Middi said yesterday: `
-- they should have had the courtesy to tell us.
We let this carry that out for a month or so, and
I began to feel
was still feeling dizzy and sick, and felt
for almost fainting in Caroline's flat
mentyään lähes tainnoksiin Carolinen asunnossa .
when I read of selfish people trying to persuade you to change an excellent classical music review into a jazz magazine
kun luen itsekkäistä ihmisistä, jotka yrittävät suostutella sinua muuttamaan erinomaisen klassisen musiikin katsauksen jazz-lehdeksi .
because his lack of education has prevented him from becoming a candidate for Swansea West in the general election
koska hänen koulutuksenpuutteensa on estänyt häntä ryhtymästä Swansea Westin ehdokkaaksi yleisissä vaaleissa .
with her and Zillah
häneen ja Zillahiin .
when I said that
kun sanoin sen though and said it wasn't true, so I'd like this time to say that although he appears to be very clever on stage and TV, in real life he is extremely stupid.
as she opened her door
kun hän avasi ovensa .
because I wouldn't let him
koska en päästänyt häntä .
that she had not thought it all through
että hän ei ollut ajatellut sitä loppuun .
But sometimes I felt she took over and
but didn't like to say.
for trying to wring sympathy out of him in this way
koska tämä yritti puristaa hänestä myötätuntoa sillä tavalla .
over not helping with the hay
koska hän ei auttanut heinän kanssa , and I thought good riddance.
Harriet sounded sharp, peremptory, and the doctor gave her an
for becoming defensive
koska hänestä tuli puolusteleva .
by the wages package
palkkapakettiin at a time when the Sky Blues are making heavy losses.
Best song of the night though, is the bitter `High As I Kite which builds via a tense three minutes, drops out and then comes back like an
shop customer
kaupan asiakas , to have another go.
He shifted impatiently as if
for having to stop to think
koska hänen piti pysähtyä ajattelemaan .