WordNet: fish genus
any of various genus of fish
- hypernym genus
- hyponym Cyprinus, genus Cyprinus
- hyponym Abramis, genus Abramis
- hyponym Tinca, genus Tinca
- hyponym Leuciscus, genus Leuciscus
- hyponym Notropis, genus Notropis
- hyponym Notemigonus, genus Notemigonus
- hyponym Rutilus, genus Rutilus
- hyponym Scardinius, genus Scardinius
- hyponym Phoxinus, genus Phoxinus
- hyponym Gobio, genus Gobio
- hyponym Carassius, genus Carassius
- hyponym Catostomus, genus Catostomus
- hyponym Ictiobus, genus Ictiobus
- hyponym Hypentelium, genus Hypentelium
- hyponym Maxostoma, genus Maxostoma
- hyponym Fundulus, genus Fundulus
- hyponym genus Rivulus
- hyponym Jordanella, genus Jordanella
- hyponym Xyphophorus, genus Xyphophorus
- hyponym Lebistes, genus Lebistes
- hyponym Gambusia, genus Gambusia
- hyponym Mollienesia, genus Mollienesia
- hyponym Holocentrus, genus Holocentrus
- hyponym genus Anomalops
- hyponym Zeus, genus Zeus
- hyponym Capros, genus Capros
- hyponym Antigonia, genus Antigonia
- hyponym Fistularia, genus Fistularia
- hyponym Gasterosteus, genus gasterosteus
- hyponym Syngnathus, genus Syngnathus
- hyponym Cosmocampus, genus Cosmocampus
- hyponym Hippocampus, genus Hippocampus
- hyponym Aulostomus, genus Aulostomus
- hyponym Petromyzon, genus Petromyzon
- hyponym Myxine, genus Myxine
- hyponym genus Eptatretus
- hyponym Myxinikela, genus Myxinikela
- hyponym genus Chimaera
- hyponym Hexanchus, genus Hexanchus
- hyponym Lamna, genus Lamna
- hyponym Isurus, genus Isurus
- hyponym Carcharodon, genus Carcharodon
- hyponym Cetorhinus, genus Cetorhinus
- hyponym Alopius, genus Alopius
- hyponym Orectolobus, genus Orectolobus
- hyponym Rhincodon, genus Rhincodon
- hyponym Carcharhinus, genus Carcharhinus
- hyponym Negaprion, genus Negaprion
- hyponym Prionace, genus Prionace
- hyponym Galeocerdo, genus Galeocerdo
- hyponym Galeorhinus, genus Galeorhinus
- hyponym Mustelus, genus Mustelus
- hyponym Triaenodon, genus Triaenodon
- hyponym Squalus, genus Squalus
- hyponym Sphyrna, genus Sphyrna
- hyponym Squatina, genus Squatina
- hyponym Pristis, genus Pristis
- hyponym Dasyatis, genus Dasyatis
- hyponym Gymnura, genus Gymnura
- hyponym Aetobatus, genus Aetobatus
- hyponym Rhinoptera, genus Rhinoptera
- hyponym genus Manta
- hyponym Mobula, genus Mobula
- hyponym Raja, genus Raja
- hyponym Latimeria, genus Latimeria
- hyponym genus Ceratodus
- hyponym Neoceratodus, genus Neoceratodus
- hyponym Silurus, genus Silurus
- hyponym Malopterurus, genus Malopterurus
- hyponym Ameiurus, genus Ameiurus
- hyponym Ictalurus, genus Ictalurus
- hyponym Pylodictus, genus Pylodictus
- hyponym Arius, genus Arius
- hyponym Gadus, genus Gadus
- hyponym Merlangus, genus Merlangus
- hyponym Lota, genus Lota
- hyponym Pollachius, genus Pollachius
- hyponym Merluccius, genus Merluccius
- hyponym Urophycis, genus Urophycis
- hyponym Molva, genus Molva
- hyponym Brosmius, genus Browmius
- hyponym Anguilla, genus Anguilla
- hyponym Gonorhynchus, genus Gonorhynchus
- hyponym Alosa, genus Alosa
- hyponym Pomolobus, genus Pomolobus
- hyponym Brevoortia, genus Brevoortia
- hyponym Clupea, genus Clupea
- hyponym Sardinops, genus Sardinops
- hyponym Engraulis, genus Engraulis
- hyponym Salmo, genus Salmo
- hyponym Oncorhynchus, genus Oncorhynchus
- hyponym Salvelinus, genus Salvelinus
- hyponym Coregonus, genus Coregonus
- hyponym Prosopium, genus Prosopium
- hyponym Osmerus, genus Osmerus
- hyponym Mallotus, genus Mallotus
- hyponym genus Tarpon
- hyponym Elops, genus Elops
- hyponym Albula, genus Albula
- hyponym Argentina, genus Argentina
- hyponym Alepisaurus, genus Alepisaurus
- hyponym Scleropages, genus Scleropages
- hyponym Lampris, genus Lampris
- hyponym Trachipterus, genus Trachipterus
- hyponym Reglaecus, genus Regalecus
- hyponym Lophius, genus Lophius
- hyponym Ophiodon, genus Ophiodon
- hyponym Anabas, genus Anabas
- hyponym Perca, genus Perca
- hyponym Stizostedion, genus Stizostedion
- hyponym Percina, genus Percina
- hyponym Centropomus, genus Centropomus
- hyponym Lates, genus Lates
- hyponym Esox, genus Esox
- hyponym Pomoxis, genus Pomoxis
- hyponym Lepomis, genus Lepomis
- hyponym Ambloplites, genus Ambloplites
- hyponym Micropterus, genus Micropterus
- hyponym Morone, genus Morone
- hyponym Synagrops, genus Synagrops
- hyponym Roccus, genus Roccus
- hyponym Polyprion, genus Polyprion
- hyponym Serranus, genus Serranus
- hyponym Epinephelus, genus Epinephelus
- hyponym Paranthias, genus Paranthias
- hyponym Mycteroperca, genus Mycteroperca
- hyponym Rypticus, genus Rypticus
- hyponym Hipsurus, genus Hipsurus
- hyponym Priacanthus, genus Priacanthus
- hyponym Apogon, genus Apogon
- hyponym Astropogon, genus Astropogon
- hyponym Lopholatilus, genus Lopholatilus
- hyponym Pomatomus, genus Pomatomus
- hyponym Rachycentron, genus Rachycentron
- hyponym Echeneis, genus Echeneis
- hyponym Remilegia, genus Remilegia
- hyponym Caranx, genus Caranx
- hyponym Elagatis, genus Elagatis
- hyponym Oligoplites, genus Oligoplites
- hyponym Alectis, genus Alectis
- hyponym Selene, genus Selene
- hyponym Seriola, genus Seriola
- hyponym Trachinotus, genus Trachinotus
- hyponym Naucrates, genus Naucrates
- hyponym Trachurus, genus Trachurus
- hyponym Selar, genus Selar
- hyponym Decapterus, genus Decapterus
- hyponym Brama, genus Brama
- hyponym Hemigrammus, genus Hemigrammus
- hyponym Serrasalmus, genus Serrasalmus
- hyponym Tilapia, genus Tilapia
- hyponym Lutjanus, genus Lutjanus
- hyponym Ocyurus, genus Ocyurus
- hyponym Haemulon, genus Haemulon
- hyponym Anisotremus, genus Anisotremus
- hyponym Orthopristis, genus Orthopristis
- hyponym Pagrus, genus Pagrus
- hyponym Pagellus, genus Pagellus
- hyponym Archosargus, genus Archosargus
- hyponym Lagodon, genus Lagodon
- hyponym Calamus, genus Calamus
- hyponym Chrysophrys, genus Chrysophrys
- hyponym Stenotomus, genus Stenotomus
- hyponym Equetus, genus Equetus
- hyponym Bairdiella, genus Bairdiella
- hyponym Sciaenops, genus Sciaenops
- hyponym Sciaena, genus Sciaena
- hyponym Umbrina, genus Umbrina
- hyponym Menticirrhus, genus Menticirrhus
- hyponym Genyonemus, genus Genyonemus
- hyponym Seriphus, genus Seriphus
- hyponym Cynoscion, genus Cynoscion
- hyponym Mullus, genus Mullus
- hyponym Mugil, genus Mugil
- hyponym Atherinopsis, genus Atherinopsis
- hyponym Sphyraena, genus Sphyraena
- hyponym Kyphosus, genus Kyphosus
- hyponym genus Chaetodon
- hyponym Pomacanthus, genus Pomacanthus
- hyponym Pomacentrus, genus Pomacentrus
- hyponym Amphiprion, genus Amphiprion
- hyponym Abudefduf, genus Abudefduf
- hyponym Achoerodus, genus Achoerodus
- hyponym Lachnolaimus, genus Lachnolaimus
- hyponym Halicoeres, genus Halicoeres
- hyponym Thalassoma, genus Thalassoma
- hyponym Tautoga, genus Tautoga
- hyponym Polydactylus, genus Polydactylus
- hyponym Blennius, genus Blennius
- hyponym Scartella, genus Scartella
- hyponym Chaenopsis, genus Chaenopsis
- hyponym Pholis, genus Pholis
- hyponym Lumpenus, genus Lumpenus
- hyponym Anarhichas, genus Anarhichas
- hyponym Zoarces, genus Zoarces
- hyponym Gymnelis, genus Gymnelis
- hyponym Macrozoarces, genus Macrozoarces
- hyponym Ammodytes, genus Ammodytes
- hyponym Toxotes, genus Toxotes
- hyponym Acanthurus, genus Acanthurus
- hyponym Gempylus, genus Gempylus
- hyponym Lepidocybium, genus Lepidocybium
- hyponym Scomber, genus Scomber
- hyponym Thunnus, genus Thunnus
- hyponym Sarda, genus Sarda
- hyponym Euthynnus, genus Euthynnus
- hyponym Katsuwonus, genus Katsuwonus
- hyponym Xiphias, genus Xiphias
- hyponym Istiophorus, genus Istiophorus
- hyponym Makaira, genus Makaira
- hyponym Tetrapturus, genus Tetrapturus
- hyponym Luvarus, genus Luvarus
- hyponym Poronotus, genus Poronotus
- hyponym genus Palometa
- hyponym Paprilus, genus Paprilus
- hyponym Psenes, genus Psenes
- hyponym Ariomma, genus Ariomma
- hyponym Tetragonurus, genus Tetragonurus
- hyponym Hyperoglyphe, genus Hyperoglyphe
- hyponym Gobiesox, genus Gobiesox
- hyponym Lobotes, genus Lobotes
- hyponym Gerres, genus Gerres
- hyponym Eucinostomus, genus Eucinostomus
- hyponym Sillago, genus Sillago
- hyponym Amia, genus Amia
- hyponym Polyodon, genus Polyodon
- hyponym Psephurus, genus Psephurus
- hyponym Acipenser, genus Acipenser
- hyponym Lepisosteus, genus Lepisosteus
- hyponym Scorpaena, genus Scorpaena
- hyponym Pterois, genus Pterois
- hyponym Synanceja, genus Synanceja
- hyponym Sebastodes, genus Sebastodes
- hyponym Cottus, genus Cottus
- hyponym Myxocephalus, genus Myxocephalus
- hyponym Cyclopterus, genus Cyclopterus
- hyponym Liparis, genus Liparis
- hyponym Agonus, genus Agonus
- hyponym Hexagrammos, genus Hexagrammos
- hyponym Oxylebius, genus Oxylebius
- hyponym Triga, genus Triga
- hyponym Prionotus, genus Prionotus
- hyponym Peristedion, genus Peristedion
- hyponym Balistes, genus Balistes
- hyponym Monocanthus, genus Monocanthus
- hyponym Lactophrys, genus Lactophrys
- hyponym Diodon, genus Diodon
- hyponym genus Mola
- hyponym Pleuronectes, genus Pleuronectes
- hyponym Platichthys, genus Platichthys
- hyponym Limanda, genus Limanda
- hyponym Microstomus, genus Microstomus
- hyponym Hippoglossus, genus Hippoglossus
- hyponym Paralichthys, genus Paralichthys
- hyponym Etropus, genus Etropus
- hyponym Scophthalmus, genus Scophthalmus
- hyponym Psetta, genus Psetta
- hyponym Solea, genus Solea
- hyponym Parophrys, genus Parophrys
- hyponym Psettichthys, genus Psettichthys
- hyponym Trinectes, genus Trinectes
fish genus
- (suomi) kalasuku (synonyymi)