Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology küzd


küzd 'kämpfen, ringen, streiten'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data

küszöd- 'kämpfen, ringen, streiten'

Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: *kȣ̈śɜ ‘competition, game; compete, play; Wettstreit, Spiel; wettstreiten, spielen‘

Status of the Ugric etymology


Loan etymology

None suggested

Cognates suggested in earlier research


Khanty: East (V) kĕs- 'laufen', South (DN) kĕs- 'laufen, wetteifern, um die Wette tun, um die Wette laufen', North (O) kȧ̆s- 'wetteifern, um die Wette laufen od. fahren od. rudern'

Mansi: North (N) kās- 'wettstreiten'

? Finnish: kisa 'Brunst, Laufzeit, Spiel, Lärm'

? Saami: North gižži 'brawl'


UEW lists the etymology also among the Finno-Ugric lexemes, mentioning uncertain cognates from Finnic and Saami. According to UEW, it is semantically doubtful whether the Finnic and Saami cognates belong here. This is correct, but there are also phonological problems, as the words listed here cannot be derived regularly from the same Proto-Uralic form. The relationship Fi i ~ North Saami i is irregular, and neither Hungarian nor Mansi cognates point to *i regularly.

Even the vowel-relationship between the Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi words is irregular (UEW mentions that the correspondences are "nicht häufige"). Hungarian z is also irregular, but the archaic form küszöd might show the original sibilant, and z is due to assimilation caused by the following voiced d.


Due to irregular phonological relations, the reconstruction of a Proto-Ugric form appears unlikely.


UEW s.v. kȣ̈śɜ: PUg Uralonet