis or herhänetattendanceläsnäat courtoikeudessaby issue of a witness summons, where necessary (see Chapter 5, 14(c)).
- When the king held court,noblesaatelisetinattendanceläsnäparticipated in the giving of judgements; brought and received gifts; joined royal feasts or fasts; heard royal speeches.
- Over 2000 delegatesYli 2000 valtuutettuawere inattendanceläsnäwith about one third coming from outside the US -- this year a contingent of about 30 represented the former communist countries of Eastern Europe.
- Please telephone Andrea Burnand (tel no. 031-469 5462) and confirmyoursinunattendanceläsnäolosion this datetänä päivämääränä.