WordNet: applied science, engineering, engineering science, technology
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"
- hyponym aeronautical engineering
- hyponym bionics
- hyponym chemical engineering
- hyponym civil engineering
- hyponym EE, electrical engineering
- hyponym computer science, computing
- hyponym architectural engineering
- hyponym IT, information technology
- hyponym mechanical engineering
- hyponym nanotechnology
- hyponym nuclear engineering
- hyponym naval engineering
- hyponym rocketry
applied science
- (suomi) soveltava tiede (synonyymi)
- (suomi) insinööritiede (synonyymi)
engineering science
- (suomi) teknillinen tiede (synonyymi)
- (englanti) technological (derivationally related)
- (englanti) technological (derivationally related)
- (englanti) technologist (derivationally related)
- (suomi) tekniikka (synonyymi)