blizzard.n 🔎
- In a thrilling climactic scene during ahowlingulvovanblizzardlumimyrskynin the mountainsvuorilla, he and Umegawa do kill themselves.
- Fosters Tackle The 42 hardy anglers who braved the worst ofThursday'storstainblizzardslumimyrskystäfound bites scarce on the Severn at Stourport.
- Five miles from Cotherstone it began to blow ablizzardlumimyrsky.
- Sailors who chanced on a suddensandhiekka-blizzardmyrskynor capsized in the Neck of Mithridates were rarely rescued.
- Araging snowRaivokas lumi-blizzardmyrskyenvelops a unit within 18″, and the driving ice-laden winds bring the unit to a halt.
- AfierceRajublizzardlumimyrskyraged for days, but through it Tallis saw the mother slip away to the south, carrying weapons and a bag.
- She also spent a hellish week in aSwisssveitsiläisessäblizzardlumimyrskyssä.
- In the Boston area up to 2ft of snow fell and the storm was compared to a1978vuoden 1978blizzardlumimyrskyynwhich paralysed the city for four days.
hailstorm.n 🔎
- In 1985, its rooms in the Ancien Palais d'Expositions, which had been provided by the city, were damaged by ahailstormraekuurossaand the Centre was evacuated.
- The quay was white and slippery with the granules of arecentäskeisenhailstormraekuuron.
- `Like one of thesummerkesänhailstormsraekuuroistawhich come without warning and strip the fruit from the vines.
rainstorm.n 🔎
- That has meant sleeping in bus stations and caves, bumping in lorries across the Kalahari desert, crowded for days onto the trans-Siberian railway, and sheltering in a mud hut from arainstormrankkasateeltain EthiopiaEtiopiassa.
- Heated to 84F, it boasts flume rides, a wave machine andtropicaltrooppisiarainstormsrankkasateita.
- We often enjoy a good spell in Britain at the start of October but thenautumnsyksynrainstormsrankkasateetusually take over.
- In minutes the sky had darkened and aheavyvoimakkaatrainstormrankkasateetwas lacing the fields before me.
- `He was working one day, painting from nature, and got caught in arainstormrankkasateen.
snowstorm.n 🔎
- Therehad been aoli ollutphenomenally heavyilmiömäisen kovasnowstormlumimyrskyin BaldersdaleBaldersdalessa, and especially on the loftier peaks.
- I was talking to Maazel on the morning before the performance, having battled through asnowstormlumimyrskynthat even Puccini, in all the Pelléas -like flurries of Fanciulla's Second Act, could hardly have exaggerated.
- For some reason it began in athicksakeasnowstormlumisadeof large white flakessuurine lumihiutaleineen.
- There was abadpahasnowstormlumimyrsky, but they found the flags easily.
- They may be interested to learn thatsnowstormslumimyrskytin the AlpsAlppienhave been known to throw a spanner in the clockwork of everyday life too.
- `I think they would have lost our trail inlast night'seilisillansnowstormlumimyrskyssä.
storm.n 🔎
- The ridge survived until astormmyrskyynin 1910vuonna 1910, when it was breached in the middle, thus causing the harbour to revert to its former double spit state.
- In recent months, it has been blamed forfreakkamaliastormsmyrskyjäin Pacific islands and on the Californian coastTyynenmeren saarilla ja Kalifornian rannikolla, and flooding in Peru.
- The unpredictable, sporadic nature ofstormsmyrskyjenon an open coastavoimen rannikonpresumably render exposed shores unstable in this respect.
- Aseverevakavastormmyrskyon July 23 and 24, 198923. - 24.7.2013, led to the deaths of 342 people throughout the state, according to official figures.
- NEWTOWN survivedSaturday'slauantainstormmyrskystäto collect more Furrows League points in a seven wickets home win over Acton Reynold.
- Theeveningilta-stormmyrskywas coming up.
- Maybe awarppuhaltavastormmyrskyhad battered the ship and broken its warp-vanes when their runes failed.
- He said: `It's frightening to see the eye of thestormmyrskyntaking a direct aim at you.
- How do you inform parents that theovernightyön aikanaheavy snowpuhjennut sankkastormlumimyrskyor a broken boiler is going to unexpectedly close the school for the day?
- The Homeowners' account was adversely affected by weather claims, including theEast Coastitärannikonsnowlumi-stormsmyrskyt.
- The snow is so deep -- three metres outside the door here -- that afterbigsuurenstormsmyrskyn, potentially dangerous ski areas remain inaccessible for a few days.
- In 1990 contingency plans laid after the1987vuoden 1987stormlumimyrskywere activated, with nurseries across the country being asked to propagate from material collected from fallen trees.
- They came the year after thebigsuurenstormlumimyrskynin 1947vuonna 1947and she decided she would turn their spare milk into cheese.
- Some of the 500 people forced to leave their homes afterThursday'storstainfreakkamalanstormlumimyrskynin the Llandudno and Conwy areasLlandudnon ja Conwynalueillabelieve it could be several months before they are able to return to their homes.
- The radio said contact with the plane was lost during asevere sandvakavan hiekka-stormmyrskynin the eveningillalla.
- A Dauphin in-field helicopter from the Forties field helped pinpoint three crewmen who took to a life raft after their yacht Ambrosia ran into trouble in aNorth SeaPohjanmerenstormmyrskyssä.
- The report into the East Midlands Electricity Company, in the light of theseverevakavienstormsmyrskyjenof 1990vuoden 1990, has been made widely available so that other electricity companies can learn from that experience.
- `It's not too much to say it's theonstormmyrskyof the centuryvuosisadan, ``said Joe Friday, director of the National Weather Service.
stormy.a 🔎
- It was a wet andstormymyrskyisädaypäivä, which grew dark while I was still far from my site.
- In the moment when I wanted to go forward and see I was there without effort, a leaf on the wind, a ghost in astormymyrskyisessänightyössä.
- A few Black Arks were left to patrol thestormymyrskyisillänorthern seaspohjoisen merillä.
- They rose unchallenged, like black rocks in astormymyrskyisälläseamerellä.
- Unlike the previous soft glow, this new light had a sharpness about it, and it beckoned him upward like the guiding beam of a lighthouse in adarktummallastormymyrskyisälläseamerellä.
- The nightYöset in wet andstormymyrskyisänä.