TransFrameNet:Activity prepare
preparation.n 🔎
- It was part of the economy drive inpreparationvalmisteluissafor Hate WeekVihaviikon.
prepare.v 🔎
- To<empty>preparevalmistautumiseenadequatelyRiittäväänfor a marathonmaratoniin, I think you should allow 26 weeks if you are inexperienced and at least 12 weeks if you have run several.
- You do not feel inhibited becauseyou<empty>haven'tet olepreparedvalmistautunutadequatelyriittävästior fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you.
- The allegations broke on Tuesday asJacksonJacksonwas<empty>preparingvalmistautuifor the first of two concerts in Bangkokensimmäiseen kahdesta Bangkokin konsertista, the first stop in the Asian swing of his Dangerous world tour.
ready.v 🔎
- The next day, fresh chip butties and burgers in hand,we<empty>readiedvalmistauduimmefor the weekend's big attraction: a copy of a New Generation episode, not due to be shown here for monthsviikonlopun suureen tapahtumaan: kopio New Generation -jaksosta, jota ei näytetä täällä vielä kuukausiin.
- Just asthe armiesarmeijatreadiedvalmistautuivatto set outlähtemään, a battered ship limped into harbour.