WordNet: kemia
the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
- hypernym luonnontiede
- hyponym orgaaninen kemia
- hyponym epäorgaaninen kemia
- hyponym fysikaalinen kemia
- hyponym sähkökemia
- hyponym femtokemia
- hyponym geokemia
- hyponym valokemia
- hyponym radiokemia, ydinkemia
- hyponym pintakemia
- hyponym lämpökemia, termokemia
- (suomi) kemisti (derivationally related)
- (suomi) kemiallinen (derivationally related)
- (suomi) kemian (derivationally related)
- (suomi) kemiallinen (derivationally related)
- (suomi) kemisti (derivationally related)
- (englanti) chemical science (synonyymi)
- (englanti) chemistry (synonyymi)