- The economy has a weak base, andonly 7 per cent of the landvain seitsemää prosenttia maastais<empty>cultivatedviljellään, most being under rough grazing (Turnock 1974).
- It is not enough to enlarge a peasant's piece of land,hehänellämust have the wherewithalto<empty>cultivateviljelyynitsen.
- Night GoblinsYöpeikotcultivateviljelevätdifferent kinds of fungus and mouldserilaisia sieniä ja homeitain their meandering caves and tunnelskiemuraisissa luolissaan ja tunneleissaan.
- WeMecultivatedviljelemmemaize and water melonsmaissia ja vesimeloneitaand the crops were just about ripe when the army came one night without warning and destroyed everything.
- It is thought thatriceriisiäwas<empty>firstensimmäisenäcultivatedviljeltiinin India and Indo-ChinaIntiassa ja Indo-Kiinassa, but it is now grown extensively throughout the Far East.
- Consequently a great deal of fulling, spinning, weaving and dyeing was carried out at domestic level, withplantskasvejaprobablybeing<empty>deliberatelytarkoituksellacultivatedviljeltiinto provide dyestuottamaan värejä.
- Land thatMaahan, jotaiscultivatedviljelläänor grazedintensivelytehokkaastinear the croftlähellä torppaa,is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields.
- By the first century ADEnsimmäiseen vuosisataan jKr. mennessä, however,the Romansroomalaisetwere<empty>cultivatingviljelivätthe vineviiniköynnöstäin Northern GaulPohjois-Galliassa.
- Coppices of oaktammivesakoitawere<empty>cultivatedviljeltiinin the areaalueellafor the provision of charcoalPuuhiilen hankkimiseksi.
- All told two-thirds of the landmaan verotettavaa kahta kolmasosaawas<empty>cultivatedviljelivätby subtenantsAlivuokralaiset.
- Whenproperlykunnollacultivatedviljelemäand controlledby menihmisten,the earth by her nature yields a bounteous harvestmaa antaa luonnostaan yltäkylläisen sadon.
- At one timeAikoinaantheyniitäwere<empty>very mucherittäin paljoncultivatedviljeltiinin ProvenceProvencessaand are still popular there.
- Many growersMonet kasvattajat,not only in Champagne but throughout Franceei ainoastaan Champagnen maakunnassa vaan koko Ranskassa, stillinnocentlytietämättöminäcultivateviljelevätPinot Blanc VraiPinot Blanc Vraitabelieving it to be Chardonnay, although anyone with doubts need only look at the leaves on the vine.
- On the whole, though,triticaleruisvehnääis hardier than wheat andcan bevoicultivatedviljellämore easilyhelpomminin harsh environmentskaruissa olosuhteissa.
- Some bamboosJoitakin bambujaare<empty>cultivatedviljellään, some cared for, others gathered from the wild, e.g. Bambusa wrayi, a montane species, which is much favoured: clumps are owned by particular Temiar groups.
- There was a garden surrounding the villa anditsitähad beenolicultivatedviljeltybefore the warennen sotaa.
- HeHän's spent 12 months planning andcarefullyhuolellisesticultivatingviljellenwhat he hopes will be prize bloomskukkia, joiden hän toivoo voittavan palkinnon.
- A SCOTTISH botanist whoSKOTLANTILAINEN kasvitieteilijä, jokahas devoted his life tocultivatingviljelyynrare South Sea orchidsharvinaisten Etelämeren orkideojenin BritainBritanniassa,has won public recognition for his work -- thanks to the Royal Mailon saanut julkista kiitosta työstään - kiitos Royal Mailille.
- Crocodiles are being preserved in some parts of the world byfarmingkasvattamallathemniitä, because that means that it is not so worthwhile to go out and kill the wild ones.
- `Soyousinä're offolet poissafarmingkasvattamassastockkarjaa?
- Ten years laterKymmenen vuotta myöhemminRichardRichardwas<empty>farmingviljeli12 acres in Allerthorpe12 eekkeriä Allerthorpessaand his family had grown to seven children; his parents were now living alone on another smallholding of 14 acres.
- He proposed encouraging ranching andfarmingviljelyäon non-Indian landei-intiaanien maalla.
- Life down on the farm is kiddie-sized in Niedersachen, German, where Thorsten, Manuela and Kornnelia Pape have been treated to a mini tractor bytheir father Klausheidän isänsä Klaus,whojokafarmsviljeleeland around the villagemaata kylän ympärillä.
- The landMaataisonalreadyjofarmedviljeltyorganicallyluonnonmukaisesti.
- Many of these plotsMonia näistä viljelmistäwere<empty>farmedviljeltiinintensivelytehokkaasti,supplying produce for the market, for cashtoimittaen tuotanto markkinoille rahaa vastaan.
- The cossacksKasakoillewere given allotments of land andfarmedviljelivättheresielläas the wooden fortifications gradually rotted away.
- HeHänwantsto<empty>farmkasvattaabeef cattlelihakarjaa`as a paying hobbyrahaa tuottavana harrastuksena``and, with his wife Annie, convert outbuildings into holiday homes.
- The majority of holdings in the uplands of Great BritainSuurinta osaa Iso-Britannian ylänköjen vuokratiloistaare<empty>farmedviljelevätby owner-occupiersomistaja-haltijatwith an ageing population of farmersmaanviljelijäväestön ikääntyessä.
- NewhouseNewhouseais<empty>farmedviljeleeby John CullimoreJohn Cullimore.
- Only a little over one third of the areaVain hieman yli kolmasosaa alueestafarmedviljellystäwas owned by the farmers.
- HeHänfarmedkasvattihis pigssikojaanwith the help of a man from the villagekylästä olevan miehen avustuksella.
- `YouSinäneed a fortuneto<empty>farmviljelläksesiwith thosenoilla, some people have all the luck.
- TheyHebeganfarmingviljelläthree years agokolme vuotta sitten,when loans were easy to get and their bank was happy to lend them all they neededkun lainaa oli helppo saada ja pankki lainasi mielellään kaiken, mitä he tarvitsivat.
- Their landHeidän maataanis<empty>farmedviljelläänvery intensivelyerittäin tehokkaasti.
- Traditionallyreared organic lambluonnonmukaisesti kasvatettua lammasta,farmedviljellylläon land entirely free from artificial chemicalsmaalla kokonaan ilman keinotekoisia kemikaaleja, is harder to find.
- BernardBernardhad beenolifarmingviljellytthe manoraluettaon a 21-year lease21 vuoden sopimuksellasince at least 1536ainakin vuodesta 1536 asti, and paying £9. 10s. a year for it.
- PotatoesPerunoitaare<empty>farmedviljelläänin BritainBritanniassain three basic seasonal groupskolmessa kausittaisessa perusryhmässä: EARLIES, SECOND EARLIES, and MAINCROP.
- Captain FarquharKapteeni Farquhar,whojokafarmsviljeleeat TormartonTormartonissa,near Badminton, Avonlähellä Badmintonia, Avonissa, split from his wife towards the end of 1991.
- Forster, who committed suicide, was much hated bythe other coloniststoisten uudisasukkaiden,whojoillahad a hard life tryingto<empty>farmviljelläin the remote swamps plagued by insectskaukaisilla hyönteisten riivaamilla soilla.
- A single piece of land may have rice growing in water,fishkalaafarmedkasvatetaanamongst the riceriisin seassa, and ducks swimming on top eating the parasites that prey on rice.
- Nineteen farms were visited -- onlyoneyhdelläwas<empty>farmedviljeltiinfull-timekokoaikaisestiand eighteen were farmed part-time.
- Poul ChristensenPoul Christensenhasolifarmedviljellytin OxfordshireOxfordshiressafor 25 years25 vuoden ajan; a time when the European landscape has changed dramatically.
- Down itself comes from the breasts of birds as a by-product --theyniitä're<empty>farmedkasvatetaanmainlyin ChinaKiinassafor foodruoaksi.
- Both marine and freshwater varieties of fishSekä merien että järvien kalojaare<empty>farmedkasvatetaan.
- He suggestedIMinästay andfarmviljelenthe landmaata.
- ``The results have included inadequate replacement of renewable resources … and the displacement ofsubsistencekotitarpeeseenfoodruoanfarmingviljelynand pastoralism onto more marginal lands, which then deteriorate further, the report concludes.
- The Wealden mixed agriculture encouraged both owners and tenants of farms of modest size often combining the hard work offarmingviljelynon claysavimaanwith other occupations.
- PrivateYksityinenfarmingkasvattaminenwas relegalized by government decree on Feb. 19.
- The acceptance of technological innovation inhillkukkuloillafarmingviljelyssäin ScotlandSkotlanninis not notably apparent, there being little evidence of many farmers following in the footsteps of the industry's progressive innovators.
- We believe thatfarmingviljelyin the UKYhdistyneissä kuningaskunnissacan meet these challenges.
- However, it remained a luxury food item, available only to the rich, until the 1950s whenturkeykalkkunanfarmingkasvatustawas developed on a much greater scale.
- Welsh sheepWalesin lampaidenfarmingkasvatusneeds a properly structured finished stock-marketing organisation, says Food from Britain.
- SomeUSYhdysvaltojendairylypsykarjanfarmingkasvatusorganizations have been urging the FDA to ban BST for some time.
- These crops are grown on a system ofcontractsopimus-farmingviljelyllä, with fixed prices and outside specialists contracted to spray and harvest them.
- As far as one can foresee at the moment, the IDP will make a valuable contribution to the development orfishkalanfarmingkasvatuksen, which is one of the natural growth industries for the area.
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