WordNet: reproductive structure
the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
- hypernym plant organ
- hyponym agamete
- hyponym fructification
- hyponym gleba
- hyponym hymenium
- hyponym spore case, sporocarp
- hyponym bloom, blossom, flower
- hyponym stamen
- hyponym anther
- hyponym pistil
- hyponym style
- hyponym stigma
- hyponym ovary
- hyponym ovule
- hyponym placenta
- hyponym placentation
- hyponym episperm, seed coat, testa
- hyponym endosperm
- hyponym gemma
- hyponym cone, strobile, strobilus
- hyponym basidium
- hyponym antheridium
- hyponym ascus
- hyponym sporophore
- hyponym gametangium
- hyponym gametoecium
- hyponym gametophore
- hyponym sorus
- hyponym sorus
- hyponym fruit
reproductive structure
- (suomi) lisääntymisosa (synonyymi)