affix.v 🔎
- Segments of the athletic composition push forward into the viewer's space becauseRifkaRifkahasonaffixedlisännytadditional formstäydentäviä rakenteitaonto the surface planeoikohöylään.
- The upholstery pins, escutcheons, lid motifs and depositum plateVerhoilunupit, tukihelat, kannen motiivit ja muistolaattawere<empty>affixedkiinnitettiinto the outer caseulkopäällykseenprior to the insertion of the lead shell, their appearance being enhanced if applied to a fully upholstered case.
- HeHänpurchased a stamp from the counter clerk, licked it andaffixedkiinnittiitsento the envelopekuoreen.
- HendriqueHendriqueremoved the cloth andaffixedkiinnittithe boardlaudanto the tablepöytäänby means of its four powerful suction padssen neljän tehokkaan imukupin avulla.
- This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especiallythe ``clone importers who"kloonien" tuojat, jotkaaffixkiinnittävättheir own nameoman nimensäto the equipmentlaitteistoon.
anchor.v 🔎
- As shelves are added, use the holes in each bracketto<empty>anchorkiinnittämiseenshelfhyllynto bracketskiinnikkeisiin.
- Grazing and benthic feeding carnivores will take live foods from the aquarium bottom and many are partial to freshly-broken clean live shellfish in their shells, ifyousinäanchorkytketthemneto one spotyhteen kohtaan.
- With cords and pitonsköysien ja naulojen avullatheyHeanchoredkiinnittiväthimhänetto the rockkallioon.
- Drill and plug the wall soyousinäcanvoitanchorkiinnittääthe boxlaatikonin placepaikalleenwith screwsruuveilla, then make good around the box with cellulose filler.
- Ideally,every trailerkaikkien asuntovaunujenshould bepitäisi ollaanchoredkiinnitettyby the ball hitchvetokoukustaanon to a ball mounted in the groundmaahan kiinnitettyyn palloon.
- The treesPuutareonanchoredkiinnitettyby 20 metre polyurethane roots20 metrin polyuretaanijuurilla, formed by injecting liquid chemicals down a steel tube.
- The lidKansiwasolianchoredkiinnitettyto the sideskylkiinby screwsruuveillathrough the sideskylkien läpi kulkevilla.
- Stout timber postsvankat puupaalutanchoredkiinnitetytinto the groundMaahanare essential to prevent the edges collapsing.
append.v 🔎
- InformationTietojais onlyvainappendedliitetäänto themniihinin the form of agreement comments during their various statessopimuskommenttien muodossa eri vaiheissa.
- He noticed thatno `sir ``sanaa "herra" eiwas<empty>appendedliitettyto this questiontähän kysymykseen, there was no attempt to mimic respect.
- Her kindHänenlaisensawould do anythingto<empty>appendliittääkseenthe heavenly word `artist ``lumoavan sanan "taiteilija"to themselvesitseensä.
attach.v 🔎
- AttachLiitäthe unityksikköto the wallseinäänif required.
- In the wildtheyneattachkiinnittävättheir canopieslatvuksensaby a little silk padpienellä silkkipehmikkeelläto the plant's stem, or a leafkasvin varteen tai lehteen: the lid is the obvious substitute for this.
- HeHänforgot to decouple their carriage andto<empty>attachkiinnittääitsento the Masham trainMashamin junaanas intended.
- TheyNeattachkiinnittivätthemselvesitsensäwith their mouthpartssuuosiensa avullaand then release a digestive enzyme secretion which eats into the skin.
- Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, thenattachkiinnitäthe blindkaihdinwith touch-and-close fastenersulkulaitteen kanssa.
- I met with Media Action to discuss the recent awareness week we had on the Council Tax andIminäattachliitänmy notesmuistiinpanonifor your interest.
- AttachKiinnitäa screw-eyesilmukkaruuviinto the end of the batten near to the walllistan päähän lähelle seinääinto which the end curtain hook can be slotted.
- But as the plaster hardened andthe doctorlääkäriattachedliittitwo metal struts from her `halo ``kaksi metalliniittiä "sädekehästään"to the jackettakkiin, panic began to set in.
- This month SHEILA FAIRBRASS advises onhowkuinkato<empty>attachkiinnittääa watercolour painting or etchingvesivärimaalaus etsausto a firm backing boardtukevaan taustapahviinand explains the safest method for sticking collage pieces in place
- George whipped the trousers off the table and placed them on a hanger whichhehänattachedkiinnittito a wooden creelpuiseen telineeseen.
attachment_act.n 🔎
- For the technically minded, it consisted of a heavy cross-beam high in the walls of the execution chamber, into which hooks were fixed for theattachmentkiinnitystäof the ropesköysien.
- Attachmentkiinnittymistäof HT-29 cellsHT29-solujento type IV collagentyypin IV kollageeniinwas increased by treatment with DMJ.
- Most kite designs specify the bridle line lengths and theattachmentkiinnitys-points.
- The filter will usually come with the suckers forattachmentkiinnittämistäto the sides of the tanktankin sivuihin.
attachment_item.n 🔎
- You have to get out the cook books and thefancyhienotattachmentslisäosatfor the food processoryleiskoneen.
- The muscle power of the knee can be gauged from a bony ridge, called the cnemial crest, marking the point ofattachmentkiinnitys-for knee tendonspolvijänteiden.
- They have been the nucleus of several hundred self-employed artisans manufacturing thesebicyclepolkupyöränattachmentsosia,who can be seen on open sites across Nairobi.
- No diffuser -- just anozzlesuutin-attachmentkiinnitysto direct the airflow where you want it.
- On this harness thekarabinerkarbiini-attachmentkiinnityson the crutch straphaararemminis dangerously low and should never be used alone.
bind.v 🔎
- Amuni was subjected to the burlap sack torture: handcuffed and hooded in a sack,shehänetwasoliboundsidottuin a standing positionto an iron barrautatankoonfor hours.
- While some of the men held the weight of the body in place,othersmuutboundsitoivatthe forelegs, and the hind legsetujalat ja takajalat,togetheryhteenwith ropeköydellä.
- Once he did,the manmiesboundsitoiCorbett's handsCorbettin kädettightlyto the saddlebowsatulataipeeseenand, passing the rope under the horse's belly, also secured his ankles.
- A couple of MinutemenMuutama minuuttimieswere<empty>bindingsitoitogetheryhteentwo cloth-padded lengths of woodkahta kankaalla pehmustettua puunpalaa.
bond.v 🔎
- The strain gaugesJännitysanturitwere<empty>bondedkiinnitettiinto the shaftakseliinand took 200 readings per second.
- Butyl liners (unlesstheyneareonbondedkiinnitettyto a coloured plasticvärikkääseen muoviin, which adds a cost, with few benefits) are black.
- The grasses are woven together with cotton to forma matmaton,whichjokais<empty>thensittenbondedkiinnitetäänon to a paper backingpaperitaustaan.
- Balls of Semtex -- slightly bigger than Maltesers but powerful enough to blast away doors -- were found inthe shoe heelskengän koroista,whichjotkahad been hollowed out and thenbondedliimattutogetheryhteenagain, security sources disclosed.
- Upper and sole unitPäällimmäinen osa ja pohjan osawere<empty>thensittenbondedliimattiintogetheryhteen, not stitched and pegged, as in traditional boot construction.
- The most popular is reconstituted stone: this is made bybondingliimaamallacoloured aggregatesvärjättyjä keräymiätogetheryhteenunder pressure, to recreate blocks with one decorative face and end, in imitation of natural quarried stone.
- TheyNemust betäytyybondedliimatawith thermo-stable epoxy resinlämpöä kestävällä epoksimuovilla(see Chapter 4).
- `The metal we used is froman old caravan roof whichvanhan asuntovaunun katosta, jonkawemebondedliimasimmeto the woodpuuhunwith EvostickEvostickilla, ``explained Tony.
cement.v 🔎
- The following weekendIminäcementedsementoincapping stoneskatekiviäround the top of the new pond and also round the header poolsuuden lammen yläosan ja kattoaltaiden ympärille.
- The body louse may lay its eggs in clothing or bedding, whilethe head lousepäätäi, like the crab louse,cementskiinnittääits eggsmunansaon to hairshiuksiinforming `nits ``, which are the size of a pin-head and can just be made out with the naked eye.
- Three concrete blocksKolme betonilohkarettawere<empty>cementedsementoitiinto the patio stones at the rear of the new pondpation kiviin uuden lammen takaosaanas a base for this filter -- it was important that these were all at the same level.
- It is possible thata piece of slate or glasspala liusketta tai lasiahas beenoncementedsementoituover the rodding armvipuvarren päälle.
- Use a little royal icingto<empty>cementkiinnittämiseenthe two pieces of roofkaton kahden palasenon to the sloping sides of the housetalon kalteville sivuille, propping up the eaves with toothpicks too if necessary.
- They forced their way onto adjoining land and cut through chain-link fencing andlarge wooden postssuurten puupaalujen,cementedsementoitujeninto the groundmaahan.
- These burrowing earthworms literally eat their way through the soil forming deep, vertical, permanent burrows withsmooth wallssileiden seinämiencementedjotka on lujitettutogetheryhteenwith mucus secretionslimaeritteillä.
chain.v 🔎
- But in another experiment50 two-ton concrete slabs50 kahden tonnin betonilaattaaareto betarkoituschainedliittää ketjuintogetheryhteenand dumped from a huge tilting steel platform about 6,750 ft above sea level.
- Last time I let you make friends,yousinächainedkahlitsitmeminutto a tablepöytään.
- SheHänrode up andchainedkahlitsiher bicyclepyöränsäto tall railingskorkeisiin kaiteisiin.
- ChainKytkeyour steering wheelohjauspyöräsito the clutch, brake pedal or a seatkytkimeen, jarrupolkimeen tai istuimeen.
- Wedgwood insisted on hygiene practices to limit the danger from lead used in pot glazing, andsome Sheffield mastersjotkut Sheffieldin mestaritchainedkiinnittivät ketjullaa protective guardsuojaavan suojuksenover their wheelspyöriensä yli, but these were exceptional.
- HeHänetwasolichainedkahlittuto a rockkallioonand his liver, though continually devoured by an eagle, never diminished.
- Carson started to climb the stairs, passing some stacks of yellow newsprint anda bicycle whichpolkupyörän, jokawasolichainedkahlittuto the rotting wood of the balustradekaiteen mätänevään puuhun, before turning and starting up the next flight.
- TheyHeidätareonchainedkahlittuto walls or to their bedsseiniin tai sänkyihinsä.
- At the Raja's insistenceTaraTarawasolichainedkahlittuup<empty>to a 500 year old tree500 vuotta vanhaan puuhun.
- Even asshehänchainedkiinnitti ketjullaher bikepyöräänsäup<empty>she noticed three different taxis drawing up and depositing their customers.
- The only difference was that many of the cars were big limousines, in contrast tothe bikes and the pieces of bikespyöriin ja pyörien osiin,chainedjotka oli kiinnitetty ketjullato railingskaitesiinthat were her last, hazy recollection of the hospital.
- And Miss Streep duly arrived onher bicycle whichpyörällään, jonkashehänchainedkahlitsiconfidentlyto the theatre railingsteatterin kaiteisiin.
- The second cell (82c) containsa moaning, naked Orcvaikeroivan, alastoman örkinchainedkahlittunadown on a bed of nails which rip the boil-infested flesh on his backneulavuoteeseen, joka repi paiseita kuhisevaa lihaa hänen selässään.
cinch.v 🔎
- SheHänunbuckled the yellowlegs ``gunbelt, andcinchedkiinnittiitsenaround her hipslanteilleen.
- HeHäncinchedsitoihis towelpyyhkeensäaround his hipslanteilleen, then bent and scooped up the jewellery as if it were junk.
connect.v 🔎
- How can the author have the freedomto<empty>connectyhdistäätwo nodeskaksi solmukohtaafor the benefit of hypertext browsershypertekstien selailun hyväksiwithout forcing the traversal algorithm to follow that pathilman, että pakottaa läpikäyntialgoritmeja seuraamaan samaa polkua?
- She smiled asshehänwaitedto be<empty>connectedyhdistämistäto Bridget's college roomsBridgetin asuntolahuoneisiin; Tracey would strongly disapprove if he knew whom she was calling.
- This cannulaTämä kanyyliwasoliconnectedyhdistettyto another polyethlene cannulatoiseen polyeteenikanyyliinplaced in the duodenum to permit the circulation of the pancreatic secretion into the duodenum.
- Companies that use computersYritykset, joissa käytetään tietokoneita,have beenovatconnectingyhdistäneetthemniitäto each othertoisiinsafor a decadevuosikymmenen ajan,often using AT & T's telephone linesusein AT & T:n puhelinlinjojen avulla.
- By reinterpreting these number pairs as points in the plane andconnectingyhdistämälläthemnewith lineslinjoihinwe are drawing a transformation of the original square.
- At the moment the police have no conclusive evidence that Mr Riddle is dead, but if he is there is no reasonto<empty>connectyhdistäähis deathhänen kuolemaansawith the WheelWheeliin.
- HeHänarranged a row of 80 telephone mouthpieces across the front of the stage at the Grand Opera in Paris, andconnectedyhdistithemneby wireslangoillato 80 earpieces80 kuulokkeeseen.
- TheseNämäcould bevoisiconnectedyhdistääwith the telegraph wires alongside the trackradan vierellä olevilla lennätinkaapeleilla,so that communication could be established as necessary with the nearest signal-box or with central controlniin, että tarvittaessa voitaisiin muodostaa yhteys lähimpään ohjauskeskukseen tai keskitettyyn keskukseen.
- ConnectYhdistäthe small wire F (field)ohut lanka F (kenttä)to the small wire WL (warning light)ohueen lankaan WL (varoitusvalo)and insulate.
- Yousinäcan evenvoit jopaconnectliittääa 5.25" diskette drive5,25 tuuman levykeasemanto the external drive portulkoiseen asemaporttiin.
detach.v 🔎
- AlexAlexdetachederkaantuihimself<empty>from the crowdväkijoukostaand came towards them.
- PeterPetertriedto<empty>detachirrottaahimselfitsensäfrom MollandMollandista,as they left the solicitor's officekun he poistuivat asianajajan toimistosta.
- The explosionRäjähdysdetachedirrottithe separate wingserilliset siivetas if they had been plucked feathers.
fasten.v 🔎
- PeopleIhmisetwere<empty>fasteningkiinnittiväta ropeköydento the ringrenkaaseen.
- Nowwemefastenkiinnitämmepineconesmännynkävytto the dahlia sticksdaalian oksiinand shake them out every few days.
- Then, very slowly,Mr Evansherra Evansfastenedkiinnittihis beltvyönsäround his trousershousujensa ympärille…
- The huge black doors of the boat-houseVenevajan valtavat mustat ovethad beenolifastenedkiinnitettybacktakaisin,to allow free accessjotta vapaa kulku oli mahdollinen.
- The wireJohtois generallyon yleensäfastenedkiinnito the braceletrannekorussa,with a poppernepparillaso even if she forgets about it and walks away from her machine with it still attached, it will just pop apart.
- The edges of adjacent planksVierekkäisten laattojen reunojawere notei oltufastenedkiinnitettytogethertoisiinsamechanicallymekaanisesti,but stood open so as to form a V-shaped groove.
- The Privy Seal isa sealsinettifastenedkiinnitettyon royal documentskuninkaallisiin asiakirjoihin.
- He can work comfortably and easily despite the weight and restriction ofthe linenuoranfastenedkiinnitetynto his collarhänen kaulukseensa.
- A pair of hauling ropespari vetoköysiäis alsoon myösfastenedkiinnitettyto the leading edge of each tankKunkin tankin johtavaan päätyyn, one rope towards each end of the tank.
- TheyHefastenedkiinnittivätthe piecesosatto the telescopeteleskooppiinwith wirejohdolla.
- Officials and residents in ItoIton virkailijat ja asukkaathave been preparing for the worst, taping window glass to prevent shattering, andfasteningkiinnittäenbookshelves and cabinetskirjahyllyjä ja kaappejato wallsseiniinto prevent them from topplingestääkseen niitä kaatumasta.
- Smith said the50-pound bust50 paunan rintakuvawas<empty>fastenedkiinnitettiinby a large bolt to a pedestaljalustaan isolla pultilla.
- A German-engineered computer chipSaksassa rakennetut tietokonesirutfastenedkiinnitetytto each entrant's shoelacesKaikkien osallistujien kengännauhoihinwill be keeping time.
- Police in anti-explosive gear were removingthree other similar black can-like objectskolmea muuta vastaavanlaista mustaa tölkkimäistä esinettäfastenedkiinnitettyäto the pylonmastoonby vinyl tapevinyyliteipilläabout 3 meters (10 feet) above the groundnoin 3 metrin korkeuteen (jalkaa) maan yläpuolelle, the spokesman said.
fix.v 🔎
- Howcan<empty>Iminäfixkiinnitäna gate postportinpielento a wallseinään?
- Iminätook a length of wire,fixedkiinnitinone endtoisen päänin my electric drillsähköporaani, and poked the other through the pipe into the obstruction, piercing the lime scale and almost polishing the inside surface.
- Drill and plug the wall, thenfixkiinnitärailskiskotin placepaikoilleenwith screws sunk below the surface of the woodruuveilla, jotka ovat puun pinnan alapuolella.
- CareyCareyfixedkiinnittithe rodtangoninto its veev:henand stooped to the fish.
- Michael and Edward placed one of the flat pieces of steel at one end andTom and Mr FletcherTom ja herra Fletcherfixedkiinnittivätitseninto placepaikalleen.
- And here she was, with Frank Grimwood of all people, shaking so muchsheettä häncould notei voinutfixasettaaher spectaclessilmälasejaon her nosenenälleen.
- It was a bright morning with a hint of autumn in the air when, full of elation,the two girlskaksi tyttöäfixedkiinnittitheir well-polished platehyvin kiillotetun kylttinsäon the gatepostportinpieleenand stood back to admire it.
- Do not attemptto<empty>fixkiinnittäätileslaattojato cold surfaces like unheated bathroomskylmiin pintoihin, kuten lämmittämättömiin kylpyhuoneisiin.
- If the wall is reasonably flatyousinäcanvoitfixkiinnittääthe boardlaudandirectly to itsuoraan siihen.
- Since thenIminähaveolenfixedkiinnittänytthe motormoottorinto the tablepöytäänwith two clampskahdella puristimella.
- Yousinämay preferto<empty>fixkiinnittääthe matchboardponttilaudanacross the narrowest width of the roomhuoneen kapeimman kohdan yli.
- FixKiinnitäthe white discsvalkoiset levyton to the black discsmustiin levyihinto form wheels.
- Tom and Mr FletcherTom ja herra Fletcherfixedkiinnittivätthe next flat pieceseuraavan tasaisen palanonto the front of the shelterkatoksen etuosaan.
- The arch of the lyreLyyran kaariwasolifixedkiinnitettyby mortise and tenon jointstappiliitoksella, strengthened by metal plates, which carried six pegs holding the strings.
- The cottonPuuvillancan bevoifixedkiinnittääby first coating the board with glue size or a coat of PVA gluepäällystämällä laudan glutiiniliimalla tai PVA-liimalla.
- TheyNecan bevoifixedkiinnittäädirectlyto masonrymuuriin.
- Whenfixingkiinnittäessäsiinto the ceilingkattoon,yousinunshould ensure that you screw directly into the joists.
- Peach alone was in the house, having let himself in throughthe cat flapkissanluukun, jonkaStephenjonkahadolifixedkiinnittänytinto the lower panel of the back doortakaoven alempaan paneeliin.
- For safety, make sureany pictureskaikki kuvat, jotkayousinäfixkiinnitätabove your bedsänkysi yläpuolelleare secure.
- He looked carefully atthe sticks of uneven length and thickness thateripituisia ja -paksusia tikkuja, jotkaPhilipPhiliphadolifixedkiinnittänyttogetheryhteen, too loosely.
- TheseNämäare usuallyyleensäfixedkiinnitetäänaround the ankle, where they are more secure than on the wristnilkan ympärille, missä ne ovat turvallisempia kuin ranteessa.
fuse.v 🔎
- On the day of its creation he hadhis armourersaseseppänsäfusesulauttamaanthe suitpuvundirectlyto his bodyhänen vartaloonsa.
- Cover with a damp cloth and iron gently,fusingyhdistäenthe woven ribbonkudotun nauhanto the interfacingyhtymäkohtaan.
- The hip and femur bonesLonkka- ja reisiluutwere<empty>fusedsulatettiintogetheryhteenand no movement was possible at that joint.
- Half a universe away there had been another tunic cuff, the gold braid scorched and burned so thatits imprintjälkiwas<empty>fusedsulion to the skin of his armhänen käsivartensa iholle.
- `Parts of her clothingOsa hänen vaatteistaanwere<empty>fusedsulatettiinto her bodyhänen vartalolleen,where they had melted on.
glue.v 🔎
- Ifwemegluedliimaisimmelittle pictures of galaxiespieniä galaksien kuviato the surfacepintaan, we would see that they moved progressively further apart as we inflated the balloon.
- KELLY GoodKELLY Goodpainstakinglygluedliimasia gold bowkultaisen rusetinto the front of her pink velvet jewellery boxpinkin samettikorurasiansa eteenand stuck down a Christmas label.
- GlueLiimaathemnein positionpaikoilleenwith some rubber solution adhesivekautsuliimalla, ensuring that they are firmly fixed to the paper without the glue being visible.
- Cut out or draw a picture of Freda andglueliimaaitseon to the bookmarkkirjanmerkkiin.
- Acoustics' fingerboardsAkustiset otelaudatare<empty>gluedliimataanonpaikoilleenrelatively late in production, in fact after the necks have been fitted to the bodies.
- Thenglueliimaatheseneon to the bookmarkkirjanmerkkiin.
- WeMesimplygluedliimasimmethe broken earrikkoutuneen korvanback in placetakaisin paikalleenand she carried on to a successful conclusion.
- GlueLiimaaa Christmassy shape or picturejouluinen muoto tai kuvato the front of the hathatun eteen.
- Again,a bundle of drinking strawsnippu pillejägluedliimattujatogetheryhteenprovides a realistic model.
- This means that it is cut up intocomparatively small pieces whichverrattain pieniin paloihin, jotkaare thensittengluedliimataantogetheryhteenagain, usually in hydraulic presses with synthetic glues.
- The sloganSloganwas spelled out in three-foot-high polystyrene lettering andgluedliimattuonto a soft canvas backdroppehmeälle taustakankaalle.
- Haphazardly placed photographs of King George and Queen Elizabeth, cut from a magazine,Umpimähkäisesti sijoitetut, lehdestä leikatut valokuvat kuningas Yrjöstä ja kuningatar Elisabethistahad been hastilyoli hätäisestigluedliimattuto the wallseinäänbefore the landlord came to lunch -- to hide the marks of indoor revolver practice.
- A new soleUusi kengänpohjais thensittengluedliimataaninto placepaikalleen.
gum.v 🔎
- Before opening the file he added his initials tothe readership listlukijaluetteloongummedliimattuunto the top right corneroikeaan yläkulmaan.
- These receiptsNämä kuititareongummedliimattuinto a special book kept for the purposetarkoitusta varten ylläpidettyyn erityiseen kirjaan, as they would have to be produced if a claim for compensation is made.
- The second method usesa smaller sheet of paper or a large label whichpienempää paperiarkkia tai suurta nimilappua, jokais thensittengummedliimataanto the back of the photographvalokuvan taakse.
- Of the manydirectivesohjeistagummedliimatuistato the glass partitionlasiseinään, one took the trouble to thank me for not smoking.
handcuff.v 🔎
- However,hehänagain refused to wear his uniform and was forcibly dressed andhandcuffedkiinnitettiin käsiraudoillato the cell barssellin kaltereihin.
- A COMPUTER expert was sacked whenhehänhandcuffedkiinnitti käsiraudoillahimselfitsensäto his woman bossnaispomoonsa,while she was on the phone to a customer.
- The raidersRyöstäjätthenhandcuffedkiinnittivät käsiraudoillaAnn and KeithAnnin ja Keithintogetheryhteenand Mr Culling was forced to drive to his bank and hand over the cash.
- SheHänfound some handcuffs in his pocket andhandcuffedkiinnitti käsiraudoillahimtämänto the dooroveen.
- SheHänetwasolihandcuffedkiinnitetty käsiraudoillato the bedsänkyyn.
hitch.v 🔎
- It is OK, though,to<empty>hitchsitoaa napkinlautasliinaround your neckkaulan ympärille, even if the last time your wore one was when your nanny tied it for you.
- The small family lunched together and then at 2pmThomasThomashitchedsitoithe ponyponinto his small cartpieniin kärryihinsäand set off to make deliveries to farms and cottages in the more remote areas of nearby Winkfield Plain.
- When the villains were unable to get the caravan up a small incline,theyhehitchedsitoivatitsento a stolen vehiclevarastettuun kulkuneuvoonand wheel-spun their way onto the road.
- She did not delude herself that the light touch of his lips to her cheek on parting yesterday meant anything, andshehänhitchedkiinnittiher baglaukkunsaon to her shoulderolalleenand walked to the door.
- The flat cart was none too clean but Granny didn't seem to mind and was only anxious forthe horsehevonento be<empty>hitchedkiinnitettäisiinto itsiihen.
- Bees and waspsMehiläiset ja ampiaisethitchsitovattheir fore and hind wingsetu- ja takasiipensätogetheryhteenwith hookskoukuillato make, in effect, a single surface.
hook.v 🔎
- Using a claw weight and a magnet,hookkiinnitä koukun avullathe weightpainoin the knitting where you wish to join in a new coloursiihen neuletyön kohtaan, mihin haluat liittää uuden värinand sandwich the end of the wool between the claw, weight and the magnet.
- KellyKellyhookedkoukistiher thumbspeukalonsain the tops of her pantshousujensa yläreunaan.
- With a flourishhehändrew a line at the bottom, screwed on the top of his fountain pen andhookedkiinnittiitseninto a buckle on his braceshenkseliensä solkeen.
- HeHänhookedtaivuttia fingersormensainto the corner of his mouthsuunsa nurkkaan, as though he was versifying on the spot.
- Finallyhehänhookskiinnittää koukullahis beltvyönsäonto the Doom Diver CatapultDoom Diver -katapulttiinand braces himself for sudden acceleration.
- There is no room for a chair, soIminäcrouch between the willows andhookkiinnitäna plummetluotilanganonto the size 18 hookkoon 18 koukkuun.
- Then, almost so certain as to be positive that he could not abide a clinging type of woman,shenainenhookedtaivuttiher armkäsivartensathrough hishänen käsivartensa ympärille.
- Nat turned and shouted this garbled message to me andIminähookedkiinnitinmy dogskoiranito a treepuuhunand went forward to talk to him.
- OmiOmihookedtaivuttia threadlanganaround her crochet-hookvirkkuukoukkunsa ympärille.
- HrunHrunheaved, and managedto<empty>hookkoukistahis fingerssormensaunder the stonekiven alle.
- Returning thoughtfully to his own back bedroom,hehäntuned one of his receivers to the frequency he had read off the antenna andhookedliittiitsenup<empty>to a tape machinenauhuriin.
- The lampLamppucould bevoitiinhookedkiinnittääonto the front of a miner's captyömaakypärän eteenor hung on a wooden roof support while he was working.
- MatildaMatildapulled up the rope andhookedkiinnittithe handle of the bucketämpärin kahvanon to the end of itsen päähän.
join.v 🔎
- Ifitsewere<empty>joinedliitettäisiinto the Executive Powertoimeenpanovaltaan, the Judge would have the strength of an oppressor.
- Then letusmejoinliittäkäämmeour clever halvesviisaat puolikkaamme,to make a wholejotta meistä tulisi kokonainen!
- JoinYhdistäthe liningvuorito the blindkaihtimeenat hemlinehelmastaby placing it centrally over the blind fabric with right sides facing and bottom raw edges levelasettamalla se keskeisesti kaihdinkankaan päälle oikeat puolet vastakkain ja alaosan käsittelemättömät reunat kohdakkain.
- Some consist of a simple bowl with a lip, over which the water trickles, while others come insections of varying lengths and shapes whicheripituisissa ja -muotoisissa osissa, jotkacan bevoijoinedliittäätogetheryhteen,to form complex arrangementsjotta ne muodostavat monimutkaisia asetelmia.
- TheyNeare instead bent into semicircles andjoinedliitetääntogetheryhteenat their endspäistään,to form a solid circular toroidjotta ne muodostavat kiinteän pyöreän toroidin.
- The visit was organised as part ofa vocational education and training project whichammatillisen koulutuksen ja harjoittelun projektia, jokahasonjoinedyhdistänytthe college in Cleveland AvenueCleveland Avenuen opistonwith NorwayNorjan kanssathrough the Department of Employmenttyövoimaosaston kautta.
lash.v 🔎
- Only two feet above the glassy watera dozen dug-out canoeskymmenkunta koverrettua kanoottiaareonlashedsidottuto the sidekylkeen,and more join us all the time.
- About a mile upstreamRamsesRamsesdrew the boat into a side pool, scampered into the shallows andlashedsitoithe boatveneento a treepuuhun.
- The luggage made a sort of mountain in the barrow, andsome of itosa siitäwould haveto be<empty>lashedsitoato the sideskylkiinwith ropesköysillä.
- One of the most moving pictures printed in L'Illustration during the war was of one of these unhappy cuistots crawling on his stomach to the front at Verdun, withflasks of wineviinipullojalashedsidottuinato his belthänen vyöhönsä.
- TheyNewereolilashedsidottutogetheryhteen, upright and side by side, between the rear four seats.
- Her elbowsHänen kyynärpäänsähad beenolilashedsidottutogetheryhteenand she hung from the ceiling like a snared sparrow.
link.v 🔎
- Once outsidehehänlinkedlinkittiarmskäsivartensawith hertytön kanssaand took her to the little pub that the station staff used.
- When it had beaten Cranborne junior School by three hundred runs, two Saturdays agoKun se voitti Cranbornen alakoulun kolmella sadalla juoksulla kaksi launtaita sitten,hehänhad<empty>linkedotti kiinniarmskäsivarrestawith the headmasterrehtorinand sung three verses of `We Are the Champions ``.
- Thousands of miles of cableTuhannet kaapelimailitlinkedyhdistivätthe armies of both sideskummankin puolen armeijaa, but reception was often poor and the cables were repeatedly severed by bursting shells.
- Above:A pretty bridgeKaunis siltalinksyhdistääthe Williams' houseWilliamsien talonwith the outside worldulkopuoliseen maailmaan
- TRANSPORT Secretary John MacGregor has come under fresh pressure to reject any plans fora new motorwayuudesta moottoritiestä, jokalinkingyhdistäisimid-EssexMid-Essexinwith the M25M25:een.
manacle.v 🔎
- His handsHänen kätensäwereolivatmanacledkäsiraudoitetutbehind his back except when he ate or slept.
- Bosley and HughesBosley ja Hughesknelt on him andmanacledlaittoivat käsirautoihinhis handshänen kätensäbehind his back.
- Each of these, in turn, holds a Skeleton, withits armssen käsivarretmanacledkiinnitettyinä käsiraudoillato the floorlattiaan.
- TheyHechained andmanacledlaittoivat käsirautoihintheir dangerous chargevaarallisen holhokkinsaonce more leaving him only sufficient movement to shamble and struggle along the ancient passageways of his confinemnent
- Like Murad before him,DaraDarawas seized,manacledkäsiraudoitettiinand sent to Delhi in a closed howdah.
- Bosley and HughesBosley ja Hughesknelt on him andmanacledlaittoivat käsirautoihinhis handshänen kätensäbehind his backhänen selkänsä taakse.
- HeHänstrangled her -- afterfirstensinmanaclingsidottuaanherhänetwith handcuffskäsirautoilla, torturing her and sexually assaulting her, the prosecution alleged.
moor.v 🔎
- Iminämooredsidointhe boatveneen, got out, collected the rods from the shore, and turned back up the loch.
- Ifwememoorsidommea tiny toy boatpienen leluveneenat some fixed point in the pondjohonkin pysyvään kohtaan lammessa, the boat will bob up and down rhythmically as the waves pass under it.
- It gives me a tremendous advantage in thatIminäcanvoinmoorsitoathe puntjokiveneenabout 15yds back from the top of the shelfnoin 15 jaardia poispäin mantereen kärjestä, in the shallower water, out of sight of the bream.
- The raftLauttawasolimooredsidottuby the side of the riverjoentörmään.
- Shallow-draught cabin cruisersMatalakulkuiset moottoriveneetwere<empty>mooredsidottiinupstream of the bridgeylävirtaan sillasta.
- BoatsVeneetwere<empty>mooredkiinnitettiinto the main banktärkeimpään rantatörmään, mostly small powerboats with a few dinghies.
mount.v 🔎
- `After processingIminämountkiinnitinthe slideskuultokuvatin glasslasiinto keep them safe, because they are more delicate than conventional slides.
- Ideally, of course, the best support for any kind of camera isto<empty>mountasentaaitseon a tripodkolmijalkaiseen alustaan, but tripods are awkward things to carry and they also have a dampening effect on spontaneity.
- HeHänmountedasensiitsenon his vehiclekulkuneuvoonsaand made it work.
- MountKiinnitäyour picturekuvasiwith stamp hinges or pieces of masking tape on corners or top edgepostimerkkitarroilla tai maalarinteipin paloilla kulmista tai yläreunasta.
- CasioCasiohasonmountedkiinnittänytan electro-luminescent displayelektroluminenssinäytönbehind the LC layerLC-kerroksen taakse.
- His first sketches of the Garratt articulated locomotive show that he appreciated the advantages ofmountingkiinnittämisenthe boilerboilerincentrally between a pair of driving bogies carrying the fuel and water tankskeskeisesti ohjausteliparin väliin kuljettamaan polttoaine- ja vesitankkeja.
- MountKiinnitäthe fittinghelateitherdirectly to the lugs at each side of the boxsuoraan kummallakin puolella laatikkoa oleviin kahvoihinif they are at the standard 51mm (2″) centres; otherwise use screws and wallplugs as before.
- This meanstheynemust betäytyymountedasentaaon a strong flat base on a good floorvahvalle tasaiselle alustalle hyvällä lattialla-- not bouncy floorboards.
- Secure the drive with at least four screws and make sure that ifyousinämountkiinnitätitsenhorizontallyvaakatasoon,the printed circuit board is at the bottom.
- A typical installation would involve the use ofa CO2 snowing systemCO2-lumetusjärjestelmänmountedkiinnitetynabove either existing or new conveyor trackjoko valmiin tai uuden kuljetinradan päälle.
- The remaining pair of padsjäljellä olevaa palaparia,mountedkiinnitettyäat the bottom of the tubePutken pohjaan, are used as fire buttons.
- The slidesDiatwere then air dried andmountedkiinnitettiinin glycerine jellyglyseriinihyytelöön.
- Ideally, every trailer should be anchored by the ball hitch on toa ballpalloonmountedkiinnitettyynin the groundmaahan.
- These two values can usually be varied bycontrolsohjaimillamountedkiinnitetyilläon the gyro itselfsuoraan hyrräänor, in some cases, also changed at the transmitter.
- Mountedkiinnitettycentrally on the roofKeskelle kattoawasa tall tower supporting a neat diamond pantograph collector, which gave the cars their popular namekorkea masto, joka tuki näppärää timanttipitoista pantografierotinta, mikä antoi autoille niiden suositun nimen.
- The conduit system, where the power was drawn bya ploughaurallamountedkiinnitetylläunder the carauton alle, from a centre slot between the rails, proved unreliable in Blackpool because of local conditions.
- At Mycenae, too, is the famous Lion Gate, which showsthe pillarpilarinmountedkiinnitetynupon a Minoan-style altarMinoa-tyyliseen alttariinand flanked by protecting lions.
nail.v 🔎
- I could see it over bythe wooden boards thatpuulautojen, jotkahad beenolinailednaulattuacross Quigley's windowsQuigleyn ikkunoiden yli.
- NailNaulaathe head platepäätylevyin placepaikoilleen, using a plumb line to check that sole plate and head plate align.
- Thin strips of pine ½ × ½inohuita mäntyliuskoja ½ × ½ tuumaaare<empty>nailednaulataanand gluedinto the end panels for battensListoja varten päätypaneeleihin.
- On 21 October 1517,Martin LutherMartin Lutherhadolinailednaulannuthis Ninety-Five Articles of Religionyhdeksänkymmentäviisi artikkeliaan uskonnostaon the door of Wittenberg CathedralWittenbergin katedraalin oveen, starting the Protestant Reformation.
- TheyHemay tryto<empty>nailnaulataitsenon the perchtähystyspaikalleagain but nobody will believe it is still alive.
- The stripsSuikaleetare simplyyksinkertaisestinailednaulataanand gluedto the roofkattoon, allowing for an overlap between layers.
- He did not wear them:theynewereolinailednaulattuto the scenery above where he sat, like an immense butterfly impaled against the woodkulisseihin hänen istumapaikkansa yläpuolelle kuin valtava puuhun lävistetty perhonen.
- And not only were women put to the sword butthe heads of those guilty of child murderlasten murhaamiseen syyllistyneiden päätwere<empty>nailednaulattiinabove the gallowshirsipuiden päälle.
- Another important development wasthe iron horseshoe thatrautainen hevosenkenkä, jokawas<empty>nailednaulattiinon to the hoofkavioon.
paste.v 🔎
- Whenpastingliimaatyour templatemallision the piece of veneer selected for the outline -- usually a dark wood --runkoa varten valittuun viilunpalaan - yleensä tummaa puuta -try to arrange for the thinnest parts of the design to run along the grain.
- Iminäcut out all the short stories from nearly 100 magazines andpastedliimasinthemneinto a collection of scrapbooksleikekirjakokoelmaan.
- Iminäpastedliimasinstrips of each of the four tinted paperssuikaleita jokaisesta neljästä värjätystä paperistaonto mount boardkehyskartonkiinand painted the subject matter as one painting.
- The border guard was not amused and demanded to know why there wasa photo of a pandavalokuva pandastapastedliimattuover Simon's pictureSimonin kuvan päälle.
- DataTiedotcan also bevoi myöspastedliittääinto word processing documentstekstinkäsittelyasiakirjoihin.
- Pastingliimaaminenthe pattern or other parts of the illustrationKuvion tai muun kuvituksen osanover the top of the clipping shapeleikkuumuodon yläosan päällecauses them to be constrained to the clipping shape.
- Iminäcarefullypastedliimasinthe photograph of Joe wavingvalokuvan Joesta vilkuttamassaon the frontetupuolelle, and inside, in his best handwriting, he wrote, `Happy Father's Day, Dad.
- The posterJulistehad beenolipastedliimattuon the building that housed Itrakennukseen, jossa se sijaitsi.
- Each wordKaikki sanatwas cut out from different magazines and newsprint, andpastedliimattuto a square piece of cardneliskulmaiseen kortinpalaan.
pin.v 🔎
- Experience shows thattwo ceiling tileskaksi kattotiiltäpinnedkiinnitettynäor gluedtogetheryhteenare effective, stuck to all but the viewing glass of the aquarium.
- To join the triangles to the shelf cover, place the right sides together andpinkiinnitäthe first triangleensimmäinen kolmioto the centre of the shelf coverhyllyn päällisen keskelle.
- PinKiinnitäthe tapeteippito the curtain over the heading allowanceverhoon yläpäärmeeseen, fractionally down from the top of the curtain (fig. 29).
- PinKiinnitäthe angled offcuts from the legstaivutetut jalkojen leikkausjätteeton to a scrap piece of woodpuun jäännöspalaanto make an excellent cradle for planing and also for clamping blocks.
- Their badgesHeidän kunniamerkkinsäwereolipinnedkiinnitettyto their uniformsheidän univormuihinsawith safety pinshakaneuloilla.
- In his own time he had been a maverick, and for being a maverickhis grateful sovereignhänen kiitollinen hallitsijansahadolipinnedkiinnittänyton his chesthänen rintaansathe gallantry medal of the Military CrossMilitary Cross -urhoollisuusmitalin.
- SheHänpinnedkiinnittionpaikalleenher photo-passvalokuvallisen kulkulupansa, without which no Tory is properly dressed, and, avoiding her colleagues, walked briskly along the front in the direction of the conference centre.
- Whenpolice in ClevelandClevelandin poliisipinnedkiinnittion station noticeboardsaseman ilmoitustauluillephotos of people they suspected might be infected with the Aids virusvalokuvia ihmisistä, joiden he epäilivät olevan Aids-virustartunta, the two probation officers who disclosed this practice were disciplined.
- We did find the Hall that was to be home for the next couple of nights, witha noteviestipinnedkiinnitettynäto the dooroveengiving directions to the pub where the rest of the Society had gathered.
- It was an all-male affair and each delegate worea lettered, white disckaiverrettu, valkoinen levypinnedkiinnitettyto his lapelkauluskäänteeseenwhich Wycliffe could not read.
- There wasa little blue broochpieni sininen rintaneulapinnedkiinnitettyto the neck of the dressmekon pääntiehen.
- The man was perhaps in his sixties,the empty right-hand sleeve of his jackethänen takkinsa tyhjä oikean käden hihapinnedkiinnitettynäto his sidehänen kylkeensä.
plaster.v 🔎
- SheHänmade the shallow end and stood up,plasteringpyyhkäistenher hairhiuksensabacktaaksewith her handskäsillään.
- HeHänwas<empty>plasteringpeittiwet threads of hairmärillä hiuskarvoillaover a balding patekaljuuntuvat päälaen, and there was a look of alarm in those magnified eyes.
- In DublinDublinissa,manymonethadolivatplasteredliimanneettantalising billboardshoukuttelevia tienvarsimainoksiaover more subdued Irish Sunday paper advertisinghillitympien Irish Sunday -lehden mainosten päälle.
- But you are proposing to use pictures of naked women, or one naked woman -- like thepin-ups thatkansikuvatyttöjä, joitaareonplasteredliimattuall over the factoryjoka puolelle tehdasta?
- The mandibleLeukaashould not be glued orplasteredkipsatato the vaultkaareen.
- In one of my first jobsIminäplasteredkipsasinonpaikalleenthe make-upmeikinand wore very executive-type suits.
rivet.v 🔎
- The best are those where the head is made from a single piece of metal rather than whereindividual teethyksittäiset hampaatareonrivetedniitattuinto placepaikalleen.
- ItSewas covered in lettering andhad beenolirivetedkiinnitettyto the trousershousuihin, as if Grandson Richard was some sort of machine.
- The hull was made ofoverlapping wrought-iron platespäällekkäisistä takorautalevyistärivetedkiinnitetyistäto metal framesmetallikehyksiin.
- The sitting-room had not only a small and charming Victorian fireplace but a gallery as well, with access by means ofa ladder whichtikkaiden, jotkaKitty had hadrivetedkiinnityttänytto the wallseinään.
- The tanks were 80 feet long by 15 feet wide and 5 feet deep (internal dimensions), and were mainly constructed of steel plates thick, andangle sectionskulmaprofiileistarivetedkiinnitetyistätogetheryhteen.
secure.v 🔎
- SecureKiinnitäthe boxlaatikkoto the masonry behindmuuraukseen takaawith wallplugs and screwspistotulpilla ja ruuveilla-- don't rely on filler to hold it in place.
- Franz SchmidtFranz Schmidtwasted little time insecuringkiinnittäessäänhimhänetto the wheelpyörään.
- HeHänsecuredkiinnittiitsenwith the safety-pinhakaneulalla.
- SecureKiinnitäone end of stringtoinen narunpääto the top of the body of the cakekakun pääosan huipulle(not the tip of the cone), and wrap the string around and down the cake in a spiral.
- Cover with a piece of pleated greaseproof paper and foil, andsecurekiinnitäwith stringnarulla.
- At internal angles between riser and tread, it won't be possible to prise them apart, so fill any slight gaps with a little wood adhesive andsecurekiinnitäthrough the jointliitoskohdan läpiwith a few nailsmuutamalla naulalla.
- Place the waterlily leaves around the top of the pond cake,securingkiinnitäonpaikalleenwith small pieces of fondantpienillä kuorrutuksen paloilla.
- When dry, carefully peel the brushes off the paper andsecurekiinnitäon to the lidkanteenwith a little spare royal icingpienellä määrällä ylimääräistä kovaa kuorrutetta.
sew.v 🔎
- Again you can pick up the stitches and knit them directly on to the edge, oryousinäcan knit long strips or tubes andsewommellathemneneatlysiististiin placepaikoilleen.
- At midnightPhylPhylwas still thereoli yhä sielläsewingompelemassaweightspainojainto the gauze curtainingharsoverhoihinto stop it flapping.
- Stick a gold star (or a dab of nail varnish) on the bottom button andsewompelea little red threadpieni punainen lankaon the bottom buttonholealempaan napinläpeenso that she doesn't mismatch them.
- Mrs RundleRouva Rundlesewedompeliblack armbandsmustia käsivarsinauhojato their coats, even Victoria'sheidän takkeihinsa, jopa Victorian.
- As the spring tides rose, flowing into summer, the Island began to blossom: pots of geraniums appeared on window sills andgirlstytötsewedompelivatnew ribbonsuusia nauhojaon to last year's straw hatsedellisen vuoden olkihattuihin.
- SheHäncouldvoisisewommellathe veilharsononkiinniproperly in the morning, before she left.
- A plastic teardropmuovinen kyynelhelmihas beenonsewnommeltuon each cornerJokaisen kulmaanto match the chandeliers.
- Several coloured patchesuseita värikkäitä paikkojawereolisewnommeltuneatlysiististiround the seat of his pantsHänen housuntakamukseensa.
- The belt was (had been) three inches wide and made oftwo strips of cowhidekahdesta lehmännahkakaitaleestasewnommellustatogetheryhteenalong their edgesreunoiltaan.
- The meatLihawas then skinned, dressed, cut into `sides ``,sewnommeltiininto canvaskankaaseen, and placed in refrigerator vans for distribution throughout Britain by the London and North-Western Railway.
- NB Straight seam tape can be used instead of pocketed tape, butyousinunwill then needto<empty>sewommellaonkiinniringsrenkaatindividuallyyksitellen.
shackle.v 🔎
- AlthoughIminäwasolinshackledkahlittuto a radiatorlämpöpatteriin, my blindfold was removed and I was given a cup of water and a sweetmeat.
- Shackledkahlittunato an oarAiroon,shehänstrained in a galley as an oiled mountain of flesh beat a huge drum.
- Settled in what had become his usual position, Hargreave watched and waited in the observation chamber asWingateWingatewas led in andshackledkahlittiinto the heavy steel chair in the centre of the roomhuoneen keskellä olevaan raskaaseen terästuoliin.
- TheyHeshackledkahlitsivatmy legsjalkaniso that I could not runniin, etten voinut juosta.
- After hearing reports thatSouth VietnamEtelä-Vietnamissashackledkahlittiinpolitical prisonerspoliittiset vangitin crowded metal cagestäpötäysiin metallihäkkiinwith little food or water, he arranged for some of the congressmen to visit the prison on Con Dau.
- Some peacekeepersJotkut rauhanturvaajatwere<empty>shackledkahlittiinto potential targetsmahdollisiin kohteisiinand filmed by Bosnian Serb television.
- Once at the prison,the nine menyhdeksän miestäwere herded into one room andshackledkahlittiinat wrist and ankleranteista ja nilkoista.
- The more dangerous prisonersVaarallisimmat vangitwould be<empty>shackledkahlittiintogetheryhteenfor securityturvallisuudenreasons.
- ``When they shackle me, liketheyheshackledkahlitsivatmy slave ancestorsminun orjaesivanhempaniand take me off to jail, nobody in this room will see me crawl, the black congressman said.
solder.v 🔎
- ThisSehad now beenoli nytsolderedjuotettuto the main buildingpäärakennukseenso well that you couldn't see the join.
- Nowsolderjuotathe flying leadsirralliset johdotto the boardlevyynin the positions shown leaving these at least 300mm long to facilitate easy interconnection.
- The front panel carries the switches, andthe timing resistorsaikavastuksetareolisolderedjuotettudirectlyto the tags of the rotary switchkiertokytkimen juotoskorviinS2 as shown in Fig. 3.
- Wherethe mains leadspääjohdotareonsolderedjuotettuto the output socket SK1lähtöpistorasiaan SK1the solder joints and tags should be covered with plastic sleeving.
- Finally,the lead depositum platepäämuistolaattawasolisolderedjuotettuinto placepaikalleen.
staple.v 🔎
- Wemestaplednidoimmea piece of blue baizepalan sinistä boiji-kangastaaround the dooroven ympärilleand, hey presto, there was a neat little portable platform which we could produce when the time came, looking incredibly efficient.
- Cards, bead chains and baubles are displayed on the mantelshelf whilea garlandköynnöstäis<empty>carefullyvarovastistaplednidotaanto the undersidealapuolelle, with tiny cherubs and tassels tied in place.
- WeMeidänhadto<empty>staplenitoaa polythene vapour barrierpolyeteenikosteuseristysto the rafters of a pitched roofharjakaton kattoparruihin.
- If they are smaller,staplenidothemnetogetheryhteenas a pad for rough calculations.
- The add-listLisäysluetteloncan then bevoi sittenstaplednitoato each batch of invoiceskuhunkin laskueräänfor the accounting period as a permanent record and filed on a lever arch file for each contract.
stick.v 🔎
- HeHänhadolistuckkiinnittänytlabelsnimilappujain various placeseri paikkoihinso that Willie would associate an object with a word, until after a time Willie labelled them himself.
- What are we doing Wednesday? yes, we'll have one there, and we'll have one there,Iminä'm<empty>stickingkiinnitänthemniitäall over the placekaikkialle, but you'll see what I mean.
- It seemed particularly appropriate to him thatAntonioAntoniowasolistickingkiinnittämässäup<empty>a poster depicting Rita HayworthRita Hayworthia esittävää julistettawhen his bicycle was stolen -- a subtle juxtaposition of artificiality and realism in the cinema.
- HeHän'sonstuckkiinnittänyta labelnimilapunon all his umbrellaskaikkiin sateenvarjoihinsawith his name and addressjossa on hänen nimensä ja osoitteensa,but he never gets them back.
- Iminästuckkiinnitinoneyhdenon my foreheadotsaanifor an afternoon, received a good many curious stares from colleagues, and got the giggles.
- Ease the snowflakes off the paper andstickkiinnitäthemneon the cakekakun päälleusing white royal icingkovan valkoisen kuorrutuksen avulla.
- They can either draw their contribution directly onto the paper, ortheyhecanvoivatstickkiinnittäätheir drawingspiirustuksensaonto a large wall mapsuureen seinäkarttaan.
- Next, select your “ Ultimate ” prize choice by detaching the appropriate stamp andstickingkiinnittämälläitsenonto your Entry Bondmerkintäkirjaasi.
- Simply choose scraps of material, in this case crumpled grease-proof paper and a bird's feather, andstickkiinnitäthemneto a piece of stout hardboardtukevaan kovalevyn palaanusing PVA gluePVA-liimalla, as you would in collage.
- TheyHekept newspaper cuttings on how dangerous the streets were, andstuckkiinnittivätthemniitäto the door of the fridgejääkaapin oveenwith little magnetspienillä magneeteilla.
- StickKiinnitäthe ballpallofirmlyvakaastito the top of the conetötterön päälle.
- Glue two contrasting colours together as shown and use Blu-tackto<empty>stickkiinnittämiseenthemniidento walls and doorsseiniin ja oviin.
- Stickkiinnitäthe ballspalloton knitting needlesneulepuikkoihinso that you can hold them easily while you're painting and then stand the knitting needles in a jar so that the heads can dry safely.
- `Iminä've spent years reconstructing, integrating, analysing and just plain digging through mud; cataloguing alien ruins square centimetre by square centimetre andstickingkiinnittämällätogetheryhteenthe pieces of damaged artifactsvahingoittuneiden esineiden palojato form implausible shapes.
strap.v 🔎
- Paul and JohnPaul ja Johnstrapkiinnittävätthemselvesitsensäinto the back seats of the small planepienen lentokoneen takaistuimille.
- IMinunhadto<empty>strapkiinnittääthemneto my bicyclepyörääni, which is why they look a bit battered.
- TonightTänäänIminä'll<empty>strapsidonRoukoubéRoukoubénto my fronteteeni, and put you on my back, and we're going to leave, we're going to step out of this place.
- Asthe popepaavistrappedkiinnittithe swordmiekanround the emperor's waistkeisarin vyötärön ympärille, he reminded the emperor that the saints had conquered kingdoms not by the sword but by faith.
- HeHänstrappedsitoihis patientspotilaansato a tablepöytäänand wielded an array of tools with practised precision and dexterity.
tack.v 🔎
- A pin-upKansikuvawasolitackedkiinnitettyto the wallseinäänwith drawing pinsnastoilla, whereas a reproduction print was carefully framed and positioned.
- Let the samples dry thoroughly, thentackkiinnitä nastoillathemneup on a wallseinälleand note the differences.
- Let them dry thoroughly,tackkiinnitä nastoillathemneonto a wallseinäänand note the difference in colour shade, value and vibrancy.
- Horse brassesHevosvaljaiden koristeitahad beenolitackedkiinnitetty nastoillaalong the length of the oaken linteltammista päällyslautaa pitkinand gleamed in the firelight.
- Once the coffin had received its primary lining and edged frill,two rectangular sheetskaksi suorakulmaista lakanaa-- both the length and width of the coffin --were<empty>tackedkiinnitettiin nastoillato the base at its sidespohjaan sen sivuille.
- One month later,ClareClarehadolitackedkiinnittänyt nastoillaa plastic-covered price listmuovipäällysteihin hintaluettelonto her back doortakaoveensaand another to the garden gate.
- Otherwisetackkiinnitä nastoillaa rugmattodownmaahanlightlykevyesti.
- At one end of itSen toisessa päässäa coloured poster, too large for indoor displayvärikäs juliste, liian suuri sisätilojen näyttelyyn,had beenolitackedkiinnitetty nastoillato the wallseinään.
tape.v 🔎
- I, on the other hand, had backache and climbed it as thougha cattle prodpaimensauvawereolisitapedteipattuto my spineselkärankaani.
- Up until the age of 18 months, Graham's tiny hands had to be bandaged to prevent him harming himself andsockssukathadto be<empty>tapedteipatato his legshänen jalkoihinsa.
- Owners are told to start witha children's toilet seatlasten wc-istuintapedteipattunato an ordinary cat litter boxtavalliseen kissan hiekkalaatikkoon.
- The guidewire was removed andthe catheterkatetritapedteipattuto the patient's thighpotilaan reiteen.
- The light-coloured car withthe suspicious packageepäilyttävä pakettitapedteipattunabetween the front wheelsetupyörien väliinwas last spotted leaving the car park of Lisnagelvin swimming pool in the Waterside at 7.10pm last night.
- Initiallyhehänwould remove the blindfold andtapeteippaisia little tissuehieman kudostaover our eyessilmiemme päälle.
tether.v 🔎
- `Let's trace our route on the maps, ``saidCasparCaspar, dismounting andtetheringsitoenhis horsehevosensato the low branch of a leafless Treelehdettömän puun alaoksaan.
- At about ten to nineIminätetheredkiinnitinthe bikepyöränito a lamp-postlyhtypylvääseenand proceeded at a leisurely pace on foot to the Parsons'.
- One Victorian explorer reported thathehäncould catch these cats andtethersitoithemnenear his food storeslähelle ruokavarastojaanto keep the rats down.
- The calves, when only a few days old,Vain muutaman päivän ikäiset vasikatare<empty>tetheredsidotaanby the neckin a stall about 60 cms wide and 150 cms longnoin 60 cm leveään ja 150 cm pitkään pilttuuseen, until they are too large to turn.
- The goatsVuohetwere<empty>tetheredpantiin liekaanon a patch of grassy ground close to one of the gatesnurmikkoiselle maakaistaleelle lähelle yhtä veräjää.
- `Lightweight dinghies shouldn't be used unlesstheyniitäare<empty>tetheredkiinnitetäto the shorerantaan, ``said Peter Race.
- Horses to be sold in the marketMarkkinoilla myytävät hevosetwere alwaysainatetheredkiinnitettiinto the iron railings along Ox RowOx Row'n varrella oleviin aitoihin, sheep being penned nearby, with cattle towards Blue Boar Row.
tie.v 🔎
- HeHänetwasolitiedsidottuto the back of a horsehevosen selkäänand taken to Edinburgh, where he was tried, convicted and hanged.
- `Over the trav'us door, on the top, he had a hooked ring; andhehäntiedsitoithe horsehevosento this ringtähän renkaaseen.
- CasparCasparwasolitiedsidottuto a treepuuhunwith wire fixed to Philip's beltPhilipin vyöhön kiinnitetyllä johdolla.
- Before the poor victim had a chance to scream,MildredMildredhadolitiedsitonuta gagsuukapulanaround her mouthhänen suuhunsa.
- SikesSikesquicklynopeastitiedsitoithe ropeköydenaround the chimneysavupiipun ympärille, then began to tie the other end around himself, ready to lower himself to the ground behind the house.
- You need two pieces of string andyousinätieliitäta balloonilmapallonlooselylöyhästionto eachkumpaankinwith a loopsilmukalla.
- HeHänfastened the panel from an old radio to the headboard with sticky tape andtiedsitoithe driving wheelohjauspyöränto Pete's cardboard boxPeten pahvikoteloonwith stringnarulla.
- He did not put up any resistance whentheyheflung him down on the rainswept slabs, andtiedsitoivathis ankleshänen nilkkansawith a thick cordpaksulla köydellä.
- PaPashrugged himself into his coat andtiedsitoia mufflerkaulahuivinabout his neckkaulansa ympärilleto keep out the cold February wind.
- Iminätiedsidoina tarpaulinsuojapeitteenover the carauton päälleand paid a farmer with a horse to drag it through the streets of the city and out to the Plainpalais gate.
- In a fit of temperYatesYatesgrabbed Nicola's sweater,tiedkietoithe sleevehihanround her neckhänen kaulansa ympärilleand throttled her as she cried out ``Daddy don't.
- Iminätiedsidointhemnetogetheryhteenwith ropeköydellä.
- TheyHeidätwere led,tiedsidottuinatogetheryhteenby a single ropeyhdellä köydellä, first to the scaffold where, in front of the guillotine, the death sentence was pronounced.
- If the door knob is cool,tiesidosomething moistjotain kosteaaaround your mouth and nosesuusi ja nenäsi ympärilleand keep your face near the floor.
- Tragicallythe ropeköysitiedsidottuaround Mrs Love's anklerouva Loven nilkan ympärilleslipped from her husband's grasp and she fell to her death.
- From the spot in the hedgerow where the four German soldiers had come froma white flagvalkoinen lipputiedsidottuto a long piece of woodpitkään puunplaanhad suddenly appeared.
- LéonieLéonietiedsitoionylleenan apronesiliinanand hoisted herself on to a kitchen chair.
truss.v 🔎
- Butthese sixnämä kuusidescended on them like the Dynamos on a loose ball, flattened them into the floorboards, andtrussedsitoenthemnein sash-cordasennusnarullain twenty secondskahdessakymmenessä sekunnissa.
- She did as he asked, then fetched the coils of rope,quickly and efficientlynopeasti ja tehokkaastitrussingsitoenthe two menkaksi miestälike Christmas turkeyskuin joulukalkkunatas Adam stood over them with the gunAdamin seistessä heidän luonaan aseen kanssa.
- THREE masked thugsKOLME naamioitunutta rikollistatrussedsitoiup<empty>businessman Tom Hartley and his wife Helenliikemies Tom Hartleyn ja hänen vaimonsa Heleninat their homeheidän kodissaanand drove off in their new £60,000 Mercedes with valuables worth £250,000.
- Shrub rosesPensasruusujawere<empty>trussedsidottiin,to let people passjotta ihmiset pääsisivät ohi; signs erected to divert visitors from the non-scenic compost heap.
tying.n 🔎
- FLYPerhon-tyingsidonnastahas become an absorbing hobby for Jim Lister as he puts the finishing touches to another specimen during his lunch break in the BMK canteen.
untie.v 🔎
- They asked thattheir wristsheidän ranteensabe<empty>untiedvapautettaisiin.
- GrahamGrahamshoved Laidlaw away from him then turned to Sabrina anduntiedirrottiher handshänen kätensä.
- AsThereseThereseuntiedirrottithe boatveneen, Flavia said, `I would like to come back here.
- Iminäpushed in a couple of pessaries,untiedirrotinthe sacksäkinfrom my middlevyötäröltäniand pulled my shirt over my head.
weld.v 🔎
- Mr ChilchuttHerra Chilchuttstarted byweldinghitsaamallaa different noseeri keulanon to his StudebakerStudebakeriinsabefore squeezing a 400 horse-power Chevrolet V8 under the bonnet.
- The windowIkkunaisonweldedhitsattushutkiinniwhich is just as well.
- The rifles with which the Jews defended themselvesKiväärit, joilla juutalaiset puolustivat itseään,have beenonweldedhitsattuonto the sides of the vehicleskulkuneuvojen sivuihinas a memorial.
- ItSenmust have been either forged orweldedhitsattuto the capkanteenor fitted hot and allowed to cool into position.
- `It wouldn't matter ifwemeweldedhitsaisimmesteel sheetsteräslevyjäacross the landingstasanteisiin, ``he said.
- Profiled foamProfiloitu vaahtois layered and permanentlyweldedhitsataantogetheryhteento form a very expensive block of media which Cyprio claim is four to five times more effective at filtration than Flocor and their own Cypripack.
- Boys as young as 13 sped through the town astride their `Mad-Max ``cars: usually Toyotas with the roofs sawn off andlarge Browning machine gunssuuret Browning-konekivääritweldedhitsattuinaonto the backtakaosaan.
- Police say a stolen lorry which hadfour foot long spikesneljä jalan pituista piikkiäweldedhitsattunato the backtakaosaanwas probably going to be used in a ram raid.
yoke.v 🔎
- Yousinäcan notet voiyokeiestääthe dragonflysudenkorentoaand make it drive the corn-mill.