He sees the region as `the original third world, long before
the western media
länsimäinen tiedotusvälineet ``.
There is also the Prado oculto,
to describe the paintings, sculptures and drawings that line the store-rooms beneath the gallery
kuvaamaan maalauksia, veistoksia ja piirrustuksia, jotka reunustavat varastohuoneita gallerian alapuolella .
The corner is awkward, much more awkward than was recognised when,
Professor Robinson
professori Robinson .
Axelrod recognized that Tit for Tat is not strictly an ESS, and
the phrase `collectively stable strategy ``
ilmauksen "kollektiivisesti stabiili strategia" to describe it
kuvaamaan sitä .
In this paper
the phrase `piezonuclear fusion ``
ilmaus "pietsoydinfuusio" from `piezo meaning `pressure ``
sillä "pietso" tarkoittaa painetta .
In fact
seven years before Darwin published his theory
seitsemän vuotta ennen kuin Darwin julkaisi oman teoriansa ,
by Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer .
Bernard Levin
Bernard Levin the phrase Pendulum Years
ilmauksen heilurivuodet to describe the swinging Sixties
kuvaamaan svengaavaa 60-lukua , while the Seventies were hangover years as the hopes of the previous decade proved illusory.
The word `pornography ``
Sana "pornografia" from the Greek root porne, meaning `prostitute
kreikan juuresta porne, joka tarkoittaa prostituoitua .
The term `traffic architecture ``
Termi "liikennearkkitehtuuri" to capture the idea of building and circulation systems designed together as a single, comprehensive process, albeit with huge cost implications
kuvaamaan ajatusta rakennus- ja kiertojärjestelmistä, jotka on suunniteltu yhtenä, kokonaisvaltaisena prosessina, vaikka kustannukset ovat valtavat .
the term soliton
termi solitoni to describe waves with this remarkable behaviour
kuvaamaan aaltoja, jotka käyttäytyvät tällä erikoisella tavalla .
He was
the term `Dinosauria ``
termin "dinosauria" ,
from the Greek word deinos (`terrible) and sauros (`lizard ``or perhaps `reptile)
kreikan sanoista deinos ("kauhea") ja sauros ("lisko" tai kenties "matelija") .
Yesterday I handed you a message regarding er the request renewed to make a statement over the phrase Black Wednesday,
a phrase that
ilmaus jonka two days after the event
kaksi päivää tapahtuman jälkeen .
Possibly you have been influenced by the examples of masochism in the book,
to define that particular perversion
kuvaamaan sitä tiettyä perversiota .
to talk about objects
puhuakseen kohteista , verbs to talk about actions, and adjectives to talk about properties and states (Clark, in prep.).
another military metaphor
uuden sotilasmetaforan , he must `soldier on ``knowing that all of this activity might well smack of sedition.
But then it was
a politician who
poliitikko, joka the phrase, `lies, damned lies and statistics ``,
sanonnan "valheita, kirottuja valheita ja tilastoja", which rather blew the gaff in the first place.
Little, Brown/Warner were the near missers, or as
the term, the `overbidders ``
termin "ylihuutajat" : although Little, Brown's bid was slightly higher, Craig chose HH.
by Hauser himself
Hauser itse and Carver found it childish.
by a sensational Press
sensaationhakuinen lehdistö to explain or excuse defeat
selittämään tai oikeuttamaan tappiota .
The actual term `desktop publishing ``
Varsinaisen termin "julkaisujen tuottaminen" by Paul Brainerd, the founder of Aldus,
Paul Brainerd, Aldusin perustaja to describe what he was trying to achieve with the, then, newly created PageMaker program
kuvaamaan, mitä hän yritti saada aikaan silloin uudella PageMaker-ohjelmalla .
Difficult modes of speech
vaikeita tapoja puhua to convey difficult themes
Vaikeiden aiheiden ilmaisemiseksi , but the private nature of the artist's invention is what gives it its power.
The word ``stoichiometry
Sana "stoikiometria" in 1792.
In London
Sylvia Pankhurst
Sylvia Pankhurst the slogan `No Vote No Rent ``
iskulauseen "Ei ääntä ei vuokraa" .
, had its origins in this view of the world in which the animation of matter depended ultimately on God's creative role.
This is
to allow me to get some exercise and amuse my children at the same time
jotta saisin liikuntaa ja voisin viihdyttää lapsiani samalla .
`Rockist ``was the term
to describe people who played rude guitars and were noisy, ie U2, Echo And The Bunnymen and Motorhead.
Didn't you know that
were not originally
ei alun perin to wind yarn on to
kietomaan lankaa ?
a special theory
erityisen teorian to solve the problem
ratkaisemaan ongelman , his theory of sexual selection.
the Penny Black
Penny Blackin , Britain's postal system was adopted the world over.
`An estate agent submitted
years before which was sitting up in his loft, but he needed the money so tried his luck and sent it in.
Hermes ``musical talent ensured he remained a favourite with the gods, and
was credited with
from a tortoise shell
kilpikunnan kuoresta .
A scientist claims
a way of making charcoal which could be a life-saver in third world countries desperately short of fuel
tavan tehdä puujoka, mikä pelastaisi henkiä kolmannen maissa, joissa on kova puute polttoaineesta .
First, that
sivilisaation by the Egyptians
egyptiläiset and then plagiarised and corrupted by the Greeks.
technically MDMA
by German chemists
saksalaiset kemistit in 1914
as an appetite suppressant
ruokahalun hillitsijäksi .
as a cheap way of promoting candidates in a presidential election
halvaksi tavaksi mainostaa ehdokkaita presidentinvaaleissa .
changed all that and practically
the tourist industry
turismin single-handed, although his first efforts were often financially unrewarding and he kept his `day ``job as a printer.
This priest outfit must be
the most uncomfortable garment
epämukavin vaatekappale ever
for Jungle travel
viidakkomatkoja varten .
The only machine used by these craftsmen was a pole-lathe,
the earliest device
aikaisin laite for turning wood
puun sorvaamiseen .
The standard system for doing this is
double entry bookkeeping
kaksinkertainen kirjanpito ,
in the fifteenth century
1400-luvulla by an Italian monk
italialaisen munkin .
Six is best remembered for
the self-registering thermometer which
itsestään tallentavasta lämpömittarista, jonka , the first to record maximum and minimum temperatures on a single instrument.
of the submersible
Sukellusveneen , Chris Nicholson, says the machine is capable now of reaching 600 metres.
Stein is often said
of the escapement for the German action
saksalaisen tapahtuman eston .
Ald. McNaughtan laying the first rail, watched by Michael Holroyd-Smith -- the
-- standing by the platform.
An ingenious
in his own right, Hermes was an alchemist by trade.
Gavin Dalzell of Lesmahagow copied his machine in 1846 and passed on the details to so many people that for more than fifty years he was generally regarded as the
of the bicycle
polkupyörän .
At the centre of the controversy was Professor Stephen Salter, now Professor of Engineering Design at Edinburgh University, and the
of one of the most promising wave power systems
yhden lupaavimman aaltovoimajärjestelmän .
Alexander Bain, the
, devised a way of skimming raised metallic letters with a stylus attached to a pendulum.
The person that this parent approached for advice was Alexander Graham Bell, the
of the telephone
puhelimen .
and former jailbird Michael Milken is reportedly getting together with singer Michael Jackson to create an interactive television education network.
Benjamin Franklin, the official US representative in France, talented
as well as an effective diplomatist, considered that Lafayette himself should be in nominal command, with John Paul Jones leading the actual assault.
Former junior doctor Chris Johnstone
Entinen nuorempi lääkäri Chris Johnstone the legal approach
oikeudelliselle menettelytavalle by taking his old employer, Bloomsbury Health Authority to court, backed by the British medical Association's Chris Finlon
sillä hän vie oikeuteen vanhan työnantajansa, Bloomsburyn terveysviranomaisen, Britannian lääketieteellisen yhdistyksen Chris Finlonin tukemana .
Guinness Flight (071-522 2109)
Guinness Flight (071-522 2109) pioneered
oli edelläkävijä the concept of managed currency funds
ohjattujen valuuttarahastojen konseptissa in the early 1980s
1980-luvun alussa and offers both distributor and roll-up versions.
Darlington and SouthWest Durham
Darlington ja SouthWest Durham pioneered
olivat edelläkävijöitä almost two years ago
lähes kaksi vuotta sitten and this is just an extension of that, ``said Mr Smith.
The aircraft industry
Lentokoneteollisuus the development of integrally machined parts
kiinteästi koneistettujen osien kehityksessä ,
in order to get the necessary structure strength
tarvittavan rakennevahvuuden saamista varten .
The camera scheme
Kamerajärjestelmä ,
by Glasgow Development Agency
Glasgow Development Agency , is supported by Strathclyde Police.
However, there is no doubt that
new testing methods
uusia testausmetodeita .
People like Willy Brandt in West Germany
Henkilöt kuten Länsi-Saksan Willy Brandt similar systems
vastaavia järjestelmiä to get more women into Parliament
jotta parlamenttiin saataisiin lisää naisia .
The polymerase chain reaction
Polymeraasiketjureaktio for diagnostic use
diagnostista käyttöä varten , and the detection of as few as two genomes of M tuberculosis in clinical samples is now possible.
Durkheim, as an ardent positivist
Durkheim, kiihkeänä positivistina , urged and
a way of thinking sociologically that lent quantitative data to the testing of theoretically derived hypotheses
tavan ajatella yhteiskunnallisesti, mistä saatiin määrällistä aineistoa teoreettisesti tuotettujen hypoteesien testaamiseen .
Alfred P Sloan
Alfred P. Sloan ,
desentralisaation at General Motors
General Motorissa in the early 1920s
1920-luvun alussa , lived to see it become international corporate practice by the time he published his best-selling memoirs in 1964.
Kendall Square
Kendall Square massively parallel processing for the commercial world
kaupallisen maailman massiiviselle rinnakkaiskäsittelylle with its KSR1 machine
KSR1-koneellaan , and Siemens Nixdorf will market it through its Scientific Computing Branch to technical and scientific users.
Here in Wales
Täällä Walesissa ,
environmentally friendlier alternatives to oil, coal and nuclear power
öljyä, hiiltä ja ydinvoimaa ympäristöystävällisempien vaihtoehtojen käyttöä in the form of wind power
hyödyntämällä tuulivoimaa .
helped to
techniques for freezing the embryos of cattle
karjan alkioiden pakastamismenetelmiä while working in Britain during the 1970s
työskennellessään Britanniassa 1970-luvulla , says that research in sheep, mice and cattle indicates that vital factors in effective freezing include the chemical composition and the physical size of the embryonic cells.
But it's the establishment front runner
the direct marketing of PCs, which now accounts for almost a third of the total market
PC:iden suoramarkkinointa, mikä vastaa nyt lähes kolmannesta kokonaismarkkinoista .
Foucault associates this development with the work of
Georges Cuvier
Georges Cuvierin ,
rejected the chain of being and
a tree-like model of relationships
puumaista suhdemallia .
In vitro fertilization
koeputkihedelmöityksen by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards
Patrick Steptoe ja Robert Edwards , and resulted in the first `test-tube baby ``, Louise Brown, being born in 1978.
These two interlinked sets of factors suggested the need for
the specialized account planning function which
erikoistuneelle asiakassuunnittelutoiminnolle, jonka by Boase Massimi Pollitt and J. Walter Thompson
Boase Massimi Pollitt ja J. Walter Thompson at the end of the sixties
60-luvun lopulla .
IBM might not like the idea, but
the exit-consultancy idea
idean poistumiskonsultoinnista about a decade ago
noin kymmenen vuotta sitten , and Rank-Xerox had it's own form of in-house/out-house consultancy.
Two new pieces of frontier work are being
Kahta uutta rajatyötä .
Between 1910 and 1914 the whole concept of parliamentary Labourism was seriously threatened by syndicalism in those areas such as
South Wales where
South Wales, missä the parliamentary representation of unionized workers
järjestäytyneiden työläisten parlamentaarinen edustus had first been
ensimmäisenä .
The technology for a reed bed
Kaislikon teknologia 20 years ago
20 vuotta sitten , and has been perfected by ICI over the last two years.
During the late nineteen twenties and early thirties
1920-luvun lopussa ja 1930-luvun alussa ,
rural areas schemes
maaseutualueiden suunnnitelmia in Bedfordshire
Bedfordshiressa with Harold Shearman and in East Suffolk through William Whiteley.
The posh end of the market was dominated by new-wave consumer journalism which was turning into a grotesque parody of
the `lifestyle ``politics
"elämäntyyli"-politiikasta the Right-Ons
oikeiston kannattajien .
This was characteristic of Gresley, who ensured that he and his design team were fully informed on the latest developments abroad and adopted
if they were proved relevant to his needs.
Here the approach has been through
the use of APL
APL:n käytössä (
in the Derby factories in the mid 705
Derbyn tehtaissa 705:n puolivälissä ).
A scheme to help the unemployed homeless find a job and accommodation
suunnitelma auttaa työttömiä kodittomia löytämään työtä ja asunnon ,
by The Industrial Society and major employers
Teollisuusyhteiskunnan ja suurten työnantajien , is to be extended to Bristol, Edinburgh, Hull and Southend in Essex.
Oocytes in MI arc obtained by in vitro culture from the germinal vesicle stage of the arrested dictyate stage,
by Pincus and Enzmann (26)
Pincusin ja Enzmannin (26) with oocytes of the rabbit
jänisten oosyyteillä .
I am pleased to say that more and more European Community countries are coming to
the views that
siihen näkemykseen, että .