Hungarian Historical Phonology zsugorodik


zsugorodik 'shink, shrivel; schrumpfen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data

(arch.) sugorodik [check]

Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction

Pre-Hungarian *čuŋkV- (or ? *ćuŋkV-)

UEW: PUg *ćuŋkɜ- (ćuŋkɜ--) ‘shink, shrivel; schrumpfen‘

Status of the Ugric etymology

Improbable (phonologically irregular)

Loan etymology

None suggested so far

Cognates suggested in earlier research

Mansi: South (TJ) ćäŋ˳k˳ər: jil-ćäŋ˳k˳ər 'käydä kumaraksi; krumm werden', East (KU) śiŋkər- 'бедствовать' West (P) śaŋkərməntäm: tētāl śaŋkərməntäm 'голодом пропадет', (LM) śuŋkėr- 'zsugorodik (bőr); schrumpfen (Leder)', North (So) śuŋkərli: sās śuŋkərli 'береста скорчится' < Proto-Mansi ?


UEW lists this among uncertain etymologies, noting that the word is of onomatopoetic origin and that the etymology can be accepted only if Mansi palatal vocalism is due to influence of *ć. This kind of explanation is ad hoc; not even Proto-Mansi vocalism can be reconstructed.

Also the relationship Hu s ~ Mansi *ć is irregular.

UEW notes that the Hungarian and Mansi words seem to include a similar *rV-suffix. UEW considers this a possible Proto-Ugric derivative, but this is impossible because of the phonological irregularities. No Proto-Ugric word can be reconstructed, and it remains open whether these alleged cognates involve similar derivational suffix.


No Proto-Ugric word can be reconstructed and the similarity might be accidental.




UEW: ? Proto-Ugric Uralonet