WordNet: cell
(biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- domain: topic biological science, biology
- hypernym animate thing, living thing
- hyponym recombinant
- hyponym blastomere
- hyponym flagellated cell
- hyponym fiber, fibre
- hyponym Kupffer's cell
- hyponym beta cell
- hyponym somatic cell, vegetative cell
- hyponym blastema
- hyponym fertilized ovum, zygote
- hyponym parthenote
- hyponym embryonic cell, formative cell
- hyponym acaryote, akaryocyte, akaryote
- hyponym gametocyte
- hyponym polar body
- hyponym Leydig's cell, Leydig cell
- hyponym Sertoli's cell, Sertoli cell
- hyponym plant cell
- hyponym archespore, archesporium
- hyponym daughter cell
- hyponym mother cell
- hyponym arthrospore
- hyponym arthrospore
- part holonym being, organism
- (englanti) cellular (derivationally related)