WordNet: fire, firing
the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
- hypernym attack, onrush, onset, onslaught
- hyponym antiaircraft fire
- hyponym broadside
- hyponym burst, fusillade, salvo, volley
- hyponym call fire
- hyponym cover, covering fire
- hyponym concentrated fire, massed fire
- hyponym counterfire
- hyponym counterpreparation fire
- hyponym crossfire
- hyponym destruction fire
- hyponym direct fire
- hyponym distributed fire
- hyponym fratricide, friendly fire
- hyponym hostile fire
- hyponym grazing fire
- hyponym harassing fire
- hyponym indirect fire
- hyponym interdiction fire
- hyponym neutralization fire
- hyponym observed fire
- hyponym preparation fire
- hyponym radar fire
- hyponym registration fire
- hyponym scheduled fire
- hyponym searching fire
- hyponym supporting fire
- hyponym suppressive fire
- hyponym unobserved fire
- hyponym artillery fire, cannon fire
- (englanti) fire (derivationally related)
- (englanti) fire (derivationally related)