WordNet: agreement, understanding
the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
- hypernym statement
- hyponym confederacy, conspiracy
- hyponym fair-trade agreement
- hyponym covenant
- hyponym unilateral contract
- hyponym sale, sales agreement
- hyponym bargain, deal
- hyponym working agreement
- hyponym gentlemen's agreement
- hyponym written agreement
- hyponym submission
- hyponym entente, entente cordiale
- hyponym oral contract
- hyponym reservation
- hyponym settlement
- hyponym severance agreement
- hyponym suicide pact
- (suomi) yksimielisyys (synonyymi)
- (suomi) ymmärrys (synonyymi)
- (suomi) yhteisymmärrys (synonyymi)