WordNet: organic compound
any compound of carbon and another element or a radical
- hypernym chemical compound, compound
- hyponym aldehyde
- hyponym aliphatic compound
- hyponym alkylbenzene
- hyponym alkyl halide, haloalkane
- hyponym amino acid, aminoalkanoic acid
- hyponym diamine
- hyponym enol
- hyponym halon
- hyponym peptone
- hyponym quaternary ammonium compound
- hyponym proenzyme, zymogen
- hyponym propylthiouracil
- hyponym ether
- hyponym acetal
- hyponym aldehyde-alcohol, aldol
- hyponym alkaloid
- hyponym amide
- hyponym rennet
- hyponym azadirachtin
- hyponym thiazine
- hyponym cacodyl, tetramethyldiarsine
- hyponym neurochemical
- hyponym acid anhydrides, acyl anhydrides
- hyponym acid halide, acyl halide
- hyponym coal-tar creosote, creosote
- hyponym creosote
- hyponym cyanide, nitril, nitrile
- hyponym cyanohydrin
- hyponym ester
- hyponym furan, furane, furfuran
- hyponym glycoside
- hyponym resin, rosin
- hyponym halocarbon
- hyponym hemiacetal
- hyponym humic substance
- hyponym hydrocarbon
- hyponym ketone
- hyponym macromolecule, supermolecule
- hyponym nitrobenzene
- hyponym oxime
- hyponym petrochemical
- hyponym phenol
- hyponym pyrimidine
- hyponym quassia
- hyponym steroid
- hyponym nonsteroid, nonsteroidal
- hyponym thiouracil
- hyponym carbamide, urea
- hyponym imide
- hyponym xanthine
organic compound
- (suomi) orgaaninen yhdiste (synonyymi)