in a Noah row
Nooan riviin .
and place chicken in the centre.
in a single layer
yhdessä kerroksessa .
the creases in his trousers
housujensa laskokset .
and plug them into the mains supply.
in two pyramids
kahteen pyramidiin at the edge of the roof, between the flowers
katon reunalle, kukkien väliin .
Take about three bananas, and cut them up and
in four pieces to look like a monster
neljässä palassa niin, että ne näyttävät hirviöltä .
the courgettes
kesäkurpitsat on a serving platter
tarjoiluvadille with the trout and reserved grapefruit segments
taimenen ja syrjään pantujen greipinlohkojen kanssa .
on the edge of one of the chairs
yhden tuolin reunalle ,
the stiff posture of one who would prefer not to linger
jäykkään asentoon kuin henkilö, joka ei mielellään viivy pitkään .
her notes
muistiinpanojaan on the lectern
puhujankorokkeella ,
waiting for latecomers to settle in their seats
odottaen, että myöhään saapuvat asettuvat paikoilleen .
lemons or onions or oranges
sitruunat, sipulit tai appelsiinit --
in careful little piles
huolellisiin pieniin kasoihin and sold them for so much a pile.
Just as
might decide to colour co-ordinate your curtains and cushions, why not try
your houseplants
huonekasvejasi into effective colour schemes
vaikuttaviksi väriasetelmiksi ?
was bending over a basket of freshly picked marrow flowers,
to her satisfaction
tyydytyksekseen .
needles for 1×1 rib
puikot 1x1 joustinneuletta varten over required number of needles
tarvittavalle määrälle puikkoja .
Median --
in either ascending or descending order
nousevaan tai laskevaan järjestykseen .
all these materials
kaikki nämä materiaalit ?
the tomatoes, eggs, tuna fish, olives and green beans
tomaatit, munat, tonnikala, oliivit ja vihreät pavut on top of the lettuce
salaatin päälle and then arrange the anchovy fillets over.
broadly by environmental media
laajasti ympäristömedioiden mukaan .
The three different unit sizes
Kolme eri yksikkökokoa to form a natural stone effect
jotta ne antavat vaikutelman luonnonkivestä .
beyond a rope, which was supposed to separate them from their admirers
köyden taakse, jonka oli tarkoitus erottaa ne niiden ihailijoista .
They have bodies divided into segments, and
their legs and jaws
niiden jalat ja leuat .
Where one such lift is used the dock and load would be balanced by a suspended weight but
two such lifts
kaksi sellaista hissiä would generally be
yleensä to work simultaneously in opposite directions so as to balance each other
toimimaan yhtä aikaa eri suuntiin kuin tasapainottamaan toisiaan .
on an oak buffet against the wall
tammipöydälle seinää vasten .
where Francis's feet would be inside all that stone
sinne, missä Francisin jalat olisivat kaiken sen kiven sisällä and left.
every 15° longitude apart
aina 15 pituusasteen välein : with 360° around the globe, and 24 hours to deal with, simple arithmetic indicated that each zone should be roughly 15° wide.
So, lie flat on your back over the pivot on a seesaw, and
so that it balances
niin, että se tasapainottuu .
On the central part of the vault is a deep blue background decorated by
jotka on järjestetty in concentric circles round a cross
samankeskisiin kehiin ristin ympärille ; at the corners are symbols of the four evangelists.
Place a slice of avocado over each slice of grapefruit and
down a serving plate
tarjoiluvadille .
Tree stumps to jump from, logs to climb over and
smaller logs
pienempiä tukkeja and roll about, give experiences of height, weight, and shape.
Lozenge-shaped moths (guls)
Vinoneliön muotoiset yöperhoset (kahdeksankulmaisia motiiveja), arranged
jotka on järjestetty in vertical rows, usually with off-set rows of minor guls, in a repeating allover format
pystysuoriin riveihin, yleensä yhdessä viereen sijoitettujen pienempien motiivien kanssa, kauttaaltaan toistuvassa kuviossa are typical in Turkoman rugs.
Every week she brought
something which
jotain, minkä .
Leave to dry,
5 Dip the angelica and almonds into the jug of jelly and
on the jelly in the mould.
It's fizzing everywhere! ``as eighteen-year-old Andrew appeared from the laundry and raced desperately for
the six tall flutes
kuusi korkeaa viinilasia, arranged
jotka oli järjestetty on the counter-top in the kitchen
keittiön työtasolle .
and garnish with lemon wedges.
appear to be
quite randomly
melko satunnaisesti on the distal portion of the jaw
leuan distaaliseen osaan although sometimes they appear to cluster in the region of the second oral tentacle pore.
Mrs Doran's was a Victoria sponge with
toasted almonds and walnut halves
paahdettuja manteleita ja saksanpähkinän puolikkaita .
The access to seats
Kulku istuimille by means of staircases built between the walls and by passages between the seat ranges
rakentamalla porraskäytäviä seinien väliin ja käytäviä istuinrivien väliin .
One of Buchanan's enduring practical proposals was that of
a hierarchy of urban roads
kaupunkiteiden hierarkia ,
as to create `urban rooms ``from which through traffic would be excluded
luomaan kaupunkitiloja, joista läpikulkuliikenne suljettaisiin pois .
mendelssohn's Songs Without Words are
groups of short pieces for piano
lyhyiden pianokappaleiden ryhmiä in `Books ``of six
kuuden kirjoiksi .
Jones envisaged a cinema with each seat equipped with
a pair of small speakers
parilla pieniä kaiuttimia, arranged
jotka oli järjestetty as headphones
kuulokkeiksi along each side of the listener's head
kuuntelijan pään kummallekin puolelle .
If you walk up and down a pebbly beach, you will notice that
A not-too-difficult example is a special sort of quadrupole (
two dipoles of equal dipole moment and of opposite directions
kaksi dipolia, joilla samanarvoinen dipolimomentti ja vastakkaiset suunnat ) shown in Fig. 2.7.
`Lowell likes
more formally
muodollisemmin ,
swept off my face, but not in a plait
pyyhittynä pois kasvoilta, mutta ei palmikolla .
The Illustrations Collection contains
almost 250,000 sheets of varying quality and utility
lähes 250 000 erilaatuista ja eri hyödyillä varustettua liuskaa systematically
systemaattisesti .
He took the Englishman by the arm and ushered him toward
the easy chairs
nojatuoleja, arranged
jotka oli järjestetty around a long rectangular coffee table
pitkän suorakaiteen muotoisen kahvipöydän ympärille .
A cascading
of evergreen branches and fresh and dried flowers
ainavihantien oksien ja tuoreiden sekä kuivien kukkien looks perfect above a fireplace, but make sure it's kept away from the fire
The main pattern is the so-called Sickle, a curved
extending away from Regulus
levittäytyvät poispäin Reguluksesta : Eta, Gamma, Zeta, Mu (3.9), Epsilon, and Lambda (4.3).
The drawing shows an
that is very stable on its broad haze
joka on hyvin vankka laajassa sumussaan .
might have been a radial
olisi voinut olla sädemäinen of numerous panels
usean paneelin around a central hexagon
keskellä sijaitsevan kuusikulmion ympärillä : Mosaic 4 (1981), fig.3).
It was not that they were there as a punishment, just that the cellar was their living room (a common
in the back-to-backs of Bradford where most Asian families live
Bradfordin rivitaloissa, missä suurin osa aasialaisista perheistä asuu ).
The Supply of Petrol (MMC, 1990) came to quite different conclusions regarding the
superficially similar
pintapuolin samankaltaisia vertical
in a single layer
yhdessä kerroksessa is
hexagonal packing
kuusikulmainen pakkaus (see figure 3.21).
A triangle is not a material thing, but a shape which material things may have, an
into which they can be put.
Spelling, punctuation,
into paragraphs
kappaleisiin and the general business-like appearance of the work will be taken into account when the candidate's transcriptions are being assessed.
Prof Cheetham's group used X-rays from a particle acclerator called a synchrotron to find the
within a powder which is used as a catalyst in the petrochemical industry
jauheessa, jota käytetään katalyyttinä petrokemiallisessa teollisuudessa .
Even if the
within each class
kussakin luokassa was a branching tree
olisi haarautuva puu , the classes themselves could be set one above the other to form a continuous sequence.
Every other room in the house -- kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, study -- has its own fixed function that to a certain extent dictates the
It is important, however, to consider
and that of their associated features.
Name the BCR engines and give their
Apparently Angell and Pownall did not approve of
and recommended that the scheme be rejected.
'll be offered in
täysin konfiguroituina arrangements
järjestelminä according to customer requirements
asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaan ,
with shrink-wrapped software
kutistekalvopakkaukseen pakatun ohjelmiston kanssa .
For the first time too,
were in a
järjestyksessä rather than in rows
rivien sijaan .