Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology véd


véd '(be)schützen, verteidigen'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


PUg or ? PFU *wäntɜ-

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: (Ni) wat-, (Kaz) want- 'ansehen'

? Komi: vidli̮- 'sehen, betrachten; betasten: prüfen (Speise)'


Hungarian véd is listed as a Ugric etymology in MSzFE, with also a possible but uncertain cognate in Komi mentioned. EWUng lists the word as Finno-Ugric, not mentioning the uncertainties concerning the Komi word.

Neither the Khanty nor the Komi word correspond regularly to Hungarian véd (é usually reflects PU *e). Already MSzFE mentions the problems with vocalism. The North Khanty word points to Proto-Ugric/Uralic *ä, which does not develop to non-alternating Hungarian é regularly (some possible examples of this example are found, but further research on this issue is needed). In addition to this, the semantic differences between the Hungarian and the Khanty words are rather big. This means that the etymology should probably be rejected.


The Ugric (and Finno-Ugric) etymology should be rejected. The origin of Hu véd remains unknown.


EWUng : 817, s.v. könnyű: Proto-Finno-Ugric

MSzFE: 679, s.v. véd: Proto-Ugric or ? Proto-Finno-Ugric